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In social organisms, the breeding system corresponds to the number of breeders in a group, their genetic relationships, and the distribution of reproduction among them. Recent, genetically based studies suggest an amazing array of breeding system and reproductive strategies in desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis. Using highly polymorphic DNA microsatellites, we performed a detailed analysis of the breeding system and population genetic structure of two Cataglyphis species belonging to the same phylogenetic group: C. niger and C. savignyi. Our results show that both species present very different breeding systems. C. savignyi colonies are headed by a single queen and populations are multicolonial. Remarkably, queens show one of the highest mating frequency reported in ants (Mp = 9.25). Workers can reproduce by both arrhenotokous and thelytokous parthenogenesis. By contrast, colonies of C. niger are headed by several, multiply mated queens (Mp = 5.17), and they are organized in supercolonial populations made of numerous interconnected nests. Workers lay arrhenotokous eggs only. These results illustrate the high variability in the socio‐genetic organization that evolved in desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 866–876.  相似文献   

In most social insects, the brood is totipotent and environmental factors determine whether a female egg will develop into a reproductive queen or a functionally sterile worker. However, genetic factors have been shown to affect the female's caste fate in a few ant species. The desert ant Cataglyphis hispanica reproduces by social hybridogenesis. All populations are characterized by the coexistence of two distinct genetic lineages. Queens are almost always found mated with a male of the alternate lineage than their own. Workers develop from hybrid crosses between the genetic lineages, whereas daughter queens are produced asexually via parthenogenesis. Here, we show that the association between genotype and caste in this species is maintained by a ‘hard‐wired’ genetic caste determination system, whereby nonhybrid genomes have lost the ability to develop as workers. Genetic analyses reveal that, in a rare population with multiple‐queen colonies, a significant proportion of nestmate queens are mated with males of their own lineage. These queens fail to produce worker offspring; they produce only purebred daughter queens by sexual reproduction. We discuss how the production of reproductive queens through sexual, intralineage crosses may favour the stability of social hybridogenesis in this species.  相似文献   

Hybridogenesis is a sexual reproductive system, whereby parents from different genetic origin hybridize. Both the maternal and paternal genomes are expressed in somatic tissues, but the paternal genome is systematically excluded from the germ line, which is therefore purely maternal. Recently, a unique case of hybridogenesis at a social level was reported in the desert ant Cataglyphis hispanica. All workers are sexually produced hybridogens, whereas sexual forms (new queens and males) are produced by queens through parthenogenesis. Thus, only maternal genes are perpetuated across generations. Here, we show that such an unusual reproductive strategy also evolved in two other species of Cataglyphis belonging to the same phylogenetic group, Cataglyphis velox and Cataglyphis mauritanica. In both species, queens mate exclusively with males originating from a different genetic lineage than their own to produce hybrid workers, while they use parthenogenesis to produce the male and female reproductive castes. In contrast to single‐queen colonies of C. hispanica, colonies of C. velox and C. mauritanica are headed by several queens. Most queens within colonies share the same multilocus genotype and never transmit their mates' alleles to the reproductive castes. Social hybridogenesis in the desert ants has direct consequences on the genetic variability of populations and on caste determination. We also discuss the maintenance of this reproductive strategy within the genus Cataglyphis.  相似文献   

We investigated population genetic structure, mating system, worker reproduction and thelytokous parthenogenesis in the desert ant Cataglyphis livida. Pedigree analyses at polymorphic microsatellite loci show that colonies are headed by a single queen, and that queens are mated with two to eight males. No inbreeding was found in the population sampled. Colonies are genetically differentiated and exhibit no isolation-by-distance pattern, consistent with independent foundation of new colonies. Workers do reproduce and lay haploid (arrhenotokous) eggs in queenless colonies; conversely, we found no evidence of worker reproduction in queenright nests. In contrast with C. cursor, where new queens are produced by thelytokous parthenogenesis, female sexuals and workers of C. livida arise from classical sexual reproduction. We discuss the parallels and contrasts between the mating system and population structure in C. livida and the other Cataglyphis species studied so far.  相似文献   

Hybridization in ants can have consequences different from those observed in most other species, with many of the potential deleterious effects being mitigated due to haplodiploidy and eusociality. In some species where colonies are either headed by multiple queens or single queens that mate with many males, hybridization is associated with genetic caste determination, where hybrids develop into workers and purebred individuals develop into queens. A previous study suggested that hybridization occurs between two Dorylus army ant species with multiply mated queens. However, the extent and exact pattern of hybridization have remained unclear, and its possible effect on caste determination has not been investigated. In this study, we aimed to determine the extent and direction of hybridization by measuring how frequently hybrids occur in colonies of both species, and to investigate the possibility of genetic caste determination. We show that hybridization is bidirectional and occurs at equal rates in both species. Hybrid workers make up only 1–2% of the population, and successful interspecific matings represent approximately 2% of all matings in both species. This shows that, although interspecific matings that give rise to worker offspring occur regularly, they are much rarer than intraspecific mating. Finally, we find no evidence of an association between hybridization and genetic caste determination in this population. This means that genetic caste determination is not a necessary outcome of hybridization in ants, even in species where queens mate with multiple males.  相似文献   

The efficiency of social groups is generally optimized by a division of labour, achieved through behavioural or morphological diversity of members. In social insects, colonies may increase the morphological diversity of workers by recruiting standing genetic variance for size and shape via multiply mated queens (polyandry) or multiple‐breeding queens (polygyny). However, greater worker diversity in multi‐lineage species may also have evolved due to mutual worker policing if there is worker reproduction. Such policing reduces the pressure on workers to maintain reproductive morphologies, allowing the evolution of greater developmental plasticity and the maintenance of more genetic variance for worker size and shape in populations. Pheidole ants vary greatly in the diversity of worker castes. Also, their workers lack ovaries and are thus invariably sterile regardless of the queen mating frequency and numbers of queens per colony. This allowed us to perform an across‐species study examining the genetic effects of recruiting more patrilines on the developmental diversity of workers in the absence of confounding effects from worker policing. Using highly variable microsatellite markers, we found that the effective mating frequency of the soldier‐polymorphic P. rhea (avg. meN = 2.65) was significantly higher than that of the dimorphic P. spadonia (avg. meN = 1.06), despite a significant paternity skew in P. rhea (avg. B = 0.10). Our findings support the idea that mating strategies of queens may co‐evolve with selection to increase the diversity of workers. We also detected patriline bias in the production of different worker sizes, which provides direct evidence for a genetic component to worker polymorphism.  相似文献   

Among social Hymenoptera, only some ant genera have more than one morphological kind of non-reproductive adults. Individuals that are bigger than ordinary workers can function for defence and/or food storage. In Crematogaster (Orthocrema) smithi from Arizona, a third caste exists in addition to winged queens and workers; it is intermediate in size, weight and morphology, and individuals lay many unfertilized eggs that are mostly eaten by larvae (Heinze et al., 1995, 1999). We studied another three species belonging to the subgenus Orthocrema: Crematogaster pygmaea from Brazil, Crematogaster biroi and Crematogaster schimmeri from Taiwan. Using scanning electron microscopy and ovarian dissections, we show that ‘intermediates’ are a patchwork of queen-like and worker-like traits, just as in C. smithi; importantly the combinations differ across species. ‘Intermediates’ are numerically few in the colonies, and in C. pygmaea they are produced seasonally. Using histology we confirmed the lack of a spermatheca, thus they are not ergatoid queens. Based on the similarity of their mosaic phenotypes with those in other ant lineages, we suggest that Orthocrema ‘intermediates’ are a soldier caste with a specialized trophic function. This soldier caste has been reported in other Orthocrema species from Madagascar, Guinea and Costa Rica, suggesting that it is widespread in this subgenus.  相似文献   



The mechanisms by which development favors or constrains the evolution of new phenotypes are incompletely understood. Polyphenic species may benefit from developmental plasticity not only regarding ecological advantages, but also potential for evolutionary diversification. For instance, the repeated evolution of novel castes in ants may have been facilitated by the existence of alternative queen and worker castes and their respective developmental programs.

Material and Methods

Cataglyphis bombycina is exceptional in its genus because winged queens and size-polymorphic workers occur together with bigger individuals having saber-shaped mandibles. We measured seven body parts in more than 150 individuals to perform a morphometric analysis and assess the developmental origin of this novel phenotype.


Adults with saber-shaped mandibles differ from both workers and queens regarding the size of most body parts. Their relative growth rates are identical to workers for some pairs of body parts, and identical to queens for other pairs of body parts; critical sizes differ in all cases.


Big individuals are a third caste, i.e. soldiers, not major workers. Novel traits such as elongated mandibles are combined with a mix of queen and worker growth rates. We also reveal the existence of a dimorphism in the queen caste (microgynes and macrogynes). We discuss how novel phenotypes can evolve more readily in the context of an existing polyphenism. Both morphological traits and growth rules from existing queen and worker castes can be recombined, hence mosaic phenotypes are more likely to be viable. In C. bombycina, such a mosaic phenotype appears to function both for defense (saber-shaped mandibles) and fat storage (big abdomen). Recycling of developmental programs may have contributed to the morphological diversity and ecological success of ants.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of facultative sex allocation by workerson queen fitness in a Furnish population of the ant Formicatruncorum. Workers rear female-biased broods in colonies headedby a singly mated queen and male-biased broods in colonies headedby a multiply mated queen. As a result, multiply mated queenshave a 37% fitness advantage over singly mated queens. Neitherreproductive output nor worker population of colonies variedwith queen mating frequency. We suggest that singly mated queenspersist in the population because fitness benefits to multiplymated queens via sex allocation are balanced by costs of additionalmatings. Alternatively, singly mated queens may persist simplybecause some queens lack opportunities to mate multiply or becausemale control sometimes prevents additional matings by queens.  相似文献   

The success of an ant colony depends on the simultaneous presence of reproducing queens and non-reproducing workers in a ratio that will maximize colony growth and reproduction. Despite its presumably crucial role, queen–worker caste ratios (the ratio of adult queens to workers) and the factors affecting this variable remain scarcely studied. Maintaining polygynous pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis) colonies in the laboratory has provided us with the opportunity to experimentally manipulate colony size, one of the key factors that can be expected to affect colony level queen–worker caste ratios and body size of eclosing workers, gynes and males. We found that smaller colonies produced more new queens relative to workers, and that these queens and workers both tended to be larger. However, colony size had no effect on the size of males or on the sex ratio of the individuals reared. Furthermore, for the first time in a social insect, we confirmed the general life history prediction by Smith and Fretwell (Am Nat 108:499–506, 1974) that offspring number varies more than offspring size. Our findings document a high level of plasticity in energy allocation toward female castes and suggest that polygynous species with budding colonies may adaptively adjust caste ratios to ensure rapid growth.  相似文献   

Although famously cooperative, social insect colonies harbour considerable potential for genetic conflict among colonymates. This conflict may be expressed behaviourally as aggression by workers. We investigated aggression in 34 colonies of the wasp Parachartergus colobopterus, by evaluating the characteristics of both instigators and victims of aggressive interactions. We estimated genetic relatedness and queen number using DNA microsatellites and found that workers and emerging females should be most in conflict over the caste of the latter when there are many queens on the nest. We found that aggressive interactions are more likely to involve older workers attacking either males or younger workers, and that victim and aggressor females have more ovarian development than randomly sampled colonymates. Moreover, mated females with low levels of ovarian development relative to active queens were also more likely to be aggressors and victims than were randomly sampled females. Aggression among females supports the hypothesis that older workers use aggression towards younger females as a means of policing the development of emerging females into queens. Workers also may use aggression to suppress the reproduction of some mated females. Our findings thus support the hypothesis that genetic conflicts of interest motivate worker aggression in swarm-founding wasp colonies.  相似文献   

Studies on sex ratios in social insects provide among the most compelling evidence for the importance of kin selection in social evolution. The elegant synthesis of Fisher's sex ratio principle and Hamilton's inclusive fitness theory predicts that colony-level sex ratios vary with the colonies' social and genetic structures. Numerous empirical studies in ants, bees, and wasps have corroborated these predictions. However, the evolutionary optimization of sex ratios requires genetic variation, but one fundamental determinant of sex ratios - the propensity of female larvae to develop into young queens or workers ("queen bias") - is thought to be largely controlled by the environment. Evidence for a genetic influence on sex ratio and queen bias is as yet restricted to a few taxa, in particular hybrids. Because of the very short lifetime of their queens, ants of the genus Cardiocondyla are ideal model systems for the study of complete lifetime reproductive success, queen bias, and sex ratios. We found that lifetime sex ratios of the ant Cardiocondyla kagutsuchi have a heritable component. In experimental single-queen colonies, 22 queens from a genetic lineage with a highly female-biased sex ratio produced significantly more female-biased offspring sex ratios than 16 queens from a lineage with a more male-biased sex ratio (median 91.5% vs. 58.5% female sexuals). Sex ratio variation resulted from different likelihood of female larvae developing into sexuals (median 50% vs. 22.6% female sexuals) even when uniformly nursed by workers from another colony. Consistent differences in lifetime sex ratios and queen bias among queens of C. kagutsuchi suggest that heritable, genetic or maternal effects strongly affect caste determination. Such variation might provide the basis for adaptive evolution of queen and worker strategies, though it momentarily constrains the power of workers and queens to optimize caste ratios.  相似文献   

Polygyny is common in social insects despite inevitable decreases in nestmate relatedness and reductions to the inclusive fitness returns for cooperating non-reproductive individuals. We studied the prevalence and mode of polygyny in the African acacia-ant Crematogaster mimosae. These ants compete intensively with neighboring colonies of conspecifics and with three sympatric ant species for resources associated with the whistling-thorn acacias in which they all obligately nest. We used the genotypes of alate males at ten microsatellite loci to reconstruct queen genotypes and found that C. mimosae colonies are frequently secondarily polygynous, in that they include multiple closely related (and sometimes full-sib) queens, and (more rarely) unrelated queens. We also found that individual queens in both monogynous and polygynous colonies had mated with multiple males, making C. mimosae an interesting example of simultaneous polygyny and polyandry. The presence of polygyny in C. mimosae and the intense competition for nest-sites between C. mimosae and its conspecifics support the association between nest-site limitation and polygyny. Polygyny may allow for increased worker populations and a competitive advantage, as inter-colony conflicts are typically won by the colony with the larger number of workers.  相似文献   

In most social Hymenoptera, a diploid egg develops into either a queen or a worker depending on environmental conditions. Hybridogenetic Cataglyphis ants display a bizarre genetic system, where queen‐worker caste determination is primarily determined by genetic factors. In hybridogenetic populations, all workers are F1 hybrids of two distinct lineages, whereas new queens are nearly always pure‐lineage individuals produced by clonal reproduction. The distribution and evolutionary history of these hybridogenetic populations have not yet been thoroughly analysed. Here, we studied the phylogeographic distribution of hybridogenetic populations in two closely related Spanish species: Cataglyphis humeya and Cataglyphis velox. Hybridogenesis has been previously documented in a locality of C. velox, but whether this system occurs elsewhere within the range of the two species was yet unknown. Queens and workers from 66 localities sampled across the range of the species were genotyped at 18 microsatellite markers to determine whether queens were produced by parthenogenesis and whether workers were hybrids of divergent lineages. Populations with F1 hybrid workers were identified by combining genetic, geographical and mating assortments data. In most populations of C. velox, workers were found to be hybrids of two divergent lineages. Workers were however produced via random mating in two marginal populations of C. velox, and in all populations studied of its sister species C. humeya. High‐throughput sequencing data were obtained to confirm inferences based on microsatellites and to characterize relationships between populations. Our results revealed a complicated history of reticulate evolution that may account for the origin of hybridogenetic lineages in Cataglyphis.  相似文献   

In the thermophilic ant genus Cataglyphis, species differing in their physical caste system have developed alternative mechanisms to face extreme heat by physiological and/or behavioural adaptations. In this study, we tested whether thermal tolerance is related to worker size in the ant Cataglyphis cursor that presents intermediate worker size compared with previously studied species (size range 3.5–10 mm). Thermal tolerance at two temperatures was tested in the laboratory on colonies originating from two habitats (seaside versus vineyard), known to differ in average worker size. As expected large workers were more resistant to high temperature than small workers, but the effect of worker size on thermal resistance was less pronounced under the more extreme temperatures. The pattern of thermal tolerance was similar in the two habitat types. After controlling for worker size, worker thermal tolerance significantly varied amongst colonies, but this variation was not related to colony size. Our results suggest that a higher thermal tolerance can confer an advantage to larger workers especially during foraging and are discussed in the context of the evolution of worker size in ants.  相似文献   

The fungal cultivars of fungus‐growing ants are vertically transmitted by queens but not males. Selection would therefore favor cultivars that bias the ants’ sex ratio towards gynes, beyond the gyne bias that is optimal for workers and queens. We measured sex allocation in 190 colonies of six sympatric fungus‐growing ant species. As predicted from relatedness, female bias was greater in four singly mated Sericomyrmex and Trachymyrmex species than in two multiply mated Acromyrmex species. Colonies tended to raise mainly a single sex, which could be partly explained by variation in queen number, colony fecundity, and fungal garden volume for Acromyrmex and Sericomyrmex, but not for Trachymyrmex. Year of collection, worker number and mating frequency of Acromyrmex queens did not affect the colony sex ratios. We used a novel sensitivity analysis to compare the population sex allocation ratios with the theoretical queen and worker optima for a range of values of k, the correction factor for sex differences in metabolic rate and fat content. The results were consistent with either worker or queen control, but never with fungal control for any realistic value of k. We conclude that the fungal symbiont does not distort the ants’ sex ratio in these species.  相似文献   

Nonrecombining genomic variants underlie spectacular social polymorphisms, from bird mating systems to ant social organization. Because these “social supergenes” affect multiple phenotypic traits linked to survival and reproduction, explaining their persistence remains a substantial challenge. Here, we investigate how large nonrecombining genomic variants relate to colony social organization, mating system and dispersal in the Alpine silver ant, Formica selysi. The species has colonies headed by a single queen (monogynous) and colonies headed by multiple queens (polygynous). We confirmed that a supergene with alternate haplotypes—Sm and Sp—underlies this polymorphism in social structure: Females from mature monogynous colonies had the Sm/Sm genotype, while those from polygynous colonies were Sm/Sp and Sp/Sp. Queens heading monogynous colonies were exclusively mated with Sm males. In contrast, queens heading polygynous colonies were mated with Sp males and Sm males. Sm males, which are only produced by monogynous colonies, accounted for 22.9% of the matings with queens from mature polygynous colonies. This asymmetry between social forms in the degree of assortative mating generates unidirectional male‐mediated gene flow from the monogynous to the polygynous social form. Biased gene flow was confirmed by a significantly higher number of private alleles in the polygynous social form. Moreover, heterozygous queens were three times as likely as homozygous queens to be multiply mated. This study reveals that the supergene variants jointly affect social organization and multiple components of the mating system that alter the transmission of the variants and thus influence the dynamics of the system.  相似文献   

Queen promiscuity lowers disease within honeybee colonies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most species of social insects have singly mated queens, but in some species each queen mates with numerous males to create a colony with a genetically diverse worker force. The adaptive significance of polyandry by social insect queens remains an evolutionary puzzle. Using the honeybee (Apis mellifera), we tested the hypothesis that polyandry improves a colony's resistance to disease. We established colonies headed by queens that had been artificially inseminated by either one or 10 drones. Later, we inoculated these colonies with spores of Paenibacillus larvae, the bacterium that causes a highly virulent disease of honeybee larvae (American foulbrood). We found that, on average, colonies headed by multiple-drone inseminated queens had markedly lower disease intensity and higher colony strength at the end of the summer relative to colonies headed by single-drone inseminated queens. These findings support the hypothesis that polyandry by social insect queens is an adaptation to counter disease within their colonies.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies can provide homeostatic conditions that buffer the incidence of environmental fluctuations on individuals, which have contributed to their ecological success. Coptotermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) is a highly invasive termite genus and several species have important economic impact in many areas of the world. Mature Coptotermes colonies with millions of individuals can provide optimal environmental condition and nurturing capacity for the developing brood. However, it was previously suggested that contrary to mature colonies, incipient colonies may be exposed to critical stress, which may explain for the low success rate of establishment within the first year of the life of a termite colony. We here investigated the stress imposed on individuals of incipient colonies by comparing the developmental instability of individuals between incipient and mature colonies of two Coptotermes species, C. formosanus Shiraki and C. gestroi (Wasmann). We assessed the developmental instability by measuring the asymmetry of morphological traits from the head capsule of the soldier caste. Soldiers from incipient colonies of both species displayed strong asymmetrical traits in comparison to soldiers from mature colonies. We suggest that homeostatic conditions for optimal development are reached as the colony matures, and confirmed that the incipient colony remains a critical bottleneck where individuals are exposed to high developmental stress.  相似文献   

Hamilton's kin selection theory predicts conflicts of interestamong relatives, even within highly cooperative social insectsocieties. Because workers are the most numerous caste, collectiveworker interests may be an important force in determining theoutcome of conflicts. In this study, we used genotypes fromtwo DNA microsatellite loci to show that two kinds of collectiveworker interests are satisfied in Brachygastra mellifica, amember of the multiqueen epiponine wasps. First, from the highrelatedness of queens (0.66) and the fact that queens are singlymated (shown by genotyping their stored sperm), we calculatedthat new queens are reared in colonies with a harmonic meanof 1.2 old queens, whereas males are reared in colonies withmuch higher queen numbers. This split sex ratio result is predictedunder worker control. It matches other studies of epiponines,but B. mellifica has much larger mature colonies (averaging7951 adults) with many more queens (averaging 398), showingthe pattern holds for large-colony species. Second, we reportthe first genetic data on parentage of males in epiponines andshow that these are also consistent with collective worker interests.Workers are on average significantly more related to queensthan to other workers (r = .37 versus .23) and should thereforesuppress each other and allow the queens to lay haploid (male)eggs. Though many workers have developed ovaries and could layeggs, the genetic analyses showed that most or all males comefrom queens.  相似文献   

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