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Single doses of naloxone (0.025 to 0.5 mg/kg) or of one of four quaternary narcotic antagonists (i.e. nalorphine allobromide, nalorphine methobromide, naloxone methobromide or naltrexone methobromide, 1 to 60 mg/kg) were given s.c. to rats before morphine, 5 mg/kg i.v. In the absence of antagonists morphine reduced G.I. transit of a charcoal meal to about 15% of drug-free controls and consistently delayed nociceptive reactions (55°C hot plate) in all animals. Doses of antagonists slightly reducing morphine antinociception (centrally effective = A) and restoring G.I. transit to about 50% of drug-free rats (peripherally effective = B) were estimated. The A:B ratio, indicating peripheral selectivity, was at least 8 for any of the quaternary antagonists given 10 min before morphine, but prolonging this interval may have resulted in a lower figure (i.e. less peripheral selectivity) because of reduced A and increased B. This was definitely so for naltrexone methobromide (A:B, > 60 at 10 min, about 1 at 80 min) and was not apparent for nalorphine methobromide according to available data, which for nalorphine allobromide and to a lesser extent for naloxone methobromide showed only an increase in B at intervals longer than 10 min. Both morphine-induced antinociception and inhibition of G.I. transit were reduced by naloxone at the lower doses tested and were fully prevented at the higher. These findings indicate that, unlike naloxone, the investigated quaternary narcotic antagonists are interesting prototype drugs for selective blockade of opiate receptors outside the CNS, although certain critical aspects, possibly biological N-dealkylation to the corresponding tertiary antagonists, condition peripheral selectivity.  相似文献   

Three experiments demonstrate that inescapable footshock delivered to unrestrained rats produces analgesia as well as performance deficits in subsequent one-way shuttle acquisition. Both the performance and the antinociceptive effects are prevented by pretreatment with as little as 0.1 mg/kg i.p. of the opiate antagonist, naltrexone. These studies suggest that both effects are mediated through opiate receptors with similar underlying naltrexone pharmacodynamics.  相似文献   

Adult offsprings of rats treated with daily injection of chlordiazepoxide (10 mg/kg, i.p.) during pregnancy showed a significant decrease in benzodiazepine receptors in the cortex and the cerebellum without apparent changes in receptor affinity. A reduced susceptibility to metrazol-induced epileptogenesis paralleled this change. These findings are discussed in relation to the differential vulnerability of various types of benzodiazepine receptors.  相似文献   

M Pairet  Y Ruckebusch 《Life sciences》1984,35(16):1653-1658
Myoelectrical activity was recorded in the proximal and distal colon of rabbits using chronically implanted electrodes. The motility in both the proximal and distal colon was inhibited by the intravenous (IV) administration of the following opioid agonists for mu receptors: morphine and fentanyl, kappa receptors: ethylketazocine (EKC) and U 50 488 H, and delta receptors: D-Ala2 D-Leu5-enkephalin (DADLE) and D-Ser2 Leu-enkephalin-Thr6 (DSLET). In contrast, the myoelectric activity in the distal colon was increased during the infusion of an endogenous kappa opioid agonist, dynorphin (DYN). All of these effects were prevented by naloxone pretreatment. During in vitro studies using extraluminal force transducers, fentanyl, U 50 488 H and DSLET inhibited spontaneous contractions of the proximal colon, but U 50 488 H and DSLET caused a substantial increase in the motility of the distal colon. The observed motor responses in the proximal and distal colon following opioid agonist administration indicate that the control of these two intestinal segments may be different. It is suggested that the stimulatory effect of dynorphin on the distal colon is peripherally-mediated while inhibition of the whole colon by opioid agonists regardless of subtypes seems to be centrally-mediated.  相似文献   

Sensory neurons in the wing of Drosophila originate locally from epithelial cells and send their axons toward the base of the wing in two major bundles, the L1 and L3 nerves. We have estimated the birth times of a number of identified wing sensory neurons using an X-irradiation technique and have followed the appearance of their somata and axons by means of an immunohistochemical stain. These cells become immunoreactive and begin axon growth in a sequence which mirrors the sequence of their birth times. The earliest ones are born before pupariation and begin axonogenesis within 1 to 2 hr after the onset of metamorphosis; the last are born and differentiate some 12 to 14 hr later. The L1 and L3 nerves are formed in sections, with specific neurons pioneering defined stretches of the pathways during the period between 0 and 4 hr after pupariation (AP), and finally joining together around 12 hr AP. By 16 hr AP the adult complement of neurons is present and the adult peripheral nerve pattern has been established. Pathway establishment appears to be specified by multiple cues. In places where neurons differentiate in close proximity to one another, random filopodial exploration followed by axon growth to a neighboring neuron soma might be the major factor leading to pathway construction. In other locations, filopodial contact between neighboring somata does not appear to occur, and axon pathways joining neural neighbors by the most direct route are not established. We propose that in these cases additional factors, including veins which are already present at the time of axonogenesis, influence the growth of axons through non-neural tissues.  相似文献   

Larvae of Ascaris suum recovered from the lungs of experimentally infected guinea pigs or rabbits, seven to ten days after infection, underwent the third moult in vitro to become fourth-stage larvae. Ecdysis was first observed on the first and second day of culture and was completed by the eighth day. The culture medium consisted of tissue culture Medium 199 supplemented with either guinea pig or porcine serum and glucose in a gaseous atmosphere of Nitrogen:Oxygen:Carbon dioxide (90:5:5). By the twelfth day in culture, early development of both the male and female reproductive systems was observed.  相似文献   

In view of the recent demonstrations that Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and adrenergic transmitters coexist in neurons of the rat brain, we have compared the effects of intraventricular (Ivt) injections of NPY and catecholamines on LH release and food intake in intact male rats. Of the three catecholamines, dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (E), only E (5.3 micrograms or 15.9 micrograms/rat) significantly stimulated LH release, although NE and E (5.3 micrograms/rat) were equally effective in eliciting food intake in satiated rats. Ivt administration of 10 micrograms NPY significantly stimulated LH release, whereas either lower (0.5 or 2 micrograms/rat) or higher (25 micrograms/rat) doses were ineffective. In contrast, NPY at doses of 0.5 - 10 micrograms/rat increased cumulative food intake in a dose-related fashion. These findings present preliminary evidence of the physiological correlates of the neuronal coexistence of adrenergic transmitters and NPY in the brain and raise the possibility that NPY may normally act either independently, in concert with or via adrenergic systems to evoke LH release and feeding responses in the rat.  相似文献   

Neonatal male rats were injected with 1.25 mg of testosterone propionate (TP) and compared with oil-injected controls on the acquisition of an active and passive avoidance response at 25 days of age. The TP treated animals acquired the active avoidance response significantly faster than controls, but no differences were found between groups tested on the step-down passive avoidance task. The active-avoidance paradigm was repeated at 70 days of age, with experimental and control animals receiving the same neonatal treatment as the prepubescent subjects. Again the TP group showed facilitated acquisition of the active avoidance response. The TP treatment also produced an increase in activity levels and aversion threshold to footshock in the prepubescent animals. Therefore the active avoidance effect may be interpreted more parsimoniously as a reflection of these latter effects, rather than learning per se.  相似文献   

The diffusion of the sodium salt of monocarboxylic fatty acids, from formate to stearate, has been studied as a function of water content and pH in lecithin--water lamellar phases. Evolution of the diffusion coefficients with increasing chain length reflects the different localizations of fatty acids in the system. From formate to butyrate, which are mainly restricted to the hydrophilic layer of the phase, diffusion rates decrease rapidly. From butyrate to stearate, fatty acids (anchored at the hydrophilic--lipophilic interface) undergo lateral diffusion and then the decrease of D with increasing chain length is much slower. The diffusion of stereate is already comparable to the diffusion of the lecithin molecule itself. The diffusion rates strongly depend upon phase hydration and pH: it is shown that both parameters control the fatty acid ionization. The variations in diffusion rates observed may be ascribed to the fact that, depending upon their state of ionization, fatty acids assume a different localization and therefore experience different interactions in the lamellar system.  相似文献   

Substitution of H216O by H217O induces a substantial broadening of the high-field line in the electron-spin resonance spectrum of ferric myoglobin due to the presence of H217O at the axial ligand-site. Computer simulations of the experimental spectra yielded the values of the reciprocal relaxation time T2?1 = 7.8 G and the 17O-hyperfine coupling constant A = 18 ± 1 G. Under identical experimental conditions no effect of H217O was observed in horseradish peroxidase. The latter finding excludes the possibility that a water molecule is liganded to the peroxidase haem-iron and supports either the idea that both axial ligands are amino acid residues or that the haem in ferric horseradish peroxidase is pentacoordinate.  相似文献   

Generalized material and energy balances are presented for biological systems that experience negligible kinetic, elastic, and potential energy changes. The balances are used to characterize the mass changes and energy transformations that occur in the developing avian embryo, using as an example a consistent set of data for the chicken egg. It is shown that the rate of total chemical energy turnover by the embryo is a quantity of interest and that this rate is not necessarily equivalent to the metabolic rate that is predicted from heat transfer measurements or oxygen consumption rates. The energy required for evaporative water loss is accounted for in the overall energy balance. Using the results of the energy calculations and a generalized expression for the rates of internal and total entropy production, the Prigogine-Wiame hypothesis is examined for the developing embryo with two different assumptions regarding the efficiency of biomass conversion. An order of magnitude analysis of the internal heat-conduction term is performed to show that the chemical reaction term dominates the entropy production relation. The constant efficiency case is shown to be in agreement with the Prigogine-Wiame hypothesis for the data used in the analysis.  相似文献   

Administration of prolactin to adult male rats, by s.c. injection, significantly increases the density of the striatal dopamine (DA) receptors, without altering the apparent affinity of the receptors for [3H]spiroperidol. Larger doses of prolactin are required to increase the density of the striatal DA receptors in hypophysectomized rates compared to normal rats. These results suggest that prolactin might be the common mediator of the increase in striatal DA receptor density produced by either estrogen or haloperidol administration. Monitoring and/or altering prolactin levels might be informative in neurologic or psychiatric disorders involving striatal DA neurotransmission.  相似文献   

The physical characteristics of cAMP-dependent protein kinases and their, regulatory subunits from calf uterus, human uterus, human mammary tumor, and rat pituitary and of cAMP-binding protein from calf uterus were determined by quantitative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in buffers containing the detergent, Triton X-100. In the four tissues, protein kinases of either type A1, with molecular weight (Mr) = 200,000, or type B, of Mr = 80,000, or both, previously described were found. Trivial charge isomerism, or size isomerism, exists within each of the two classes, Protein Kinase A and B. The protein kinase recombined from the regulatory and catalytic subunits is not significantly different from the crude or isolated protein kinase. Protein Kinases A and B exist each in either one of the isozyme forms I and II but these are not reflected in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 10.2. Protein Kinase B appears to be a product of the partial proteolysis of Protein Kinase A. The regulatory subunits of Protein Kinases A from the four tissues are distinct from those of Protein Kinases B. No physical distinction exists between regulatory subunits derived from isozyme forms I and II. cAMP-Binding Proteins A and B are physically indistinguishable, by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 10.2, from the regulatory subunits of Protein Kinases A and B, respectively.  相似文献   

Human red cells (RBC) were loaded with moderate amounts of Ca2+ by the ionophore A23187. Quantitative relationships between Ca2+-loading, ATP consumption and glycolytic flux were established. 1. Ca2+-loading is accompanied by ATP depletion. A maximum ATP consumption of approximately 10 mmoles/l RBC/h was estimated. 2. There is a positive correlation between lactate formation and Ca2+-loading. This is linear from 1.4 to about 4 mmoles lactate/l RBC/h. 3. Ca2+-induced glycolytic stimulation seems not to be mediated by adenine nucleotides. A wide range of energy charges and very different adenine nucleotide patterns were associated with the same stimulation of lactate production. 4. The turnover of the (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase and its share in the Ca2+-stimulated ATP consuming processes were estimated with inhibitors. 1 mM La3+ inhibited both Ca2+-outward transport and ATP consumption by 80%. The remaining 20% of the ATP consumption was accounted for by the (Na+-K+)-ATPase. 5. A Ca2+ extrusion to ATP consumption molar ratio of 2:1 was found. However, when ATP consumption was due to the breakdown of previously accumulated glycolytic intermediates, the ratio dropped to about 1.  相似文献   

P.Leslie Dutton  John S. Leigh 《BBA》1973,314(2):178-190
The combination of redox potentiometry with low temperature electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy has led to further characterization of electron transfer components of Chromatium D. These include the readily buffer-soluble cytochromes c553 and c′ and the high-potential iron-sulfur protein in the isolated state and associated with the chromatophore membrane. Buffer-insoluble cytochrome c553, cytochro—me c555, bacteriochlorophyll and the primary electron acceptor have been characterized both in the chromatophore membrane and also in a sodium dodecylsulfate detergent-solubilized subchromatophore preparation. Two iron-sulfur proteins have been revealed which are present in the chromatophore membrane but are released on treatment with sodium dodecylsulfate. They have central g values at 1.90 and 1.94 and have estimated midpoint potentials at pH 7.4 (Em7·4) at +280 mV and ?100 mV, respectively, when associated with the chromatophore.In the membrane associated state the apparent Em of cytochrome c′ is approximately 200 mV more positive than the Em values reported for the free state; this implies either that the reduced form of cytochrome c′ binds to the membrane (or to a component therein) to a degree which is > 103 times greater than that of the oxidized form or that the Em shift results from membrane solvation. In the case of the high-potential iron-sulfur protein however, its Em when associated with the chromatophore membrane is similar to that reported in the isolated state. The light-induced oxidation of the high-potential iron-sulfur protein at room temperature appears to be linked only to the oxidation of cytochrome c555; it could serve as an electron pool in equilibrium with cytochrome c555 in the cyclic electron flow system.The redox component defined in the reduced state by its gy = 1.82 and gx = 1.62 ESR spectrum satisfies the following criteria for its identification as the primary electron acceptor of P883. (a) The Em7·4 value of the g = 1.82 component is ?120 ± 25mV. (b) At ?70 mV, where the g = 1.82 component is mainly oxidized in the dark, brief illumination at low temperature which causes the irreversible oxidation of one cytochrome c553 heme, also induces the permanent reduction of the g = 1.82 component; the extent of reduction after brief illumination, given by the g = 1.82 signal height, is the same as that induced chemically at ?270 mV showing it to be fully reduced by the receipt of a single electron. (c) At more positive potentials where cytochrome c553 is oxidized and is not involved in low-temperature reactions, the light-induced low-temperature kinetics of the g = 1.82 signal are reversible; the flash-induced g = 1.82 formation and subsequent dark decay are the same as those for the flash-induced P+883 (g = 2) formation and dark decay. We suggest that until a full physical-chemical characterization is completed this g = 1.82 component be designated “photoredoxin”.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to elucidate further the phenomenon of storage-excretion of metallic cations in the housefly. The sites for deposition of zinc, calcium and copper have been identified in this study. The metal intake of the flies was altered by raising one group on sucrose and tap water while in the experimental groups sucrose was supplemented with either 0.05% zinc sulphate, 0.05% calcium phosphate or 0.03% copper sulphate. There were no significant differences in the average life spans of the flies in different groups indicating physiological tolerance to the higher mineral intake. The Malpighian tubules, the midgut and the remainder of the body were analyzed for mineral content in houseflies ranging from 1 to 25 days posteclosion by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. There was a progressive age-associated increase in the total metal content of the flies with age. Zinc and calcium were primarily stored in the Malpighian tubules whereas copper was sequestered in the midgut. Microscopic examination of the epithelial cells of the Malpighian tubules and the midgut revealed a corresponding age-associated increase in mineralized concretions.  相似文献   

Association of alkaline phosphatase with silicic acid in precipitates formed in dilute solution was studied as a model for the nonspecific reaction between silicic acid and protein. Precipitates contained 68-83% of the silicic acid and 52-83% of the enzyme in the original mixture and were in the form of aggregates of roundish particles 150-800 nm in diameter. Enzyme protein formed a tightly bound layer on the surface of particles formed in solutions of freshly prepared silicic acid. The similarity between the ultrastructural features of precipitates from solutions of silicic acid and of internal portions of siliceous urinary calculi from cattle suggests that deposition of silica during development of such calculi is due, at least in part, to the interaction of protein with silicic acid in urine.  相似文献   

The haemolymph ecdysteroid titre and in vitro capacities of prothoracic glands and corpora allata to synthesize ecdysone and juvenile hormone, respectively, during the last-larval instar of diapause-destined (short-day) and non-diapause-destined (long-day) Manduca sexta were investigated. In general, the ecdysteroid titres for both populations of larvae were the same and exhibited the two peaks characteristic of the haemolymph titre during this developmental stage in Manduca. The only difference in the titre occurred between day 7 plus 12 h and day 7 plus 20 h, when the short-day larval titre did not decrease as quickly as the long-day titre. The in vitro synthesis of ecdysone by prothoracic glands of short- and long-day larvae during the pharate pupal phase of the instar were also essentially the same. Activity fluctuated at times which would support the idea that ecdysone synthesis by the glands is a major contributing factor to the changes in the haemolymph ecdysteroid titre. There was one subtle difference in prothoracic gland activity between the two populations, occurring on day 7 plus 2 h. By day 7 plus 10 h, however, rates of ecdysone synthesis by the short- and long-day glands were comparable. This elevated activity of the short-day glands occurred just prior to the period the haemolymph ecdysteroid titre remained elevated in these larvae. The capacities of corpora allata to synthesize juvenile hormone I and III in vitro were not markedly different in long- and short-day last-instar larvae. At the time of prothoracicotropic hormone release in the early pupa, activity of corpora allata from short- and long-day reared animals was low and also essentially the same. There were a few differences in the levels of synthesis at isolated times, but they were not consistent for both homologues. Overall, there are no compelling differences in the fluctuations of ecdysteroids and juvenile hormones between diapause-destined and non-diapause-destined Manduca larvae. Since these hormones do not appear to play any obviously significant role in the induction of pupal diapause in this insect, the photoperiodic induction of diapause in Manduca appears to be a predominantly brain-centred phenomenon not involving endocrine effectors.  相似文献   

Perinatal administration of the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA) reportedly inhibits the sexual behavior of sexually naïve adult male rats. In order to evaluate the effects of BPA administration during early development on later reproductive behavior, we administered one of five doses of bisphenol A daily to pregnant female rats throughout gestation and lactation, and quantified the appetitive and consummatory sexual behaviors of the resultant male and female offspring over multiple sexual encounters in adulthood. Males receiving low dose perinatal BPA (50 μg/kg bw/day) showed persistent deficits in sexual behavior in adulthood. Males receiving the highest dose (5 mg/kg bw/day), however, were indistinguishable from controls with respect to consummatory sexual behaviors but showed decreased latencies to engage in those behaviors when sexually naïve, with significant non-linear, or U-shaped, dose-response relationships observed on the first and last day of testing. Adult female sexual behavior was not affected by early BPA administration at any dose tested. These results are consistent with previous reports that BPA exerts behavioral effects especially at low doses, and further indicates that BPA can cause lasting impairment of sexual behavior in males, but does not alter the normal development of female appetitive or consummatory sexual behaviors. To our knowledge, this is the first report indicating that adult sexual performance is impaired in sexually experienced animals following perinatal exposure to bisphenol A.  相似文献   

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