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A method for the easy isolation and direct sequencing of N-terminally blocked peptide in proteins refractory to N-terminal sequencing was developed. It is based essentially on tandem enzymatic treatments of the protein with trypsin and carboxypeptidase B, and selective isolation of the Nalpha-blocked peptide using ion-exchange chromatography. The chromatographic step was optimized for picomole amounts of sample and very short elution times by placing a thin layer of the resin over the membrane of an ultrafiltration tube. The isolated fraction can be analyzed directly using MALDI or ESI mass spectrometry. The method was applied to several recombinant and natural N-terminal acetylated proteins. A critical discussion on the intrinsic limitations of the method is also given.  相似文献   

Tryptophan-containing peptides are selectively isolated from complex digests by taking advantage of changes in hydrophobicity and chromatographic mobility induced by reaction with o-nitrophenylsulfenyl chloride. The peptides are first located in crude fractions by monitoring the fluorescence during high-performance liquid chromatography and then chemically modified to facilitate their separation from contaminants during subsequent rechromatography.  相似文献   

An alternative method to the chloroform/methanol extraction of proteolipids is presented. The proteolipid fraction from sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes is isolated by a single-phase n-butanol extraction and subsequently precipitated by diethyl ether. The two step procedure described is successfully applied in the purification of the dicyclohexylcarbodi-imide binding protein from submitochondrial particles.  相似文献   

1, 2-Cyclohexanedione reacts specifically with the guanidino group of arginine or arginine residues at pH 8 to 9 in sodium borate buffer in the temperature range of 25-40 degrees. The single product, N-7, N-8-(1,2-dihydroxycyclohex-1,2-ylene)-L-arginine (DHCH-arginine) is stable in acidic solutions and in borate buffers (pH 8 to 9). DHCH-Arginine is converted to N-7-adipyl-L-arginine by periodate oxidation. The structures of the two compounds were elucidated by chemical and physicochemical means. Arginine or arginyl residues can be regenerated quantitatively from DHCH-arginine by incubation at 37 degrees in hydroxylamine buffer at pH 7.0 FOR 7 TO 8 hours. Analysis of native egg white lysozyme and native as well as oxidized bovine pancreatic RNase, which were treated with cyclohexanedione, showed that only arginine residues were modified. The utility of the method in sequence studies was shown on oxidized bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A. Arginine modification was complete in 2 hours at 35 degrees in borate buffer at pH 9.0 with a 15-fold molar excess of the reagent. The derived peptides showed that tryptic hydrolysis was entirely limited to peptide bonds involving lysine residues, as shown both by two-dimensional peptide patterns and by isolation of the resulting peptides. The stability of DHCH-arginyl residues permits isolation of labeled peptides.  相似文献   

Electrofiltration (EF) was used to selectively separate cationic (basic) peptides contained in a tryptic beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG) hydrolysate, with particular emphasis on the isolation of basic sequence beta-LG 142-148, which is a potential antihypertensive peptide. Both the influence of feed solution pH and operating parameters (transmembrane pressure, feed velocity) were assessed to find optimum conditions enabling the fractionation between peptides during EF. The cathode (-) was inserted in the permeate side to increase the separation of basic peptides contained in the tryptic beta-LG hydrolysate as compared to conventional NF. The highest separation factor between basic and neutral peptides was obtained at pH 9 using G-10 membrane with a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 2,500 g/mol, at 5 V with the lowest transmembrane pressure (0.344 MPa) and feed velocity (0.047 m/s). The transmission behavior of the peptides during EF was better explained when taking into account the positive/negative charge ratio. Because of its 3+/1- charge ratio, beta-LG 142-148 had the highest transmission during EF. Consequently, its relative concentration was raised from 3.5% in the initial tryptic beta-LG hydrolysate up to 38% in the permeate. The electric field seemed more effective when the convective/shearing forces were minimized.  相似文献   

A novel gel-free proteomic technology was used to identify more than 800 proteins from 50 million Escherichia coli K12 cells in a single analysis. A peptide mixture is first obtained from a total unfractionated cell lysate, and only the methionine-containing peptides are isolated and identified by mass spectrometry and database searching. The sorting procedure is based on the concept of diagonal chromatography but adapted for highly complex mixtures. Statistical analysis predicts that we have identified more than 40% of the expressed proteome, including soluble and membrane-bound proteins. Next to highly abundant proteins, we also detected low copy number components such as the E. coli lactose operon repressor, illustrating the high dynamic range. The method is about 100 times more sensitive than two-dimensional gel-based methods and is fully automated. The strongest point, however, is the flexibility in the peptide sorting chemistry, which may target the technique toward quantitative proteomics of virtually every class of peptides containing modifiable amino acids, such as phosphopeptides, amino-terminal peptides, etc., adding a new dimension to future proteome research.  相似文献   

The molecular profiles of protein expression from hundreds of cell lysates can be determined in a high-throughput manner by using fluorescent bead technologies, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), and protein microarrays. Although powerful, these tools are costly and technically challenging and thus have limited accessibility for many research groups. We propose a modification of traditional dot blotting that increases throughput of this approach and provides a simple and cost-effective technique for profiling multiple samples. In contrast to traditional blotting that uses a single membrane, we introduce blotting onto a stack of novel, thin, sieve-like membranes. These membranes have a high affinity for binding proteins, but have a lower capacity of protein binding compared to traditional (nitrocellulose) membranes. We compare the linear binding capacity and variability of these novel membranes with nitrocellulose membranes. Also, we describe the use of these membranes in a multilayer dot blot format for profiling mitogen-mediated signal transduction pathways in T cells.  相似文献   

Extracellular Tat protein of HIV-1 activates virus replication in HIV-infected cells and induces a variety of host factors in the uninfected cells, some of which play a critical role in the progression of HIV infection. The cysteine-rich and arginine-rich basic domains represent key components of the HIV-Tat protein for pathogenic effects of the full-length Tat protein and, therefore, could be ideal candidates for the development of a therapeutic AIDS vaccine. The present study describes selective modifications of the side-chain functional groups of cysteine and arginine amino acids of these HIV-Tat peptides to minimize the pathogenic effects of these peptides while maintaining natural peptide linkages. Modification of cysteine by introducing either a methyl or t-butyl group in the free sulfhydryl group and replacing the guanidine group with a urea linkage in the side chain of arginine in the cysteine-rich and arginine-rich Tat peptide sequences completely blocked the ability of these peptides to induce HIV replication, chemokine receptor CCR-5 expression, and NF-kappaB activity in monocytes. Such modifications also inhibited angiogenesis and migration of Kaposi's sarcoma cells normally induced by Tat peptides. Such chemical modifications of the cysteine-rich and arginine-rich peptides did not affect their reactivity with antibodies against the full-length Tat protein. With an estimated 40 million HIV-positive individuals worldwide and approximately 4 million new infections emerging every year, a synthetic subunit HIV-Tat vaccine comprised of functionally inactive Tat domains could provide a safe, effective, and economical therapeutic vaccine to reduce the progression of HIV disease.  相似文献   

C F Holmes 《FEBS letters》1987,215(1):21-24
Meyer et al. [(1986) FEBS Lett 204, 61-66] have shown that phosphoserine can be converted to S-ethylcysteine by beta-elimination and addition of ethanethiol. I have utilised this modification to develop a rapid method for the selective purification of phosphoserine-containing peptides from complex mixtures. Changing phosphoserine to S-ethylcysteine increases the hydrophobicity of a peptide, altering its mobility during reverse-phase chromatography. The number of S-ethylcysteine residues in a peptide can be quantified at the picomolar level, following acid hydrolysis and conversion to the phenylthiocarbamyl derivative. The procedure may be particularly powerful for the analysis of peptides that are phosphorylated at multiple sites in vivo.  相似文献   

Peptide separation by selective membrane filtration has numerous potential applications such as production of peptides with biological activities or spectific enrichment in compounds acting as flavoring agents or as growth factors required by the fermentation industry. The retention of peptides arising from tryptic hdroysis of beta-casein using an M5 Carbosep membrane (molecular wieght cutoll = 10,000 D) has been studied. The peptides with known sequences were characterized by their molecular weight, isoelectric point, and hydrophobicity. Our experiments highlighted that their transmission involves mechanisms other than size exclusion as developed elsewhere. The effect of ionic interactions between peptides and membrance has been investgated by vrying pH, ionic strength of bulk, and electric potential of filtering material. The charge of both peptides and membrane plays an important role in the transmission, particularly with small size and high or lkow isoelectric point. Then, peptides with the same sign as the membrane have lower transmission than expected from the size xclusion model, whereas peptides with opposite sign have higher trnsmission than expected, and even higher than 1 with some of them. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A novel, MS-based approach for the relative quantification of proteins, relying on the derivatization of primary amino groups in intact proteins using isobaric tag for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) is presented. Due to the isobaric mass design of the iTRAQ reagents, differentially labeled proteins do not differ in mass; accordingly, their corresponding proteolytic peptides appear as single peaks in MS scans. Because quantitative information is provided by isotope-encoded reporter ions that can only be observed in MS/MS spectra, we analyzed the fragmentation behavior of ESI and MALDI ions of peptides generated from iTRAQ-labeled proteins using a TOF/TOF and/or a QTOF instrument. We observed efficient liberation of reporter ions for singly protonated peptides at low-energy collision conditions. In contrast, increased collision energies were required to liberate the iTRAQ label from lysine side chains of doubly charged peptides and, thus, to observe reporter ions suitable for relative quantification of proteins with high accuracy. We then developed a quantitative strategy that comprises labeling of intact proteins by iTRAQ followed by gel electrophoresis and peptide MS/MS analyses. As proof of principle, mixtures of five different proteins in various concentration ratios were quantified, demonstrating the general applicability of the approach presented here to quantitative MS-based proteomics.  相似文献   

We report upon a novel procedure to specifically isolate cysteine-containing peptides from a complex peptide mixture. Cysteines are converted to hydrophobic residues by mixed disulfide formation with Ellman's reagent. Proteins are subsequently digested with trypsin and the generated peptide mixture is a first time fractionated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Cysteinyl-peptides are isolated out of each primary fraction by a reduction step followed by a secondary peptide separation on the same column, performed under identical conditions as for the primary separation. The reducing agent removes the covalently attached group from the cysteine side chain, making cysteine-peptides more hydrophilic and, thereby, such peptides can be specifically collected during the secondary separation and are finally used to identify their precursor proteins using automated liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. We show that this procedure efficiently isolates cysteine-peptides, making the sample mixture less complex for further analysis. This method was applied for the analysis of the proteomes of human platelets and enriched human plasma. In both proteomes, a significant number of low abundance proteins were identified next to extremely abundant ones. A dynamic range for protein identification spanning 4-5 orders of magnitude is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody (mAb) products are extraordinarily heterogeneous due to the presence of a variety of enzymatic and chemical modifications, such as deamidation, isomerization, oxidation, glycosylation, glycation, and terminal cyclization. The modifications in different domains of the antibody molecule can result in different biological consequences. Therefore, characterization and routine monitoring of domain-specific modifications are essential to ensure the quality of the therapeutic antibody products. For this purpose, a rapid and informative methodology was developed to examine the heterogeneity of individual domains in mAb products. A recently discovered endopeptidase, IdeS, cleaves heavy chains below the hinge region, producing F(ab')2 and Fc fragments. Following reduction of disulfide bonds, three antibody domains (LC, Fd, and Fc/2) can be released for further characterization. Subsequent analyses by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, capillary isoelectric focusing, and glycan mapping enable domain-specific profiling of oxidation, charge heterogeneity, and glycoform distribution. When coupled with reversed phase chromatography, the unique chromatographic profile of each molecule offers a simple strategy for an identity test, which is an important formal test for biopharmaceutical quality control purposes. This methodology is demonstrated for a number of IgGs of different subclasses (IgG1, IgG2, IgG4), as well as an Fc fusion protein. The presented technique provides a convenient platform approach for scientific and formal therapeutic mAb product characterization. It can also be applied in regulated drug substance batch release and stability testing of antibody and Fc fusion protein products, in particular for identity and routine monitoring of domain-specific modifications.  相似文献   

A model-free approach has been used to study the association of peptides onto multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) in aqueous solution at ambient pH to understand the molecular basis of interaction of the peptides with MWCNT. The peptides obtained by tryptic digestion of cytochrome P450cam from P. putida were allowed to interact with MWCNT, and several peptides were found to bind to the nanotube leading to formation of stable homogeneous dispersion of the bionano conjugates of MWCNT. The peptides bound to the MWCNT were separated from the unbound peptides and sequence analyses by tandem MS/MS technique identified the strongly bound peptides as well as the unbound and the weakly bound peptides. The peptide-MWCNT conjugate was further characterized by TEM as well as Raman, FTIR, vis-NIR absorption, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. A model based on the hydrophobicity of residues in the peptides suggested that the amphiphilic peptides with localized hydrophobic residues at the center or at one end of the sequence form stable dispersions of the peptide-MWCNT conjugates.  相似文献   

A method for quantitative proteomic analysis based on the selective isolation of multiply charged peptides (RH peptides) containing arginine and histidine residues is described. Two pools of proteins are digested in tandem with lysyl-endopeptidase and trypsin and the primary amino groups of proteolytic peptides are separately labeled with d3- and d0-acetic anhydride. This reaction has a dual purpose: (i) to allow the relative protein quantification in two different conditions and (ii) to restrict the positive charges of peptides to the presence of arginine and histidine. The N-acylated peptides are separated by cation-exchange chromatography into two groups, neutral and singly charged peptides (R+H1) are retained into the column and can be eluted in batch or further fractionated using a saline gradient before LC-MS/MS analysis. In silico analysis revealed that the selective isolation of RH peptides considerably simplifies the complex mixture of peptides (three RH peptides/protein) and at the same time they represent 84% of the whole proteomes. The selectivity, and recovery of the method were evaluated with model proteins and with a complex mixture of proteins extracted from Vibrio cholerae.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding approaches have greatly increased our understanding of biodiversity on the planet, and metabarcoding is widely used for classifying members of the phylum Nematoda. However, loci typically utilized in metabarcoding studies are often unable to resolve closely related species or are unable to recover all taxa present in a sample due to inadequate PCR primer binding. Mitochondrial metagenomics (mtMG) is an alternative approach utilizing shotgun sequencing of total DNA to recover the mitochondrial genomes of all species present in samples. However, this approach requires a comprehensive reference database for identification and currently available mitochondrial sequences for nematodes are highly dominated by sequences from the order Rhabditida, and excludes many clades entirely. Here, we analysed the efficacy of mtMG for the recovery of nematode taxa and the generation of mitochondrial genomes. We first developed a curated reference database of nematode mitochondrial sequences and expanded it with 40 newly sequenced taxa. We then tested the mito-metagenomics approach using a series of nematode mock communities consisting of morphologically identified nematode species representing various feeding traits, life stages, and phylogenetic relationships. We were able to identify all but two species through the de novo assembly of COX1 genes. We were also able to recover additional mitochondrial protein coding genes (PCGs) for 23 of the 24 detected species including a full array of 12 PCGs from five of the species. We conclude that mtMG offers a potential for the effective recovery of nematode biodiversity but remains limited by the breadth of the reference database.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of protein tyrosine nitration have been found in various neurodegenerative diseases and age-related pathologies. Until recently, however, the lack of an efficient enrichment method has prevented the analysis of this important low-level protein modification. We have developed a method that specifically enriches nitrotyrosine-containing peptides so that both nitrotyrosine peptides and specific nitration sites can be unambiguously identified with LC-MS/MS. The procedure consists of the derivatization of nitrotyrosine into free sulfhydryl groups followed by high efficiency enrichment of sulfhydryl-containing peptides with thiopropyl sepharose beads. The derivatization process includes: (1) acetylation with acetic anhydride to block all primary amines, (2) reduction of nitrotyrosine to aminotyrosine, (3) derivatization of aminotyrosine with N-Succinimidyl S-Acetylthioacetate (SATA), and (4) deprotection of S-acetyl on SATA to form free sulfhydryl groups. The high specificity of this method is demonstrated by the contrasting percentage of nitrotyrosine-derivatized peptides in the identified tandem mass spectra between enriched and unenriched samples. Global analysis of unenriched in vitro nitrated human histone H1.2, bovine serum albumin (BSA), and mouse brain homogenate samples had 9%, 9%, and 5.9% of identified nitrotyrosine-containing peptides, while the enriched samples had 91% , 62%, and 35%, respectively. Duplicate LC-MS/MS analyses of the enriched mouse brain homogenate identified 150 unique nitrated peptides covering 102 proteins with an estimated 3.3% false discovery rate.  相似文献   

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