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Root Growth and Water Uptake by Maize Plants in Drying Soil   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Sharp, R. E and Da vies, W. J. 1985. Root growth and water uptakeby maize plants in drying soil.— J. exp. Bot. 36: 1441–1456. The influence of soil drying on maize (Zea mays L.) root distributionand use of soil water was examined using plants growing in thegreenhouse in soil columns. The roots of plants which were wateredwell throughout the 18 d experimental period penetrated thesoil profile to a depth of 60 cm while the greatest percentageof total root length was between 20–40 cm. High soil waterdepletion rates corresponded with these high root densities.Withholding water greatly restricted root proliferation in theupper part of the profile, but resulted in deeper penetrationand higher soil water depletion rates at depth, compared withthe well watered columns. The deep roots of the unwatered plantsexhibited very high soil water depletion rates per unit rootlength. Key words: Maize, roots, water deficit, soil water depletion  相似文献   

介绍了植物木质部汁液收集方法和干旱条件下 ,蒸腾流中碳水化合物、蛋白质、pH等的变化 ,并对这些成分变化在根冠信号传递中的可能作用进行了讨论  相似文献   

植物根冠关系   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
介绍最近15年来植物根、冠关系的定性和定量研究进展,并对根、冠结构与功能的依赖与制约,其对逆境信号的响应、传递与调节及各种描述根冠定量关系的模型进行了分析与讨论,提出植物对水分和养分的高效利用可归结为根、冠结构功能匹配问题的看法.  相似文献   

The dependence of cytokinin accumulation in the shoot apexes of Arabidopsis plants on the delivery of these hormones from the roots was studied. For the estimation of cytokinin content in the cells, the immunohistochemical localization method using antibodies against zeatin riboside was used. Differential conjugation of free cytokinin bases and their ribosides was used to prevent washing of cytokinins during the dehydration process. Root cutting decreased the immunostaining of zeatin in the cells of the shoot apical meristem, thereby supporting the hypothesis about dependence of cytokinin accumulation in these cells on the hormone delivery from the roots. The level of cytokinins in the cells of the shoot apex decreased under the effect of protonophore, indicating the important role of the secondary-active transmembrane transport process of cytokinins in the maintenance of their level in the cells of the shoot apex.  相似文献   

The response of leaf water potential to change in transpirationrate was examined in young soybean and cotton plants. Leaf waterpotential measured 1 h after transpiration became constant followinga change in humidity and was constant over a wide range of transpirationrates in both species. However, leaf water potential was notin equilibrium with flow until 3 h after transpiration becameconstant. At equilibrium an increase in transpiration alwaysresulted in a decrease in leaf water potential. It was alsofound that different responses of equilbrium leaf water potentialto transpiration rate occurred depending on whether transpirationwas altered by changing humidity, light intensity, or leaf area.Low light and decreased leaf area caused lower leaf water potentialsfor a given transpiration rate. These increases in root resistancecorrelated with lower rates of root elongation. The data indicatethat shoot-root interactions are occurring which affect apparentroot resistance to water flow, and complicate interpretationof whole plant data on leaf water potential and transpirationin terms of the flow dependence of root hydraulic characteristics.  相似文献   

Engels  C. 《Annals of botany》1994,73(2):211-219
Maize (Zea mays L.) and spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)were grown in nutrient solution at uniformly high air temperature(20 °C), but different root zone temperatures (RZT 20, 16,12 °C). To manipulate the ratio of shoot activity to rootactivity, the plants were grown with their shoot base includingthe apical meristem either above (i.e. at 20 °C) or withinthe nutrient solution (i.e. at 20, 16 or 12 °C). In wheat, the ratio of shoot:root dry matter partitioning decreasedat low RZT, whereas the opposite was true for maize. In bothspecies, dry matter partitioning to the shoot was one-sidedlyincreased when the shoot base temperature, and thus shoot activity,were increased at low RZT. The concentrations of non-structuralcarbohydrates (NSC) in the shoots and roots were higher at lowin comparison to high RZT in both species, irrespective of theshoot base temperature. The concentrations of nitrogen (N) inthe shoot and root fresh matter also increased at low RZT withthe exception of maize grown at 12 °C RZT and 20 °Cshoot base temperature. The ratio of NSC:N was increased inboth species at low RZT. However this ratio was negatively correlatedwith the ratio of shoot:root dry matter partitioning in wheat,but positively correlated in maize. It is suggested that dry matter partitioning between shoot androots at low RZT is not causally related to the internal nitrogenor carbohydrate status of the plants. Furthermore, balancedactivity between shoot and roots is maintained by adaptationsin specific shoot and root activity, rather than by an alteredratio of biomass allocation between shoot and roots.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Wheat, Triticum aestivum, maize, Zea mays, root temperature, shoot meristem temperature, biomass allocation, shoot:root ratio, carbohydrate status, nitrogen status, functional equilibrium  相似文献   

Root and Shoot Growth of Plants Treated with Abscisic Acid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Young seedlings of Capsicum annum L., Commelina communis L.and maize (Zea mays L.) were subjected to a mild water-stressingtreatment and/or treated with abscisic acid (ABA). Plants rootedin soil received a soil-drying treatment and their leaves weresprayed with a 10–4 M solution of ABA. Plants grown insolution culture were stressed by the addition of polyethyleneglycol (PEG) to the rooting medium and ABA was also added tothe rooting medium, either with or without PEG. The effectsof both treatments on the growth of roots and shoots and theultimate root: shoot dry weight ratio were very similar. Shootgrowth was limited both by water stress and by ABA application;while there was some evidence that mild water stress and/orABA application may have resulted in a stimulation of root growth.More severe water stress reduced the growth of roots but theoverall effect of stress was to increase the ratio of rootsto shoots. Capsicum annum L., Commelina communis L., Zea mays L., water stress, abscisic acid  相似文献   

A Balanced Quantitative Model for Root: Shoot Ratios in Vegetative Plants   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
The vegetative growth of a two-component plant consisting ofroot and shoot only is considered in terms of the transportand utilization of two required substrates, one providing carbonand the other providing nitrogen. The model provides a quantitativescheme for examining how root: shoot ratios depend upon thespecific activities of root and shoot and hence environment.It has been shown that the total shoot activity is proportionalto the total root activity in a plant undergoing steady-stategrowth.  相似文献   

玉米幼苗地上部/根间氮的循环及其基因型差异   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以两个玉米(ZeamaysL.)自交系原引1号(YY1)和综31(Z31)为研究材料,采用盆栽土培的培养方法,在正常供氮(HN,0.15gN/kg干土)和低氮量供应(LN,0.038gN/kg干土)培养条件下对玉米幼苗植株体内氮的循环量及其在地上部/根间的分配量进行了定量地测定、计算。结果表明,在玉米幼苗地上部/根间氮的循环量很高。低氮量供应使玉米幼苗植株吸氮量下降,根中氮的分配比例增加,同时地上部/根间氮的循环量也随之减少。与氮低效自交系Z31相比,氮高效自交系YY1幼苗中地上部/根间的氮循环量大、氮向根的分配量高,因而有利于其根系的生长,表现为根/地上部之比和总根长较高。这可能有利于其中后期对氮素的高效吸收与利用。  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from root tissue of maize plants grown on a modified Knop solution containing 10.9 mM nitrate ± 7.2 mM ammonium were purified on the discontinuous Percoll density gradient with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) added. The presence of PVP allowed separation of several mitochondrial fractions of a different density. Contrary to mitochondria isolated from plants grown in the presence of nitrate alone, revealing only two fractions, the mitochondria from NH4 +/NO3 -plants were distributed in four fractions. Total amount of mitochondria, as well as specific activities of some nitrogen metabolism enzymes and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle enzymes of all mitochondrial fractions, and respiratory activities of two lower density fractions isolated from plants grown on mixed nitrogen were higher in comparison to mitochondria from nitrate-grown plants.  相似文献   

SZANIAWSKI  R. K. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(4):453-459
Helianthus annuus L. plants were grown with the shoots at normalair temperature and with the roots in nutrient solution at 10,20 or 30 °C. The higher the root temperature the greaterthe growth of the leaves, resulting in higher production ofphotosynthates. Irrespective of growth conditions an equilibriumwas established between the maintenance respiratory activityof shoot and roots. A constant proportion of the photosynthateproduced was used in respiration. The results are discussedin relation to a thermodynamic theory of stability of biologicalsystems. It is suggested that changes in energy partition betweenmaintenance and growth, and then in relative growth rates ofshoots and roots during an adaptation period, represent a majorhomeostatic mechanism. shoots, roots, maintenance respiration, growth, relative growth rate, respiration, adaptation, sunflower, Helianthus annuus L.  相似文献   

用'陕单9号'玉米为试材进行分根实验,研究土壤干旱和湿润条件下,土壤容重对玉米单叶水分利用效率(WUEl)和单株水分利用效率(WUEp)的影响.土壤容重分4种处理:低容重(两边容重都为1.20 g/cm3)、中容重(两边容重都为1.33 g/cm3)、高容重(两边容重都为1.45 g/cm3)和混合容重(一边为1.20 g/cm3,另一边为1.45 g/cm3).土壤水分控制在高基质势(-0.17 MPa)和低基质势(-0.86 MPa)两个水平.结果表明,在干旱条件下,WUEl随容重的增大而提高,而WUEp随容重的增大而降低;在湿润条件下,WUEl和WUEp都随容重的增大而提高.相关分析表明,无论是干旱还是湿润条件下,WUEl与土壤机械阻力(Rs)呈正相关;在湿润条件下WUEp与Rs呈正相关,但在干旱条件下WUEp与Rs呈显著负相关.无论是干旱还是湿润条件下,生长在混合容重土壤的植株能维持较高的WUEl和WUEp.因此,土壤水分和容重都会影响植物水分利用效率,并存在交互作用,但土壤水分的作用更大;同时,土壤容重空间变化有利于提高水分利用效率.  相似文献   

Closed or abandoned landfills represent significant land areas, often in or near urban centers, that are potential sites for ecological restoration of native woodlands. But current guidelines in many jurisdictions do not allow for the installation of trees or shrubs above landfill clay caps, although these plants have many environmental, functional, and aesthetic advantages, including a rapid start to community succession. Typical closure procedures for capped landfills include only a grass cover to control moisture infiltration and impede soil erosion. The main concern that limits the application of a woody cover to a closed landfill is that roots may penetrate and weaken the clay cap. As part of a comprehensive experimental program on woodland restoration, we installed 22 tree and shrub species on Staten Island, New York (the Fresh Kills Sanitary Landfill). We found no evidence that roots of the transplanted woody plants penetrate caps used on these landfills. Root growth requirements and dynamics stop penetration of these materials. Anoxic and acidic conditions were found in the sandy subsoil above the cap, as indicated by corrosion patterns on steel test rods. Also, the intensity of mycorrhizal infection on the experimental plants was high in the surface soil and decreased progressively with increasing soil depth. The potential vertical rooting depth during this time period was greater than that occurring over the clay cap. This was shown from data collected on a nearby control site, where seven of the species were installed on an engineered soil lacking a clay barrier layer, and roots of all seven species penetrated deeper than on the landfill. The engineered landfill soils are poor growth media for roots, and below ground constraints that limit restoration on these sites must be addressed.  相似文献   

The effects of soil water regime and wheat cultivar, differing in drought tolerance with respect to root respiration and grain yield, were investigated in a greenhouse experiment. Two spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars, a drought sensitive (Longchun 8139-2) and drought tolerant (Dingxi 24) were grown in PVC tubes (120 cm in length and 10 cm in diameter) under an automatic rain-shelter. Plants were subjected to three soil moisture regimes: (1) well-watered control (85% field water capacity, FWC); (2) moderate drought stress (50% FWC) and (3) severe drought stress (30% FWC). The aim was to study the influence of root respiration on grain yield under soil drying conditions. In the experiment, severe drought stress significantly (p < 0.05) reduced shoot and root biomass, photosynthesis and root respiration rate for both cultivars, but the extent of the decreases was greater for Dingxi 24 compared to that for Longchun 8139-2. Compared with Dingxi 24, 0.04 and 0.07 mg glucose m−2 s−1 of additional energy, equivalent to 0.78 and 1.43 J m−2 s−1, was used for water absorption by Longchun 8139-2 under moderate and severe drought stress, respectively. Although the grain yield of both cultivars decreased with declining soil moisture, loss was greater in Longchun 8139-2 than in Dingxi 24, especially under severe drought stress. The drought tolerance cultivar (Dingxi 24), had a higher biomass and metabolic activity under severe drought stress compared to the sensitive cultivar (Longchun 8139-2), which resulted in further limitation of grain yield. Results show that root respiration, carbohydrates allocation (root:shoot ratio) and grain yield were closely related to soil water status and wheat cultivar. Reductions in root respiration and root biomass under severe soil drying can improve drought tolerant wheat growth and physiological activity during soil drying and improve grain yield, and hence should be advantageous over a drought sensitive cultivar in arid regions.  相似文献   

Partial root drying (PRD) has been shown to stimulate stomatal-closure response and improve water-use efficiency and thus biomass production and grain yield under water deficiency. While most studies focus on above-ground responses to PRD, we examined how root responses contributed to effects of partial root drying. In particular, in two experiments with oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) we investigated whether roots were able to forage for patchily distributed water, and how this affected plant growth compared with uniform watering and alternate watering (in which different parts of the roots receive water alternately). The first pot experiment was carried out in the greenhouse and the second outside under a rain-shelter in which also the watering amount was varied. The results indicate that B. napus roots were able to forage for fixed water patches by selective root placement. In the first experiment with small plants, root foraging was equally effective as enhanced water-use efficiency under alternate watering. Both treatments resulted in about 10% higher shoot biomass compared with uniform watering. Alternate watering generally outperformed uniform watering in the second experiment, but the success depended on the time of harvest and the water supply level. Measurements indicated that only the alternate watering regime effectively reduced stomatal conductance, but lead to a higher shoot biomass only under more severe (50%) rather than under milder water deficiency (70% of a well watered control). Water deficiency strongly reduced leaf initiation rates and leaf sizes in B. napus, but for a given level of water supply the supply pattern (uniform control, fixed patchy or alternate watering) hardly influenced these growth parameters. Although also in the second experiment, the plants selectively placed their roots in the wet parts of the pot, root foraging was not as effective as in the first experiment. Possible reasons for these discrepancies are discussed as well as their implications for the application of PRD effects for crop growth.  相似文献   

DAVIDSON  R. L. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(3):571-577
The dry weights of foliage and roots (excluding stembases) werecompared in a 33x22 factorial experiment with Lolium perenneL. and Trifolium repens L. grown in pots with three nitrogen(0–300 ppm N), phosphorus (0–300 ppm P), and soilmoisture (pF 3.2, pF 2.4, and waterlogged) treatments, eachduplicated. Root/shoot ratios were influenced significantly (P < 0.001)by N, P, and W (soil moisture), but these main effects werequalified by highly significant first-order interactions andsecond-order interactions which included N and P. The lowestR/S ratios occurred where N, P, and W were all non-limiting,and the highest where there was an imbalance of these factors. The explanation suggested is that a decrease in the availabilityof N, P, or W causes an increase in the relative weight of roots,but in the presence of N, P, or W deficiency an increase inany one of these factors causes a further increase in the R/Sratio by increasing the relative efficiency of the foliage.  相似文献   

The bulk polar movement of the plant signaling molecule auxin through the stem is a long-recognized but poorly understood phenomenon. Here we show that the highly polar, high conductance polar auxin transport stream (PATS) is only part of a multimodal auxin transport network in the stem. The dynamics of auxin movement through stems are inconsistent with a single polar transport regime and instead suggest widespread low conductance, less polar auxin transport in the stem, which we term connective auxin transport (CAT). The bidirectional movement of auxin between the PATS and the surrounding tissues, mediated by CAT, can explain the complex auxin transport kinetics we observe. We show that the auxin efflux carriers PIN3, PIN4, and PIN7 are major contributors to this auxin transport connectivity and that their activity is important for communication between shoot apices in the regulation of shoot branching. We propose that the PATS provides a long-range, consolidated stream of information throughout the plant, while CAT acts locally, allowing tissues to modulate and be modulated by information in the PATS.  相似文献   

玉米根、叶质膜透性和叶片水分对土壤干旱胁迫的反应   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:19  
利用大型活动式防雨旱棚 ,人工控制不同土壤含水量 ,全生育期系统研究了轻度及严重土壤干旱胁迫对夏玉米根系活力、叶片相对含水量、离体叶片保水力和根、叶质膜透性的影响 .结果表明 :土壤干旱胁迫下 ,玉米叶片相对含水量下降、离体叶片保水力降低 ;叶片及根系质膜透性上升 ,并且根的质膜透性比叶片上升快 ,根系活力下降 ;在干旱胁迫下 ,根系、叶片质膜透性与叶片相对含水量呈负相关 ,而根系、叶片质膜透性与离体叶片保水力呈显著正相关 ,根系膜透性与叶片膜透性也呈显著正相关 ,维持根系活力与保持较高的叶片含水量有密切关系 .另外 ,由于严重水分胁迫处理的上述特性和充分供水处理差异显著 ,而轻度胁迫和充分供水不显著 ,因此可以认为轻度水分胁迫 ,即土壤含水量为田间持水量的 6 0± 5 %为夏玉米正常生长发育的下限指标 ,可作为制定节水栽培措施的理论依据 .  相似文献   

硝酸盐供应对玉米侧根生长的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
以两个玉米(Zea mays L.)自交系478和Wu312为研究材料,采用琼脂培养方法,研究不同浓度NO-3对侧根生长的影响.结果表明,在外部浓度0.01~1.0mmol/L范围内,NO-3供应能显著增加侧根的长度及根生物量.但当NO-3供应超过1.0 mmo1/L后,侧根长度开始下降.当NO-3供应分别在超过5.0(Wu312)与10(478)mmol/L后,侧根密度显著下降.在10 mmol/LNO-3下,Wu312的侧根生长几乎完全被抑制.而478在20 mmol/L时,侧根密度仍可达到其最大值的30%(主根)~50%(胚根).植株地上部全氮及硝酸盐含量随NO-3供应的增加而升高,二者与侧根长度、侧根密度及冠根比的数学函数关系相同.  相似文献   

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