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Abstract:  One of the fundamental questions in biomineralization is how organisms control crystallographic orientation during biomineral production. The understanding of how diagenetic changes influence the preservation of original crystallographic patterns in fossilized biomineral structures provides a priori fundamental information for such an assessment. Fossil craniid brachiopods Petrocrania scabiosa (Late Ordovician) and Crania craniolaris (Late Cretaceous) are analysed using electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) to provide crystallographic data at high spatial resolution in the structural context. EBSD analyses show that P. scabiosa maintains most of the original crystallographic signature, including data from individual calcite tablets and laminae, while C. craniolaris only retains fragmentary crystallographic data reflecting the crystallographic continuity of tablets across laminae. Data show that the preservation of the original crystallographic signature is independent of that of shell ultrastructure and geological time. In addition, results allow us to propose a series of steps in the evolution of 'crystallographic loss' due to diagenesis.  相似文献   

The authors take issue with the critique of psychoanalysis and the depiction of human sexuality and incest avoidance in evolutionary psychology. Drawing on human neurobiology and evolutionary anthropology, they show that human beings have an evolved disposition toward pair-bonding and evolved capacities for self-regulation of sexual and aggressive impulses. The realization that these characteristics are not only important but also interrelated leads to a reassessment of the Oedipus complex, a new model of incest avoidance in humans, and a fresh perspective on the relation between reproductive behaviour and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We examined the evolutionary and developmental responses of body size to temperature in Drosophila melanogaster, using replicated lines of flies that had been allowed to evolve for 5 yr at 25°C or at 16.5°C. Development and evolution at the lower temperature both resulted in higher thorax length and wing area. The evolutionary effect of temperature on wing area was entirely a consequence of an increase in cell area. The developmental response was mainly attributable to an increase in cell area, with a small effect on cell number in males. Given its similarity to the evolutionary response, the increase in body size and cell size resulting from development at low temperature may be a case of adaptive phenotypic plasticity. The pattern of plasticity did not evolve in response to temperature for any of the traits. The selective advantage of the evolutionary and developmental responses to temperature is obscure and remains a major challenge for future work.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The eastern Alborz Mountains of Iran comprise a significant peri-Gondwanan terrane relevant to the early evolution of late Cambrian – early Ordovician brachiopods incorporated into the emerging benthic biota of the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna. A low diversity brachiopod assemblage from the late Tremadocian unit of the Lashkarak Formation contains six new species including the polytoechioideans Polytoechia and Protambonites and the orthoideans Paralenorthis, Ranorthis, Tarfaya and Xianorthis . The fauna preserves the earliest records of Polytoechia , unknown previously outside Laurentia and the Uralian margin of Baltica, and of Paralenorthis and Ranorthis , which were widespread along Gondwanan margins and in Baltica from the Floian (Arenig), plus Xianorthis , known hitherto only from the Floian of South China. The enigmatic Tarfaya has an impunctate shell fabric and setigerous perforations along the posterior margin, indicating placement within the Orthoidea in a new Family Tarfayidae. New species of Polytoechia , Protambonites , Paralenorthis, Ranorthis , Tarfaya , Xianorthis are described.  相似文献   

Queens of hymenopteran social parasites manipulate the workers of other social species into raising their offspring. However, nonconspecific brood care may also allow the parasite larvae to control their own development to a greater extent than possible in nonparasitic species. An evolutionary consequence of this may be the loss of the parasite's worker caste if the larvae can increase their fitness by developing into sexuals rather than workers. We argue that this loss is particularly likely in species in which there is little inclusive fitness benefit in working. Retention of a worker caste correlates with characteristics that increase the fitness of working relative to becoming a sexual, such as worker-production of males, high intracolony relatedness, and seasonal environments where the hosts of potential parasite queens are not always available. Further evidence strongly suggests that when the worker caste is evolutionarily lost in perennial species like ants, it disappears rapidly and through a reduction in caste threshold and queen size, so that parasite larvae become queens with less food than required to produce host workers. This evolutionary process, however, appears to lower overall population fitness, resulting in workerless parasite species having small populations and being geographically restricted. Conversely, in annual species like bees and wasps, workerless social parasitism evolves with no size reduction in queens, which is consistent with an expected lower level of queen/offspring conflict.  相似文献   

盘县大洞的发育与演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊康宁  刘军 《人类学学报》1997,16(3):239-246
盘县大洞是一个形态和成因复杂的大型喀斯特洞穴系统,本文通过对喀斯特作用与坡立谷结构,古水系变迁与洞穴形成等动力地貌-洞穴过程分析,探讨区域喀斯特及洞穴形成演化的水动力成因,结合岩相古地理环境等推测指出,关牛洞形成早更新世和中更新世早期,大洞洞厅,阴河坡,消洞和水洞形成于更新世早期至中更新世中期,十里坪坡立谷的形成始于中更新世早期,并经历后来反复积水-消水,侵蚀-堆积过程直至全新世。  相似文献   

The possibility of complicated dynamic behavior driven by nonlinear feedbacks in dynamical systems has revolutionized science in the latter part of the last century. Yet despite examples of complicated frequency dynamics, the possibility of long‐term evolutionary chaos is rarely considered. The concept of “survival of the fittest” is central to much evolutionary thinking and embodies a perspective of evolution as a directional optimization process exhibiting simple, predictable dynamics. This perspective is adequate for simple scenarios, when frequency‐independent selection acts on scalar phenotypes. However, in most organisms many phenotypic properties combine in complicated ways to determine ecological interactions, and hence frequency‐dependent selection. Therefore, it is natural to consider models for evolutionary dynamics generated by frequency‐dependent selection acting simultaneously on many different phenotypes. Here we show that complicated, chaotic dynamics of long‐term evolutionary trajectories in phenotype space is very common in a large class of such models when the dimension of phenotype space is large, and when there are selective interactions between the phenotypic components. Our results suggest that the perspective of evolution as a process with simple, predictable dynamics covers only a small fragment of long‐term evolution.  相似文献   

Developmental time is a trait of great relevance to fitness in all organisms. In holometabolous species that occupy ephemeral habitat, like Drosophila melanogaster, the impact of developmental time upon fitness is further exaggerated. We explored the trade-offs surrounding developmental time by selecting 10 independent populations from two distantly related selection treatments (CB1-5 and CO1-5) for faster development. After 125 generations, the resulting accelerated populations (ACB1-5 and ACO1-5) displayed net selection responses for development time of -33.4 hours (or 15%) for ACB and -38.6 hours (or 17%) for ACO. Since most of the change in egg-to-adult developmental time was accounted for by changes in larval duration, the “accelerated” larvae were estimated to develop 25-30% faster than their control/ancestor populations. The responses of ACB and ACO lines were remarkably parallel, despite being founded from populations evolved independently for more than 300 generations. On average, these “A” populations developed from egg to adult in less than eight days and produced fertile eggs less than 24 hours after emerging. Accelerated populations showed no change in larval feeding rate, but a reduction in pupation height, the latter being a trait relating to larval energetic expenditure in wandering prior to pupation. This experiment demonstrates the existence of a negative evolutionary correlation between preadult developmental time and viability, as accelerated populations experienced a severe cost in preadult survivorship. In the final assay generation, viability of accelerated treatments had declined by more than 10%, on average. A diallel cross demonstrated that the loss of viability in the ACO lines was not due to inbreeding depression. These results suggest the existence of a rapid development syndrome, in which the fitness benefits of fast development are balanced by fitness costs resulting from reduced preadult survivorship, marginal larval storage of metabolites, and reduced adult size.  相似文献   

腕足类的相关生长与统计鉴别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邓涛 《古生物学报》1993,32(5):644-651
采用生物统计法中常用的双变量分析,研究腕足类种一级分类单位。选取壳长和壳厚作为一对相关变量,通过对生长线斜率和位置的假设检验,判断同属异种之间是否存在实质性差别。建立一个新种时,必须确认其相关生长线(line lf relative growth)具有正常的形式;标本残破不易正确划分时,可计算双变量的相关系数,预测样品是否划归不同的种。  相似文献   

The Tetraphidae is a small subclass of mosses with a nematodontous peristome that has frequently been interpreted as primitive among the true mosses. The developmental cell sequence leading to the formation of the four peristome teeth of Tetraphis pellucida is described for the first time. Comparisons are made with sequences known for other nematodontous and arthrodontous mosses. Peristome development in T. pellucida is more like that described previously for arthrodontous peristomes than to published developmental sequences for nematodontous peristomes of species in the Polytrichaceae. On the other hand, our observations confirm a basic uniformity of the earliest developmental stages in all mosses studied thus far, regardless of their systematic position.  相似文献   

We review functional data on MADS-box genes, recent phylogenetic analyses of these coding regions, and their roles in the development and evolution of key morphological innovations in plants. We map the origin of important morphological structures in particular diverse stages of the life cycle in different plant clades onto organismal phylogenies, and present relevant molecular genetic aspects of development related to the MADS-box genes. We focus on reproductive structures of the sporophyte because most functional characterizations have been done of MADS-box genes involved in flower development. We discuss MADS-box evolution in flowering plants, but we also review studies in the other nonflowering vascular plants, gymnosperms (conifers and gnetales), and ferns and preliminary data from the algae. We suggest that floral (e.g. flowering time, inflorescence, and flower meristem identity) MADS-box and nonfloral plant MADS-box genes should be the focus of future comparative research. Cloning and functional analyses of MADS-box genes in bryophytes, particularly in the experimental system Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) B.S.G., are needed. The ABC model of floral organ specification is an excellent general representation of an important network of genes; however, formal analytical tools are required to integrate data on complex gene interaction in comparative analyses. This and other analytical approaches to constructing gene network models will help to frame homology hypotheses in an evolutionary and developmental framework.  相似文献   

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