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During slow-wave sleep, general anesthesia, and generalized seizures, there is an absence of consciousness. These states are characterized by low-frequency large-amplitude traveling waves in scalp electroencephalogram. Therefore the oscillatory state might be an indication of failure to form coherent neuronal assemblies necessary for consciousness. A generalized seizure event is a pathological brain state that is the clearest manifestation of waves of synchronized neuronal activity. Since gap junctions provide a direct electrical connection between adjoining neurons, thus enhancing synchronous behavior, reducing gap-junction conductance should suppress seizures; however there is no clear experimental evidence for this. Here we report theoretical predictions for a physiologically-based cortical model that describes the general anesthetic phase transition from consciousness to coma, and includes both chemical synaptic and direct electrotonic synapses. The model dynamics exhibits both Hopf (temporal) and Turing (spatial) instabilities; the Hopf instability corresponds to the slow (≲8 Hz) oscillatory states similar to those seen in slow-wave sleep, general anesthesia, and seizures. We argue that a delicately balanced interplay between Hopf and Turing modes provides a canonical mechanism for the default non-cognitive rest state of the brain. We show that the Turing mode, set by gap-junction diffusion, is generally protective against entering oscillatory modes; and that weakening the Turing mode by reducing gap conduction can release an uncontrolled Hopf oscillation and hence an increased propensity for seizure and simultaneously an increased sensitivity to GABAergic anesthesia.  相似文献   

Progress in decoding neural signals has enabled the development of interfaces that translate cortical brain activities into commands for operating robotic arms and other devices. The electrical stimulation of sensory areas provides a means to create artificial sensory information about the state of a device. Taken together, neural activity recording and microstimulation techniques allow us to embed a portion of the central nervous system within a closed-loop system, whose behavior emerges from the combined dynamical properties of its neural and artificial components. In this study we asked if it is possible to concurrently regulate this bidirectional brain-machine interaction so as to shape a desired dynamical behavior of the combined system. To this end, we followed a well-known biological pathway. In vertebrates, the communications between brain and limb mechanics are mediated by the spinal cord, which combines brain instructions with sensory information and organizes coordinated patterns of muscle forces driving the limbs along dynamically stable trajectories. We report the creation and testing of the first neural interface that emulates this sensory-motor interaction. The interface organizes a bidirectional communication between sensory and motor areas of the brain of anaesthetized rats and an external dynamical object with programmable properties. The system includes (a) a motor interface decoding signals from a motor cortical area, and (b) a sensory interface encoding the state of the external object into electrical stimuli to a somatosensory area. The interactions between brain activities and the state of the external object generate a family of trajectories converging upon a selected equilibrium point from arbitrary starting locations. Thus, the bidirectional interface establishes the possibility to specify not only a particular movement trajectory but an entire family of motions, which includes the prescribed reactions to unexpected perturbations.  相似文献   

The cerebral cortex, thalamus and basal ganglia together form an important network in the brain, which is closely related to several nerve diseases, such as parkinson disease, epilepsy seizure and so on. Absence seizure can be characterized by 2–4 Hz oscillatory activity, and it can be induced by abnormal interactions between the cerebral cortex and thalamus. Many experimental results have also shown that basal ganglia are a key neural structure, which closely links the corticothalamic system in the brain. Presently, we use a corticothalamic-basal ganglia model to study which pathways in corticothalamic system can induce absence seizures and how these oscillatory activities can be controlled by projections from the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) to the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) or the specific relay nuclei (SRN) of the thalamus. By tuning the projection strength of the pathway “Excitatory pyramidal cortex-SRN”, ”SRN-Excitatory pyramidal cortex” and “SRN–TRN” respectively, different firing states including absence seizures can appear. This indicates that absence seizures can be induced by tuning the connection strength of the considered pathway. In addition, typical absence epilepsy seizure state “spike-and-slow wave discharges” can be controlled by adjusting the activation level of the SNr as the pathways SNr–SRN and SNr–TRN open independently or together. Our results emphasize the importance of basal ganglia in controlling absence seizures in the corticothalamic system, and can provide a potential idea for the clinical treatment.  相似文献   

Human brain functions are heavily contingent on neural interactions both at the single neuron and the neural population or system level. Accumulating evidence from neurophysiological studies strongly suggests that coupling of oscillatory neural activity provides an important mechanism to establish neural interactions. With the availability of whole-head magnetoencephalography (MEG) macroscopic oscillatory activity can be measured non-invasively from the human brain with high temporal and spatial resolution. To localise, quantify and map oscillatory activity and interactions onto individual brain anatomy we have developed the 'dynamic imaging of coherent sources' (DICS) method which allows to identify and analyse cerebral oscillatory networks from MEG recordings. Using this approach we have characterized physiological and pathological oscillatory networks in the human sensorimotor system. Coherent 8 Hz oscillations emerge from a cerebello-thalamo-premotor-motor cortical network and exert an 8 Hz oscillatory drive on the spinal motor neurons which can be observed as a physiological tremulousness of the movement termed movement discontinuities. This network represents the neurophysiological substrate of a discrete mode of motor control. In parkinsonian resting tremor we have identified an extensive cerebral network consisting of primary motor and lateral premotor cortex, supplementary motor cortex, thalamus/basal ganglia, posterior parietal cortex and secondary somatosensory cortex, which are entrained in the tremor or twice the tremor rhythm. This low frequency entrapment of motor areas likely plays an important role in the pathophysiology of parkinsonian motor symptoms. Finally, studies on patients with postural tremor in hepatic encephalopathy revealed that this type of tremor results from a pathologically slow thalamocortical and cortico-muscular coupling during isometric hold tasks. In conclusion, the analysis of oscillatory cerebral networks provides new insights into physiological mechanisms of motor control and pathophysiological mechanisms of tremor disorders.  相似文献   

Rhythmic sensory or electrical stimulation will produce rhythmic brain responses. These rhythmic responses are often interpreted as endogenous neural oscillations aligned (or “entrained”) to the stimulus rhythm. However, stimulus-aligned brain responses can also be explained as a sequence of evoked responses, which only appear regular due to the rhythmicity of the stimulus, without necessarily involving underlying neural oscillations. To distinguish evoked responses from true oscillatory activity, we tested whether rhythmic stimulation produces oscillatory responses which continue after the end of the stimulus. Such sustained effects provide evidence for true involvement of neural oscillations. In Experiment 1, we found that rhythmic intelligible, but not unintelligible speech produces oscillatory responses in magnetoencephalography (MEG) which outlast the stimulus at parietal sensors. In Experiment 2, we found that transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) leads to rhythmic fluctuations in speech perception outcomes after the end of electrical stimulation. We further report that the phase relation between electroencephalography (EEG) responses and rhythmic intelligible speech can predict the tACS phase that leads to most accurate speech perception. Together, we provide fundamental results for several lines of research—including neural entrainment and tACS—and reveal endogenous neural oscillations as a key underlying principle for speech perception.

Just as a child on a swing continues to move after the pushing stops, this study reveals similar entrained rhythmic echoes in brain activity after hearing speech and electrical brain stimulation; perturbation with tACS shows that these brain oscillations help listeners to understand speech.  相似文献   

One of development issues for information processing with synchronous oscillations in the brain is how new information is coded and how a comparison with already existing information is performed. In the present work we study a simple neural network model of the thalamo-reticular system based on the Wilson-Cowan model of neuronal oscillatory behavior. Our results show that both cortical control over the thalamus and external sensory input are essential in coordinating and generating spatio-temporal patterns of synchronous activity. A main finding of the numerical simulations is that the network connectivity and the intrinsic oscillatory properties of the neurons result in distinct collective behaviors within the network. By varying the connectivity schemes comparable with lesionated or damaged brain regions our results are in good agreement with in vivo experimental results. Suppressing the sensory input results in temporal oscillatory activity in the beta and gamma range and a strong spatial dependence of the network activity.  相似文献   

The propagation of epileptic seizure activity in the brain is a widespread pathophysiology that, in principle, should yield to intervention techniques guided by mathematical models of neuronal ensemble dynamics. During a seizure, neural activity will deviate from its current dynamical regime to one in which there are significant signal fluctuations. In silico treatments of neural activity are an important tool for the understanding of how the healthy brain can maintain stability, as well as of how pathology can lead to seizures. The hope is that, contained within the mathematical foundations of such treatments, there lie potential strategies for mitigating instabilities, e.g. via external stimulation. Here, we demonstrate that the dynamic causal modelling neuronal state equation generalises to a Fokker-Planck formalism if one extends the framework to model the ways in which activity propagates along the structural connections of neural systems. Using the Jacobian of this generalised state equation, we show that an initially unstable system can be rendered stable via a reduction in diffusivity–i.e., by lowering the rate at which neuronal fluctuations disperse to neighbouring regions. We show, for neural systems prone to epileptic seizures, that such a reduction in diffusivity can be achieved via external stimulation. Specifically, we show that this stimulation should be applied in such a way as to temporarily mirror the activity profile of a pathological region in its functionally connected areas. This counter-intuitive method is intended to be used pre-emptively–i.e., in order to mitigate the effects of the seizure, or ideally even prevent it from occurring in the first place. We offer proof of principle using simulations based on functional neuroimaging data collected from patients with idiopathic generalised epilepsy, in which we successfully suppress pathological activity in a distinct sub-network prior to seizure onset. Our hope is that this technique can form the basis for future real-time monitoring and intervention devices that are capable of treating epilepsy in a non-invasive manner.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is proposed that the central dynamics of the action–perception cycle has five steps: emergence from an existing macroscopic brain state of a pattern that predicts a future goal state; selection of a mesoscopic frame for action control; execution of a limb trajectory by microscopic spike activity; modification of microscopic cortical spike activity by sensory inputs; construction of mesoscopic perceptual patterns; and integration of a new macroscopic brain state. The basis is the circular causality between microscopic entities (neurons) and the mesoscopic and macroscopic entities (populations) self-organized by axosynaptic interactions. Self-organization of neural activity is bidirectional in all cortices. Upwardly the organization of mesoscopic percepts from microscopic spike input predominates in primary sensory areas. Downwardly the organization of spike outputs that direct specific limb movements is by mesoscopic fields constituting plans to achieve predicted goals. The mesoscopic fields in sensory and motor cortices emerge as frames within macroscopic activity. Part 1 describes the action–perception cycle and its derivative reflex arc qualitatively. Part 2 describes the perceptual limb of the arc from microscopic MSA to mesoscopic wave packets, and from these to macroscopic EEG and global ECoG fields that express experience-dependent knowledge in successive states. These macroscopic states are conceived to embed and control mesoscopic frames in premotor and motor cortices that are observed in local ECoG and LFP of frontoparietal areas. The fields sampled by ECoG and LFP are conceived as local patterns of neural activity in which trajectories of multiple spike activities (MSA) emerge that control limb movements. Mesoscopic frames are located by use of the analytic signal from the Hilbert transform after band pass filtering. The state variables in frames are measured to construct feature vectors by which to describe and classify frame patterns. Evidence is cited to justify use of linear analysis. The aim of the review is to enable researchers to conceive and identify goal-oriented states in brain activity for use as commands, in order to relegate the details of execution to adaptive control devices outside the brain. http://sulcus.berkeley.edu  相似文献   

The order of appearance, the functional relations, and changes in the epileptiform effects of electrical stimulation of the limbic system (septum, amygdala, hippocampus) were studied. During repeated electrical stimulation regular changes took place in the seizure activity: the duration, frequency, and amplitude of the after-discharges were increased, their polarity was changed, seizures and unsynchronized high-amplitude activity appeared, and the after-discharges were reactivated. The most common variants of the seizure patterns are described. Close correlation was found between the greatest intensity of the after-discharges and the appearance of seizures. Besides a critical number of after-discharges, their parameters and their degree of irradiation also play an important role in the onset of the seizures. It is postulated that the limbic structures may play the role of an organized epileptogenic focus. Facts indicating that the seizure activity in response to direct electrical stimulation of the limbic structures may have a reflex mechanism are presented.  相似文献   

Controlling synchronization in a neuron-level population model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have studied coupled neural populations in an effort to understand basic mechanisms that maintain their normal synchronization level despite changes in the inter-population coupling levels. Towards this goal, we have incorporated coupling and internal feedback structures in a neuron-level population model from the literature. We study two forms of internal feedback--regulation of excitation, and compensation of excessive excitation with inhibition. We show that normal feedback actions quickly regulate/compensate an abnormally high coupling between the neural populations, whereas a pathology in these feedback actions can lead to abnormal synchronization and "seizure"-like high amplitude oscillations. We then develop an external control paradigm, termed feedback decoupling, as a robust synchronization control strategy. The external feedback decoupling controller acts to achieve the operational objective of maintaining normal-level synchronous behavior irrespective of the pathology in the internal feedback mechanisms. Results from such an analysis have an interesting physical interpretation and specific implications for the treatment of diseases such as epilepsy. The proposed remedy is consistent with a variety of recent observations in the human and animal epileptic brain, and with theories from nonlinear systems, adaptive systems, optimization, and neurophysiology.  相似文献   

Meisel C  Kuehn C 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e30371
Epileptic seizures are one of the most well-known dysfunctions of the nervous system. During a seizure, a highly synchronized behavior of neural activity is observed that can cause symptoms ranging from mild sensual malfunctions to the complete loss of body control. In this paper, we aim to contribute towards a better understanding of the dynamical systems phenomena that cause seizures. Based on data analysis and modelling, seizure dynamics can be identified to possess multiple spatial scales and on each spatial scale also multiple time scales. At each scale, we reach several novel insights. On the smallest spatial scale we consider single model neurons and investigate early-warning signs of spiking. This introduces the theory of critical transitions to excitable systems. For clusters of neurons (or neuronal regions) we use patient data and find oscillatory behavior and new scaling laws near the seizure onset. These scalings lead to substantiate the conjecture obtained from mean-field models that a Hopf bifurcation could be involved near seizure onset. On the largest spatial scale we introduce a measure based on phase-locking intervals and wavelets into seizure modelling. It is used to resolve synchronization between different regions in the brain and identifies time-shifted scaling laws at different wavelet scales. We also compare our wavelet-based multiscale approach with maximum linear cross-correlation and mean-phase coherence measures.  相似文献   

Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is a popular method for modulating brain activity noninvasively. In particular, tACS is often used as a targeted intervention that enhances a neural oscillation at a specific frequency to affect a particular behavior. However, these interventions often yield highly variable results. Here, we provide a potential explanation for this variability: tACS competes with the brain’s ongoing oscillations. Using neural recordings from alert nonhuman primates, we find that when neural firing is independent of ongoing brain oscillations, tACS readily entrains spiking activity, but when neurons are strongly entrained to ongoing oscillations, tACS often causes a decrease in entrainment instead. Consequently, tACS can yield categorically different results on neural activity, even when the stimulation protocol is fixed. Mathematical analysis suggests that this competition is likely to occur under many experimental conditions. Attempting to impose an external rhythm on the brain may therefore often yield precisely the opposite effect.

Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) is a popular method for modulating brain activity noninvasively; however, tACS can often yield highly variable results. This study shows that when neurons are strongly entrained to ongoing oscillations, tACS often causes a decrease in entrainment instead of the expected enhancement.  相似文献   

Limbic system seizures and aggressive behavior (superkindling effects)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was done to further analyze the neural mechanisms underlying aggressive behavior associated with psychomotor or temporal lobe seizures. The studies revealed that superkindling the aggressive system by sequential stimulations at seizure-inducing thresholds, of two or more sites in the limbic, hypothalamic, and basal ganglia structures facilitated the production of aggressive seizures. Aggressive behavior in the freely moving cat was evaluated in relation to the occurrence of hissing and growling during stimulation, after-discharge and postictal period. The behavior was correlated with the frequency of the elicited seizures and the seizure durations. Aggression did develop as a component behavioral manifestation of the limbic (psychomotor) seizure. Development of aggressive seizures was facilitated by "priming" the aggressive system. Optimum levels of aggressive behavior occurred with seizures of medium duration. Catecholamine blockers tended to attentuate the occurrence of aggression, whereas the agonist tended to facilitate it. Once the aggressive system was rendered hyperexcitable, exteroceptive stimuli also evoked aggressive attack behavior. It was concluded that repeatedly recurring limbic system seizures through superkindling mechanisms can eventually render the limbic-basal ganglia-preoptico-hypothalamic aggressive system hyper-responsive to both recurring seizures and to exteroceptive stimuli with resulting aggressive behavior with or without an accompanying seizure.  相似文献   

Mesoscopic neurodynamics: From neuron to brain   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Intelligent behavior is characterized by flexible and creative pursuit of endogenously defined goals. Intentionality is a key concept by which to link neuron and brain to goal-directed behavior through brain dynamics. An archetypal form of intentional behavior is an act of observation in space-time, by which information is sought for the guidance of future action to explore unpredictable and ever-changing environments. These acts are based in the brain dynamics that creates spatiotemporal patterns of neural activity, serving as images of goals, of command sequences by which to act to reach goals, and of expected changes in sensory input resulting from intended actions. Prediction of the sensory consequences of intended action and evaluation of performance is by reafference. An intentional act is completed upon modification of the system by itself through learning. These principles are well known among psychologists and philosophers. What is new is the development of nonlinear mesoscopic brain dynamics, by which the theory of chaos can be used to understand and simulate the constructions of meaningful patterns of neural activity that implement the process of observation. The design of neurobiological experiments, analysis of the resulting data, and synthesis of explanatory models require an understanding of the hierarchical nature of brain organization, here conceived as single neurons and neural networks at the microscopic level; clinically defined cortical and subcortical systems studied by brain imaging (for example, fMRI) at the macroscopic level, and self-organizing neural populations at an intermediate mesoscopic level, at which synaptic interactions create novel activity patterns through nonlinear state transitions. The constructive neurodynamics of sensory cortices, when they are engaged in pattern recognition, is revealed by learning-dependent spatial patterns of amplitude modulation and by newly discovered radially symmetric spatial gradients of the phase of aperiodic carrier waves in multichannel subdural EEG recordings.  相似文献   

Shevereva  V. M. 《Neurophysiology》2003,35(2):133-142
In experiments on rats, we modeled neurogenic stress-induced emotional disorders (stress was evoked by repetitive nociceptive stimulation) and studied their peculiarities within the stressory and post-stressory periods. In these animals, drastic changes in the brain electrical activity and emotional behavior gradually developed; such changes were manifested over a long time period after cessation of the stressory influences. Our experiments demonstrated that tight and stable interrelations among brain limbic structures and negative hypothalamic emotional centers are formed under conditions of prolonged action of emotional stress. This results in the development of a protracted state of negative emotional excitation. The hippocampus is considered one of the key limbic structures responsible for the development of stable pathological stress-related reactions of the brain. Within the post-stressory period, we observed dramatic worsening of the general functional state of the animals, which developed in a parallel manner with intensification of the activity of the negative emotiogenic brain system. It is probable that the existence of periods of unstable equilibrium between oppositely directed emotional reactions in the dynamics of stress and after cessation of stressory influences is a common rule. Such periods reflect peculiarities of rearrangements in the adaptive brain mechanisms under conditions of a stable change in the mode of brain functioning in one particular situation or another.  相似文献   

大脑的感觉、情绪、认知等功能与其神经振荡模式有密切的联系。通过施加节律性刺激可以调控大脑的神经振荡模式,进而影响个体感受、情绪状态和认知功能等。与近年来常见的非侵入性电刺激和磁刺激相比,同样依赖于外部刺激输入的节律性感觉刺激具有成本低、易操作等优点,被认为是一种极具潜力的神经调控手段。本文以节律性听觉刺激为例,系统综述了不同类型的节律性听觉刺激如何影响大脑的神经振荡模式,进而影响相关状态和功能;并通过总结外部节律性听觉刺激对个体感知觉、情绪与认知功能的影响,讨论其生理机制和应用前景。  相似文献   

It is well established that the variability of the neural activity across trials, as measured by the Fano factor, is elevated. This fact poses limits on information encoding by the neural activity. However, a series of recent neurophysiological experiments have changed this traditional view. Single cell recordings across a variety of species, brain areas, brain states and stimulus conditions demonstrate a remarkable reduction of the neural variability when an external stimulation is applied and when attention is allocated towards a stimulus within a neuron's receptive field, suggesting an enhancement of information encoding. Using an heterogeneously connected neural network model whose dynamics exhibits multiple attractors, we demonstrate here how this variability reduction can arise from a network effect. In the spontaneous state, we show that the high degree of neural variability is mainly due to fluctuation-driven excursions from attractor to attractor. This occurs when, in the parameter space, the network working point is around the bifurcation allowing multistable attractors. The application of an external excitatory drive by stimulation or attention stabilizes one specific attractor, eliminating in this way the transitions between the different attractors and resulting in a net decrease in neural variability over trials. Importantly, non-responsive neurons also exhibit a reduction of variability. Finally, this reduced variability is found to arise from an increased regularity of the neural spike trains. In conclusion, these results suggest that the variability reduction under stimulation and attention is a property of neural circuits.  相似文献   

The identification of epileptic seizure precursors has potential clinical relevance. It is conjectured that seizures may be represented by dynamical bifurcations and that an adequate order parameter to characterize brain dynamics is the phase difference in the oscillatory activity of neural systems. In this study, the critical point hypothesis that seizures, or more generally periods of widespread high synchronization, represent bifurcations is empirically tested by monitoring the growth of fluctuations in the putative order parameter of phase differences between magnetoencephalographic and electroencephalographic signals in nearby brain regions in patients with epilepsy and normal subjects during hyperventilation. Implications of the results with regard to epileptic phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

A neurophysiologic model for aggressive behavior in the cat is proposed. Stimulus-bound and seizure-bound aggression was evaluated in relation to limbic and basal ganglia induced seizures (after-discharges). Electrically induced limbic and basal ganglia after-discharges were used because they are known to implicate septohypothalamic sites from which aggression can be elicited by direct stimulation. The occurrence of behavioral aggression is correlated with the discharge characteristics of a single discharging system and with two interacting discharging systems. Aggression is composed of autonomic and somato-motor components which poses relatively low and high thresholds, respectively, for their activation. Aggression occurring during a combined septum and amygdala discharge was more intense and prolonged than with a septum discharge alone. Participation of a slow frequency discharging basal ganglia system activated seizure-bound aggression in an otherwise nonaggressive limbic seizure. The limbic and basal ganglia stimulations and after-discharges lowered the excitability threshold of the aggression system and made it more vulnerable to being activated by external stimuli, such as visual and auditory stimuli. These observations are reminiscent of patients with aggressive behavior associated with psychomotor seizures.  相似文献   

While food intake and body weight are under homeostatic regulation, eating is a highly motivated and reinforced behavior that induces feelings of gratification and pleasure. The chemical senses (taste and odor) and their evaluation are essential to these functions. Brainstem and limbic glucose-monitoring (GM) neurons receiving neurochemical information from the periphery and from the local brain milieu are important controlling hunger motivation, and brain gut peptides have a modulatory role on this function. The hypothalamic and limbic forebrain areas are responsible for evaluation of reward quality and related emotions. They are innervated by the mesolimbic dopaminergic system (MLDS) and majority of GM neurons are also influenced by dopamine. Via dopamine release, the MLDS plays an essential role in rewarding-reinforcing processes of feeding and addiction. The GM network and the MLDS in the limbic system represent essential elements in the neural substrate of motivation.  相似文献   

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