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The serological relationship of the ribonucleic acid (RNA)-containing coliphages MS-2, M-12, R-17, f2, β, fr, f4, and Qβ was determined. Antisera against MS-2, R-17, f2, fr, and Qβ neutralized the infectivity of all of these RNA phages to varying degrees. Although each phage was serologically distinct, the antisera cross-reacted with certain phages to approximately the same degree, indicating the antigenic relationship of the coat proteins of these phages. Adsorption of anti-MS-2 sera with varying concentrations of all of the phages demonstrated that these viruses contain similar yet unique antigenic determinants. It is suggested that these RNA phages are mutants of two related phages rather than of the same phage.  相似文献   

Distribution of Coliphages in Hong Kong Sewage   总被引:1,自引:10,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Coliphage content of sewage collected from 11 different localities in Hong Kong was determined. The number of plaque-forming units (PFU) ranged from 0.036 x 10(3) to 15.9 x 10(3) per ml. In general, urban sewage tended to be richer than rural sewage both in PFU count as well as plaque morphological variation. Seventy-seven isolates were subjected to a host range study. Fifty per cent of these were able to grow on Escherichia coli K-12 as well as E. coli B. Approximately 32% were found to be male specific, and the remaining 18% were K-12 specific although sex-indifferent.  相似文献   

The large-particle fraction from the cytoplasm of chick embryo fibroblasts infected with Semliki Forest virus was found to catalyze the incorporation of the 5'-triphosphates of guanosine, adenine, cytidine, and uridine into an acid-insoluble alkali-labile product. The conditions affecting the preparation and assay of this enzyme were investigated. The ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase was not present in uninfected cells, and it appeared in infected cells at the time of rapid viral RNA synthesis. The polymerase was found to catalyze the synthesis of a species of RNA which was resistant to ribonuclease and which exhibited the sedimentation properties, buoyant density, and thermal transition temperature of the double-stranded RNA found in vivo in chick cells infected with Semliki forest virus. Attempts to demonstrate that the reaction product of this enzyme also included single-stranded viral RNA were not successful. Although other interpretations are possible, these results give some support to the suggestion that more than one enzyme may be involved in the replication of viral RNA.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutations in the isoleucyl-transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) synthetase of yeast, ilS(-)1-1 and ilS(-)1-2, were used to examine the role of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase enzymes in the regulation of ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis and enzyme synthesis in a eucaryotic organism. At the permissive temperature, 70 to 100% of the intracellular isoleucyl-tRNA was charged in mutants carrying these mutations; at growth-limiting temperatures, less than 10% was charged with isoleucine. Other aminoacyl-tRNA molecules remained essentially fully charged under both conditions. Net protein and RNA syntheses were rapidly inhibited when the mutant was shifted from the permissive to the restrictive temperature. Most of the ribosomes remained in polyribosome structures at the restrictive temperature even though protein synthesis was strongly inhibited. Two of the enzymes of isoleucine biosynthesis, threonine deaminase and acetohydroxyacid synthetase, were derepressed about twofold during slow growth of the mutants at a growth-limiting temperature. This is about the same degree of derepression that is achieved by growth of an auxotroph on limiting isoleucine. We conclude that charged aminoacyl-tRNA is essential for RNA synthesis and for the multivalent repression of the isoleucine biosynthetic enzymes. Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase enzymes appear to play important regulatory roles in the cell physiology of eucaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

Wastewater disinfection is used in many countries for reducing fecal coliform levels in effluents. Disinfection is therefore frequently used to improve recreational bathing waters which do not comply with microbiological standards. It is unknown whether human enteric viruses (which are responsible for waterborne disease) are simultaneously inactivated alongside fecal coliforms. This laboratory study focused on the chlorination of primary treated effluent with three doses (8, 16, and 30 mg/liter) of free chlorine as sodium hypochlorite. Seeding experiments showed that inactivation (>5 log10 units) of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis was rapid and complete but that there was poor inactivation (0.2 to 1.0 log10 unit) of F+-specific RNA (FRNA) bacteriophage (MS2) (a potential virus indicator) at all three doses. However, seeded poliovirus was significantly more susceptible (2.8 log10 units) to inactivation by chlorine than was the FRNA bacteriophage. To ensure that these results were not artifacts of the seeding process, comparisons were made between inactivation rates of laboratory-seeded organisms in sterilized sewage and inactivation rates of organisms occurring naturally in sewage. Multifactorial analysis of variance showed that there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the inactivation rates for seeded and naturally occurring FRNA bacteriophage. However, laboratory-grown poliovirus was inactivated much more rapidly than were naturally occurring, indigenous enteroviruses (P < 0.001). This may reflect differences in the way indigenous virus is presented to the disinfectant. Inactivation rates for indigenous enteroviruses were quite similar to those seen for FRNA bacteriophage at lower doses of chlorine. These results have significance for the effectiveness of chlorination as a sewage treatment process, particularly where virus contamination is of concern, and suggest that FRNA bacteriophage would be an appropriate indicator of such viral inactivation under field conditions.  相似文献   

When starved for leucine, strains of Bacillus subtilis do not complete chromosome replication to the terminus. The amount of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) made poststarvation is characteristic of the strain. In this study, four strains differing in their DNA response were examined for ribonucleic acid (RNA) regulation during leucine starvation. Each of the strains was judged to be stringent for RNA control based on the amount of RNA made poststarvation. Sucrose gradient profiles on RNA made with and without leucine starvation support this conclusion. Accumulation of guanosine tetraphosphate during leucine starvation showed no correlation with the amount of DNA synthesized. We concluded that modulation control of DNA synthesis during leucine starvation is independent of RNA control.  相似文献   

The effect of cadmium (Cd) on the number of different faecal indicator bacteria in sewage, and on species composition of different indicator bacteria, was studied. Different amounts of Cd were added to aliquots of a sewage sample, and after 0, 4% and 24 h of Cd exposure at 20°C conforms, faecal coliforms, faecal streptococci and Clostridium perfringens were enumerated by the membrane filter method. The Cd-induced reduction in the number of coliforms and faecal coliforms during exposure was found to be greater than the decrease in the number of faecal streptococci. In the case of C. perfringens the Cd concentrations used produced no observable effect on the cell number. The addition of Cd changed the faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci density relationship. Escherichia coli seems to be more resistant to Cd than other coliforms and Streptococcus faecalis var. liquefaciens and Streptococcus durans more resistant to Cd than other faecal streptococci. No influence of Cd on gas production by faecal coliforms was observed. Faecal streptococci and C. perfringens seem to be better indicator bacteria than coliforms and faecal coliforms in evaluating the hygienic quality of Cd polluted sewage.  相似文献   

A cell permeabilization procedure is described that reduces viability less than 10% and does not significantly reduce the rates of ribonucleic acid and protein synthesis when appropriately supplemented. Permeabilization abolishes the normal stringent coupling of protein and ribonucleic acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Daunomycin and ethidium bromide, two deoxyribonucleic acid-intercalating drugs, inhibit ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Both agents rapidly curtail uptake of radioactive adenine, whereas the kinetics of radioactive leucine uptake after drug addition are consistent with translation of a pool of exponentially decaying messenger RNA. Messenger RNA half-life determinations from these experiments gave identical results over a range of drug concentrations; this value is 21 +/- 4 min at 30 C. In a temperature-sensitive mutant in which RNA synthesis is curtailed at the nonpermissive temperature, a similar half-life for messenger RNA decay is found both in the absence and in the presence of either drug. This indicates that at the concentrations used in this study, neither daunomycin nor ethidium bromide has an appreciable direct effect on translation and do not increase the lability of messenger RNA.  相似文献   

Cultures of Escherichia coli excreted glutamate into the medium when protein synthesis was blocked in RC(rel) strains or when it was blocked with chloramphenicol in either RC(str) or RC(rel) strains. Both of these conditions resulted in continued ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis in the absence of protein synthesis. Glutamate was also excreted by both RC(str) and RC(rel) strains when RNA synthesis was inhibited by uracil starvation or by treatment with actinomycin D. It is proposed that, in each of these cases, glutamate excretion resulted from an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The cellular accumulations of polyamines and ribonucleic acid (RNA) were compared in the polyauxotrophic mutants of Escherichia coli strain 15 TAU and E. coli K-12 RC(re1) met(-) leu(-). Putrescine, spermidine, and their monoacetyl derivatives were the main polyamines in both strains, when grown in glucose-mineral medium. No significant degradation of either (14)C-putrescine or (14)C-spermidine was found in growing cultures of strain 15 TAU, which requires thymine, arginine, and uracil for growth. Experiments with this organism showed that in a variety of different incubation conditions, which included normal growth, amino acid starvation, inhibition by chloramphenicol or streptomycin, or thymine deprivation, a close correlation was seen between the intracellular accumulation of unconjugated spermidine and RNA. In the presence of arginine, the antibiotics stimulated the production of putrescine and spermidine per unit of bacterial mass. Deprivation of arginine also resulted in an increase in the production of putrescine per unit of bacterial mass, most of which was excreted into the growth medium. However, in this system the antibiotics reduced the synthesis of putrescine. Furthermore, streptomycin caused a rapid loss of cellular putrescine into the medium. The latter effect was not seen in anaerobic conditions or in a streptomycin-resistant mutant of 15 TAU. Methionine added to the growth medium of growing TAU not only markedly increased the total production of spermidine, but also increased both the intracellular concentration of spermidine and the accumulation of RNA. Exogenous spermidine extensively relaxed RNA synthesis in amino acid-starved cultures of 15 TAU. Analysis in sucrose density gradients showed that the RNA accumulated in the presence of spermidine was ribosomal RNA.Cells of E. coli K-12 RC(rel) met(-) leu(-), grown in a complete medium, had approximately the same ratio of free spermidine to RNA as did strain 15 TAU. However, the relaxed strain showed a much lower ratio of putrescine to spermidine than the stringent 15 TAU. Omission of methionine stopped spermidine synthesis and markedly increased both the intracellular accumulation and the total production of putrescine. It seems that a high intracellular level of spermidine acts as a feedback inhibitor in the biosynthesis of putrescine in this strain. The hypothesis that the intracellular concentration of polyamines may participate in the control of the synthesis of ribosomal RNA in bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

Ribosomes and immature ribonucleoprotein particles were isolated from extracts of log-phase cells grown under various conditions. Quantitative measurements were made to determine the relative amounts of immature particles present in the extracts. The results indicate that the steady-state level of ribosomal precursors accounted for essentially a constant fraction of the total ribonucleic acid (RNA) of the cells. For cells with RNA-protein ratios between 0.43 and 0.65, about 1.6% of the total RNA occurred as immature ribonucleoprotein particles. Further, increased levels of immature particles were shown to be correlated with a reduced rate of RNA synthesis in cells recovering from chloramphenicol inhibition. The reduction was found to vary directly with the duration of pretreatment in chloramphenicol and, consequently, with the level of immature particles present in the cells.  相似文献   

Reovirus-directed Ribonucleic Acid Synthesis in Infected L Cells   总被引:25,自引:14,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Reovirus replication in L-929 mouse fibroblasts was unaffected by 0.5 mug of actinomycin per ml, a concentration which inhibited cell ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis by more than 90%. Under these conditions of selective inhibition, the formation of both single-stranded and double-stranded virus-specific RNA was detected beginning at 6 hr after infection. The purified double-stranded RNA was similar in size and base composition to virus RNA and presumably was incorporated into mature virus. The single-stranded RNA formed ribonuclease-resistant duplexes when annealed with denatured virus RNA but did not self-anneal, thus indicating that it includes copies of only one strand of the duplex. The single-stranded RNA was polyribosome-associated and may function as the virus messenger RNA. Production of both types of virus-induced RNA required protein synthesis 6 to 9 hr after infection. At later times in the infectious cycle, only double-stranded RNA synthesis was dependent on continued protein formation.  相似文献   

Ribonucleic Acid Synthesis During Morphogenesis in Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:20,自引:17,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Ribonucleic acid synthesis was measured during the morphogenesis of Myxococcus xanthus. After induction of microcyst formation by the addition of glycerol to an exponential culture, net ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis was immediately terminated (measured either chemically or by the accumulation of acid-insoluble radioactivity). Extensive RNA turnover did take place, however, including RNA made both before and after induction. Sucrose gradient centrifugation revealed that ribosomes and ribosomal RNA were synthesized during microcyst formation even though there was no net RNA synthesis. Base analyses of the total RNA of vegetative cells and 120-min microcysts were indistinguishable.  相似文献   

After the incubation of reovirus replicase reaction mixtures (containing labeled ribonucleoside triphosphates), partially double-stranded ribonucleic acid (pdsRNA) products were isolated by cellulose column chromatography followed by precipitation with 2 m NaCl. The pulse-labeled reaction product contained a significantly large amount of pdsRNA that became complete dsRNA as reaction time increased, indicating that pdsRNA was an intermediate of the replicase reaction. The newly synthesized RNA strand (3H-labeled) of the pdsRNA was resistant to ribonuclease digestion, suggesting that single-stranded RNA regions were part of a preexistent unlabeled RNA template. These observations, together with the electrophoretic behavior of the pdsRNA in polyacrylamide gel, are consistent with the hypothesis that dsRNA is synthesized by the elongation of a complementary RNA strand upon a preexistent template of single-stranded RNA (i.e., messenger RNA). The direction of the RNA strand elongation was determined by carrying out the replicase reaction in the presence of 3H-cytidine triphosphate (or 3H-uridine triphosphate) and adenine triphosphate-α-32P followed by a chase with excess unlabeled cytidine triphosphate (or uridine triphosphate). The dsRNA product was digested with T1 ribonuclease and the resulting 3′-terminal fragments were isolated by chromatography on a dihydroxyboryl derivative of cellulose. Examination of the ratio of 3H to 32P in these fragments indicated that RNA synthesis proceeded from the 5′ to 3′ terminus.  相似文献   

Using an auxotrophic strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we examined the kinetics of ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis following inhibition of protein synthesis caused by amino acid starvation or cycloheximide. Removal of a required amino acid immediately stopped net protein synthesis. After a brief lag, RNA synthesis also ceased. Cycloheximide, a ribosome-inhibiting drug, also immediately halted net protein synthesis. Again RNA synthesis stopped after a brief lag. Although cycloheximide and amino acid starvation affect different steps in protein biosynthesis, both inhibited RNA synthesis in identical fashion. This indicates that amino acids do not play a unique role in the control of RNA production in rapidly growing yeast; rather, it suggests that RNA synthesis is responsive to the overall rate of protein synthesis itself.  相似文献   

HEp-2 cells were pulse-labeled at different times after infection with herpes simplex virus, and nuclear ribonucleic acid (RNA) and cytoplasmic RNA were examined. The data showed the following: (i) Analysis by acrylamide gel electrophoresis of cytoplasmic RNA of cells infected at high multiplicities [80 to 200 plaque-forming units (PFU)/cell] revealed that ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis falls to less than 10% of control (uninfected cell) values by 5 hr after infection. The synthesis of 4S RNA also declined but not as rapidly, and at its lowest level it was still 20% of control values. At lower multiplicities (20 PFU), the rate of inhibition was slower than at high multiplicities. However, at all multiplicities the rates of inhibition of 18S and 28S rRNA remained identical and higher than that of 4S RNA. (ii) Analysis of nuclear RNA of cells infected at high multiplicities by sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that the synthesis and methylation of 45S rRNA precursor continued at a reduced but significant rate (ca. 30% of control values) at times after infection when no radioactive uridine was incorporated or could be chased into 28S and 18S rRNA. This indicates that the inhibition of rRNA synthesis after herpesvirus infection is a result of two processes: a decrease in the rate of synthesis of 45S RNA and a decrease in the rate of processing of that 45S RNA that is synthesized. (iii) Hybridization of nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA of infected cells with herpesvirus DNA revealed that a significant proportion of the total viral RNA in the nucleus has a sedimentation coefficient of 50S or greater. The sedimentation coefficient of virus-specific RNA associated with cytoplasmic polyribosomes is smaller with a maximum at 16S to 20S, but there is some rapidly sedimenting RNA (> 28S) here too. (iv) Finally, there was leakage of low-molecular weight (4S) RNA from infected cells, the leakage being approximately three-fold that of uninfected cells by approximately 5 hr after infection.  相似文献   

Ribonucleic Acid Synthesis in Bacteria Treated with Toluene   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Escherichia coli and Bacillus megaterium rendered permeable to ribonucleoside triphosphates by toluene treatment retain the capacity to synthesize discrete ribonucleic acid species.  相似文献   

The synthesis of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and of protein in Escherichia coli during glucose-lactose diauxie lag have been examined. The rate of RNA synthesis is about 7%, of the corresponding rate during exponential growth and the rate of protein synthesis 10 to 15%. Inhibition of RNA synthesis occurs to the same extent in both rel and rel(+) strains. The RNA which accumulates during 20 min in diauxie lag is composed of about 50% ribosomal and transfer RNA species and about 50% of a fraction which resembles messenger RNA (mRNA) in its heterogeneous sedimentation properties. Decay of the heterogeneous fraction occurs in the presence of glucose and actinomycin D with a half-life of 3 min, the same as that of pulse-labeled mRNA; however, during the diauxie lag, the half-life of this RNA is about 25 min. Accumulation of the heterogeneous RNA is further increased when protein synthesis is blocked by chloramphenicol. The data suggest that the disproportionate accumulation of mRNA during diauxie lag and energy source shift-down may be attributed at least in part to increased stability of mRNA, but do not rule out a preferential synthesis of mRNA.  相似文献   

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