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Painted turtles hibernating during winter may endure long-term exposure to low temperature and anoxia. These two conditions may affect the aerobic capacity of a tissue and might be of particular importance to the cardiac muscle normally highly reliant on aerobic energy production. The present study addressed how hibernation affects respiratory characteristics of mitochondria in situ and the metabolic pattern of turtle myocardium. Painted turtles were acclimated to control (25 degrees C), cold (5 degrees C) normoxic and cold anoxic conditions. In saponin-skinned myocardial fibres, cold acclimation increased mitochondrial respiratory capacity and decreased apparent ADP-affinity. Concomitant anoxia did not affect this. Creatine increased the apparent ADP-affinity to similar values in the three acclimation groups, suggesting a functional coupling of creatine kinase to mitochondrial respiration. As to the metabolic pattern, cold acclimation decreased glycolytic capacity in terms of pyruvate kinase activity and increased lactate dehydrogenase (LHD) activity. Concomitant anoxia counteracted the cold-induced decrease in pyruvate kinase activity and increased creatine kinase activity. In conclusion, cold acclimation seems to increase aerobic and decrease anaerobic energy production capacity in painted turtle myocardium. Importantly, anoxia does not affect the mitochondrial functional integrity but seems to increase the capacity for anaerobic energy production and energy buffering.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that submergence temperature affects the distribution of the lactate load and glycogen utilization during anoxia in turtles, we sampled a variety of tissues after 7 days, 24 h, and 4 h of anoxic submergence at 5, 15, and 25 degrees C, respectively. These anoxic durations were chosen because we found that they produced similar decreases in plasma HCO(3)(-) ( approximately 18-22 meq/l). The sampled tissues included ventricle, liver, small intestine, carapace, and the following muscles: flexor digitorum longus, retrahens capitis, iliofibularis, and pectoralis. Shell and skeleton sequestered 41.9, 34.1, and 26.1% of the estimated lactate load at 5, 15, and 25 degrees C. The changes in plasma Ca(2+) and Mg(2+), relative to the estimated lactate load, decreased with increased temperature, indicating greater buffer release from bone at colder temperatures. Tissue lactate contents, relative to plasma lactate, increased with the temperature of the submergence. Glucose mobilization and tissue glycogen utilization were more pronounced at 15 and 25 degrees C than at 5 degrees C. We conclude that, in slider turtles, the ability of the mineralized tissue to participate in the buffering of lactic acid during anoxia is inversely related to temperature, causing the lactate burden to shift to the tissues at warmer temperatures. Muscles utilize glycogen during anoxia more at warmer temperatures.  相似文献   

Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) from Connecticut were submerged at 3 degrees C in normoxic and anoxic water to simulate potential respiratory environments within their hibernacula. Those in normoxic water could survive submergence for at least 150 d, while those in anoxic water could survive for a maximum of about 125 d. Turtles in normoxic water developed a slight metabolic acidosis as plasma lactate accumulated to about 50 mM in 150 d, while anoxic turtles developed a severe lactic acidosis as plasma lactate reached about 200 mM in 125 d; there was no respiratory acidosis in either group. Plasma [Na+] changed little in either group, [Cl-] fell by about one-third in both, and [K+] increased by about fourfold in anoxic turtles but only slightly in those in normoxic water. Total plasma magnesium and calcium increased profoundly in anoxic turtles but moderately in those in normoxic water. Consideration of charge balance indicates that all major ions were measured in both groups. Plasma glucose remained unchanged in anoxic turtles until after about 75 d of submergence, when it increased and continued to increase with the duration of anoxia, with much variation among individuals; glucose remained unchanged throughout in turtles in normoxic water. Hematocrit doubled in 150 d in turtles in normoxic water; in anoxic turtles, an initial increase was no longer significant by day 100. Plasma osmolality increased markedly in anoxic turtles, largely because of accumulation of lactate, but anoxic turtles only gained about half the mass of turtles in normoxic water, who showed no increase in osmolality. The higher weight gain in the latter group is attributed to selective perfusion and ventilation of extrapulmonary gas exchange surfaces, resulting in a greater osmotic influx of water. The physiologic responses to simulated hibernation of C. picta picta are intermediate between those of Chrysemys picta bellii and Chrysemys picta dorsalis, which correlates with the severity of the winter each subspecies would be expected to encounter.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of cold and submergence on blood oxygen transport in common map turtles (Graptemys geographica). Winter animals were acclimated for 6-7 wk to one of three conditions at 3 degrees C: air breathing (AB-3 degrees C), normoxic submergence (NS-3 degrees C), and hypoxic (PO2=49 Torr) submergence (HS-3 degrees C). NS-3 degrees C turtles exhibited a respiratory alkalosis (pH 8.07; PCO2=7.9 Torr; [lactate]=2.2 mM) relative to AB-3 degrees C animals (pH 7.89; PCO2=13.4 Torr; [lactate]=1.1 mM). HS-3 degrees C animals experienced a profound metabolic acidosis (pH 7.30; PCO2=7.9 Torr; [lactate]=81 mM). NS-3 degrees C turtles exhibited an increased blood O2 capacity; however, isoelectric focusing revealed no seasonal changes in the isohemoglobin (isoHb) profile. Blood O2 affinity was significantly increased by cold acclimation; half-saturation pressures (P50's) for air-breathing turtles at 3 degrees and 22 degrees C were 6.5 and 18.8 Torr, respectively. P50's for winter animals submerged in normoxic and hypoxic water were 5.2 and 6.5 Torr, respectively. CO2 Bohr slopes (Delta logP50/Delta pH) were -0.15, -0.16, and -0.07 for AB-3 degrees C, NS-3 degrees C, and HS-3 degrees C turtles, respectively; the corresponding value for AB-22 degrees C was -0.37. The O2 equilibrium curve (O2EC) shape was similar for AB-3 degrees C and NS-3 degrees C turtles; Hill plot n coefficients ranged from 1.8 to 2.0. The O2EC shape for HS-3 degrees C turtles was anomalous, exhibiting high O2 affinity below P50 and a right-shifted segment above half-saturation. We suggest that increases in Hb-O2 affinity and O2 capacity enhance extrapulmonary O2 uptake by turtles overwintering in normoxic water. The anomalous O2EC shape and reduced CO2 Bohr effect of HS-3 degrees C turtles may also promote some aerobic metabolism in hypoxic water.  相似文献   

To evaluate shell and bone buffering of lactic acid during acidosis at 3 degrees C, turtles were submerged in anoxic or aerated water and tested at intervals for blood acid-base status and plasma ions and for bone and shell percent water, percent ash, and concentrations of lactate, Ca(2+), Mg(2+), P(i), Na(+), and K(+). After 125 days, plasma lactate concentration rose from 1.6 +/- 0.2 mM (mean +/- SE) to 155.2 +/- 10.8 mM in the anoxic group but only to 25.2 +/- 6.4 mM in the aerated group. The acid-base state of the normoxic animals was stable after 25 days of submergence. Plasma calcium concentration (?Ca(2+)) rose during anoxia from 3.2 +/- 0.2 to 46.0 +/- 0.6 mM and ?Mg(2+) from 2.7 +/- 0.2 to 12.2 +/- 0.6 mM. Both shell and bone accumulated lactate to concentrations of 135.6 +/- 35.2 and 163.6 +/- 5.1 mmol/kg wet wt, respectively, after 125 days anoxia. Shell and bone ?Na(+) both fell during anoxia but the fate of this Na(+) is uncertain because plasma ?Na(+) also fell. No other shell ions changed significantly in concentration, although the concentrations of both bone calcium and bone potassium changed significantly. Control shell water (27.8 +/- 0.6%) was less than bone water (33.6 +/- 1.1%), but neither changed during submergence. Shell ash (44.7 +/- 0.8%) remained unchanged, but bone ash (41.0 +/- 1.0%) fell significantly. We conclude that bone, as well as shell, accumulate lactate when plasma lactate is elevated, and that both export sodium carbonate, as well as calcium and magnesium carbonates, to supplement ECF buffering.  相似文献   

Common snapping turtles, Chelydra serpentina (Linnaeus), were submerged in anoxic and normoxic water at 3 degrees C. Periodic blood samples were taken, and PO(2), PCO(2), pH, [Na(+)], [K(+)], [Cl(-)], total Ca, total Mg, [lactate], [glucose], hematocrit, and osmolality were measured; weight gain was determined; and plasma [HCO(3)(-)] was calculated. Submergence in normoxic water caused a decrease in PCO(2) from 10.8 to 6.9 mmHg after 125 d, partially compensating a slight increase in lactate and allowing the turtles to maintain a constant pH. Submergence in anoxic water caused a rapid increase in lactate from 1.8 to 168.1 mmol/L after 100 d. Associated with the increased lactate were decreases in pH from 8.057 to 7.132 and in [HCO(3)(-)] from 51.5 to 4.9 mmol/L and increases in total Ca from 2.0 to 36.6 mmol/L, in total Mg from 1.8 to 12.1 mmol/L, and in [K(+)] from 3.08 to 8.45 mmol/L. We suggest that C. serpentina is tolerant of anoxic submergence and therefore is able to exploit habitats unavailable to some other species in northern latitudes.  相似文献   

We compared the physiological responses of latitudinal pairings of painted turtles submerged in normoxic and anoxic water at 3 degrees C: western painted turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) from Wisconsin (WI) versus southern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta dorsalis) from Louisiana (LA), Arkansas (AR), and Alabama (AL), and eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) from Connecticut (CT) versus C. p. picta from Georgia (GA). Turtles in normoxic water accumulated lactate, with C. p. bellii accumulating less than (20 mmol/L) the other groups (44-47 mmol/L), but with relatively minor acid-base and ionic disturbances. Chrysemys picta bellii had the lowest rate of lactate accumulation over the first 50 d in anoxic water (1.8 mmol/d vs. 2.1 for AR C. p. dorsalis, 2.4 mmol/d for GA C. p. picta, and 2.5 mmol/d for CT C. p. picta after 50 d and 2.6 mmol/d for AL C. p. dorsalis after 46 d). Northern turtles in both groups survive longer in anoxia than their southern counterparts. The diminished viability in C. p. dorsalis versus C. p. bellii can be partially explained by an increased rate of lactate accumulation and a decreased buffering capacity, but for the CT and GA C. p. picta comparison, only buffering capacity differences are seen to influence survivability.  相似文献   

We tested two hypotheses: first, that the inferior anoxia tolerance of the softshell turtle, Apalone spinifera, compared to the western painted turtle, Chrysemys picta bellii, is related to its less mineralized shell, and second, that turtle bone, like its shell, stores lactate during prolonged anoxia. Lactate concentrations of blood, hindlimb bone, and shell were measured on normoxic Apalone and Chrysemys and after anoxic submergence at 10 degrees C for 2 and 9 d, respectively. Blood and shell concentrations of Ca(2+), Mg(2+), Na(+), K(+), and inorganic phosphate (P(i); for shell only) were also measured. Because a preliminary study indicated lactate distribution in Chrysemys throughout its skeleton during anoxia at 20 degrees C, we used hindlimb bones as representative skeletal samples. Apalone shell, though a similar percentage of body mass as Chrysemys shell, had higher water content (76.9% vs. 27.9%) and only 20%-25% as much Ca(2+), Mg(2+), CO(2), and P(i). When incubated at constant pH of 6.0 or 6.5, Apalone shell powder released only 25% as much buffer per gram wet weight as Chrysemys shell. In addition, plasma [Ca(2+)] and [Mg(2+)] increased less in Apalone during anoxia at an equivalent plasma lactate concentration. Lactate concentrations increased in the shell and skeletal bone in both species. Despite less mineralization, Apalone shell took up lactate comparably to Chrysemys. In conclusion, a weaker compensatory response to lactic acidosis in Apalone correlates with lower shell mineralization and buffer release and may partially account for the poorer anoxia tolerance of this species.  相似文献   

Adaptation to low temperature in crucian carp Carasius carassius increases twitch duration both in atrial and ventricular muscle and the response is largely explained by a temperatureinduced reduction in myofibrillar ATPase activity. The prolonged twitch increases the refractoriness of both atrial and ventricular muscle, i.e. the optimal force development is achieved at longer diastolic intervals after acclimation to cold. The contractions of atrial and ventricular muscle are insensitive to 10 μ ryanodine, an inhibitor of SR release Ca2+ channel but sensitive to 20 μ verapamil, a blocker of L-type Ca2+ channels. This suggests that E-C-coupling in the crucian carp heart is exclusively based on extracellular Ca2+ sources. The present findings indicate that cold-acclimation slows the contraction kinetics of the crucian carp heart and thereby preconditions the cardiac muscle for a low energy supply during winter anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Painted turtles can accumulate lactic acid to extremely high concentrations during long-term anoxic submergence, with plasma lactate exceeding 200 mmol l−1. The aims of this review are twofold: (1) To summarize aspects of lactate metabolism in anoxic turtles that have not been reviewed previously and (2) To identify gaps in our knowledge of turtle lactate metabolism by comparing it with lactate metabolism during and after exercise in other vertebrates. The topics reviewed include analyses of lactate’s fate during recovery, the effects of temperature on lactate accumulation and clearance, the interaction of activity and recovery metabolism, fuel utilization during recovery, stress hormone responses during and following anoxia, and cellular lactate transport mechanisms. An analysis of lactate metabolism in anoxic turtles in the context of the ‘lactate shuttle’ hypothesis is also presented.  相似文献   

The importance of extracellular glucose in the maintenance of performance of the heart of the American eel (Anguilla rostrata Le Sueur (L.) Under anoxia was assessed under a variety of experimental conditions. Ventricular strips, electrically paced at 36 bpm, in N(2)-gassed medium maintained the imposed pace rate and generated approximately 25% of the initial twitch force of contraction for at least 60 min when glucose was present in the medium. But ventricular strips challenged without glucose in the medium failed to maintain the pacing rate within 5-10 min. Isolated and intact, perfused hearts maintained pressure and followed an imposed pace rate of 24 bpm for at least 2 hr, under anoxic conditions, if glucose was present in the medium. But without glucose in the medium isolated hearts failed within 30 min. Endogenous glycogen stores were utilized in hearts perfused with medium containing NaCN to impair oxidative phosphorylation. The presence of glucose in the medium did not protect against glycogen mobilization. The data indicate that exogenous glucose is necessary to maintain performance under anoxia at high workloads and physiological Ca(2+) levels. Finally, ventricular strips treated with NaCN and forced to contract at 24 bpm lost 70% of initial twitch force. Increasing extracellular Ca(2+) concentration stepwise from 1.5 to 9.5 mM restored twitch force to approximately 50% of the initial level and this response was not dependent on exogenous glucose. However, glucose was required to maintain resting tension even under normoxic conditions in the face of a Ca(2+) challenge.  相似文献   

Selected tissues (skeletal muscle, heart ventrical, and liver), sampled from turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii) at 3°C either under normoxic conditions or after 12 weeks of anoxic submergence were quantiaatively analysed for intracellular pH and phosphorus metabolites using 31P-NMR. Plasma was tested for osmolality and for the concentrations of lactate, calcium, and magnesium to confirm anoxic stress. We hypothesized that, in the anoxic animals, tissue ATP levels would be maintained and that the increased osmolality of the body fluids of anoxic turtles would be accounted for by a corresponding increase in the concentrations of phosphodiesters. The responses observed differed among the three tissues. In muscle, ATP was unchanged by anoxia but phosphocreatine was reduced by 80%; in heart, both ATP and phosphocreatine fell by 35–40%. The reduction in phosphocreatine in heart tissue at 3°C was similar to that observed in isolated, perfused working hearts from turtles maintained at 20°C but no decrease in ATP occurred in the latter tissues. In liver, although analyses of several specimens were confounded by line-broadening, neither ATP nor phosphocreatine was detectable in anoxic samples. Phosphosdiesters were detected in amounts sufficient to account for 30% of normoxic cell osmotic concentration in heart and 11% and 12% in liver and muscle, respectively. The phosphodiester levels did not change in anoxia. Heart ventricular phosphodiester levels in turtles at 3°C were significantly higher than those determined for whole hearts from turtles at 20°C. 1H, 13C and 31P NMR analyses of perchloric acid extracts of heart and skeletal muscle from 20°C turtles con firmed that the major phosphodiester observed by NMR in these tissues is serine ethanolamine phosphate. We conclude that the three types of tissues studied differ substantially in their ability to maintain levels of ATP during anoxia, and that liver may continue to function despite NMR-undetectable levels of this metabolite. In addition, we conclude that phosphodiesters do not serve as regulated osmolytes during anoxia, and that the functional significance of their high concentrations in turtle tissues remains uncertain.  相似文献   

An isometric muscle preparation was used to investigate the importance of the ventricular sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and extracellular Ca2+ (1.25 up to 11.25 mM) to force generation at 25 degrees C (acclimation temperature), 15 and 35 degrees C. The post-rest tension and force-frequency relationship were conducted with and without 10 microM ryanodine in the bathing medium. Increments in extracellular Ca2+ resulted in increases in twitch force development only at 35 degrees C. A significant post-rest potentiation was recorded for the control preparations at 25 degrees C (100% to 119.8+/-4.1%). However, this post-rest potentiation was inhibited by ryanodine only at 25 degrees C (100% to 97.6+/-1.5%). At 35 degrees C, force remained unchanged in the control preparations, but a significant post-rest decay was recorded in the presence of ryanodine (100% to 76.6+/-4.6%) while at 15 degrees C, ryanodine was not able to preventing the post-rest potentiation observed in the control preparations. The increases in the imposed contraction frequency caused a decline of the force at 25 and 35 degrees C and ryanodine decreased significantly peak tension at both temperatures. The findings suggest a high or medium calcium turnover, possibly related to the presence of a functional SR, whose functionality is diminished when temperature is decreased.  相似文献   

Softshell turtles (Apalone spinifera) were submerged at 3 degrees C in anoxic or normoxic water. Periodically, blood PO(2), PCO(2), pH, plasma [Cl(-)], [Na(+)], [K(+)], total Ca, total Mg, lactate, glucose, and osmolality were measured; hematocrit and body mass determined; and blood [HCO(3)(-)] calculated. On day 14 of anoxic submergence, five of eight softshell turtles were dead, one died immediately after removal, and the remaining two showed no signs of life other than a heartbeat. After 11 days of submergence in anoxic water, blood pH fell from 7.923 to 7.281 and lactate increased to 62.1 mM. Plasma [HCO(3)(-)] was titrated from 34.57 mM to 4.53 mM. Plasma [Cl(-)] fell, but [K(+)] and total Ca and Mg increased. In normoxic submergence, turtles survived over 150 days and no lactate accumulated. A respiratory alkalosis developed (pH-8.195, PCO(2)-5.49 after 10 days) early and persisted throughout; no other variables changed in normoxic submergence. Softshell turtles are very capable of extrapulmonary extraction of O(2), but are an anoxia-intolerant species of turtle forcing them to utilize hibernacula that are unlikely to become hypoxic or anoxic (e.g., large lakes and rivers).  相似文献   

Map turtles from Wisconsin were submerged at 3 degrees C in normoxic and anoxic water to simulate extremes of potential respiratory microenvironments while hibernating under ice. In predive turtles, and in turtles submerged for up to 150 days, plasma PO2, PCO2) pH, [Cl-], [Na+], [K+], total Mg, total Ca, lactate, glucose, and osmolality were measured; hematocrit and body mass were determined, and plasma [HCO3-] was calculated. Turtles in anoxic water developed a severe metabolic acidosis, accumulating lactate from a predive value of 1.7 to 116 mmol/l at 50 days, associated with a fall in pH from 8.010 to 7.128. To buffer lactate increase, total calcium and magnesium rose from 3.5 and 2.0 to 25.7 and 7.6 mmol/l, respectively. Plasma [HCO3-] was titrated from 44.7 to 4.3 mmol/l in turtles in anoxic water. Turtles in normoxic water had only minor disturbances of their acid-base status and ionic statuses; there was a marked increase in hematocrit from 31.1 to 51.9%. This study and field studies suggest that map turtles have an obligatory requirement for a hibernaculum that provides well-oxygenated water (e.g. rivers and large lakes rather than small ponds and swamps) and that this requirement is a major factor in determining their microdistribution.  相似文献   

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