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J. Wieneke 《Plant and Soil》1983,72(2-3):239-243
Summary Preliminary results are presented of experiments on the application of a root zone feeding technique to pursue the pathway of22Na+ and36Cl in intact, differentially salt sensitive soybean varieties. In contrast to36Cl, about 70% of the22Na+ taken up under saline conditions by the labelled apical 8 cm of the seminal root was released along the transport through the proximal root tissue into the ambient inactive nutrient solution. Additional investigations, including micro-autoradiography, are in progress to bring more light into the specific transport behaviour of the two ions.  相似文献   

以烟草Nicotiana tabacum L.品种'MS K326'为研究材料,采用生化分析法研究了 3种昆虫取食对烟草防御信号分子含量和防御酶活性的影响.结果显示:棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera Hübner取食后,烟叶中的JA、NO含量分别在48 h、24 h时达到最高,为对照的1.1倍和1.35倍...  相似文献   

Summary The soil-block technique was developed to estimate fine root production in forest ecosystems. This technique produced estimates similar to conventional soil coring but required less labor and reduced disturbance to the soil-root environment.  相似文献   

The effects of root feeding by larvae of Sitona hispidulus (F.) (a common weevil pest of white clover) on the rate of transfer of nitrogen between plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) were investigated using a nutrient slant board technique. Clover plants, labelled with 15N were grown adjacent to ryegrass plants and were either infested with Sitona larvae or not infested. Ryegrass plants associated with the infested clover plants had a significantly higher dry matter yield and nitrogen content (75% and 74% respectively) than the uninvested plants, after 33 days exposure to insect herbivory. It was concluded that root feeding insects could play an important role in the cycling of nitrogen in grass/clover swards.  相似文献   

Fresh bracken Pteridium aquilinum L. Kühn or crude bracken extracts deterred 9 non-adapted phytophagous insect species from feeding or settling. Feeding deterrent activity to 5 out of 7 insect species was present in crude bracken extracts at all times over the growing season and was significantly highest in May. Sequential isolation and purification of deterrents indicated that the sesquiterpene pterosin F (6-chlorethyl-2,5,7-trimethyl-indan-1-one) occurred in sufficiently high concentrations in late May/early June bracken frond (24–28 mg/kg fresh wt) to be partially responsible for the deterrent effects of crude bracken extracts to two insect species. A number of other fractions had feeding deterrent activity, but these were not characterized or quantified.  相似文献   

From 1985 to 1987, leaves of white clover ( Trifolium repens ) cv. Grasslands Huia were examined for damage by pests and fungal diseases on seven occasions at up to 16 sites in England and Wales. Pest damage was recorded at all sites on all sampling dates. Over all sampling dates, the mean number of leaves damaged by slugs ranged from 23% to 67%, and that by weevils ( Sitona spp.) ranged from 3% to 62%. Also, up to 30% of leaves were damaged by other, unidentified pests. At individual sites, total pest damage frequently exceeded 90% of leaves. The area of leaf damaged by pests ranged from 2 - 12%. Fungal diseases were recorded in July and September but not in May, and were more prevalent in September 1985 than in September 1986 or 1987. Black blotch ( Cymadothea trifolii ) was the most frequently recorded disease, and the mean number of leaves damaged ranged from 4% to 21%. The mean area of leaves covered by lesions was 1–2%. Infections by viruses were assessed on two occasions, using indicator plants and electron microscopy, and only a very low incidence of arabis mosaic virus and red clover necrotic mosaic virus was recorded.  相似文献   

水平基因转移是一种能够在物种间进行基因交流的现象,是生物迅速适应环境的主要驱动力之一.近年来,随着测序技术的进步,昆虫中的水平基因转移现象被大量报道,成为昆虫研究的热点之一.本文总结了水平基因转移研究的常用流程和手段,以及昆虫水平转移基因的供体、受体和功能,讨论水平基因转移与昆虫食性的联系以及研究方法的局限,并展望昆虫水平基因转移研究领域未来的方向.  相似文献   

White grubs (larval scarabaeids) are now recognized as being important pests of groundnut (peanut) in many parts of the world because of their ability to damage roots. A method of simulating white grub damage to groundnut plants was developed to obtain an indication of how the feeding activity of these insects influences plant growth. The effect of root cutting and drought stress on water uptake and biomass production was evaluated, with roots being cut at three depths in the late vegetative and early podfilling stages. As groundnut plants are often grown under conditions of drought stress, the effects of which would be accentuated by root damage, this factor was introduced into the experiment. Plant water-use measurements indicated that the root systems of plants cut 30 days after emergence (DAE) and watered twice a week became fully functional again after 40 days. Pod and total biomass production were however significantly less than those of the uncut control plants, with drought stress reducing yields below the well-watered controls, particularly when cut at 10 cm below the soil surface. The root systems of plants cut 51 DAE did not regrow to any appreciable extent, and rates of plant water-use remained less than half of the uncut control plants. Over all treatments, there was a strong positive correlation between total (and pod) biomass and plant water-use. It was concluded that the phenological stage of the plant at which root damage occurred had a profound influence on the subsequent recovery in root growth and function, and ultimately on pod yield.  相似文献   

Steinernema carpocapsae can be effective against root-feeding insects despite its reputation as a sedentary ambusher. In pot experiments, using twigs as surrogate roots and pine weevil larvae as targets, we tested the hypothesis that roots serve as physical routeways and conduits of feeding-associated stimuli, thus enhancing the success of S. carpocapsae applied at the surface against subterranean hosts. Insect mortality was lowest (25%) in the absence of plant material, increased to 48% when twigs linked nematodes and insects, and further increased to 69% when the insects were allowed feed on the twigs. This is the first experimental support for the root-routeway hypothesis.  相似文献   

The expression of the auxin responsive reporter construct, GH3:gusA, was examined in transgenic white clover plants to assess changes in the auxin balance during the earliest stages of root nodule formation. Reporter gene expression was monitored at marked locations after the application of bacteria or signal molecules using two precise inoculation techniques: spot-inoculation and a novel method for ballistic microtargeting. Changes in GH3:gusA expression were monitored after the inoculation of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii, non-host rhizobia, lipo-chitin oligosaccharides (LCOs), chitin oligosaccharides, a synthetic auxin transport inhibitor (naphthylphthalamic acid; NPA), auxin, the ENOD40-1 peptide or different flavonoids. The results show that clover-nodulating rhizobia induce a rapid, transient and local downregulation of GH3:gusA expression during nodule initiation followed by an upregulation of reporter gene expression at the site of nodule initiation. Microtargeting of auxin caused a local and acropetal upregulation of GH3:gusA expression, whereas NPA caused local and acropetal downregulation of expression. Both spot-inoculation and microtargeting of R. l. bv. trifolii LCOs or flavonoid aglycones induced similar changes to GH3:gusA expression as NPA. O-acetylated chitin oligosaccharides caused similar changes to GH3:gusA expression as R. l. bv. trifolii spot-inoculation, but only after delivery by microtargeting. Non-O-acetylated chitin oligosaccharides, flavonoid glucosides or the ENOD40-1 peptide failed to induce any detectable changes in GH3:gusA expression. GH3:gusA expression patterns during the later stages of nodule and lateral root development were similar. These results support the hypothesis that LCOs and chitin oligosaccharides act by perturbing the auxin flow in the root during the earliest stages of nodule formation, and that endogenous flavonoids could mediate this response.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A non-dispersive infrared gas analyser equipped with a Luft-type sonic detector and flow-through reference cell was automated to monitor the total volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) respired by single insects or groups of insects. The infrared analyser was interfaced with an integrator for quantification, a microprocessor to control intermittent air flow through the insect respiration chambers, and a microcomputer for data storage and reduction. This technique has been used to monitor the CO2 Output of diapausing and non-diapausing mature fifth instar larvae and of developing pupae of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). The resulting data were accurate, quantitative and reproducible.  相似文献   

关于植物因昆虫取食所诱发的求救信号   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周新生  严福顺 《昆虫知识》2004,41(6):610-612
虫害会使受害植株释放求救信号 ,后者能招引来致害害虫的天敌。害虫与寄主植物之间这一关系的联因在于致害害虫的唾液酶引起了被害植物代谢过程乃至代谢产物的改变。深入研究植物体的求救信号 ,就会了解昆虫和植物如何协同进化的秘密 ,进而可为寻找害虫防治新资源提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

A new approach to the formal classification of arthropod margin feeding plant damage is proposed. Several types of margin feeding traces on the leaves of Pityophyllum sp. and Ginkgoites sp. from the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Chernovskie Kopi locality, Transbaikalia, are described as five new species in the genus Pinovulnus gen. nov.  相似文献   

An experiment is described in which the magnitude of N transferred from damaged white clover roots to perennial ryegrass was determined, using 15N labelling of the grass plant. There was no effect on the growth and N-fixation of the clover plants after removing part of the root system. The 15N data suggested that N had been acquired by all grass plants, even in plants grown alone with no further N supplied after labelling. However, after quantifying the mobile and stored N pools of the grass plants it was evident that significant transfer of N from clover to grass only took place from damaged clover roots. Dilution of the atom% 15N in the roots of the grass plants grown alone, and in association with undamaged clover roots, was explained by remobilisation of N within the plant.  相似文献   

1 Short-snouted weevils, including Strophosoma spp. and related species, may damage tree seedlings. We investigated the damage caused by these weevils feeding on seedlings of seven tree species planted in clear-cuts and under shelterwoods with three densities (control, dense, and sparse).
2 There were no pronounced differences in damage caused by short-snouted weevils in the various shelterwood densities. Most feeding occurred in the clear-cuts during the first year, whereas more seedlings were damaged in the shelterwoods of all densities in the second year. In the third year, virtually no feeding occurred in either the clear-cuts or shelterwoods. We cannot explain this pattern of damage, but a fallow period of 2 years seems to prevent short-snouted weevil damage.
3 We determined the general feeding preferences for short-snouted weevils to be cherry, lime > beech, oak, spruce > maple, ash. However, although Strophosoma mellanogrammum [Correction added after online publication 8 December 2008: Strophosoma melanogrammum corrected to Strophosoma mellanogrammum ] was observed feeding on seedlings, no full short-snouted weevil inventory was conducted, so caution must be exercised when drawing conclusions from this study regarding weevil damage patterns and feeding preferences.
4 Short-snouted weevils can sometimes occur in large numbers and may destroy entire reforestation projects, but in our study their influence on seedling growth and survival was minor.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of variation in diet temperature, mouthpart deployment and the addition of bicarbonate to a saline-ATP diet were investigated for their effects on amount ingested and diet destination in female Aedes aegypti (L.). Mouthpart deployment was achieved by having the insects feed through a membrane, or from a free-liquid surface with mouthparts intact, or with the fascicle separated from the labial groove.
Under the 'feeding through membrane' protocol, a 6-fold increase in the percentage of Aedes feeding on ATP-diets was recorded at 37C compared with 21C. Bicarbonate (9.5 or 19 mM) induced a 3-fold increase in numbers feeding at both 21C and 37C. Neither diet temperature nor bicarbonate content appeared to affect meal size. The pH of all diets was adjusted to 7.0. Diet was directed primarily to the midgut for all diets tested under this regimen, with the exception of the saline-ATP-19 mM NaHC03 at 37C which caused the diet to be directed primarily to the crop.
Under the 'feeding without membrane through feeding tube' protocol, females showed little control over diet destination. Female Aedes aegypti exhibited no strong response to ATP when the mouthparts were immersed in 21C diets in feeding tubes and few of these insects ingested large meals. The addition of bicarbonate to the ATP diets did not enhance feeding under these test conditions.  相似文献   

我国稻螟灾害的现状及损失估计   总被引:37,自引:3,他引:37  
我国稻螟为害的确切记载始于 1 0 2 2年。 2 0世纪 5 0年代中期以前 ,以二化螟Chilosuppressalis(Walker)为害为主。此后十几年中 ,三化螟Tryporyzaincertulas(Walker)普遍大发生。 70年代 ,我国螟害轻微。 1 993年 ,二化螟急剧回升 ,三化螟也随之回升。 1 996年 2种稻螟大发生 ,此后连年暴发成灾。目前我国螟灾的主要特点是虫口密度高、受害范围广、受害程度重、持续时间长、经济损失大。首要螟灾区是沿江稻区 ,二化螟和三化螟分别约占 2 3和 1 3。全国年发面积约 1 5 0 0万hm2 ,防治约 3 80 0万hm2 次。该文首次估计年防治代价约 45 7~ 60亿元 ,残虫造成作物损失近 65亿元 ,总经济损失约 1 1 5亿元。由此可见 ,当前稻螟已取代稻飞虱、棉铃虫成为影响我国国计民生的头号害虫。  相似文献   

Summary Plants of white clover var. Blanca were grown singly in pots in controlled environments, or in small swards in a glasshouse, to determine how their distribution of dry weight between root and shoot was influenced when they were dependent on N2 fixation in their root nodules or when they lacked nodules but utilized an abundant supply of nitrate nitrogen. In single plants and in swards, changes in root/shoot ratio with increasing age and plant development were not influenced by the source of nitrogen, but nodulated plants always displayed a higher root/shoot ratio. When nodulated plants were supplied with nitrate nitrogen, root/shoot ratio declined to values intermediate between those of nodulated and of nitrate plants. The results are discussed in relation to the persistence of white clover, and the general level of productivity, in grass-clover swards. The Grassland Research Institute is financed through the Agricultural Research Council.  相似文献   

西花蓟马取食与机械损伤对菜豆叶片抗氧化系统的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)取食和机械损伤诱导对菜豆抗氧化系统的影响,比较了不同损伤形式诱导的抗氧化酶活力和抗氧化物质含量的变化差异。结果表明,西花蓟马取食和机械损伤均可诱导菜豆叶片内过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)3种抗氧化酶活性有不同程度的升高,但两种处理诱导的抗氧化酶活性变化规律不完全相同,各种酶活性达到最高点时间不同,西花蓟马取食对抗氧化酶活力的诱导作用大于机械损伤的。两种处理诱导下的类胡萝卜素的含量变化不大,但不论西花蓟马取食还是机械损伤均导致菜豆叶片内类黄酮和总酚含量整体呈下降趋势,西花蓟马的取食诱导的下降幅度大于机械损伤的。因此,西花蓟马取食诱导明显高于机械损伤对菜豆抗氧化系统的影响。  相似文献   

The degree of feeding damage in the wild to the cruciferous perennial Rorippa indica (L.) Hieron ranged from 0% (not damaged) to 100% (heavily damaged). However, “not damaged” and “heavily damaged” individuals did not differ in the relative suitability of their intrinsic traits for P. rapae, which caused the heaviest damage on the plant. Therefore, the different degrees of feeding damage may be due to variability in the extrinsic traits of the plant, that is, it may be determined by the habitat conditions where individual plants exist. Furthermore, R. indica allocated more resource to seed production at the expense of the roots when it was experimentally subjected to heavy leaf damage. The result suggested that R. indica individuals may escape, by means of seed dispersal and seed dormancy, from unfavorable habitats where they are heavily damaged by herbivores.  相似文献   

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