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Curcumin (diferuloylmethane), a component of the yellow powder prepared from the roots of Curcuma longa or Zingiberaceae (known as turmeric) is not only widely used to color and flavor food but also used as a pharmaceutical agent. Curcumin demonstrates anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, antiaging, and antioxidant activity, as well as efficacy in wound healing. Notably, curcumin is a hormetic agent (hormetin), as it is stimulatory at low doses and inhibitory at high doses. Hormesis by curcumin could be also a particular function at low doses (i.e., antioxidant behavior) and another function at high dose (i.e., induction of autophagy and cell death). Recent findings suggest that curcumin exhibits biphasic dose–responses on cells, with low doses having stronger effects than high doses; examples being activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway or antioxidant activity. This indicates that many effects induced by curcumin are dependent on dose and some effects might be greater at lower doses, indicative of a hormetic response. Despite the consistent occurrence of hormetic responses of curcumin in a wide range of biomedical models, epidemiological and clinical trials are needed to assess the nature of curcumin’s dose–response in humans. Fortunately, more than one hundred clinical trials with curcumin and curcumin derivatives are ongoing. In this review, we provide the first comprehensive analysis supportive of the hormetic behavior of curcumin and curcumin derivatives.  相似文献   

Does movement of the eyes in one or another direction function as an automatic attentional cue to a location of interest? Two experiments explored the directional movement of the eyes in a full face for speed of detection of an aftercoming location target in young people with autism and in control participants. Our aim was to investigate whether a low-level perceptual impairment underlies the delay in gaze following characteristic of autism. The participants'' task was to detect a target appearing on the left or right of the screen either 100 ms or 800 ms after a face cue appeared with eyes averting to the left or right. Despite instructions to ignore eye-movement in the face cue, people with autism and control adolescents were quicker to detect targets that had been preceded by an eye movement cue congruent with target location compared with targets preceded by an incongruent eye movement cue. The attention shifts are thought to be reflexive because the cue was to be ignored, and because the effect was found even when cue-target duration was short (100 ms). Because (experiment two) the effect persisted even when the face was inverted, it would seem that the direction of movement of eyes can provide a powerful (involuntary) cue to a location.  相似文献   

For a comprehensive study of phototropism in sporangiophores of the fungus Phycomyces, quantitative treatment of spatial aspects is necessary. The first step in quantifying spatial factors of phototropic signal processing is the elucidation of the non-uniform light profile, predominantly caused by a lens effect in the cylindrical body of the sporangiophore. Herein we compare recently presented theoretical and experimental studies of light profiles. Errors and ambiguities arising from instrumental limitations and arbitrary assumptions are revealed. On the other hand, by combining theoretical and experimental results we have been able to select out the reliable information, which can now be applied in phototropic studies.Dedicated to Professor Hans Mohr on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   



Carbonic anhydrase VI (CA VI) is a secretory isozyme of the α-CA gene family. It is highly expressed in the salivary and mammary glands and secreted into saliva and milk. Although CA VI was first described as a gustatory protein, its exact functional roles have remained enigmatic. Interestingly, polymorphism of the CA6 gene was recently linked to bitter taste perception in humans. In this study, we compared the preference of Car6−/− and wild-type mice for different taste modalities in an IntelliCage monitoring environment. Morphologies of taste buds, tongue papillae, and von Ebner’s glands were evaluated by light microscopy. Cell proliferation and rate of apoptosis in tongue specimens were examined by Ki67 immunostaining and fluorescent DNA fragmentation staining, respectively.


The behavioral follow up of the mice in an IntelliCage system revealed that Car6−/− mice preferred 3 μM quinine (bitter) solution, whereas wild type mice preferred water. When the quinine concentration increased, both groups preferentially selected water. Histological analysis, Ki67 immunostaining and detection of apoptosis did not reveal any significant changes between tongue specimens of the knockout and wild type mice.


Our knockout mouse model confirms that CA VI is involved in bitter taste perception. CA VI may be one of the factors which contribute to avoidance of bitter, potentially harmful, substances.  相似文献   

Perception involves the processing of sensory stimuli and their translation into conscious experience. A novel percept can, once synthesized, be maintained or discarded from awareness. We used event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging to separate the neural responses associated with the maintenance of a percept, produced by single-image, random-dot stereograms, from the response evoked at the onset of the percept. The latter was associated with distributed bilateral activation in the posterior thalamus and regions in the occipito-temporal, parietal and frontal cortices. In contrast, sustained perception was associated with activation of the pre-frontal cortex and hippocampus. This observation suggests that sustaining a visual percept involves neuroanatomical systems which are implicated in memory function and which are distinct from those engaged during perceptual synthesis.  相似文献   

Franks DW  Ruxton GD 《Bio Systems》2008,92(2):175-181
Artificial feed-forward neural networks are commonly used as a tool for modelling stimulus selection and animal signalling. A key finding of stimulus selection research has been generalization: if a given behaviour has been established to one stimulus, perceptually similar novel stimuli are likely to induce a similar response. Stimulus generalization, in feed-forward neural networks, automatically arises as a property of the network. This network property raises understandable concern regarding the sensitivity of the network to variation in its internal parameter values used in relation to its structure and to its training process. Researchers must have confidence that the predictions of their model follow from the underlying biology that they deliberately incorporated in the model, and not from often arbitrary choices about model implementation. We study how network training and parameter perturbations influence the qualitative and quantitative behaviour of a simple but general network. Specifically, for models of stimulus control we study the effect that parameter variation has on the shape of the generalization curves produced by the network. We show that certain network and training conditions produce undesirable artifacts that need to be avoided (or at least understood) when modelling stimulus selection.  相似文献   

Summary Some records, obtained from the surface of the optic tectum of the frog with moving visual stimuli are presented as evidence of a global oscillation of the tectal activity whose time course is specific for different patterns of stimulation.The research reported in this document has been sponsored by the 6570th Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory under grant AF EOAR 65-44 through the European Office of Aerospace Research (OAR), United States Air Force.  相似文献   

Synopsis Sharp declines in catches prompted a detailed study of the commercially and culturally important terubok Tenualosa toli, which lives in the fast-flowing, turbid estuaries and adjacent shallow coastal waters of Sarawak. Its reproduction, diet, age and growth were investigated. An absence of small females and large males, together with histological data showing transitional gonads, suggest that T. toli is a protandrous hermaphrodite. Ageing based on otoliths indicates that individuals may not live more than about two years. Male fish spawn towards the end of their first year, change sex (transitional gonads were recorded in fish from 14 to 31 cm SL) and spawn as females in their second year. Spawning takes place in the middle reaches of estuaries and females deposit all their eggs at once. Fecundity is linearly related to fish length but shows significant seasonal and site variations. Hermaphroditism is discussed in relation to possible environmental and isolating mechanisms. T. toli is a zooplanktivore eating mainly calanoid copepods. Laser-ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectroscopy of trace elements across otoliths revealed that the species does not move into full seawater or freshwater, but completes its life cycle in estuarine and adjacent coastal waters. Therefore T. toli populations in each estuary and adjacent coastal waters may be relatively isolated from one another, and hence particularly susceptible to overfishing.  相似文献   

A previously proposed method for the interpretation of the signals in sensory nerve fibres is extended to incorporate activation of muscle spindles. Simulations, based on previous experimental observations, of muscle spondles subjected to ramp and hold stretches are used as input to an interpreter, where the simulated trains of action potentials are reconverted to a length change interpretation. The interpreted signals are compared with the original length change inputs to observe the effects of -stimulation and stochastic variability.  相似文献   

Despite extensive AMS-14C dating series on Late-glacial terrestrial plant remains, a precise estimate of the duration of the Younger Dryas biozone (sensu Ammann & Lotter, 1989) is hampered by the occurrence of a period of constant 14C-age at 10 000 yr B.P. However, varve counts at Soppensee suggest that the Younger Dryas biozone comprises approx. 680–720 varves, and that the phase of constant radiocarbon age includes between 270–310 varves.  相似文献   

Natural visual stimuli have been reported to evoke neural responses with brief, intense firing events. This has important implications for how visual information is encoded. A recent experiment measured the responses of visual neurons in the natural environment, circumventing many limitations of laboratory simulations while still retaining tight experimental control. Under these conditions, neurons fired intensely at precise, discrete times, validating that this firing regime is relevant to natural vision.  相似文献   

1. It has been suggested that chemical information from crowded populations of an animal such as Daphnia carries a cue indicating imminent food limitation, and we suggest that in the presence of fish kairomones, it may also convey a hint of the need to enhance antipredation defences. 2. We performed two‐factorial experiments with Daphnia grown in flow‐through plankton chambers in medium containing high levels of Scenedesmus food plus chemical information on either low or high population density levels and in the presence or absence of fish chemical cues (kairomones) and recorded (i) the effects on Daphnia growth rate and reproduction, and (ii) the effects on Daphnia depth selection. Further depth‐selection experiments were performed to test the reaction of Daphnia to crowding information at different Daphnia concentrations and to test its effect on daytime and night‐time depth selection by different Daphnia instars in the presence of kairomones. 3. The effects of crowding information alone (in the absence of kairomones) were weak and were not significantly strengthened by the addition of kairomones. The effects of kairomones alone (in the absence of crowding information) were much stronger and were increased by the presence of crowding chemicals: Daphnia selected greater depths in daylight (the later the instar and the larger its body size, the greater the depth), their body growth was slower and daily reproductive investment reduced, compared with Daphnia grown in the absence of crowding information. This suggested that crowding chemicals carry a cue indicating the need to invest more into antipredation defences. 4. The adaptive significance of these effects was confirmed by the differential vulnerability to predation of the Daphnia when offered as prey to live roach after being grown for 6 days either in the presence (higher vulnerability) or in the absence (lower vulnerability) of information on high density. 5. The strong interaction between crowding information and fish kairomones may be explained either as the reaction to a cue indicating impending food stress or as the reaction to a signal of increased predation risk. While the former scenario is already known from crowding studies, the latter is a novel idea that stems from the old concept of ‘low‐density anti‐predation refuge’. The two scenarios are not mutually exclusive: each stems from the need to invest in survival rather than in growth and reproduction [Corrections were made to this paragraph after first online publication on 4 April 2012].  相似文献   

The mammalian visual system is one of the most intensively investigated sensory systems. However, our knowledge of the typical input it is operating on is surprisingly limited. To address this issue, we seek to learn about the natural visual environment and the world as seen by a cat. With a CCD camera attached to their head, cats explore several outdoor environments and videos of natural stimuli are recorded from the animals perspective. The statistical analysis of these videos reveals several remarkable properties. First, we find an anisotropy of oriented contours with an enhanced occurrence of horizontal orientations, earlier described in the oblique effect as a predominance of the two cardinal orientations. Second, contrast is not elevated in the center of the images, suggesting different mechanisms of fixation point selection as compared to humans. Third, analyzing a sequence of images we find that the precise position of contours varies faster than their orientation. Finally, collinear contours prevail over parallel shifted contours, matching recent physiological and anatomical results. These findings demonstrate the rich structure of natural visual stimuli and its direct relation to extensively studied anatomical and physiological issues.  相似文献   

By considering only the modulation transfer functions of stationary, uniformly moved, and time modulated sinusoidal gratings it is possible to derive a simple model, the z-model, for the spatio-temporal frequency behaviour of one-dimensional patterns. The transmission function of this model is a band pass function of a single coordinate z, which is a quadratic form of the spatial and temporal frequencies (rotational symmetry with respect to space and time). The model is determined by only three constants. Optionally a time phase which accounts for delay and phase distortion can be added. This model can also be derived from reaction time measurements for switched on sinusoidal gratings. With this model the response of a wide variety of spatio-temporal patterns have been calculated and compared with measured threshold data. For two-dimensional patterns orientational filtering has to be added to the model leading to a further parameter. This model predicts satisfactorily the threshold modulation for a great variety of arbitrary spatio-temporal patterns. However the absolute threshold value for aperiodic transient patterns differs slightly in direction of smaller sensitivity as compared with periodic stationary patterns. This suggests that the peak detection scheme usually used in threshold detection modeling should be replaced by an integrative mechanism.  相似文献   

Fossil angiosperm wood from Upper Cretaceous sediments of Livingston Island and James Ross Island in the northern Antarctic Peninsula region is identified as having the combination of anatomical characters most similar to modern Cunoniaceae. The material is characterised by predominantly solitary vessels, opposite to scalariform intervessel pitting, scalariform perforation plates, heterocellular multiseriate and homocellular uniseriate rays, diffuse axial parenchyma. Anatomically, the specimens conform most closely to the fossil organ genus Weinmannioxylon Petriella which has been placed within the Cunoniaceae. The presence of Weinmannioxylon in Late Cretaceous sediments suggests that taxa within or stem taxa to the Cunoniaceae might have been a notable component of the forest vegetation that covered the Antarctic Peninsula during the Late Mesozoic and may therefore represent the earliest record of this family.  相似文献   

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