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Pollen mitosis in the slipper orchid Cypripedium fasciculatum was studied using correlated methods of immunofluorescence and transmission electron microscopy. Unlike the more highly evolved orchids, the cypripedioid orchids shed pollen as monosulcate monads. Prior to pollen mitosis, the microspore nucleus migrates to a proximal position opposite the aperture, as is typical of monocotyledons. There is no distinct generative pole microtubule system (GPMS) like that recently reported in development of pollen polarity in the vandoid moth orchid Phalaenopsis. Instead, microtubules in early prophase are concentrated around the nucleus and extend into the cytoplasm toward the future generative pole. Once the nucleus has migrated to the continuous surface opposite the aperture, microtubules surround the nucleus evenly and show no tendency to be more concentrated in the generative domain. The mitotic spindle, which develops from the perinuclear microtubules, is asymmetrically placed in the microspore and is cone-shaped. The generative pole is broad and closely appressed to the continuous spore surface, while the vegetative pole is pointed and located in the interior of the microspore. As the chromosomes move poleward, microtubules proliferate in the interzone and a phragmoplast develops. The phragmoplast expands in a hemispherical path beyond the interzone following an array of microtubules that radiates from the generative nucleus. Data from this study indicate that evolution of pollen in orchids includes a shift in location of the generative cell from proximal to distal and the evolution of a GPMS, in addition in the well-known trend toward increased pollen aggregation and loss of exine.  相似文献   

Summary The cytokinetic apparatus in microsporogenesis lacks a preprophase band of microtubules and the selection of cytokinetic planes is dependent upon disposition of nuclei which define cytoplasmic domains via post-meiotic radial systems of microtubules. Meiotic cytokinesis was investigated in hybrid moth orchids (Phalaenopsis) exhibiting irregular patterns of cytokinesis. In these polliniate orchids, spindle orientation is imprecise, and the tetrad nuclei (therefore the microspores) may be in rhomboidal, tetrahedral or linear arrangement. The hybrid Sabine Queen (section Phalaenopsis) regularly undergoes simultaneous cytokinesis, as is common in orchids. The hybrid Vista Rainbow (section Amboinenses) produces either a complete dyad wall, a partial wall, or no wall after first nuclear division. In all cases, a first division phragmoplast is initiated in the interzonal region and expands centrifugally into the peripheral cytoplasm. Fluorescence microscopy shows that the phragmoplast consists of fusiform bundles of microtubules and Factin bisected by a non-fluorescent zone. If a cell plate fails to form, a band of organelles polarized in the equatorial region effectively divides the cell into two domains. The organelles disperse when a dyad wall is complete, but tend to remain polarized around an incomplete wall. In four-nucleate coenocytes, the usual interzonal microtubules between sister nuclei (primary) form slightly in advance of secondary arrays between non-sister nuclei. Phragmoplasts are initiated in sites defined by the post-meiotic microtubule arrays.Abbreviations CLSM confocal laser scanning microscope/microscopy - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - PPB preprophase band of microtubules - TEM transmission electron microscope/microscopy  相似文献   

Summary Cytokinesis following asymmetrical pollen mitosis was studied in the slipper orchidCypripedium fasciculatum using techniques of immunofluorescence, confocal laser scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. Data from stereo reconstructions of double labelled preparations (microtubules/nuclei) show that the contribution of residual spindle fibers to development of the interzonal array is minor; rather, new populations of microtubules are nucleated in association with the two groups of anaphase chromosomes. As kinetochores reach the poles, trailing arms of the chromosomes and nonkinetochore microtubules are displaced outward in the equatorial zone and by early telophase the interzone is left virtually free of microtubules. The interzonal apparatus has its origin in a massive proliferation of microtubules from the polar regions and surfaces of contracting chromosomes. Each polar region appears as a hub from which microtubules radiate in a spoke-like configuration and numerous tufts of microtubules appear to emanate from margins of the chromosomes themselves. These newly organized arrays of microtubules extend to the equatorial region where they interact to form the interzonal apparatus. Increasing organization of microtubules in the interzone results in development of a typical phragmoplast configuration consisting of opposing cone-like bundles of microtubules bisected by an unstained equatorial line.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of F-actin in the phragmoplast/cell plate complex of formaldehyde-fixedAllium root cells was visualized with rhodaminephalloidin (RP). Increased RP fluorescence appears in late anaphase in a broad zone between separating chromosomes. The fluorescence is mostly amorphous in appearance and does not resemble the distinct actin fibers seen in interphase cells. The actin becomes more concentrated near the midplane by telophase and takes the form of a relatively bright layer of fluorescence adjacent to the forming cell plate. This distribution differs markedly from that of phragmoplast microtubules (MTs) which extend back from the plate toward the daughter nuclei. F-actin continues to accumulate in new parts of the expanding phragmoplast, while RP fluorescence gradually decreases near older portions of the plate. It disappears completely near the new wall in most interphase cells. Treatment of root tips with cytochalasin B or D before fixation markedly reduces RP fluorescence, but phragmoplast MTs remain. Colchicine or oryzalin treatment leads to the disappearance of both phragmoplast actin and MTs. The possible function of actin in the phragmoplast/cell plate complex is discussed.Abbreviations CB cytochalasin B - CD cytochalasin D - CIPC isopropyl N-(3-chlorophenyl-)carbamate - DIC differential interference contrast - MT microtubule - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PM plasmalemma - RP rhodamine-phalloidin  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the microtubular cytoskeleton during meiosis and cytokinesis in hybrid moth orchids were studied by indirect immunofluorescence. Lagging chromosomes not incorporated into telophase nuclei after first meiotic division behave as small extra nuclei. Events in the microtubular cycle associated with these micronuclei are similar to and synchronous with those of the principal nuclei. During second meiotic division the micronuclei trigger formation of minispindles which are variously oriented with respect to the two principal spindles. After meiosis, radial systems of microtubules measure cytoplasmic domains around each nucleus in the coenocyte. Cleavage planes are established in regions where opposing radial arrays interact and the cytoplasm cleaved around micronuclei is proportionately smaller than that around the four principal nuclei. These observations clearly demonstrate that nuclei in plant cells are of fundamental importance in microtubule organization and provide strong evidence in support of our recently advanced hypothesis that division planes in simultaneous cytokinesis following meiosis are determined by establishment of cytoplasmic domains via radial systems of nuclear-based microtubules rather than by division sites established before nuclear division.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - MTOC microtubule organizing center - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PPB preprophase band of microtubules  相似文献   

The organization of the microtubule (Mt) cytoskeleton during mitosis and cytokinesis of the generative cell (GC) in Ornithogalum virens L. (bicellular pollen type, chromosome number, n = 3) from prophase to telophase/sperm formation was investigated by localization of -tubulin immunofluorescence using a conventional fluorescence microscope and a confocal laser scanning microscope. Chromosomes were visualized with DNA-binding fluorochrome dyes (ethidium bromide and 46-diamino-2-phenyl-indole). The GC of O. virens is characterized by G2/M transition within the pollen grain and not in the pollen tube as occurs in the majority of species with bicellular pollen. It was found that prophase in the GC starts before anthesis and prometaphase takes place after 10 min of pollen germination. The prophase Mts are organized into three prominent bundles, located near the generative nucleus. The number of these Mt bundles is the same as the number of GC chromosomes, a relation which has not previously been considered in other species. The most evident feature in the prophase/ prometaphase transition of O. virens GC is a direct rapid rearrangement of Mt bundles into a network which appears to interact with kinetochores and form a typical prometaphase Mt organization. The metaphase chromosomes are arranged into a conventional equatorial plate, and not in tandem as is thought to be characteristic of GC metaphase. The metaphase spindle consists of kinetochore fibres and a few interzonal fibres which form dispersed poles. Anaphase is characterized by a significant elongation of the mitotic spindle concomitant with the extension of the distance between the opposite poles. At anaphase the diffuse poles converge. Cytokinesis is realized by cell plate formation in the equatorial plane of the GC. The phragmoplast Mts between two future sperm nuclei appear after Mts of the mitotic spindle have disappeared.Abbreviations DAPI 46-diamino-2-phenyl-indole - GC generative cell - GN generative nucleus - Mt microtubule This research was made possible in part due to TEMPUS Programme and Global Network for Cell and Molecular Biology UNESCO grants to Magorzata Bana. The experimental part of the work was done in Siena University. M. Banas is very grateful to Prof. Mauro Cresti and his group for scientific interest, offering the excellent laboratory facilities, and kind reception.  相似文献   

Summary The interphase nucleus in theFunaria caulonema tip cells is associated with many non-cortical microtubules (Mts). In prophase, the cortical Mts disappear in the nuclear region; in contrast to moss leaflets, a preprophase band of Mts is not formed in the caulonema. The Mts of the early spindle are associated with the fragments of the nuclear envelope. Remnants of the nucleolus remain in the form of granular bodies till interphase. The metaphase chromosomes have distinct kinetochores; the kinetochore Mts are intermingled with non-kinetochore Mts running closely along the chromatin. Each kinetochore is associated with an ER cisterna. ER cisternae also accompany the spindle fibers in metaphase and anaphase. In telophase, Golgi vesicles accumulate in the periphery of the developing cell plate where no Mts are found. The reorientation of the cell plate into an oblique position can be inhibited by colchicine. It is concluded that the ER participates in controlling the Mt system, perhaps via calcium ions (membrane-bound calcium ions have been visualized by staining with chlorotetracycline) but that, on the other hand, the Mt system also influences the distribution of the ER. The occurrence and function of the preprophase band of Mts is discussed.  相似文献   

R. C. Brown  B. E. Lemmon 《Protoplasma》1992,167(3-4):183-192
Summary The unequal first mitosis in pollen ofPhalaenopsis results in a small generative cell cut off at the distal surface of the microspore and a large vegetative cell. No preprophase band of microtubules is present, but polarization of the microspore prior to this critical division is well marked. A generative pole microtubule system (GPMS) marks the path of nuclear migration to the distal surface, and the organelles become unequally distributed. Mitochondria, plastids and dictyosomes are concentrated around the vegetative pole in the center of the microspore and are almost totally excluded from the generative pole. The prophase spindle is multipolar with a dominant convergence center at the GPMS site. The metaphase spindle is disc-shaped with numerous minipoles terminating in broad polar regions. In anaphase, the spindle becomes cone-shaped as the spindle elongates and the vegetative pole narrows. These changes in spindle architecture are reflected in the initial shaping of the telophase chromosome groups. F-actin is coaligned with microtubules in the spindle and is also seen as a network in the cytoplasm. An outstanding feature of orchid pollen mitosis is the abundance of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) associated with the spindle. ER extends along the kinetochore fibers, and the numerous foci of spindle fibers at the broad poles terminate in a complex of ER.Abbreviations CLSM confocal laser scanning microscope/microscopy - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - ER endoplasmic reticulum - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - GPMS generative pole microtubule system - MBS m-maleimidobenzoic acidN-hydroxysuccinimide ester - PPB preprophase band of microtubules - RhPh rhodamine palloidin - TEM transmission electron microscope/microscopy  相似文献   

T. Kakimoto  H. Shibaoka 《Protoplasma》1987,140(2-3):151-156
Summary Treatment with lysine prior to fixation of tobacco BY-2 cells with formaldehyde improved the preservation of actin filaments in the cells and enabled us to observe both networks of actin filaments and microtubules in the same cells. By using this method, we observed that (1) actin filaments were present in the preprophase band; (2) the actin filaments in the preprophase band and phragmoplast were runnig in the same direction as the microtubules in their respective structures; (3) a cortical network of actin filaments was present throughout all stages of cell cycle.The present method did not preserve the cortical actin filaments in interphase cells. The procedure for staining microtubules destroyed them.Abbreviations EGTA Ethyleneglycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - PIPES Piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid) - PMSF Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - TLCK Na-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone  相似文献   

Summary Mitosis and cytokinesis have been studied in the green algaZygnema C. A. Agardh using interference-contrast light and transmission electron microscopy. At prophase, the nucleolus disintegrates and numerous extranuclear microtubules near the nuclear periphery penetrate into the nucleoplasm. When aligned in the equatorial plane of the open metaphase spindle the chromosomes are coated with persistent nucleolar fragments. At anaphase, vacuoles intrude into the interzonal spindle region and seemingly contribute to the anaphase movement of the chromosomes. At telophase, the spindle is persistent and the reforming nuclei are separated by cytoplasmic strands containing microtubules, interspersed with vacuoles. Extensive bundles of microtubules, dictyosomes and parallel, slightly inflated ER-profiles extend from the poles of the telophase nucleus along the longitudinal side of the chloroplast. Conceivably, these microtubules guide the nucleus during its post-mitotic migration towards its central interphase position between the two halves of the dividing chloroplast. Throughout the mitotic cycle, ubiquitous dictyosomes, positioned near the chloroplast core, seem very active. Arrays of microtubules run towards these dictyosomes and may conduct the dictyosome-vesicles to the cleavage plane. At metaphase, septum growth becomes visible as an annular ingrowth of the plasmalemma. At late telophase or at entering interphase, an extensive clump of vesicles, associated with longitudinal bundles of microtubules, appears between the leading edges of the advanced furrow. Apparent fusion of these vesicles with the head of the centripetally-growing furrow results in its completion. The pattern of mitosis and cytokinesis inZygnema is compared with that of closely related green algae.  相似文献   

The midbody is a structural organelle formed in late phase mitosis which is responsible for completion of cytokinesis. Although various kinds of proteins have been found to distribute or immigrate to this organelle, their functions have still not been completely worked out. In this study, we demonstrated that NAT10 (N-acetyltransferase 10, NAT10) is not only predominantly distributed in the nucleolus in interphase, but is also concentrated in the mitotic midbody during telophase. The domain in N-terminal residues 549-834 of NAT10 specifically mediated its subcellular localization. Treatment with genotoxic agents or irradiation increased concentration of NAT10 in both the nucleolus and midbody. Moreover, DNA damage induced increase of NAT10 in the midbody apparently accompanied by in situ elevation of the level of acetylated α-tubulin, suggesting that it plays a role in maintaining or enhancing stability of α-tubulin. The depletion of NAT10 induced defects in nucleolar assembly, cytokinesis and decreased acetylated α-tubulin, leading to G2/M cell cycle arrest or delay of mitotic exit. In addition, over-expression of NAT10 was found in a variety of soft tissue sarcomas, and correlated with tumor histological grading. These results indicate that NAT10 may play an important role in cell division through facilitating reformation of the nucleolus and midbody in the late phase of cell mitosis, and stabilization of microtubules.  相似文献   

Cypripedium japonicum Thunb. (Orchidaceae), once a common perennial herb, is now designated as endangered throughout most of its distribution due to habitat destruction and fragmentation, and the impacts of horticultural collection. We investigated the genetic characteristics of this species for conservation purposes, using microsatellite markers to examine the genetic diversity and structure of 15 native and 5 ex situ populations in Japan. The results imply that although allelic variation is low in Japanese C. japonicum, sexual reproduction by seed, as well as clonal propagation, may occur in some populations. Both native and ex situ populations were found to be genetically differentiated, indicating that some populations may have experienced recent population declines, genetic fragmentation, or bottlenecks. The degree of genetic drift from the putative ancestral population, inferred through STRUCTURE analysis, was more pronounced in northern populations than in southern populations. Some of the ex situ conserved populations exhibited a low degree of differentiation from ancestral native populations. Our results imply that conservation of C. japonicum in Japan is best supported by maintaining individual populations and their unique genetic characteristics.  相似文献   

An earlier experiment with the pink lady's slipper orchid demonstrated that plant leaf area was lowered only after successive years of increased fruit production. This result suggested that the cost of reproduction was small in relation to the energy budget of the plant. To test this idea, plants were subjected to experimental hand-pollination treatments to increase fruit set as well as leaf removal treatments to decrease the energy budget of plants. Changes in plant size in years 2 and 3 and, to some extent, rate of flowering, were determined by a combination of initial plant size, leaf removal treatments in year 1, fruit production in year 1, and damage from an unplanned fire in year 2. Plants that had both leaves removed and produced a fruit in 1987 decreased in size in the following 2 years in comparison with other treatment groups. The cost of fruit production was not apparent in plants that had only one or no leaves removed. Plants apparently have to be put into severe physiological stress in order for a cost of reproduction to appear in the following year. The cost of producing one fruit was a decline of plant size in the following year of 30 cm2, which is very similar to our previous experiment using a different design. An additional experiment failed to find evidence that these plants increase their photosynthetic rate to compensate for the loss of leaves or the cost of maturing fruit. Published experiments in both the greenhouse and the field that failed to find a cost of reproduction should be reevaluated in terms of the intensity of treatment imposed and the overall energy budget of the plant in field situations.  相似文献   

Summary. Lipotubuloids, i.e., cytoplasmic domains containing an agglomeration of lipid bodies surrounded by half-unit membrane, entwined and held together by a system of microtubules, have been found in the ovary epidermis of Ornithogalum umbellatum. Ultrastructural studies demonstrated thin filaments in lipotubuloids that are probably actin filaments arranged parallel to microtubules. It is suggested that interaction of actin filaments with the microtubules determines the driving force for the rotary motion characteristic of lipotubuloids, as this movement is sensitive to cytochalasin B. Correspondence: Department of Cytophysiology, University of Łódź, Pilarskiego 14, 90-231 Łódź, Poland.  相似文献   

Summary Cytoskeletal and flagellar microtubules in the zoospores of the aquatic fungusAllomyces macrogynus are resistant to microtubule depolymerizing drugs. Consequently, we have analyzed the partial composition and organization of microtubules (Mts) in the cytoplasm and flagellar apparatus in the zoospores ofA. macrogynus. Evidence from two-dimensional gel electrophoresis demonstrated the presence of two -tubulin isoforms in axonemal and cytoplasmic Mts. In addition, a monoclonal antibody specific for acetylated -tubulin was used on one-dimensional protein blots to show that acetylated -tubulins are present in isolated zoospore cell bodies and axonemes. Immunofluorescence microscopy observations using this monoclonal antibody demonstrated that flagellar, kinetosomal, and cytoplasmic Mts were labeled. The nature of Mts in the flagellar apparatus was studied ultrastructurally. InA. macrogynus, the flagellar apparatus consists of the kinetosome, rhizopolast (striated flagellar rootlet), axoneme, and 9 sets of triplet Mts which radiate anteriorly from the proximal end of the kinetosome (microtubular rootlet), Analysis of the rhizoplast indicated that this structure does not contain Mts. The rhizoplast, which connects the functional kinetosome with a single, large basal mitochrondrion, consists of four electron-opaque bands. Serial-sectioning indicated that the rhizoplast is always adjacent to kinetosome triplets 1, 2, and 9, and thus lies perpendicular to the plane of flagellar beat. These results suggest that the primary function of the rhizoplast is to organize the kinetosome and mitochondrion with respect to one another and to bias flagellar beat in the appropriate orientation for cell motility.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - BCA bicinchoninic acid - DS dilute salts - EGTA ethylene glycol-bis-(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N-tetracetic acid - EM electron microscopy - Mes 2-(N-morpholinomethane sulfonic acid - Mt microtubule - NP-40 Nonidet P-40 - 1-D PAGE one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - 2-D PAGE two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Tween-20 polyoxyethylenesorbitan monolaurate  相似文献   

An 11-yr experimental study of the cost of reproduction in three wild populations of the perennial orchid Cypripedium acaule contrasted experimental plants that were repeatedly hand-pollinated and often made fruits with control plants that were not hand-pollinated and only rarely made fruits. Repeated flowering without subsequent fruit production resulted in no detectable reduction in either plant size or probability of flowering in subsequent years. A cost of fruit production was evident in experimental plants in all three populations in terms of a reduced probability of flowering and smaller leaf area in subsequent years, but was not evident in terms of mortality rate. Experimental effects of fruit production reached maximum values at 3-7 yr, depending on the population. The probability of remaining dormant below ground in a given year was strongly dependent on plant size in the previous year. Furthermore, the length of the dormancy period (one to several years) was a significant and inverse function of plant size just prior to dormancy. Sample sizes and the consequent ability to detect experimental effects declined over time as more plants died or stopped flowering. Four to seven years appears to be an optimal duration for studies of the cost of reproduction in perennial herbs similar to this species. Studies lasting less than 4 yr may be too brief to reveal experimental effects, whereas those lasting more than 7 yr may fail to reveal new insights.  相似文献   

Summary.  In eudicot postmeiotic tetrads, apertures are usually joined in pairs in highly conserved areas. These appear to be located at the last points of contact persisting at the end of cytokinesis between the cytoplasm of the future microspores. In order to investigate the relationship between cytokinesis and aperture formation, aperture distribution within postmeiotic tetrads and the progression of meiosis were studied in Nicotiana tabacum cv. Ambalema. This variety (inbred line) produces about 85% tricolporate pollen and 15% tetracolporate pollen grains. In addition, about 7% of tetrads are composed of four equal-sized microspores and a supernumerary pseudomicrospore of small size and an equal proportion of tetrads exhibit unpaired apertures (these apertures are not joined in pairs within tetrads). Observation of cytokinesis indicates that both unpaired apertures and pseudomicrospores could result from the persistence of late communications between microsporocytes. Observations of tetrads indicate that an increase in the number of elements that are separated during cytokinesis is correlated with an increase in microspore aperture number. All data converge to support the hypothesis that aperture site determination is partly controlled by the number of walls formed to separate the different elements of the tetrad. Received May 22, 2002; accepted October 29, 2002; published online April 2, 2003 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints: Laboratoire de Ecologie, Systematique et Evolution, Batiment 362, Université Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay cedex, France.  相似文献   

Cytological observation of microsporogenesis and pollen development of two parents, Xiaoyan 7430 and Yannong 15, and their hybrids were carried out by using squash method in this study. The results show: that microsporogenesis of the two parents, Xiaoyan 7430 and Yannong 15, is normal but their microspores usually aborted at first meiosis in pollen development. The frequency of abortion is higher in the former than the latter. However, the pollen development of which passed through the first meiosis is normal at the 2- or 3-nucleated stage. The rate of setting of both parents is basically normal. The meiosis of pollen mother cell (PMC) of two hybrids of Xiaoyan 7430 × Lumai No.1 and Xiaoyan 7430 × Yannong 15 is quite chaotic. Despite of the high frequency of univalents and multivalents at meiotic MI of PMC, and of micronucleoli in tetrad as well of the laggards at meiotic Al observed, the frequency of abortion of microspore are both at about 10%, similar to that of Xiaoyan 7430, at first meiosis of microspore in the stage of pollen development. Even though the pollen developments are basically normal in the 2- or 3-nucleated stage, but the percentage of setting of two hybrids is 28.24% and 33.82% respectively, apparently lower than that of their parents. The above-mentioned results indicate that although meiosis of PMC of F1 is chaotic, yet normal microspore could be formed and stages of pollen development cart still be carried on. The lower seed setting of F1 is not mainly due to abortion of pollen.  相似文献   

Summary An extensive system of microtubules develops during meiotic prophase in the mossRhynchostegium serrulatum (Hedw.)Jaeg. &Sauerb. Development of the cytoskeleton can be traced to early prophase when the nucleus is acentric and the single plastid divides into four plastids. The cytoskeletal microtubules are associated with equidistant positioning of the four plastids at the distal tetrad poles and with migration of the nucleus to a central position in the sporocyte. The cytoskeleton, which interconnects plastids and encloses the nucleus, contributes to the establishment of moss sporocyte polarity. Just prior to metaphase I evidence of the prophase cytoskeleton is lost as the bipolar metaphase I spindle develops in association with discrete polar organizers located in opposite cleavage furrows between plastids.  相似文献   

The unique cytokinetic apparatus of higher plant cells comprises two cytoskeletal systems: a predictive preprophase band of microtubules (MTs), which defines the future division site, and the phragmoplast, which mediates crosswall formation after mitosis. We review features of plant cell division in an evolutionary context and from the viewpoint that the cell is a domain of cytoplasm (cytoplast) organized around the nucleus by a cytoskeleton consisting of a single "tensegral" unit. The term "tensegrity" is a contraction of "tensional integrity" and the concept proposes that the whole cell is organized by an integrated cytoskeleton of tension elements (e.g., actin fibers) extended over compression-resistant elements (e.g., MTs).During cell division, a primary role of the spindle is seen as generating two cytoplasts from one with separation of chromosomes a later, derived function. The telophase spindle separates the newly forming cytoplasts and the overlap between half spindles (the shared edge of two new domains) dictates the position at which cytokinesis occurs. Wall MTs of higher plant cells, like the MT cytoskeleton in animal and protistan cells, spatially define the interphase cytoplast. Redeployment of actin and MTs into the preprophase band (PPB) is the overt signal that the boundary between two nascent cytoplasts has been delineated. The "actin-depleted zone" that marks the site of the PPB throughout mitosis may be a more persistent manifestation of this delineation of two domains of cortical actin. The growth of the phragmoplast is controlled by these domains, not just by the spindle. These domains play a major role in controlling the path of phragmoplast expansion. Primitive land plants show different morphological changes that reveal that the plane of division, with or without the PPB, has been determined well in advance of mitosis.The green alga Spirogyra suggests how the phragmoplast system might have evolved: cytokinesis starts with cleavage and then actin-related determinants stimulate and positionally control cell-plate formation in a phragmoplast arising from interzonal MTs from the spindle. Actin in the PPB of higher plants may be assembling into a potential furrow, imprinting a cleavage site whose persistent determinants (perhaps actin) align the outgrowing edge of the phragmoplast, as in Spirogyra. Cytochalasin spatially disrupts polarized mitosis and positioning of the phragmoplast. Thus, the tensegral interaction of actin with MTs (at the spindle pole and in the phragmoplast) is critical to morphogenesis, just as they seem to be during division of animal cells. In advanced green plants, intercalary expansion driven by turgor is controlled by MTs, which in conjunction with actin, may act as stress detectors, thereby affecting the plane of division (a response clearly evident after wounding of tissue). The PPB might be one manifestation of this strain detection apparatus.  相似文献   

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