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In this paper we show that the Escherichia coli protein Fis has a regulatory function in Mu transposition in the presence of Mu repressor. Fis can lower the transposition frequency of a mini-Mu 3–80-fold, but only if the Mu repressor is expressed simultaneously. In this novel type of regulation of transposition by the concerted action of Fis and repressor, the IAS, the internal activating sequence, is also involved as deletion of this site leads to the loss of the Fis effect. As the IAS contains strong repressor binding sites these are probably the target for the repressor in the observed negative regulation by Fis and repressor. However, the role of Fis and repressor is not only to inactivate the IAS, since a 4bp insertion in the IAS, which changes the spacing of the repressor-binding site, abolishes the enhancing function of the IAS but leaves the repressor-Fis effect intact. A likely target for Fis in this regulation is a strong Fis-binding site, which is located adjacent to the L2 transposase-binding site. However, when this Fis-binding sequence was substituted by a random sequence and Fis no longer showed specific binding to this site, the Fis effect was still observed. Although it is still possible that Fis can function by binding to this non-specific site in a particular complex, it seems more likely that Fis is directly or indirectly involved in determining the level of the repressor.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage Mu is a transposon and a temperate phage which has become a paradigm for the study of the molecular mechanism of transposition. As a prophage, Mu has also been used to study some aspects of the influence of the host cell growth phase on the regulation of transposition. Through the years several host proteins have been identified which play a key role in the replication of the Mu genome by successive rounds of replicative transposition as well as in the maintenance of the repressed prophage state. In this review we have attempted to summarize all these findings with the purpose of emphasizing the benefit the virus and the host cell can gain from those phage-host interactions.  相似文献   

Mechanism of Mu DNA transposition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The study of Mu DNA transposition in vitro has resulted in a much better understanding of the biochemical details of the transposition process. An early step in transposition is the generation of a 5th structure which is the product of the strand-tansfer reaction. The polarity of the strand transfer has been determined and substantial progress has been made on the role of the individual proteins. Moreover, the strand-transfer reaction is mediated by stable protein–DNA complexes, or transposomes, and the reaction can be divided into two sequential steps. The role of the transposomes and the requirement for a supercoiled Mu DNA substrate are also discussed.  相似文献   

I propose a new application of profile Hidden Markov Models in the area of SNP discovery from resequencing data, to greatly reduce false SNP calls caused by misalignments around insertions and deletions (indels). The central concept is per-Base Alignment Quality, which accurately measures the probability of a read base being wrongly aligned. The effectiveness of BAQ has been positively confirmed on large datasets by the 1000 Genomes Project analysis subgroup. AVAILABILITY: http://samtools.sourceforge.net CONTACT: hengli@broadinstitute.org.  相似文献   

Transposable genetic elements can insert into DNA sites that have no homology to themselves. Evidence that there is a physical linkage between a transposable element and its target DNA sequence during transposition comes from studies on bacteriophage Mu DNA transposition in which plasmids containing Mu DNA have been shown to attach to host DNA. We report the isolation of key structures, seen after induction of Mu DNA replication, after cloning lac operator into Mu DNA and using the lac repressor-operator interaction to trap Mu DNA on nitrocellulose filters. We have localized Mu sequences within these structures in the electron microscope by visualizing the lac operator-repressor interaction after binding with ferritin-conjugated antibody. This analysis shows that key structures contain replicating Mu DNA linked to non-Mu DNA and that replication can begin at either end of Mu.  相似文献   

Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek], a self-pollinated diploid plant with 2n = 22 chromosomes, is an important legume crop with a high-quality amino acid profile. Sequence variation at the whole-genome level was examined by comparing two mungbean cultivars, Sunhwanokdu and Gyeonggijaerae 5, using Illumina HiSeq sequencing data. More than 40 billion bp from both mungbean cultivars were sequenced to a depth of 72×. After de novo assembly of Sunhwanokdu contigs by ABySS 1.3.2 (N50 = 9,958 bp), those longer than 10 kb were aligned with Gyeonggijaerae 5 reads using the Burrows–Wheeler Aligner. SAMTools was used for retrieving single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) between Sunhwanokdu and Gyeonggijaerae 5, defining the lowest and highest depths as 5 and 100, respectively, and the sequence quality as 100. Of the 305,504 single-base changes identified, 40,503 SNPs were considered heterozygous in Gyeonggijaerae 5. Among the remaining 265,001 SNPs, 65.9 % (174,579 cases) were transitions and 34.1 % (90,422 cases) were transversions. For SNP validation, a total of 42 SNPs were chosen among Sunhwanokdu contigs longer than 10 kb and sharing at least 80 % sequence identity with common bean expressed sequence tags as determined with est2genome. Using seven mungbean cultivars from various origins in addition to Sunhwanokdu and Gyeonggijaerae 5, most of the SNPs identified by bioinformatics tools were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. These genome-wide SNP markers could enrich the current molecular resources and might be of value for the construction of a mungbean genetic map and the investigation of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

R Craigie  K Mizuuchi 《Cell》1985,41(3):867-876
Mu transposition works efficiently in vitro and generates both cointegrate and simple insert products. We have examined the reaction products obtained under modified in vitro reaction conditions that do not permit efficient initiation of DNA replication. The major product is precisely the intermediate structure predicted from one of the current models of DNA transposition. Both cointegrates and simple inserts can be made in vitro using this intermediate as the DNA substrate, demonstrating that it is indeed a true transposition intermediate. The requirements for efficient formation of the intermediate include the Mu A protein, the Mu B protein, an unknown number of E. coli host proteins, ATP, and divalent cation. Only E. coli host proteins are required for conversion of the intermediate to cointegrate or simple insert products. Structures resulting from DNA strand transfer at only one end of the transposon are not observed, suggesting that the strand transfers at each end of the transposon are tightly coupled.  相似文献   

K Adzuma  K Mizuuchi 《Cell》1988,53(2):257-266
A DNA molecule carrying Mu end DNA sequence(s) is a poor target in the Mu DNA strand-transfer reaction, a phenomenon which is referred to as "target immunity." We find that Mu B protein stimulates intermolecular strand-transfer by binding to the target DNA. Our results show that a differential distribution of Mu B protein between "immune" and "non-immune" DNA molecules is responsible for target immunity; in the presence of Mu A protein and ATP, Mu B protein dissociates preferentially from immune DNA molecules. Hydrolysis of ATP is implicated in establishing the differential distribution of Mu B protein between immune and non-immune DNA molecules in the presence of Mu A protein; nonhydrolyzable ATP gamma S can support an efficient strand-transfer reaction even with a target DNA that is immune in a reaction with ATP.  相似文献   

Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) is an allotetraploid species consisting of two genomes, derived from B. rapa (A genome) and B. oleracea (C genome). The presence of these two genomes makes single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker identification and SNP analysis more challenging than in diploid species, as for a given locus usually two versions of a DNA sequence (based on the two ancestral genomes) have to be analyzed simultaneously during SNP identification and analysis. One hundred amplicons derived from expressed sequence tag (ESTs) were analyzed to identify SNPs in a panel of oilseed rape varieties and within two sister species representing the ancestral genomes. A total of 604 SNPs were identified, averaging one SNP in every 42 bp. It was possible to clearly discriminate SNPs that are polymorphic between different plant varieties from SNPs differentiating the two ancestral genomes. To validate the identified SNPs for their use in genetic analysis, we have developed Illumina GoldenGate assays for some of the identified SNPs. Through the analysis of a number of oilseed rape varieties and mapping populations with GoldenGate assays, we were able to identify a number of different segregation patterns in allotetraploid oilseed rape. The majority of the identified SNP markers can be readily used for genetic mapping, showing that amplicon sequencing and Illumina GoldenGate assays can be used to reliably identify SNP markers in tetraploid oilseed rape and to convert them into successful SNP assays that can be used for genetic analysis.  相似文献   

Role of ner protein in bacteriophage Mu transposition.   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: A genome-wide set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is a valuable resource in genetic research and breeding and is usually developed by re-sequencing a genome. If a genome sequence is not available, an alternative strategy must be used. We previously reported the development of a pipeline (AGSNP) for genome-wide SNP discovery in coding sequences and other single-copy DNA without a complete genome sequence in self-pollinating (autogamous) plants. Here we updated this pipeline for SNP discovery in outcrossing (allogamous) species and demonstrated its efficacy in SNP discovery in walnut (Juglans regia L.). RESULTS: The first step in the original implementation of the AGSNP pipeline was the construction of a reference sequence and the identification of single-copy sequences in it. To identify single-copy sequences, multiple genome equivalents of short SOLiD reads of another individual were mapped to shallow genome coverage of long Sanger or Roche 454 reads making up the reference sequence. The relative depth of SOLiD reads was used to filter out repeated sequences from single-copy sequences in the reference sequence. The second step was a search for SNPs between SOLiD reads and the reference sequence. Polymorphism within the mapped SOLiD reads would have precluded SNP discovery; hence both individuals had to be homozygous. The AGSNP pipeline was updated here for using SOLiD or other type of short reads of a heterozygous individual for these two principal steps. A total of 32.6X walnut genome equivalents of SOLiD reads of vegetatively propagated walnut scion cultivar 'Chandler' were mapped to 48,661 'Chandler' bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) end sequences (BESs) produced by Sanger sequencing during the construction of a walnut physical map. A total of 22,799 putative SNPs were initially identified. A total of 6,000 Infinium II type SNPs evenly distributed along the walnut physical map were selected for the construction of an Infinium BeadChip, which was used to genotype a walnut mapping population having 'Chandler' as one of the parents. Genotyping results were used to adjust the filtering parameters of the updated AGSNP pipeline. With the adjusted filtering criteria, 69.6% of SNPs discovered with the updated pipeline were real and could be mapped on the walnut genetic map. A total of 13,439 SNPs were discovered by BES re-sequencing. BESs harboring SNPs were in 677 FPC contigs covering 98% of the physical map of the walnut genome. CONCLUSION: The updated AGSNP pipeline is a versatile SNP discovery tool for a high-throughput, genome-wide SNP discovery in both autogamous and allogamous species. With this pipeline, a large set of SNPs were identified in a single walnut cultivar.  相似文献   

Functional & Integrative Genomics - Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most prevalent type of variation in genomes that are increasingly being used as molecular markers in diversity...  相似文献   

The MuA transposase mediates transposition of bacteriophage Mu through two distinct mechanisms. The first integration event following infection occurs through a non-replicative mechanism. In contrast, during lytic growth, multiple rounds of replicative transposition amplify the phage genome. We have examined the influence of gyrase and DNA supercoiling on these two transposition pathways using both a gyrase-inhibiting drug and several distinct gyrase mutants. These experiments reveal that gyrase activity is not essential for integration; both lysogens and recombination intermediates are detected when gyrase is inhibited during Mu infection. In contrast, gyrase inhibition causes severe defects in replicative transposition. In two of the mutants, as well as in drug-treated cells, replicative transposition is almost completely blocked. Experiments probing for formation of MuA-DNA complexes in vivo reveal that this block occurs very early, during assembly of the transposase complex required for the catalytic steps of recombination. The findings establish that DNA structure-based signals are used differently for integrative and replicative transposition. We propose that transposase assembly, the committed step for recombination, has evolved to depend on different DNA /architectural signals to control the reaction outcome during these two distinct phases of the phage life cycle.  相似文献   

The B-protein of phage Mu, which is required for high frequency intermolecular transposition in vivo, shows ATPase activity in vitro, binds nonspecifically to DNA, and stimulates intermolecular strand transfer. To elucidate the structural bases for B-protein function, it was subjected to limited proteolysis with two different proteases, trypsin and chymotrypsin. The resulting fragments were mapped by amino acid sequencing. These data show that the B-protein is organized in two domains: an amino-terminal domain of 25 kDa and a carboxyl-terminal domain of 8-kDa. A fragment analogous to the amino-terminal domain, produced by deleting the 3' end of a cloned B gene, proved to be insoluble and had to be renatured after elution from a sodium dodecyl sulfate gel. The renatured protein retains ATP-binding activity and to a lesser extent the DNA-binding activity of the MuB protein, but is unable to hydrolyze ATP or function in transposition. We also show in this study that efficient DNA-strand transfer by the B-protein occurs even in the absence of a detectable ATPase activity or in the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(thio)triphosphate (ATP gamma S).  相似文献   

SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) discovery using next-generation sequencing data remains difficult primarily because of redundant genomic regions, such as interspersed repetitive elements and paralogous genes, present in all eukaryotic genomes. To address this problem, we developed Sniper, a novel multi-locus Bayesian probabilistic model and a computationally efficient algorithm that explicitly incorporates sequence reads that map to multiple genomic loci. Our model fully accounts for sequencing error, template bias, and multi-locus SNP combinations, maintaining high sensitivity and specificity under a broad range of conditions. An implementation of Sniper is freely available at .  相似文献   

He C  Chen L  Simmons M  Li P  Kim S  Liu ZJ 《Animal genetics》2003,34(6):445-448
In this study, we identified putative SNP markers within genes by comparative analysis of expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Comparison of 849 ESTs from blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) with >11,000 ESTs from channel catfish (I. punctatus) deposited in GenBank resulted in the identification of 1020 putative SNPs within 161 genes, of which 145 were nuclear genes of known function. The observed frequency of SNPs within ESTs of the two closely related catfish species was 1.32 SNP per 100 bp. The majority of identified SNPs differed between the two species and, therefore, these SNPs are useful for mapping genes in channel catfish x blue catfish interspecific resource families. The SNPs that differed within species were also observed; these can be applied to genome scans in channel catfish resource families.  相似文献   

C F Kuo  A H Zou  M Jayaram  E Getzoff    R Harshey 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(6):1585-1591
Initial events in Mu DNA transposition involve specific recognition of Mu DNA ends (att sites) and an internal enhancer site by the Mu transposase (A protein). This interaction between A protein and Mu DNA sequences present on a supercoiled DNA substrate leads to the formation of a stable synaptic complex in which the att ends are nicked, prior to DNA strand transfer. This study examines the properties of a synaptic complex proficient for DNA transposition. We show that the A protein binds as a monomer to its binding sites, and causes the DNA to bend through approximately 90 degrees at each site. All six att binding sites (three at each Mu end) are occupied by A within the synaptic complex. Three of these sites are loosely held and can be emptied of A upon challenge with heparin. A synaptic complex with only three sites occupied is stable and is fully competent in the subsequent strand-transfer step of transposition.  相似文献   

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