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The long-day flowering of Lemna perpusilla 6746 on an SH inhibitor-containingmedium was inhibited by the application of ammonium ion to themedium. Ammonium ion not only suppressed long-day flowering,but relieved the inhibition of vegetative growth caused by theinhibitors. Nitrite, casamino acids, glutamine and asparaginehad a similar effect, suggesting that the inhibition of long-dayflowering by ammonium ion is not a direct effect of the ion.Most amino acids, with the exception of glutamate and aspartate,also prevented long-day flowering, but their effects on vegetativegrowth varied. No qualitative differences in amino acid compositionwere observed among plants cultured on media containing nitrate,nitrite or NH44NO3as the sole nitrogen source. However, theamounts of free and total amino acids werehigher in plants fedwith nitrite or NH4NO3 than in those fed with nitrate. Thissuggests that the inhibition of long-day flowering by ammoniumand nitrite can be ascribed to increased nitrogen metabolism. Though decreased activity by SH inhibitors of nitrate reductase(SH enzyme) is assumed to result in long-day flowering by loweringthe nitrogen metabolism, lowering the nitrogen level in M mediumdid not bring about floral initiation in the absence of SH inhibitors. (Received January 7, 1975; )  相似文献   

Lemna perpusilla 6746, a short-day duckweed, flowered undercontinuous illumination on M-sucrose medium containing CuSO4,AgNO3 and HgCl2, which are SH-inhibitors. The optimum concentrationsof CuSO4, AgNO3 and HgCl2 were 5, 1 and 20 µM, respectively.Other metal ions tested were ineffective, but at least two otherSHinhibitors, potassium ferricyanide and iodoacetamide, alsoinduced long-day flowering at the concentrations of 0.1-1 µM. Adding 50 µM EDTA to the medium prevented the effect ofcupric ion, but not that of other SH-inhibitors. EDTA at 200µM induced some long-day flowering when added to a mediumwith no SH-inhibitors. It also permitted some flowering whenadded together with cupric ion, and accelerated flowering inthe presence of the other SHinhibitors listed above. EDTA andSH-inhibitor effects appeared to be additive. (Received May 25, 1973; )  相似文献   

Lemna perpusilla 6746, a short-day duckweed, flowered undercontinuous illumination if some of the SH inhibitors, such ascyanide or tungstate were added to the M-sucrose medium. Theeffect of tungstate was not overcome by simultaneous applicationof molybdate, but deletion of the Mo from the medium was enoughto induce the long-day flowering. In vivo assay of nitrate reductaseactivity suggested that nitrate reduction was not inhibitedby tungstate, CuSO4 or AgNO3 which induced longday flowering.The possibility was suggested that suppression of some Mo-requiringprocess other than nitrate reduction brings about the long-dayflowering in this plant. (Received November 12, 1975; )  相似文献   

DCMU, in a sucrose supplemented medium, promoted short and longday flowering and inhibited long day frond production of wildtype Lemna perpusilla 6746, but not of mutant strain 1073. Resultssuggest a defect in the mutant that mimics DCMU poisoning. 1 This work was supported by National Science Foundation GrantGB-12955. (Received December 11, 1972; )  相似文献   

The induction of flowering by abscisic acid in Lemna perpusilla 6746   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B M Higham  H Smith 《Life sciences》1969,8(20):1061-1065

The effects of 24 hr cycle skeleton photoperiodic schedulesinvolving two short light pulses on flowering in Lemna perpusillahave been studied. Simulation of complete photoperiods by correspondingskeletal ones is nearly perfect for all photoperiods up to 8hr and is unstable for periods of 9 to 13 hr. A jump in theresponse phase appears when skeleton photoperiods ranging from12 to 13hr are given. For all skeleton photoperiods longer than14 hr the phase is entrained so that it agrees with that givenby skeleton photoperiods of complemental lengths. That is, askeleton photoperiod of 18 hr is equivalent to that of 6 (=24–18) hr. Simulation is largely related to whether thesecond pulse is locked on to "dawn" or to "sunset" dependingon when it falls during the dark period following the firstpulse. The inductive action of skeleton photoperiods that gives unstableentrainment depends on the length of a preliminary dark periodgiven before the plant receives the first pulse, since in theseskeleton schedules the sensitive zone to the second pulse shiftswith the length of the preliminary darkness. Thus, we tentatively conclude that the circadian oscillationin L. perpusilla involves an entrainment mechanism and thatphotoperiodic induction is contingent on the coincidence oflight and a specific inductive phase in oscillation. (Received September 18, 1968; )  相似文献   

Flowering response of Lemna perpusilla 6746 to a single dark period   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lemna perpusilla 6746 is induced to flower by a single longdark period, but the floral buds once formed disappear afterseveral days under 5000 lux/25?C. Such regression of floralbuds is prevented by lowering the light intensity or temperature,but if the light intensity and/or temperature are lowered beyondcritical levels, new floral buds form. If the cultures are subjectedto 100 lux/20?C, neither regression nor new formation of floralbuds occurs. Under such conditions, the number of floral frondsreaches maximum about 6 days after the inductive dark periodand reamins unchanged for at least 10 days, while the percentageof floral fronds rapidly decreases thereafter, owing to thedilution by newly developed vegetative fronds. When the cultures are subjected to various lengths of a singledark period (25?C) followed by 100 lux/20?C, flowering responsesrepresented by the number of floral fronds per flask show rhythmicfluctuation with a cycle length of about 24 hr. Similar rhythmicresponse is observed when a brief light interruption is givenat different times during a single long dark period. (Received December 2, 1974; )  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on the subsequent development in continuouslight of floral buds formed after a single short-day cycle inLemna perpusilla 6746, a short-day plant, were studied usingfronds selected in relation to the order of emergence. The floralbuds developed to stage 1 regardless of the temperature duringthe following CL. The rate of development, however, was slowerat lower temperature. The minimum number of days in CL neededfor the abortion of once formed floral buds increased with adecrease in temperature, accompanied by an increase in the frondplastochron. Furthermore, when the frond plastochron was alteredby manipulation of the environmental conditions, i.e., lightintensity or medium strength, the minimum number of days inCL required for the abortion of the floral buds also changed.These results suggest that the development pattern of floralbuds in this plant is highly correlated with the frond plastochron. (Received September 20, 1977; )  相似文献   

Doss RP 《Plant physiology》1975,56(3):360-363
Short term inhibitor treatment can be used to examine the processes that occur during an inductive dark period in the short day plant Lemna perpusilla Torr., strain 6746. Several inhibitors of protein biosynthesis are most effective in reducing per cent flowering when treatment occurs over the 2-hour intervals beginning at the 12th hour or the 14th hour of a 8 (16) photoperiodic cycle. The antimetabolite, 5-fluorouracil, is most effective when treatment occurs early in the dark period. Evidence is cited suggesting that distilled water incubation inhibits flowering by interfering with protein biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Doss RP 《Plant physiology》1975,55(1):108-109
The flowering of Lemna perpusilla Torr. strain 6746 grown under 24-hour skeleton photoperiods consisting of 13- and 10.5-hour dark periods separated by 0.25-hr light pulses is strongly dependent on temperature. When plants are cultured in 50-ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 20 ml of half-strength Hutner's medium supplemented with 1% (w/v) sucrose maximum, per cent, flowering occurs at 23 C. At temperatures above and below 23 C a marked decline in per cent flowering is seen.  相似文献   

Floral induction in Lemna perpusilla and L. gibba was determinedunder continuous irradiation with monochromatic light in spectralranges from 396 to 765 nm. In the former it was induced underwavelengths from about 400 to 550 nm and longer than 700 nm,while in the latter with wavelengths near 400 nm and from about550 to 650 nm. The patterns of these spectral dependences werenearly mirror images and corresponded to the Pfr level in thephotostationary states of phytochrome. (Received December 3, 1974; )  相似文献   

The short-day plant Lemna paucicostata 6746 can be induced toflower on long days (continuous light) by the addition of copper,tungstate or ferricyanide to the medium, and in each case theeffect was greatly enhanced by deleting molybdate from the medium.Treatment with asparagine, aspartate, glutamate, -alanine, glycineorserine, all of which are known to increase the critical daylengthand almost nullify the light-break effect in L. paucicostata6746, enhanced the long-day flowering induced by copper, ferricyanideor Mo-deficiency. (Received October 13, 1978; )  相似文献   

Lemna perpusilla 6746, grown photoautotrophically at a series of sulfate concentrations ranging from 0.32 to 1,000 μm, was labeled to radioisotopic equilibrium with 35SO42−. Sulfur-containing compounds were isolated and purified from the colonies. Radioactivity in each compound was a measure of the amount of that compound present in the tissue. The following compounds were identified and quantitated: inorganic sulfate, glutathione, homocyst(e)ine, cyst(e)ine, methionine, S-methylmethionine sulfonium, S-adenosylmethionine, S-adenosylhomocysteine, cystathionine, chloroformsoluble (presumed to be sulfolipid), protein cyst(e)ine, and protein methionine. γ-Glutamylcyst(e)ine, erythro- and threo-thiothreonine, and S-methylcysteine were not detected. No volatile 35S compounds were formed during plant growth at 1,000 μm sulfate, nor were significant amounts of 35S compounds excreted into the medium.  相似文献   

Flowering of Lemna gibba G3, a long-day duckweed, was inhibitedby adding CuSO4, AgNO3, HgCl2, Na2WO4 or iodoacetamide to themedium at the concentrations inducing long-day flowering inLemna paucicostata 6746, a short-day duckweed. This suggeststhat these metabolic inhibitors affected the photoperiodic sensitivityrather than directly affecting flower initiation. Ferricyanidepromoted flowering in both of these short-day and long-day duckweeds. (Received July 7, 1977; )  相似文献   

Lemna perpusilla Torr, strain 6746 clones were maintained under conditions of continuous illumination with various concentrations of sucrose, glucose or fructose added to the growth, medium. After two weeks of growth, plants were harvested and either assayed for total glutamate dehydrogenase activity or fractionated into one chloroplast-rich and one mitochondria-rich preparation and then assayed for glutamate dehydrogenase activity. In all assays for glutamate dehydrogenase it was necessary to add bovine serum albumin to the extraction medium in order to obtain sufficient enzyme activity for accurate and reproducible results. The presence of sucrose in the growth medium reduced glutamate dehydrogenase activity in all studies. When samples containing intact organelles were assayed, sucrose inhibition of activity appeared to occur primarily in the chloroplast fraction. Glucose, on the other hand, increased glutamate dehydrogenase activity in the chloroplast-rich fractions. Upon freeze-thawing differences between the various treatments were less obvious. The results from these studies indicate possible differences in sugar uptake and/or utilization in Lemna perpusilla.  相似文献   

Addition of copper or tungstate to or exclusion of molybdenumfrom M-sucrose medium induced long-day flowering in Lemna paucicostata6746 provided the medium contained sufficient nitrate. By contrast,ferricyanide, cyanide or silver induced long day flowering evenin nitrate-deficient, M-sucrose medium. (Received August 26, 1977; )  相似文献   

The CO2 output of Lemna perpusilla 6746 in “skeleton photoperiods” consisting of alternating 10½-hour and 13-hour dark periods separated by ¼-hour illuminations was recorded under stable high and low nitrate conditions. The phase relationship finally attained between light schedule and output is the same regardless of which dark period is given first, but entrainment is more rapid (as is flowering) with an initial 13-hour dark period. In all respects other than bistability—the assumption of two different stable phase relationships depending on the initial dark period—both flowering and the course of CO2 output conform to Pittendrigh's model derived from Drosophila eclosion rhythms, confirming the view that an endogenous circadian rhythm, or biological clock, underlies the photoperiodic control of flowering in this plant. Experiments with rigorous temperature control show that earlier results with long light exposures were in part due to temperature changes; in consequence, it is clear that entrainment patterns with high nitrate differ even more from those in low nitrate than was previously evident, and not simply by the addition of a “nitrate peak.” Other Lemnaceae tested with a few simple light-dark schedules in both types of media show a variety of responses, with no obvious correlation to photoperiodic response type.  相似文献   

The min-LD estimation by the log. flower number vs. the cultureperiod curve provides a unique method of judging whether a givenphotoperiodic schedule is a long day or not for Lemna gibbaG3. Duckweeds in M-sucrose medium are exposed to the test scheduleat 26°C on either the first or second day of a continuouslight culture. If the min-LD (48 hr for control cultures) isnot changed, the inserted schedule is considered to have functionedas a long day. If, however, the min-LD is extended by 24 hr,the inserted schedule is judged to have functioned as a shortday. Examinations using this method of orderly designed light-darkschedules disclosed two critical phases in the light requirement;the initial and terminal 1 hr portions (designated the L1- andL2-phases) of the subjective day. Thus, a given day became along or short day when both the L1- and L2-phases were illuminatedor when either or both of the two phases were darkened. Thecritical daylength (11.5 hr) was just long enough to cover boththe L1- and L2-phases and the inductive phase (L2-phase) waslocated at the end of the subjective day. (Received June 9, 1975; )  相似文献   

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