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Ectomycorrhizal fungi may make a significant contribution to mineral weathering in temperate and boreal forests. It is important to know how this weathering activity will be affected by the changing nutrient demands of forests impacted by global change and nitrogen deposition. This review examines what is known about how plants sense and respond to nutrient demand and discusses the existing literature on ectomycorrhizal weathering in relation to plant nutrient demand. Plant physiology literature indicates that plants can respond to P limitation by allocating more carbon belowground and increasing root branching in areas of high P availability. Increased expression and upregulation of phosphorus and potassium uptake transporters has been observed under P- and K-limitation, respectively. There is evidence for a negative feedback between Mg- and K-deficiency and belowground carbon allocation. There are very few ectomycorrhizal weathering experiments that explicitly test how weathering activity responds to nutrient demand. Field studies suggest that hyphal colonization of readily available P sources does increase with increased P demand of the host. In microcosm studies there is indirect evidence that weathering activity may increase in response to P, K, or Mg demand. Recommendations are made for how future ectomycorrhizal research can better address this question. More research on how plants sense and respond to nutrient limitation, as well as genomic data from gymnosperms would also aid our understanding of this important aspect of forest ecology.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether experimental conditions, particularly duration of acclimation in the laboratory with artificial water and diet prior to the actual experiment, can affect the antioxidant response of amphipods. This issue was evaluated using the Baikalian amphipod Eulimnogammarus cyaneus (Dyb.) exposed to two sources of natural organic matter (NOM). NOM elicits several oxidative stress symptoms and we used peroxidase activity as a representative response parameter. Pretest acclimation periods of the amphipods lasted from 3 days to 5 months. The exposure of Ecyaneus to NOM resulted in significant modulation of the peroxidase activity with a clear dependence on the duration of the acclimation period. Animals experiencing short-term acclimation showed reduced activity, whereas long-term acclimated animals exhibited an increase in peroxidase activity. We suggest that this difference was due to laboratory conditions particularly the artificial diet. This fact should be considered in future studies using field-collected animals kept in the laboratory for different periods of time.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) hyphal communities have not been well characterized. Furthermore, there have been few studies where the ECM hyphal community is compared to fungi detected as sporocarps or ECM-colonized root tips. We investigated fungi present as hyphae in a well-studied California Quercus–Pinus woodland. Hyphal species present were compared to those found as sporocarps and ECM root tips at the same site. Hyphae were extracted from root-restrictive nylon mesh in-growth bags buried in the soil near mature Quercus douglasii, Quercus wislizeni, and Pinus sabiniana. Taxa were identified using PCR, cloning, and DNA sequencing of internal transcribed spacer and 28s rDNA. Among the 33 species detected, rhizomorph-forming ECM fungi dominated the hyphal community, especially species of Thelephoraceae and Boletales. Most fungi in soils near Quercus spp. and P. sabiniana were ECM basidiomycetes, but we detected two ECM ascomycetes and three non-mycorrhizal fungi. Many ECM species present as hyphae were also previously detected at this site as sporocarps (18%) or on ECM root tips (58%). However, the hyphal community was mostly dominated by different taxa than either the sporocarp or ECM root communities.  相似文献   

Phialocephala subalpina is one of the most frequent dark septate root endophytes in tree roots but its function in forest ecosystems is largely unknown. A full-factorial infection experiment was performed, using six P.?subalpina isolates, two pathogenic oomycetes (Phytophthora plurivora [syn. Phytophthora citricola s.l.] and Elongisporangium undulatum [syn. Pythium undulatum]) and two temperature regimes (17.9 and 21.6?°C) to examine the ability of P.?subalpina to protect Norway spruce seedlings against root pathogens. Seedling survival, disease intensity and seedling growth were affected by P.?subalpina genotype, temperature and pathogen species. Some P.?subalpina isolates effectively reduced mortality and disease intensity caused by the two pathogens. Elevated temperature adversely affected seedling growth but did not aggravate the effect of the pathogens. Elongisporangium undulatum but not P.?plurivora significantly reduced plant growth. Colonization density of P.?subalpina measured by quantitative PCR was not affected by temperature or the presence of the pathogens. In conclusion, P.?subalpina confers an indirect benefit to its host and might therefore be tolerated in natural ecosystems, despite negative effects on plant health and plant growth.  相似文献   

1. Of the relatively few studies that have examined consequences of amphibian declines on stream ecosystems, virtually all have focused on changes in algae (or algal‐based food webs) and little is known about the potential effects of tadpoles on leaf decomposition. We compared leaf litter decomposition dynamics in two neotropical streams: one with an intact community of tadpoles (with frogs) and one where tadpoles were absent (frogless) as a result of a fungal pathogen that had driven amphibians locally extinct. The stream with tadpoles contained a diverse assemblage (23 species) of larval anurans, and we identified five species of glass frog (Centrolenidae) tadpoles that were patchily distributed but commonly associated with leaf detritus and organic sediments in pools. The latter reached total densities of 0–318 tadpoles m?2. 2. We experimentally excluded tadpoles from single‐species leaf packs incubated over a 40‐day period in streams with and without frogs. We predicted that decomposition rates would be higher in control (allowing access of tadpoles) treatments in the study stream with frogs than in the frogless stream and, in the stream with frogs, in the control than in the tadpole exclusion treatment. 3. In the stream with frogs, Centrolene prosoblepon and Cochranella albomaculata tadpoles were patchily distributed in leaf packs (0.0–33.3 m?2). In contrast to our predictions, leaf mass loss and temperature‐corrected leaf decomposition rates in control treatments were almost identical in our stream with frogs (41.01% AFDM lost, kdegree day = ?0.028 day?1) and in the frogless stream (41.81% AFDM lost, kdegree day = ?0.027 day?1) and between control and tadpole exclusion treatments within each stream. Similarly, there were no significant differences in leaf pack bacterial biomass, microbial respiration rates or macroinvertebrate abundance between treatments or streams. Invertebrate assemblages on leaf packs were similar between treatments (SIMI = 0.97) and streams (SIMI = 0.95) and were dominated by larval Chironomidae, Simuliidae (Diptera) and larval Anchytarsus spp. (Coleoptera). 4. In contrast to dramatic effects of grazing tadpoles on algal communities observed previously, tadpoles had no major effects on decomposition. While centrolenid tadpoles were common in the stream with frogs, their patchy distribution in both experimental and natural leaf packs suggests that their effects on detrital dynamics and microbes are probably more localised than those of grazing tadpoles on algae.  相似文献   

We studied effects of nitrogen, other nutrients and water (liquid fertilization; LF) on fine root dynamics (production, mortality) and life span of mycorrhizal short roots in a Norway spruce stand, using minirhizotrons. Data were collected and analyzed during a two-year period at depths of 0–20 cm, 21–40 cm and 41–85 cm, six years after the start of treatment. Relative to control (C), root production was lower in LF plots at depth 0–20 cm. Root production increased significantly at depth 41–85 cm. Fine root mortality in LF plots was higher at all depths. Life span of mycorrhizal short roots in LF plots was significantly lower than C plots and at the end of the study no mycorrhizal short roots were alive. It is suggested that the water and nitrogen input lower longevity of mycorrhizal short roots and promote fine root production at deeper soil layers.  相似文献   

Nanosized plastics are an emerging concern in freshwater ecosystems, raising the question whether they put freshwater ecological processes at risk. Litter decomposition is a major ecological function in forested streams which is mainly driven by aquatic hyphomycetes. Here we investigated whether increasing concentrations (up to 102.4 mg/L) of nanosized polystyrene plastics (NPPs; 100nm) affect litter decomposition by five widely distributed species of aquatic hyphomycetes. Results showed that average litter decomposition decreased by 8% relative to the control when exposed to 102.4 mg/L NPPs. Aquatic hyphomycete species differed in their sensitivity to NPPs. The greatest inhibition of litter decomposition was found with Tetracladium marchalianum, where it dropped from 37 (control) to 16% (102.4 mg/L of NPP). Overall our study highlights the emerging risks and potential dangers of NPPs to freshwater ecosystem functioning. It also indicates that the impact of NPPs may be species specific.  相似文献   

In the present study, we observed the effect of age of Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera, Syrphidae) females on their fecundity and fertility (number and percentage of fertile eggs). Eight newborn E. batteatus couples were placed in separated cages (30 cm x 30 cm x 60 cm) and the number of eggs laid and the egg viability were recorded daily during 45 days. E. balteatus females had a pre-oviposition period of 10 days before mating happened. The fecundity increased steadily from day 11 to day 16 with an average of 30 eggs a day. During the following days (from day 23 to day 45), we found that the optimal fecundity was observed every second day and that 70.47% of the eggs laid during the entire life of the females were fertile. We also found that the fertility decreased significantly when the females were older than 38 days. As result, the age of hoverfly females influence significantly on their reproduction, with suggesting that hoverfly females from 2 to 5 weeks old are important agents for biological control programs.  相似文献   

The mechanism behind the (13)C enrichment of fungi relative to plant materials is unclear and constrains the use of stable isotopes in studies of the carbon cycle in soils. Here, we examined whether isotopic fractionation during respiration contributes to this pattern by comparing delta(13)C signatures of respired CO(2), sporocarps and their associated plant materials, from 16 species of ectomycorrhizal or saprotrophic fungi collected in a Norway spruce forest. The isotopic composition of respired CO(2) and sporocarps was positively correlated. The differences in delta(13)C between CO(2) and sporocarps were generally small, < +/-1 per thousand in nine out of 16 species, and the average shift for all investigated species was 0.04 per thousand. However, when fungal groups were analysed separately, three out of six species of ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes respired (13)C-enriched CO(2) (up to 1.6 per thousand), whereas three out of five species of polypores respired (13)C-depleted CO(2) (up to 1.7 per thousand; P < 0.05). The CO(2) and sporocarps were always (13)C-enriched compared with wood, litter or roots. Loss of (13)C-depleted CO(2) may have enriched some species in (13)C. However, that the CO(2) was consistently (13)C-enriched compared with plant materials implies that other processes must be found to explain the consistent (13)C-enrichment of fungal biomass compared with plant materials.  相似文献   

Forensic entomologists use insect evidence to estimate the minimum postmortem interval of human remains. However, how different forms of trauma influence insect attraction to, and colonization of, the body is poorly understood. Our objective was to identify the Calliphoridae community present in the Piedmont region (Georgia, USA), and determine whether postmortem sharp force trauma (none vs. slashed vs. stabbed) altered insect attraction, colonization, and the resulting decomposition rate of stillborn pigs (Suidae). We show that the limited blow fly community is dominated by Lucilia coeruleiviridis Macquart (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Third instars (L3) of L. coeruleiviridis were found on control pigs at 48 h, slashed pigs at 36 h, and stabbed pigs at 24 h. Decomposition rate, as determined by total body score, was greater in the first 12 h in stabbed pigs, compared to control and slashed pigs. Further experimentation is required to determine the effect of different forms of trauma on insect attraction, colonization, and resulting vertebrate decomposition rates.  相似文献   

Does elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations affect wood decomposition?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that wood tissues generated under elevated atmospheric [CO2] have lower quality and subsequent reduced decomposition rates. Chemical composition and subsequent field decomposition rates were studied for beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) twigs grown under ambient and elevated [CO2] in open top chambers. Elevated [CO2] significantly affected the chemical composition of beech twigs, which had 38% lower N and 12% lower lignin concentrations than twigs grown under ambient [CO2]. The strong decrease in N concentration resulted in a significant increase in the C/N and lignin/N ratios of the beech wood grown at elevated [CO2]. However, the elevated [CO2] treatment did not reduce the decomposition rates of twigs, neither were the dynamics of N and lignin in the decomposing beech wood affected by the [CO2] treatment, despite initial changes in N and lignin concentrations between the ambient and elevated [CO2] beech wood. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Leading a blind or blindfolded person is a complex cooperative task influenced by many factors. The aim of this study was to determine if quality of attachment affects the performance of dog and owner dyads showed on an Obstacle Course. Modified Ainsworth's Strange Situation Test was used for assessing attachment quality. Only one dimension of the attachment, the 'anxiety' factor was found to correlate with behavioural measures of the Obstacle Course (e.g. number of mistakes, initialisation index that reflects which participant initiates more actions in a dyad). We found significant differences of performance between the three groups of dog-owner pairs (pet dog, guide dog and police dog dyads), but we could not show significant differences in the 'attachment' factor among these groups. We concluded that it is not the attachment type that causes the main differences in the leading behaviour of our three study groups. Dogs have an innate ability for cooperation with humans that was enhanced by selective breeding during domestication and this basic ability can be modified by training but seem to be less affected by the relationship with the owner.  相似文献   

To understand the molecular mechanism of light-driven proton pumps, the structures of the photointermediates of bacteriorhodopsin have been intensively investigated. Low-resolution diffraction techniques have demonstrated substantial conformational changes at the helix level in the M and N intermediates, between which there are noticeable differences. The intermediate structures at atomic resolution have also been solved by x-ray crystallography. Although the crystal structures have demonstrated local structural changes, such as hydrogen bond network rearrangements including water molecules, the large conformational changes at the helix level are not necessarily observed. Furthermore, the two reported crystal structures of an intermediate accumulated using a common method were distinct. To reconcile these apparent discrepancies, low-resolution projection maps were calculated from the crystal structures and compared to the low-resolution intermediate structures obtained using native membranes. The crystal structures can be categorized into three groups, which qualitatively correspond to the low-resolution structures of the M1-type, M2-type, and N-type determined in the native membrane. Based on these results, we conclude that at least three types of intermediate structures play a role during the photocycle.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to determine if temporal variations of belowground activity reflect the influence of the Cry1Ab protein from transgenic maize on soil bacteria and, hence, on a regulatory change of the microbial community (ability to metabolize sources belonging to different chemical guilds) and/or a change in numerical abundance of their cells. Litter placement is known for its strong influence on the soil decomposer communities. The effects of the addition of crop residues on respiration and catabolic activities of the bacterial community were examined in microcosm experiments. Four cultivars of Zea mays L. of two different isolines (each one including the conventional crop and its Bacillus thuringiensis cultivar) and one control of bulk soil were included in the experimental design. The growth models suggest a dichotomy between soils amended with either conventional or transgenic maize residues. The Cry1Ab protein appeared to influence the composition of the microbial community. The highly enhanced soil respiration observed during the first 72 h after the addition of Bt-maize residues can be interpreted as being related to the presence of the transgenic crop residues. This result was confirmed by agar plate counting, as the averages of the colony-forming units of soils in conventional treatments were about one-third of those treated with transgenic straw. Furthermore, the addition of Bt-maize appeared to induce increased microbial consumption of carbohydrates in BIOLOG EcoPlates. Three weeks after the addition of maize residues to the soils, no differences between the consumption rate of specific chemical guilds by bacteria in soils amended with transgenic maize and bacteria in soils amended with conventional maize were detectable. Reaped crop residues, comparable to post-harvest maize straw (a common practice in current agriculture), rapidly influence the soil bacterial cells at a functional level. Overall, these data support the existence of short Bt-induced ecological shifts in the microbial communities of croplands' soils.  相似文献   

After replication in the cytoplasm, viruses spread from the infected cell into the neighboring cells through plasmodesmata, membranous channels embedded by the cell wall. As obligate parasites, viruses have acquired the ability to utilize host factors that unwillingly cooperate for the viral infection process. For example, the viral movement proteins (MP) interacts with the host pectin methylesterase (PME) and both proteins cooperate to sustain the viral spread. However, how and where PMEs interact with MPs and how the PME/MP complexes favor the viral translocation is not well understood. Recently, we demonstrated that the overexpression of PME inhibitors (PMEIs) in tobacco and Arabidopsis plants limits the movement of Tobacco mosaic virus and Turnip vein clearing virus and reduces plant susceptibility to these viruses. Here we discuss how overexpression of PMEI may reduce tobamovirus spreading.  相似文献   

To explore the role of digalactosyldiacylglycerol (DGDG) in plants the dgd1 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana was grown in the presence and absence of inorganic phosphate. Phosphate deficiency in the dgd1 mutant causes a strong decrease in all phospholipids accompanied by an increase in DGDG and sulpholipid. Moreover, a significant DGDG accumulation was found in roots upon phosphate deprivation as well. Our data indicate that DGDG accumulation upon phosphate deprivation is due to the activation of a specific eukaryotic dgd1-independent biosynthetic pathway. We propose that DGDG may substitute for phosphatidylcholine upon phosphate deprivation.  相似文献   

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