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ABSTRACT. 1. Previous work has shown that leaf age affects recruitment trail marking by eastern tent caterpillars ( Malacosoma americanum Fabr.). Young leaves of host plants elicit trail marking to a greater degree than mature leaves.
2. Experiments were conducted to establish the relationship between the differential behavioural responses of larvae to young and mature leaves and the suitability of foliage for larval growth and survival. Foliage of black cherry ( Prunus serotina Ehrh.), a typical rosaceous host plant, was used for this comparison.
3. Larvae preferred young leaves to mature leaves in choice tests, and marked more to young leaves than to mature leaves in no-choice tests.
4. Mature leaves supported adequate growth through two larval instars of rearing, but thereafter were unsuitable for growth. Larvae fed mature leaves had lower pupal weight, poorer survival, and grew less efficiently than larvae fed young leaves.
5. The results support the hypothesis that the trail communication system of eastern tent caterpillars is an adaptation to efficiently locate leaves which are favourable for larval growth and survival.  相似文献   

The recruitment trail marking behavior of eastern tent caterpillars (Malacosoma americanum Fabr.) was modified by rearing them on plants which they do not usually attack in nature. Caterpillars reared on one of two nonhosts (Prunus avium (L.) L. or Quercus coccinea Muenchh.) marked pheromone trails to foliage of their rearing plant, whereas caterpillars reared on a natural host plant (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) did not mark trails to nonhost foliage. Caterpillars preferred host to nonhost foliage, regardless of their rearing history. The degree of trail marking was correlated with suitability of foliage for larval growth. The results indicate that trail marking behavior is a response to relative rather than absolute food quality, but that preference behavior is more rigidly programmed to favor the optimal food.
Zusammenfassung Das Rekrutierungs-Spurmarkierungsverhalten von Malacosoma americanum Fabr. wurde durch die Zucht der Raupen auf Nichtwirtspflanzen modifiziert. Die Bevorzugung der Wirtspflanze jedoch wurde nicht verändert. Das Spurmarkierungsverhalten wurde im Laboratorium quantifiziert, indem die Zahl der markierten Abschnitte eines Kartonstreifens gezählt wurde, auf dem die Raupe von einem Ende zum andern kroch. Das Präferenzverhalten wurde geprüft, indem Blattscheiben von Wirts-und Nichtwirtspflanzen an einem Ende des Kartonstreifens befestigt wurden. Die Raupen markierten Spuren zu Nichtwirtspflanzen (Prunus avium oder Quercus coccinea) nur, wenn sie darauf gezüchtet worden waren. Andererseits war die Spurmarkierung auf Wirtspflanzen (Prunus serotina) hin intensiv unabhängigig von der Art der Zucht. Ebenfalls unabhängig von der Aufzucht war die Bevorzugung von P. serotina vor Nichtwirtspflanzen in Wahlversuchen. Präferenz und Spurmarkierung waren korreliert mit der Eignung der Blätter für Raupenwachstum. Die Resultate zeigen, dass das Spurmarkierungsverhalten mehr eine Reaktion auf relative als auf absolute Futterqualität ist, dass jedoch Präferenz strenger auf optimales Futter programmiert ist.

  • 1.1. Levels of the elements—N, Na, K, Mg, Ca, and Fe—in caterpillars, pupae, cocoons and adults of Eastern tent moths show individual patterns for each element.
  • 2.2. As food, all stages exceed minimal mammalian and avian requirements for N, Mg, and K; however, for Na, Fe, and Ca, at least one stage is nutritionally inadequate for mammals and birds.

The disruption of the trail-based communication system of eastern tent caterpillars (ETC) ( Malacosoma americanum ) and forest tent caterpillars (FTC) ( M. disstria ) by spraying host trees with a trail pheromone mimic caused the disintegration and collapse of young colonies. A 1-ppm formulation of 5β-cholestan-3-one or a control formulation was sprayed on trees either before or after eclosion of the caterpillars in the spring. For pre-eclosion trials, an average of 92% of the FTC colonies on control trees, but only 17% of colonies on treated trees consisted of viable, cohesive aggregates when survival was assessed 5–23 days post-spray. The remaining colonies had either completely disappeared or were reduced to small, disintegrated fragments. For the ETC, 100% of colonies on control trees and an average of 12% of colonies on treated trees consisted of cohesive aggregates inhabiting tents when survival was assessed 3–41 days post-spray. The remaining colonies were completely destroyed, reduced to scattered individuals, or to small, disintegrated, shelter-less fragments. For post-eclosion trials with the FTC in which colonies were sprayed during their first or second larval stadium, an average of 63% of individuals in control groups but only 7% in treatment groups were still on the sprayed trees 5–18 days post-spray. For the ETC, colonies were largely unaffected when trees were not sprayed until after the caterpillars had eclosed and established tents. For all trials, the loss of individuals on treated trees was largely attributable to the inability of dispersed and isolated first or second instar caterpillars to maintain secure purchase, causing them to fall from trees and perish. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the potential of manipulating populations of pest species by interfering with a trail-based, chemical communication system.  相似文献   

The circumstances and potential for insects to damage perennial bioenergy crops is not well understood in the United States. In this study, we evaluated the spillover and herbivory of eastern tent caterpillars (Malacosoma americanum) from host trees onto short rotation coppice (SRC) willow bioenergy crops (Salix sp.). Host trees were all in the Rosaceae family and included Prunus americana, Prunus virginiana and Malus sp. Willow showed greater leaf herbivory with increasing proximity to a defoliated host tree, suggesting that tent caterpillars spilled‐over to willow after denuding their host. More tent caterpillar herbivory was associated with greater mortality of willow. This study suggests that landscape context and spatial position of host trees is important to the early establishment of a willow bioenergy crop.  相似文献   

Summary The daily foraging patterns of seven colonies of the eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma americanum, were monitored photoelectronically during the last three larval stadia to provide the first detailed record of the foraging behavior of a gregarious caterpillar under field conditions. Colonies were active an average of 49.3% of each day. Three bouts of foraging, centered about 0600 h, 1500 h and 2000 h (EST), occurred daily during the fourth and fifth stadia. Although ambient temperatures were less favorable for foraging and food processing than at other times of the day, the caterpillars were most active at dusk and dawn, and spent comparatively little time away from the tent during the daylight hours. In the last (sixth) stadium, the caterpillars foraged only under the cover of darkness. A lack of relationship between the rate at which the caterpillars processed food and the spacing of their feeding bouts, indicates that this species follows a schedule of feeding and growth shaped by factors other than those directly related to feeding efficiency and ambient temperature. Colony foraging patterns may reduce caterpillar mortality by minimizing contact between larvae and day-active predators and parasitiods.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Western tent caterpillars hatch in the early spring when temperatures are cool and variable. They compensate for sub-optimal air temperatures by basking in the sun.
2. Tent caterpillars have cyclic population dynamics and infection by nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) often occurs in populations at high density.
3. To determine whether climatic variation might influence viral infection, the environmental determinants of larval body temperature and the effects of temperature on growth and development rates and larval susceptibility to NPV were examined.
4. In the field, larval body temperature was determined by ambient temperature, irradiance, and larval stage. The relationship between larval body temperature and ambient temperature was curvilinear, a property consistent with, but not necessarily limited to, behaviourally thermoregulating organisms.
5. Larvae were reared at seven temperatures between 18 and 36 °C. Larval growth and development increased linearly with temperature to 30 °C, increased at a lower rate to 33 °C, then decreased to 36 °C. Pupal weights were highest for larvae reared between 27 and 30 °C.
6. The pathogenicity (LD50) of NPV was not influenced by temperature, but the time to death of infected larvae declined asymptotically as temperature increased.
7. Taking into account larval growth, the theoretical yield of the virus increased significantly between 18 and 21 °C then decreased slightly as temperatures increased to 36 °C.
8. Control and infected larvae showed no difference in temperature preference on a thermal gradient. The modes of temperature preference were similar to those for optimal growth and asymptotic body temperatures measured in the field on sunny days.
9. Warmer temperatures attained by basking may increase the number of infection cycles in sunny springs but do not protect larvae from viral infection.  相似文献   

In addition to damaging trees, the eastern tent caterpillar is implicated in early fetal loss and late‐term abortion in horses. In a field study, we evaluated the potential biological control of the caterpillar using eastern tent caterpillar nuclear polyhedrosis virus (ETNPV), a naturally occurring virus that is nearly species‐specific. Egg masses were hatched and second instar larvae were fed virus‐inoculated foliage to propagate the virus in vivo. Then, a viral pesticide was formulated at concentrations of 104, 106 and 108 polyhedral inclusion bodies per ml. The pesticide was applied to foliage on which second, third and fourth instar caterpillars were feeding. When the majority of surviving larvae reached the sixth instar, colonies were collected and the surviving caterpillars counted. Mean numbers of surviving caterpillars per treatment were compared via 95% bootstrap confidence intervals. The data indicate second instar caterpillars were highly susceptible to the virus, but only at the highest concentration tested. Third instar caterpillars were also somewhat susceptible to high virus concentrations, while fourth instar caterpillars were fairly resistant. Our data provide the strongest evidence to date that ETNPV can be propagated, harvested and refined for formulation as a biological control agent for eastern tent caterpillar. Its use on this insect may be merited in circumstances where landowners and managers need to protect trees and horses.  相似文献   

1. The fecundity of the forest tent caterpillar varies considerably across its geographic range. Field data indicate that populations in the southern United States (Gulf States) produce nearly twice as many eggs as females from Canada or the Lake States, with little or no difference in the size of adult females. 2. In controlled rearing experiments, female forest tent caterpillar from the southern United States (Louisiana) had much larger clutch sizes than same sized females from northern populations in Michigan or Manitoba, Canada. Increased fecundity in Louisiana females was achieved through a significant reduction in egg size and a concomitant increase in the allocation of resources to egg production. 3. Comparison of 10 forest tent caterpillar populations spanning a 27° latitudinal gradient, validated the results of detailed comparisons among the three populations above by confirming the strong negative correlation between latitude and clutch size. 4. Neonate forest tent caterpillars from Manitoba were significantly larger than larvae from either Michigan or Louisiana. Michigan larvae were intermediate in size. It is postulated that large neonates are advantageous in thermally limiting environments. More than three times as many degree‐days are available to Louisiana neonates during the first 2 weeks after hatching. A consistently favourable climate during the vulnerable post‐hatching period may have allowed the evolution of larger clutches at the expense of neonate size in southern populations.  相似文献   

Temperature and food quality can both influence growth rates, consumption rates, utilization efficiencies and developmental time of herbivorous insects. Gravimetric analyses were conducted during two consecutive years to assess the effects of temperature and food quality on fourth instar larvae of the forest tent caterpillar Malacosoma disstria Hübner. Larvae were reared in the laboratory at three different temperatures (18, 24 and 30 degrees C) and on two types of diet; leaves of sugar maple trees Acer saccharum Marsh. located at the forest edge (sun-exposed leaves) or within the forest interior (shade-exposed leaves). In general, larvae reared at 18 degrees C had lower growth rates and lower consumption rates than larvae reared at the warmer temperatures (24 and 30 degrees C). Moreover, the duration of the instar decreased significantly with increasing temperatures. Type of diet also affected the growth rates and amount of food ingested by larvae but did not affect the duration of the instar. Larvae fed sun-exposed leaves consumed more food and gained higher biomasses. Values of approximate digestibility and efficiency of conversion of ingested food were also higher when larvae were fed sun-exposed leaves. Higher growth rates with increasing temperatures were primarily the result of the shorter stadium duration. The higher growth rates of larvae fed sun-exposed leaves were possibly the result of stimulatory feeding and consequently greater food intake and also a more efficient use of food ingested. This study suggests that the performance of M. disstria caterpillars could be enhanced by warmer temperatures and higher leaf quality.  相似文献   

KID syndrome (MIM 148210) is an ectodermal dysplasia characterized by the occurrence of localized erythematous scaly skin lesions, keratitis and severe bilateral sensorineural deafness. KID syndrome is inherited as an autosomic dominant disease, due to mutations in the gene encoding gap junction protein GJB2 (connexin 26, Cx26). Cx26 is a component of gap junction channels in the epidermis and in the stria vascularis of the cochlea. These channels play a role in the coordinated exchange of molecules and ions occurring in a wide spectrum of cellular activities. In this paper we describe two patients with Cx26 mutations cause cell death by the alteration of protein trafficking, membrane localization and probably interfering with intracellular ion concentrations. We discuss the pathogenesis of both the hearing and skin phenotypes.  相似文献   

(1) We investigated thermoregulatory behavior of social tent building caterpillars of Eriogaster lanestris.

(2) The silk layers of the tent shield most of the incoming radiation and reduce heat exchange with the surroundings by convective heat loss.

(3) As a consequence its interior provides a wide range of temperatures.

(4) By changing their position inside or on the tent caterpillars are able to stabilize their body temperatures at 30–35°C over a wide range of ambient temperatures as long as solar irradiation is sufficiently strong.

(5) Overall behavioral thermoregulation takes precedence over the tent's physical features.  相似文献   

Frances S. Chew 《Oecologia》1980,46(3):347-353
Summary Larvae of five Nearctic Pieris butterflies accept a wide range of native and naturalized crucifers under laboratory test conditions. Preferences among crucifers are usually statistical rather than absolute. Caterpillars do not necessarily reject plants that do not support larval growth in favor of those that do. Preferences are not significantly altered by larval development or prior experience with specific foodplant species. Progeny of different females do not exhibit significantly different preferences. Retention of behavioral flexibility by Pieris may enable older larvae to exploit alternative resources not suitable for young larvae.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 affect plant growth and phytochemistry, which in turn can alter physiological performance of associated herbivores. Little is known, however, about how generalist insect herbivores respond behaviorally to CO2‐ and O3‐mediated changes in their host plants. This research examined the effects of elevated CO2 and O3 levels on host plant preferences and consumption of forest tent caterpillar (FTC, Malacosoma disstria Hbn.) larvae. Dual choice feeding assays were performed with foliage from birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx., genotypes 216 and 259). Trees were grown at the Aspen Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) facility near Rhinelander, WI, USA, and had been exposed to ambient or elevated concentrations of CO2 and/or O3. Levels of nutritional and secondary compounds were quantified through phytochemical analyses. The results showed that elevated O3 levels increased FTC larval preferences for birch compared with aspen, whereas elevated CO2 levels had the opposite effect. In assays with the two aspen genotypes, addition of both CO2 and O3 caused a shift in feeding preferences from genotype 259 to genotype 216. Consumption was unaffected by experimental treatments in assays comparing aspen and birch, but were increased for larvae given high O3 foliage in the aspen genotype assays. Elevated levels of CO2 and O3 altered tree phytochemistry, but did not explain shifts in feeding preferences. The results demonstrate that increased levels of CO2 and O3 can alter insect host plant preferences both between and within tree species. Also, consequences of altered host quality (e.g., compensatory consumption) may be buffered by partial host shifts in situations when alternative plant species are available. Environmentally induced changes in host plant preferences may have the potential to alter the distribution of herbivory across plant genotypes and species, as well as competitive interactions among them.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the fisheries biology of Scomber japonicus (Houttuyn, 1782) in the Adriatic Sea, to enable implementation of appropriate regulatory measures for fisheries. Reproductive biology and sexual patterns of S. japonicus (chub mackerel) were examined from monthly random samples of commercial catches from purse seine nets (10 mm stretched mesh size) in the eastern Adriatic Sea. The annual mean chub mackerel fork length (FL) was examined from 1998 to 2007. Average fork lengths were approximately 25 cm between 1998 and 2002, decreasing to 22 cm between 2003 and 2007. In addition, sex ratios fluctuated as a function of size and month: females were more abundant in the smaller length classes, as well as before and after spawning; males were more abundant in the larger length classes and during spawning. The overall sex ratio was 0.68; females were significantly predominant. 50% of the chub mackerel population was sexually mature at a FL of 18.3 cm, and both males and females reached sexual maturity at FLs of 20.4 cm and 16.8 cm, respectively. Based on gonad maturity stages, gonad weight and gonadosomatic index, chub mackerel spawned from May to August, with peak spawning in June for both sexes. The mean absolute fecundity was 181 277 ± 62 090 oocytes per ovary. A positive exponential correlation was found between fecundity and fork length, gonad weight, and total chub mackerel weight (r2 = 0.640; r2 = 0.686 and r2 = 0.607, respectively).  相似文献   

Carotcnoids and chlorophylls a and b were extracted from final instar caterpillars of the poplar hawkmoth ( Laothoe populi ) and the eyed hawkmoth ( Smerinthus ocellata ), as well as from their food plants. Both species of caterpillar absorb the two chlorophylls and the carotenoids lutein, cis -lutein and β-carotene in the gut and deposit lutein and cis -lutein in the integument. It is the lutein, together with pterobilin, that is largely responsible for the colour of the insect: yellow-green poplar hawkmoth caterpillars have more lutein in the integument than dull green ones which in turn have more than white ones. Yellow-green and dull green caterpillars both sequester lutein and cis -lutein in the gut wall, but the yellow-greens translocate more of these pigments to the integument than the dull greens. The white caterpillars absorb very little lutein and cis -lutein into the gut, and so they have much less also in the integument. The mechanism by which the reflected light perceived by the caterpillar is translated into differential absorption of pigment by the gut and deposition in the integument is not known.  相似文献   

FemaleAmblyomma americanum [L.] that feed onBos taurus cattle weigh significantly (P=0.05) more (x=505.4 mg) than females that feed onB. indicus x B. taurus cattle (x=450.7 mg) but not females that feed onB. indicus cattle (x=489.7 mg). Females that feed onB. taurus cattle lay more eggs (x=3492) and produce more larvae (x=3243) than females that feed onB. indicus cattle (x=3103 eggs; 2925 larvae) orB. indicus x B. taurus cattle (x=2961 eggs; 2759 larvae). The number of eggs produced per unit engorged female weight is not significantly different in ticks that feed onB. taurus andB. indicus x B. taurus cattle.  相似文献   

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