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单纯疱疹病毒1型(HSV-1)为有包膜的DNA病毒,能引起皮肤性疱疹、角膜炎、脑炎等症状.HSV-1感染细胞后,要么进入裂解性感染阶段,要么进入潜伏感染阶段.受感染的细胞常会启动免疫系统抵抗病毒,而病毒却通过某种机制巧妙地逃避宿主的免疫反应并进入潜伏.进入潜伏感染阶段的病毒又会因机体受某种刺激而被激活进入裂解感染期.在这期间,有两个关键的病毒蛋白一间层蛋白(Viral protein 16,VP16)和内膜蛋白(Virion host shutoff protein,VHS)倍受关注,它们既是HSV-1的结构蛋白,在病毒复制晚期参与病毒颗粒的组装,同时又作为重要的功能蛋白,在病毒感染早期发挥重要的转录调节功能.下面就这两个蛋白相关功能的研究进展作一简要综述:  相似文献   

单纯疱疹病毒1型(Herpes simplex virus 1,HSV-1)感染细胞蛋白22(Infected Cell Protein 22,ICP22)是Us1基因编码的一种翻译后修饰多功能蛋白,为HSV-1的五种立即早期蛋白之一。HSV-1 ICP22能与不同的细胞和病毒成分相互作用来执行不同的功能,包括改变RNA聚合酶Ⅱ(RNA polymeraseⅡ,RNAPⅡ/PolⅡ)的磷酸化状态、参与抵抗细胞对病毒复制的消极作用、引起细胞周期蛋白A和B水平降低、介导修饰拓扑异构酶Ⅱα、参与胞核内病毒诱导的分子伴侣富集(Virus-induced chaperone-enriched,VICE)区域的形成及促进病毒新生核衣壳的初次包装。这些作用大多与调节病毒在胞核中有效复制相关。此外,HSV-1 ICP22还在限制细胞中的病毒复制、病毒致病力和潜伏感染建立过程中发挥重要作用,但ICP22发挥这些作用的机制尚未知。本文就上述目前国内外对HSV ICP22的研究进展作一综述,以期为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

在单纯疱疹病毒1型(Herpes simplex virus 1,HSV⁃1)中,感染细胞蛋白8(Infected cell protein 8,ICP8)是由UL29基因编码的一种单链DNA结合蛋白(Single strand DNA⁃binding protein,SSBP),该蛋白在病毒复制中必不可缺,具有维持单链DNA的稳定性,并与其他病毒蛋白相互结合,促进病毒复制室的形成,介导晚期基因的表达。除此之外,ICP8还具有促进UL9编码的起源结合蛋白(Origin binding protein,OBP)和UL5/UL8/UL52蛋白的酶活性,与UL12蛋白共同介导链交换等功能。本文就上述目前国内外对HSV⁃1 ICP8的研究进展作一综述,以期为后续研究ICP8的作用机制提供参考。  相似文献   

2型单纯疱疹病毒(Herpes simplex virus type 2,HSV-2)是引起生殖器疱疹的主要病原体。生殖器疱疹主要表现为生殖器和肛周皮肤黏膜疱疹或溃疡,是一种慢性、复发性、难以治愈的性传播疾病,临床治疗多以抑制病毒复制的核苷类药物阿昔洛韦及其衍生物更昔洛韦、喷昔洛韦等为主。这些药物对缓解症状、缩短病程有一定作用,但难以达到根治的目的,长期应用易产生耐药,且对其合并症基本无效。作用于HSV-2其他感染周期的药物成为人类探索的新领域。HSV-2感染宿主细胞是一个复杂的多阶段过程,包括黏附、穿入、核转运、基因组复制、衣壳组装、子代病毒释放等多个步骤,涉及多种细胞和病毒蛋白的活性。本文对HSV-2体外感染周期详细步骤及其分子机制作一综述,以期深入了解其感染机制,并为研制作用于不同感染阶段的抗HSV-2药物提供参考。  相似文献   

疱疹病毒VP16蛋白是疱疹病毒重要的皮层蛋白,参与病毒立即早期基因转录的激活、病毒在宿主细胞内的装配与释放等过程,与许多病毒蛋白和宿主蛋白都存在蛋白相互作用,且部分疱疹病毒VP16具有去泛素活性以及帮助病毒抵御宿主免疫的功能。本文将以疱疹病毒VP16蛋白的结构特点为基础来阐述VP16的功能及其复杂的相互作用,为深入研究疱疹病毒的成熟过程以及VP16涉及的相互作用提供参考。  相似文献   

单纯疱疹病毒1型载体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本讨论单纯疱疹病毒1型的特点和作为基因治疗载体的单纯疱疹1型载体的构建方法及其应用。  相似文献   

体外观察人中性粒细胞多肽1,3(Humanneutrophilpeptide,HNP1,3)及阿昔洛韦(Acyclovir,ACV)对单纯疱疹病毒-Ⅰ型(Herpessimplexvirus1,HSV-1)的抑制作用。以Vero细胞为靶细胞,用各种浓度HNP1,3与游离病毒颗粒(直接失活组)及感染病毒后的靶细胞(复制抑制组)进行相互作用,镜下观察各药物对HSV-1致细胞病变效应的抑制作用,并采用ELISA法测定感染48h后药物对HSV-1囊膜糖蛋白分泌的抑制作用。MTT法检测各药物对细胞的毒性作用。结果显示直接失活组中,HNP1,3可使HSV-1的致细胞病变效应减轻,对HSV-1直接失活的50%有效浓度(EC50)为8.1μg/mL、10.03μg/mL;复制抑制组中,ACV使HSV-1的致细胞病变效应减轻,EC50为0.68μg/mL。MTT检测结果表明HNP1,3在治疗浓度范围内无明显细胞毒性。以上结果表明HNP1,3除具有较强的抗菌作用和抗人类免疫缺陷病毒Ⅰ型(Humanimmunodeficiencyvirus1,HIV-1)活性外,还能失活HSV-1病毒颗粒,从而逆转病毒及其蛋白的病毒效应(致细胞病变)和抑制病毒蛋白质的合成。  相似文献   

单纯疱疹病毒1型(Herpes simplex virus type 1, HSV-1) UL42作为病毒编码的DNA聚合酶辅助亚基之一,是一种多功能蛋白,其在催化和调节病毒在细胞核内的有效复制发挥了重要的作用。已知UL42能提高DNA聚合酶催化亚基UL30的持续合成能力,激活病毒DNA聚合酶活性;介导DNA聚合酶的入核;与DNA模板链结合,提高病毒复制的保真度,以及含有抑制DNA聚合酶活性的肽段,提示其在病毒复制过程中也可能具有负调控作用。近期亦有报道显示,UL42能够阻断肿瘤坏死因子α(tumor necrosis factor-α, TNF-α)激活的核转录因子(nuclear factor kappa-B,NF-κB)信号通路以及干扰素调控因子3(interferon regulatory factor 3, IRF-3)的功能,提示其在病毒逃逸宿主天然免疫反应中发挥了一定的功能,但具体的作用机制尚不明确。本文对目前国内外HSV-1 UL42的结构特点、主要功能、作用机制及其在抗病毒药物研发中的研究进展进行综述,为后续揭示病毒致病机制和抗病毒药物的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

It has been proposed that herpes simplex virus 1 with VP22 deleted requires secondary mutation of VHS for viability. Here we show that a replication-competent Δ22 virus constructed by homologous recombination maintains a wild-type (Wt) VHS gene and has no other gross mutations. By contrast, Δ22 viruses recovered from a bacterial artificial chromosome contain multiple amino acid changes within a conserved region of VHS. Hence, the mode of virus rescue influences the acquisition of secondary mutations.  相似文献   

The role of the herpes simplex virus type 1 tegument protein VP22 during infection is as yet undefined. We have previously shown that VP22 has the unusual property of efficient intercellular transport, such that the protein spreads from single expressing cells into large numbers of surrounding cells. We also noted that in cells expressing VP22 by transient transfection, the protein localizes in a distinctive cytoplasmic filamentous pattern. Here we show that this pattern represents a colocalization between VP22 and cellular microtubules. Moreover, we show that VP22 reorganizes microtubules into thick bundles which are easily distinguishable from nonbundled microtubules. These bundles are highly resistant to microtubule-depolymerizing agents such as nocodazole and incubation at 4°C, suggesting that VP22 has the capacity to stabilize the microtubule network. In addition, we show that the microtubules contained in these bundles are modified by acetylation, a marker for microtubule stability. Analysis of infected cells by both immunofluorescence and measurement of microtubule acetylation further showed that colocalization between VP22 and microtubules, and induction of microtubule acetylation, also occurs during infection. Taken together, these results suggest that VP22 exhibits the properties of a classical microtubule-associated protein (MAP) during both transfection and infection. This is the first demonstration of a MAP encoded by an animal virus.

The eukaryotic cytoskeleton, which comprises actin microfilaments, intermediate filaments (IFs), and microtubules (MTs), performs a broad range of complex activities within the cell. These include various aspects of cell motility (2, 3), the determination of cell shape and internal architecture (17, 32), and vesicle trafficking and chromosome movement during mitosis (18, 25, 29). Furthermore, the individual components of the cytoskeleton are interlinked to form a dynamic network accessing every area of the cytoplasm (41) and the plasma membrane (10, 39), providing a framework which coordinates multiple cellular processes. The involvement in so many cellular activities is likely to make the cytoskeleton a primary target for exploitation during virus infection of host cells. Surprisingly, however, there is relatively little detailed information on virus interactions with the host cytoskeleton, and it is only recently that data suggesting that viruses may utilize the positioning and dynamics of the cytoskeletal network to their own advantage have begun to emerge.The majority of virus-induced cytoskeletal alterations documented to date involve the overall disruption of one or more elements of the cytoskeleton. For example, retroviruses and poliovirus encode proteases which induce the cleavage of cytoskeleton-associated proteins, thereby broadly increasing the dynamics of the cytoskeleton, resulting in disruption of the cell structure as infection progresses, and the appearance of well-characterized cytopathic effects (20, 43). A more specific disruption of the cytoskeleton occurs during infection by the rhabdovirus vesicular stomatitis virus, where the direct interaction of the virus matrix protein with tubulin results in the inhibition of MT assembly (33). Human immunodeficiency virus and papillomaviruses, on the other hand, encode activities which induce the collapse of the IF network, a property which may promote virus release from the cell (13, 23).By contrast, examples of virus activities which induce cytoskeletal polymerization and/or stabilization are much rarer. One example is the baculovirus Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus, which has been shown to induce the appearance of thick actin cables between the plasma membrane and the nucleus at early times after infection (8) and to induce actin filaments in the nucleus at late times (7). These features have been proposed to be involved in virus transport from the cell surface to the nucleus and nucleocapsid morphogenesis, respectively. However, the best-characterized viral exploitation of the host cell cytoskeleton is that of vaccinia virus, which has been shown to induce actin polymerization directly behind its virus particle as a means of propelling the virus through the cell (11, 12). The virus protein(s) responsible for this activity has not yet been identified, but it has been shown that disruption of the actin cytoskeleton in infected cells inhibits virus release, indicating that actin is essential to the virus replicative cycle (35).The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) structural protein VP22, a component of the viral tegument, has an as yet undefined role in virus replication. However, we have recently shown that VP22 has the unusual property of intercellular transport when it is expressed during both infection and transient transfection (14). Moreover, we demonstrated that such VP22 transport occurs via a mechanism potentially involving actin microfilaments, suggesting that VP22 exhibits a cytoskeletal interaction. In this report, we demonstrate that VP22 interacts with another component of the cellular cytoskeleton, the MT network. We show that VP22 colocalizes with MTs in both transfected and infected cells and induces the appearance of thick MT bundles. Furthermore, we show that these VP22-induced MT bundles are highly stabilized in comparison to normal MTs and are resistant to both drug and cold treatment. As a consequence of VP22-induced stabilization, MTs are extensively modified by acetylation, a property also demonstrated in infected cells. Taken together, these results suggest that VP22 exhibits the properties of a classical cellular MT-associated protein (MAP) with powerful MT-stabilizing properties and represents the first demonstration of a MAP encoded by an animal virus.  相似文献   

The UL49 gene product (VP22) of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) is a virion phosphoprotein which accumulates inside infected cells at late stages of infection. We previously (J. A. Blaho, C. Mitchell, and B. Roizman, J. Biol. Chem. 269:17401-17410, 1994) discovered that the form of VP22 packaged into infectious virions differed from VP22 extracted from infected-cell nuclei in that the virion-associated form had a higher electrophoretic mobility in denaturing gels. Based on these results, we proposed that VP22 in virions was "undermodified" in some way. The goal of this study is to document the biological and biochemical properties of VP22 throughout the entire course of a productive HSV-1 infection. We now report the following. (i) VP22 found in infected cells is distributed in at least three distinct subcellular localizations, which we define as cytoplasmic, diffuse, and nuclear, as measured by indirect immunofluorescence. (ii) Using a synchronized infection system, we determined that VP22 exists predominantly in the cytoplasm early in infection and accumulates in the nucleus late in infection. (iii) While cytoplasmic VP22 colocalizes with the HSV-1 glycoprotein D early in infection, the nuclear form of VP22 is not restricted to replication compartments which accumulate ICP4. (iv) VP22 migrates as at least three unique electrophoretic species in denaturing sodium dodecyl sulfate-DATD-polyacrylamide gels. VP22a, VP22b, and VP22c have high, intermediate, and low mobility, respectively. (v) The relative distribution of the various forms of VP22 derived from infected whole-cell extracts varies during the course of infection such that low-mobility species predominate at early times and high-mobility forms accumulate later. (vi) The highest-mobility forms of VP22 partition with the cytoplasmic fraction of infected cells, while the lowest-mobility forms are associated with the nuclear fraction. (vii) Finally, full-length VP22 which partitions in the nucleus incorporates radiolabel from [32P]orthophosphate whereas cytoplasmic VP22 does not. Based on these results, we conclude that modification of VP22 coincides with its appearance in the nucleus during the course of productive HSV-1 infection.  相似文献   

The lysosomal pathway of autophagy is the major catabolic mechanism for degrading long-lived cellular proteins and cytoplasmic organelles. Recent studies have also shown that autophagy (xenophagy) may be used to degrade bacterial pathogens that invade intracellularly. However, it is not yet known whether xenophagy is a mechanism for degrading viruses. Previously, we showed that autophagy induction requires the antiviral eIF2alpha kinase signaling pathway (including PKR and eIF2alpha) and that this function ofeIF2alpha kinase signaling is antagonized by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) neurovirulence gene product, ICP34.5. Here, we show quantitative morphologic evidence of PKR-dependent xenophagic degradation of herpes simplex virions and biochemical evidence of PKR and eIF2alpha-dependent degradation of HSV-1 proteins, both of which are blocked by ICP34.5. Together, these findings indicate that xenophagy degrades HSV-1 and that this cellular function is antagonized by the HSV-1 neurovirulence gene product, ICP34.5. Thus, autophagy-related pathways are involved in degrading not only cellular constituents and intracellular bacteria, but also viruses.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus capsids are regular icosahedrons with a diameter of a 125 nm and are made up of 162 capsomeres arranged on a T = 16 lattice. The capsomeres (VP5) interact with the triplex structure, which is a unique structural feature of herpesvirus capsid shells. The triplex is a heterotrimeric complex; one molecule of VP19C and two of VP23 form a three-pronged structure that acts to stabilize the capsid shell through interactions with adjacent capsomeres. VP19C interacts with VP23 and with the major capsid protein VP5 and is required for the nuclear localization of VP23. Mutation of VP19C results in the abrogation of capsid shell synthesis. Analysis of the sequence of VP19C showed the N-terminus of VP19C is very basic and glycine rich. It was hypothesized that this domain could potentially bind to DNA. In this study an electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and a DNA condensation assay were performed to demonstrate that VP19C can bind DNA. Purified VP19C was able to bind to both a DNA fragment of HSV-1 origin as well as a bacterial plasmid sequence indicating that this activity is non-specific. Ultra-structural imaging of the nucleo-protein complexes revealed that VP19C condensed the DNA and forms toroidal DNA structures. Both the DNA binding and condensing properties of VP19C were mapped to the N-terminal 72 amino acids of the protein. Mutational studies revealed that the positively charged arginine residues in this N-terminal domain are required for this binding. This DNA binding activity, which resides in a non-conserved region of the protein could be required for stabilization of HSV-1 DNA association in the capsid shell.  相似文献   

Heparin inhibited the hemagglutinin activity of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1. The minimal inhibitory concentration of heparin required to inhibit 8 hemagglutination (HA) U of HSV ranged from 0.005 to 0.01 U/ml. Mouse erythrocytes failed to combine with the HA inhibitory factor of heparin. On the other hand, mouse erythrocytes treated with heparinase had greatly reduced agglutinability by HSV. Virus-heparin complex formation was observed by sedimenting heparin with the virus particles.  相似文献   

L Zhao  C Zheng 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e41825
VP19C is a structural protein of herpes simplex virus type 1 viral particle, which is essential for assembly of the capsid. In this study, a nuclear export signal (NES) of VP19C is for the first time identified and mapped to amino acid residues 342 to 351. Furthermore, VP19C is demonstrated to shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm through the NES in a chromosomal region maintenance 1 (CRM1)-dependent manner involving RanGTP hydrolysis. This makes VP19C the first herpesviral capsid protein with nucleocytoplasmic shuttling property and adds it to the list of HSV-1 nucleocytoplasmic shuttling proteins.  相似文献   

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