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范育鹏  方创琳 《生态学报》2022,42(11):4313-4323
生态城市作为当下探索人与自然协调共处、社会和谐进步、经济持续发展的实践,是实现可持续发展的重要举措。人地关系作为地理学研究的核心,是社会发展必须直面和探讨的重要问题。分别论述生态城市和人地关系相关研究的理念与框架、过程与机制、理论与方法的演变以及两者的区别。生态城市规划具备高度的综合性,在优化资源配置、调整空间布局、协调各项事业、改善城市功能等方面发挥重要作用,由单方面注重增长速度和规模转向重视城市增长容量、生态承载力、生活质量方面。人地关系研究旨在探索人地系统各要素间相互作用与系统行为及调控机制,其主旨问题随人地系统演变发生变异,准确分析人地关系面临着一系列理论、技术和数据方面的挑战。生态城市可以借助人地关系作为一个更加宏阔的系统框架,同时可为人地关系研究提供具体的工具和手段。复杂系统科学和综合集成方法是生态城市和人地关系的重点研究方向。生态城市与人地关系研究相互融合,能够更好地解决复杂问题,从而朝着共同目的—可持续发展迈进。  相似文献   

绿色空间体系在渥太华市历次城市规划中占有重要地位,深刻影响了加拿大首都的城市结构、空间形态、城市增长以及居民生活。通过研究渥太华过去一个多世纪以来的城市规划及各类绿色空间规划,分析渥太华绿色空间体系发展的3个重要阶段,包括20世纪早期为提升首都形象而形成的公园系统规划,1950年以遏制城市增长为主要目标的国家首都规划,以及近20年来聚焦于自然保护、娱乐休闲、农业等多重目标的综合规划及各类专项规划,阐述了在时代发展背景下渥太华绿色空间体系形成、发展、不断完善的过程。通过分析不同发展阶段的规划背景、战略目标及策略要点,总结其规划经验,以期能为中国城市绿色空间体系的构建和发展提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

城市生态用地分类及其规划的一般原则   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
城市生态用地的规划布局是城市规划的难点之一,也是急待解决的问题.本文根据城市生态系统的特点,给出了城市生态用地定义,指出城市生态用地同时具有自然属性和社会属性,依据这个特点,将城市生态用地划分为服务型生态用地和功能型生态用地两大类型,并结合具体的城市生态规划对各种类型的生态用地规划进行了定性分析.  相似文献   

城市是人类改造自然、科技进步、社会发展的产物;它具有自然与社会双重属性独特的城市生态系统。城市规划确定城市发展战略、性质、规模,要运用生态学观点,充分考虑区域自然环境条件的可能,使规划要素与生态条件相协调;处理好人与环境、自然与社会、生产与生活、各部门不同层次现实与未来的关系。城市规划与生态学观点都有追求社会效益、经济效益、环境效益,为人类创造一个安全、舒适、清洁、美丽的城市生态环境,促其健康发展的共同目的。因此,探讨城市规划同  相似文献   

试论城市化进程中的生态建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴博任 《生态科学》2002,21(2):187-190
城市化对于发展经济和控制人口自然增长率有积极意义。人是城市生态系统的主体,城市生态必须满足人的生活的基本需要:方便、健康和舒适,特别是健康的需要。强化生态建设才能适应城市化的发展。消除环境“四害”是城市生态建设的重点。城市规划必须超前,规划中的生态建设必须与其他城市建设同步实施,优先完成。  相似文献   

传统城市规划方法多集中在城市用地、人口规模和交通优先等方面,而较少关注城市环境质量和环境福利。要构筑一个与未来居民生活品质相适应的城市形态,城市生态规划就必须考虑更多样化的数据基础和可获得性的技术,尤其是居民对这些规划的实际感受,合理和科学的规划需要综合分析城市生态系统,包括自然和人为因素。一个新的概念和理论"景感生态学"能够将城市规划蓝图与人类感知相耦合。景感生态规划理应包括人类对规划的各种感知需求,包括视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉和触觉等。本文秉承景感生态学的基本理论,以西集镇为执行案例,探索性地针对城乡交错带开展景感生态规划,以阐明将居民感觉信息融入生态规划过程的挑战性和重要性。  相似文献   

马世发  艾彬 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5874-5883
协调城市扩张与生态敏感区保护之间的矛盾是当前我国新型城镇化建设中的一项重要任务,但基于传统供需平衡模式或历史惯性驱动模拟的城市规划布局可能导致一系列潜在的生态环境问题。根据城市发展具有历史惯性驱动和空间规划引导的双重特性,提出将地理模拟与优化(Geographical Simulation and Optimization Systems,简写为GeoSOS)等复杂GIS空间分析技术引入规划决策分析。通过利用最小累积阻力模型获取生态敏感区保护压力格局,并利用元胞自动机模型进行城市扩张模拟,分析城市惯性扩张模式对生态敏感区的潜在影响;然后根据生态敏感区保护和城市空间扩张的协调性发展目标进行生态适宜性评价,进而利用蚁群智能空间优化配置模型产生一种优化的城市空间布局方案。研究以我国珠江三角洲地区的广州市为案例,详细分析了基于GeoSOS的城市扩张与生态保护的协调决策过程。结果表明,整合了城市发展惯性与生态敏感区保护双重目标的空间优化布局方案,比单纯基于地理模拟进行规划布局更符合生态型城市建设需求,研究所提出的城市与生态二元空间协调分析框架可为城市规划提供可靠的定量决策支撑。  相似文献   

基于能值分析方法的城市代谢过程研究——理论与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘耕源  杨志峰  陈彬 《生态学报》2013,33(15):4539-4551
作为一个以人类活动为中心的社会-经济-自然复合生态系统,城市所遵循的高投入、低产出、高污染的粗放型发展模式导致了严重的结构性隐患与环境问题.基于生物物理的视角考虑,城市生态环境问题的出现,与城市代谢不良密切相关.当前对城市代谢的研究视角多基于污染物排放和资源消费,需要一种热力学的全新视角从整体角度来重新诠释可持续发展.开发了一种基于能值分析方法的城市代谢过程研究框架,首先对城市的可持续发展进行热力学解析,其次针对现有能值方法的局限,结合自然系统对污染物的自净化及污染对经济系统和生态系统的损害程度测度方法,从水体污染、大气污染和固体废物研究城市代谢对人群健康和自然生态系统的影响.研究有利于解决城市代谢不良的影响因子识别问题和代谢系统综合评价问题,使政策制定者建立以生态为本的城市观,推动社会系统的生态化转型实践,力求突破当前城市发展的瓶颈,促进城市的可持续发展.  相似文献   

城市生态系统的模拟方法:灵敏度模型及其改进   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
吕永龙  王如松 《生态学报》1996,16(3):309-313
评估城市生态系统的持续发展能力,探讨其持续发展对策是一个复杂的动态问题,需要运用动态的模拟方法进行。由德国著名生态控制论专家F.Vester和A.V.Hesler教授提出的“灵敏度模型”方法,将系统科学思想、生态控制论方法及城市规划融为一体,解释、模拟、评价和规划城市复杂的系统关系,是模拟城市生态系统很好的方法。本文对该方法进行了改进。改进后的“灵敏度模型”为评价城市持续发展能力、探讨其持续发展对策提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

李嘉艺  孙璁  郑曦 《生态学报》2021,41(7):2609-2621
在城市扩张和气候变化背景下,三角洲社会与生态系统正遭受多方面风险威胁,适应性视角下的区域生态风险评估有助于理解复杂系统与风险影响之间的相互作用,为长江三角洲城市群适应性规划策略提供空间定量参考。以长江三角洲城市群社会-生态系统为研究对象,耦合适应性循环与区域生态风险评估理论,构建"潜力-连通度-韧性"适应性生态风险评估框架,从整体和动态的角度评估区域在当前与未来适应性生态风险的时空分布与各城市所处的适应性循环阶段。结果表明,适应性生态风险由沿海区-城市群-生态区域呈现由较高到高再到低的趋势,大城市外围现已出现较高风险。至2030年,风险整体呈上升趋势,高风险向中小城市和生态区域蔓延。从适应性循环阶段来看,杭州、宁波等14个城市处于生态风险较低的重组阶段。常州、南通等8个城市处于风险升高的开发阶段。上海、南京、无锡和苏州处于城市发展成熟风险开始降低的保护阶段。本研究通过评估长三角城市群适应性生态风险,得到高风险区分布与各个城市的适应性风险趋势,为长三角城市群动态变化下的适应性规划策略制定提供了科学的指导,以实现区域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Jrgen Ripa 《Oikos》2019,128(3):380-391
Explaining macroevolution from microevolution is a key issue in contemporary evolutionary theory. A recurrent macroevolutionary pattern is that some niche‐related traits consistently evolve slower than others, so called niche conservatism. Despite a growing amount of data, the underlying evolutionary processes are not fully understood. I here analyse adaptive radiations in an individual‐based eco‐evolutionary model. I find a coevolutionary mechanism – evolutionary niche monopolisation – as a possibly important generator of niche conservatism. A single lineage of a radiating clade can monopolise, and later diversify within, a substantial part of the available niche space – much larger than what can be explained by limiting similarity. This leads to niche conservatism, since no species evolves into or out of the monopolised region. The region can in this sense also be described as an adaptive zone. The model indicates that evolutionary niche monopolisation is operative in a large part of parameter space, underlining its possible importance. The mechanism is driven by competitive interactions and differences in niche widths in alternative niche dimensions. I discuss plausible examples of evolutionary niche monopolisation in well‐studied natural systems.  相似文献   

Developmental plasticity describes situations where a specific input during an individual''s development produces a lasting alteration in phenotype. Some instances of developmental plasticity may be adaptive, meaning that the tendency to produce the phenotype conditional on having experienced the developmental input has been under positive selection. We discuss the necessary assumptions and predictions of hypotheses concerning adaptive developmental plasticity (ADP) and develop guidelines for how to test empirically whether a particular example is adaptive. Central to our analysis is the distinction between two kinds of ADP: informational, where the developmental input provides information about the future environment, and somatic state-based, where the developmental input enduringly alters some aspect of the individual''s somatic state. Both types are likely to exist in nature, but evolve under different conditions. In all cases of ADP, the expected fitness of individuals who experience the input and develop the phenotype should be higher than that of those who experience the input and do not develop the phenotype, while the expected fitness of those who do not experience the input and do not develop the phenotype should be higher than those who do not experience the input and do develop the phenotype. We describe ancillary predictions that are specific to just one of the two types of ADP and thus distinguish between them.  相似文献   

Anolis lizards are one of the most diverse vertebrate genera and are the classic example of adaptive radiation and convergent evolution. Anoles exhibit great morphological diversity produced by the ecological opportunity to exploit several arboreal niches. Anole radiation in the Caribbean islands is well studied, but the mainland radiation is less understood. We used a large morphological data set and a molecular phylogeny to describe the morphological diversification of anoles from northwestern South America, a region with the highest anole diversity on a mainland. We describe morphological diversity as summarized by ten morphotypes, defined mainly by body size, limb proportions, and subdigital lamellae. We show that some morphotypes are limited to forested lowlands and others to Andean highlands; by contrast, Anolis assemblages from tropical rainforests are comprised of the same four morphotypes. We demonstrate that morphological diversification followed a pattern of adaptive radiation across a landscape of adaptive peaks. Our results are consistent with the most recent hypothesis of convergence stated for Caribbean radiation, and demonstrate convergence between mainland morphotypes and Caribbean ecomorphs, which suggests that common processes are driving both radiations. © 2016 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

生物自然居群间的基因流不但可以阻止遗传分化以维持物种的完整性,而且也能积极响应生物多样化的进程。理解与基因流相关的适应性进化及其内在机理将有助于我们更好地认识生物物种形成和多样化的原始动力以及真正原因。该文通过对植物种内和种间居群基因流动态进行讨论,阐述了近年来有关植物基因流动态的一些重要理论观念和研究进展,以期为相关领域动态及趋势研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Recent research on speciation has identified a central role for ecological divergence, which can initiate speciation when (i) subsets of a species or population evolve to specialize on different ecological resources and (ii) the resulting phenotypic modes become reproductively isolated. Empirical evidence for these two processes working in conjunction, particularly during the early stages of divergence, has been limited. We recently described a population of the medium ground finch, Geospiza fortis, that features large and small beak morphs with relatively few intermediates. As in other Darwin's finches of the Galápagos Islands, these morphs presumably diverged in response to variation in local food availability and inter- or intraspecific competition. We here demonstrate that the two morphs show strong positive assortative pairing, a pattern that holds over three breeding seasons and during both dry and wet conditions. We also document restrictions on gene flow between the morphs, as revealed by genetic variation at 10 microsatellite loci. Our results provide strong support for the central role of ecology during the early stages of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

One of the major environmental challenges of the twenty-first century is the continued rapid deforestation of Amazonia. The 2005 dieback crisis emphasizes the unprecedented challenges facing Brazil. The examination of past and present institutions for ecosystem management, in Amazonia, shows structural barriers across public, private and community arrangements. The adaptive governance concept helps to understand why these institutions are failing to deliver sustainable futures. In looking forward, it is encouraging to see that important networks of knowledge and a number of novel initiatives are emerging in Brazil. These new arrangements are novel in the way that they seem to be adaptive and navigate structures in the hope of overcoming insurmountable drivers of deforestation.  相似文献   

王鲁华  于吉人 《生理学报》1989,41(5):512-517
用5%牛磺胆酸钠-胰蛋白酶溶液作为强刺激物直接注入大鼠胰导管系统,制成急性出血坏死性胰腺炎模型。若于48h前向胰导管内预先给予0.1%、0.2%或0.4%的低浓度牛磺胆酸钠-胰蛋白酶溶液作为弱刺激物,能使随后给予的强刺激物所致的损伤大大减轻,使病鼠死亡率由对照组的100%分别降低到27%、17%和17%;血清淀粉酶浓度升高的幅度由对照组的4680U/100ml血清降低到1990、2180和2710U/100ml血清。胰腺组织学切片检查可见,病变由急性出血坏死性胰腺炎转变为轻度急性胰腺炎或向慢性胰腺炎转化。这项结果提示:预先给予弱刺激可使胰腺外分泌细胞对随后给予的强刺激产生适应性细胞保护作用,其机制尚待探索。  相似文献   

In long-term clinical studies, recurrent event data are sometimes collected and used to contrast the efficacies of two different treatments. The event reoccurrence rates can be compared using the popular negative binomial model, which incorporates information related to patient heterogeneity into a data analysis. For treatment allocation, a balanced approach in which equal sample sizes are obtained for both treatments is predominately adopted. However, if one treatment is superior, then it may be desirable to allocate fewer subjects to the less-effective treatment. To accommodate this objective, a sequential response-adaptive treatment allocation procedure is derived based on the doubly adaptive biased coin design. Our proposed treatment allocation schemes have been shown to be capable of reducing the number of subjects receiving the inferior treatment while simultaneously retaining a test power level that is comparable to that of a balanced design. The redesign of a clinical study illustrates the advantages of using our procedure.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and evaluation of an adaptive system sensitive partitioning and load balancing framework for distributed adaptive mesh refinement applications on heterogeneous and dynamic cluster environments. The framework uses system capabilities and current system state to select and tune appropriate partitioning parameters (e.g., partitioning granularity, load per processor) to maximize overall application performance. Furthermore, it uses dynamic load sensing (using NWS) to adapt to the load dynamics in the cluster.  相似文献   

One of the major controversies in evolutionary biology concerns the processes underlying macroevolutionary patterns in which prolonged stasis is disrupted by rapid, short-term evolution that leads species to new adaptive zones. Recent advances in the understanding of contemporary evolution have suggested that such rapid evolution can occur in the wild as a result of environmental changes. Here, we examined a novel hypothesis that evolutionary stasis is punctuated by co-evolutionary arms races, which continuously alter adaptive peaks and landscapes. Based on the phylogeny of long-mouthed weevils in the genus Curculio , likelihood ratio tests showed that the macroevolutionary pattern of the weevils coincides with the punctuational evolution model. A coalescent analysis of a species, Curculio camelliae , the mouthpart of which has diverged considerably among populations because of an arms race with its host plant, further suggested that major evolutionary shifts had occurred within 7000 generations. Through a microevolutionary analysis of the species, we also found that natural selection acting through co-evolutionary interactions is potentially strong enough to drive rapid evolutionary shifts between adaptive zones. Overall, we posit that co-evolution is an important factor driving the history of organismal evolution.  相似文献   

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