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Changes of cross-correlation histograms (CCH) of impulse trains and of mean interspike intervals (ISI) of monosynaptically connected neurones under changes of interneuronal connection efficiency, neuronal excitability and action on these neurones of independent irregular afferent synaptic inflows, were studied by methods of mathematical and biomathematical modelling of synaptic neuronal interaction (computer-controlled experiment on mollusc neurones). It was shown that statistical of increase of efficiency of monosynaptic excitatory or inhibitory interneuronal connection (amplitude enhancement of corresponding postsynaptic potential) is an increase of the main peak or trough of normalized CCH of impulse trains accompanied by a decrease of mean ISIs of both neurones.  相似文献   

By methods of neuronal interaction modelling--biomathematical (computer controlled experiment on molluscs neurones) and mathematical--in wide physiological ranges of parameters values, characterizing properties and conditions of neurones and synapses functioning, the forms were studied of auto- and cross-correlation histograms of impulse flows of neurones at forward and backward monosynaptic connections between them. Specific form is established of cross-correlation histogram of impulse flows of interconnected neurones in conditions typical of CNS of mammals, when the neurones are subjected to intensive random afferent synaptic bombardment and do not reveal any pace-maker properties. It is also shown that random afferent synaptic bombardment prevents the appearance of excitation reverberation in closed neuronal circuits.  相似文献   

Changes of cross-correlation histograms (CCH) of impulse trains and of mean interspike intervals (ISI) of neurones N1 and N2 with a common monosynaptic excitatory or inhibitory-excitatory input from N3, at changes of efficiency of interneuronal connections, neurone excitability and summate action on them of independent random afferent synaptic inflows were studied by methods of mathematical and biomathematical modelling of neuronal interaction. It was shown that the increase of amplitude of the central peak (trough) of a normalized CCH of N1-N2 accompanied by reduction of mean ISI of N1 and N2, is either a sign of an increase of the amplitude of postsynaptic potentials of N1 and N2 elicited by impulses of the nonrecorded N3 or a sign of an increase of mean ISI of N3.  相似文献   

By mathematical and biomathematical methods of neuronal interaction modelling, changes were studied of cross-correlation histograms (CCH) of impulse flows and of average interimpulse intervals of monosynaptically interconnected neurones, at changes of efficiency of forward and backward connections, of excitability of neurones and of summate action on them of independent random afferent synaptic inflows. It is shown, that a single sign of efficiency increase of monosynaptic excitatory or inhibitory connection between neurones (amplitude increase of the corresponding postsynaptic potential) consists in amplitude increase of the main peak or trough the rated CCH of their impulse flows, followed by a decrease of average interspike intervals of both neurones.  相似文献   

Peculiarities of auto- and cross-correlation histograms of spike trains of polysynaptically (disynaptically) connected neurones were studied by means of mathematical and biomathematical modelling of neuronal interaction (computer controlled experiment with neurones of a mollusc) in wide physiological diapazons of the values of parameters characterizing the properties and conditions of functioning of the neurones and synapses. A comparison was carried out of manifestations of polysynaptic and corresponding monosynaptic connections in auto- and cross-correlation histograms.  相似文献   

Neuronal activity of the visual and sensorimotor cortical areas was simultaneously recorded in intersignal intervals in rabbits with conditioned reflexes to light and sound. ES-1020 computer built cross-correlation (CCH) and autocorrelation (ACH) histograms of impulse activity of the se neurones. Analysis of CCH form, built with a bin of 2 ms gave no convincing proofs of the presence of synaptic connections between neurone of the visual and sensorimotor cortical areas and of influences from a common source with few switchings on interneurones. Analysis of CCH built with bins of 10 and 30 ms, allowed to single out primary and secondary peaks and troughs. Wide primary peaks with the base covering the beginning of the coordinates, were met in 51.9% of cases; wide peaks, greatly shifted relatively to the coordinates beginning,--in 40.9% and trough--in 7.2% of cases. Secondary peaks did not always reproduce the ACH form of impulses trains of recorded neurones. The CCH analysis allowed to suggest two basic mechanisms, eliciting the correlated discharges--action of common input and influence of the neurones of one area on the other through a number of interneurones. It was not always possible to separate these two cases by means of CCH. In a number of cases, a more complicated character of neurones interaction could be suggested.  相似文献   

By means of records of multicellular activity, interneuronal relations and their modifications in two cortical zones (Visual and motor) were studied in cats at different levels of alimentary motivation. For quantitative evaluation of interneuronal relations the statistic method of cross-correlation analysis of impulse trains was used in determining the probability of the appearance of the discharge of one neurone after the impulse of the other one. For groups of neurones in both investigated cortical areas, three-neurones microsystems were singled out and their activity was analyzed by temporal parameters of interaction between neurones at the interval of 120 ms, both within one microarea (intraanalyzer connections) and between microareas of two cortical zones. The correlation of temporal parameters of interneuronal connections (temporal delays in the activity of neuronal pairs) changed depending on spatial localization of neurones and functional condition of the animals. The existence is suggested of "informational" (1-30 ms) and "motivational" (90-120 ms) values of interneuronal relations for interanalyser connections.  相似文献   

By a method of mathematical modelling exogenic stationary random single impulse activity was reproduced of two neurones (N1 and N2), monosynaptically excited by a third one (N3). Value P12, defined from cross-correlation histogram and Cox coefficient beta 12 were used to evaluate the degree of dependence of N1 and N2 impulse trains. Dynamics of P12, beta 12 and of values of P1*, P2* and P3* proportional to corresponding mean interimpulse intervals of N1, N2 and N3, was studied under changes of efficiency of interneuronal connections, neurones excitability and summate action on them of independent random afferent synaptic inflows. It has been shown that the increase (decrease) of P12 or beta 12 accompanied by decrease (increase) of P1* and P2* is a sign of plastic change or N3 discharges frequency, or a sign of plastic changes of the amplitude of excited postsynaptic potentials elicited by these discharges.  相似文献   

Values of correlation coefficients (CC) and forms of cross-correlation functions of impulse activity were studied in neurones recorded with one microelectrode or simultaneously with two sticked together microelectrodes with tangential distance between tips of 70 and 140 mcm. Three main types of cross-correlation functions were singled out differing by peaks form and modes positions. The greatest variety of forms and the greatest percentage of significantly correlated discharges of cellular pairs were found among the neurones recorded with one electrode. Mean CC of cells recorded with one electrode was significantly greater than mean CC of the neurones recorded with two microelectrodes. Comparison of the character of intercellular correlation with amplitudes of recorded spikes showed that discharges of neurones with greater amplitude mainly forestalled discharges of cells with low amplitude.  相似文献   

The action potentials (impulses) produced by pairs of neighboring retinal ganglion cells often show a tendency either to fire in close temporal synchrony or to avoid temporal synchrony. This cross-correlation (a rate of coincidences that differs from that expected by chance) has been exploited as a window into retinal processing, but its possible functional significance has proven elusive. Previous work has failed to show that the coincidences serve as a direct code for visual stimuli. In this analysis it is shown that the coincidences serve neither as a key for reducing variability nor as a key for improving the coding by the individual cells. The residual impulse trains (trains with coincidences deleted) are more variable than the raw impulse trains and provide an inferior coding to that of the raw impulse trains. There is negative correlation between the firing rate of the residual impulse trains and that of the coincidence impulse trains, which is consistent with the lower variance of the raw impulse trains. There is no consistent cross-correlation between the rates of residual impulse trains of cells in pairs showing cross-correlation; however, it is found that this observation does not discriminate among models for generating coincidences.  相似文献   

Changes of crosscorrelation histograms of trains of action potentials and mean interspike intervals of polysynaptically connected neurones were studied by means of mathematical modelling of synaptic neuronal interaction at changes of efficiency of interneuronal monosynaptic connections, at changes of neuronal excitability, and at changes of total action on them of independent disorderly afferent synaptic inflows. Increase of amplitude of the main maximum (minimum) of the normalized crosscorrelation histogram of trains of action potentials accompanied by reduction of mean interspike intervals of both neurones, was shown to be a unsignificant indication of an increase of efficiency of polysynaptic excitatory (inhibitory) connections between the neurones (due to modification of synapses or to a change of the functional state of interneurones).  相似文献   

The multiple unit activity (MUA) from clusters of adjacent neurones in deep layers of the frontal and motor cortex was recorded in alert cats with different levels of alimentary motivation. Up to 7 spike trains were selected from the MUA. Neurones in the local circuits could be divided into 2 groups: large neurones with prevailing divergent characteristics, and small neurones with prevailing convergent characteristics. A 24-hour food deprivation altered the cross-correlation interneuronal connections with a time delay within the range of 2 to 100 ms.  相似文献   

Several investigators of the molluscan nervous system have used TEA, injected into presynptic neurones, to determine whether the connexions made by these neurones are monosynaptic. The increase in spike duration produced by the TEA causes an increase in transmitter release, and hence an increase in the amplitude of the postsynaptic potential if the connexion is direct. If the connexion is indirect, the spike in an intercalated neurone will not be affected by the TEA, and the postsynaptic response will remain constant. Experiments described here show that TEA can cross electrotonic junctions in the gastropod mollusc Planorbis corneus. They also show that each TEA-prolonged presynaptic impulse may produce more than one postsynaptic impulse. A larger postsynaptic potential could therefore be produced by presynaptic injection of TEA in the case of an indirect connexion. This indicates that care must be taken when interpreting the results of experiments using TEA to test for monosynaptic connexions.  相似文献   

By the method of mathematical modelling, stationary irregular exogenous impulse activity of two monosynaptically connected neurones (N1 and N2; excitatory connection) was reproduced. The degree of impulse flows N1 and N2 dependence was estimated by the value P12, proportional to the height of crosscorrelation histogram peak, and by Cox's coefficient beta 12. The dynamics was studied of P12, beta 12 and of values P1* and P2*, proportional to mean interpulse intervals of N1 and N2, at changes of connection efficiency, neurones excitability and of influence of afferent synaptic bombardment on them. The following signs of modification of existing between N1 and N2 monosynaptic excitatory connection were established: 1) change of P12 in direction opposite to that of P1* and P2* change; 2) differently directed changes of beta 12 and P2* of postsynaptic N2.  相似文献   

Antidromic responses of two callosal neurones to a local electrical stimulation of the rabbit sensorimotor cortex may be recorded simultaneously with one microelectrode in the homotopic cortical area. In such recording conditions the relative amplitude of extracellularly recorded action potentials of the two neurones is determined primarily by the distance between these neurones and the electrode's tip. In response to the stimulation of the symmetrical area transcallosal monosynaptic excitation of the callosal neurone may occur; two callosal neurones may exite monosynaptically one and the same recorded neurone. The results suggest the existence of clusters or columns, formed jointly by the bodies and terminals of callosal neurones; a functional interconnection between symmetrical clusters or columns may exist, in particular a positive feedback.  相似文献   

In conditions of stereotaxic fixation, noradrenaline microionophoresis and stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus acted in the same sense on impulse activity of 35 and 37% of the neurones in the reticular formation of satiated rabbits, in joint action increasing the number of cells with distribution of intervals characteristic of alimentary motivational excitation. Microionophoresis of acetylcholine to the neurones of the orbital cortex in freely behaving rabbits reshaped the impulse activity of 57% of cells in accordance with the pattern of discharge activity characteristic of alimentary motivational excitation. Such excitation, natural as well as artificially evoked, widens polychemical properties of the neurones of the reticular formation and, on the contrary, narrows polychemical properties of the nerve cells of the orbital cortex.  相似文献   

In chronic experiments EEG coherence and conjugation of impulse activity were compared of neurones of the visual and sensorimotor areas of rabbits neocortex simultaneously recorded with the same electrodes. Connection was revealed between the presence and properties of conjugated neurones activity and EEG coherence at various frequencies. At correlated neurones activity a greater EEG coherence was observed on frequencies of 3-4,5 Hz than at the independent activity. At the highest level of the EEG coherence the neurones discharged with less delay of one after the other in pairs, and in their synchronization a common source participated more often than at the lowest level of the EEG coherence.  相似文献   

Prominent monosynaptic and disynaptic reflex discharges characterize ipsilateral reflex transmission in the third sacral segment. Convergence upon the motoneurons from the two sides of the body is inhibitory, that through disynaptic paths excitatory. The relative latencies of excitation and inhibition of reflex responses, of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic potentials, and of various aspects of impulse discharge in motoneurons are considered. It is concluded: (1) that a direct (i.e. monosynaptic) action of primary afferent collaterals upon motoneurons is responsible for inhibition of monosynaptic reflex discharge of antagonist motoneurons within a myotatic unit; (2) that the inhibitory postsynaptic potential as described is not the primary agency for monosynaptic reflex inhibition of monosynaptic reflex discharge; (3) that, however, a common causal agent may be responsible for inhibition of reflex discharge and for generation of an inhibitory postsynaptic potential; and (4) that the inhibitory post-synaptic potential may be linked with, or be the agent for, inhibition of soma response.  相似文献   

Manifestation of a monosynaptic excitatory connection in the structure of the cross-correlation histogram was studied on a mathematical model of interneuronal interaction. Specific features of the shape and position of the primary peak on the cross-correlation histogram distinguishing monosynaptic excitation of one neuron by another from monosynaptic excitation of these units by a third neuron are described. The height of the primary peak is shown to change with a change in certain parameters of the model describing mechanisms of action potential generation and synaptic transmission of excitation. The structure of the autocorrelation histogram is shown to be reflected to some extent in the structure of the cross-correlation histogram on either side of the primary peak and to take part in the formation of secondary peaks and troughs.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 348–354, July–August, 1979.  相似文献   

Sciatic nerve lesion in newborn rats is known to cause degeneration of a large number of axotomized motoneurones and spinal ganglion cells. Some of the surviving motoneurones exhibit abnormal firing properties and the projection pattern of central terminals of sensory neurones is altered. We report here on long-term changes in spinal cord reflexes in adult rats following neonatal nerve crush. In acutely spinalized and anaesthetized adult rats 4-6 months old in which the sciatic nerve had been crushed on one side at birth, the tibial nerve, common peroneal nerve or sural nerve were stimulated on the reinnervated and control side and reflex responses were recorded from the L5 ventral spinal roots. Ventral root responses (VRRs) to tibial and peroneal nerve stimulation on the side of the nerve lesion were significantly smaller in amplitude representing only about 15% of the mean amplitude of VRRs on the control side. The calculated central delay of the first, presumably monosynaptic component of the VRR potential was 1.6 ms on the control side while the earliest VRR wave on the side of the nerve lesion appeared after a mean central latency of 4.0 ms that seems too long to be of monosynaptic origin. These results suggest that neonatal sciatic nerve injury markedly alters the physiological properties and synaptic connectivity in spinal cord neurones and causes a marked depression of spinal cord responses to peripheral nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

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