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The bag‐shelter moth, Ochrogaster lunifer Herrich‐Schaffer (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae), is associated with a condition called equine amnionitis and fetal loss (EAFL) on horse farms in Australia. Setal fragments from O. lunifer larvae have been identified in the placentas of experimentally aborted fetuses and their dams, and in clinical abortions. The gregarious larvae build silken nests in which large numbers cohabit over spring, summer and autumn. The final instars disperse to pupation sites in the ground where they overwinter. Field‐collected O. lunifer larvae, their nests and nearby soil were examined using light and electron microscopy to identify setae likely to cause EAFL and to determine where and how many were present. Microtrichia, barbed hairs and true setae were found on the exoskeletons of the larvae. True setae matching the majority of setal fragments described from equine tissue were found on third to eighth instar larvae or exuviae. The number of true setae increased with the age of the larva; eighth instars carried around 2.0–2.5 million true setae. The exuvia of the pre‐pupal instar was incorporated into the pupal chamber. The major sources of setae are likely to be nests, dispersing pre‐pupal larvae and their exuviae, and pupal chambers.  相似文献   

A major ongoing debate in population ecology has surrounded the causative factors underlying the abundance of phytophagous insects and whether or not these factors limit or regulate herbivore populations. However, it is often difficult to identify mortality agents in census data, and their distribution and relative importance across large spatial scales are rarely understood. Here, we present life tables for egg batches and larval cohorts of the processionary caterpillar Ochrogaster lunifer Herrich-Schäffer, using intensive local sampling combined with extensive regional monitoring to ascertain the relative importance of different mortality factors at different localities. Extinction of entire cohorts (representing the entire reproductive output of one female) at natural localities was high, with 82% of the initial 492 cohorts going extinct. Mortality was highest in the egg and early instar stages due to predation from dermestid beetles, and while different mortality factors (e.g. hatching failure, egg parasitism and failure to establish on the host) were present at many localities, dermestid predation, either directly observed or inferred from indirect evidence, was the dominant mortality factor at 89% of localities surveyed. Predation was significantly higher in plantations than in natural habitats. The second most important mortality factor was resource depletion, with 14 cohorts defoliating their hosts. Egg and larval parasitism were not major mortality agents. A combination of predation and resource depletion consistently accounted for the majority of mortality across localities, suggesting that both factors are important in limiting population abundance. This evidence shows that O. lunifer is not regulated by natural enemies alone, but that resource patches ( Acacia trees) ultimately, and frequently, act together to limit population growth.  相似文献   

A cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) was isolated from the larvae of Thaumetopoea pityocampa and shown to cause an infection of midgut cells. This viral infection revealed several important diagnostic symptoms, including discoloration of the posterior midgut, reduced feeding, and extended development time of the larvae. The virus infection is lethal to Thaumetopoea pityocampa, and with the increasing doses kills the larvae within 4-5 days post infection. Electron microscopy studies showed typical cytoplasmic polyhedral inclusion bodies that are icosahedral, and ranged from 2.4 to 5.3 microm in diameter. Electrophoretic analysis of the RNA genome showed that the virus has a genome composed of 10 equimolar RNA segments with the sizes of 3,907, 3,716, 3,628, 3,249, 2,726, 1,914, 1,815, 1,256, 1,058, and 899 bp, respectively. Based on morphology and nucleic acid analysis, this virus was named Thaumetopoea pityocampa cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (TpCPV), and belongs to the genus Cypovirus, family Reoviridae.  相似文献   

Determining the relative contributions of different ecological factors for herbivore fitness is one key to understanding the ecology and evolution of host plant choice by herbivores. Natural enemies are increasingly being recognized as an important factor: host plants of inferior quality for development may still be used by herbivores if they provide enemy‐free space (EFS). Here we used the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, to experimentally disentangle the effects of natural enemies from the potentially confounding factors of host plant quality, competition and microhabitat. We explored the consequences for both individual components of fitness and total fitness of M. sexta feeding on a typical high quality host plant, tobacco Nicotiana tabacum and a novel, low quality host plant, devil's claw Proboscidea louisianica in an experimental field environment in the presence of a parasitoid natural enemy, Cotesia congregata. Although early larval survival, development and growth rates, final body size and fecundity were all reduced for M. sexta feeding on devil's claw, a high rate of parasitism on tobacco and an absence of parasitism on devil's claw contributed to similar total fitness (net reproductive rate, R0) across the two host plant species. Our results suggest M. sexta has adopted a novel host plant (devil's claw) outside its typical host range because this host plant provides enemy free space. In addition, oviposition behavior of adult female M. sexta appears to be well suited to exploiting the enemy‐free space on devil's claw; oviposition by M. sexta on devil's claw appears to correspond with seasonal variation in parasitoid abundance.  相似文献   

Hodge S  Powell G 《Oecologia》2008,157(3):387-397
Plant viruses modify the development of their aphid vectors by inducing physiological changes in the shared host plant. The performance of hymenopterous parasitoids exploiting these aphids can also be modified by the presence of the plant pathogen. We used laboratory and glasshouse microcosms containing beans (Vicia faba) as the host plant to examine the interactions between a plant virus (pea enation mosaic virus; PEMV) and a hymenopterous parasitoid (Aphidius ervi) that share the aphid vector/host Acyrthosiphon pisum. Neither PEMV-infection of V. faba, nor the carriage of PEMV virions by A. pisum, affected the growth or morphology of the aphid, or the oviposition behaviour and development of A. ervi. The presence of developing Aphidius ervi larvae within Acyrthosiphon pisum did not affect the ability of the aphids to transmit PEMV. However, by reducing their longevity, parasitism ultimately decreased the time viruliferous aphids were able to inoculate plants. In terms of virus dispersal, parasitized aphids exhibited more movement around experimental arenas than unparasitized controls, causing a slight increase in the proportion of beans infected with PEMV. Exposure to adult Aphidius ervi caused Acyrthosiphon pisum to rapidly drop off bean plants and disperse to new hosts, resulting in considerably higher plant infection rates (70%) than that seen in control arenas (25%). The results of this investigation demonstrate that when parasitoids are added to a plant-pathogen-vector system, benefits to the host plant due to reduced herbivore infestation must be balanced against the consequences of parasitoid-induced aphid dispersal and a subsequent increase in the level of plant infection.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The butterfly Melitaea cinxia uses two host plant species in the Åland Islands of south-west Finland. Survey data show that host plant use is spatially variable and that the two species are not used (fed on by M . cinxia larvae) in proportion to their abundances. The pattern of host plant use by M . cinxia has been attributed in part to plant distribution and spatial variation of butterfly oviposition preference.
2. The additional roles that may be played by spatial variation in host plant quality and larval physiology (performance ability) were investigated. Seven years of field survey data and a series of laboratory experiments were used to demonstrate that neither of these variables contributed measurably to the observed pattern of host plant use.
3. Specifically, while there was great variation among individuals in both the performance ability of caterpillars and host plant suitability, the two plant species appeared equally suitable, there was no within-species geographic variation in plant suitability, and there was no evidence for adaptation of caterpillars to the locally used host plants.  相似文献   

Urticating hairs of pine processionary caterpillars are detectable in air using techniques designed for airborne microorganisms and pollen's research. As with pollens, abondance of hairs is correlated with distance of production zone and with local meterological conditions. Collected in Bordeaux, urticating hairs will be considered for allergists as pollens and other allergic particles.  相似文献   

Aconophora compressa is a gregarious, sap-sucking insect that uses multiple host plant species. Nymphal host plant species (and variety) significantly affected nymphal survival, nymphal development rate and the subsequent size and fecundity of adults, with fiddlewood (Citharexylum spinosum) being significantly best in all respects. Nymphs that developed on a relatively poor host (Duranta erecta var “geisha girl”) and which were moved to fiddlewood as adults laid significantly fewer eggs (mean ± SE = 836 ± 130) than those that developed solely on fiddlewood (1,329 ± 105). Adults on geisha girl, regardless of having been reared as nymphs on fiddlewood or geisha girl, laid significantly fewer eggs (342 ± 83 and 317 ± 74, respectively) than adults on fiddlewood. A simple model that incorporates host plant related survival, development rate and fecundity suggests that the population dynamics of A. compressa are governed mainly by fiddlewood, the primary host. The results have general implications for understanding the population dynamics of herbivores that use multiple host plant species, and also for the way in which weed biological control host testing methods should be conducted. Handling Editor: Robert Glinwood  相似文献   

The irritating fraction extracted from processionary caterpillar hairs contains soluble proteins which were separated by various electrophoretic and immuno-electrophoretic techniques. Some of these proteins are present also in cuticle and haemolymph. One protein of 28,000 daltons, formed of two subunits (13,000 and 15,000 daltons) is hair specific and causes a reaction in pig skin identical to that produced by hair extract. It is therefore an urticating protein and which we have named "Thaumetopoein".  相似文献   

Wolbachia is one of the most abundant endosymbionts on earth, with a wide distribution especially in arthropods. Effective maternal transmission and the induction of various phenotypes in their hosts are two key features of this bacterium. Here, we review our current understanding of another central aspect of Wolbachia's success: their ability to switch from one host species to another. We build on the proposal that Wolbachia host shifts occur in four main steps: (i) physical transfer to a new species; (ii) proliferation within that host; (iii) successful maternal transmission; and (iv) spread within the host species. Host shift can fail at each of these steps, and the likelihood of ultimate success is influenced by many factors. Some stem from traits of Wolbachia (different strains have different abilities for host switching), others on host features such as genetic resemblance (e.g. host shifting is likely to be easier between closely related species), ecological connections (the donor and recipient host need to interact), or the resident microbiota. Host shifts have enabled Wolbachia to reach its enormous current incidence and global distribution among arthropods in an epidemiological process shaped by loss and acquisition events across host species. The ability of Wolbachia to transfer between species also forms the basis of ongoing endeavours to control pests and disease vectors, following artificial introduction into uninfected hosts such as mosquitoes. Throughout, we emphasise the many knowledge gaps in our understanding of Wolbachia host shifts, and question the effectiveness of current methodology to detect these events. We conclude by discussing an apparent paradox: how can Wolbachia maintain its ability to undergo host shifts given that its biology seems dominated by vertical transmission?  相似文献   

We examined how light availability influenced the defensive chemistry of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum: Solanaceae). Tomato plants were grown either in full sunlight or under shade cloth rated at 73%. Leaves from plants grown in full sunlight were tougher, had higher concentrations of allelochemicals (chlorogenic acid, rutin and tomatine), and had less protein than leaves from plants grown in shade. We determined how these differences in host plant quality due to light availability affected the behavior and growth of a Solanaceae specialist, Manduca sexta. Both in the greenhouse and in the field, caterpillars on shade-grown plants grew heavier in a shorter amount of time than those on plants that had previously been grown in full sunlight. In contrast, the effects of previous light availability to plants on caterpillar behavior appeared to be minor.To further investigate how light availability to plants influenced herbivore growth, we examined the effects of leaf-powder diets made from tomato leaves of different ages (new, intermediate, or mature) grown in full sunlight or shade on caterpillar performance. Caterpillars fed diets made from plants grown in shade consumed less but grew faster than larvae fed diets made from tomato plants grown in full sunlight. Caterpillars fed diets made from new leaves grew larger in less time than caterpillars fed diets made from intermediate aged leaves. Caterpillars did not survive on the mature leaf powder diets. There were plant-light treatment by larval thermal regime interactions. For example, at 26:15 °C , plant-light treatment had no effect on stadium duration, but at 21:10 °C, stadium duration was prolonged with the full sunlight-new leaf diet compared with the shaded-new leaf diet. In a second diet experiment, we examined the interactive effects of protein and some tomato allelochemicals (rutin, chlorogenic acid and tomatine) on the performance of caterpillars. There were food quality by thermal regime interactions. For instance, at 26:15 °C , neither protein nor allelochemical concentration influenced stadium duration, whereas at 21:10 °C, stadium duration was prolonged with the low protein-high allelochemical diet, which simulated full sunlight leaves. In sum, light availability to plants affected defensive chemistry and protein concentration. The difference in food quality was great enough to influence the growth of a specialist insect herbivore, but the effects were temperature-dependent.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in body condition and immunological variables of animals that harbor parasites may explain patterns of variation in infestation, as well as parasite impact on the host. We emulated such variability in Sundevall's jirds by manipulating food availability and flea infestation in juveniles and adults and examining how these changes affect survival of fleas on their hosts. Body condition of food-restricted jirds deteriorated, but there was no change in their immunological variables. Adult jirds were in better body condition and had higher immunocompetence than juveniles, however there were no significant effects of flea infestation on any of the variables examined. The main effects of flea infestation were a decrease in the response to phytohaemagglutinin injection, and an increase in the negative effects of food restriction on body mass. Flea survival was higher on juveniles, but fleas did not respond to temporal variability in body condition and immunocompetence of the jirds. We concluded that changes in body condition and immune responses due to growth or variability in food abundance are more important than changes caused by the fleas themselves. Flea infestation is more detrimental to jirds when they are not able to compensate for mass loss through increased food consumption.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Anthropogenic increases in nitrogen deposition are impacting terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. While some of the direct ecosystem‐level effects of nitrogen deposition are understood, the effects of nitrogen deposition on plant–insect interactions and on herbivore population dynamics have received less attention. 2. Nitrogen deposition will potentially influence both plant resource availability and herbivore population growth. If increases in herbivore population growth outstrip increases in resource availability, then increases in the strength of density dependence expressed within the herbivore population would be predicted. Alternatively, if plant resources respond more vigorously to nitrogen deposition than do herbivore populations, a decline in the strength of density dependence would be expected. No change in the strength of density dependence acting upon the herbivore population would suggest equivalent responses by herbivores and plants. 3. A density manipulation experiment was performed to examine the effect of nitrogen deposition on the interaction between a host plant, Asclepias tuberosa, and its herbivore, Aphis nerii. Aphid maximum per capita growth rate (Rmax), carrying capacity (K), and the strength of density dependence were measured under three nitrogen deposition treatments. The effect of nitrogen deposition on the relationship among these three measures of insect population dynamics was explored. 4. Simulated nitrogen deposition increased aphid per capita population growth, plant foliar nitrogen concentrations, and plant biomass. Nitrogen deposition caused Rmax and K to increase proportionally, leading to no overall change in the strength of density dependence. In this system, potential changes in the negative feedback processes operating on herbivore populations following nitrogen deposition appear to be buffered by concomitant changes in resource availability.  相似文献   

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