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Mechanical interaction between the diaphragm and rib cage   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Action of abdominal muscles on rib cage in humans   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To assess the actions of the rectus abdominis and external oblique muscles on the rib cage in humans, these two muscles were stimulated with surface electrodes in four normal supine subjects at functional residual capacity. Changes in anteroposterior and transverse rib cage diameters and changes in xiphipubic distance were measured with pairs of magnetometers. Stimulation of rectus abdominis produced a marked decrease in the xiphipubic distance and in the anteroposterior diameter, thus making the rib cage more elliptic. In contrast, stimulation of the external oblique caused a decrease in the transverse diameter, making the rib cage more cylindrical. When both muscles were stimulated simultaneously, the resultant rib cage distortion depended on the relative voltage at which each muscle was stimulated. Electromyogram recordings showed that there was no cross contamination or activity of the diaphragm during the muscle stimulations. Transdiaphragmatic pressure increased with the voltage of stimulation, suggesting passive lengthening of the diaphragm. X-ray studies were performed in two subjects and confirmed the main magnetometer findings. These studies thus confirm that the rib cage in humans is more easily distortable than conventionally thought. The abdominal muscles can distort it in either direction depending on which muscles are contracting.  相似文献   

By use of the method of Konno and Mead and the respiratory magnetometer, the partition of respired gas volumes into rib cage and diaphragm-abdomen components was accomplished in 81 normal subjects including 32 young and middle-aged men, 29 young and middle-aged women, and 20 elderly men. Studied were isovolume maneuvers and the relaxation configuration over the inspiratory capacity range, quiet tidal breathing, increased amplitudes of slow breathing, rapid inspirations and expirations, and both quiet and forceful phonation. No major differences were noted between men and women or between the young and the elderly during any respiratory acts. During quiet breathing most normal subjects are abdominal breathers when supine and thoracic breathers when upright. Rapid respiratory maneuvers were accomplished mostly through rib cage displacement suggesting that rib cage muscles are capable of more rapid action than diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Data from deep breathing and rapid maneuvers supported the view that abdominal and rib cage muscles often act to optimize the mechanical (length-tension) advantage of the diaphragm.  相似文献   

The volume displacements of the rib cage and abdomen of relaxed seated subjects were measured as functions of pleural pressure with the chest wall expanded by airway pressure and with the chest wall distorted by an external force applied to the rib cage. From the measured displacements for the two independent loads, the three compliances that describe the mechanical properties of the relaxed chest wall modeled as a linear elastic system with two degrees of freedom were obtained. The cross compliance that describes the coupling between the rib cage and abdomen was found to be small and positive, 0.01-0.02 1/cmH2O. The displacement of the rib cage by the external force was consistent with the displacement predicted by use of standard methods for calculating the mechanical advantage of the force.  相似文献   

In 14 healthy male subjects we studied the effects of rib cage and abdominal strapping on lung volumes, airway resistance (Raw), and total respiratory resistance (Rrs) and reactance (Xrs). Rib cage, as well as abdominal, strapping caused a significant decrease in vital capacity (respectively, -36 and -34%), total lung capacity (TLC) (-31 and -27%), functional residual capacity (FRC) (-28 and -28%), and expiratory reserve volume (-40 and -48%) and an increase in specific airway conductance (+24 and +30%) and in maximal expiratory flow at 50% of control TLC (+47 and +42%). The decrease of residual volume (RV) was significant (-12%) with rib cage strapping only. Abdominal strapping resulted in a minor overall increase in Rrs, whereas rib cage strapping produced a more marked increase at low frequencies; thus a frequency dependence of Rrs was induced. A similar pattern, but with lower absolute values, of Rrs was obtained by thoracic strapping when the subject was breathing at control FRC. Xrs was decreased, especially at low frequencies, with abdominal strapping and even more with thoracic strapping; thus the resonant frequency of the respiratory system was shifted toward higher frequencies. Partitioning Rrs and Xrs into resistance and reactance of lungs and chest wall demonstrated that the different effects of chest wall and abdominal strapping on Rrs and Xrs reflect changes mainly of chest wall mechanics.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of selective restriction of movements of the rib cage (Res,rc) and abdomen (Res,ab) on ventilatory pattern, transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi), and electrical activity of the diaphragm (Edi) in five normal subjects exercising at a constant work rate (80% of maximum power output) on a cycle ergometer till exhaustion. Restriction of movements was achieved by an inelastic corset applied tightly around the rib cage or abdomen. Edi was recorded by an esophageal electrode, rectified, and then integrated, and peak values during inspiration were measured. Each subject exercised at the same work rate on 3 days: with Res,rc, with Res,ab, and without restriction (control). Res,rc but not Res,ab reduced exercise time (tlim). Up to tlim, minute ventilation (VE) was similar in all three conditions. At any level of VE, however, Res,rc decreased tidal volume and inspiratory and expiratory time, whereas Res,ab had no effect on the pattern of breathing. Res,ab was associated with higher inspiratory Pdi swings at any level of VE, whereas peak Edi was similar to control. Inspiratory Pdi swings were the same with Res,rc as control, but the peak Edi for a given Pdi was greater with Res,rc (P less than 0.05). During Res,rc the abdominal pressure swings in expiration were greater than with Res,ab and control. We conclude that Res,rc altered the pattern of breathing in normal subjects in high-intensity exercise, decreased diaphragmatic contractility, increased abdominal muscle recruitment in expiration, and reduced tlim. On the other hand, Res,ab had no effect on breathing pattern or tlim but was associated with increased diaphragmatic contractility.  相似文献   

With the use of the esophageal balloon technique, the workingcapacity of the respiratory muscles was assessed in four normal subjects by measuring the work per breath (W) and respiratory power() during maximal voluntary ventilationwith imposed respiratory frequencies (f) ranging from 20 to 273 cycles/min. Measurements were made in a body plethysmograph to assessthe work wasted as a result of alveolar gas compressibility(Wg'). In line with other types of human voluntary muscleactivity, W decreased with increasing f, whereas exhibited a maximum at f of ~100cycles/min. Up to this f value, Wg' was small relative to W. Withfurther increase in f, the Wg'/W ratio increased progressively,amounting to 8-22% of at f of 200 cycles/min.


The abdominal muscles expand the rib cage when they contract alone. This expansion opposes the deflation of the lung and may be viewed as pressure dissipation. The hypothesis was raised, therefore, that alterations in rib cage elastance should affect the lung deflating action of these muscles. To test this hypothesis and evaluate the quantitative importance of this effect, we measured the changes in airway opening pressure (Pao), abdominal pressure (Pab), and rib cage transverse diameter during isolated stimulation of the transversus abdominis muscle in anesthetized dogs, first with the rib cage intact and then after rib cage elastance was increased by clamping the ribs and the sternum. Stimulation produced increases in Pao, Pab, and rib cage diameter in both conditions. With the ribs and sternum clamped, however, the change in Pab was unchanged but the change in Pao was increased by 77% (P < 0.001). In a second experiment, the transversus abdominis was stimulated before and after rib cage elastance was reduced by removing the bony ribs 3-8. Although the change in Pab after removal of the the ribs was still unchanged, the change in Pao was reduced by 62% (P < 0.001). These observations, supported by a model analysis, indicate that rib cage elastance is a major determinant of the mechanical coupling between the abdominal muscles and the lung. In fact, in the dog, the effects of rib cage elastance and Pab on the lung-deflating action of the abdominal muscles are of the same order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Although volumetric displacements of the chest wall are often analyzed in terms of two independent parallel pathways (rib cage and abdomen), Loring and Mead have argued that these pathways are not mechanically independent (J. Appl. Physiol. 53: 756-760, 1982). Because of its apposition with the diaphragm, the rib cage is exposed to two distinct pressure differences, one of which depends on abdominal pressure. Using the analysis of Loring and Mead as a point of departure, we developed a complementary analysis in which mechanical coupling of the rib cage, abdomen, and diaphragm is modeled by a linear translational transformer. This model has the advantage that it possesses a precise electrical analogue. Pressure differences and compartmental displacements are related by the transformation ratio (n), which is the mechanical advantage of abdominal over pleural pressure changes in displacing the rib cage. In the limiting case of very high lung volume, n----0 and the pathways uncouple. In the limit of very small lung volume, n----infinity and the pathways remain coupled; both rib cage and abdomen are driven by abdominal pressure alone, in accord with the Goldman-Mead hypothesis. A good fit was obtained between the model and the previously reported data for the human chest wall from 0.5 to 4 Hz (J. Appl. Physiol. 66:350-359, 1989). The model was then used to estimate rib cage, diaphragm, and abdominal elastance, resistance, and inertance. The abdomen was a high-elastance high-inertance highly damped compartment, and the rib cage a low-elastance low-inertance more lightly damped compartment. Our estimate that n = 1.9 is consistent with the findings of Loring and Mead and suggests substantial pathway coupling.  相似文献   

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