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南极磷虾种群生物学研究进展Ⅰ-年龄、生长与死亡   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
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饥饿是影响鱼类仔鱼早期存活的关键因素,入侵鱼类仔鱼耐饥饿能力对其种群增长与扩散意义重大。本文对滇池流域食蚊鱼Gambusia affinis奠基种群仔幼鱼摄食及仔鱼营养状况进行深入分析,初步了解了饥饿因素在食蚊鱼入侵早期种群增长中的影响。研究结果显示,该种群食蚊鱼仔幼鱼主要以枝角类、桡足类为食物,同时能够广泛利用栖息地食物资源,包括种类较为丰富的水生昆虫幼体、弹跳虫等,具有广食性的摄食策略,许多个体食物多样性指数>1。这些特点与其口裂较大、发育较为完善的特点密切相关。尽管如此,仍有高达73.27%的食蚊鱼仔鱼存在饥饿胁迫问题,可能与奠基种群自身生物学特点、仔鱼群体内部竞争、行为特点及环境资源差异化分布格局等因素密切相关。对奠基种群而言,入侵早期仔幼鱼面临陌生的栖息地生境,其摄食与营养状况对种群的定殖有关键影响。  相似文献   

铜、汞、镉、六六六和对硫磷对食蚊鱼生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2日龄的食蚊鱼仔鱼的急性毒性,96小时LC是:铜,0.28毫克/升;汞,0.58毫克/升;镉,10.2毫克/升;六六六(丙体),0.53毫克/升;对硫磷,0.3毫克/升。依据20天的生长数据求得的铜、镉和对硫磷的最大允许毒物浓度分别是0.015-0.030,0.005-0.010和0.0015-0.0030毫克/升,相应的应用系数分别为0.01。  相似文献   

饥饿对食蚊鱼仔鱼摄食、生长和形态的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文研究了饥饿胁迫下食蚊鱼仔鱼的摄食、生长和外部形态的变化规律.结果表明,在水温(28.5±1.2)℃时,仔鱼产出2h后鳔完成充气即建立巡游模式并开始觅食,摄食比率迅速达到100%,其混合营养期仅有4h.实验期间,投喂组仔鱼的摄食比率一直保持在100%;饥饿组仔鱼在饥饿0-3d内初次摄食比率同样可达到或接近100%,但第4天开始下降,第6天初次摄食比率降至0,抵达饥饿不可逆点(PNR)时间为产出后第5.5天左右.投喂组初产仔鱼对1-2龄期库蚊幼虫的摄食强度为(2.9±1.4)ind/individual·h,摄食强度随日龄显著增长;饥饿组仔鱼在饥饿0-5d内其初次摄食强度也随日龄及饥饿时间的延长显著增长,但均显著低于相应日龄的投喂组仔鱼,其初次摄食比率与初次摄食强度之间并无显著相关关系.饥饿仔鱼在PNR前约1.5d时其累计死亡率已超半数,达(64.4±18.1)%,抵达PNR后数小时内残存个体全部死亡.实验结束(6d)时投喂组仔鱼5项生长指标呈不等速增长,其中体重增长最为显著,瞬时增长率达0.0275/d,此时腹鳍发育基本完备,进入幼鱼期.而同期饥饿组仔鱼形态发育停滞,多项生长指标出现负增长,其中体高负增长最为明显,其瞬时增长率为-0.0511/d;体重次之,体长负增长则不甚明显.饥饿仔鱼在接近或处在PNR期时腹部萎缩呈弧形,体长/体高>5,而同期投喂组仔鱼体长/体高<4.5,两者差异显著,可作为鉴别饥饿仔鱼和健康仔鱼较理想的形态数量指标.  相似文献   

分布区西缘油松种群的生长特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 在青海省互助北山林场和贵德东山林场的油松林内分别设置6个和5个样方,对分布区西缘的天然油松种群的生长特征进行了生态学研究。结果表明,两地的油松种群均为复层异龄结构;树高与胸径的关系揭示东山的油松种群其生长能力仅为北山的一半;种群内个体的树高直径比与个体的大小呈负相关,表明个体生长对被压的生态适应;两地个体的直径生长过程也差异很大,即东山油松的直径生长随年龄的增长呈下降趋势,而北山呈上升趋势或变化很小。上述差异导致两地的生产力差异很大:北山可望获得200t/ha的生物量,而东山仅约为100t/ha,但两地的生物量密度差异不大,为7一11t/ha.m,利用生物量密度与总胸高断面积之间的线性关系,可以建立良好的推算种群地上部生物量的方法。本文还对天然油松的种群密度与平均个体重之间的关系作了讨论。  相似文献   

自然种群唐鱼的耳石、日龄与生长   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
史方  林小涛  孙军  刘汉生  陈国柱 《生态学杂志》2008,27(12):2159-2166
为了解唐鱼自然种群的年龄结构和生长特征,根据耳石结构于2005年6月—2006年4月每2个月1次对栖息于从化市鹿子田附近自然水体唐鱼的日龄组成进行了调查。2005年6月采集到的唐鱼日龄集中在40~70 d,8月和10月唐鱼种群既有较大个体,也有孵出不久的仔鱼,日龄分布在10~130 d。2005年12月和2006年2月大部分唐鱼日龄在50 d以上,2006年4月大部分唐鱼日龄则在50 d以下。与人工养殖的唐鱼相比,自然种群唐鱼耳石生长轮的清晰度和对比度高,但生长轮宽度规则性较低。自然种群唐鱼的耳石长径与体长呈显著的线性关系,与体质量呈显著的幂函数关系。自然种群唐鱼的生长符合幂函数方程,体长(L,mm)、体质量(M,mg)与日龄(D,d)的回归关系分别为L=1.4685D0.5824(r=0.9081,P<0.001,n=266)和M=0.0048D2.0122(r=0.8844,P<0.001,n=266)。该生长方程反映了自然种群唐鱼早期的生长。8—10月唐鱼种群年龄结构最为复杂,根据其年龄结构的季节变化可以推测自然条件下唐鱼的繁殖期为3—12月。  相似文献   

山东赤松种群的个体生长规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Logistic增长模型对山东赤松 (PinusdensifloraSieb .etZucc .)种群个体生长规律进行了初步研究。结果表明 ,赤松个体生长密切符合Logistic方程 ;人工林个体生长好于天然次生林 ;人工林与次生林个体生长规律一致 ;树高成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现最早 ,胸径成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现较晚 ,材积成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现最迟  相似文献   

泽蛙和大树蛙的野外生长观察及种群密度估计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
邓学建 《动物学杂志》1990,25(6):17-20,13
1987年8月至1989年8月间,用标记重捕法调查了长沙市郊的泽蛙和大树蛙,发现这两种蛙的体、头和吻的长度与相应的生长率呈很强的负相关(P<0.01),两者的关系可用公式来表示。 泽蛙在长沙市郊的密度为4148.41只/公顷。大树蛙在岳麓山的密度为0.22只/公顷。95%的置信区间为0—0.41只/公顷。  相似文献   

银杉单株生长规律与种群生物量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 通过对银杉(Cathaya argyrophylla)生长规律的研究,发现银杉早期生长需要一定的荫蔽,但过分荫蔽导致植株生长缓慢而逐渐死亡。银杉的整个生长过程可分为4个时期,在30~40a内具有明显的胸径生长盛期。银杉单株地上部分生物量的60%分布在1/2树高以下,树干材重量占全部地上部分生物量的比重超过2/3。银杉种群地上部分生物量在不同群落类型间差别很大,介于33000~117000 kg·hm-2。  相似文献   

银杉单株生长规律与种群生物量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对银杉 ( Cathaya argyrophylla)生长规律的研究 ,发现银杉早期生长需要一定的荫蔽 ,但过分荫蔽导致植株生长缓慢而逐渐死亡。银杉的整个生长过程可分为 4个时期 ,在 30~ 4 0 a内具有明显的胸径生长盛期。银杉单株地上部分生物量的 60 %分布在 1 /2树高以下 ,树干材重量占全部地上部分生物量的比重超过 2 /3。银杉种群地上部分生物量在不同群落类型间差别很大 ,介于 330 0 0~ 1 1 70 0 0 kg.hm- 2 。  相似文献   

检测了卵胎生入侵种食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)繁殖期个体大小和形态特征的两性异形以及雌性繁殖输出。结果表明,繁殖期,雌性个体的数量显著大于雄性个体,雌性个体的体长显著大于雄性个体,食蚊鱼属于偏向雌性的两性异形。以体长为协变量的One-way ANCOVA及后续的Tukey's检验显示,特定体长食蚊鱼的雌性个体的头宽、眼间距、体宽和体重均显著大于雄性个体;头长和尾鳍长的两性间差异不显著。6个形态特征变量的主成分分析(Eigenvalue≥1)发现,前2个主成分共解释65.1%的变异。头宽、眼间距、体宽和体重在第一主成分有较高的正负载系数(解释45.4%变异),头长在第二主成分有较高的负负载系数(解释19.7%变异)。食蚊鱼的繁殖输出与母体个体大小的线性回归显示,窝仔数和窝仔重均与母体体长、体重呈显著的正相关;食蚊鱼的繁殖输出与母体局部特征的线性回归显示,窝仔数和窝仔重均与母体头宽、眼间距和体宽呈显著的正相关。窝仔数与后代个体的平均体长呈显著的正相关、与后代个体的平均体重相关不显著,后代个体大小与数量不发生权衡。食蚊鱼繁殖期的性别比例、个体大小和局部形态特征的两性异形受生育力选择、性选择、生态位分化、食物竞争等多种选择压力的作用,也有利于该物种种群扩张和快速入侵。  相似文献   

An ecotechnological approach to control crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) infestation in rice fields of the Lower Mondego River Valley (Central Portugal) has recently been investigated. The application of the biodegradable non-ionic surfactant Genapol OXD-080, a fatty alcohol polyglycol ether, in rice paddies at a given concentration (50 mg/l) has been considered as a non-harmful chemical method to mitigate damage caused by crayfish digging activities to rice crops. Therefore, an important requirement regarding the ecological viability of this approach is that populations of non-target species are not significantly affected. A simple mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) population model, in which the relationships with its main food prey were considered, was developed to assess the potential risk to a non-target key species of contaminating the irrigation channels following surfactant application. The model is based on data concerning mosquitofish life cycle and population dynamics, as well as mosquitofish diet and interactions with its main prey species. Quantitative information regarding the acute and sublethal effects of Genapol OXD-080 on mosquitofish and other non-target organisms was obtained from laboratory experiments. Three concentrations of Genapol OXD-080 (0.75, 1 and 2.5 mg/l) were used to simulate a small amount of contamination in irrigation channels. If contamination occurred, the mosquitofish population would tend to decline dramatically, even when submitted to a very small concentration of Genapol OXD-080 (e.g. 0.75 mg/l, 66.7 times lower than the concentration planned to be used in rice paddies). Thus, Genapol OXD-080 could potentially cause vast damage to local mosquitofish populations, and therefore should not be used without taking all precautions to avoid contaminating important biological reservoirs, such as the rice field irrigation channels.  相似文献   

Two European gall-producing insects,Urophora affinisFrfld. (Diptera: Tephritidae) andMetzneria paucipunctella(Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) were introduced into Virginia in 1986 for biological control of spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosaLam.). Adults ofU. affinis(n = 2625) andM. paucipunctella(n = 450) were released at two sites in Montgomery County, Virginia, and their populations were monitored yearly by dissecting spotted knapweed flower heads. Beginning in 1992, knapweed samples collected at various distances from the release sites were checked for dispersal.U. affinisis well established and is spreading slowly. The number of larvae per flower head and the seed numbers are inversely related as plants with the greatest number of larvae per spotted knapweed head had the lowest number of seeds. Knapweed density has declined at one of the release sites which had the highest rate of infestation byU. affinis.Establishment of the moth,M. paucipunctella,is less certain as it has been recovered at a very low level from only one site.  相似文献   

首次报道了蓝花耳草(Hedyotis affinisRoem.& Schult.)在我国的分布新记录,并对其形态特征进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

Nagdali  Surendra S.  Gupta  P. K. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,468(1-3):45-51
Between 28th March and 4th April, 2000 a fungal infection killed >80% of the most abundant planktivorous fish, Gambusia affinis in Lake Naini Tal, Uttaranchal, India. In response to this mortality, planktonic communities and some eutrophication-related parameters viz., primary productivity, phosphate–phosphorus, nitrate–nitrogen and transparency of the water, were considerably changed. Total zooplankton number more than doubled, phytoplankton number reduced nearly to half, primary production and phosphate-phosphorus was dramatically reduced, while nitrate–nitrogen and water clarity increased. The phytoplankton decline was caused by increased zooplankton grazing (top-down control) rather than phosphorus deficiency (bottom-up control). After 3 months, Gambusia and planktonic communities and nutrient levels reverted back almost to their pre-mortality state. Thus removal of G. affinis could improve water quality of Lake Naini Tal.  相似文献   

动物的声学信号在信息传递和维持社群稳定等方面扮演了非常重要的角色,特别是对于占据夜空生态位并集群生活的蝙蝠,它们日间栖息于几乎没有光照的洞穴中。这些夜行性蝙蝠主要借助声信号介导重要生活史事件,包括生殖、觅食、通讯和空间导航等。分娩是动物生殖活动中的关键一环,决定了后代甚至母体的生死。一直以来野生动物的分娩行为,特别是分娩叫声鲜有研究。本研究以大菊头蝠(Rhinolophus luctus)和中菊头蝠(R. affinis)为研究对象,捕捉并录制其在分娩过程中的声信号,进而开展声谱分析和统计分类。研究发现,大菊头蝠和中菊头蝠在分娩过程中分别发出了6种和4种类型的交流声波。基于子集验证的判别式分析表明,大多数的音节类型都被正确划分。纳入多种声学参数的多维尺度分析显示,不同音节类型在三维图像中差异显著。此外,欧几里得距离分析发现,种间的叫声差异远大于种内的叫声差异。本研究结果可为深入揭示夜行哺乳动物的叫声功能和发声机制提供参考。  相似文献   

Salsola affinis is a dominant annual inhabiting saline deserts of Xinjiang, China. Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of temperature, winged perianths and NaCl on seed germination and on germination recovery from the effects of saline conditions after transfer to distilled water. Freshly harvested seeds could germinate equally well in light and darkness at 5–30 °C. Attached winged perianths significantly inhibited germination, removal enhanced germination. However, germination was not inhibited in the presence of detached winged perianths in any of the temperature treatments. We suggest that the winged perianth is a mechanical barrier for radicle emergence, not a barrier for water uptake; hence, it inhibited germination. Germination of seeds from which the perianth had been removed was not affected by NaCl at concentrations below 0.4 mol/l, but it was significantly decreased by NaCl at concentrations of 0.6–2.0 mol/l. No seeds germinated at 4.0 mol/l NaCl. Seeds incubated in NaCl at concentrations of 0.05–4.0 mol/l for 14 days recovered after being transferred to distilled water. However, germination was lower than that in the non-saline control, indicating that a portion of the NaCl-treated seeds may lose their ability to germinate.  相似文献   

The introduced population of Gambusia holbrooki from the rice fields of the lower Mondego River Valley, Portugal, was studied for 15 months, relating their life cycle and population dynamics with its production, in order to assess the role of the species in the energy flow and secondary production in this type of agro-ecosystem. Two main annual cohorts (1995 and 1996 cohorts) were identified. The females outnumbered males and the average female/male-ratio was 4. The inspection of ovary developmental stages of this viviparous fish, revealed that the most important reproductive period was between April and August. The first recruits were recorded in June and were present thereafter until October. Males from the parental cohort died before August, whereas parental females could survive until October. Mean adjusted fecundity (number of embryos divided by female standard length) peaked in July 1996 (0.95) and in June 1997 (1.05). Females reached greater sizes, had a higher growth rate and lived longer than males. Annual production was estimated at 3.101 g.m–2.year–1 (ash-free dry weight, AFDW), the average biomass at 2.896 g.m–2 (AFDW), and the P/B ratio was 1.071. A conjugation of life history, population dynamics, production and ecological traits (e.g. fast growth, reduced longevity, viviparity, high productivity, an intermediate position in food chain, and no special habitat requirements for reproduction) clearly show that the populations of G. holbrooki, introduced into rice fields all over the world, may play an important role in the structure and functioning of the biological communities of these important agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

Mortality of larval, pupal, and adult western cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis indifferens (Tephritidae) exposed to the steinernematid nematodes Steinernema carpocapsae, Steinernema feltiae, and Steinernema intermedium, was determined in the laboratory and field. Larvae were the most susceptible stage, with mortality in the three nematode treatments ranging from 62 to 100%. S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae were equally effective against larvae at both 50 and 100 infective juveniles (IJs)/cm2. S. intermedium was slightly less effective against larvae than the other two species. Mortalities of R. indifferens larvae at 0, 2, 4, and 6 days following their introduction into soil previously treated with S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae at 50 IJs/cm2 were 78.6, 92.5, 95.0, and 77.5% and 87.5, 52.5, 92.5, and 70.0%, respectively, and at 100 IJs/cm2 were 90.0, 92.0, 100.0, and 84.0% and 90.0, 50.0, 42.0, and 40.0%, respectively. There was no decline in mortality caused by S. carpocapsae as time progressed, whereas there was in one test with S. feltiae. Larval mortalities caused by the two species were the same in a 1:1:1 vermiculite:peat moss:sand soil mix and a more compact silt loam soil. In the field, S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae were equally effective against larvae. Pupae were not infected, but adult flies were infected by all three nematode species in the laboratory. S. carpocapsae was the most effective species at a concentration of 100 IJs/cm2 and infected 11–53% of adults that emerged. The high pathogenicity of S. carpocapsae and S. feltiae against R. indifferens larvae and their persistence in soil as well as efficacy in different soil types indicate both nematodes hold promise as effective biological control agents of flies in isolated and abandoned lots or in yards of homeowners.  相似文献   

庐山香果树毛竹混交林空间格局研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解庐山毛竹入侵对香果树的影响,采用Ripley’sK(t)函数分析香果树毛竹混交林群落空间分布格局和种间关联关系。结果表明:香果树幼树在较小的尺度上呈聚集分布,较大尺度上随机分布直至均匀分布;香果树成年树在较小的尺度上呈随机分布,较大尺度上聚集分布;毛竹在所有的研究尺度上为显著聚集分布,且随着尺度的增大,聚集强度增加。毛竹与香果树幼树在较小的尺度上没有明显关联性,在较大的尺度上呈显著负相关;毛竹与香果树成年树在一系列尺度上均表现为显著负相关。根据空间关联性分析结果,应从幼龄起对生长有香果树的森林群落进行必要的管理,伐除毛竹及一些影响较大的其它乔木树种,挖除地下竹鞭,为香果树提供良好的生长环境,进而恢复其种群的天然合理配置。否则,香果树这一珍贵的植物资源在庐山将有灭绝的危险。  相似文献   

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