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The convulsions of approximately 25% of epileptics are inadequately controlled by currently available medication; therefore the preparation of new antiepileptic drugs is of great interest. Aryl semicarbazones can be considered a new class of compounds presenting anticonvulsant activity. In addition, they can be orally administered and are more active as anticonvulsants than mephenytoin or phenobarbital. However, one disadvantage of these compounds is their low water solubility. As a strategy to circumvent this problem, a 1:1 inclusion compound of benzaldehyde semicarbazone (BS) and hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD) was prepared and characterized. The anticonvulsant activities of the free semicarbazone and of the inclusion compound were evaluated in rats using the maximum electroshock and audiogenic seizures screenings. In both tests the minimum dose of compound necessary to produce activity decreases from 100mg/kg for the free semicarbazone to 35 mg/kg for the inclusion compound, indicating a significant increase in the bio-availability of the drug.  相似文献   

Tominaga K  Pereira-Smith OM 《Gene》2002,294(1-2):215-224
MORF4 (mortality factor on chromosome 4) and the novel related MRG (MORF4-related gene) gene family were identified when MORF4 was shown to induce senescence in a subset of tumor cell lines. The gene on chromosome 15 (MRG15) has high similarity to Drosophila MSL3, which is a component of the dosage compensation complex. MRG15 also has a chromodomain and may therefore function as a chromatin remodeling factor in a complex(es) involving a histone acetyltransferase, similar to MSL3. To complement our studies on human MRG15, we cloned and characterized the mouse MRG15 gene. Mouse MRG15 is expressed ubiquitously in adult tissues and at various embryonic stages, and expression in adult testis is higher than in other tissues. MRG15-b, which is an alternatively spliced form of MRG15-a and has a 39-amino-acid insertion in the chromodomain, is also expressed in all mouse tissues examined and localizes to the nucleus of cells. It is possible that MRG15-b may lack the function of the chromodomain because of the additional amino acids and could potentially be the equivalent of the human MORF4 in the mouse. The mouse MRG15 gene is composed of twelve exons and spans over 24 kb DNA. Using luciferase constructs we have determined that there is a functional promoter sequence 1.8 kb upstream of the ATG start codon. This region contains no TATA box but has GC-rich regions, consistent with the ubiquitous expression we have observed.  相似文献   

RASL11B is a member of the small GTPase protein family with a high degree of similarity to RAS proteins. Cloning of RASL11B mRNA and in silico analyses revealed that the human RASL11B gene spans about 4.5 kb and comprises four exons on chromosomal locus 4q12. The proximal 5'-flanking region of the gene lacks a TATA box but is GC-rich and contains a CCAAT box and several Sp1 sites. Consistent with this, the RASL11B gene was found to be expressed in all tissues investigated, with highest levels in placenta and in primary macrophages. The predicted RASL11B protein has no typical prenylation signal, indicating that it is probably not anchored to cellular membranes. RASL11B was induced during maturation of THP-1 monocytic cells into macrophage-like cells and in coronary artery smooth muscle cells after treatment with TGF-beta1. These results indicate that RASL11B may play a role in TGF-beta1-mediated developmental processes and in pathophysiologies such as inflammation, cancer, and arteriosclerosis.  相似文献   



Familial atrial fibrillation, an autosomal dominant disease, was previously mapped to chromosome 10q22. One of the genes mapped to the 10q22 region is DLG5, a member of the MAGUKs (Membrane Associated Gyanylate Kinase) family which mediates intracellular signaling. Only a partial cDNA was available for DLG5. To exclude potential disease inducing mutations, it was necessary to obtain a complete cDNA and genomic sequence of the gene.  相似文献   

Our laboratory recently reported that mutations in the human I-kappaB kinase-associated protein (IKBKAP) gene are responsible for familial dysautonomia (FD). Interestingly, amino acid substitutions in the IKAP correlate with increased risk for childhood bronchial asthma. Here, we report the cloning and genomic characterization of the mouse Ikbkap gene, the homolog of human IKBKAP. Like its human counterpart, Ikbkap encodes a protein of 1332 amino acids with a molecular weight of approximately 150 kDa. The Ikbkap gene product, Ikap, contains 37 exons that span approximately 51 kb. The protein shows 80% amino acid identity with human IKAP. It shows very high conservation across species and is homologous to the yeast Elp1/Iki3p protein, which is a member of the Elongator complex. The Ikbkap gene maps to chromosome 4 in a region that is syntenic to human chromosome 9q31.3. Because no animal model of FD currently exists, cloning of the mouse Ikbkap gene is an important first step toward creating a mouse model for FD. In addition, cloning of Ikbkap is crucial to the characterization of the putative mammalian Elongator complex.  相似文献   

Vitamin C is known to exist in particularly high concentrations in brain tissue, and its free radical scavenging function is thought to represent a major antioxidative defense system. We have cloned, sequenced and analyzed the genomic structure of a mouse sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter gene, Slc23a1 (also known as Svct2). The mouse Slc23a1 cDNA is 6.4 kb long and was cloned directly from a mouse brain RNA preparation. Hybridization screening of a mouse genomic BAC library identified BAC 53L21 which contains at least the entire coding sequence of the mouse Slc23a1 gene. Determination of the exon-intron structure of the gene revealed 17 exons ranging from 58 bp to 4407 bp extending over 50 kb of the mouse genome, with the translation start codon located in exon 3. Its 1944 nucleotide open reading frame encodes a polypeptide of 647 aa, which is highly similar to rat and human orthologs. The mouse gene was assigned to chromosome 2qG2 by fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. Expression of this gene was demonstrated in a wide range of tissues, with especially high levels in brain. Neurodegenerative diseases with an established role for oxidative stress in the cytoplasm may therefore be conditions of SLC23A1 dysfunction. Key words: gene structure; Vitamin C; transporter; oxidative stress  相似文献   

Members of the NFAT (nuclear factors of activated T cells) gene family have been investigated in numerous organisms, including man and mouse. All NFATs may be synthesized in several isoforms differing in amino or carboxy termini due to 5' and 3' alternative splicing of the corresponding mRNA. Recently, we mapped the murine Nfat5 gene to chromosome 8D. In the present paper we describe for the first time the complete sequence and primary structure of murine Nfat5, two new spliced isoforms, and the expression of murine Nfat5 in embryonic and adult mouse tissues.  相似文献   

EPS8 codes for a protein essential in Ras to Rac signaling leading to actin remodeling. Three genes highly homologous to EPS8 were discovered, thereby defining a novel gene family. Here, we report the genomic structure of EPS8 and the EPS8-related genes in human and mouse. We performed BLASTN searches against the Celera Human Genome and Mouse Fragments Database. The mouse fragments were manually assembled, and the organization of both human and mouse genes was reconstructed. The gene structures in Celera annotations of the human and mouse genomes were compared to outline correspondences and divergences. We also compared the EPS8 family gene structures predicted by Celera with those predicted by NCBI. Moreover, we performed a virtual analysis of the expression of the EPS8 gene family members by using the SAGEmap Database in NCBI. Finally, we analyzed the domain organization of the gene products and their evolutionary conservation to define novel putative domains, thereby helping to predict novel modality of action for the members of this gene family. The data obtained will be instrumental in directing further experimental functional characterization of these genes.  相似文献   

The genomic organization of the mouse dihydrofolate reductase gene has been determined by hybridization of specific cDNA sequences to restriction endonuclease-generated fragments of DNA from methotrexate-resistant S-180 cells. The dihydrofolate reductase gene contains a minimum of five intervening sequences (one in the 5′ untranslated region and four in the protein-coding region) and spans a minimum of 42 kilobase pairs on the genome. Genomic sequences at the junction of the intervening sequence and mRNA-coding sequence and at the polyadenylation site have been determined. A similar organization is found in independently isolated methotrexate-resistant cell lines, in the parental sensitive cell line and in several inbred mouse strains, indicating that this organization represents that of the natural gene.  相似文献   

Cyclins control cell-cycle progression by regulating the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases. Cyclin I was recently added to the cyclin family of proteins because of the presence of a cyclin box motif in the deduced amino-acid sequence. Cyclin I may share functional roles with cyclin G1 and G2 because of the high structural similarity between their deduced amino-acid sequences. However, the biological and functional roles of this subclass of cyclins remain obscure. The mouse cyclin G1 and G2 genes have previously been cloned and characterized. In this report, we describe the cloning of the mouse homolog of cyclin I. The cyclin I cDNA sequence was used to determine the genomic organization of the mouse cyclin I gene which co-localizes with cyclin G2 to chromosome 5E3.3-F1.3. Cyclin I was transcribed from seven exons distributed over more than 19kb of genomic sequence. The expression of cyclin I was determined in various tissues, but no clear correlation with the proliferative state was found. Furthermore, in contrast to cyclin G1, cyclin I expression was stable during cell-cycle progression after partial hepatectomy in both the absence and presence of DNA damage. Transient expression of cyclin I-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins in cell lines showed that cyclin I was distributed throughout the cell in contrast with the mainly cytoplasmic localization of cyclin G2 and nuclear localization of cyclin G1. Our results indicate that despite the close structural similarity between cyclin G1, G2 and I, these three proteins are likely to have distinct biological roles.  相似文献   

The Drosophila neuralized (neur) gene belongs to the neurogenic group of genes involved in regulating cell-cell interactions required for neural precursor development. neur mutant phenotypes include strong overcommitment to neural fates at the expense of epidermal fates. The human neuralized homolog (NEURL) has been recently determined and found to map to chromosome 10q25.1 within the region frequently deleted in malignant astrocytomas. Because of its potential importance in developmental processes, we analyzed the structure of the mouse homolog, Neurl, and its expression pattern in embryonic tissues. Neurl activity is detected from early developmental stages in several tissues and organs including neural tissues, limbs, the skeletal system, sense organs and internal organs undergoing epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Neurl encodes a polypeptide associated with the plasma membrane but also detected in the cytoplasm. Similarly to the Drosophila gene, mammalian neuralized may code for an important regulatory factor.  相似文献   

The genomic organization and expression of the WT1 gene   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

吡哆醛激酶(pyridoxal kinase,PLK, EC2.7.1.35)是维生素B6关键代谢酶,其cDNA的克隆在昆虫类还未见报道。利用生物信息学原理和使用PCR方法,克隆出编码家蚕Bombyx mori吡哆醛激酶的cDNA (GenBank登录号DQ452397),体外原核表达成功,并对表达粗提产物进行了酶活检测。克隆到的cDNA含有一894 bp的完整可读框,编码一条分子量为33.1 kD,含298个氨基酸残基的蛋白质。序列比对显示此蛋白质与人类吡哆醛激酶具有52.84%的同一性,包含吡哆醛激酶家族共有的特征保守序列,但比哺乳动物和植物克隆到的吡哆醛激酶均少10多个氨基酸残基,几个有关键功能且在哺乳动物和植物中均保守的氨基酸残基在此蛋白中被替换。依据家蚕基因组数据库信息和PLK的cDNA,家蚕PLK基因包含5个外显子和4个内含子,跨越10 kb DNA序列,所有外显子/内含子交接点都遵从gt/ag剪接规则,基因的5′端启动子调控区发现有TATA-box和CAAT-box保守基序。  相似文献   

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