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Dinoflagellates are protists with permanently condensed chromosomes that lack histones and whose nuclear membrane remains intact during mitosis. These unusual nuclear characters have suggested that the typical cell cycle regulators might be slightly different than those in more typical eukaryotes. To test this, a cyclin has been isolated from the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra by functional complementation in cln123 mutant yeast. This GpCyc1 sequence contains two cyclin domains in its C-terminal region and a degradation box typical of mitotic cyclins. Similar to other dinoflagellate genes, GpCyc1 has a high copy number, with approximately 5000 copies found in the Gonyaulax genome. An antibody raised against the N-terminal region of the GpCYC1 reacts with a 68kDa protein on Western blots that is more abundant in cell cultures enriched for G2-phase cells than in those containing primarily G1-phase cells, indicating its cellular level follows a pattern expected for a mitotic cyclin. This is the first report of a cell cycle regulator cloned and sequenced from a dinoflagellate, and our results suggest control of the dinoflagellate cell cycle will be very similar to that of other organisms.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic Argonaute proteins play primary roles in miRNA and siRNA pathways that are essential for numerous developmental and biological processes. However, the functional roles of the four ZmAGO1 genes have not yet been characterized in maize (Zea mays L.). In the present study, ZmAGO1a was identified from four putative ZmAGO1 genes for further characterization. Complementation of the Arabidopsis ago1‐27 mutant with ZmAGO1a indicated that constitutive overexpression of ZmAGO1a could restore the smaller rosette, serrated leaves, later flowering and maturation, lower seed set, and darker green leaves at late stages of the mutant to the wild‐type phenotype. The expression profiles of ZmAGO1a under five different abiotic stresses indicated that ZmAGO1a shares expression patterns similar to those of Argonaute genes in rice, Arabidopsis, and wheat. Further, variation in ZmAGO1a alleles among diverse maize germplasm that resulted in several amino acid changes revealed genetic diversity at this locus. The present data suggest that ZmAGO1a might be an important AGO1 ortholog in maize. The results presented provide further insight into the function of ZmAGO1a.  相似文献   

Using thermal asymmetric interlaced polymerase chain reaction (TAIL PCR), promoter sequences of 1,444 bp (HM241145) and 1,249 bp (HM241146) from the Zea mays zinc finger (zmzf) protein gene were isolated from the maize inbred lines Mo17 and Hz32, respectively. Sequence analysis demonstrated that the Mo17 zmzf promoter contained multiple cis-regulatory elements responding to anaerobic conditions. These included two GC-motifs, five anaerobic response elements (AREs), one GT-motif, and four G-boxes. Sequence alignment revealed that there was a 195 bp DNA deletion (−258 to −452 bp) in the Hz32 zmzf promoter compared with the Mo17 promoter. The deleted fragment contained three AREs. According to quantitative real time PCR analysis, the expression of the uidA gene driven by the Mo17 zmzf promoter increased after day 1 waterlogging treatment, peaked after day 2 and decreased at days 4–8. Staining for β-glucuronidase (GUS) was observed in the roots of Mo17 zmzf transgenic lines under waterlogged conditions, but not in the leaves. GUS expression was not observed in the roots and leaves of Hz32 zmzf transgenic lines, even under submerged conditions, indicating that the Hz32 zmzf promoter was non-functional because of the deletion of three AREs. We propose that the Mo17 zmzf promoter was inducible by waterlogging, highly active, and root-specific, and might be useful for the genetic engineering of waterlogging tolerance.  相似文献   

Wall-localized cellulase was partially purified from freeze-dried maize coleoptiles by a combination of DEAE-Sepharose, Superdex-200 gel filtration and Hydroxyapatite column chromatography. Activity was measured by both reducing sugar assay and dot assay on agarose gel containing carboxymethylcellulose(CMC). In situ activity staining on a nondenaturing gel overlaid on agarose gel containing CMC turned out to be a quite reliable method to detect cellulase activity. The molecular mass of partially-purified cellulase was determined to be about 53 kD based on SDS-PAGE, and the N-terminal amino acid sequence of this cellulase was NH2-AGAKGANXLGGLXRA. The enzyme hydrolyzed CMC with an optimal pH of 4.5 and optimal temperature of 40°C. It also catalyzed carboxymethylcellulose with aK m of 2.02 mg/mL and aV max of 160 ng/h/mL The β-1,4-glucosyl linkages of CMC, fibrous cellulose and lichenan were cleaved specifically by this enzyme. Reducing reagents such as cysteine-HCI, dithiothreitol and glutathione strongly enhanced the activity, suggesting that SH-groups of the enzyme were protected from oxidation. N-ethylmaleimide which is a sulfhydryl-reacting reagent did not seem to inhibit the activity, indicating that cysteine residues were not located near the active site of the enzyme. These results will be valuable in understanding the structure of wall-localized cellulase in maize coleoptiles and in predicting its possible function in the cell wall.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells do not normally initiate mitosis when DNA replication is blocked. This cell cycle checkpoint can be bypassed in some cells, however, by treatment with caffeine and certain other chemicals. Although S-phase arrested hamster cells undergo mitosis-specific events such as premature chromosome condensation (PCC) and nuclear envelope disassembly when exposed to caffeine, human cells show little response under the same conditions. To further investigate the molecular basis of this cell type specificity, a panel of hamster/human whole cell hybrids was created. The frequency of caffeine-induced PCC and the level of cyclin B-associated H1 kinase activity in the various hybrids were directly correlated with the extent of cyclin B synthesis during S-phase arrest. To determine whether expression of cyclin B alone could sensitize human cells to caffeine, cyclin B1 was transiently overexpressed in S-phase arrested HT1080 cells. The transfected cell population displayed a 5-fold increase in the frequency of caffeine-induced PCC when compared with normal HT1080 cells, roughly equivalent to the frequency of cells expressing exogenous epitope-tagged cyclin B1. In addition, immunofluorescent microscopy showed that individual cells overexpressing cyclin B1 during S phase arrest underwent PCC when exposed to caffeine. These results provide direct evidence that premature expression of cyclin B1 can make cells more vulnerable to chemically-induced uncoupling of mitosis from the completion of DNA replication. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have investigated the way in which the radiation absorbed by leaves affects the rate of elongation of maize ( Zea mays L.) roots. In five repeated growth chamber experiments, plants previously grown at a photon irradiance of 23 mol m–2 d–1 received either 7 or 34 mol m–2 d–1 from day 10 to day 20 after germination. The elongation rate of primary roots steadily decreased for 4 d after reduction in irradiance and then stabilized at 60% of that in plants at high irradiance. The elongating zone was slightly shorter after 2 d at low irradiance, and was further reduced after 8 d. The concentrations of sucrose and glucose in the elongating zone were greatly decreased after 2 d at low irradiance and the gradient of both sugars was suppressed. The longer period at low irradiance affected neither sugar content nor gradient. In the same way, cell production rate was reduced after 2 d at low irradiance and was not appreciably decreased afterwards. The root zone with cell division was shorter in plants at low irradiance, but cell division rate remained nearly constant temporally and spatially, and was unaffected by the irradiance treatment. Our results suggest that primary events after a reduction in irradiance were a change in cell flux and sugar content in the elongating zone. Change in elongation rate was slower and probably the result of a time-related developmental effect, which may be related to the change in cell production.  相似文献   

In plants multiple A-type cyclins with distinct expression patterns have been isolated and classified into three subgroups (A1-A3), while in animal somatic cells a single type of cyclin A is required for cell-cycle regulation from the S to M phases. We studied the function of an A2-type cyclin from Medicago sativa (Medsa;cycA2) which, in contrast to animal and most plant A-type cyclins, was expressed in all phases of the cell cycle. Using synchronized alfalfa cell cultures and anti-Medsa;CycA2 polyclonal antibodies, we showed that while the mRNA level increased steadily from the late G1 to the G2-M phase, the protein level after a rapid increase in S-phase reached a plateau during the G2 phase. In the yeast two-hybrid system, the Medsa;CycA2 protein interacted with the PSTAIRE-motif-containing cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc2MsA and with the maize retinoblastoma protein. Unexpectedly, the CycA2-associated kinase activity was biphasic: a first activity peak occurred in the S phase while the major one occurred during the G2/M transition, with no apparent dependence upon the actual levels of the Medsa;CycA2 and Cdc2MsA proteins. Immunohistological localization of the cyclin A2 protein by immunofluorescence and immunogold labelling revealed the presence of Medsa;CycA2 in the nucleus of the interphase and prophase cells, while it was undetectable thereafter during mitosis. Together these data suggest that Medsa;CycA2 plays a role both in the S phase and at the G2/M transition.  相似文献   

Sodium butyrate at 5 mM in aerated White's medium reduced the mitotic index in root meristems of seedlings of Pisum sativum to < 1% after 12 h. This effect was lessened as the butyrate concentrations were lowered. The fraction of the root meristem nuclei in G2 increased to ~ 70% after 12 h in butyrate. After 12 h exposure to butyrate, seedlings transferred lo medium without butyrate gradually re-established their normal root meristem mitotic pattern, with a burst of mitosis at 10 h after the transfer. Even a brief exposure to butyrate inhibited DNA synthesis, and nuclei released from butyrate exposure were still unable to resume normal DNA synthesis even after 12 h. This information suggests that butyrate halts progression through the cell cycle by arresting meristem nuclei in G2 and inhibiting DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Cyclins in association with the protein kinase p34cdc2and related cyclin-dependent protein kinases (cdks) are key regulatory elements in controlling the cell division cycle. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a full-length cDNA clone of alfalfa mitotic cyclin, termed CycIIIMs. Computer analysis of known plant cyclin gene sequences revealed that this cyclin belongs to the same structural group as the other known partial alfalfa cyclin sequences. Genetic segregation analysis based on DNA-DNA hybridization data showed that the CycIIIMs gene(s) locates in a single chromosomal region on linkage group 5 of the alfalfa genetic map between RFLP markers UO89A and CG13. The assignment of this cyclin to the mitotic cyclin class was based on its cDNA-derived sequence and its differential expression during G2/M cell cycle phase transition of a partially synchronized alfalfa cell culture. Sequence analysis indicated common motifs with both the A- and B-types of mitotic cyclins similarly to the newly described B3-type of animal cyclins.  相似文献   

Variations in the length of mitotic and interphase cells were analyzed in various tissues of wheat roots and in the cortex of maize roots. Reliable differences were shown in the length of mitotic cells in individual file clones of cells of the same tissue. The mean lengths of dividing cells in different roots differed to a lesser extent than those of different files in the same tissue of one root. Within the file, the length of the sister simultaneously dividing cells differed the least, while the difference of lengths of the neighbor simultaneously dividing nonsister cells was bigger. The mean length of interphase cells in any file was always less than that of mitotic cells by a factor of 1.45. This ratio was almost invariable for files and tissues in both the plants we studied and corresponded to that of an exponentially growing cell population. In addition, a very small number of cells were found (less than 1%) in meristems, which are longer than the mitotic cells. The length of these cells exceeded those of mitotic cells by less than twice. The origin of such cells is discussed. The length of mitotic cells near the quiescent center is more variable than in the middle of the meristem in the cortex of both plants. In the meristem basal part, the mitotic cells were no longer than those in the middle of the meristem but there were no small dividing cells. In the wheat epidermis, the cells are differentiated into trichoblasts and atrichoblasts and, therefore, the length of the dividing cells is highly variable. The cell length is essential for their transition to mitosis for all studied proliferating meristem cells.  相似文献   

Cln1 and Cln2 are very similar but not identical cyclins. In this work, we tried to describe the molecular basis of the functional distinction between Cln1 and Cln2. We constructed chimeric cyclins containing different fragments of Cln1 and Cln2 and performed several functional analysis that make it possible to distinguish between Cln1 or Cln2. We identified that region between amino acids 225 and 299 of Cln2 is not only necessary but also sufficient to confer Cln2 specific functionality compared with Cln1. We also studied Cln1 and Cln2 subcellular localization identifying additional differences between them. Both cyclins are distributed between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, but Cln1 shows stronger nuclear accumulation. Nuclear import of both cyclins is mediated by the classical nuclear import pathway and by sequences in the N-terminal end of the proteins. For Cln2, but not for Cln1, a nuclear export mechanism mediated by karyopherin Msn5 has been identified. Strikingly, Cln2 export depends on a Msn5-dependent NES between amino acids 225 and 299. In fact, the introduction of this region confers to Cln1 an export mechanism dependent on Msn5; importantly, this causes the gain of Cln2-specific cytosolic functions and the impairment of nuclear function. In short, a region from Cln2 controlling an Msn5-dependent nuclear export mechanism confers a specific functionality to Cln2 compared with Cln1.  相似文献   

Cln1 and Cln2 are very similar but not identical cyclins. In this work, we tried to describe the molecular basis of the functional distinction between Cln1 and Cln2. We constructed chimeric cyclins containing different fragments of Cln1 and Cln2 and performed several functional analysis that make it possible to distinguish between Cln1 or Cln2. We identified that region between amino acids 225 and 299 of Cln2 is not only necessary but also sufficient to confer Cln2 specific functionality compared with Cln1. We also studied Cln1 and Cln2 subcellular localization identifying additional differences between them. Both cyclins are distributed between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, but Cln1 shows stronger nuclear accumulation. Nuclear import of both cyclins is mediated by the classical nuclear import pathway and by sequences in the N-terminal end of the proteins. For Cln2, but not for Cln1, a nuclear export mechanism mediated by karyopherin Msn5 has been identified. Strikingly, Cln2 export depends on a Msn5-dependent NES between amino acids 225 and 299. In fact, the introduction of this region confers to Cln1 an export mechanism dependent on Msn5; importantly, this causes the gain of Cln2-specific cytosolic functions and the impairment of nuclear function. In short, a region from Cln2 controlling an Msn5-dependent nuclear export mechanism confers a specific functionality to Cln2 compared with Cln1.  相似文献   

Iejimalide B, a marine macrolide, causes growth inhibition in a variety of cancer cell lines at nanomolar concentrations. We have investigated the effects of Iejimalide B on cell cycle kinetics and apoptosis in the p53+/AR+ LNCaP and p53-/AR- PC-3 prostate cancer cell lines. Iejimalide B, has a dose and time dependent effect on cell number (as measured by crystal violet assay) in both cell lines. In LNCaP cells Iejimalide B induces a dose dependent G0/G1 arrest and apoptosis at 48 h (as measured by Apo-BrdU staining). In contrast, Iejimalide B initially induces G0/G1 arrest followed by S phase arrest but does not induce apoptosis in PC-3 cells. qPCR and Western analysis suggests that Iejimalide B modulates the steady state level of many gene products associated with cell cycle (including cyclins D, E, and B and p21(waf1/cip1)) and cell death (including survivin, p21B and BNIP3L) in LNCaP cells. In PC-3 cells Iejimalide B induces the expression of p21(waf1/cip1), down regulates the expression of cyclin A, and does not modulate the expression of the genes associated with cell death. Comparison of the effects of Iejimalide B on the two cell lines suggests that Iejimalide B induces cell cycle arrest by two different mechanisms and that the induction of apoptosis in LNCaP cells is p53-dependent.  相似文献   

Rare earth element-binding protein was isolated from maize, which was grown under greenhouse conditions and characterized in terms of molecular weight, amino acid composition, and ultraviolet absorption. The molecular weight of the maize protein was determined to be 183,000, with two distinct subunits of approximately molecular weights of 22,000 and 69,000, respectively. The protein is particularly rich in asparagine/aspartic acid, glutamine/glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, and leucine and contains 8.0% of covalently bound carbohydrate. The ultraviolet absorption of the protein is low at 280 nm and no change in the adsorption was observed with a change in pH. Compared to the unique features of the metallothioneins with a molecular weight of approximately 10,000, a high cysteine content of 30%, high absorption at 254 nm and a low absorption at 280 nm, and absorption change with pH, the REE-binding protein is unlikely to be plant metallothionein in nature. It was found that an almost twofold greater concentration was found for most of the REEs in the protein isolated from the maize with REE fertilizer use than that without REE fertilizer. This study suggests that the REE-binding protein is a glycoprotein and REEs can be firmly bound with the protein of maize roots.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is globally widespread and associated with high morbidity and mortality. DDA1 (DET1 and DDB1 associated 1) was first discovered and registered in the GenBank database by our colleagues. DDA1, an evolutionarily conserved gene, might have significant functions. Recent reports have demonstrated that DDA1 is linked to the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway and facilitates the degradation of target proteins. However, the function of DDA1 in lung cancer was previously unknown. This study aimed to investigate whether DDA1 contributes to tumorigenesis and progression of lung cancer. We found that the expression of DDA1 in normal lung cells and tissue was significantly lower than that in lung cancer and was associated with poor prognosis. DDA1 overexpression promoted proliferation of lung tumour cells and facilitated cell cycle progression in vitro and subcutaneous xenograft tumour progression in vivo. Mechanistically, this was associated with the regulation of S phase and cyclins including cyclin D1/D3/E1. These results indicate that DDA1 promotes lung cancer progression, potentially through promoting cyclins and cell cycle progression. Therefore, DDA1 may be a potential novel target for lung cancer treatment, and a biomarker for tumour prognosis.  相似文献   

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