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In a previous study, we found that in house mice both genetic selection (10 generations of artificial selection for high voluntary activity on running wheels) and access to running wheels (7-8 weeks) elicited a modest increase in maximal oxygen consumption. Based on these results, we hypothesized that genetic selection would affect the changes in endurance and oxidative capacity of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle induced by wheel access (training response). Wheel access increased the isotonic endurance of the MG in both genetically selected and random-bred (control) mice. However, this exercise-induced improvement in isotonic endurance of the MG was similar between genetically selected and control mice. Wheel access also increased the succinate dehydrogenase activity of MG muscle fibers in both selected and control lines. However, this exercise-induced increase in succinate dehydrogenase activity was comparable between genetically selected and control animals. Taken together, these results indicate that the modest increase in maximal oxygen consumption associated with genetic selection is not reflected by the training-induced changes in oxidative capacity and endurance of MG muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Selective breeding is an important tool in behavioral genetics and evolutionary physiology, but it has rarely been applied to the study of exercise physiology. We are using artificial selection for increased wheel-running behavior to study the correlated evolution of locomotor activity and physiological determinants of exercise capacity in house mice. We studied enzyme activities and their response to voluntary wheel running in mixed hindlimb muscles of mice from generation 14, at which time individuals from selected lines ran more than twice as many revolutions per day as those from control (unselected) lines. Beginning at weaning and for 8 wk, we housed mice from each of four replicate selected lines and four replicate control lines with access to wheels that were free to rotate (wheel-access group) or locked (sedentary group). Among sedentary animals, mice from selected lines did not exhibit a general increase in aerobic capacities: no mitochondrial [except pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)] or glycolytic enzyme activity was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than in control mice. Sedentary mice from the selected lines exhibited a trend for higher muscle aerobic capacities, as indicated by higher levels of mitochondrial (cytochrome-c oxidase, carnitine palmitoyltransferase, citrate synthase, and PDH) and glycolytic (hexokinase and phosphofructokinase) enzymes, with concomitant lower anaerobic capacities, as indicated by lactate dehydrogenase (especially in male mice). Consistent with previous studies of endurance training in rats via voluntary wheel running or forced treadmill exercise, cytochrome-c oxidase, citrate synthase, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity increased in the wheel-access groups for both genders; hexokinase also increased in both genders. Some enzymes showed gender-specific responses: PDH and lactate dehydrogenase increased in wheel-access male but not female mice, and glycogen phosphorylase decreased in female but not in male mice. Two-way analysis of covariance revealed significant interactions between line type and activity group; for several enzymes, activities showed greater changes in mice from selected lines, presumably because such mice ran more revolutions per day and at greater velocities. Thus genetic selection for increased voluntary wheel running did not reduce the capability of muscle aerobic capacity to respond to training.  相似文献   

Swallow, John G., Theodore Garland, Jr., Patrick A. Carter,Wen-Zhi Zhan, and Gary C. Sieck. Effects of voluntary activity andgenetic selection on aerobic capacity in house mice(Mus domesticus). J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1): 69-76, 1998.An animal model was developed to study effects on components ofexercise physiology of both "nature" (10 generations of geneticselection for high voluntary activity on running wheels) and"nurture" (7-8 wk of access or no access to running wheels,beginning at weaning). At the end of the experiment, mice from bothwheel-access groups were significantly lighter in body mass than micefrom sedentary groups. Within the wheel-access group, a statisticallysignificant, negative relationship existed between activity and finalbody mass. In measurements of maximum oxygen consumption during forcedtreadmill exercise (O2 max), mice withwheel access were significantly more cooperative than sedentary mice;however, trial quality was not a significant predictor of individualvariation in O2 max.Nested two-way analysis of covariance demonstrated that both geneticselection history and access to wheels had significant positive effects on O2 max.A 12% difference inO2 max existedbetween wheel-access selected mice, which had the highestmass-correctedO2 max, andsedentary control mice, which had the lowest. The respiratory exchangeratio at O2 max wasalso significantly lower in the wheel-access group. Our results suggestthe existence of a possible genetic correlation between voluntaryactivity levels (behavior) and aerobic capacity (physiology).


We studied rectal body temperatures of house mice (Mus domesticus) that had been artificially selected for high voluntary wheel running.1. At generation 17, mice from the four replicate selected lines ran, on average, 2.5-times as many revolutions/day as did mice from the four random-bred control lines.2. During the day, repeatability of individual differences in body temperature measured 4 days apart was low; at night, repeatability was statistically significant across three time scales (1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks).3. During the day, body temperatures of selected and control animals did not differ; at night, mice from selected lines had higher body temperatures. However, when amount of wheel running immediately prior to measurement was included as a covariate, the difference was no longer statistically significant.Higher body temperatures, associated with increased activity, might enhance locomotor abilities through Q10 effects, increase metabolic rate and food requirements, affect sleep patterns, and alter expression of heat-shock proteins.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel model to study the correlated evolution of behavioural and morphophysiological traits in response to selection for increased locomotor activity. We used selective breeding to increase levels of voluntary wheel running in four replicate lines of laboratory house mice, Mus domesticus, with four random-bred lines maintained as controls. The experiment presented here tested for correlated behavioural responses in the wheel-cage complex, with wheels either free to rotate or locked (environmental factor). After 13 generations, mice from selected lines ran 2.2 times as many revolutions/day as controls on days 5 and 6 of initial exposure to wheels (10 826 versus 4890 revolutions/day, corresponding to 12.1 and 5.5 km/day, respectively). This increase was caused primarily by mice from selected lines running faster, not more minutes per day. Focal-animal observations confirmed that the increase in revolutions/day involved more actual running (or climbing in locked wheels), not an increase in coasting (or hanging). Not surprisingly, access to free versus locked wheels had several effects on behaviour, including total time spent in wheels, sniffing and biting. However, few behaviours showed statistically significant differences between the selected and control lines. Selection did not increase the total time spent in wheels (either free or locked), the frequency of nonlocomotor activities performed in the wheels, nor the amount of locomotor activity in cages attached to the wheels; as well, selection did not decrease the amount of time spent sleeping. Thus, wheel running is, at the genetic level, a largely independent axis of behaviour. Moreover, the genetic architecture of overall wheel running and its components seem conducive to increasing total distance moved without unduly increasing energy or time-related costs. The selection experiment also offers a new approach to study the proximate mechanisms of wheel-running behaviour itself. For example, frequencies of sniffing and wire biting were reduced in selected females but not males. This result suggests that motivation or function of wheel running may differ between the sexes. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

After 14 generations of selection for voluntary wheel running, mice from the four replicate selected lines ran, on average, twice as many revolutions per day as those from the four unselected control lines. To examine whether the selected lines followed distinct strategies in the correlated responses of the size and metabolic capacities of the hindlimb muscles, we examined mice from selected lines, housed for 8 wk in cages with access to running wheels that were either free to rotate ("wheel access" group) or locked ("sedentary"). Thirteen of twenty individuals in one selected line (line 6) and two of twenty in another (line 3) showed a marked reduction ( approximately 50%) in total hindlimb muscle mass, consistent with the previously described expression of a small-muscle phenotype. Individuals with these "mini-muscles" were not significantly smaller in total body mass compared with line-mates with normal-sized muscles. Access to free wheels did not affect the relative mass of the mini-muscles, but did result in typical mammalian training effects for mitochondrial enzyme activities. Individuals with mini-muscles showed a higher mass-specific muscle aerobic capacity as revealed by the maximal in vitro rates of citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase. Moreover, these mice showed the highest activities of hexokinase and carnitine palmitoyl transferase. Females with mini-muscles showed the highest levels of phosphofructokinase, and males with mini-muscles the highest levels of pyruvate dehydrogenase. As shown by total muscle enzyme contents, the increase in mass-specific aerobic capacity almost completely compensated for the reduction caused by the "loss" of muscle mass. Moreover, the mini-muscle mice exhibited the lowest contents of lactate dehydrogenase and glycogen phosphorylase. Interestingly, metabolic capacities of mini-muscled mice resemble those of muscles after endurance training. Overall, our results demonstrate that during selection for voluntary wheel running, distinct adaptive paths that differentially exploit the genetic variation in morphological and physiological traits have been followed.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of corticosterone (B) respond acutely to exercise in all mammals that have been studied, but the literature contains conflicting reports regarding how chronic activity alters this response. We measured acute and chronic effects of voluntary activity on B in a novel animal model, mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running. Female mice were housed with or without wheels for 8 wk beginning at 26 days of age. Wheel-access selection mice had significantly higher B at night 8, day 15, and night 29, compared with wheel-access controls. Elevation of B was an acute effect of voluntary exercise. When adjusted for running in the previous 20 min, no difference between wheel-access selection and control animals remained. No training effect on B response was observed. These results are among the strongest evidence that, in some animals, the acute B response is unaffected by chronic voluntary exercise. In mice without wheels, selection mice had significantly higher B than controls at day 15, night 29, and night 50, suggesting that selection resulted in a modulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Growth over the first 4 wk of treatment was significantly and inversely related to average night B levels within each of the four treatment groups.  相似文献   

Selective breeding produced four replicate lines of high-runner (HR) mice that run on wheels for approximately 2.7 times more revolutions per day than four unselected control lines. Previous studies found that HR mice of both sexes have lower body fat (isotope dilution at 15 wk of age) and that males (females not studied) have smaller retroperitoneal fat pads (17 wk). HR mice also exhibit elevated plasma corticosterone and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by some hindlimb muscles but apparently do not differ in circulating insulin or glucose levels (males at 18 wk). Given their lower body fat and higher activity levels, we hypothesized that HR mice would have lower circulating leptin levels than controls. Female mice were given wheel access for 6 d at 7 wk of age, as part of the routine wheel testing for the selective breeding protocol, and then were killed after one additional week without wheels to reduce possible acute effects of activity on leptin. As hypothesized, serum leptin levels were significantly lower in HR mice. ANCOVA indicated that leptin was strongly positively correlated with both total body fat (measured by ether extraction) and body mass change from weaning, but HR mice still had significantly lower adjusted leptin levels (ANCOVA). Within HR lines but not within control lines, individual variation in leptin levels was negatively correlated with amount or speed of wheel running measured a week before being killed. Growth from weaning to euthanasia and body dry mass were lower in HR mice than in controls, but absolute dry masses of the ventricles, liver, gut, and uterus plus ovaries did not significantly differ, nor did percentage of the total dry mass as fat. HR mice offer a novel model for studying the causes and consequences of physiologically relevant variations in serum leptin.  相似文献   

To study the correlated evolution of locomotor behavior and exercise physiology, we conducted an artificial selection experiment. From the outbred Hsd:ICR strain of Mus domesticus, we began eight separate lines, each consisting of 10 breeding pairs. In four of the lines, we used within-family selection to increase voluntary wheel running. The remaining four lines were random-bred (within lines) to serve as controls. Various traits have been monitored to test for correlated responses. Here, we report on organ masses, with emphasis on the triceps surae muscle complex, an important extensor of the ankle. Mice from the selected lines exhibit reduced total body mass, increased relative (mass-corrected) kidney mass, and reduced relative triceps surae mass. In addition, a discrete muscle-mass polymorphism was observed: some individuals had triceps surae that were almost 50% lighter than normal for their body mass. This small-muscle phenotype was observed in only three of the eight lines: in one control line, it has fluctuated in frequency between zero and 10%, whereas in two of the selected lines it has increased in frequency to approximately 50% by generation 22. Data from a set of parents and offspring (generations 23 and 24) are consistent with inheritance as a single autosomal recessive allele. Evidence for the adaptive significance of the small-muscle allele was obtained by fitting multiple-generation data to hierarchical models that include effects of genetic drift and/or selection. The small-muscle allele is estimated to have been present at low frequency (approximately 7%) in the base population, and analysis indicates that strong selection favors the allele in the selected but not control lines. We hypothesize that the small muscles possess functional characteristics and/or that the underlying allele causes pleiotropic effects (e.g., reduced total body mass; increased relative heart, liver, and kidney mass) that facilitate high levels of wheel running. Nevertheless, at generation 22, wheel running of affected individuals did not differ significantly from those with normal-sized muscles, and the magnitude of response to selection has been similar in all four selected lines, indicating that multiple genetic "solutions" are possible in response to selection for high activity levels.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that selective breeding for high voluntary wheel running negatively affects maternal performance in house mice, we observed maternal behavior and compared litter size and mass, in replicate lines of selected (N=4) and control (N=4) mice from generations 20 and 21 of an artificial selection experiment. At generation 21, selected-line females ran 2.8-times more revolutions per day than females from random-bred control lines, when tested at approximately 6 weeks of age as part of the normal selection protocol. After giving birth, dams from selected and control lines exhibited similar frequencies of maternal behaviors and also spent similar amounts of time in general locomotor activity at litter ages of both 9 and 16 days. Dams from selected lines also performed equally well as controls in repeated pup-retrieval trials. At first parturition, selected-line dams averaged 2.4 g smaller in body mass as compared with dams from the control lines; however, neither litter size nor litter mass at birth (generation 20) or at weaning (generation 21) differed significantly between selected and control lines. We conclude that, at least under the husbandry conditions employed, maternal behavior and reproductive output at first parturition are genetically independent of wheel-running behavior.  相似文献   

We present liver mRNA levels of the two antioxidant enzymes catalase (CAT) and Mn-superoxide dismutase (SOD2) in four treatment groups of house mice assayed by RNase protection at 20 months of age. These groups were mice from four replicate selection and four replicate control lines from the sixteenth generation of selective breeding for high voluntary wheel running, housed with or without running wheels from age 3 weeks through 20 months. Exercising control females had induced CAT expression; SOD2 exhibited a similar pattern in females from two of the four control lines. Exercising male mice had induced CAT expression, but not SOD2 expression, irrespective of genetic background. We discuss these results with respect to both evolutionary (genetic) and training (exercise-induced) adaptations and explore predictions of these results in relation to the oxidative-damage theory of senescence.  相似文献   

We used a novel mouse model to study the effects of selectivebreeding for high locomotor activity (14 generations) on relativeorgan sizes, hematocrit (Hct), and blood hemoglobin (Hb) concentration.We also examined effects of exercise training and genotype-by-environmentinteractions by housing animals for 8 weeks with wheels thatwere either free to rotate or locked. Mice from the four replicateHigh-Runner (HR) lines were smaller in total body mass but hadlarger body mass-adjusted kidneys relative to the four Controllines (P < 0.05). Control and HR lines did not differ significantlyfor mass-adjusted tail length or masses of the "triceps surae"hindlimb muscle group, heart (ventricle), spleen, liver, adrenalglands or gonads. Wheel access caused a reduction in body massand an increase in relative heart mass. In females only, wheelaccess caused a reduction in relative spleen mass. Wheel accessdid not affect relative tail length or relative mass of thetriceps surae, liver, adrenal gland or gonads. Significant interactionsbetween selection history and wheel access were observed infemales for spleen, liver, and gonad mass as well as Hct andHb. Wheel access caused increases in both Hct and Hb, mainlyin the HR lines. The mini-muscle phenotype, caused by a Mendelianrecessive allele that halves hindlimb muscle mass, was significantlyassociated with several other body composition traits, includingreduced body mass, increased tail length, increased heart mass,increased liver mass (females only), increased mean adrenalgland mass (females only), increased mean kidney mass (malesonly), and reduced Hct (wheel-access females only). Resultsare discussed in context of the beneficial acclimation hypothesis,genotype-by-environment interactions, and the potential for"nurture" to be self-reinforcing of "nature" in some complexbehavioral-physiological phenotypes.  相似文献   

The evolutionary importance of postnatal ontogenies has long been recognized, but most studies of ontogenetic trajectories have focused exclusively on morphological traits. For animals, this represents a major omission because behavioral traits and their ontogenies often have relatively direct relationships to fitness. Here four replicate lines of house mice artificially selected for high early-age wheel running and their four replicate control lines were used to evaluate the effects of early-age directional selection, genetic drift, and activity environment (presence or absence of a running wheel) on variation in the ontogenies of three traits known to be genetically correlated: voluntary wheel running, body mass, and food consumption. Early-age selection significantly changed both the shape and position of the wheel-running and food-consumption ontogenies while influencing the position, but not the shape, of the body mass ontogeny. Genetic drift (as indicated by variation among replicate lines) produced significant changes in both the position and shape of all three ontogenies; however, its effect differed between the selection and control groups. For wheel running and food consumption, genetic drift only influenced the control ontogenies, whereas for body mass, genetic drift had a significant effect in both selection groups. Both body-mass and food-consumption ontogenies were significantly altered by activity environment, with the environment causing significant changes in the shape and position of both ontogenies. Overall the results demonstrate strong effects of early-age selection, genetic drift, and environmental variation on the evolution and expression of behavioral and morphological ontogenies, with selection changing only the position of the morphological ontogeny but both the position and shape of the behavioral ontogenies.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in the Indian pygmy field miceMus booduga and theMus terricolor complex and in the house mouseMus musculus tytleri was analysed electro phoretically at 20 enzymatic and nonenzymatic protein loci. The results show an unusually high genetic variation in the field mice in terms of per cent polymorphism (P = 75 to 90 at 0-95 level), observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.215[ ± 0.213] to 0.314 [±0.236]) and average number of alleles(A = 2.0[± 0.858] to 2.38 [±0.868]). Very high values of P,Ho andA were also observed for the house mouse. Genetic distance (D) determined by using Nei’s (1978) formula in theM. terricolor complex ranged from the lowest,D = 0.082, betweenM. terricolor I and II to the highest,D = 0.155, betweenM. terricolor II and III. Genetic distance betweenM. booduga and theM. terricolor complex was 0-259 and that between the house mouseM. m. tytleri and theM. booduga-terricolor lineage was 0.285. TheseD values corroborate that the pygmy field and house mice are closely allied.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of exercise on heat shock protein (HSP) 72 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle, five healthy humans (20 +/- 1 yr; 64 +/- 3 kg; peak O(2) uptake of 2.55 +/- 0.2 l/min) cycled until exhaustion at a workload corresponding to 63% peak O(2) uptake. Muscle was sampled from the vastus lateralis, and muscle temperature was measured at rest (R), 10 min of exercise (Min10), approximately 40 min before fatigue (F-40 = 144 +/- 7 min), and fatigue (F = 186 +/- 15 min). Muscle samples were analyzed for HSP72 mRNA expression, as well as glycogen and lactate concentration. Muscle temperature increased (P < 0.05) during the first 10 min of exercise but then remained constant for the duration of the exercise. Similarly, lactate concentration increased (P < 0.05) when Min10 was compared with R but decreased (P < 0.05) thereafter, such that concentrations at F-40 and F were not different from those at R. In contrast, muscle glycogen concentration fell progressively throughout exercise (486 +/- 74 vs. 25 +/- 7 mmol/kg dry weight for R and F, respectively; P < 0.05). HSP72 mRNA was detected at R but did not increase by Min10. However, HSP72 mRNA increased (P < 0.05) 2.2 +/- 0.5- and 2.6 +/- 0.9-fold, respectively, when F-40 and F were compared with R. These data demonstrate that HSP72 mRNA increases progressively during acute cycling, suggesting that processes that take place throughout concentric exercise are capable of initiating a stress response.  相似文献   

Effects of genetic selection for high wheel-running activity (17th generation) and access to running wheels on skeletal muscle glucose uptake were studied in mice with the following treatments for 8 wk: 1) access to unlocked wheels; 2) same as 1, but wheels locked 48 h before glucose uptake measurement; or 3) wheels always locked. Selected mice ran more than random-bred (nonselected) mice (8-wk mean +/- SE = 8,243 +/- 711 vs. 3,719 +/- 233 revolutions/day). Body weight was 5-13% lower for selected vs. nonselected groups. Fat pad/body weight was ~40% lower for selected vs. nonselected and unlocked vs. locked groups. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and fat pad/body weight were inversely correlated for isolated soleus (r = -0.333; P < 0.005) but not extensor digitorum longus (EDL) or epitrochlearis muscles. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was higher in EDL (P < 0.02) for selected vs. nonselected mice. Glucose uptake did not differ by wheel group, and amount of running did not correlate with glucose uptake for any muscle. Wheel running by mice did not enhance subsequent glucose uptake by isolated muscles.  相似文献   

We tested whether selective breeding for early-age high voluntary exercise behavior over 16 generations caused the evolution of lifelong exercise behavior, life expectancy, and age-specific mortality in house mice (Mus domesticus). Sixteenth-generation mice from four replicate selection lines and four replicate random-bred control lines were individually housed from weaning through death and divided between two activity treatments (either with or without running wheels). Thus, there were four treatment groups: selection versus control crossed with active versus sedentary. The effects of selective breeding on life expectancy and age-specific mortality differed between females and males. In females, sedentary selection mice had early and high initial adult mortality and thus the lowest increases in mortality with age. Active selection females had the lowest early adult mortality, had limited mortality during midlife, and exhibited rapid increases in mortality rates at the very end of life; thus, they had deferred senescence. Median life expectancy was greater for both groups of selection females than for the two complementary groups of control females. Like females, sedentary selection males had the highest early adult mortality, and slow but steadily increasing mortality over the entire lifetime. Unlike the active selection females, active control males had the lowest mortality across the lifespan (until the end of life). Interestingly, the males with the lowest median life expectancy were those in the active selection treatment group. In both sexes, running (km/week) decreased over the lifetime to very low and virtually equivalent levels at the end of life in control and selection mice. Overall, these results demonstrate an evolutionary cost of selective breeding for males, regardless of exercise level, but a benefit for females when they have an outlet for the up-selected behavior. We conclude that correlated evolution of senescence occurs in mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running; exercise per se is beneficial for control mice of both sexes, but the impact on the effect of selection depends on sex; and the behavioral effect of exercise selection at an early age declines throughout the life span, which demonstrates decreasing genetic correlations over age for the genes involved in increased exercise.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the correlated response of anti-oxidant enzyme activity to selective breeding for increased voluntary wheel running in house mice. Activity of liver superoxide dismutase-2 (Sod-2), a free radical scavenger, was measured in four groups of mice. 'Active' individuals were housed in cages with attached wheels for 8 weeks beginning at weaning; 'sedentary' individuals were housed in cages with attached wheels that were prevented from rotating. Both of these treatments were applied to male and female mice from generation 14 of a replicated artificial selection experiment, which is composed of four lines selected for high wheel running and four randomly bred lines that serve as controls. In females, Sod-2 activity was significantly lower in selected vs control animals, regardless of presence/absence of a free-turning wheel. This difference suggests a trade-off between early-age voluntary wheel-running activity and Sod-2 activity. In males, Sod-2 activity was significantly affected by an interaction between selection group and activity group, with males from selected lines having lower Sod-2 activity relative to control males only in the sedentary treatment. These negative correlated responses of Sod-2 activity to selection on wheel running are discussed in the context of antagonistic pleiotropy models of aging and with respect to potential effects on lifespan.  相似文献   

We studied relations between maximal O2 consumption (VO2 max) during forced exercise and subordinate traits associated with blood O2 transport and cellular respiration in four lines of mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running (S lines) and their four nonselected control (C) lines. Previously, we reported VO2 max of 59 females at three Po2 (hypoxia = 14% O2, normoxia = 21%, hyperoxia = 30%). Here, we test the hypothesis that variation in VO2 max can be explained, in part, by hemoglobin concentration and Po2 necessary to obtain 50% O2 saturation of Hb (an estimate of Hb affinity for O2) of the blood as well as citrate synthase activity and myoglobin concentration of ventricles and gastrocnemius muscle. Statistical analyses controlled for body mass, compared S and C lines, and also considered effects of the mini-muscle phenotype (present only in S lines and resulting from a Mendelian recessive allele), which reduces hindlimb muscle mass while increasing muscle mass-specific aerobic capacity. Although S lines had higher VO2 max than C, subordinate traits showed no statistical differences when the presence of the mini-muscle phenotype was controlled. However, subordinate traits did account for some of the individual variation in VO2 max. Ventricle size was a positive predictor of VO2 max at all three Po2. Blood Hb concentration was a positive predictor of VO2 max in S lines but a negative predictor in C lines, indicating that the physiological underpinnings of VO2 max have been altered by selective breeding. Mice with the mini-muscle phenotype had enlarged ventricles, with higher mass-specific citrate synthase activity and myoglobin concentration, which may account for their higher VO2 max in hypoxia.  相似文献   

Experimental studies manipulating diet and exercise have shown varying effects on metabolic syndrome components in both humans and rodents. To examine the potential interactive effects of diet, exercise and genetic background, we studied mice from four replicate lines bred (52 generations) for high voluntary wheel running (HR lines) and four unselected control lines (C). At weaning, animals were housed for 60 days with or without wheels and fed either a standard chow or Western diet (WD, 42% kcal from fat). Four serial (three juvenile and one adult) blood samples were taken to measure fasting total cholesterol (TC), high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL‐C), triglycerides and glucose. Western diet was obesogenic for all mice, even after accounting for the amount of wheel running and kilojoules consumed. Western diet significantly raised glucose as well as TC and HDL‐C concentrations. At the level of individual variation (repeatability), there was a modest correlation (r = 0.3–0.5) of blood lipids over time, which was reduced with wheel access and/or WD. Neither genetic selection history nor wheel access had a statistically significant effect on blood lipids. However, HR and C mice had divergent ontogenetic trajectories for body mass and caloric intake. HR mice also had lower adiposity, an effect that was dependent on wheel access. The environmental factors of diet and wheel access had pronounced effects on body mass, food consumption and fasting glucose concentrations, interacting with each other and/or with genetic strain. These data underscore the importance (and often unpredictable nature) of genotype‐by‐environment and environment‐by‐environment interactions when studying body weight regulation.  相似文献   

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