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The original mathematical model of microbial growth in the Chemostat is modified to describe continuous cultures in which the limiting nutrient is supplied at a rate independent of the dilution rate. The application of this model to continuous Chlorella cultures in which CO2 is the factor limiting growth is discussed. The conclusions from the model are: (i) at a constant rate of CO2 supply, the equilibrium population density is directly proportional to the retention time; and (ii) the production rate is directly proportional to the rate of CO2 supply. Experimental data are presented to verify the theoretical conclusions.  相似文献   

Bacteria were found attached to the heterocysts of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and embedded within the mucilage of both anabaena flos-aquae and Microcystis aeruginosa in freshwater plankton. Electron microscopy of thin sections preceding the peak of an Anabaena flos-aquae bloom showed that the density of bacterial cells was 7.4 X 10(5) cells/ml in the planktonic macroenvironment and 2.6 X 10(11) cells/ml within the microenvironment of cyanobacterial mucilage. The bacteria occurred in aggregates and isolation required that these be dispersed by homogenizing at 50 000 rpm with glass beads. This procedure yielded a single bacterial isolate from blooms of Anabaena flos-aquae during 2 consecutive years. The isolate was flagellated, catalase- and oxidase-positive. Gram-negative, and rod-shaped to pleomorphic. Observation that the isolate required a pH greater than 8 for consistent growth, could not grow alone on liquid media but could grow alone on the corresponding solid media, could grow in liquid media only in the presence of Anabaena, formed tough mucilagenous colonies on solid media only in the presence of Anabaena extract, and rapidly assimilated but did not respire extracellular 14C-labelled organic matter produced by Anabaena suggested that the occurrence of the bacterium in cyanobacterial mucilage was not coincidental but reflected an obligatory bacterial requirement for the biological or physicochemical microenvironment of the mucilage. The bacterial isolate occurred in three growth forms. Either as a planktonic swarmer cell (which showed a positive chemotactic response to the cyanobacterium) embedded in cyanobacterial mucilage, or embedded in its own mucilage derived, in part, from a low molecular weight (below 1300) carbohydrate secreted by the cyanobacterium. These cultural, biochemical, and ecological characteristics suggest that the isolate is a new species in the genus Zoogloea and of potential importance in phytoplankton ecology.  相似文献   

UV-inducible DNA repair in the cyanobacteria Anabaena spp.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Strains of the filamentous cyanobacteria Anabaena spp. were capable of very efficient photoreactivation of UV irradiation-induced damage to DNA. Cells were resistant to several hundred joules of UV irradiation per square meter under conditions that allowed photoreactivation, and they also photoreactivated UV-damaged cyanophage efficiently. Reactivation of UV-irradiated cyanophage (Weigle reactivation) also occurred; UV irradiation of host cells greatly enhanced the plaque-forming ability of irradiated phage under nonphotoreactivating conditions. Postirradiation incubation of the host cells under conditions that allowed photoreactivation abolished the ability of the cells to perform Weigle reactivation of cyanophage N-1. Mitomycin C also induced Weigle reactivation of cyanophage N-1, but nalidixic acid did not. The inducible repair system (defined as the ability to perform Weigle reactivation of cyanophages) was relatively slow and inefficient compared with photoreactivation.  相似文献   

采用室内生长速率法测定了木霉菌 (Trichodermaspp .)与 3种致病真菌的互作关系 ,结果表明 ,木霉菌与 3种致病真菌间均存在明显的互作关系 ,但其互作类型与作用强度各不相同 :木霉菌与立枯丝核菌 (Rhi zoctoniasolani)间存在拮抗作用 ,但抑制强度不大 ;木霉菌与腐霉菌 (Pythiumaphanidermatum)不仅存在拮抗作用 ,且对腐霉菌的抑制强度较大 ;木霉菌与镰刀菌 (Fuariumspp .)间存在明显的协生作用。经进一步多方面考察后 ,有可能将该木霉菌用于病害防治  相似文献   

Y. Elad    Rina  Barak  I. Chet  Y. Henis 《Journal of Phytopathology》1983,107(2):168-175
The uhrastructural changes during parasitism of the biocontrol agents Trichoderma harzianum and T. hamatum, were observed under a transmission electron microscope. Electron micrographs show that during the interaction of Trichoderma spp. with either Sclerotium rolfsii or Rhizoctonia solani the hyphae of the parasites contact their host, and then enzymatically digest their cell walls. Extracellular fibrillar material is deposited between the interacting cells. Parasite organelles, e.g. mitochondria, vesicles and dark osmiophilic inclusions, accumulate in the parasitizing cells. In response to the invasion, the host produces a sheath matrix which encapasulates the penetrating hypha and the host cells become empty of cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Regulation of the synthesis and activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain 7120 was studied by determining GS transferase activity and GS antigen concentration under a variety of conditions. Extracts prepared from cells growing exponentially on a medium supplemented with combined nitrogen had a GS activity of 17 mumol of gamma-glutamyl transferase activity per min per mg of protein at 37 degrees C. This activity doubled in 12 h after transfer of cells to a nitrogen-free medium, corresponding to the time required for heterocyst differentiation and the start of nitrogen fixation. Addition of NH3 to a culture 11 h after an inducing transfer immediately blocked the increase in GS activity. In the Enterobacteriaceae, addition of NH3 after induction results in the covalent modification of GS by adenylylation. The GS of Anabaena is not adenylylated by such a protocol, as shown by the resistance of the transferase activity of the enzyme to inhibition by Mg2+ and by the failure of the enzyme to incorporate 32P after NH3 upshift. Methionine sulfoximine inhibited Anabaena GS activity rapidly and irreversibly in vivo. After the addition of methionine sulfoximine to Anabaena, the level of GS antigen neither increased nor decreased, indicating that Glutamine cannot be the only small molecule capable of regulating GS synthesis. Methionine sulfoximine permitted heterocyst differentiation and nitrogenase induction to escape repression by NH3. Nitrogen-fixing cultures treated with methionine sulfoximine excreted NH3. The fern Azolla caroliniana contains an Anabaena species living in symbiotic association. The Anabaena species carries out nitrogen fixation sufficient to satisfy all of the combined nitrogen requirements of the host fern. Experiments by other workers have shown that the activity of GS in the symbiont is significantly lower than the activity of GS in free-living Anabaena. Using a sensitive radioimmune assay and a normalization procedure based on the content of diaminopimelic acid, a component unique to the symbiont, we found that the level of GS antigen in the symbiont was about 5% of the level in free-living Anabaena cells. Thus, the host fern appears to repress synthesis of Anabaena GS in the symbiotic association.  相似文献   

Growth of Anabaena sp. strain 7120 (in the absence of chelators or added iron) was inhibited by the addition of 2.1 to 6.5 microM copper and was abolished by copper concentration of 10 microM or higher. When the copper was chelated to schizokinen (the siderophore produced by this organism in response to iron starvation), the toxic effects were eliminated. Analysis of culture filtrates showed that the cupric schizokinen remains in the medium, thereby lowering the amount of copper taken up by the cells. Although this organism actively transports ferric schizokinen, it apparently does not recognize the cupric complex. Thus, Anabaena sp. is protected from copper toxicity under conditions in which siderophore is being produced. For cells grown in low iron, the accumulation of extracellular schizokinen was observed to parallel cell growth and continue well into stationary phase. The actual iron status of the organism was monitored by using iron uptake velocity as an assay. Cultures grown on 0.1 microM added iron were found to be severely iron limited upon reaching stationary phase, thus explaining the continued production of schizokinen. These data show that the siderophore system in Anabaena spp. has developed primarily as a response to iron starvation and that additional functions such as alleviation of copper toxicity or allelopathic inhibition of other algal species are merely secondary benefits.  相似文献   

Growth of Anabaena sp. strain 7120 (in the absence of chelators or added iron) was inhibited by the addition of 2.1 to 6.5 microM copper and was abolished by copper concentration of 10 microM or higher. When the copper was chelated to schizokinen (the siderophore produced by this organism in response to iron starvation), the toxic effects were eliminated. Analysis of culture filtrates showed that the cupric schizokinen remains in the medium, thereby lowering the amount of copper taken up by the cells. Although this organism actively transports ferric schizokinen, it apparently does not recognize the cupric complex. Thus, Anabaena sp. is protected from copper toxicity under conditions in which siderophore is being produced. For cells grown in low iron, the accumulation of extracellular schizokinen was observed to parallel cell growth and continue well into stationary phase. The actual iron status of the organism was monitored by using iron uptake velocity as an assay. Cultures grown on 0.1 microM added iron were found to be severely iron limited upon reaching stationary phase, thus explaining the continued production of schizokinen. These data show that the siderophore system in Anabaena spp. has developed primarily as a response to iron starvation and that additional functions such as alleviation of copper toxicity or allelopathic inhibition of other algal species are merely secondary benefits.  相似文献   

The rate of exponential growth of Amphidinium carterae Hulburtwas the same (0.025 h–1) with either or as sole N-source. Nevertheless, in short-term experiments, cells growing exponentially with as N-source took up added 5–6 times faster than . accumulated in the cells. Addition of inhibited, reversibly, disappearance of from the medium; prior N-deprivation of the cells did not affect this inhibition. N-repIetecells, grown with as N-source, took up for several hours both in light and darkness, butthe uptake by such cells soon ceased in darkness although it continued in light. When uptake ceased, the cells could still take up rapidly in darkness. Ammonium taken up was assimilated rapidly into organic-N includingglutamine, other amino acids and protein. Ammonium uptake in darkness was accompanied by the utilizationof cellular polysaccharide, mainly glucose polysaccharide. Mostof this carbon was unavailable for the dark assimilation of. Addition of the analogue, methylammonium, did not initiate polysacchande catabolism. Itis suggested that a control mechanism is in operation, througha product of assimilation, which operates on one or more of the enzymes concerned with polysaccharidebreakdown, for example, -amylase or phosphorylase. Uptake of was accompanied by a high rate of dark 14CO2 fixation and with both Amphidintum klebsii Kof.et Swezy and A. carterae N-deprivation led to a marked increasein this rate following addition of ; addition of had much less effect. The possible implications of these findings for the eco-physiology of marine dinoflagellatesare discussed. Key words: Ammonium, nitrate, CO2 fixation  相似文献   

Growth and flocculation in a Zoogloea culture.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

The enzyme activity synthesizing poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) was mainly localized in the PHB-containing particulate fraction of Zoogloea ramigera I-16-M, when it grew flocculatedly in a medium supplemented with glucose. On the other hand, the enzyme activity remained in the soluble fraction when the bacterium grew dispersedly in a glucose-starved medium. The soluble PHB synthase activity became associated with the particulate fraction as PHB synthesis was initiated on the addition of glucose to the dispersed culture. Conversely, the enzyme activity was released from the PHB-containing granules to the soluble fraction when the flocculated culture was kept incubated without supplementing the medium with glucose. PHB synthase was also incorporated into the newly formed PHB fraction when partially purified soluble PHB synthase was incubated with D(-)-beta-hydroxybutyryl CoA in vitro. Although attempts to solubilize the particulate enzyme were unsuccessful, and the soluble enzyme became extremely unstable in advanced stages of purification, both PHB synthases had the same strict substrate specificity for D(-)-beta-hydroxybutyryl CoA, and showed the same pH optimum at 7.0.  相似文献   


Growth inhibition of E. coli cell culture has been determined for a series of 4-substituted-N'-phenylsulfonamides tested in the presence and absence of synergistic concentrations of trimethoprim. Quantitative structure-activity relationships, established by regression analysis, exhibit an identical dependence of bacterial growth inhibition on sulfonamide pKa irrespective of the presence or absence of trimethoprim. Examination of a small series of benzylpyrimidines in the presence or absence of 4-dimethylamino-N1-phenylsulfanilamide gave similar results. Since the presence of a synergistic agent affords no change in structure-activity relationships, it is concluded that no direct interaction between sulfonamides and benzylpyrimidines occurs and that the synergism observed is solely the result of the kinetic consequences of sequential blockade of the folate biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Two bacterial isolates, Pseudomonas sp. SL10 and Zoogloea sp. SL20, attach to heterocysts of Anabaena spp. with a high degree of selectivity, and this attachment can be expressed quantitatively in terms of adsorption isotherms. Adhesion of Pseudomonas sp. SL10 was restricted to a monolayer and exhibited a type I (Langmuir) isotherm, whereas adhesion of Zoogloea sp. SL20 involved multilayer attachment and exhibited a type II isotherm. The degree of adhesion by the bacteria to heterocysts of different Anabaena species may reflect the distribution and abundance of binding sites on the surface of different heterocysts. Both Pseudomonas sp. SL10 and Zoogloea sp SL20 promoted higher rates of acetylene reduction by Anabaena spp. under oxygenated culture conditions when compared with a cyanobacterial control. At ambient oxygen levels, however, only Zoogloea sp. SL20 stimulated acetylene reduction by Anabaena spp.  相似文献   

Aerobic photoproduction of H2 was demonstrated in Anabaena spp. strains CA and 1F when cells were growing under nitrogen-fixing conditions. The rates of production, measured either by the hydrogen electrode or in a flow system by gas chromatography, were 10 to 15% of the rate of photosynthetic O2 evolution or 50 to 80% of the rates of acetylene reduction. Strains CA and 1F differed in several respects. In strain CA, H2 production was immediately partially sensitive to 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, whereas strain 1F was not immediately affected. Strain CA also showed a consistently higher rate of H2 production than did strain 1F. H2 production in strain CA was also markedly influenced by the light intensity used for growth, although the growth rates indicated that the light intensities used were essentially saturating.  相似文献   

Prelabeled Anabaena variabilis Kütz. evolves 14CO2 in the light with KCN and DCMU (2,4-dichlorophenyl-1,1-dimethylurea) present, comparable to the dark control without inhibitors added. Double-reciprocal plots of CO2 release vs. light intensity with either KCN or KCN+DCMU present result in two straight lines intersecting at the ordinate. Apparently, reducing equivalents originating from carbohydrate catabolism are channeled into the photosynthetic electron-transport chain, competing for electrons from photosystem II. Under these conditions, the CO2 release is accompanied by a light-dependent oxygen uptake, presumably due to oxygen-reducing photosystem-I activity while ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase is inhibited by KCN.Comparing nine blue-green algae it was shown that only nitrogen-fixing species release substantial amounts of CO2 in the light with KCN or KCN+DCMU present. This release is particularly obvious with Anabaena variabilis Kütz. under nitrogen-fixing conditions, but small when the alga is grown with combined nitrogen.We conclude that nitrogen-fixing species share a common link between respiratory and photosynthetic electron transport. The physiological role may be electron supply of nitrogenase by photosystem I.  相似文献   

Although some studies have reported an interaction between boron (B) and calcium (Ca2+) in higher plants, there is little evidence for a similar relationship in cyanobacteria. The present study was designed to determine the effect of a supplement of boron to Ca2+-deficient cultures of Anabaena PCC 7119 and Synechococcus PCC 7942. Grown under Ca2+ deprivation, Anabaena had a slow growth rate and a low photosynthetic pigment content that was related to an inhibition of photosynthesis. Ca2+-deficient cells showed a lack of cohesiveness of the heterocyst envelope layers, which was consistent with a rapid decline in nitrogenase activity. A supplement of B led to partial recovery from the effects caused by lack of Ca2+. Similarly, low Ca2+ had inhibitory effects on growth and metabolism of Synechococcus cultures. In this case, the effect of a B supplement depended on the concentration of Ca2+ in the growth medium. When Ca2+ was present at normal concentration. B was not required, at least no more than trace amounts. However, when the Ca2+ concentration decreased, B was required at increasing levels. An effect of boron on uptake and/or on the binding of Ca2+ in cyanobacteria is proposed.  相似文献   

Light-Limited Growth of Chlorella in Continuous Cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
An analytical model of a continuously fed, completely mixed Chlorella culture in which light is the factor limiting growth is presented. The conclusions from the theory are that in a culture of this type the population density is directly proportional to the retention time and the production rate is independent of retention time. Experimental data are presented to verify the theoretical conclusions.  相似文献   

The Rose tissue culture chamber has been divided into 2 compartments by using half-thickness gaskets with an interposed Nuclepore (General Electric Co.) filter. This permits study of the interaction of 2 different cell populations on each side of the membrane. Radioiodinated serum albumin concentration studies demonstrate rapid distribution of labelled protein across the membrane while its pore size of 0.5 μ or 0.8 μ prevents migration of the cells themselves. Equilibrium between plain medium and radioactive medium was established in 7-9 hr.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial hepatotoxins, microcystins, are specific inhibitors of serine/threonine protein phosphatases and potent tumor promoters. They have caused several poisonings of animals and also pose a health hazard for humans through the use of water for drinking and recreation. Different strains of the same cyanobacterial species may variously be nontoxic, be neurotoxic, or produce several microcystin variants. It is poorly understood how the amount of toxins varies in a single strain. This laboratory study shows the importance of external growth stimuli in regulating the levels and relative proportions of different microcystin variants in two strains of filamentous, nitrogen-fixing Anabaena spp. The concentration of the toxins in the cells increased with phosphorus. High temperatures (25 to 30 degrees C), together with the highest levels of light studied (test range, 2 to 100 mumol m-2 s-1), decreased their amount. Different structural variants of microcystins responded differently to growth stimuli. Variants of microcystin (MCYST)-LR correlated with temperatures below 25 degrees C, and those of MCYST-RR correlated with higher temperatures. Nitrogen added into the growth medium and increasing temperatures increased the proportion of microcystin variants demethylated in amino acid 3. All variants remained mostly intracellular. Time was the most important factor causing the release of the toxins into the growth medium. Time, nitrogen added into the growth medium, and light fluxes above 25 mumol m-2 s-1 significantly increased the concentrations of the dissolved toxins. According to the results, it thus seems that the reduction of phosphorus loads in bodies of water might play a role in preventing the health hazards that toxic cyanobacterial water blooms pose, not only by decreasing the cyanobacteria but also by decreasing their toxin content.  相似文献   

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