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We investigated whether localized 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMRS) using stimulated echoes (STEAM) with a long mixing time (t m) allowed the suppression of the fat signal and detection of lactate in skeletal muscle. The 1H NMRS sequence was first validated in three isolated and perfused rabbit biceps brachii muscles. Spectra were obtained on a wide-bore spectrometer using a dual-tuned probe (1H and 31P). Death was simulated by ceasing the muscle perfusion, which allowed post-mortem changes to be followed. During and after the simulated death, changes in levels of pH and in content of energy-rich compounds were observed with 31P NMRS. Our results showed an inverse linear relationship between pH and lactate in each of the three rabbits (r = 0.93, P < 0.001; r = 0.92, P < 0.01; r = 0.89, P < 0.01) and a decrease in phosphocreatine and concomitant increase in lactate. We then investigated whether this sequence allowed repeated detection of lactate in human soleus muscle during the recovery between periods of intense exercise (force-velocity test, F-v test). Seven subjects mean age 25.1 (SEM 0.8) years participated in this study. Soleus muscle lactate was detected at rest and for 3 min 30 s of the 5-min recovery between periods using a 2.35-T 40-cm bore magnet spectrometer. Arm venous plasma lactate concentration was measured at rest, during the F-v test when the subject stopped pedalling (S1), and at the end of each 5-min recovery between periods (S2). Results showed that the venous plasma lactate concentration at S1 and S2 increased significantly from the beginning of the F-v test to peak anaerobic power (W an,peak) (P < 0.001). The spectra showed that muscle lactate resonance intensity rose markedly when W an,peak was achieved. The muscle lactate resonance intensity plotted as a percentage of the resting value increased significantly at W an,peak compared with submaximal braking forces (P < 0.05). We concluded from these results that localized 1H NMRS using STEAM with a long t m allows suppression of the fat signal and repeated detection of lactate on isolated perfused skeletal muscle in animals and between periods of intense exercise in humans. Accepted: 19 January 1998  相似文献   

The rates of change in intracellular pH during repeated exercise sessions with rest periods was determined by 31 phosphorus-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS). Five long-distance runners and six healthy male subjects as controls performed a 2-min femoral flexion at 20 kg · m · min–1 in a 2.1 T superconducting magnet with a 67-cm bore and repeated this exercise four times with 2-min rest periods intervening. In all cases during exercise the inorganic phosphate (Pi) peak split into two, the earlier increased rapidly (high-pH Pi) and the later (low-pH Pi) increased more slowly. The Pi peaks were separated by a fitting procedure using the least square mean method. The high-pH Pi area during exercise decreased as the number of repeated exercise periods increased, while the low-pH Pi area gradually increased. Although the total Pi area decreased exponentially during the recovery period, the high-pH Pi area decreased first and then the low-pH Pi area reduced gradually. The pH values were estimated from the chemical shift between the phosphocreatine peak and each split peak in the Pi. The high-pH in pooled data ranged from 6.6 to 7.0 during exercise and recovery, while the low pH decreased to 6.2 during exercise. As the number of exercise periods increased, each pH value gradually became less acidic, although there was a tendency to more acidity in the control subjects than in the long-distance runners. In conclusion, it was possible to obtain by non-invasive, continuous31P-MRS, a split pattern of Pi peaks during exercise and there were at least tow different intracellular pH values during exercise, suggesting that each Pi peak might be attributed to the types of muscle fibre recruited.  相似文献   

To investigate the time-course of changes in transverse relaxation time (T2) and cross-sectional area (CSA) of the quadriceps muscle after a single session of eccentric exercise, magnetic resonance imaging was performed on six healthy male volunteers before and at 0, 7, 15, 20, 30 and 60 min and 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 168 h after exercise. Although there was almost no muscle soreness immediately after exercise, it started to increase 1 day after, peaking 1–2 days after the exercise (P<0.01). Immediately after exercise, T2 increased significantly in the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and intermedius muscles (P<0.05) and decreased quickly continuing until 60 min after exercise. At and after the 12th h, a significant increase was perceived again in the T2 values of the vastus lateralis and intermedius muscles (P<0.01) [maximum 9.3 (SEM 2.8)% and 10.9 (SEM 2.2)%, respectively]. The maximal values were exhibited at 24–36 h after exercise. In contrast, the rectus femoris muscle showed no delayed-stage increase. Also, in CSA, an increase after 12 h was observed in addition to the one immediately after exercise in the vastus lateralis, intermedius and medialis and quadriceps muscles as a whole (P < 0.01), reaching the maximal values at 12–24 h after exercise. The plasma creative kinase activity remained unchanged up to 24 h after and then increased significantly 48 h after exercise (P < 0.05). Beginning 12 h after exercise, the subjects whose T2 and CSA increased less than the others displayed a faster decrease in muscle soreness. These results suggested that T2 and CSA displayed bimodal responses after eccentric exercise and the time-courses of changes in them were similar to those in muscle soreness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare rates of substrate oxidation in two protocols of intermittent exercise, with identical treadmill speed and total work duration, to reduce the effect of differences in factors such as muscle fibre type activation, hormonal responses, muscle glucose uptake and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) availability on the comparison of substrate utilisation. Subjects (n = 7) completed 40 min of intermittent intense running requiring a work:recovery ratio of either 6 s:9 s (short-interval exercise, SE) or 24 s:36 s (long-interval exercise, LE), on separate days. Another experiment compared O(2) availability in the vastus lateralis muscle across SE (10 min) and LE (10 min) exercise using near-infrared spectroscopy (RunMan, NIM. Philadelphia, USA). Overall (i.e. work and recovery) O(2) consumption (VO(2)) and energy expenditure were lower during LE (P < 0.01, P < 0.05, respectively). Overall exercise intensity, represented as a proportion of peak aerobic power (VO2(peak)), was [mean (SEM)] 64.9 (2.7)% VO2(peak) (LE) and 71.4 (2.4)% VO2(peak) (SE). Fat oxidation was three times lower (P < 0.01) and carbohydrate oxidation 1.3 times higher (P < 0. 01) during LE, despite the lower overall exercise intensity. Plasma lactate was constant and was higher throughout exercise in LE [mean (SEM) 5.33 (0.53) mM, LE; 3.28 (0.31) mM, SE; P < 0.001)]. Plasma pyruvate was higher and glycerol was lower in LE [215 (17) microM, 151 (13) microM, P < 0.05, pyruvate; 197 (19) microM, 246 (19) microM, P < 0.05, glycerol]. There was no difference between protocols for plasma NEFA concentration (n = 4) or plasma noradrenaline and adrenaline. Muscle oxygenation declined in both protocols (P < 0.001), but the nadir during LE was lower [52.04 (0. 60)%] compared to SE [61.85 (0.51)%; P < 0.001]. The decline in muscle oxygenation during work was correlated with mean lactate concentration (r = 0.68; P < 0.05; n = 12). Lower levels of fat oxidation occurred concurrent with accelerated carbohydrate metabolism, increases in lactate and pyruvate and reduced muscle O(2) availability. These changes were associated with proportionately longer work and recovery periods, despite identical treadmill speed and total work duration. The proposal that a metabolic regulatory factor within the muscle fibre retards fat oxidation under these conditions is supported by the current findings.  相似文献   

To assess exercise energy metabolism of forearm flexor muscles in rowers, six male student rowers and six control subjects matched for age and sex were studied using phosphorus-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS). Firstly, to adjust for the effect of differences in cross-sectional muscle area, the maximal cross-sectional area (CSAmax) of the forearm flexor muscles was estimated in each individual using magnetic resonance imaging. Multistage exercise was then carried out with an initial energy production of 1 J.cm-2 CSAmax for 1 min and an increment of 1 J.cm-2 CSAmax every minute to the point of muscle exhaustion. A series of measurements of 31P-MRS were performed every minute. The CSAmax was significantly greater in the student rowers than in the control subjects [19.8 (SD 2.2) vs 17.1 (SD 1.2) cm2, P less than 0.05]. The absolute maximal exercise intensity (J.min-1) was greater in the rowers than in the control subjects. However, the maximal exercise intensity per unit of muscle cross sectional area (J.min-1.cm-2) was not significantly different between the two groups. During mild to moderate exercise intensities, a decrease in phosphocreatine and an increase in inorganic phosphate before the onset of acidosis were significantly less in the rowers, indicating a requirement of less adenosine 5'-diphosphate to drive adenosine 5'-triphosphate production. The onset of acidosis was also significantly delayed in the rowers. No difference was observed in forearm blood flow between the two groups at the same exercise intensity (J.min-1.cm-2).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine the effects of endurance training on glycogen kinetics during exercise. A new model describing glycogen kinetics was applied to quantitate the rates of synthesis and degradation of glycogen. Trained and untrained rats were infused with a 25% glucose solution with 6-3H-glucose and U-14C-lactate at 1.5 and 0.5 μCi · min−1 (where 1 Ci = 3.7 × 1010 Bq), respectively, during rest (30 min) and exercise (60 min). Blood samples were taken at 10-min intervals starting just prior to isotopic infusion, until the cessation of exercise. Tissues harvested after the cessation of exercise were muscle (soleus, deep, and superficial vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius), liver, and heart. Tissue glycogen was quantitated and analyzed for incorporation of 3H and 14C via liquid scintillation counting. There were no net decreases in muscle glycogen concentration from trained rats, whereas muscle glycogen concentration decreased to as much as 64% (P < 0.05) in soleus in muscles from untrained rats after exercise. Liver glycogen decreased in both trained (30%) and untrained (40%) rats. Glycogen specific activity increased in all tissues after exercise indicating isotope incorporation and, thus, glycogen synthesis during exercise. There were no differences in muscle glycogen synthesis rates between trained and untrained rats after exercise. However, training decreased muscle glycogen degradation rates in total muscle (i.e., the sum of the degradation rates of all of the muscles sampled) tenfold (P < 0.05). We have applied a model to describe glycogen kinetics in relation to glucose and lactate metabolism during exercise in trained and untrained rats. Training significantly decreases muscle glycogen degradation rates during exercise. Accepted: 22 May 1998  相似文献   

To assess muscle metabolism and inorganic phosphate (Pi) peak splitting during exercise, 31-phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed during ramp incremental and submaximal step exercise with and without circulatory occlusion. Seven healthy men performed calf flexion in a superconducting magnet. There was no Pi splitting during ramp incremental exercise with the circulation present and phosphocreatine (PCr) decreased linearly by 0.07 (SEM 0.01) mmol · l−1 · s−1, while exercise with the circulation occluded caused the Pi peak to split into a high and a low pH peak. The rate of PCr decrease during exercise with the circulation occluded was 0.15 (SEM 0.03) mmol · l−1 · s−1 which with the efficiency of the adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis reaction corresponded well to the mechanical energy. Both with and without occlusion of the circulation PCr decreased with some time lag which may reflect the consumption of residual oxygen. In submaximal step exercise PCr decreased exponentially at the onset of exercise with the circulation open whereas it decreased linearly by 0.15␣mmol · l−1 · s−1 when the circulation was occluded. After exercise, occlusion of the circulation was maintained for 1 min more and there was no PCr resynthesis. It is suggested that ATP synthesis was limited by the availability of oxygen. Accepted: 14 August 1996  相似文献   

Purinergic receptors are present in most tissues and thought to be involved in various signalling pathways, including neural signalling, cell metabolism and local regulation of the microcirculation in skeletal muscles. The present study aims to determine the distribution and intracellular content of purinergic receptors in skeletal muscle fibres in patients with type 2 diabetes and age-matched controls. Muscle biopsies from vastus lateralis were obtained from six type 2 diabetic patients and seven age-matched controls. Purinergic receptors were analysed using light and confocal microscopy in immunolabelled transverse sections of muscle biopsies. The receptors P2Y(4), P2Y(11) and likely P2X(1) were present intracellularly or in the plasma membrane of muscle fibres and were thus selected for further detailed morphological analysis. P2X(1) receptors were expressed in intracellular vesicles and sarcolemma. P2Y(4) receptors were present in sarcolemma. P2Y(11) receptors were abundantly and diffusely expressed intracellularly and were more explicitly expressed in type I than in type II fibres, whereas P2X(1) and P2Y(4) showed no fibre-type specificity. Both diabetic patients and healthy controls showed similar distribution of receptors. The current study demonstrates that purinergic receptors are located intracellularly in human skeletal muscle fibres. The similar cellular localization of receptors in healthy and diabetic subjects suggests that diabetes is not associated with an altered distribution of purinergic receptors in skeletal muscle fibres. We speculate that the intracellular localization of purinergic receptors may reflect a role in regulation of muscle metabolism; further studies are nevertheless needed to determine the function of the purinergic system in skeletal muscle cells.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of exhausting exercise and exercise training on skeletal muscle mitochondrial membrane fluidity and lipid peroxidation in rats. The first part of the study involved 60 untrained rats divided into six equal groups. Of the total number 10 rats were sedentary and acted as controls. The remaining 50 rats exercised to exhaustion and were sacrificed at 0-h, 24-h, 48-h, 72-h, and 96-h post-exercise. The second part of the study involved 40 rats which were divided into four equal groups. Of these 10 rats were sedentary and acted as controls. The remaining 30 rats underwent 8 weeks of exercise training. They were then subjected to a single period of exhausting exercise and were sacrificed at 0-h, 24-h and 48-h post-exercise. Membrane fluidity was measured using the fluorescence polarization method. Lipid peroxidation was estimated by determining the thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in mitochondria. In the untrained rats, mitochondrial fluorescence polarization and TBARS contents were significantly increased post-exercise compared with the sedentary controls (P < 0.05). They did not return to near control levels until 96 h and 48 h, respectively. In the trained rats, fluorescence polarization was raised compared with the sedentary controls but this was significantly lower than those measured at the same times of the untrained group post-exercise (P < 0.05). Exhausting exercise decreased membrane fluidity and increased lipid peroxidation in rat skeletal muscle mitochondria. These effects were relieved to some extent by exercise training.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the time courses of intracellular pH and the metabolism of phosphocreatine (PCr) and inorganic phosphate (P) at the onset of four exercise intensities and recoveries. Non-invasive evaluation of continuous changes in phosphorus metabolites has become possible using31P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS). After measurements at rest, six healthy male subjects performed 4 min of femoral flexion exercise at intensities of 0 (loadless), 10, 20 and 30 kg · m · min–1 in a 2.1 T superconducting magnet with a 67-cm bore. Measurements were continuously made during 5 min of recovery. During a series of rest-exercise-recovery procedures,31P-MRS were accumulated using 32 scans · spectrum–1 requiring 12.8 s each. At the onset of exercise, PCr decreased exponentially with a time constant of 27–32 s regardless of the exercise intensity. The time constant PCr resynthesis during recovery was about 27–40 s. The PCr kinetics were independent of exercise intensity. There were similar Pi kinetics at the onset of all types of exercise, while those of Pi recovery became significantly longer at the higher exercise intensities (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the intracellular pH indicated temporary alkalosis just at the onset of exercise, probably due to absorption of hydrogen ions by PCr hydrolysis, and then decrease at a point about 40%–50% of the preexercise PCr. The pH recovery time was longer than that for the Pi or PCr kinetics. By using a more efficient resolution system it was possible to obtain the phosphorus kinetics during exercise and to follow PCr resynthesis within the first few minutes of recovery. From our results it was concluded that in general the time course of PCr and Pi metabolism were unaffected by the exercise intensity, both at the onset of exercise and during recovery, with the exception of Pi recovery.  相似文献   

The effect of chronic hypobaric hypoxia (1/2 atmospheric pressure) on high energy phosphate (HEP) compounds was investigated in slow (soleus; SOL) and fast twitch (extensor digitorum longus; EDL) muscle from 3 strains of mice with large differences in hypoxic exercise tolerance (HET). Phosphocreatine concentration ([PCr]) decreased 16–29% following hypoxia in EDL and SOL in all strains, while [ADP] and [AMP] increased. In the EDL, HET was negatively correlated with the PCr/ATP ratio and positively correlated with the ATP/Pi ratio. The free energy of ATP hydrolysis (ΔGobs) remained constant despite the substantial changes that occurred in HEP profiles. The alteration of HEP set points and preservation of ΔGobs are consistent with the notion that (1) maximal rates of steady-state ATP turnover are reduced under hypoxia, and (2) HEP perturbations during rest to work transitions are reduced in skeletal muscle from hypoxia acclimated animals. We therefore expected a lower phosphorylation ratio of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK-P/AMPK) during stimulation in hypoxic acclimated animals. However, neither the resting nor stimulated AMPK-P/AMPK was influenced by hypoxia, although there were significant differences among strains.  相似文献   

Adaptation of skeletal muscle to repeated bouts of endurance exercise increases aerobic capacity and improves mitochondrial function. However, the adaptation of human skeletal muscle mitochondrial proteome to short‐term endurance exercise training has not been investigated. Eight sedentary males cycled for 60 min at 80% of peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) each day for 14 consecutive days, resulting in an increase in VO2peak of 17.5±3.8% (p<0.01). Mitochondria‐enriched protein fractions from skeletal muscle biopsies taken from m. vastus lateralis at baseline, and on the morning following the 7th and 14th training sessions were subjected to 2‐D DIGE analysis with subsequent MS followed by database interrogation to identify the proteins of interest. Thirty‐one protein spots were differentially expressed after either 7 or 14 days of training (ANOVA, p<0.05). These proteins included subunits of the electron transport chain, enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, phosphotransfer enzymes, and regulatory factors in mitochondrial protein synthesis, oxygen transport, and antioxidant capacity. Several proteins demonstrated a time course‐dependent induction during training. Our results illustrate the phenomenon of skeletal muscle plasticity with the extensive remodelling of the mitochondrial proteome occurring after just 7 days of exercise training suggestive of enhanced capacity for adenosine triphosphate generation at a cellular level.  相似文献   

The quantitative analysis of haemoglobin oxygenation of contracting human muscle during weight-lifting exercise was studied noninvasively and directly using near-infrared spectroscopy. This method was developed as a three-wavelength method which confirmed the volume changes in oxygenated haemoglobin (oxy-Hb), deoxygenated haemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) and blood volume (total-Hb; Oxy-Hb + deoxy-Hb). Nine healthy adult men with various levels of training experience took part in the study. Ten repetition maximum (10 RM) one-arm curl exercise was performed by all the subjects. Results showed that at the beginning of the 10-RM exercise, rapid increases of deoxy-Hb and decreases of oxy-Hb were observed. In addition, total-Hb gradually increased during exercise. These results corresponded to the condition of arm blood flow experimentally restricted using a tourniquet in contact with the shoulder joint, and they showed the restriction of venous blood flow and an anoxic state occurring in the dynamically contracted muscle. In three sets of lifting exercise with short rest periods, these tendencies were accelerated in each set, while total-Hb volume did not return to the resting state after the third set for more than 90 s. These results would suggest that a training regimen emphasizing a moderately high load and a high number of repetitions, and a serial set with short rest periods such as usually performed by bodybuilders, caused a relatively long-term anoxic state in the muscle.  相似文献   

The changes in 16 cerebral metabolites produced by cardiac arrest and subsequent room temperature autolysis were studied using high-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Biopsies of rabbit cerebral cortex, cerebral white matter, and cerebellum were quantitatively analyzed for acetate, alanine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, creatine, glutamate, glycine, inositol, lactate, N-acetylaspartate, phosphocreatine, succinate, taurine, and threonine. Of these, N-acetylaspartate and the total creatine pool are the best candidates for use as concentration reference standards linking in vitro to in vivo 1H nuclear magnetic resonance measurements. Both changed little immediately after death, and they varied in a distinctive way among cortex, white matter, and cerebellum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether long-term, heavy resistance training would cause adaptations in rat skeletal muscle structure and function. Ten male Wistar rats (3 weeks old) were trained to climb a 40-cm vertical ladder (4 days/week) while carrying progressively heavier loads secured to their tails. After 26 weeks of training the rats were capable of lifting up to 800 g or 140% of their individual body mass for four sets of 12–15 repetitions per session. No difference in body mass was observed between the trained rats and age-matched sedentary control rats. Absolute and relative heart mass were greater in trained rats than control rats. When expressed relative to body mass, the mass of the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles was greater in trained rats than control rats. No difference in absolute muscle mass or maximum force-producing capacity was evident in either the EDL or soleus muscles after training, although both muscles exhibited an increased resistance to fatigue. Individual fibre hypertrophy was evident in all four skeletal muscles investigated, i.e. EDL, soleus, plantaris and rectus femoris muscles of trained rats, but muscle fibre type proportions within each of the muscles tested remained unchanged. Despite an increased ability of the rats to lift progressively heavier loads, this heavy resistance training model did not induce gross muscle hypertrophy nor did it increase the force-producing capacity of the EDL or soleus muscles. Accepted: 17 September 1997  相似文献   

Increased atypical PKC activity in endurance-trained human skeletal muscle   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Exercise training may modulate protein content and enzyme activities in skeletal muscle. However, it is not known whether atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) is affected by training. Thus, we investigated aPKC, extracellular-regulated protein kinase 1/2 (ERK 1/2), and P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (P38 MAPK) activities and expression in skeletal muscle from untrained and endurance-trained subjects at rest and after 20min of cycle exercise (80% of VO(2peak)). Activities of aPKC (P<0.05) and ERK 1/2 (P=0.06), but not phosphorylation of P38 MAPK, were higher in trained than in sedentary subjects at rest. Exercise increased the activities of ERK 1/2 (P<0.01) and aPKC (P<0.05) and the phosphorylation (Thr180/Tyr182) of P38 MAPK (P<0.01) similarly in muscle from trained and sedentary subjects. Protein expression of the kinases was similar in trained and sedentary muscle. The increased aPKC activity in exercise-trained subjects could be important in explaining the enhanced insulin action in these individuals.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as important players in the regulation of gene expression, being involved in most biological processes examined to date. The proposal that miRNAs are primarily involved in the stress response of the cell makes miRNAs ideally suited to mediate the response of skeletal muscle to changes in contractile activity. Although the field is still in its infancy, the studies presented in this review highlight the promise that miRNAs will have an important role in mediating the response and adaptation of skeletal muscle to various modes of exercise. The roles of miRNAs in satellite cell biology, muscle regeneration, and various myopathies are also discussed.  相似文献   

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