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The tissue-specific expression of cytochrome P-450b and P-450e mRNAs was examined with synthetic 18-mer oligomer probes in the liver, lung, kidney, and testis of control and inducer pretreated adult rats. RNAs homologous to the P-450e probe were detected in trace amounts in control and 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) induced livers and at high levels in livers from phenobarbital (PB) induced animals. P-450e mRNA levels were below detection limits in the other tissues examined, regardless of pretreatment. In contrast, mRNAs homologous to the P-450b oligomer were detected at low levels in control and inducer pretreated lung and testis, and at high levels in PB induced liver. No P-450b mRNAs were detected in these assays in RNA isolates from the kidney or from control or MC pretreated liver. Solution hybridization data indicated that the rat lung contained 9-12%, and the testis, 6-9%, respectively, of the levels of P-450b mRNA measured in the PB induced liver. Results from oligo(dT)-cellulose and poly(U)-affinity experiments indicated that the hepatic mRNAs for P-450b and P-450e were present predominantly in the bound, polyadenylated fraction, whereas the homologous lung and testes P-450b mRNAs predominated in the flow-thru fractions.  相似文献   

We have isolated and analyzed cDNA (designated P-450HP cDNA) clones from a human placenta cDNA library, using the cDNA for rabbit pulmonary cytochrome P-450p-2, a prostaglandin omega-hydroxylase, as a hybridization probe. The cDNA obtained encoded a polypeptide comprising 511 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 58987 Da, and the amino acid sequence similarity with P-450p-2 and rat liver laurate omega-hydroxylase (P-450LA omega) was only about 50%. RNA blot analysis showed that the mRNA hybridizable with the human P-450HP cDNA was inducibly expressed 3-5-fold in rabbit small intestine and lung by gestation, but the expression remained constant in rabbit liver and kidney. This mode of expression was quite different from that of P-450p-2 and P-450LA omega. Interestingly, the mRNA hybridized with the cDNA of P-450HP was found to be expressed in all the human tumor tissues so far examined, in sharp contrast with the facts that almost all the other species of P-450s are known to disappear in the tumor tissues. Taken together, the deduced hemoprotein termed P-450HP dose not seem to be the human counterpart of rabbit P-450p-2 or rat P-450LA omega, and is presumably a new member of the P-450 family including P-450p-2 and P-450LA omega. Furthermore, the corresponding genomic DNA was also cloned and analyzed. The gene of P-450HP spanned 18.8 kb and was separated into 11 exons by 10 introns whose locations were completely different from those of P-450 genes so far determined.  相似文献   

Two isozymes of cytochrome P-450 were partially purified to specific contents of 7.0 and 0.5 nmol/mg of protein, respectively, from placenta of non-smoking women by chromatography on octyl Sepharose, hydroxylapatite, DEAE-cellulose and CM-cellulose. NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase was purified from phenobarbital-induced mouse liver and from human placenta and was combined with cytochrome P-450 and dilauroylphosphatidylcholine to reconstitute the cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase system. Substrates investigated were benzo[a]pyrene, 7-ethoxycoumarin and delta 4-androstene-3,17-dione.  相似文献   

L E Vickery  J T Kellis 《Steroids》1987,50(1-3):29-36
Aromatase cytochrome P-450 (P-450arom) was purified from human placental microsomes. Preparations exhibit a single major band of approximately 55 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and have a specific content of 11-13 nmol P-450/mg protein. The purified enzyme exhibits spectral properties typical of ferric and ferrous forms of cytochromes P-450. Full enzymatic activity can be reconstituted with rabbit liver P-450 reductase, and catalytic characteristics similar to aromatase in microsomes are observed. Rabbit antibodies to purified P-450arom were affinity purified and show high specificity and sensitivity on immunoblots.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a ubiquitous kinase implicated in both insulin action and adipogenesis. To determine how these multiple roles may relate to insulin resistance, we studied the regulation of GSK-3 protein expression and phosphorylation in skeletal muscle and isolated adipocytes from nonobese healthy control (HC), obese control (OC), and obese type 2 diabetic (OT2D) subjects. At baseline there were no differences in the GSK-3 protein expression in adipocytes. OC subjects underwent a 6-mo caloric restriction resulting in a 7% decrease in body mass index (BMI) and a 21% improvement in insulin-stimulated whole body glucose disposal rate (GDR). GSK-3alpha and GSK-3beta expression decreased in adipocytes (P < 0.05), whereas GSK-3alpha protein expression increased in skeletal muscle (P < 0.05). OT2D subjects were treated with troglitazone or metformin for 3-4 mo. After troglitazone treatment GDR improved (P < 0.05) despite an increase in BMI (P < 0.05), whereas metformin had no significant effect on GDR. There was no significant change in GSK-3 expression in adipocytes following troglitazone, whereas both GSK-3alpha and -beta were decreased in skeletal muscle (P < 0.05). Metformin treatment had no significant impact on GSK-3 protein expression in either adipocytes or skeletal muscle. Neither treatment influenced GSK-3 serine phosphorylation in skeletal muscle or adipocytes. These results suggest that there is tissue specificity for the regulation of GSK-3 in humans. In skeletal muscle GSK-3 plays a role in control of metabolism and insulin action, whereas the function in adipose tissue is less clear.  相似文献   

Aromatase cytochrome P-450 (P-450AROM) was partially purified from human placental microsomes by hydrophobic affinity chromatography using Phenyl-Sepharose and ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The resulting preparation had a specific activity of 2 nmol/mg protein with respect to cytochrome P-450 content and displayed a type I difference spectrum upon addition of the substrate androstenedione. When the cytochrome P-450-enriched fractions were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and stained with Coomassie blue, there was an enrichment of two proteins having apparent molecular weights of 50,000 and 55,000. The bands containing these proteins were removed from unstained polyacrylamide gels and injected separately or together into three rabbits. An aliquot of the serum or an immunoglobulin (IgG) fraction prepared from the serum of the rabbit injected with the 55-kDa band or with both the 50- and 55-kDa bands inhibited aromatase activity of human placental microsomes by 80%; this IgG had no effect on 17 alpha-hydroxylase or 21-hydroxylase activities of human fetal adrenal microsomes. In contrast, the serum of the rabbit injected with the 50-kDa band had little capacity to inhibit placental aromatase activity. By immunoblot analysis, it was found that the IgG from the serum of the rabbit immunized with the 55-kDa protein bound specifically to a protein of 55 kDa in human placental microsomes. Monoclonal antibodies were prepared from a hybridoma cell line derived from the spleen cells of mice immunized against the 55-kDa protein. The monoclonal IgG was covalently linked to a Sepharose 4B column and was used for immunoaffinity chromatography of cytochrome P-450AROM. The finding that cytochrome P-450 and the 55-kDa protein were selectively retained by the affinity column and eluted with NaCl (2 M) and glycine (0.2 M, pH 3.0) and that this fraction contained aromatase activity upon reconstitution with purified NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and phospholipid, is indicative that the 55-kDa protein is indeed cytochrome P-450AROM. These findings are also indicative that both the monoclonal and polyclonal IgGs are specific for human cytochrome P-450AROM.  相似文献   

Adipocytes secrete many proteins that regulate metabolic functions. The gene inter-α (globulin) inhibitor H5 (ITIH-5) encodes a secreted protein and is known to be expressed abundantly in the placenta. However, using gene expression profiles data we observed high expression of ITIH-5 in adipose tissue. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that ITIH-5 is strongly expressed in human adipocytes and adipose tissue, and is related to obesity and clinical metabolic variables. ITIH-5 adipose tissue mRNA expression was analyzed with DNA microarray and real-time PCR, and its association with clinical variables was examined. ITIH-5 protein expression was analyzed using western blot. ITIH-5 mRNA expression was abundant in human adipose tissue, adipocytes, and placenta, and higher in subcutaneous (sc) compared to omental adipose tissue (P < 0.0001). ITIH-5 mRNA and protein expression in sc adipose tissue were higher in obese compared to lean subjects (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.001, respectively). ITIH-5 mRNA expression was reduced after diet-induced weight loss (P < 0.0001). ITIH-5 mRNA expression was associated with anthropometry and clinical metabolic variables. In conclusion, ITIH-5 is highly expressed in sc adipose tissue, increased in obesity, down regulated after weight loss, and associated with measures of body size and metabolism. Together, this indicates that ITIH-5 merits further investigation as a regulator of human metabolism.  相似文献   

According to the literature, the multistep reaction mechanism of estrogen biosynthesis proceeds with stereospecific loss of the equatorial 1 beta-, and axial 2 beta-protons. These results were deduced from experiments carried out, either with crude microsomes, or at best with impure enzyme extracts. However, when [1,2- 3H]4-androstene-3,17-dione of known absolute 3H-label distribution was incubated with a reconstituted enzyme system, consisting of homogeneous NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase and highly purified aromatase, we obtained results that can only be logically explained by a trans- and antiparallel elimination reaction of both the axially oriented C-2 beta-, and C-1-alpha protons. We further demonstrate that the reconstituted enzyme has an aromatase activity optimum at pH 7.2, and an apparent Km of 0.66 microM for NADPH and of 0.24 microM for 4-androstene-3,17-dione. Also, the enzyme requires 3 nmoles of NADPH for each nmole of estrogen that is formed.  相似文献   

Expression of the gene encoding metallothionein, a low molecular-weight cysteine-rich, stress-response and metal-binding protein was examined in human adipose tissue. The mRNA for MT-2A, a major metallothionein isoform in humans, was detected in subcutaneous fat using a specific antisense oligonucleotide probe. The level of MT-2A mRNA was significantly higher in a group of obese subjects than in a lean group, paralleling a similar increase in ob mRNA. A two-week period on a diet of 800 calories/day did not lead to any significant change in MT-2 mRNA levels. Separation of mature adipocytes from the cells of the stromal vascular fraction indicated that in human adipose tissue the metallothionein (MT-2A) gene is expressed both in adipocytes and in other cells of the tissue.  相似文献   

Visfatin [pre-beta-cell colony-enhancing factor (PBEF)] is a novel adipokine that is produced by adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and liver and has insulin-mimetic actions. Regular exercise enhances insulin sensitivity. In the present study, we therefore examined visfatin mRNA expression in abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue and skeletal muscle biopsies obtained from healthy young men at time points 0, 3, 4.5, 6, 9, and 24 h in relation to either 3 h of ergometer cycle exercise at 60% of Vo(2 max) or rest. Adipose tissue visfatin mRNA expression increased threefold at the time points 3, 4.5, and 6 h in response to exercise (n = 8) compared with preexercise samples and compared with the resting control group (n = 7, P = 0.001). Visfatin mRNA expression in skeletal muscle was not influenced by exercise. The exercise-induced increase in adipose tissue visfatin was, however, not accompanied by elevated levels of plasma visfatin. Recombinant human IL-6 infusion to mimic the exercise-induced IL-6 response (n = 6) had no effect on visfatin mRNA expression in adipose tissue compared with the effect of placebo infusion (n = 6). The finding that exercise enhances subcutaneous adipose tissue visfatin mRNA expression suggests that visfatin has a local metabolic role in the recovery period following exercise.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with camphor-bound bacterial cytochrome P-450 and processes that alter its spin-state equilibrium and influence its transition to the nonactive form, cytochrome P-420, as well as its renaturation to the native camphor-bound cytochrome P-450. Spermine, a polycation carrying a charge of 4 +, and potassium, a monovalent cation, were shown to differently cause an increase of high-spin content of camphor-bound cytochrome P-450. The spermine-induced spin transition saturates around 75% of the high spin; a further addition of KCl to the spermine-containing sample shifted the spin state to 95% of the high spin. The volume change of these spin transitions as measured by the use of high pressure indicated an excess of -40 mL/mol for the sample containing potassium as compared to that containing spermine. These results suggest that the proposed privileged site for potassium has not been occupied by spermine and that pressure forces both the camphor and the potassium ion from its sites, allowing solvent movement into the protein as well as ordering of solvent by the excluded camphor and potassium. Cytochrome P-420 was produced from cytochrome P-450 by hydrostatic pressure in the presence of potassium, spermine, and cysteine. Potassium cation shows a bigger effect on the stability of cytochrome P-450 than spermine or cysteine, as revealed by a higher value of the pressure of half-inactivation, P1/2, and a bigger inactivation volume change. However, potassium cation did not promote renaturation of cytochrome P-420 to cytochrome P-450 while the presence of spermine did.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fetus-specific expression of a form of cytochrome P-450 in human livers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The developmentally regulated expression of forms of cytochrome P-450, namely, those encoded by lambda HFL33 and NF25 or HLp cDNAs, which were isolated from respective fetal and adult human liver cDNA libraries, was investigated. When EcoRI fragments of cDNA clones of lambda HFL33 and NF25 were used as probes, these probes hybridized with RNA from both fetal and adult human livers. However, when oligonucleotides specific to the coding and 3'-noncoding region of lambda HFL33 (oli-HFL and oli-HFL3', respectively) were used as probes, these probes gave hybridizable bands with RNA from fetal but not adult livers. On the other hand, an oligonucleotide probe specific to the coding region of NF25 and HLp (oli-NF) gave positive bands with RNA only from adult livers. These results indicate that P-450(HFL33) is expressed specifically in fetal livers and that neither P-450NF nor HLp is expressed in fetal livers, but one or both are expressed in adult livers.  相似文献   

Elements controlling tissue-specific expression of the human atrial natriuretic factor gene have been examined in primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiocytes. When a 68-base pair fragment from human atrial natriuretic factor (hANF) 5'-flanking sequence (positions -400 to -333) was placed upstream from the herpes simplex thymidine kinase promoter linked to a bacterial reporter gene (chloramphenicol acetyltransferase), a tissue-specific positive regulatory effect was observed in atrial as well as ventricular cardiocytes but not in nonmyocardial cells. The cis-acting element in this fragment was orientation- and position-dependent. Examination of nuclear protein extracts for the presence of factors capable of interacting with the 5'-flanking sequence of the hANF gene revealed a cardiocyte-specific factor which bound to the 68-base pair fragment. This association was both tissue- and sequence-specific. These findings indicate that a cis-acting element present in the proximal 5'-flanking sequence confers tissue-specific expression upon the hANF gene, possibly through association with a cardiac-specific nuclear protein.  相似文献   

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