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Summary The paired copulatory stylets of the hermaphroditicMicrophthalmus cf.listensis are hard cone-shaped tubes with a syringe-like distal opening and a cuff-like lower edge and surround the external openings of the two ejaculatory ducts. They each lie in a deeply invaginated epidermal fold and are attached basally to an elongated muscle bulb, which is composed of a number of disc-like muscle cells. A prominent gland is situated behind the stylets. Transfer of sperm into the partner occurs probably by mechanical hypodermal injection. Hereby, the epidermal folds are protruded as small sacks, pulling out the stylets. The development of the entire male genital apparatus occurs in autumn when the animals have about 16 setigerous segments. During this differentiation, two elongated papillae arise. They consist of various well defined cells, some of which border a central ciliated lumen. The stylet tubes arise by transformation of the at first normal cuticle of these papillae into a hard electron-dense wall.
Zusammenfassung Die beiden paarigen Kopulationsstilette des zwittrigenMicrophthalmus cf.listensis sind feste, tütenförmige Röhren mit einer spitzen distalen Öffnung und einer manschettenförmigen unteren Kante. Sie liegen in je einer tief in den Körper hineinziehenden Epidermisfalte und umgeben die Endabschnitte der beiden Ductus ejaculatorii. Basal sind sie an je einem länglichen Muskelkörper befestigt, der aus scheibenförmigen Elementen zusammengesetzt ist. Hinter dem Stilett befindet sich eine Drüse. Das Sperma wird wahrscheinlich mechanisch hypodermal in den Geschlechtspartner injiziert. Die Epidermisfalten sind hierbei sackförmig ausgestülpt und die Stilette dabei nach außen gezogen. Die Entwicklung des gesamten männlichen Geschlechtsapparates erfolgt im Herbst, wenn die Tiere ungefähr 16 Borstensegmente besitzen. Hierbei bilden sich im 3. Borstensegment zwei längliche Papillen. Sie bestehen aus verschiedenen, gut zu unterscheidenden Zellen, von denen einige um ein zentrales bewimpertes Lumen angeordnet sind. Durch Umwandlung der zunächst normalen Kutikula dieser Papille zu einer elektronendichten festen Wand entsteht die Stilettröhre.

Localization of metallothionein in the genital organs of the male rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied the immunohistological localization of metallothionein (MT), a low molecular weight metal binding protein, in male rat genital organs (testis, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, seminal vesicle, coagulating gland, and prostate) by use of the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method. MT concentrations in testis, seminal vesicle, and prostate ranged from 15-30 micrograms/g tissue. In testis, seminiferous tubules with mature spermatozoa exhibited weak MT staining, whereas the tubules containing differentiating spermatogenic cells but not containing spermatozoa showed strong MT staining. No MT immunostaining was observed in Leydig cells. In growing rat testes, the pattern of MT immunostaining was found to change with development: MT was found in supporting cells only on Day 7, spermatogonia adjacent to basement membrane on Day 14, and spermatocytes localized in the central part of the tubules on Day 21. Strong MT immunostaining in the basal cells was a common feature in other genital tissues, except the ductus efferentes. In prostate, the strongest MT staining was found in the lateral lobe, and MT was localized in apocrine secretions in the dorsal lobe. The present results suggest a close association of MT with cell proliferation and differentiation, as well as possible involvement of MT in supply or storage of zinc ions.  相似文献   

P2X receptor immunoreactivity in the male genital organs of the rat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distribution of ATP ionotropic P2X receptors in the genital organs of the male rat has been investigated with immunohistochemical techniques using specific antibodies to P2X1-7 receptors. In the excretory ducts of the testis (ductus epididymidis, vas deferens and its associated seminal vesicles), the major signals were seen with antibodies to P2X1 and P2X2 in the membranes of the smooth muscle layer, suggesting that these receptors are involved in the process of sperm transport and ejaculation. In the penis body, strong P2X1 and weaker P2X2 immunoreactivity was seen in the smooth muscle of blood vessels and the corpus cavernosum, suggesting a participation in the detumescence process. P2X5 immunoreactivity, a marker for differentiating cells in stratified squamous epithelia, was observed in the epithelia of the terminal urethra, the "horny spur" (spine-studded epithelium of the glans) and the inner surface of the prepuce. Antibodies to P2X3 reacted with nerve fibres in the adventitia of vas deferens, and the P2X6 receptor was localised in the basal lamina of the epithelium. In the prostate, there was immunostaining of the smooth muscle between the tubules with antibody for P2X1, but not with P2X2; P2X3 immunostaining of nerves and strong P2X7 immunostaining of the glandular epithelium of the prostate were also present.  相似文献   

The chronology and dynamics of the female germ cell development, of the mitotic activity of oogonia, and of the chromosome rearrangements at prophase I of meiosis have been quantitatively estimated in 30 cow embryos and foetuses at the age of 1.5 to 9 months. The sexual differentiation of the gonads was shown in a 1.5 month old embryo. The oocytes at the stages of preleptotene chromosome condensation and decondensation occurred in the 1.5 month old embryos and their maximum number was observed in the 2-5 month old foetuses. The leptotene oocytes were found in the 2-2.5 month old foetuses. The transition to zygotene and pachytene was also recorded in the 2-2.5 month old foetuses but their maximum number was observed in the 4-6 month old foetuses; their number was reduced to single oocytes thereafter. The first diplotene oocytes appeared in the 3 month old foetuses but the active transition of the oocytes to diplotene was observed after four months of development. The formation of a layer of follicle cells takes place around the diplotene oocytes. The vast majority of degenerating germ cells are the oocytes in zygotene-pachytene and in diplotene. The population of germ cells is formed by the mitotic division of oogonia in the cow foetuses, mainly at the age of 1.5 to 4 months of development.  相似文献   

The effect of the oral administration of megestrol acetate (MA; 17 alpha-acetoxy-6-dehydro-6-methylprogesterone) for 30 days at a dose of 40 mg/kg body weight/day on the genital organs and fertility of male rats was studied. MA had no effect on spermatogenesis or the fertility of the animals. However, the weights of the genital organs were significantly reduced (p less than .05) and pituitary gonadotropin levels were significantly increased (p less than .01). These alterations were reversed after cessation of treatment. Although MA and testosterone propionate each increase seminal vesicle weight, their combined administration significantly decreased seminal vesicle and ventral prostate weight (p less than .01). The significance of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

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