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A feed control strategy, based on estimated sugar concentrations, was developed with the purpose of avoiding severe inhibition of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae during fermentation of spruce hydrolyzate. The sum of the fermentable hexose sugars, glucose and mannose, was estimated from on-line measurements of carbon dioxide evolution rate and biomass concentration by use of a simple stoichiometric model. The feed rate of the hydrolyzate was controlled to maintain constant sugar concentration during fed-batch fermentation, and the effect of different set-point concentrations was investigated using both untreated and detoxified hydrolyzates. The fed-batch cultivations were evaluated with respect to cellular physiology in terms of the specific ethanol productivities, ethanol yields, and viability of the yeast. The simple stoichiometric model used resulted in a good agreement between estimated sugar concentrations and off-line determinations of sugar concentrations. Furthermore, the control strategy used made it possible to maintain a constant sugar concentration without major oscillations in the feed rate or the sugar concentration. For untreated hydrolyzates the average ethanol productivity could be increased by more than 130% compared to batch fermentation. The average ethanol productivity was increased from 0.12 to 0.28 g/g h. The productivity also increased for detoxified hydrolyzates, where an increase of 16% was found (from 0.50 to 0.58 g/g h).  相似文献   

On-line control of fed-batch fermentation of dilute-acid hydrolyzates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dilute-acid hydrolyzates from lignocellulose are, to a varying degree, inhibitory to yeast. In the present work, dilute-acid hydrolyzates from spruce, birch, and forest residue, as well as synthetic model media, were fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in fed-batch cultures. A control strategy based on on-line measurement of carbon dioxide evolution (CER) was used to control the substrate feed rate in a lab scale bioreactor. The control strategy was based solely on the ratio between the relative increase in CER and the relative increase in feed rate. Severely inhibiting hydrolyzates could be fermented without detoxification and the time required for fermentation of moderately inhibiting hydrolyzates was also reduced. The feed rate approached a limiting value for inhibiting media, with a corresponding pseudo steady-state value for CER. However, a slow decrease of CER with time was found for media containing high amounts of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF). The success of the control strategy is explained by the conversion of furfural and HMF by the yeast during fed-batch operation. The hydrolyzates contained between 1.4 and 5 g/l of furfural and between 2.4 and 6.5 g/l of HMF. A high conversion of furfural was obtained (between 65-95%) at the end of the feeding phase, but the conversion of HMF was considerably lower (between 12-40%).  相似文献   

Calorimetry has been used to control the glucose feeding in fed-batch cultures of S. cerevisiae in order to avoid ethanol formation and maintain a fully respiratory metabolism. Comparisons between batch and fed-batch cultivations showed that the former had a much lower growth yield. The growth yields for fed-batch cultivations were more than 30% higher than for batch cultures. However, energy balance calculations showed that a large part of the increase could be explained by the evaporation of ethanol during batch cultivations. When the growth yields obtained from the batch cultures were corrected for the evaporation of ethanol, the increase in growth yield for fed-batch cultures was about 10%.  相似文献   

Summary Semicontinuous fed-batch glycerol fermentations with Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells immobilized in sintered glass Raschig rings were carried out in fixed-bed loop reactors with a working volume of either 0.8 l or 8 l. The influence of biomass, temperature and CO2 gassing on the glycerol yield was examined. The highest glycerol yield of 85 g l–1 was achieved at 30° C and average CO2 gassing rate of 0.4 v/v m with a theoretical glycerol yield of 67%. Fed-batch fermentations with free cells indicated an inhibition mechanism of the glycerol produced, affecting the fermentation capacity of the yeast strain used.Offprint requests to: H.-J. Rehm  相似文献   

We have performed controlled fed-batch fermentation experiments to compare the production level of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) by recombinant yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (YNN27/pYBH-1, YNN27/ p2mu-S11, YNN27/pDCB-S2) containing plasmid vector with alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH1), acid phosphatase (PHO5), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) promoter, respectively. Yeast cell concentrations of 15-35 g dry cell weight/L were obtained. By limiting phosphorous concentration, HBsAg expression level for the YNN27/p2mu-S11 strain with inducible PHO5 promoter reached 0.2-0.3 mg/L. By controlling nutrient addition rate and dissolved oxygen concentration, HBsAg concentrations of 3-10 mg/L were achieved in 60-70 h fermentation using the YNN27/pDCB-S2 strain with the constitutive GPD promoter.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae was able to produce 20% (v/v) of ethanol in 45 h in a fully aerated fed-batch process recently developed in our laboratory. A notable feature of this process was a production phase uncoupled to growth, the extent of which was critical for high-level ethanol production. As the level of production was found to be highly variable, we investigated on this high variability by means of a detailed physiological analysis of yeast cells in two fed-batch fermentations showing the most extreme behaviour. We found a massive leakage of intracellular metabolites into the growth medium which correlated with the drop of cell viability. The loss of viability was also found to be proportional to the reduction of plasma membrane phospholipids. Finally, the fed-batch processes with the longest uncoupling phase were characterized by induction of storage carbohydrates at the onset of this phase, whereas this metabolic event was not seen in processes with a short uncoupling phase. Taken together, our results suggested that reproducible high-level bioethanol production in aerated fed-batch processes may be linked to the ability of yeast cells to impede ethanol toxicity by triggering a metabolic remodelling reminiscent to that of cells entering a quiescent GO/G1 state.  相似文献   

The specific growth rate of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain with glucose as limiting C-source was estimated from the measured heat flow produced by the cells. For the cultivation a standard 30 l laboratory bioreactor was used, which was extended in such a way that heat balancing is possible. The feed rate was adjusted by a feedforward/feedback controller such that the specific growth rate was kept on the desired set-point value. On the basis of experimental investigations it was demonstrated that the specific growth rate can be controlled at a given set point value below the critical value to prevent the production of growth-inhibitory ethanol due to the Crabtree effect. With this control strategy high biomass concentrations of more than 110 g l(-1) can be obtained.  相似文献   

Summary On-line measurement and control of cell concentration of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a laser turbidimeter was carried out. Effects on the turbidity measurement of operating parameters such as agitation speed, aeration rate, and the concentration of antifoam agent were investigated. Correlations between the on-line-measured turbidity and the off-line dry cell weight concentration were made at various operating conditions. Using the correlations the cell concentration was successfully estimated in a range of up to 8 g/L in batch cultures. The on-line monitoring and regulation of the cell concentration in a range of up to 35 g/L were also satisfactory in continuous and turbidostat cultures with cell recycle.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae with an increased content of ergosterol or delta 5,7-sterols, growing on a molasses medium with a feed of ethanol and (NH4)2HPO4, was analyzed as to the age of cell population. The analysis was done by centrifugation in a dextran gradient and by a fluorescence-microscopic technique. In the phase of batch fermentation at a mean specific growth rate of 0.22 h-1 daughter cells contained less than 1% ergosterol while the ergosterol content of mother cells depended on the time of cultivation, a maximum level (4%) being found after two generation times. In the fed-batch phase at a mean growth rate of 0.052 h-1, both daughter and mother cells contained about the same amount of ergosterol (4.7-5.5%). Differences between daughter and mother cells are discussed in view of the relationship between the growth rate and the growth cycle.  相似文献   

Analysis of the respiro-fermentive growth of a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, DSM 2155 on glucose, in a simulated 5-phase feeding strategy of fedbatch cultures executed on the Universal BIoprocess CONtrol (UBICON) system, was carried out. There was a good agreement between the estimated and the simulated values of specific growth rates. In this study, which was designed to span 0.20–0.23 h–1 growth rates before returning to lower growth rates, the critical dilution rate at which the switch between purely oxidative and respiro-fermentative growth takes was not observed. The biomass yield, specific substrate uptake and O2 consumption rates as well as the consistency of the data using both carbon and available electron balances were examined. A high average value of true biomass energetic yield, max = 0.707, and a low value of maintenance coefficient, me = 0.0114 h–1, were obtained indicating that the organism was in no danger from the ethanol produced as a high-density fermentation with a yeast concentration above 54 g 1–1 was possible within a period of 24 h. The yeast produced also had good dough-leavening characteristics. Thus it is possible to operate a yeast plant without resorting to using respiratory quotient, which may be problematic, as the controlling parameter.  相似文献   

Xylose fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have performed a comparative study of xylose utilization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae transformants expressing two key enzymes in xylose metabolism, xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH), and in a prototypic xylose-utilizing yeast, Pichia stipitis. In the absence of respiration (see text), baker's yeast cells convert half of the xylose to xylitol and ethanol, whereas P. stipilis cells display rather a homofermentative conversion of xylose to ethanol. Xylitol production by baker's yeast is interpreted as a result of the dual cofactor dependence of the XR and the generation of NADPH by the pentose phosphate pathway. Further limitations of xylose utilization in S. cerevisiae cells are very likely caused by an insufficient capacity of the non-oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, as indicated by accumulation of sedoheptulose-7-phosphate and the absence of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and pyruvate accumulation. By contrast, uptake at high substrate concentrations probably does not limit xylose conversion in S. cerevisiae XYL1/XYL2 transformants. Correspondence to: M. Ciriacy  相似文献   

Maltotriose, the second most abundant sugar of brewer's wort, is not fermented but is respired by several industrial yeast strains. We have isolated a strain capable of growing on a medium containing maltotriose and the respiratory inhibitor, antimycin A. This strain produced equivalent amounts of ethanol from 20 g l−1 glucose, maltose, or maltotriose. We performed a detailed analysis of the rates of active transport and intracellular hydrolysis of maltotriose by this strain, and by a strain that does not ferment this sugar. The kinetics of sugar hydrolysis by both strains was similar, and our results also indicated that yeast cells do not synthesize a maltotriose-specific α-glucosidase. However, when considering active sugar transport, a different pattern was observed. The maltotriose-fermenting strain showed the same rate of active maltose or maltotriose transport, while the strain that could not ferment maltotriose showed a lower rate of maltotriose transport when compared with the rates of active maltose transport. Thus, our results revealed that transport across the plasma membrane, and not intracellular hydrolysis, is the rate-limiting step for the fermentation of maltotriose by these Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 27, 34–38. Received 13 January 2001/ Accepted in revised form 29 May 2001  相似文献   

Presented is a new simple method for multidimensional optimization of fed-batch fermentations based on the use of the orthogonal collocation technique. Considered is the problem of determination of optimal programs for fermentor temperature, substrate concentration in feed, feeding profile, and process duration. By reformulation of the state and control variables is obtained a nonsingular form of the optimization problem which has considerable advantage over the singular case since a complicated procedure for determination of switching times for feeding is avoided. The approximation of the state variables by Lagrange polynomials enables simple incorporation of split boundary conditions in the approximation, and the use of orthogonal collocations provides stability for integration of state and costate variables. The interpolation points are selected to obtain highest accuracy for approximation of the objective functional by the Radau-Lobatto formula. The control variables are determined by optimization of the Hamiltonian at the collocation points with the DFP method. Constraints are imposed on state and control variables.The method is applied for a homogeneous model of fermentation with volume, substrate, biomass, and product concentrations as the state variables. Computer study shows considerable simplicity of the method, its high accuracy for low order of approximation, and efficient convergence.  相似文献   

A glucose control system is presented, which is able to control cultivations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae even at low glucose concentrations. Glucose concentrations are determined using a special flow injection analysis (FIA) system, which does not require a sampling module. An extended Kalman filter is employed for smoothing the glucose measurements as well as for the prediction of glucose and biomass concentration, the maximum specific growth rate, and the volume of the culture broth. The predicted values are utilized for feedforward/feedback control of the glucose concentration at set points of 0.08 and 0.05 g/L. The controller established well-defined conditions over several hours up to biomass concentrations of 13.5 and 20.7 g/L, respectively. The specific glucose uptake rates at both set points were 1.04 and 0.68 g/g/h, respectively. It is demonstrated that during fed-batch cultivation an overall pure oxidative metabolism of glucose is maintained at the lower set point and a specific ethanol production rate of 0.18 g/g/h at the higher set point.  相似文献   

In production-scale, fed-batch fermentations, feed is often added to a single point at the top of the fermentor, which, combined with poor mixing, results in formation of a "feed zone" rich in nutrients. Frequent exposure of the culture to high concentrations of nutrients in the feed zone for sufficient duration can produce unexpected effects on its performance. The effect of the feed zone was evaluated by conducting aerobic fed-batch fermentations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with both complex and defined media. The broth was recirculated between a recycle loop and a bench-scale fermentor, and feed was intermittently added into the recycle loop to simulate the circulation of cells through the feed zone. Experiments were carried out for a range of residence times in the recycle loop from 0.5 to 12 min. Biomass yields from the complex-media fermentations were not affected by exposure to high nutrient levels in the recycle loop for residence times up to 12 min. Ethanol consumption was reduced by as much as 50% for residence time in the loop up to 3 min. Very long exposure of yeast cells to excess nutrient levels (12 min) gave acetic acid formation. In a defined medium, the simulated feed zone effect increased biomass yield by up to 10%, but had no effect on ethanol levels. This study indicates that the feed zone effect on biomass yield in yeast fermentation, using complex substrates, will be negligible under fully aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, we utilized a unique strategy for fed-batch fermentation using ethanol-tolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae to achieve a high-level of ethanol production that could be practically applied on an industrial scale. During this study, the aeration rate was controlled at 0.0, 0.13, 0.33, and 0.8 vvm to determine the optimal aeration conditions for the production of ethanol. Additionally, non-sterile glucose powder was fed during fed-batch ethanol fermentation and corn-steep liquor (CSL) in the medium was used as an organic N-source. When aeration was conducted, the ethanol production and productivity were superior to that when aeration was not conducted. Specifically, the maximum ethanol production reached approximately 160 g/L, when the fermentor was aerated at 0.13 vvm. These findings indicate that the use of a much less expensive C-source may enable the fermentation process to be directed towards the improvement of overall ethanol production and productivity in fermentors that are aerated at 0.13 vvm. Furthermore, if a repeated fed-batch process in which the withdrawal and fill is conducted prior to 36 h can be employed, aeration at a rate of 0.33 and/or 0.8 vvm may improve the overall ethanol productivity  相似文献   

This study addresses the question of whether observable changes in fluxes in the primary carbon metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae occur between the different phases of the cell division cycle. To detect such changes by metabolic flux analysis, a 13C-labeling experiment was performed with a fed-batch culture inoculated with a partially synchronized cell population obtained through centrifugal elutriation. Such a culture exhibits dynamic changes in the fractions of cells in different cell cycle phases over time. The mass isotopomer distributions of free intracellular metabolites in central carbon metabolism were measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. For four time points during the culture, these distributions were used to obtain the best estimates for the metabolic fluxes. The obtained flux fits suggested that the optimally fitted split ratio for the pentose phosphate pathway changed by almost a factor of 2 up and down around a value of 0.27 during the experiment. Statistical analysis revealed that some of the fitted flux distributions for different time points were significantly different from each other, indicating that cell cycle-dependent variations in cytosolic metabolic fluxes indeed occurred.  相似文献   

AIMS: To enhance the fermentation of maltotriose by industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. METHODS AND RESULTS: The capability to ferment maltotriose by an industrial yeast strain that uses this sugar aerobically was tested in shake flasks containing rich medium. While the presence of maltose in the medium did not improve maltotriose fermentation, enhanced and constitutive expression of the AGT1 permease not only increased the uptake of maltotriose, but allowed efficient maltotriose fermentation by this strain. Supplementation of the growth medium with 20 mmol magnesium l(-1) also increased maltotriose fermentation. CONCLUSIONS: Over expression of the AGT1 permease and magnesium supplementation improved maltotriose fermentation by an industrial yeast strain that respired but did not ferment this sugar. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This work contributes to the elucidation of the roles of the AGT1 permease and nutrients in the fermentation of all sugars present in starch hydrolysates, a highly desirable trait for several industrial yeasts.  相似文献   

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