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Brown algae are members of the Stramenopiles and their gametes generally have two heterogeneous flagella: a long anterior flagellum (AF) with mastigonemes and a short posterior flagellum (PF). In this study, swimming paths and flagellar waveforms in free-swimming and thigmotactic-swimming male and female gametes and in male gametes during chemotaxis, were quantitatively analysed in the model brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus. This analysis was performed using a high-speed video camera. It was revealed that the AF plays a role in changing the locomotion of male and female gametes from free-swimming to thigmotactic-swimming and also in changing the swimming path of male gametes from linear to circular during chemotaxis. In the presence of a sex pheromone, male gametes changed their swimming path from linear (swimming path curvature, 0–0.02 µm–1) to middle and small circular path (swimming path curvature, 0.04–0.20 µm–1). The flagellar asymmetry and the deflection angle of the AF became larger, whereas the oscillation pattern of the AF was stable. However, there was no correlation between the flagellar asymmetry and the deflection angle of the AF and the path curvature when the male gametes showed middle to small circular paths. The PF irregularly changed the deflection angle and the oscillation pattern was unstable depending on the gradient of the sex pheromone concentration. AF waveforms were independent of PF locomotion during chemotaxis. This means that the AF has the ability to change the swimming path of male gametes – for example, from a highly linear path to a circular path – while changes in locomotion from a middle circle path to a small circle path is the result of beating of the PF.  相似文献   

Brown algae are multicellular marine organisms evolutionarily distant from both metazoans and land plants. The molecular or cellular mechanisms that govern the developmental patterning in brown algae are poorly characterized. Here, we report the first morphogenetic mutant, étoile (etl), produced in the brown algal model Ectocarpus siliculosus. Genetic, cellular, and morphometric analyses showed that a single recessive locus, ETL, regulates cell differentiation: etl cells display thickening of the extracellular matrix (ECM), and the elongated, apical, and actively dividing E cells are underrepresented. As a result of this defect, the overrepresentation of round, branch-initiating R cells in the etl mutant leads to the rapid induction of the branching process at the expense of the uniaxial growth in the primary filament. Computational modeling allowed the simulation of the etl mutant phenotype by including a modified response to the neighborhood information in the division rules used to specify wild-type development. Microarray experiments supported the hypothesis of a defect in cell-cell communication, as primarily Lin-Notch-domain transmembrane proteins, which share similarities with metazoan Notch proteins involved in binary cell differentiation were repressed in etl. Thus, our study highlights the role of the ECM and of novel transmembrane proteins in cell-cell communication during the establishment of the developmental pattern in this brown alga.  相似文献   

The action spectrum of phototaxis was determined and the photoreceptive mechanism was studied in Ectocarpus gametes (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) using a computerized cell-tracking system. The fine structures of the stigma and the flagellar swelling were analyzed, and the reflective function of the stigma was demonstrated for the first time. Under monochromatic light stimulation, Ectocarpus gametes show mainly positive phototaxis between 370 nm and 520 nm. The action spectrum has a minor peak near 380 nm, and two major peaks at 430 nm and 450 nm or 460 nm and a shoulder at 470 nm adjoining a remarkable depression near 440 nm. Under unilateral stroboscopic illumination with more than four pulses per second, the gametes show clear phototaxis. However, the response is disturbed at lower frequencies. Addition of methyl cellulose, which increases the viscosity of the medium and slows down gamete rotation, decreases the threshold frequency. These results indicate that rotation of the gamete plays an essential role in the photoreceptive mechanism. Under equal intensities of bilateral illumination at an angle of 90°, most of the gametes swim on the resultant between the two light beams. This response is disturbed when the angle of the two light beams is as large as 120°. Observations by transmission electron microscopy show that the flagellar swelling fits precisely into a concave depression of the chloroplast at the central region of the stigma. Electron-dense material is present in that sector of the flagellar swelling which faces away from the stigma. Epifluorescence microscopy without a barrier filter and epipolarization microscopy reveal that stigmata reflect blue light. A hypothesis is formulated which discusses the possibility that the reflected light is focused onto the flagellar swelling.We are grateful to Jochen Schäfer and Elke Reinecke for their technical assistance and Dr. G. Konerman for access to epipolarization microscopy. We are also grateful to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a Research Fellowship to H.K. and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (University of Freiburg, Freiburg, FRG) for financial aid to D.-P.H.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

We used an in silico approach to predict microRNAs (miRNAs) genome-wide in the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus. As brown algae are phylogenetically distant from both animals and land plants, our approach relied on features shared by all known organisms, excluding sequence conservation, genome localization and pattern of base-pairing with the target. We predicted between 500 and 1500 miRNAs candidates, depending on the values of the energetic parameters used to filter the potential precursors. Using quantitative polymerase chain reaction assays, we confirmed the existence of 22 miRNAs among 72 candidates tested, and of 8 predicted precursors. In addition, we compared the expression of miRNAs and their precursors in two life cycle states (sporophyte, gametophyte) and under salt stress. Several miRNA precursors, Argonaute and DICER messenger RNAs were differentially expressed in these conditions. Finally, we analyzed the gene organization and the target functions of the predicted candidates. This showed that E. siliculosus miRNA genes are, like plant miRNA genes, rarely clustered and, like animal miRNA genes, often located in introns. Among the predicted targets, several widely conserved functional domains are significantly overrepresented, like kinesin, nucleotide-binding/APAF-1, R proteins and CED-4 (NB-ARC) and tetratricopeptide repeats. The combination of computational and experimental approaches thus emphasizes the originality of molecular and cellular processes in brown algae.  相似文献   

The osmoacclimation of Ectocarpus siliculosus isolates known to have different salt tolerances was investigated. Included were isolates originating from 5 different locations in the northern hemisphere, and sporophyte and gametophyte phases of different ploidy from two of the locations were compared. The effect of salinity treatment (8–64%0) on inorganic ions (K+, Na+, Mg2+, Cl, SO2−4, phosphate) and the low molecular weight carbohydrate mannitol was measured, together with complimentary measurements of cell viability. Very different responses between isolates were obtained, both between isolates of different geographic origin and between sporophytes and gametophytes from the same parent material. A similarity in response between haploid and diploid gametophytes, and diploid and triploid sporophytes indicates that physiological differences between gametophyte and sporophyte generations are not necessarily based on ploidy changes alone. There were no identifiable differences in the responses of male and female gametophytes. K+ is the major osmolyte within the species, and differences in the regulation of K+ largely account for the observed variation in osmoacclimation, both between life history phases and between isolates from different localities. Isolates with broader salt tolerances had the higher concentrations of mannitol. There were differences between isolates in the amounts and regulation of Cl and phosphate, the latter being present in unusually high concentrations. There were also isolate differences in the concentrations of Mg2+ and SO2−4, although these divalent ions were present only in low concentrations.  相似文献   

Brown algae share several important features with land plants, such as their photoautotrophic nature and their cellulose-containing wall, but the two groups are distantly related from an evolutionary point of view. The heterokont phylum, to which the brown algae belong, is a eukaryotic crown group that is phylogenetically distinct not only from the green lineage, but also from the red algae and the opisthokont phylum (fungi and animals). As a result of this independent evolutionary history, the brown algae exhibit many novel features and, moreover, have evolved complex multicellular development independently of the other major groups already mentioned. In 2004, a consortium of laboratories, including the Station Biologique in Roscoff and Genoscope, initiated a project to sequence the genome of Ectocarpus siliculosus, a small filamentous brown alga that is found in temperate, coastal environments throughout the globe. The E. siliculosus genome, which is currently being annotated, is expected to be the first completely characterized genome of a multicellular alga. In this review we look back over two centuries of work on this brown alga and highlight the advances that have led to the choice of E. siliculosus as a genomic and genetic model organism for the brown algae.  相似文献   

Development of the sporophyte and gametophyte generations of the brown alga E. siliculosus involves two different patterns of early development, which begin with either a symmetric or an asymmetric division of the initial cell, respectively. A mutant, immediate upright (imm), was isolated that exhibited several characteristics typical of the gametophyte during the early development of the sporophyte generation. Genetic analyses showed that imm is a recessive, single-locus Mendelian factor and analysis of gene expression in this mutant indicated that the regulation of a number of life-cycle-regulated genes is specifically modified in imm mutant sporophytes. Thus, IMM appears to be a regulatory locus that controls part of the sporophyte-specific developmental programme, the mutant exhibiting partial homeotic conversion of the sporophyte into the gametophyte, a phenomenon that has not been described previously.  相似文献   

Ectocarpus siliculosus is a cosmopolitan brown alga with capacity to thrive in copper enriched environments. Analysis of copper toxicity was conducted in two strains of E. siliculosus isolated from (i) an uncontaminated coast in southern Peru (Es32) and (ii) a copper polluted rocky beach in northern Chile (Es524). Es32 was more sensitive than Es524, with toxicity detected at 50 μg/L Cu, whereas Es524 displayed negative effects only when exposed to 250 μg/L Cu. Differential soluble proteome profiling for each strain exposed to sub‐lethal copper levels allowed to identify the induction of proteins related to processes such as energy production, glutathione metabolism as well as accumulation of HSPs. In addition, the inter‐strain comparison of stress‐related proteomes led to identify features related to copper tolerance in Es524, such as striking expression of a PSII Mn‐stabilizing protein and a Fucoxanthine chlorophyll a–c binding protein. Es524 also expressed specific stress‐related enzymes such as RNA helicases from the DEAD box families and a vanadium‐dependent bromoperoxidase. These observations were supported by RT‐qPCR for some of the identified genes and an enzyme activity assay for vanadium‐dependent bromoperoxidase. Therefore, the occurrence of two different phenotypes within two distinct E. siliculosus strains studied at the physiological and proteomic levels strongly suggest that persistent copper stress may represent a selective force leading to the development of strains genetically adapted to copper contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Alginate is a major cell wall polymer of brown algae. The precursor for the polymer is GDP-mannuronic acid, which is believed to be derived from a four-electron oxidation of GDP-mannose through the enzyme GDP-mannose dehydrogenase (GMD). So far no eukaryotic GMD has been biochemically characterized. We have identified a candidate gene in the Ectocarpus siliculosus genome and expressed it as a recombinant protein in Escherichia coli. The GMD from Ectocarpus differs strongly from related enzymes in bacteria and is as distant to the bacterial proteins as it is to the group of UDP-glucose dehydrogenases. It lacks the C-terminal ~120 amino acid domain present in bacterial GMDs, which is believed to be involved in catalysis. The GMD from brown algae is highly active at alkaline pH and contains a catalytic Cys residue, sensitive to heavy metals. The product GDP-mannuronic acid was analyzed by HPLC and mass spectroscopy. The K(m) for GDP-mannose was 95 μM, and 86 μM for NAD(+). No substrate other than GDP-mannose was oxidized by the enzyme. In gel filtration experiments the enzyme behaved as a dimer. The Ectocarpus GMD is stimulated by salts even at low molar concentrations as a possible adaptation to marine life. It is rapidly inactivated at temperatures above 30 °C.  相似文献   

We report here an exhaustive analysis of the glutathione transferases (GSTs) in the model brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus using available genomic resources. A genome survey revealed the presence of twelve cytosolic GSTs, belonging to the Sigma class, two pseudogenes, one GST of the Kappa class, and three microsomal GSTs of the MGST3 family of membrane associated protein involved in eicosanoid and glutathione metabolism. Gene structure and phylogenetic analyses demonstrated the partition of the Sigma GSTs into two clusters which have probably evolved by duplication events. Gene expression profiling was conducted after the addition of high concentrations of chemicals, such as H(2)O(2), herbicides, heavy metals, as well as fatty acid derivatives, in order to induce stress conditions and to monitor early response mechanisms. The results of these experiments suggested that E. siliculosus GST genes are recruited in different and specific conditions. In addition, heterologous expression in yeast of two E. siliculosus microsomal GST showed that these enzymes feature peroxidase rather than transferase activity. The potential involvement of E. siliculosus GST in the metabolism of oxygenated polyunsaturated fatty acids is discussed.  相似文献   

Viruslike particles in the brown alga Ectocarpus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The life cycle of an organism is one of its most elemental features, underpinning a broad range of phenomena including developmental processes, reproductive fitness, mode of dispersal and adaptation to the local environment. Life cycle modification may have played an important role during the evolution of several eukaryotic groups, including the terrestrial plants. Brown algae are potentially interesting models to study life cycle evolution because this group exhibits a broad range of different life cycles. Currently, life cycle studies are focused on the emerging brown algal model Ectocarpus. Two life cycle mutants have been described in this species, both of which cause the sporophyte generation to exhibit gametophyte characteristics. The ouroboros mutation is particularly interesting because it induces complete conversion of the sporophyte generation into a functional, gamete-producing gametophyte, a class of mutation that has not been described so far in other systems. Analysis of Ectocarpus life cycle mutants is providing insights into several life-cycle-related processes including parthenogenesis, symmetric/asymmetric initial cell divisions and sex determination.  相似文献   

Enzymes of CYP74 family play the central role in the biosynthesis of physiologically important oxylipins in land plants. Although a broad diversity of oxylipins is known in the algae, no CYP74s or related enzymes have been detected in brown algae yet. Cloning of the first CYP74-related gene CYP5164B1 of brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus is reported in present work. The recombinant protein was incubated with several fatty acid hydroperoxides. Linoleic acid 9-hydroperoxide (9-HPOD) was the preferred substrate, while linoleate 13-hydroperoxide (13-HPOD) was less efficient. α-Linolenic acid 9- and 13-hydroperoxides, as well as eicosapentaenoic acid 15-hydroperoxide were inefficient substrates. Both 9-HPOD and 13-HPOD were converted into epoxyalcohols. For instance, 9-HPOD was turned primarily into (9S,10S,11S,12Z)-9,10-epoxy-11-hydroxy-12-octadecenoic acid. Both epoxide and hydroxyl oxygen atoms of the epoxyalcohol were incorporated mostly from [18O2]9-HPOD. Thus, the enzyme exhibits the activity of epoxyalcohol synthase (EsEAS). The results show that the EsEAS isomerizes the hydroperoxides into epoxyalcohols via epoxyallylic radical, a common intermediate of different CYP74s and related enzymes. EsEAS can be considered as an archaic prototype of CYP74 family enzymes.  相似文献   

Non-living, freeze-dried material of the brown algaEctocarpus siliculosus (Phaeophyceae) demonstrated high equilibrium uptake of Cd from aqueous solutions (Fehrmann & Pohl, 1993). The alga was grown in 250-L photobioreactors under various growth conditions (light, salinity and nutrient concentrations) in order to obtain larger quantities of biomass and to improve its Cd adsorption capacity. To derive further knowledge on the biosorbant phenomenon different adsorption parameters such as pH for the sorption process and kinetics of Cd adsorption were tested. The maximum adsorption capacity of the freeze-dried biomass exceeded 41 mg Cd per g biomass. After repeated addition of low Cd concentrations the maximum adsorption capacity was lower (31.4 mg Cd per g biomass). In comparison with other adsorbing materials (activated carbon, silica gel, siliceous earth)E. siliculosus showed significantly higher adsorption capacity. Desorption of deposited Cd with 0.1 M HCl resulted in no changes of the adsorption capacity through five subsequent adsorption-/desorption-cycles. Hence, driedE. siliculosus appears to be an efficient material for the elimination of Cd from industrial waste water.Transmission electron microscopic investigations showed an electron dense area in the outer surface layers of the cell wall after Cd adsorption indicating the most likely location of Cd fixation.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

Müller  D. G.  Frenzer  K. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):37-44
Culture studies with healthy and virus-infected isolates of Ectocarpus siliculosus, Feldmannia simplex and F. irregularis gave the following results:
–  Virus particles are produced in deformed reproductive organs (sporangia or gametangia) of the hosts and are released into the surrounding seawater.
–  Their infective potential is lost after several days of storage under laboratory conditions.
–  New infections occur when gametes or spores of the host get in contact with virus particles. The virus genome enters all cells of the developing new plant via mitosis.
–  Virus expression is variable, and in many cases the viability of the host is not impaired. Infected host plants may be partly fertile and pass the infection to their daughter plants.
–  Meiosis of the host can eliminate the virus genome and generate healthy progeny.
–  The genome of the Ectocarpus virus consists of dsDNA. Meiotic segregation patterns suggest an intimate association between virus genome and host chromosomes.
–  An extra-generic host range has been demonstrated for the Ectocarpus virus.
–  Field observations suggest that virus infections in ectocarpalean algae occur on all coasts of the world, and many or all Ectocarpus and Feldmannia populations are subject to contact with virus genomes.

Oomycete diseases in seaweeds are probably widespread and of significant ecological and economic impact, but overall still poorly understood. This study investigates the organisation of the cytoskeleton during infection of three brown algal species, Pylaiella littoralis, Ectocarpus siliculosus, and Ectocarpus crouaniorum, by the basal marine oomycete Eurychasma dicksonii. Immunofluorescence staining of tubulin revealed how the development of this intracellular biotrophic pathogen impacts on microtubule (MT) organisation of its algal host. The host MT cytoskeleton remains normal and organised by the centrosome until very late stages of the infection. Additionally, the organisation of the parasite's cytoskeleton was examined. During mitosis of the E. dicksonii nucleus the MT focal point (microtubule organisation centre, MTOC, putative centrosome) duplicates and each daughter MTOC migrates to opposite poles of the nucleus. This similarity in MT organisation between the host and pathogen reflects the relatively close phylogenetic relationship between oomycetes and brown algae. Moreover, actin labelling with rhodamine‐phalloidin in E. dicksonii revealed typical images of actin dots connected by fine actin filament bundles in the cortical cytoplasm. The functional and phylogenetic implications of our observations are discussed.  相似文献   

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