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1. Behavioural responses to varying macronutrient availability are increasingly studied in highly invasive ant species to better understand their ecological success. However, such work is lacking in relation to native ant species confronted with biological invaders. 2. Here the link between diet and behaviour was examined in Prolasius advenus, a native ant from New Zealand facing intense competition for food with invasive insects, including social wasps. A long‐term laboratory experiment was conducted to assess the impact of protein and carbohydrate restriction on several behavioural parameters. 3. Ants shifted their food‐collecting activity towards the least available macronutrient in both protein‐limited and carbohydrate‐limited colonies. But when lacking carbohydrate, they also strongly increased their efforts to discover resources. After 10 weeks, the proportion of the colony patrolling outside of the nest was eight times higher than at the initiation of the experiment. This high patrolling activity was then maintained for several weeks and resulted in a higher efficiency to explore a novel territory. Moreover, ants fed a carbohydrate‐limited diet engaged in longer aggressive acts towards conspecifics. 4. These behavioural responses to carbohydrate scarcity may, in part, enhance the ability of P. advenus to resist a competing invader under natural conditions. While much of the previous research has linked diet and behavioural dominance in invasive ants, the present study shows that conducting similar investigations in the native species to which they are confronted may shed light on the mechanisms behind biotic resistance and the ability of some native species to coexist with highly abundant invaders.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the biology of Crematogaster pygmaea, a highly polydomous and polygynous ant, are more commonly found in monogynous species. One such characteristic is the high attractiveness of its queens. In this study, this attractiveness was assessed under varying experimental conditions to investigate the factors responsible for its expression and variation, and to identify the nature of queen attractiveness. It was shown (1) that C. pygmaea queens are highly attractive to the workers that cluster on and around them (retinue), (2) that the attractiveness of C. pygmaea queens is context-dependent, i.e., it increases with increasing degree of potential danger to the queen, (3) that the attractiveness signal of C. pygmaea queens is chemically based, and (4) that this signal is persistent and apparently not colony-specific. The proposed hypothesis is that the C. pygmaea queens constantly release an attractiveness signal that is “read” by the workers, in a dependent way linked to the context, and that the main function of this attractiveness is to protect queens. This protection would have a high adaptive value in the context of the social structure and the reproductive strategies in C. pygmaea.  相似文献   

Reproductive skew - the extent to which reproduction is unevenly shared between individuals in a social group - varies greatly between and within animal species. In this study, we investigated how queens share parentage in polygynous (multiple queen) colonies of the Mediterranean ant Pheidole pallidula. We used highly polymorphic microsatellites markers to determine parentage of gynes (new queens), males and workers in P. pallidula field colonies. The comparison of the genotypes of young and adult workers revealed a very low queen turnover (less than 2%). The first main finding of the study of reproductive skew in these colonies was that there was a significant departure from equal contribution of queens to gyne, male and worker production. Reproductive skew was greater for male production than for queen and worker production. There was no relationship between the magnitude of the reproductive skew and the number of reproductive queens per colony, their relatedness and the overall colony productivity, some of the factors predicted to influence the extent of reproductive skew. Finally, our study revealed for the first time a trade-off in the relative contribution of nestmate queens to gyne and worker production. The queens contributing more to gyne production contributed significantly less to worker production.  相似文献   

Workers have control over queen movement between cells, encouraging small groups of queens to join together to form a larger one. Single queens are more easily monoeuvred by the workers, compared to a group of queens, due to the loose arrangement of the workers surrounding the queen. Workers clustering around many queens are tightly compacted together, but are less compressed around a single queen. Some of the workers initiate colony activity by circulating each nest in an erratic, jerky manner and entering a cluster which is broken up as a result of the disturbance. The effects of worker/queen interactions in a natural nest are discussed.
Résumé Les ouvrières contrôlent les mouvements des reines entre les cellules, encourageant les petits groupes à fusionner. Les reines isolées sont plus facilement manoeuvrées par les ouvrières que les groupes de reines, par suite de la disposition désordonnée des ouvrières entourant la reine. Les ouvrières groupées autour de nombreuses reines sont étroitement serrées ensemble, et le sont moins autour d'une reine isolée. Quelques ouvrières provoquent l'activité de la colonie en circulant d'une façon irrégulière et saccadée, et en entrant dans le groupe qui se désagrège à la suite de cette perturbation. Les effets des interactions entre ouvrières et reines dans un nid naturel sont discutés.

The occurrence of multiple reproductives within an ant colony changes the balance between indirect fitness benefits and reproductive competition. We test whether the number of matings by an ant queen (polyandry) correlates negatively with the number of reproductive queens in the colony (polygyny), whether the patrilines and matrilines differ in their contribution to the sexual and worker progeny and whether there is an overall reproductive skew. For these aims, we genotyped both worker and sexual offspring from colonies of the ant Formica sanguinea in three populations. Most colonies were monogynous, but eight (11%) were polygynous with closely related queens. Most queens in the monogynous colonies (86%) had mated with multiple males. The effective paternity was lower than the actual number of mates, and the paternity skew was significant. Furthermore, in some monogynous colonies, the patrilines were differently represented in the worker pupae and sexual pupae produced at the same time. Likewise, the matrilines in polygynous colonies were differently present in worker pupae and male offspring. The effective number of matings by a queen was significantly lower in polygynous colonies (mean me = 1.68) than in monogynous colonies (means 2.06–2.61). The results give support to the hypotheses that polyandry and polygyny are alternative breeding strategies and that reproductive competition can lead to different representation of patrilines and matrilines among the sexual and worker broods.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty one colonies of the ant L. acervorum comprising 815 queens were sampled in dry pine forest at nine sites in SE Sweden. 63% of the colonies contained more than one queen and of these 79% had more than one egg-laying (functional) queen, i.e. were polygynous. By using the electrophoretic variation at the PGI locus a high overall relatedness (0.4) among queens from the same colony was found indicating that young queens are adopted by their mother nest. No spatial microdifferentiation in allele frequencies could be detected and it thus seems that despite restricted movements of queens there is a free gene flow in the populations.  相似文献   

In insect societies, workers cooperate but may also pursue their individual interests, such as laying viable male eggs. The case of obligatory slave-making ants is of particular interest because workers do not engage in maintenance activities and foraging. Therefore, worker egg laying is expected to be less detrimental for colony efficiency than in related, nonparasitic species. Furthermore, as slave-making workers usually do not perform brood care and thus might have little power in manipulating sex allocation, they might be more strongly selected to increase their direct fitness by producing their own sons than workers in nonparasitic species. In this study we investigated worker reproduction in four natural colonies of the slave-making ant Polyergus rufescens, using highly variable microsatellite markers. Our results show that workers produce up to 100% of the males. This study thus presents the first direct evidence of an almost complete takeover of male reproduction by workers in ants.  相似文献   

Alate female reproductives of the facultatively polygynous andpolydomous ant, Lepiothorax curuispinosus, were reared fromfield-collected nests, mated, and introduced into either theirparental nests or alien conspecific nests. The 41 queens introducedinto alien nests were usually attacked and rejected (97. 6%),but one queen was accepted after initial aggression. The 27queens introduced into their parental nests received a variableresponse. Some were accepted without any apparent aggression(59. 3%), but others were strongly attacked and rejected (40.7%). Sequential introductions of up to four queens into particularparental nests indicated that nests consistently either acceptor reject their mated offspring. The presence or absence ofresident queens in parental nests had no apparent influenceon the acceptance of offspring queens. Nests that accepted queenshad significantly fewer workers than those that did not, butthis slight difference is unlikely to explain these dichotomousresults and could be spurious. Dissections of the introducedqueens revealed that 79. 0% were inseminated and 98. 3% haddeveloping, yolked eggs in their ovarioles, but these variableshad no apparent effect on acceptability. Similarly, the sizeof the introduced queens and the time that elapsed between matingand introduction had no apparent effect. The consistent responseof parental nests in either accepting or rejecting their matedoffspring indicates a mechanism of queen number regulation inthis species that involves characteristics of the colony ornest rather than variability among offspring queens. This mechanismcould be responsible for maintaining relatively low numbersof queens and high genetic relatedness in colonies (or individualnests) while promoting flexibility in colony reproduction bycolony fission ("budding") and the dispersal of young queens.This mechanism could also involve an important conflict of interestbetween parental colonies and their mated offspring and mightcontribute to the evolution of socially parasitic colony foundationstrategies. Acceptance of mated offspring by their parentalcolonies might only occur during certain periods in colony development,depend on the level of genetic diversity within the colony (ornest), reflect the condition of the colony, nest, queen(s),brood, or local habitat, or result from a genetic polymorphism.  相似文献   

To determine whether workers engage in trophallactic behavior preferentially toward highly related nestmates, we examined these behaviors between workers in colonies consisting of both kin and non-kin (mixed colony) and of only kin (pure colony). These behaviors were observed under sufficiently fed and in both starvation and normal feeding conditions. Workers in mixed colonies exhibited trophallactic behaviors equally toward kin and non-kin in both experimental conditions. The frequency of trophallaxis between workers in mixed colonies, however, tended to be lower than that in pure colonies, is especially under starvation conditions. The low frequency of trophallaxis among workers discussed in terms of the low degree of genetic relatedness among nestmates in mixed colonies.  相似文献   

Larvae are indistinguishable from pharate pupae, and both arouse more worker response than either pupae, or flaccid or shaven larvae. Larval skins elicit a normal response, and masking shows that a surface signal is widely dispersed. The reactive substance is insoluble in hexane, water, methanol, and 70 per cent ethanol, but soluble in acetone, ether and chloroform. It resists 100 °C for 10 min or more. Workers can distinguish diapause-developed from worker-biased brood in spring, not because of their size, their growth rate, or their queen-potentiality, but because they emit a special signal from the ventral surface. This signal is not species specific though the basic larval recognition signal is, at least between Myrmica rubra and Myrmica scabrinodis.  相似文献   

Most interactions between individuals of social insects occur in colonies. The correct identification of colonies is therefore crucial for most empirical studies which aim to test evolutionary theories based on properties at the colony level. In many ant populations, the identification of colonics is hampered by polydomy, i.e. that single colonics occupy several, spatially separated nests. Only few attempts have been made so far to develop genetical methods for analysing the structure of specific colonics. Three methods to solve this problem are presented: rare genotype sisterhoods (tracking rare genotypes or alleles), G -distance (a measure of genotypic heterogeneity derived from G -statistics), and neighbour relatcdness (estimates of genetic relatcdness for specific nest pairs). Our methods quantify the likelihood of nest pairs being con-colonial or non-colonial, and given sufficient genetical resolution, statistical tests can be applied. The methods proposed here arc applied to a highly polygynous population of the red ant, Myrmica sulcinodis. In this population single colonics are found to inhabit 1–4 nests, and both monodomous and polydomous colonies coexist in dense clusters of nests. This result is discussed with respect to the functional significance of polydomy. Further, the general application of the methods for determination of colony structure is discussed.  相似文献   

Factors affecting relatedness among nest members in ant colonies with high queen number are still poorly understood. In order to identify the major determinants of nest kin structure, we conducted a detailed analysis of the breeding system of the ant Formica exsecta. We estimated the number of mature queens by mark-release-recapture in 29 nests and dissected a sub-sample of queens to assess their reproductive status. We also used microsatellites to estimate relatedness within and between all classes of nestmates (queens, their mates, worker brood, queen brood and male brood). Queen number was very high, with an arithmetic mean of 253 per nest. Most queens (90%) were reproductively active, consistent with the genetic analyses revealing that there was only a minimal reproductive skew among nestmate queens. Despite the high queen number and low reproductive skew, almost all classes of individuals were significantly related to each other. Interestingly, the number of resident queens was a poor predictor of kin structure at the nest level, consistent with the observation that new queens are produced in bursts leading to highly fluctuating queen number across years. Queen number also varied tremendously across nests, with estimates ranging from five to several hundred queens. Accordingly, the harmonic mean queen number (40.5) was six times lower than the arithmetic mean. The variation in queen number was the most important factor of the breeding system contributing to a significant relatedness between almost all classes of nestmates despite a high average number of queens per nest. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Received 12 November 2007; revised 4 May 2008; accepted 8 May 2008.  相似文献   

Social insect societies are considered to be composed of many extremely cooperative individuals. While workers are traditionally believed to behave altruistically, recent studies have revealed behaviors that are more selfish. One such example is intraspecific social parasitism, where workers invade conspecific colonies and produce male offspring that are reared by unrelated host workers. Such intraspecific parasitism has been reported in honeybees (Apis cerana, and A. florea) and “semi-wild” bumblebee colonies of Bombus terrestris. Here we report on intraspecific social parasitism by workers in “wild” colonies of the bumblebee B. deuteronymus. Three of the 11 B. deuteronymus colonies studied were invaded by non-natal workers, of which 75% became reproductive and produced 19% of the adult males. The invading non-natal workers produced significantly more males than resident natal workers and the non-natal brood was not discriminated against by the natal workers.  相似文献   

Gobin B  Billen J  Peeters C 《Animal behaviour》1999,58(5):1117-1122
The majority of colonies of Gnamptogenys menadensis in Sulawesi lack queens and several workers ('gamergates') mate and reproduce instead. Virgin workers lay morphologically specialized trophic eggs which are fed to larvae. Some of these virgins switch to male eggs when gamergates are experimentally removed. Three distinct patterns of oogenesis thus result in: (1) trophic eggs; (2) reproductive eggs (unfertilized) laid by virgin workers; and (3) reproductive eggs laid by gamergates, whose ovarioles are always longer than those of virgin workers. We investigated the behavioural regulation of ovarian activity in virgin workers by temporarily excluding gamergates. In 12 groups of 35-45 virgins, a few workers became dominant and started to lay reproductive eggs. Once gamergates were reintroduced, sterile workers attacked and immobilized workers with enlarged ovaries (confirmed by dissection of 173 individuals), which often died as a result. Gamergates were never aggressive towards new egg layers. Aggression was not triggered by divergence in colony odours, as it was absent in control experiments in which six colonies were divided in half, with each part containing gamergates, and reunited after 50 days. Our results show that sterile workers discriminate against new egg layers, given that their ovaries are not as developed as those of gamergates. Olfactory detection of different levels of ovarian activity thus appears possible. Mesh experiments indicated that the putative pheromones are nonvolatile and require physical contact for transmission. Aggressive behaviour directed at reproducing workers can be interpreted as worker policing. In G. menadensis, worker policing results in virgins laying only trophic eggs. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Brown WD  Liautard C  Keller L 《Oecologia》2003,134(1):12-17
Formica exsecta has become an important model system for studying intraspecific variation in sex ratios. Patterns of sex allocation in polygynous (multiple queen per nest) populations of F. exsecta are generally consistent with the queen-replenishment hypothesis. This hypothesis states that colonies produce gynes (reproductive females) in order to increase queen number and enhance colony survival and/or productivity when the number of resident queens is low. However, the small proportion of colonies that raise gynes produce more than necessary for simple queen replenishment. It has been hypothesized that excess production of gynes may occur to reduce the frequency of accepting foreign unrelated gynes into the colony when workers cannot distinguish nestmate from non-nestmate queens. This explanation for excess gynes requires weak or no aggression between non-nestmates and is expected to lead to the selective execution of new queens by colonies that do not invest in the production of gynes. Experimental studies where gynes were introduced into natal and foreign colonies indeed suggested that polygynous populations of F. exsecta have a poor nestmate recognition system. Although gynes were significantly more likely to be accepted in their parental colony compared to another foreign female-producing colony, the difference was small. Moreover, encounters between workers from different colonies within the population showed very little aggression and were no more aggressive than encounters between nestmates, again suggesting a weak capacity for nestmate recognition. Our experiment also showed that colonies that produced only males executed most of the gynes that were experimentally introduced into the colony, whereas female-producing colonies accepted most gynes. This is consistent with ants using a simple rule of thumb to decrease parasitism by unrelated queens, whereby colonies selectively destroy gynes whenever gynes are not produced in the colonies.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by queens (polyandry) and the occurrence of multiple queens in the same colony (polygyny) alter patterns of relatedness within societies of eusocial insects. This is predicted to influence kin-selected conflicts over reproduction. We investigated the mating system of a facultatively polygynous UK population of the ant Leptothorax acervorum using up to six microsatellite loci. We estimated mating frequency by genotyping 79 dealate (colony) queens and the contents of their sperm receptacles and by detailed genetic analysis of 11 monogynous (single-queen) and nine polygynous colonies. Results indicated that 95% of queens were singly mated and 5% of queens were doubly mated. The corrected population mean mating frequency was 1.06. Parentage analysis of adults and brood in 17 colonies (10 monogynous, 7 polygynous) showed that female offspring attributable to each of 31 queens were full sisters, confirming that queens typically mate once. Inbreeding coefficients, queen-mate relatedness of zero and the low incidence of diploid males provided evidence that L. acervorum sexuals mate entirely or almost entirely at random. Males mated to queens in the same polygynous colony were not related to one another. Our data also confirmed that polygynous colonies contain queens that are related on average and that their workers had a mixed maternity. We conclude that the mating system of L. acervorum involves queens that mate near nests with unrelated males and then seek readoption by those nests, and queens that mate in mating aggregations away from nests, also with unrelated males.  相似文献   

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