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The chelex competitive calcium binding assay has been used to assay the calcium binding activity of the 100,000 X g supernatant of bovine heart and brain. Chromatography of brain 100,000 X g supernatant on diethylamino-ethyl (DEAE) cellulose reveals the presence of two peaks of calcium binding activity, peak I eluting at about 0.05 M NaCl and peak II at about 0.18 M NaCl. Chromatography of peak I on Sephadex G-150 resolves a major and a minor peak of calcium binding activity, at Mr 40,000 and Mr 150,000. Chromatography of peak II (0.18 M NaCl) on Sepharose 6B produces two peaks of calcium binding activity, a broad peak of calcium binding activity composed of two molecular weight species of Mr 230,000 and Mr 420,000, and a sharp peak of calcium binding activity with Mr 75,000. Chromatography of the 100,000 X g supernatant of bovine heart on DEAE Cellulose reveals two peaks of calcium binding activity. Chromatography of the lower ionic strength peak on Sephadex G-150 resolved major and minor peaks of calcium binding activity at Mr 65,000 and 150,000, respectively. The results of this study suggest the presence of several calcium binding proteins, other than calmodulin, in these tissues.  相似文献   

Coupled beta-cyclodextrin bonded-phase and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection has been employed to detect the major hydroxylated metabolites of biphenyl following in vitro incubation with hepatic 9000g supernatant. The method requires only 0.3 mg of protein and its sensitivity was as low as 0.36 nmol metabolite formed/mg protein/h (0.32 pmol injected) for 2-, 3-, and 4-hydroxybiphenyl. Microsomes need not be purified and no organic extraction or derivatization was required. The method was employed successfully with samples from rats and mice treated with Aroclor, beta-naphthoflavone, or phenobarbital; from monkeys dosed with Aroclor; and from untreated dogs.  相似文献   

This paper describes a requirement for the 105,000 × g supernatant of rat liver for the synthesis of triglyceride from diglyceride and palmityl coenzyme A by rat liver microsomes. ATP and magnesium chloride are also required. The incorporation of both [1-14C]-palmityl coenzyme A and [1-14C]-diolein into triglyceride has been observed. The 105,000 × g supernatant has no enzymatic activity for this reaction when incubated in the absence of microsomes. The supernatant contains a soluble, essential protein which is nondialyzable, heat sensitive, and destroyed by trypsin. Net synthesis of triglyceride has been demonstrated by chemical analysis.  相似文献   

In vitro metabolism of furazolidone (N-(5-nitro-2-furfuryliden)-3-amino-2-oxazolidone) was investigated by using milk xanthine oxidase and rat liver 9000g supernatant. As a result, a new type of reduction product was isolated as one of the main metabolites from the incubation mixture and it was tentatively identified as 2,3-dihydro-3-cyanomethyl-2-hydroxyl-5-nitro-1a, 2-di(2-oxo-oxazolidin-3-yl)iminomethyl-furo[2,3- b]furan. In addition, the present study demonstrated the formation of N-(5-amino-2-furfurylidene)-3-amino-2-oxazolidone as a minor metabolite of nitrofuran in a milk xanthine oxidase system. The aminofuran derivative was easily degraded by milk xanthine oxidase under aerobic, but not anaerobic, conditions. The degradation appears to be due to superoxide anion radicals, hydroxyl radicals, and/or singlet oxygen, which are produced in this enzyme system.  相似文献   

Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), a reagent commonly employed for the inhibition of serine proteases, has been found to cause significant inhibition of the incorporation of labeled acetate, but not mevalonate, into nonsaponifiable lipid and digitonin-precipitable sterols in the 10,000 X g supernatant fraction of rat liver homogenate preparations. In two experiments, the extent of inhibition of the synthesis of digitonin-precipitable sterols from acetate by PMSF at 1 mM was 81 and 65%. PMSF inhibited the synthesis of nonsaponifiable lipid from acetate at concentrations as low as 0.1 microM. Preincubation of the 10,000 X g supernatant fraction of rat liver homogenates with PMSF (1 mM) resulted in a significant reduction of the activities of acetate thiokinase and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid (HMG)-CoA synthase, but did not affect the activities of acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase. Preincubation of rat liver microsomes with PMSF (1 mM) caused a 50% reduction in the level of HMG-CoA reductase activity. The combined results indicate that major sites of action of PMSF in the inhibition of sterol biosynthesis from labeled acetate appear to be on the activities of acetate thiokinase, HMG-CoA synthase, and HMG-CoA reductase. Another reagent used to inhibit serine proteases, diisopropylfluorophosphate, had (at a concentration of 1 mM) no effect on the activities of cytosolic acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase, HMG-CoA synthase, and HMG-CoA reductase.  相似文献   

Static (Cstat) and dynamic (Cdyn) lung compliance and lung stress relaxation were examined in isolated lungs of newborn kittens and adult cats. Cstat was determined by increasing volume in increments and recording the corresponding change in pressure; Cdyn was calculated as the ratio of the changes in volume to transpulmonary pressure between points of zero flow at ventilation frequencies between 10 and 110 cycles/min. Lung volume history, end-inflation volume, and end-deflation pressure were maintained constant. At the lowest frequency of ventilation, Cdyn was less than Cstat, the difference being greater in newborns. Between 20 and 100 cycles/min, Cdyn of the newborn lung remained constant, whereas Cdyn of the adult lung decreased after 60 cycles/min. At all frequencies, the rate of stress relaxation, measured as the decay in transpulmonary pressure during maintained inflation, was greater in newborns than in adults. The frequency response of Cdyn in kittens, together with the relatively greater rate of stress relaxation, suggests that viscoelasticity contributes more to the dynamic stiffening of the lung in newborns than in adults. A theoretical treatment of the data based on a linear model of viscoelasticity supports this conclusion.  相似文献   

The mutagenicity of 10 known genotoxic compounds, of several chemical classes, was measured in Salmonella typhimurium mutagenicity assays comprising isolated human hepatocytes or human liver 9000 X g supernatant (S9) from 4 different individuals, as activating system. The mutagenic activity of several compounds as determined with the Salmonella/hepatocyte suspension assay showed obvious differences when compared with the values obtained in the Salmonella/S9 plate assay. For instance, the mutagenic activity of BZ, DMN and DEN appeared to be much higher in the hepatocyte assay than in the S9 assay. However, 2-AF and 2-AAF were activated more effectively into mutagens in the S9 assay than in the hepatocyte assay. 2-AF was slightly more mutagenic than 2-AAF in the hepatocyte assay, whereas it was far more mutagenic than 2-AAF in the S9 assay. DMN was found more mutagenic than DEN in the hepatocyte assay, whereas in the S9 assay DEN appeared to be slightly more mutagenic. Furthermore, great interindividual differences in the metabolic activation of certain compounds, e.g. BZ and DMN, were observed in the hepatocyte suspension assay, whereas these variations were less evident in the S9 plate assay. Comparison of the mutagenicity data obtained with the human liver preparations, with those obtained with rat liver preparations, showed great interspecies differences in the capacity to activate certain chemicals into mutagens. The use of human liver preparations, in particular isolated human hepatocytes, may be of great value in studies on inter- and intraspecies variations in metabolic activation of genotoxic agents.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic and nuclear incorporation of 125I triiodothyronine by thymic lymphocytes has been demonstrated by electron microscopic autoradiography. Incorporation was significantly more pronounced in the newborn than in the adult age. The information emerging from the experime,tal observations contributes further evidence to the more precise interpretation of receptor maturation.  相似文献   

TRH and TRH-OH in the pancreas of adult and newborn rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TRH and its metabolite TRH-OH have been measured by specific radioimmunoassays in acid extracts of pancreas in adults and developing rats. TRH and TRH-OH immunoreactivity had the same ontogenic pattern with a maximal concentration on day 4 followed by a progressive return towards adult levels on day 20. A significant linear correlation was found between TRH levels and the TRH/TRH-OH ratio. The range of TRH/TRH-OH ratio varied from 136 +/- 1.6, at the peak of concentrations of both peptides, to 18 +/- 3.9 on day 20. Pancreatic TRH and TRH-OH had the same elution pattern as corresponding synthetic peptides both on Biogel P2 and high-pressure liquid chromatography. The origin of TRH-OH as well as its potential function need further investigations.  相似文献   

The current proposed mechanism of action of nitrovasodilator drugs involves biotransformation to nitric oxide, which is postulated to be the active vasodilator substance. Our objective was to determine whether nitric oxide was formed from two prototype nitrovasodilator drugs, glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP), after incubation with bovine pulmonary vein (BPV) preparations. GTN or SNP was incubated in an argon atmosphere with phosphate buffer, BPV homogenate, or the 10,000 x g supernatant fraction of the homogenate. Nitric oxide formation, as determined by a chemiluminescence-headspace gas method, was measurable following the incubation of SNP with BPV homogenate and 10,000 x g supernatant. There was no detectable formation of nitric oxide from the incubation of GTN with the two BPV preparations, although GTN was biotransformed to glyceryl dinitrate, as determined by gas-liquid chromatography. There was decreased recovery of nitric oxide during the incubation of authentic nitric oxide with the two BPV preparations as compared with buffer. In conclusion, formation of nitric oxide was measured for the interaction of SNP, but not GTN, with BPV preparations. However, the data do not exclude the possible formation of nitric oxide from GTN, as nitric oxide was shown to be sequestered or transformed by the BPV preparations.  相似文献   

The metabolic activation of MABZ and DABZ, forming products mutagenic towards Salmonella typhimurium TA1538, was studied with isolated hepatocytes from rat, hamster and guinea pig and the S9 fraction (9000 X g supernatant) prepared from these hepatocytes. Special attention was given to the influence of acetyl-CoA, the cofactor for N-acetylation, on the mutagenicity of these arylamides. The rat and guinea pig S9 preparation activated MABZ as well as DABZ to a much higher degree than the intact hepatocytes of these animal species. Addition of acetyl-CoA to the S9 preparation decreased the mutagenicity of MABZ and DABZ. On the contrary, for the hamster the mutagenicity of MABZ and DABZ appeared to be lower with the S9 preparation than with intact hepatocytes. Addition of acetyl-CoA to the S9 here increased the mutagenic activity of these arylamides. In the presence of intact hepatocytes obvious interspecies differences were observed in the activation of MABZ and DABZ. DABZ was far more effectively activated by hamster hepatocytes than by rat hepatocytes. This was not found with MABZ. Both substrates were poorly activated by guinea pig hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The function of heat defence was compared in rats pretreated as adults (A-rats) and neonates (N-rats) with capsaicin. The thermoregulatory impairment as tested by whole body heating was similar in A-rats and N-rats. The thermosensitivity and chemosensitivity of the preoptic region (RPO) seemed to be normal in N-rats. A deficiency of RPO mechanisms could be demonstrated in A-rats. It is suggested that the preoptic effects of capsaicin have but a minor significance for the thermoregulatory impairment. It seems that the main cause of decreased heat tolerance is a reduction of peripheral warm sensation due to degeneration of unmyelinated C-fibre primary neurons in both A-rats and N-rats. The results do not support the primary importance of preoptic warm sensation in physiological thermoregulation.  相似文献   

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