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郭连金  李梅  林盛  谢鹏 《广西植物》2016,36(9):1093-1100
该研究采用固定样地观测研究了不同龄级香果树的开花物候和生殖特性,分析了物候指数与生殖构件之间的相关性。结果表明:香果树单花花期一般为5~9 d,平均为6.79 d,随着树龄增大,其单花花期呈幂函数增长趋势;不同树龄香果树的始花期不同,但终花期基本一致;随着树龄的增大,始花期逐渐提前,花期持续时间延长。20~50 a树龄的香果树始花期约为8月9日,花期持续时间最短,仅为36 d。110~140 a树龄的香果树始花期约为7月15日,花期持续时间为61 d;对于单株母树来讲,香果树的花枝数,花朵总数以及果实总数随着树龄的增大均显著增加;单花枝产花量随着树龄的增加呈上升趋势,单花枝产果实数量呈先上升后下降的趋势;香果树花枝和单花枝产花量在树冠方位上的分布由大到小依次为南>东/西>北、上>中>下,但单花枝果实数量则表现出不同规律,即东>南>西>北、中>下>上。香果树具有花多果少现象,开花物候指数与生殖构件数量间的相关性分析表明,其花期持续时间与花枝数、花数和果实数均存在极显著正相关关系,始花期与生殖构件数量呈极显著负相关关系,而物候指数与香果树树龄亦存在显著相关关系。  相似文献   

张文标 《生态学报》2008,28(8):4037-4046
野外定点观测了夏蜡梅在3个群体的开花物候进程,分别计算了结实率和结籽率,并分析了始花日和开花同步性等开花物候指数对其传粉成功的影响,还进一步从个体水平分析了开花时间对传粉成功的影响.结果如下:夏蜡梅的花期在5月上旬到6月下旬,开花物候参数在不同群体间存在较明显的差异,而各群体的开花进程均呈明显的"单峰型",且开花同步性高,为"大量开花模式".群体内各开花物候参数与传粉成功相关性不明显;群体间开花物候参数中的始花日和开花中值日与结实率呈极显著的负相关,终花日与结实率和结籽率分别呈极显著和显著的负相关.个体水平不同开花时间对结实率有着显著影响(F=15.960,df=3,P<0.01),而对结籽率影响不大(F=2.358,df=3,P=0.073).相同海拔高度小生境不同对夏蜡梅的传粉成功影响不大,但不同海拔高度对夏蜡梅的传粉成功影响显著.作为一种濒危物种,夏蜡梅这种"集中开花模式"可以吸引更多的传粉昆虫,有助于其获得更多的传粉成功,但增加了其花粉在个体内及邻近个体间的传递,不利于花粉在群体间的扩散,而导致了一定程度的自交和近交衰退,这可能是夏蜡梅群体遗传变异性低、遗传分化明显及濒危的一个原因.  相似文献   

巴旦杏花物候学与形态学研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
成健红  艾尔肯等 《西北植物学报》2001,21(2):339-344,T015,T016
观察研究了喀什地区4个巴旦杏主栽品种的开花物候期,开花习性,花及花粉的形态特征等内容,结果表明:巴旦杏花期始于3月下旬或4月上旬,花期持续约10-20d,4个主栽品种花期相遇;品种间花的形态丰在差异,早开的花花质较好,晚开的花畸形花百分率较高,供试品种的花粉粒在扫描电镜下存在微形态上的差异。  相似文献   

Sixteen floating, box type emergence traps, each covering 0.1 m2, were placed along 150 m of a third-order stretch of the Bigoray River, a slow-flowing, vegetation-choked, brown-water muskeg stream. Effects of trap design, trap shading, length of sampling interval, and stream velocity on the number of midges caught was examined. Of the 112 species of Chironomidae caught, 32 species made up 90% of the catch and their emergence phenology is described in detail. There were more rare species than expected from Preston's lognormal distribution. Percentage of Bigoray species belonging to Tanypodinae, Orthocladiinae, Chironomini and Tanytarsini was 18%, 43%, 20%, and 19%, and was compared with 27 other studies on lotic chironomids. During the 140-day emergence period an average of 19.3 × 103 chironomids emerged per square meter of stream. Based on changes in male:female ratios throughout a species emergence period, it was postulated that 30% of the Bigoray chironomid species were univoltine, 50% were bivoltine, and 20% were trivoltine.  相似文献   

植物物候与气候研究进展   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
植物物候及其变化是多个环境因子综合影响的结果,其中气候是最重要、最活跃的环境因子。主要从气候环境角度分析了植物物候与气候以及气候变化间的相互关系,概述了国内外有关植物物候及物候模拟等方面的研究进展。表明,温度是影响物候变化最重要的因子;同时,水分成为胁迫因子时对物候的影响也十分重要。近50a左右,世界范围内的植物物候呈现出了春季物候提前,秋季物候推迟或略有推迟的特征,从而导致了多数植物生长季节的延长,并成为全球物候变化的趋势。全球气候变暖改变了植物开始和结束生长的日期,其中冬季、春季气温的升高使植物的春季物候提前是植物生长季延长的主要原因。目前对物候学的研究方向主要集中在探讨物候与气候变化之间的关系,而模型模拟是定量研究气候变化与植物物候之间关系的重要方式,国内外已经开发出多种物候模型来分析气候驱动与物候响应之间的因果关系。另外遥感资料的应用也为物候模型研究提供了新的方向。物候机理研究、物候与气候关系以及物候模型研究将是研究的重点。  相似文献   

We present a linked model of plant productivity, plant phenology, snowmelt and soil thaw in order to estimate interannual variability of arctic plant phenology and its effects on plant productivity. The model is tested using 8 years of soil temperature data, and three years of bud break data of Betula nana. Because the factors that trigger the end of the growing season of arctic vegetation are less well known than those of the start of the growing season, three hypotheses were formulated and tested for their effects on productivity and its sensitivity to climate change; the hypothesised factors determining the end of the growing season were frost, photoperiod and periodic constraints. The performance of the soil thermal model was good; both the onset of soil thaw in spring and the initiation of freezing in autumn were predicted correctly in most cases. The phenology model predicted the bud break date of Betula nana closely for the three different years. The soil thaw model predicted similar growing season start dates under current climate as the models based on sum of temperatures, but it made significantly different predictions under climate change scenarios, probably because of the non‐linear interactions between snowmelt and soil thaw. The uncertainty about the driving factors for the end of the growing season, in turn, resulted in uncertainty in the interannual variability of the simulated annual gross primary productivity (GPP). The interannual variability ranged from ? 25 to + 26% of the mean annual GPP for the frost hypothesis, from ? 20 to + 20% for the photoperiod hypothesis and only from ? 7 to + 7% for the periodic hypothesis. The different hypotheses also resulted in different sensitivity to climate change, with the frost hypothesis resulting in 30% higher annual GPP values than the periodic hypothesis when air temperatures were increased by 3 °C.  相似文献   

植物物候研究进展   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
植物物候直接反映了气候变化的影响,是植被动态模拟的关键.在遥感和模型技术的推动下,植物物候与全球变化关系的研究日益受到人们的关注.文中从植物物候与环境因子的相互关系、植物物候对全球变化的响应以及植物物候的遥感监测方面,综合论述了植物物候的研究进展,找出植被物候研究的不足,进而提出未来植被物候的研究方向.  相似文献   

The Frasnian–Famennian extinction witnessed the global devastation of both level‐bottom and reef communities in low latitudes. Marine extinctions in offshore level‐bottom communities are associated with two widespread, transgressive, anoxic ‘Kellwasser Events’ that support an anoxia–extinction link. Typical Kellwasser facies of bituminous limestones and shales are not obviously recorded in shallow‐water settings, and thus, it is unclear whether anoxia played a role in reef losses. We evaluate geochemical, petrographic and facies evidence for oxygen restriction from an extremely shallow‐water carbonate platform in Alberta. Sequence stratigraphy places the Frasnian–Famennian boundary at a sequence boundary that tops a laminated mudstone and interrupts carbonate platform deposition. Two transgressive pulses have been identified, one of which is associated with the second, major transgression of T‐R cycle IId of the Devonian eustatic sea‐level curve. Geochemical proxies indicate that these transgressions were accompanied by influx of dysoxic or anoxic waters. Organic carbon and U enrichment in the Frasnian, particularly just below the Frasnian–Famennian boundary, points to episodic dysoxic conditions that probably persisted into the basal Famennian and were coincidental with the global Upper Kellwasser Event. This study provides the first evidence for the smoking gun of an anoxia‐driven extinction in very shallow waters, implicating this potent killer in the demise of the Devonian reefs.  相似文献   

植物物候学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
代武君  金慧颖  张玉红  周志强  刘彤 《生态学报》2020,40(19):6705-6719
植物物候变化在研究陆地生态系统对气候变化的响应时被誉为"矿井中的金丝雀",全球气候变化愈演愈烈,重新引起了人们对植物物候研究的广泛关注。随着观测技术的发展,在各种空间和生态尺度上收集到的物候观测数据迅速累积,尽管已经在多个尺度上(物种、群落和景观尺度)观察到物候变化,但物候变化的机理仍然没有得到很好的理解。回顾了国内外植物物候研究的发展历程;总结了物候数据收集技术进展和全球物候变化的主要趋势;归纳了植物物候变化的机理与驱动因素;探讨了物候模型研究及物候对气候变化响应研究的主要方向。随着物候观测技术在不同尺度上应用的增加,物候研究进入了一个新的阶段。未来物候研究需要制定跨区域标准化观测指南,融合所有相关学科,改进物候模型,拓展研究区域;同时融合有效的历史物候资料,采用新技术和长期收集的物候数据为大数据时代植物物候学研究提供基础。  相似文献   

Aim Evaluate the hypothesis that nine disjunct vascular plant species along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains and in the Peace River District of west‐central Alberta represent remnants of more southerly vegetation that occupied these areas during the Holocene Hypsithermal (9000–6000 yr bp ). Alternatively, these plants represent populations that became established because of independent chance dispersal events. Location This study focuses on the area east of the Rocky Mountain Continental Divide in the Province of Alberta and the State of Montana in western Canada and USA, respectively. Methods Disjunct species were identified and their distributions mapped based on a review of occurrence maps and records, botanical floras and checklists, herbaria specimens, ecological and botanical studies, and field surveys of selected species. A disjunct species was defined as a plant population separated from its next nearest occurrence by a distance of > 300 km. Evaluation of the hypothesis was based on a review of published and unpublished pollen stratigraphy and palaeoecological studies. The potential geographical distribution of Hypsithermal vegetation was based on modern regional‐based ecosystem mapping and associated monthly temperature summaries as well as future climatic warming models. Results The hypothesis was compatible with Holocene pollen stratigraphy, Hypsithermal permafrost and fen occurrence, and palaeosol phytolith analyses; and future global climatic warming models. Modelled regional Hypsithermal vegetation based on a 1 °C increase in July temperatures relative to current conditions, indicated that much of the boreal forest zone in Alberta could have been grassland, which would explain the occurrence of Prairie species in the Peace River District. This amount of latitudinal vegetation shift (6.5°) was similar to an earlier Hypsithermal permafrost zone location study. An equivalent shift in vegetation along the eastern Cordillera would have placed south‐western Montana‐like vegetation and species such as Boykinia heucheriformis (Rydb.) Rosend. and Saxifraga odontoloma Piper within the northern half of the Rocky Mountains and foothills in Alberta, which represents the location of modern‐day disjunct populations of these species. Main conclusions Warmer and drier climatic conditions during the Holocene Hypsithermal resulted in the northward displacement of vegetation zones relative to their current distribution patterns. Most of Alberta was probably dominated by grasslands during this period, except the Rocky Mountains and northern highlands. Modern‐day species disjunctions within the Rocky Mountains and Peace River District as well as more northerly areas such as the Yukon Territory occurred when the vegetation receded southward in response to climatic cooling after the Hypsithermal. Wind dispersal was considered an unlikely possibility to explain the occurrence of the disjunct species, as most of the plants lack morphological adaptations for long distance transport and the prevailing winds were from west to east rather than south to north. However, consumption and transport of seeds by northward migrating birds could not be excluded as a possibility.  相似文献   

Abstract. Flooding patterns and variations in the composition and successional trends of riparian vegetation in the upper and lower Red Deer River in southern Alberta, Canada, were studied in order to establish which flood regimes were most important in the regeneration and maintenance of riparian vegetation communities, with a particular focus on riparian poplars. The dominant riparian tree in the upper river is Populus balsamifera with some Picea glauca and in the lower river Populus deltoides (the plains cottonwood). Dendrochronological studies of the poplars along the river show that major periods of regeneration correspond with major flood events during the record period. Extensive cottonwood regeneration occurred in the period 1900–20, corresponding with a series of floods, some as high as the 1 in 100-year event. In addition, just prior to and during this period there was a significant reduction in use of the floodplain by bison, clearance of forests and a higher incidence of fires in upper reaches of the river and a series of high rainfall years. A series of floods greater than the 1 in 10-year flood occurred in the 1950s and stimulated the most extensive regeneration of poplars experienced since the 1920s. Parts of the lower Red Deer floodplain are now at elevations well above the 1 in 100-year flood event. It is suggested that fringe replenishment of riparian poplars is currently the dominant form of regeneration and that the large stands of mature poplars found on the floodplain, initiated during the end of the last century and first decades of this century, are unlikely to be replaced unless large floods (>1 in 50-year events) occur again. Construction of the Dickson Dam above the city of Red Deer in 1983 has led to attenuation of floods and a reduced likelihood that extensive flooding and poplar regeneration will occur again. A number of recommendations are made regarding flow management to both retain the fringe regeneration of poplars currently occurring and to stimulate more widespread regeneration of poplars on the floodplain.  相似文献   

Spring phenology trends in Alberta, Canada: links to ocean temperature   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Warmer winter and spring temperatures have been noted over the last century in Western Canada. Earlier spring plant development in recent decades has been reported for Europe, but not for North America. The first-bloom dates for Edmonton, Alberta, were extracted from four historical data sets, and a spring flowering index showed progressively earlier development. For Populus tremuloides, a linear trend shows a 26-day shift to earlier blooming over the last century. The spring flowering index correlates with the incidence of El Niño events and with Pacific sea-surface temperatures.  相似文献   

Shifts in the phenology of plant and animal species or in the migratory arrival of birds are seen as ‘fingerprints’ of global warming. However, even if such responses have been documented in large continent‐wide datasets of the northern hemisphere, all studies to date correlate the phenological pattern of various taxa with gradual climatic trends. Here, we report a previously unobserved phenomenon: severe drought and heavy rain events caused phenological shifts in plants of the same magnitude as one decade of gradual warming. We present data from two vegetation periods in an experimental setting containing the first evidence of shifted phenological response of 10 grassland and heath species to simulated 100‐year extreme weather events in Central Europe. Averaged over all species, 32 days of drought significantly advanced the mid‐flowering date by 4 days. The flowering length was significantly extended by 4 days. Heavy rainfall (170 mm over 14 days) had no significant effect on the mid‐flowering date. However, heavy rainfall reduced the flowering length by several days. Observed shifts were species‐specific, (e.g. drought advanced the mid‐flowering date for Holcus lanatus by 1.5 days and delayed the mid‐flowering date for Calluna vulgaris by 5.7 days, heavy rain advanced mid‐flowering date of Lotus corniculatus by 26.6 days and shortened the flowering length of the same species by 36.9 days). Interestingly, the phenological response of individual species was modified by community composition. For example, the mid‐flowering date of C. vulgaris was delayed after drought by 9.3 days in communities composed of grasses and dwarf shrubs compared with communities composed of dwarf shrubs only. This indicates that responses to extreme events are context specific. Additionally, the phenological response of experimental communities to extreme weather events can be modified by the functional diversity of a stand. Future studies on phenological response patterns related to climate change would profit from explicitly addressing the role of extreme weather events.  相似文献   

M. N. Melampy 《Oecologia》1987,73(2):293-300
Summary In the eastern Andes of Colombia, the shrub Befaria resinosa (Ericaceae) has peaks of flowering that are separated by extended periods of low flower production. The effect that these fluctuations in flower production have on pollen flow was investigated by using fluorescent dye as a pollen analog. Dye applied to open flowers was dispersed over long distances more often during low flower production than during high flower production. Whether enhanced pollen dispersal during flowering lows is of benefit to individual plants is not clear. The proportion of flowers that set fruit is positively correlated with flower abundance, negating the possibility that increased pollen dispersal results in a higher rate of fruit production due to outbreeding effects. It is also difficult to attribute the pattern of fruit production to changes in pollinator visitation rates, which are negatively correlated with flower abundance in the case of hummingbirds and not correlated at all with flower abundance in the case of insects. An opportunistic, large-bodied hummingbird (Colibri coruscans) visits B. resinosa during high flowering and may be a particularly effective pollinator, accounting for some of the increase in the proportion of flowers setting fruit. Rainfall is positively correlated with flower production and may be an important factor in shaping flowering phenology, but it is not significantly correlated with the proportion of flowers setting fruits. The possibility that low-level flowering may counteract inbreeding that results from peak flowering is discussed.  相似文献   

The flowering phenology of 27 taxa of palms in a lowland moist forest in the central Amazon was recorded over a 40 month period. Phenological data were transformed into measures, of synchrony, regularity, and duration. Flowering was observed at all times of year and there was no correlation with rainfall either for the current month or for any monthly lag interval. The 27 taxa were divided into three pollination groups—weevil, bee/fly, or beetle—based on their behavior at anthesis. Phenology was significantly correlated with pollination groups. Weevilpollinated palms had higher synchrony and shorter duration of flowering than other groups. Bee/fly-pollinated palms had lower synchrony and longer duration of flowering. The beetle-pollinated palms were intermediate between the two other groups. Seasonal regularity of flowering was similar in all three groups. We suggest that, at least inBactris, taxa exhibit staggered flowering.  相似文献   

孙颖  刘松  李梦雨  崔兰明  马翠青 《广西植物》2020,40(8):1071-1078
北黄花菜是百合科萱草属的优秀观赏植物材料,也是进行品种创新的极有价值的野生种质资源。该研究对野生环境中北黄花菜的开花物候与传粉特性进行了连续三年的追踪观测,探讨其开花进程和传粉机制。结果表明:(1)北黄花菜种群的开花物候只有1个高峰期;种群始花时间为5月末,盛花期为6月中旬,开花时间在30 d以上,单株花期为6~12 d;开花同步性指数(Si)分别为0.36、0.27和0.21,种群内个体开花时间重叠程度较低。(2)北黄花菜的开花数量与坐果数呈显著正相关(P<0.05),坐果数与单株花期长度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),单株花期长度与始花时间呈显著负相关(P<0.05),表明北黄花菜开花数量越多,其坐果数越高。(3)北黄花菜的访花昆虫分属于4目10科共10种;各访花昆虫的访花时间和行为区别较大;主要的传粉昆虫有4种,其活动范围大,活动特点与北黄花菜午后开放的规律相匹配,能保证传粉效果;部分访花昆虫虽然活动范围小,但可以帮助植物进行自花授粉;两类访花昆虫的共同作用,使得北黄花菜的自然结实得到较大保障。上述结果可为北黄花菜的引种栽培和资源创新发挥实际作用。  相似文献   

孙颖  崔兰明  李梦雨  王蕾  王欢  何淼 《广西植物》2018,38(5):608-616
该文对绵枣儿的开花物候与传粉特性进行了研究,分析了绵枣儿的开花进程、开花物候指数、开花物候指数对其生殖成功的影响,重点探讨了绵枣儿对传粉昆虫的种类及其活动规律。结果表明:(1)绵枣儿始花日期为7月中下旬,单株持续时间15 d左右,种群持续时间30~35 d。呈现出"M"型开花物候曲线,其两年的开花同步指数分别为0.862、0.885,表明开花的年际间差异较小。并且分析出植株的相对开花强度分布在30%~60%之间。(2)相关分析表明:绵枣儿的开花数目与坐果数和持续时间呈现出极显著正相关(P0.01),绵枣儿的持续时间与坐果数之间呈现出显著相关(P0.05),而其始花日期与开花数目、坐果数和持续时间并没有显现出相关性,即绵枣儿植株开花的数目越多,其坐果率越高,持续时间也就越长。(3)绵枣儿的访花昆虫总共有14种,可分属为5目10科。其中传粉昆虫有5科10种。该研究结果表明各传粉昆虫在单花停留的时间和其访花频率上呈现出显著的差异,在日访花频率上也差异明显。  相似文献   

Abstract: Gray wolf (Canis lupus) populations are recovering in many parts of the world and managers from various jurisdictions will be faced with difficult decisions as wolf populations continue to increase. Wolf management in Alberta, Canada, is achieved mostly through trapping on a registered trapline system. Wolf harvest increased over the last 22 years relative to population increases. Most wolf harvests occurred in the Rocky Mountains and surrounding foothills area and this pattern was consistent over time. On average, trappers only harvested an estimated 9.8% of the provincial population annually despite the lack of bag limits or quotas. Harvests are spatially autocorrelated with peak autocorrelation coinciding with average home-range size for wolves in Alberta. When wolf control actions are deemed necessary, trappers are unlikely to remove a sufficient number of wolves over a large enough area to limit subpopulations under the registered trapline system.  相似文献   

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