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Gammarus pulex and Asellus aquaticus generally occupy different zones in rivers; the former occurs in upper reaches but is replaced by the latter in lower reaches. Microdistribution and life-history patterns of G. pulex and A. aquaticus in sympatry and allopatry, were analyzed. Both species exhibited similar patterns of microhabitat selection, with larger individuals associated predominantly with large-sized substratum particles, and juveniles with weed. Coexisting populations of G. pulex and A. aquaticus had similar densities and population dynamics. Within each species, differences in population dynamics of allopatric and sympatric populations were observed. Although variation in population dynamics of G. pulex may be explained in terms of competition between the two species, the evidence is weak and equivocal. Differences in the dynamics of the two A. aquaticus populations were possibly a consequence of coal-mine and organic pollution, reducing the survival of offspring in the allopatric population.  相似文献   

This paper continues to explore niche differentiation in Gammarus pulex and Asellus aquaticus by analysis of their food preferences. Individuals from both species discriminated between leaf discs colonized by different fungal species and exhibited strong preferences for Anguillospora longissima and Heliscus lugdunensis. Fungal preferences were not correlated with the relative abundance of fungi in the field and there was considerable intra-population variability in food preferences — both between individuals and for the same individual through time. Niche overlap between animals from all four study populations was high and there was no evidence of differences in the potential trophic niches of animals from sympatric and allopatric populations.  相似文献   

R. Howell 《Hydrobiologia》1985,123(3):245-249
The freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex was sampled from several sites in Northumberland, England and analysed for total body zinc and cadmium concentrations.The toxicity of cadmium to animals from the different sites was determined and a positive relationship was found between the initial total body zinc concentration and the ability to survive in an artificial medium containing 0.5 mg 1–1 cadmium as cadmium sulphate.Exposure in the laboratory to a low concentration of zinc (0.01 mg 1–1) as zinc sulphate for two weeks resulted in a decreased susceptibility to cadmium poisoning.  相似文献   

Anders Hargeby 《Oecologia》1990,82(3):348-354
Summary The mortality and physiological status (body water content) of Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda) and Gammarus pulex (Amphipoda) were measured after 25 days exposure in 20 natural streams with a pH range of 4.3–7.5 and a colour range of 8–280 mg Pt L–1. In addition, the effects of keeping the animals as single species or together were studied. The response of Gammarus to low pH was an increased mortality and lower physiological status of surviving individuals in streams with a pH lower than 6.0. In Asellus the physiological status was correlated with pH, while the mortality was not pH dependent. The effects of humus on the physiological status of Asellus was significant when fitted to a second order polynomial function. The influence of humus can, however, be regarded as small relative to pH. The interactions between the species could be described as asymmetric under optimal conditions of high pH and low humus concentrations, where the presence of Gammarus decreased the survival and physiological status of Asellus. Acid stress did not seem to reverse the direction of this asymmetry, but the presence of Gammarus improved the physiological status of Asellus at pH lower than 6.0. Since the presence of Asellus did not increase the mortality or decrease the physiological status of Gammarus, this could be explained by Asellus feeding on Gammarus that died from physiological stress solely. This mechanism suggests that food quality, and thus effects of diffuse competition, can be important for the ability to withstand acid stress. The results, though, give no support for the hypothesis that competition from Asellus is important for the disappearance of Gammarus during the acidification of streams.  相似文献   

Introduction of sculpins into a stream previously devoid of these predators significantly reduced drift rate of Gammarus pulex. The drift of insect larvae was not affected. High amounts of exudates after implantation of sculpins were probably responsible for the low number of drifting G. pulex specimens. Laboratory experiments confirmed reduced locomotory activity of G. pulex when exposed to caged sculpins, an observation that excludes reduced drift activity as a result only of predation.The average size of drifting G. pulex specimens was larger during the night than during the day. This result is in accordance with the hypothesis that large individuals should, in relation to small ones, turn nocturnal because of greater predation risk during daytime. Presence of sculpins did not alter the size composition of drifting G. pulex.  相似文献   

Naylor  Caroline  Maltby  Lorraine  Calow  Peter 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):517-523
Although toxic substances affect the physiological processes of individual organisms, their ecological impacts occur at the population and community levels. However, physiological processes can often be assessed more easily and precisely than population and community ones. Here we argue that scope for growth, the difference between the energy input to an organism from its food and the output from respiratory metabolism, can give a good physiological measure of stress that, at least in principle, is straightforwardly related to population and community processes. We describe, in detail, how scope for growth can be measured in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda). The results indicate that both zinc and low pH can significantly reduce the scope for growth of individuals and that the most sensitive component of the energy budget is food absorption.  相似文献   

Gut passage times in Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda) were calculated by counting and measuring voided faecal pellets. Following feeding on elm leaves conditioned in a stream, or summer fine detritus from the same source, calculated gut passage times were usually short, about 2 h or less at 15 °C. Using harder oak and beech leaves, not previously conditioned in the stream, apparent gut passage times were much longer, 8–48 h, but since intermittent feeding occurred these figures are not comparable to the others.In connection with summer feeding of the animal in the stream, the microbiological status of the fine detritus there was studied. It contained fungal hyphae, which were mostly empty, viable fungal spores of terrestrial derivation, and bacteria, all largely carried on fragments of vascular plant tissues. In experiments, such fungal spores (of Aureobasidium pullulans and of Mucor sp.), incorporated into fine detritus, were not digested by the animal. The bacterium Bacillus cereus was present in the fine detritus and when the latter was consumed it survived passage through the gut of the animal. Using B. cereus as a proportion marker it was concluded that other unicellular bacteria in the fine detritus were not digested either. In other experiments, not immediately related to the summer season, nutrient extraction by the animal from hyphae of the fungus Nectria lugdunensis was examined; it probably occurs through sub-microscopic pores connecting the cells. This mode of extraction may apply when the animal consumes vascular plant tissues.  相似文献   

An important component of the interaction between macroinvertebrates and leaf litter in streams in the extent to which consumers can differentiate between undecomposed and decomposing leaves. The detritivores Gammarus pulex and Asellus aquaticus fed preferentially on conditioned rather on unconditioned leaf material. Growth in A. aquaticus was significantly reduced when unconditioned leaves were provided, but in G. pulex no significant effect of conditioning on growth was observed. The capacity of G. pulex to tolerate reductions in food quality seems to be a consequence of a compensatory system in which respiration rates change to compensate for reductions in food quality. In this way a constant growth rate is maintained. Increases in ingestion rates to compensate for low quality food were not observed.  相似文献   

In a river survey, Gammarus pulex amphipods both unparasitised and parasitised with the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus truttae were distributed similarly with respect to flow regimen, tending to be more abundant in faster, shallower, riffle patches. However, there was a higher prevalence of parasitism in faster, shallower areas than in slower, deeper areas and abundance correlated with macrophyte coverage for unparasitised but not parasitised amphipods, indicating subtle differences in habitat usage. A laboratory 'patch' simulation indicated that parasitism influenced micro-distribution. There were higher proportions of unparasitised amphipods in/under stone substrates and within weed. In contrast, there were higher proportions of parasitised amphipods in the water column and at the water surface. As the experiment progressed, unparasitised but not parasitised amphipod habitat usage shifted from those micro-habitats above the substrate and in the water column to those in/under the substrates. Experiments also demonstrated that parasitised amphipods were more active and had a greater preference for illumination. Previous studies of the effects of acanthocephalan parasitism of amphipod hosts have focussed on how drift behaviour is altered, now we show that subtle differences in micro-habitat usage could translate to greatly increased vulnerability to fish predation. We discuss how aggregation of parasitised individuals within specific habitats could promote parasite transmission.  相似文献   

The influence of copper on osmoregulation in the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex was determined from the analysis of water permeability, haemolymph sodium concentration, sodium influx and gill Na(+)/K(+) ATPase and Mg(2+) ATPase activity. Exposure to nominal copper concentrations of 100 microg l(-1) or greater caused a significant reduction in both haemolymph sodium concentration and sodium influx within 4 h. Measurements of water permeability, expressed as the half-time of exchange of body water (t(1/2)), excluded structural gill damage as the cause of this fall in haemolymph sodium. Copper at 10 microg l(-1) or above in the assay solution significantly reduced gill Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity. In contrast gill Mg(2+) ATPase activity was markedly less affected by copper. These differences in enzyme sensitivity were considered with respect to the potential mechanisms of copper toxicity.  相似文献   

The importance of fungi in the trophic biology of the freshwater detritivores Gammarus pulex and Asellus aquaticus was investigated. Inspection of leaves used in feeding trials indicated that whereas A. aquaticus scrapes at the leaf surface, G. pulex bites through the leaf material. Both species discriminated between fungal mycelia, fungally colonized and uncolonized leaf material but, although A. aquaticus selectively consumed fungal mycelia, G. pulex fed preferentially on leaf material. Fungi appear to be an important food source for A. aquaticus and selection of food material was positively correlated with fungal biomass. In contrast, for G. pulex, fungi appear to be more important as modifiers of leaf material. However, no significant correlations were found between food preference and any of the leaf modifications measured.  相似文献   

Acanthocephalan parasites are known to alter the reproductive biology and physiology of their hosts in various ways. In this study we investigated the influence of two acanthocephalan parasites, Pomphorhynchus laevis and Polymorphus minutus, on the fecundity and pairing success of female Gammarus pulex. The results show that P. laevis and P. minutus affect female intermediate host reproduction in different ways. Females infected with P. minutus were totally castrated, whereas those infected with P. laevis only showed reduced fecundity. The oocytes of P. laevis-infected females showed a similar structure to those of uninfected females, although infected females had a higher proportion of oocytes that had failed to reach complete maturity. In comparison, the oocytes of P. minutus-infected females demonstrate a clearly altered structure that suggests a major disruption to the process of vitellogenesis. In the field, males paired more frequently with uninfected females than with infected ones, and is a stronger effect for P. minutus-infected females than P. laevis-infected females. We suggest that the difference in pairing success of P. minutus-infected and P. laevis-infected females is a direct result of the different effects that the two parasites have on female fecundity.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The amphipod Gammarus pulex , introduced to Irish rivers with the aim of enhancing trout feeding, is displacing the native Gammarus duebeni celticus . These two species are generally associated with different environmental conditions and macroinvertebrate communities, confounding assessment of effects of the invader as compared with the native on fish populations. Here, we uncouple effects of the two Gammarus species from environmental gradients.
2. A weir dissects a lowland stretch of the River Lissan, slowing the upstream invasion by G. pulex and resulting in contiguous G. pulex , mixed species and G. d. celticus reaches. Total invertebrate abundance and biomass in the benthos were significantly higher in the G. pulex reach, driven by high invader abundance, with low abundance of other taxa. Gammarus pulex was particularly prominent in night-time drift.
3. Correspondingly, densities and biomass of 0+ trout were significantly higher in the G. pulex reach, while instantaneous loss rates were lower. Fish growth rates were similar among the three reaches.
4. In the G. pulex reach, this invader dominated the diet of 0+ trout, leading to ingestion of significantly higher invertebrate biomass than fish in the other reaches. Fish generally preyed on Gammarus in proportion to its abundance, but exhibited some positive selection for G. pulex in the invaded reach.
5. The negative effects of the invader on native invertebrates are contrasted with positive effects on juvenile trout. This indicates changes in energy flux after invasion, with differential resource use or assimilation by G. pulex probable underlying mechanisms. As the frequency of amphipod invasions increases globally, investigations of their role as strong interactors at multiple levels of ecological organisation is required if the consequences of deliberate and unintentional introductions are to be predicted, and ultimately, prevented.  相似文献   

The acanthocephalan parasite Polymorphus minutus induces both physiological and behavioural effects in its intermediate host, Gammarus pulex. The net effect of parasite infection is to increase the likelihood of transmission to the definitive host. Osmoregulation is an energetically expensive mechanism that allows G. pulex to survive in dilute media. Any factor influencing osmoregulation is thus likely to affect the allocation of resources to other areas. This study investigated whether P. minutus infection alters sodium regulation in G. pulex. Haemolymph sodium concentration, water permeability and sodium fluxes were measured over the salinity acclimation range of G. pulex. Water permeability was unaltered by either acclimation salinity or parasite infection. Acclimation to 12‰ significantly raised the haemolymph sodium concentration, reduced the sodium influx, and increased the sodium efflux, to the same extent in both uninfected and infected G. pulex. However, parasite infection induced a significant increase in haemolymph sodium concentration in G. pulex acclimated to 6‰, which was not observed in uninfected G. pulex acclimated to the same salinity. Also, both sodium influx and sodium efflux were significantly lower in parasitized G. pulex acclimated to 6‰, when compared to uninfected G. pulex acclimated to the same salinity. It was concluded that the parasite induced disturbances to sodium regulation in G. pulex acclimated to 6‰ were a functional consequence of the manipulative strategy employed to alter behaviour, rather than a primary target.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of Gammarus lacustris in Lake Shira and growth of young specimens that feed on lake biota were studied. The amphipods have been shown to inhabit the littoral, sublittoral and the upper aphytal zones of the lake on stony-sandy soil and silted sand. The young and adult individuals stay apart. The young live in submerged or semi-submerged vegetation in the littoral, the adults in the sublittoral and upper aphytal zones. Maximum density of amphipods was encountered in the areas influenced by human activity.The feeding experiments revealed that the lake plankton is a more important food source for G. lacustris than any other food species. The specific growth rate measured was 0.039 d–1, with a length increment 0.095 mm d–1.  相似文献   

1. Populations of Gammarus pulex (density 4000m?2) were exposed, over a 100-day period in a continuous-flow dosing system, to concentrations of copper below the 240 h median lethal concentration (LC50) for juveniles. 2. There was a significant effect of copper on the resulting population density. In the control and lowest treatment (11.0μg1-?1) it was double the initial density, but with increasing copper concentration there was a decrease in density until at the highest treatment (23.1 μg1-?1), it was less than that of the initial population. The lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC) for population density was 14.6 μg 1-?1. 3. Copper significantly affected the age composition of the final populations. In the control and lowest treatment concentration, the population was composed mainly of juvenile animals. With increasing copper concentration, however, there was a decrease in the number of juveniles, the LOEC being 14.6 μg1-?1. The number of adults in the final population was also significantly reduced by copper, with an LOEC of 18.2 μg1-?1. 4. The relationship between the body length and number of antennal segments of animals in the populations at each treatment concentration showed that growth was impaired by increased copper concentrations.  相似文献   

The impact of parasitism by Thelohania sp., an intracellular microsporidian, on Daphnia pulex inhabiting a vernal pond was studied for three years. Three issues were considered: the distribution of parasites among hosts, the effect of parasites on individuals, and the impact of parasitism on population growth. Each year, Thelohania infected members of at least half of the generations of Daphnia produced in the pond. When the frequency of infection was low, parasites were found only in large adults. As infection frequency increased, parasitism spread downward through host size classes. However, parasites were rarely found in juveniles. Parasitism reduced clutch size drastically, increased mortality to a variable extent, had little impact on egg size or on per instar growth and none on molt frequency. Interaction with other stresses, such as food limitation, exacerbated some of these effects. Parasitism reduced instantaneous birth rate much more than it elevated instantaneous death rate. Population growth was reduced significantly but it is unlikely that Thelohania alone regulates the growth of this Daphnia population.  相似文献   

Quantitative samples of Gammarus pulex L. taken from a small Danish stream during 1975 showed mean annual population densities varying from 500 m–2 in early May to 5 500 m–2 in late September. The mean annual biomass was 1.5 g dry weight m–2. No discrete cohorts could be distinguished from the size frequency distributions. Annual production, estimated by the size-frequency method, was 3.9 g dry weight M-2 and P/B ratio was 2.6. The contribution to trout energetics may have been as much as 17%.  相似文献   

The effect of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) on invertebrate drift density was examined in three previously fish-free springbrooks. Drift density was studied during the day following the sequential introduction of: 1) empty cages, 2) cages containing trout, and 3) empty cages. Each period lasted three whole days, and drift density was measured at daytime and night-time every day. Control drift density was determined using empty cages in two similar springbrooks.Night-time drift density of large Gammarus pulex L. (>3.9 mg DW ind–1) decreased compared to that of smaller size-groups following trout introduction, and was significantly lower (p<0.05) than the pre-introductory level after the trout had been removed again.The daytime drift density of large G. pulex remained unchanged, as did both daytime and night-time drift density of smaller size-groups of G. pulex, and the other taxa investigated (Leuctra hippopus (Kempny), Leuctra nigra (Olivier), Amphimura sp., Nemoura flexuosa Aubert, and Baetis rhodani (Pict.)). No significant changes in drift density were observed in two control springbrooks.  相似文献   

Grygier  Mark J. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,294(1):23-34
In 1990 and 1991 the distribution of the genus Gammarus was examined in the River Hunte and its tributaries (Lower Saxony, northern Germany). In contrast to data from the literature, Gammarus fossarum and G. roeseli were just as abundant as G. pulex, which had been known to inhabit rivers and brooks in northern Germany. G. pulex was most frequent (1900 at 57 out of 70 and 1991 at 37 out of 39 sampling sites) followed by G. fossarum (at 52 and 32 sampling sites, respectively), whereas G. roeseli was locally restricted (at 7 and 6 sampling sites, respectively). G. fossarum and G. pulex were distributed up to the level of the city of Oldenburg; further north their distribution is limited by tidal influences and they are replaced by G. zaddachi. The possibility of using gammarids as indicators of water quality, as it has been done in low mountain ranges, is discussed.  相似文献   

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