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Young  Kyle A. 《Behavioral ecology》2003,14(1):127-134
Large-dominant and small-subordinate species engaging in asymmetricinterference competition may optimize behavior under differenttrade-offs between the chance of winning and the cost of fighting.If fighting behavior is heritable and under selection, theorysuggests that large-dominant and small-subordinate species shouldevolve aggressive and passive fighting behaviors, respectively.To test this prediction, I manipulated the size and competitiveasymmetry of juveniles from sympatric populations of large-dominantcoho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and small-subordinate steelheadtrout (O. mykiss) and asked whether differences in fightingbehavior persisted independently of competitive ability. I observedfighting behavior during dyadic contests in two habitats, mutuallypreferred pools and energetically demanding riffles, under eachof three size treatments: natural size asymmetry, asymmetryremoved, and reversed size asymmetry. The results supportedthe prediction. Competitive ability depended primarily on size;large individuals of both species dominated smaller heterospecifics,and neither species dominated when size matched. Fighting behaviordepended primarily on species identity; coho salmon used a higherproportion of aggressive chases, whereas steelhead trout useda higher proportion of passive displays. Large individuals weremore likely to chase, and small individuals were more likelyto display. As evidence that asymmetric competition is associatedwith behavioral divergence, these results complement previouswork on morphological divergence under asymmetric competitionand provide a richer context for other features of the coho–steelheadsystem.  相似文献   

The spectral sensitivity of chum Oncorhynchus keta , pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and masu Oncorhynchus masou masou salmon was measured by the optomotor reaction index in monochromatic light of 400, 440, 480, 520, 560, 600 and 620 nm using an interference filter. The reaction rate of chum salmon was highest at 520 nm but the rates of pink and masu salmon were highest at 560 nm. In addition, a high reaction rate at 400 nm was also observed in masu salmon, suggesting that masu salmon are sensitive to ultraviolet light.  相似文献   

Habitat loss is one of the key drivers of the ongoing decline of biodiversity. However, ecologists still argue about how fragmentation of habitat (independent of habitat loss) affects species richness. The recently proposed habitat amount hypothesis posits that species richness only depends on the total amount of habitat in a local landscape. In contrast, empirical studies report contrasting patterns: some find positive and others negative effects of fragmentation per se on species richness. To explain this apparent disparity, we devise a stochastic, spatially explicit model of competitive species communities in heterogeneous habitats. The model shows that habitat loss and fragmentation have complex effects on species diversity in competitive communities. When the total amount of habitat is large, fragmentation per se tends to increase species diversity, but if the total amount of habitat is small, the situation is reversed: fragmentation per se decreases species diversity.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition, predation and species diversity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Habitat fragmentation may not matter to species diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conservation biologists worry that fragmenting a bloc of natural habitat might reduce its species diversity. However, they also recognize the difficulty and importance of isolating the effect of fragmentation from that of simple loss of area. Using two different methods (species-area curve and Fisher's alpha index of diversity) to analyse the species diversities of plants, tenebrionid beetles and carabid beetles in a highly fragmented Mediterranean scrub landscape, we decoupled the effect of degree of fragmentation from that of area loss. In this system, fragmentation by itself seems not to have influenced the number of species. Our results, obtained at the scale of hectares, agree with similar results at island and continent scales.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses attempt to explain the latitudinal gradient of species diversity, but some basic aspects of the pattern remain insufficiently explored, including the effect of scales and the role of beta diversity. To explore such components of the latitudinal gradient, we tested the hypothesis of covariation, which states that the gradient of species diversity should show the same pattern regardless of the scale of analysis. The hypothesis implies that there should be no gradients of beta diversity, of regional range size within regions, and of the slope of the species-area curve. For the fauna of North American mammals, we found contrasting results for bats and non-volant species. We could reject the hypothesis of covariation for non-volant mammals, for which the number of species increases towards lower latitudes, but at different rates depending on the scale. Also, for this group, beta diversity is higher at lower latitudes, the regional range size within regions is smaller at lower latitudes, and z, the slope of the species-area relationship is higher at lower latitudes. Contrarily bats did not show significant deviations from the predictions of the hypothesis of covariation: at two different scales, species richness shows similar trends of increase at lower latitudes, and no gradient can be demonstrated for beta diversity, for regional range size, or for the slopes of the species-area curve. Our results show that the higher diversity of non-volant mammals in tropical areas of North America is a consequence of the increase in beta diversity and not of higher diversity at smaller scales. In contrast, the diversity of bats at both scales is higher at lower latitudes. These contrasting patterns suggest different causes for the latitudinal gradient of species diversity in the two groups that are ultimately determined by differences in the patterns of geographic distribution of the species.  相似文献   

Aim  To explore the causal factors leading to a significant Small Island Effect (SIE), that is, the absence of the commonly found species–area relationships below an island size, on the terrestrial isopod communities from a large number of islands.
Location  Ninety islands of the Aegean Sea (Greece).
Methods  The detection of a significant SIE is assessed through the application of all three methods available in the literature. Species are divided into generalists and specialists. We tested if the minimum area and the area range of each species' occurrences differ between generalists and specialists. Next, we searched for differences in the ratios of specialists to generalists above and below the SIE threshold, and tested their cumulative ratios when islands are arranged according to increasing area, altitude or habitat diversity in order to identify the threshold where they become statistically indistinguishable from the ratio of the total set of islands.
Results  Our results indicate a strong effect of habitat availability on the SIE. Communities of islands within the SIE range, host a higher percentage of generalists. An analysis of the specific habitat requirements shows that, for isopods, the crucial factor is the lack of habitats related to inland waters from small islands.
Main conclusions  The distribution of habitats on islands of different size is of major importance for the occurrence of a SIE. The relative representation of specialist and generalist species on islands of different size plays an important role in shaping SIE-related patterns. Conservation efforts should pay special attention on freshwater habitats, especially on small Aegean islands. Identifying the causal factors of SIE, combined with a thorough knowledge of the ecological requirements of species can offer insights into identifying habitat types and groups of species that are more vulnerable to alterations of the environment.  相似文献   

We used an invaded stream fish community in southern Chile to experimentally test whether the diversity of exotic species affects their competitive impact on a native species. In artificial enclosures an established invasive, rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and a potential invader, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, reduced the growth rate of native peladilla, Aplochiton zebra, by the same amount. In enclosures with both exotic salmonids, the growth rates of all three species were the same as in single exotic treatments. While neither species identity nor diversity appeared to affect competitive interactions in this experiment, the impact of salmonid diversity may vary with the type of interspecific interaction and/or the species identity of the exotics. Our experiment links two prominent concepts in invasion biology by testing whether the result of invasional meltdown, an increase in the diversity of exotic species, affects their impact through interspecific competition, the mechanism invoked by the biotic resistance hypothesis.  相似文献   

本文分析归纳了东亚叶蜂总科特有属的分布式样及迁移路线。东亚区分布的179个叶蜂总科特有属可归纳为1个主要特化中心:川滇缅高原;5个小型次级特化中心:喜马拉雅中段小中心、浙闽山地小中心、秦巴山地小中心、燕山山地小中心和长白山地小中心;4条主要迁移演化路线:从主要中心沿喜马拉雅山脉走廊向西发展的西线,从主要中心沿缅-马走廊向南发展的南线,从主要中心沿南岭走廊向东发展的东线,从主要中心向北沿第二阶梯东缘走廊(大娄山-伏牛山-太行山-燕山)及西部走廊(第一阶梯东缘走廊)发展的北线,其中北线因四川盆地隔离可分为东西两支,但东西两支从秦岭山脉始重新部分融合;一个中心区域类型和38种分布式样。  相似文献   

How do liver worms find the liver? Why are heartworms always found in the heart? Attempts to answer these questions have invariably yielded inconclusive results. A major problem has been the use of models or hypotheses derived from studies of free-living organisms. The parasite's environment is distinct from free-living environments in several fundamental ways and these differences will impact on the evolution of parasite behaviours. In this article, Michael Sukhdeo outlines a hypothesis for habitat selection behavior of helminths that is based on the specific environmental conditions within the host.  相似文献   

Abstract. It is not simple to predict how environmental changes may impact tropical forest species diversity. Published hypotheses are almost invariably too incomplete, too poorly specified and too dependent upon unrealistic assumptions to be useful. Ecologists have sought theoretical simplicity, and while this has provided many elegant abstract concepts, it has hindered the attainment of more practical goals. The problem is not how to judge the individual hypotheses and arguments, but rather how to build upon and combine the many hard-won facts and principles into an integrated science. Controversy is inevitable when the assumptions, definitions and applications of a given hypothesis are unclear. Elegance, as an end in itself, has too often been used to justify abstract simplification and a lack of operational definition. Clarifying and combining hypotheses while avoiding assumptions provides a potentially more useful, if less elegant, standpoint. An appraisal of Connell's intermediate disturbance hypothesis, and its application to long-term observations from a Ugandan forest illustrates these concerns. Current emphases encourage ecologists to exclude consideration of environmental instability and non-pristine ecosystems. In reality, many environmental changes and ecological processes contribute to both the accumulation and erosion of diversity, at all spatial and temporal scales. Site histories, contexts, long-term processes, species-pool dynamics, and the role of people require greater emphasis. These considerations reveal that many environmental changes, even those associated with degradation, can lead to a transient rise in species densities. Drawing on related studies, such as forest yield prediction, suggests that the formulation and calibration of simulation models provides the most tractable means to address the complexity of real vegetation. Simulation-based approaches will become increasingly useful both in unifying the study of vegetation dynamics and in providing improved predictive capacity. Quantification of the processes, scales and sensitivities of the dynamics of tropical forest communities remains a major challenge.  相似文献   

Avoiding negative effects of competition from released hatchery salmonids on wild fish is a primary concern for recovery efforts and fisheries management. Several factors affect competition among juvenile salmonids including: (1) whether competition is intra- or interspecific, (2) duration of freshwater cohabitation of hatchery and wild fish, (3) relative body size, (4) prior residence, (5) environmentally induced developmental differences, and (6) fish density. Intraspecific competition is expected to be greater than interspecific because of greater niche overlap between conspecific hatchery and wild fish. Competition is expected to increase with prolonged freshwater cohabitation. Hatchery smolts are often larger than wild, and larger fish are usually superior competitors. However, wild fish have the advantage of prior residence when defending territories and resources in natural streams. Hatchery-induced developmental differences are variable and can favor both hatchery and wild fish. Although all these factors influence competitive interactions, fish density of the composite population (wild + hatchery fish) in relation to habitat carrying capacity likely exerts the greatest influence. The extent of competition and relative competitive ability of wild and hatchery fish can be determined by additive and substitutive experimental designs, respectively, and the limited body of substitutive experiments suggests that the relative competitive ability of hatchery and wild fish is approximately equal when measured as growth. Conducting substitutive experiments becomes difficult as the spatial and temporal scales increase. Large-scale experiments comparing supplemented and control reaches or streams hold some promise for quantifying the effects of released hatchery fish on wild fish behavior, growth and survival.  相似文献   

Marks et al. (Ecology Letters, 19, 2016, 743) showed tree species richness correlates with maximum tree height, and interpret this as evidence that the environmental stressors that limit tree height also act as ecological filters on species richness. Here, we strengthen these arguments by further addressing the roles of environmental covariates and beta diversity.  相似文献   

Studies on tree communities have demonstrated that species diversity can enhance forest productivity, but the driving mechanisms at the local neighbourhood level remain poorly understood. Here, we use data from a large‐scale biodiversity experiment with 24 subtropical tree species to show that neighbourhood tree species richness generally promotes individual tree productivity. We found that the underlying mechanisms depend on a focal tree's functional traits: For species with a conservative resource‐use strategy diversity effects were brought about by facilitation, and for species with acquisitive traits by competitive reduction. Moreover, positive diversity effects were strongest under low competition intensity (quantified as the total basal area of neighbours) for acquisitive species, and under high competition intensity for conservative species. Our findings demonstrate that net biodiversity effects in tree communities can vary over small spatial scales, emphasising the need to consider variation in local neighbourhood interactions to better understand effects at the community level.  相似文献   

Nested structures of species assemblages have been frequently associated with patch size and isolation, leading to the conclusion that colonization–extinction dynamics drives nestedness. The ‘passive sampling’ model states that the regional abundance of species randomly determines their occurrence in patches. The ‘habitat amount hypothesis’ also challenges patch size and isolation effects, arguing that they occur because of a ‘sample area effect’. Here, we (a) ask whether the structure of the mammal assemblages of fluvial islands shows a nested pattern, (b) test whether species’ regional abundance predicts species’ occurrence on islands, and (c) ask whether habitat amount in the landscape and matrix resistance to biological flow predict the islands’ species composition. We quantified nestedness and tested its significance using null models. We used a regression model to analyze whether a species’ relative regional abundance predicts its incidence on islands. We accessed islands’ species composition by an NMDS ordination and used multiple regression to evaluate how species composition responds to habitat amount and matrix resistance. The degree of nestedness did not differ from that expected by the passive sampling hypothesis. Likewise, species’ regional abundance predicted its occurrence on islands. Habitat amount successfully predicted the species composition on islands, whereas matrix resistance did not. We suggest the application of habitat amount hypothesis for predicting species composition in other patchy systems. Although the island biogeography perspective has dominated the literature, we suggest that the passive sampling perspective is more appropriate for explaining the assemblages’ structure in this and other non‐equilibrium patch systems. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

The resource balance hypothesis of plant species diversity in grassland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract: We hypothesize that plant species diversity is favoured when actual resource supply ratios are balanced according to the optimum resource supply ratios for the vegetation as a whole. This ‘resource balance hypothesis of plant species diversity’ (RBH) follows from two different mechanisms of plant species coexistence, namely: ‘differential resource limitation’, which allows species to coexist in a competitive equilibrium in a homogeneous environment and ‘micro-habitat differentiation’, which builds on spatial heterogeneity. Both mechanisms require that resource supply ratios are intermediate between the optimum supply ratios of the species present in the species pool. Additional conditions, concerning the resource acquisition and requirement ratios of the species, are easier to meet for the second mechanism than for the first. To test the RBH we measured species diversity parameters in 74 grassland plots, as well as the N, P and K concentrations in the above-ground biomass. We used a new ceiling detection algorithm to examine the relationship between maximum observed diversity and the N/P-, P/K- and K/N-ratios in the biomass. Most of these ceiling relationsips could be described by parabolic curves with significant quadratic terms. This indicates that high diversity does not occur at the extremes of the observed ranges of nutrient ratios. This supports the RBH.  相似文献   

The variation of passerine species richness in Spain was studied at various spatial scales. Presence-absence data was resampled to construct three species richness maps in lattices of 10×10, 30×30, and 50×50 km UTM cells. The importance of habitat, species-energy, climatic variability, disturbance, history and geometric constraints hypotheses was assessed using geographical data. Stochastic, range-based models were used to simulate neutral colonization events from Europe or from Africa. The importance of small scale processes remained after the inclusion of environmental covariates, indicating a possible role of ecological interactions that was represented in the models by a conditional spatial autoregressive term. Historical effects and energy related measures explained most of the variation in regional species richness. Local and regional habitat structure measures explained the pattern only after large scale trends were considered. The differences when species richness was analyzed at each scale reveal the importance of spatial issues in diversity studies. The possible role of post glacial migration in shaping the observed patterns, and implications for conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

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