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A study was made of the effect of high temperature on the growth response of Brussels sprout filaments to ethylene. Filaments with or without the anthers attached were incubated continuously at 25 °C or 35 °C for 7 days or for 2 days at 35 °C followed by 5 days at 25 °C. Growth was reduced during both 35 °C treatments compared to that of filaments at continuous 25 °C. Ethylene had little effect on filament growth at continuous 25 °C, whereas with treatment for either 2 or 7 days at 35 °C ethylene promoted filament growth considerably. Thus ethylene effectively overcame the growth inhibition induced by the 35 °C treatment.High temperature treatments reduced ethylene production from filaments alone, and from filaments with anthers attached. The ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and the ethylene action inhibitor AgNO3 enhanced filament growth at 25 °C but had little or no effect at 35 °C. The relevance of temperature to ethylene sensitivity is discussed in relation to filament growth and to other plant processes in general.  相似文献   

The ethylene inhibitor silver nitrate (AgNO3) is known to overcome the poor response of the Brussels sprouts cultivar Hal to anther culture. Ethylene production by Hal anthers after 6 h of culture at 35°C was on average 10- and 20-fold greater than from anthers of the highly responsive cultivars Gower and GA1 x RDF2. The initial 24 h period at 35°C necessary for embryogenesis in anther culture of Brussels sprouts generally reduced ethylene production by the anthers after 6, 24, 48 and 72 h of culture, although the effect was not seen in 2 out of 3 Hal experiments until 24 h, and after 6 h was only found with 1 of 3 GA1 x RDF2 experiments. Embryo production was inhibited by the inclusion of the ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) or the ethylene-releasing compound, ethephon in the media. Silver nitrate (AgNO3) and the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) promoted embryogenesis but did not substitute for the high temperature treatment. The relevance of ethylene production during anther culture to the effects of genotype and high temperature on anther culture embryogenesis is discussed.Abbreviations ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - AVG aminoethoxyvinylglycine  相似文献   

The response to anther culture, of six genotypes of Brussels sprouts was tested on six media which included two levels of 2,4-D and the presence or absence of silver nitrate. The presence of silver was usually beneficial, and with some genotypes had a very large effect. Increasing 2,4-D could be beneficial in the absence of silver nitrate, but was sometimes detrimental in the presence of silver. Replacing agar with highly purified agarose was not particularly beneficial. Genotype, medium and genotype × medium interactions were all significant factors, with genotype being the most important.  相似文献   

Summary Performance of a random array of recombinant inbred lines derived by single seed descent from five different source populations of Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) is presented. A total of 2,356 lines were tested in trials during 1985 and 1986. Three of the source populations were derived from double crosses between F1 hybrids. These hybrids show a considerable heterotic advantage over their inbred parents for the most important agronomic traits. The recombinant inbred lines performed, on average, less well than the parental inbred material, indicating that additive x additive genie interactions may make a significant contribution to the performance of current inbred material. Nevertheless, the very large variation among the recombinant inbred lines permitted many lines to be identified which outperformed the best parental inbred for all traits. Two lines outperformed the reference F1 hybrid, Gower, for an index that included marketable yield and quality. Consideration was also given to the dangers of misinterpreting phenotypically based proportions. Accordingly, response equations were used to ascertain the real genetic progress that was made. Advance seemed small when compared with the large heterotic effect, which is consistent with the segregation of a large number of loci. The distribution of the recombinant inbred lines was compared to predictions made from early generation trials. There was broad agreement but significant discrepancies existed which, it is suggested, may arise from the effects of genotype-environment interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Eight inbred lines of Brussels sprouts and ten F1 hybrids derived from them were tested for their response to anther culture. From 5–19 plants per genotype were tested, and each plant was tested on 3–6 separate occasions. Results from the inbred lines were broadly similar to those from the F1 hybrids, despite the inbreds producing fewer buds and having a higher frequency of anther deformities. The maximum embryo yield from an inbred line was 215 embryos per 100 anthers, and from a hybrid was 275. From estimation of the variance components it was calculated that, for both inbreds and hybrids, about half the total variation was genetic whereas variation due to plants within genotypes and to occasions within plants were each about 13% of the total. The narrow sense heritability of responsiveness to anther culture (estimated by the proportion of variation between inbred lines which was genetic) was 0.48, and there was partial dominance for this character. In three cases the hybrid outyielded the better inbred, and this heterosis may well be due to dispersed dominant genes.  相似文献   

The level, time of application and duration of the high temperature treatment necessary for embryo production from Brussels sprouts anther culture were examined. The effects of 29, 32, 35, and 38°C given for 24 h immediately following removal of the anthers from the bud, were tested on different cultivars, on different plants within the cultivars and on different occasions for each plant. Most embryos were produced following 32 and 35°C, very few following 30°C and none following 38°C. Although there was a tendency for some cultivars to respond better to one or other of the two more favourable temperatures, this varied considerably between individual plants. Plant to plant variation was also seen in the overall level of the response, although responsiveness tended to decline with successive samplings of the same plant. Experiments with cultivars Hal and Gower suggested that high temperature was required for at least 12 h after anther removal, but beyond that time the optimum period varied from plant to plant. If the excised anthers were held at 25°C for 16 h or more with Hal or 24 h or more with Gower before being exposed to the high temperature treatment, embrogenesis tended to be reduced. It is suggested that apparent non-responsiveness in anther culture may result to a large extent from the specific conditions that are used during the anther culture process.  相似文献   

Anther culture in Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In Brussels sprouts, yields of up to 357 embryos per 100 anthers cultured were obtained using a thermal shock treatment of 16 h at 35°C at the start of the culture period. Treatments of 48 h at 35°C and 14 days at 30°C gave no embryos. The F1 hybrid cv. Gower consistently gave higher embryo yields than the F1 hybrid cv. Nym, the differences being 3 to 10-fold. Differences in embryo yield of 3-fold or less were usually not statistically significant because of great variation within a treatment. This variation was less with donor plants raised in a growth room than with those raised in a glasshouse, where temperature and light intensity could not be so accurately controlled. From 842 embryos cultured, 270 plants were regenerated, mostly via hypocotyl explants, which developed from the anther-derived embryos. Most of the regenerants were haploid or diploid, with a few of higher ploidy.  相似文献   

Anther culture in Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Embryo yields from anther culture were determined for seven F1 hybrid genotypes of Brussels sprouts, one of which was known to be highly responsive. At least 1400 anthers were cultured for each genotype and the genotypes were tested in two groups. Although the results were variable, the genotypes were provisionally grouped as follows: two were highly responsive (with up to 180 and 376 embryos per 100 anthers cultured), one was moderately responsive (with up to 53 embryos) and four were virtually non-responsive. The possible genetic basis for the difference in responsiveness is discussed, together with the implications of the results for the utilisation of anther culture in Brussels sprouts breeding.  相似文献   

Both gibberellic acid (GA3) and fluridone, a non-specific inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis, promoted embryo production in anther cultures of Brussels sprouts cv. Hal, but not in cv. Gower. Abscisic acid (ABA) and the gibberellin-biosynthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol inhibited embryo production in both cultivars.  相似文献   

Experiments on three autumn-heading cauliflower genotypes (2 hybrids and a genotype selected from a population) were conducted to study different factors affecting anther culture. Culture conditions of the donor plants proved to be important: the best results were obtained during spring in a greenhouse where the temperature was maintained between 10 and 20°C. Overall winter and spring seemed more suitable than summer and early autumn for culture establishment. The optimal bud development stage depended on the genotype: for the hybrid 702, the greatest number of embryos for 100 plated anthers was obtained at the uninucleate pollen stage of the microspores; for V23.2 and 703, the optimal stage of the buds corresponded to the first mitotic division. Sucrose proved to be the best carbon supply for embryogenesis with an optimal concentration of 140 g l-1. The addition of a cytokinin (BAP) in the medium led to lower embryo production, and this negative effect increased when the hormone concentration in the medium increased. The use of liquid medium and a dark incubation period immediately after the high temperature treatment were favourable for embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Embryo formation from microspores of Brassica oleracea var Italica (Broccoli) and other Brassica species is greatly enhanced by an initial incubation at elevated temperatures (eg 35°C) followed by continued incubation of 25°C. In the present study we observed that a three hour high temperature treatment induced the formation of heat shock proteins in cultured anthers. These were identified in two dimensional gels by silver staining, and labelled heat shock proteins were synthesised in vitro from isolated anther RNA. The appearance of heat shock proteins in anthers followed a similar pattern and displayed similar characteristics to that from leaves. Comparison of the heat shock proteins induced in isolated cultured anthers of known highly embryogenic and less embryogenic plans did not reveal obvious qualitative differences.  相似文献   

结球甘蓝(Brassica oleracea var.capitata)和青花菜(Brassica oleracea var.italica)小孢子胚再生植株频率低是目前影响游离小孢子培养技术有效应用的关键问题之一,研究其小孢子胚植株再生频率的影响因素,提高胚再生植株频率,对促进游离小孢子培养技术在甘蓝类蔬菜育种中更好地应用具有重要意义。该文以结球甘蓝中甘11和青花菜TI-111等基因型为试材,对影响游离小孢子胚再生成植株的固体培养基类型、琼脂浓度、胚的类型及胚在液体培养基中的滞留时间等因素进行了研究。结果表明:游离小孢子培养25天的子叶胚在琼脂浓度为1%–1.25%的B5培养基上植株再生频率最高。进一步通过8个不同基因型对上述实验结果进行了验证,结果显示,游离小孢子培养25天的子叶胚在1%琼脂浓度的B5培养基上植株再生频率达77.8%–97.2%。  相似文献   

Results are presented for the performance of improved inbred lines of Brussels sprouts grown in replicated and fully guarded plots. Some lines were identified which out-performed the reference F1 hybrid, Gower, for the yield of marketable sprouts and for sprout quality. No lines were found which were superior for both of these traits. These results support earlier contentions that inbred line performance in Brussels sprouts could be improved to levels comparable with those of commercial F1 hybrids. The genetic gains required to achieve commercial parity with hybrids for all agronomically important traits continue to be large. Therefore, the use of inbred lines as commercial cultivars can only be viewed as a long term objective. Previous studies have identified additive x additive epistasis and the segregation of many loci as important factors limiting the genetic gains to be expected from a single cycle of crossing and inbreeding. In addition to these factors the current study identifies areas of difficulty encountered when attempting to screen and select large numbers of inbred lines, produced either by single seed descent or by anther culture, in a single season. Evidence is presented which suggests that imperfect visual selection and/or genotype × seasonal interactions may substantially reduce the efficiency of selections based upon a single trial of very many unreplicated lines.  相似文献   

结球甘蓝游离小孢子胚胎发生   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以结球甘蓝品种“强夏”为材料进行游离小孢子培养,对与胚胎发生关系密切的因子进行探讨。研究结果表明,在盛花前期取材最适宜;单核晚期至双核期的小孢子才能发育成胚状体;含17%蔗糖的培养液在培养初期有利于小孢子存活;培养3d后胚胎诱导则以14%蔗糖浓度为最好;高浓度(17%)蔗糖培养3d后添加低浓度(11%)蔗糖培养液能大大提高胚胎发生能力,比一直在14%蔗糖培养液培养的提高282.4%,比更新培养液培养的提高126.1%。  相似文献   

Minirhizotron observations of roots of leeks and Brussels sprouts grown in the Wageningen Rhizolab were used to study the dynamics of root length. Day of appearance and the time of decay were assessed for individual root segments visible on the minirhizotron surface.A Brussels sprouts crop produced much more root length than leeks, but the average longevity of these roots was about half that of leek roots.To investigate whether root colour or UV fluorescence could be used as a quantitative index of root functionality or root age, changes in root colour (on a scale of greys) over time were measured with interactive image analysis. In both crops a gradual change towards black was found with ageing. Measurements of the intensity of the UV fluorescence showed that leek roots fluoresced more than Brussels sprouts roots. Over time, UV fluorescence decreased in Brussels sprouts roots but increased in leek roots. It is concluded that UV fluorescence cannot be used as a universal indicator of root age or root functionality, but in some plant species it may be used to separate (transparent) roots from the background with image analysis techniques.  相似文献   

甘蓝和青花菜杂种小孢子培养   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对甘蓝(Brassicaoleraceavar.capitata)×青花菜(Brassicaoleraceavar.italica)的20个杂种及相应的父母本进行游离小孢子培养,并对影响甘青杂种小孢子胚胎发生的主要因子进行探讨,适于小孢子培养的培养基为1/2NLN,附加0.5mgL-1NAA、0.05mgL-1BA、5mgL-1AgNO3、0.2mgL-12,4-D和0.1mgL-1活性炭。结果有14个杂种能产生胚状体,诱导率70%;不同杂种间小孢子胚胎发生频率存在很大差异,最高的是绿洲808×夏宝,平均每蕾16.2个胚。诱导杂种胚状体发生的最佳时期是小孢子单核靠边期至双核期,34℃热激2d有利于小孢子细胞对称分裂。在含糖170gL-1的液体培养基中培养3d,添加低糖(含糖110gL-1)的培养液,可显著提高出胚率。  相似文献   

Embryo formation by cultured broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) anthers was best in the pH range of 5.5 to 5.8. Manipulation of the initial medium pH showed, however, that embryos could be recovered throughout the entire pH range tested. Experiments designed to test the influence of anther density on embryo production exhibited an apparent population effect. Comparison of anthers cultured with and without filaments showed a significantly lower level of embryo formation with filaments attached. The importance of anther orientation with the adaxial surface up was also demonstrated. Detailed studies of the effect of temperature on anther response showed the importance of 35°C treatments. Other temperatures and a variety of temperature manipulations were either comparatively ineffective or inhibitory. The duration of 35°C exposure required for optimal response varied widely between 18 and 48 h. Wide variation in plant to plant response was observed despite attempts to optimize the manipulation of physical parameters. Individual plants were identified that reliably formed many thousands of embryos, whereas other plants failed to form embryos under all tested conditions.  相似文献   

Anther culture medium was prepared with different types and concentrations of cytokinins to gain greater insight into the control of embryo formation during Brassica oleracea L. var. italica (broccoli) anther culture. The independent addition of the four cytokinins tested had widely divergent effects dependent upon cytokinin concentration and the genetic background of the test plants. All cytokinins were generally inhibitory at high concentrations, however, individual plants showed significant stimulation of embyro formation at typical physiological levels. The influence of cytokinins was highly cultivar-specific, some lines were stimulated, others inhibited and still other test lines were largely unaffected. Although the addition of cytokinins was needed for embryo formation for some plants, in no instance were cytokinins able to replace the inductive effect of high-temperature treatments.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of savoy cabbage (Brassica olleracea L. var. subauda), "SA61" (SV), were isolated from leaves and hypocotyls of seedlings grown in vitro, in enzyme mixture containing 2% cellulase (Onozuka R-10) and 0.8% macerozyme RI0. Good results of protoplast collection were obtained by using 18% and 17% sucrose solution floating leaf protoplasts and hypocotyl protoplasts respectively, and centrifugalizing with the rate of 500 r/min. All the collected protoplasts were cultured in 5 different liquid media from which the best results were observed on DPD1 medium for leaf protoplasts and on MS1 medium for hypocotyl protoplasts, with the highest cell division rate and planting efficiency. About 2 weeks of cultures, many cell clusters and a few embryo-like structures were visualized. The cell clusters developed into visible microcalli in 20-30 days and grew up to 1 mm or so in dimeter about 40 days of culture. For growth, the calli were transferred to 7 different agar media and from which two suitable media, MB2 and MB3, were selected. Cultured for 40-50 days, the calli grew up, and were transferred to 4 solid media for organ differentiation. Ideal results of shoot regeneration were obtained on MS, medium. About 2 weeks after rooted on the MS medium without any auxin, intact plants were regenerated.  相似文献   

Incorporation of AgNO3 (1–10 mg1-1) into the culture medium of Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera callus significantly improved growth and allowed long-term callus culture. In the absence of AgNO3, callus died shortly after removal from the hypocotyl explants. Regeneration of shoots from callus on low-hormone medium was also enhanced by AgNO3. Significant differences in shoot production were found between the three genotypes examined. Cv. Aries produced large numbers of shoots even in the absence of AgNO3. Investigation of callus production from the inbred parent lines of cv. Aries indicated that tissue culturability may be determined genetically.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

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