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Patterns of metamorphosis and mechanisms of its regulation in primitive and advanced salamanders are compared. It is found that urodelan evolution was characterised by the following trends: 1) increase in the number of metamorphosing systems; 2) increase in the amplitude of metamorphic transformations of each particular system due to the progressive divergence of the larval and the adult morphology; 3) synchronization of metamorphic transformations and their concentration within a relatively short period of ontogeny; 4) increase in the role of the thyroid hormones (TH) in the regulation of metamorphosis. Structures that are induced by factors other than TH and develop independently of TH in primitive Urodela species acquire TH-dependence in phyletically more advanced salamanders. For instance, morphogenetic induction as a mechanism of ontogeny regulation is substituted by endocrine induction with TH as the inducing factor. The switch from morphogenetic to endocrine induction stimulates the following events: 1) optimization of ontogeny; 2) reduction of the metamorphosis duration; 3) formation of the dissociability of larval and post-metamorphic stages of ontogeny, which, in its turn, is a precondition for the swith to necrobiotic metamorphosis and to the direct development.  相似文献   

Results from previous studies using an inbred strain of Xenopus laevis have led to the proposition that metamorphosis includes the events by which the newly differentiating adult immune system, including T lymphocytes, recognizes and eliminates larval skin cells as 'non-self'. More recently, a larval antigen targeted by adult T cells was identified as a 59 kDa protein with a specific peptide sequence. Using antisera directed against the larval antigen and the peptide, immunohistochemistry and western blotting were done to examine expression of the 59 kDa larval antigen in the skin during larval and metamorphic periods. There was no expression before Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 53. Expression was first seen at the beginning of metamorphic stage 54, when hind limbs appear, and increased thereafter, in apical and skein cells of both trunk and tail regions. In the trunk region, expression started to decrease at stage 58, until it completely disappeared at stage 62 (metamorphic climax). In the tail skin, however, expression persisted throughout the metamorphic stages. Treatment of larvae with thyroid hormone (TH) resulted in repression of expression of the 59 kDa molecule in a dose-dependent manner. Downregulation occurred earlier in the trunk than in the tail skin. These results suggest involvement in metamorphic events of an immunological mechanism: differential expression of the larval antigen in the trunk and tail skin cells due to their differing concentration of TH results in the tail, but not the trunk skin, being selectively attacked by the newly differentiating adult-type immune system.  相似文献   

Heterochrony refers to those permutations in timing of differentiation events, and those changes in rates of growth and development through which morphological changes and novelties originate during phyletic evolution. This research analyzes morphological variation during the ontogeny of 18 different anuran species that inhabit semi-arid environments of the Chaco in South America. I use field data, collection samples, and anatomical methods to compare larval growth, and sequences of ontogenetic events. Most species present a similar pattern of larval development, with a size at metamorphosis related to the duration of larval period, and disappearance and transformations of larval features that occur in a short period between forelimb emergence and tail loss. Among these 18 species, Pseudis paradoxa has giant tadpole and long larval development that are the results of deviations of rates of growth. In this species events of differentiation that usually occur at postmetamorphic stages have an offset when tail is still present. Tadpoles of Lepidobatrachus spp. reach large sizes at metamorphosis by accelerate developmental rates and exhibit an early onset of metamorphic features. The uniqueness of the ontogeny of Lepidobatrachus indicates that evolution of anuran larval development may occasionally involve mid-metamorphic morphologies conserving a free feeding tadpole and reduction of the morphological-ecological differences between tadpoles and adults.  相似文献   

In a series of studies, we examined how larval corticosterone treatment for several species of amphibians can impact fitness parameters both during exposure and after metamorphosis. We completed confinement stress series on larvae of three species in natural/semi-natural conditions: wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), Jefferson salamanders (Ambystoma jeffersonianum), and Eastern spadefoot toads (Scaphiopus holbrooki). Two of the species had a typical vertebrate response of increasing corticosterone with confinement. However, Eastern spadefoot toads, which have a very short developmental period before metamorphosis, did not show any increase in corticosterone in response to confinement. In a second study, we treated the three species with a low and a high concentration of corticosterone (0.001 and 0.01?μM dissolved in tank water) in the laboratory and examined effects on growth. Although we were successful in raising baseline corticosterone levels with our high corticosterone concentrations, this did not translate into changes in mean larval growth for any of the three species. The larval treatments also did not appear to translate into differences in the juvenile response to confinement stress after metamorphosis. Although juvenile wood frogs did respond to confinement with increasing corticosterone, there was no variation based on larval treatment. As with the larval responses, the juvenile Eastern spadefoot toads did not have a hormonal response to confinement. In summary, while our larval corticosterone exposures did elevate baseline corticosterone levels, we did not see effects of exposure on growth or any latent effects of larval exposure on juvenile responses to confinement.  相似文献   

Recent work on a diverse array of echinoderm species has demonstrated, as is true in amphibians, that thyroid hormone (TH) accelerates development to metamorphosis. Interestingly, the feeding larvae of several species of sea urchins seem to obtain TH through their diet of planktonic algae (exogenous source), whereas nonfeeding larvae of the sand dollar Peronella japonica produce TH themselves (endogenous source). Here we examine the effects of TH (thyroxine) and a TH synthesis inhibitor (thiourea) on the development of Dendraster excentricus, a sand dollar with a feeding larva. We report reduced larval skeleton lengths and more rapid development of the juvenile rudiment in the exogenous TH treatments when compared to controls. Also, larvae treated with exogenous TH reached metamorphic competence faster at a significantly reduced juvenile size, representing the greatest reduction in juvenile size ever reported for an echinoid species with feeding larvae. These effects of TH on D. excentricus larval development are strikingly similar to the phenotypically plastic response of D. excentricus larvae reared under high food conditions. We hypothesize that exogenous (algae-derived) TH is the plasticity cue in echinoid larvae, and that the larvae use ingested TH levels as an indicator for larval nutrition, ultimately signaling the attainment of metamorphic competence. Furthermore, our experiments with the TH synthesis inhibitor thiourea indicate that D. excentricus larvae can produce some TH endogenously. Endogenous TH production might, therefore, be a shared feature among sand dollars, facilitating the evolution of nonfeeding larval development in that group. Mounting evidence on the effects of thyroid hormones in echinoderm development suggests life-history models need to incorporate metamorphic hormone effects and the evolution of metamorphic hormone production.  相似文献   

The role of thyroid hormone (TH) in anuran metamorphosis has been documented from a variety of approaches, but the sequence of morpho-histological development of the thyroid glands that produce the secretion of the hormone was assumed invariant from studies of relatively few species even when the effects of environmental influences on larval development and metamorphosis have been largely documented. There are anurans in which developmental and growth rates diverge, and the resulting heterochrony in growth and development produces giant/miniature tadpoles, and or rapid/delayed metamorphosis suggesting changes of the activity of the thyroid glands during larval development. Herein, we analyze the morpho-histological variation of the thyroid glands in larval series of Ceratophrys cranwelli, Chacophrys pierottii, Lepidobatrachus laevis and L. llanensis that share breeding sites along semiarid environments of the Chaco in South America, belong to a monophyletic lineage, and present accelerated patterns in growth and development in order to have a morphological evidence about a possible shift of TH physiology. We describe gross morphology and histology of the thyroid glands and find features shared by all studied species such as the presence of supernumerary heterotopic follicles; changes in the volume and number of follicles towards the metamorphic climax, and cuboidal epithelia with occasional intra-cellular vacuoles as signs of low glandular activity without a manifest peak at the climax as it was assumed for anurans. We discuss different lines of evidence to interpret sources of extra supplement of TH to support the rapid metamorphosis. These interpretations highlight the necessity to design a research program to investigate the endocrine variation during development of ceratophryids taking in account their morphology, physiology and ecology in order to learn more about the effects of environmental and developmental interactions involved in the anuran evolution.  相似文献   

We evaluated differences in larval habitats and life history of three species of spadefoot toads, then compared their life histories in a common garden study. Our field work defined the selective regime encountered by each species. Our Great Basin spadefoot (Spea intermontana) bred asynchronously in permanent streams and springs where there was no risk of larval mortality due to drying. The water chemistry remained fairly stable throughout the larval period. The western spadefoot toad, Sp. hammondii, bred fairly synchronously following heavy spring rains in temporary pools that remained filled an average of 81 d. Fifteen % of the breeding pools dried completely on or before the day the first larvae metamorphosed. The desert spadefoot toad, Scaphiopus couchii, bred synchronously after heavy summer showers in very short duration pools; 62% of the breeding pools dried completely on or before the day the first larvae metamorphosed. The concentration of ammonium nitrogen and CaCO3 increased markedly as the Sp. hammondii and S. couchii pools dried. S. couchii attained metamorphosis at a much earlier age and smaller size than the other two species. S. couchii also showed little variation in the age at metamorphosis but considerable variation in the size at metamorphosis, while the other two species varied in both age and size. The results identify some variables that could serve as cues of pool drying and demonstrate an association between breeding pool duration, breeding synchrony, development rate, and larval development. Our laboratory study yields information about the genetic basis of the differences in development and controlled comparisons of phenotypic plasticity. We manipulated food supply to study the plastic response of age and size at metamorphosis and hence construct the reaction norm for these variables as a function of growth rate. The growth rates ranged from below to above those observed in natural populations. As in the field, in the lab S. couchii attained metamorphosis at an earlier age and smaller size than the other two species. All three species had a similarly shaped reaction norm for size(y‐axis) and age (x‐axis) at metamorphosis, which was a concave upward curve. A consequence of this shape is that age at metamorphosis changes more readily at low levels of food availability and size at metamorphosis changes more readily at high levels of food availability. If we restrict our observations to just those growth rates that are seen in nature, then S. couchii has almost no variation in the age at metamorphosis but considerable variation in size at metamorphosis, while the other two species vary in both age and size at metamorphosis. All three species increased in size at metamorphosis with increased food levels. Our comparative reaction norm approach thus demonstrates that S. couchii has adapted to ephemeral environments by shifting its growth rate reaction norm so that age at metamorphosis is uniformly fast and is not associated with growth rate. The realized variation is concentrated in size rather than age at metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Many amphibian species exploit temporary or even ephemeral aquatic habitats for reproduction by maximising larval growth under benign conditions but accelerating development to rapidly undergo metamorphosis when at risk of desiccation from pond drying. Here we determine mechanisms enabling developmental acceleration in response to decreased water levels in western spadefoot toad tadpoles (Pelobates cultripes), a species with long larval periods and large size at metamorphosis but with a high degree of developmental plasticity. We found that P. cultripes tadpoles can shorten their larval period by an average of 30% in response to reduced water levels. We show that such developmental acceleration was achieved via increased endogenous levels of corticosterone and thyroid hormone, which act synergistically to achieve metamorphosis, and also by increased expression of the thyroid hormone receptor TRΒ, which increases tissue sensitivity and responsivity to thyroid hormone. However, developmental acceleration had morphological and physiological consequences. In addition to resulting in smaller juveniles with proportionately shorter limbs, tadpoles exposed to decreased water levels incurred oxidative stress, indicated by increased activity of the antioxidant enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase, and gluthatione peroxidase. Such increases were apparently sufficient to neutralise the oxidative damage caused by presumed increased metabolic activity. Thus, developmental acceleration allows spadefoot toad tadpoles to evade drying ponds, but it comes at the expense of reduced size at metamorphosis and increased oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Organisms vary their rates of growth and development in response to environmental inputs. Such developmental plasticity may be adaptive and positively correlate with environmental heterogeneity. However, the evolution of developmental plasticity among closely related taxa is not well understood. To determine the evolutionary pattern of plasticity, we compared plasticity in time to and size at metamorphosis in response to water desiccation in tadpoles among spadefoot species that differ in breeding pond and larval period durations. Like most tadpoles, spadefoot tadpoles possess the remarkable ability to accelerate development in response to pond drying to avoid desiccation. Here, we hypothesize that desert spadefoot tadpoles have evolved reduced plasticity to avoid desiccation in ephemeral desert pools compared to their nondesert relatives that breed in long-duration ponds. We recorded time to and size at metamorphosis following experimental manipulation of water levels and found that desert-adapted species had much less plasticity in larval period and size at metamorphosis than nondesert species, which retain the hypothetical ancestral state of plasticity. Furthermore, we observed a correlation between degree of plasticity and fat body content that may provide mechanistic insights into the evolution of developmental plasticity in amphibians.  相似文献   

Determinants of geographic variation in body size are often poorly understood, especially in organisms with complex life cycles. We examined patterns of adult body size and metamorphic traits variation in Iberian spadefoot toad ( Pelobates cultripes ) populations, which exhibit an extreme reduction in adult body size, 71.6% reduction in body mass, within just about 30 km at south-western Spain. We hypothesized that size at and time to metamorphosis would be predictive of the spatial pattern observed in adult body size. Larvae from eight populations were raised in a common garden experiment at two different larval densities that allow to differentiate whether population divergence was genetically based or was simply a reflection of environmental variation and, in addition, whether this population divergence was modulated by differing crowding larval environments. Larger adult size populations had higher larval growth rates, attaining larger sizes at metamorphosis, and exhibited higher survival than smaller-sized populations at both densities, although accentuated at a low larval density. These population differences appeared to be consistent once embryo size variation was controlled for, suggesting that this phenotypic divergence is not due to maternal effects. Our results suggest considerable genetic differentiation in metamorphic traits that parallels and may be a causal determinant of geographic variation in adult body size.  相似文献   

The thyroid gland is essential in anurans, since thyroid hormones (TH) are the main regulators of larval development. Its absence or inactivity interrupts development and precludes metamorphosis. Histological changes are important diagnostic criteria for evaluating thyroid gland activity. However, there is a large larval diversity where the development of the thyroid gland development has not been studied. Pleurodema borellii is an anuran from northwest of Argentina with typical omnivorous pond tadpoles that can be easily raised in captivity. This study explores the histo-morphological changes of the thyroid gland architecture during larval development. Histological parameters indicate peak glandular activity in parallel with the intensity of the metamorphic transformations. These parameters regress towards the end of metamorphosis, indicating low TH release. P. borellii's thyroid gland does not appear to have relevant activity in post-metamorphic juvenile stages. This study is a first step towards understanding endocrine regulation during the development of Pleurodema borellii, and a reference to future studies in this species involving thyroid-dependent processes.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of developmental stage on thyroid hormone (TH)-mediated remodeling in the skeletal tissues of hemidactyliine plethodontid urodeles. Rate of morphogenesis was quantified in 17 metamorphic tissues for three different size-age classes of Eurycea bislineata larvae immersed in a metamorphic dosage of T4. Extent of morphogenesis after a 3-week immersion was also quantified in these tissues plus four larval ones for the full size range of E. bislineata larvae and for less complete size ranges of E. wilderae, E. longicauda guttolineata, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus, and Pseudotriton ruber larvae. Although all tissues respond more slowly with decreasing size/age, two tissue-specific effects are evident in all species. Larval ossifications are less inducible than metamorphic ossifications, and progressive metamorphic events are more retarded and, in some cases, more prone to abnormal morphogenesis than regressive ones. The first effect agrees with the prediction that tissues that naturally remodel at metamorphosis are more responsive to a metamorphic dosage of TH than those that respond at a larval stage and lower TH. The second effect agrees with the prediction that progressive morphogenesis is more likely to be impaired at small size than regressive morphogenesis, although the frequent discrepancies between individuals of similar size implicate developmental age more than size in this effect. Collectively, these two effects provide only equivocal support for the hypothesis that direct development in plethodontids evolved via precocious TH activity. However, the unexpected transition from ceratobranchial replacement to ceratobranchial shortening in medium-sized larvae suggests that the former pathway requires a longer period of cell specification at low TH. Since ancestral plethodontids appear to have been distinguished by an exceptionally long larval period with exceptionally low TH activity, this developmental prerequisite may in turn be partly responsible for their singular evolution of ceratobranchial replacement. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The transformation of ancestral phenotypes into novel traits is poorly understood for many examples of evolutionary novelty. Ancestrally, salamanders have a biphasic life cycle with an aquatic larval stage, a brief and pronounced metamorphosis, followed by a terrestrial adult stage. Repeatedly during evolution, metamorphic timing has been delayed to exploit growth-permissive environments, resulting in paedomorphic salamanders that retain larval traits as adults. We used thyroid hormone (TH) to rescue metamorphic phenotypes in paedomorphic salamanders and then identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) for life history traits that are associated with amphibian life cycle evolution: metamorphic timing and adult body size. We demonstrate that paedomorphic tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum complex) carry alleles at three moderate effect QTL (met1–3) that vary in responsiveness to TH and additively affect metamorphic timing. Salamanders that delay metamorphosis attain significantly larger body sizes as adults and met2 explains a significant portion of this variation. Thus, substitution of alleles at TH-responsive loci suggests an adaptive pleiotropic basis for two key life-history traits in amphibians: body size and metamorphic timing. Our study demonstrates a likely pathway for the evolution of novel paedomorphic species from metamorphic ancestors via selection of TH-response alleles that delay metamorphic timing and increase adult body size.  相似文献   

Flatfish metamorphosis is the most dramatic post-natal developmental event in teleosts. Thyroid hormones (TH), thyroxine (T4) and 3,3??-5??-triiodothyronine (T3) are the necessary and sufficient factors that induce and regulate flatfish metamorphosis. Most of the cellular and molecular action of TH is directed through the binding of T3 to thyroid nuclear receptors bound to promoters with consequent changes in the expression of target genes. The conversion of T4 to T3 and nuclear availability of T3 depends on the expression and activity of a family of 3 selenocysteine deiodinases that activate T4 into T3 or degrade T4 and T3. We have investigated the role of deiodinases in skin and muscle metamorphic changes in halibut. We show that, both at the whole body level and at the cellular level in muscle and skin of the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) during metamorphosis, the coordination between activating (D2) and deactivating (D3) deiodinases expression is strongly correlated with the developmental TH-driven changes. The expression pattern of D2 and D3 in cells of both skin and muscle indicate that TH are necessary for the maintenance of larval metamorphic development and juvenile cell types in these tissues. No break in symmetry occurs in the expression of deiodinases and in metamorphic developmental changes occurring both in trunk skin and muscle. The findings that two of the major tissues in both larvae and juveniles maintain their symmetry throughout metamorphosis suggest that the asymmetric changes occurring during flatfish metamorphosis are restricted to the eye and head region.  相似文献   

Anuran metamorphosis, the transition from aquatic larvae to terrestrial juveniles, is accompanied by significant morphological, physiological, and behavioral changes. Timing of metamorphosis and final size, which can influence adult fitness, may depend on sufficient energy accumulated during the larval period to support metamorphosis. However, only two species of anurans have been examined for energetic costs of metamorphosis, Rana tigrina and Anaxyrus terrestris. Based on these species, it has been hypothesized that differences in energy expenditure are related to duration of metamorphosis. To compare energetic costs of metamorphosis among species and examine this hypothesis, we quantified the total energy required for metamorphosis of Lithobates palustris tadpoles by measuring oxygen consumption rates over the duration of metamorphic climax using closed-circuit respirometry. Total energy costs for L. palustris were positively related to tadpole mass and duration of metamorphic climax. However, larger tadpoles completed metamorphosis more efficiently because they used proportionally less total energy for metamorphic climax than smaller counterparts. Costs were intermediate to R. tigrina, a larger species with similar metamorphic duration, and A. terrestris, a smaller species with shorter metamorphic climax. The results supported the hypothesis that amphibian species with more slowly developing tadpoles, such as ranids, require more absolute energy for metamorphosis in comparison to more rapidly developing species like bufonids.  相似文献   

In organisms with complex life cycles, such as amphibians, selection is thought to have minimized the duration of metamorphosis, because this is the stage at which predation risk is presumed to be highest. Consequently, metamorphic duration is often assumed to show little if any environmentally induced plasticity, because the elevation in the extrinsic mortality risk associated with prolonging metamorphosis is presumed to have selected for a duration as short as is compatible with normal development. We examined the extent to which metamorphic duration in the anuran amphibian Xenopus laevis was sensitive to environmental temperature. Metamorphic duration was influenced by body size, but independent of this effect, it was strongly influenced by environmental temperature: the duration at 18 °C was more than double that at 24 and 30 °C. We also compared the vulnerability of larval, metamorphosing and post metamorphic Xenopus to predators by measuring their burst swimming speeds. Burst swim speed increased through development and while we found no evidence that it was reduced during metamorphosis, it did increase sharply on completion of metamorphosis. We therefore found no evidence of a substantial increase in vulnerability to predators during metamorphosis compared with larval stages, and hence the slowing of metamorphosis in response to temperature may not be as costly as has been assumed.  相似文献   

Critical roles of hormones in metamorphic life history transitions are well documented in amphibians, lampreys, insects, and many plant species. Recent evidence suggests that thyroid hormones (TH) or TH-like compounds can regulate development to metamorphosis in echinoids (sea urchins, sand dollars, and their relatives). Moreover, previous research has provided evidence for endogenous hormone synthesis in both feeding and nonfeeding echinoderm larvae. However, the mechanisms for endogenous synthesis remain largely unknown. Here, we show that facultatively planktotrophic larvae (larvae that reach metamorphosis in the absence of food but have the ability to feed) from the subtropical sea biscuit Clypeaster rosaceus can synthesize thyroxine endogenously from incorporated iodine (I(125)). When treated with the goitrogen thiourea (a peroxidase inhibitor), iodine incorporation, thyroxine synthesis, and metamorphosis are all blocked in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitory effect on metamorphosis can be rescued by administration of exogenous thyroxine. Finally, we demonstrate that thiourea induces morphological changes in feeding structures comparable to the phenotypic plastic response of larval structures to low food conditions, further supporting a signaling role of thyroxine in regulating larval morphogenesis and phenotypic plasticity. We conclude that upregulation of endogenous hormone synthesis might have been associated with the evolution of nonfeeding development, subsequently leading to morphological changes characteristic of nonfeeding development.  相似文献   

MiR-1, miR-133a, and miR-206a have been identified as muscle-specific miRNAs. They play multiple crucial roles in the regulation of muscle development. Here, we show that these miRNAs were differentially expressed during the larval development of flounder, and specifically expressed in skeletal muscle and heart in adult tissues/organs. The expression levels of these miRNAs were significantly changed by thyroid hormone (TH) or thiourea (TU) treatment during metamorphosis from 17 dph (days post hatching) to 42 dph. In addition, the expression levels of MyoD and Myf5 mRNAs markedly increased at 14 dph (pre-metamorphosis) compared to metamorphic stages, and their expression levels are far above the myogenin during larval development. Moreover, these MRFs (myogenic regulatory factors) expression were directly or indirectly regulated by thyroid hormone or thiourea during metamorphosis. All the results suggest that miRNAs and MRFs might be involved in signaling pathway of TH or TU-mediated flounder metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Putative thyroid hormone (TH) nuclear receptors have been detected in several tissues of Rana catesbeiana tadpoles. T3 receptor number (sites per nucleus) in red blood cells (RBCs) and tail increases substantially just before metamorphic climax or in response to exogenous TH; in contrast, receptor number in liver remains relatively constant. TH receptors in mammals and birds are thought to be encoded by a c-erbA gene. In the present study, two c-erbA cDNAs, one prepared from Xenopus laevis oocytes (XenTR alpha 1) and one prepared from Rana catesbeiana tail (RC12), were used to examine the c-erbA-related mRNA species in Rana catesbeiana tissues and determine their role in the TH induction of tadpole RBC receptor number. XenTR alpha 1 encodes a protein with T3-binding properties typical of TH receptors. RC12 is almost 99% homologous with XenTR alpha 1 at the amino acid level and contains all of the putative T3-binding region and most of the DNA-binding region. Using either cDNA as a probe, it was found that two major species of c-erbA-related mRNA species (2.6 and 4.0 kilobases) were clearly evident in tadpole RBCs, tail, and liver. A third, more diffuse band (approximately 5.0 kilobases) was observed in RBC and tail. In RBCs, but not in liver, the combined level of c-erbA-related mRNA species was increased during spontaneous metamorphosis or after administration of TH. Furthermore, the TH-induced increase in both c-erbA-related mRNA species and receptor number in RBCs was prevented if actinomycin-D was administered with TH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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