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A hostplant-habitat model is described which explains fundamental differences in mate-locating behaviour between butterfly species, based on a sequence of spatially distinctive activities (habitual patrolling, localized perching, territoriality, lek assembly). It gives equal weight to phylogeny and ecology and is consistent with models for the evolution of territoriality and population structure. Perching repeatedly at characteristic sites, territoriality and lek assembly evolve when resources become associated with distinctive hostplant-habitat structures in which topographic features provide predictable vantage points for acquiring mates. Habitual patrolling is an ancestral behaviour which is suited to widespread and unpredictable resource distributions and to species whose individual apparency detracts from the use of topographic vantage points. Hostplants (emergence sites), nectar and thermoregulation sites typically provide resources and act as precursors to localized perching, territoriality and lek assemblages. But these behaviours fail to evolve in species whose habitats do not include obvious topographic landmarks which provide clear vantage points for males awaiting females and focal points for females searching for males. Where these landmarks occur they result in an increase in receptive female density at those locations compared to the remainder of the habitat.  相似文献   

Current evidence suggests that in Hetaerina damselflies males exhibit lek mating system. In this study, in order to answer if the same occurs in Hetaerina rosea Selys, we manipulated vegetation substrates used as territories and quantified the number of visiting females, males defending territories and fight intensity. We also examined whether body size and wing pigmentation are selectable traits in male-male competition, and if age affects male territorial behavior. Our results showed that males with larger pigmented areas won more contests, independently of body size. Old males changed from territoriality to sneaking strategy. Contrary to other Hetaerina species, males of H. rosea do not display lek behavior, but defend resources according to the resource defense polygyny strategy.  相似文献   

Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) exhibit a range of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) that includes species with male-biased (males > females) or female-biased SSD (males < females) and species exhibiting nonterritorial or territorial mating strategies. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to investigate the influence of sexual selection on SSD in both suborders: dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera). First, we show that damselflies have male-biased SSD, and exhibit an allometric relationship between body size and SSD, that is consistent with Rensch's rule. Second, SSD of dragonflies is not different from unit, and this suborder does not exhibit Rensch's rule. Third, we test the influence of sexual selection on SSD using proxy variables of territorial mating strategy and male agility. Using generalized least squares to account for phylogenetic relationships between species, we show that male-biased SSD increases with territoriality in damselflies, but not in dragonflies. Finally, we show that nonagile territorial odonates exhibit male-biased SSD, whereas male agility is not related to SSD in nonterritorial odonates. These results suggest that sexual selection acting on male sizes influences SSD in Odonata. Taken together, our results, along with avian studies (bustards and shorebirds), suggest that male agility influences SSD, although this influence is modulated by territorial mating strategy and thus the likely advantage of being large. Other evolutionary processes, such as fecundity selection and viability selection, however, need further investigation.  相似文献   

Evolution of male care is still poorly understood. Using phylogenetically matched-pairs comparisons we tested for effects of territoriality and mating system on male care evolution in fish. All origins of male care were found in pair-spawning species (with or without additional males such as sneakers) and none were found in group-spawning species. However, excluding group spawners, male care originated equally often in pair-spawning species with additional males as in strict pair-spawning species. Evolution of male care was also significantly related to territoriality. Yet, most pair-spawning taxa with male care are also territorial, making their relative influence difficult to separate. Furthermore, territoriality also occurs in group-spawning species. Hence, territoriality is not sufficient for male care to evolve. Rather, we argue that it is the combination of territoriality and pair spawning with sequential polygyny that favours the evolution of male care, and we discuss our results in relation to paternity assurance and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Alternative Mating Behaviors of Young Male Bullfrogs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yearling male bullfrogs often attempt to intercept and matewith females attracted to older, larger males (male parasitism)instead of defending a territory and attracting their own mates.Mating behaviors like male parasitism are thought to occur onlywhen individuals suffer some strong disadvantage in using thebehaviors that are more typical of their species. In this paper,I consider the relative benefits and costs of territorialityvs male parasitism for yearling males. Yearlings employing maleparasitism are only occasionally successful at mating, and inyears of reduced male-male competition, they produce significantlyfewer young than territorial males of their age. Yearling malesthat vary in the degree to which they employ territorial behaviorsinstead of male parasitism do not differ measurably in growthrate or chances of mortality; however, indirect informationsuggests that territoriality should entail a greater chanceof mortality. A computer simulation based solely on observeddemographic parameters predicts that yearling males should beterritorial whenever they can compete as effectively as two-year-oldmales. This condition appears to provide little restrictionon the breeding tactics of yearling males; however, data onmale-male aggressive encounters show that the size differencesbetween one-year-old and two-year-old males are usually sufficientto preclude yearling males from competing successfully. Thus,the observed behavioral plasticity of yearling males may bebest interpreted as a means of adjusting their behavioral tacticsto levels of male-male competition that can vary within andbetween breeding seasons.  相似文献   

Testosterone mediates reproductive behaviours in male vertebrates. For example, breeding season territoriality depends on testosterone in many species of birds and in some, territorial interactions feed back on testosterone concentrations. However, the degree to which territorial behaviour and testosterone are associated differs even between species with seemingly similar life histories, especially between species that also defend territories outside the breeding season. Here, we investigate the link between territorial behaviour and testosterone in European stonechats. Previous studies found that territorial aggression in stonechats depends on testosterone in a breeding, but not in a non-breeding context. We investigated whether stonechats show a rise in testosterone during simulated territorial intrusions (STI) during the breeding season. Post-capture testosterone concentrations of males caught after an STI were not higher than those of males caught in a control situation regardless of breeding stage. However, most of the males would have been able to mount a testosterone response because the same individuals that did not increase testosterone during the STI showed a substantial increase in testosterone after injections of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH-induced and post-capture testosterone concentrations were positively correlated and both decreased with successive breeding stages. Further, territory owners with a short latency to attack the decoy expressed higher post-capture testosterone concentrations than males with a longer latency to attack the decoy. Thus, there is no evidence for behavioural feedback on testosterone concentrations during male-male interactions in stonechats. In combination with previous studies our data suggest that testosterone functions as an on/off switch of high intensity territorial aggression during the breeding season in stonechats. The among-species variation in the androgen control of territorial behaviour may be only partly a result of environmental differences. Instead, potential differences in how territoriality evolved in different species may have influenced whether and how a reproductive hormone such as testosterone was co-opted into the mechanistic control of territorial behaviour.  相似文献   

Plasma testosterone increases during breeding in many male vertebrates and has long been implicated in the promotion of aggressive behaviors relating to territory and mate defense. Males of some species also defend territories outside of the breeding period. For example, the European nuthatch (Sitta europaea) defends an all-purpose territory throughout the year. To contribute to the growing literature regarding the hormonal correlates of non-breeding territoriality, we investigated the seasonal testosterone and corticosterone profile of male (and female) nuthatches and determined how observed hormone patterns relate to expression of territorial aggression. Given that non-breeding territoriality in the nuthatch relates to the reproductive context (i.e., defense of a future breeding site), we predicted that males would exhibit surges in plasma testosterone throughout the year. However, we found that males showed elevated testosterone levels only during breeding. Thus, testosterone of gonadal origin does not appear to be involved in the expression of non-breeding territoriality. Interestingly, territorial behaviors of male nuthatches were stronger in spring than in autumn, suggesting that in year-round territorial species, breeding-related testosterone elevations may upregulate male-male aggression above non-breeding levels. In females, plasma testosterone was largely undetectable. We also examined effects of simulated territorial intrusions (STIs) on testosterone and corticosterone levels of breeding males. We found that STIs did not elicit a testosterone response, but caused a dramatic increase in plasma corticosterone. These data support the hypothesis that corticosterone rather than testosterone may play a role in the support of behavior and/or physiology during acute territorial encounters in single-brooded species.  相似文献   

Among polygynous species, males often compete for the possession of mating sites to increase their reproductive success. Weaker individuals frequently adopt alternative non‐territorial mate‐locating tactics, but the adoption of alternative territorial tactics may also occur. Although alternative tactics with territory defence are less common in arthropods, factors that drive its adoption may provide information to understand the organization of different territorial mating systems in the group. Here we investigate the adoption of resource‐based territoriality as an alternative to a non‐resource‐based one by males of the butterfly Paryphthimoides phronius. Male P. phronius commonly defend sunny clearings lacking feeding resources in the forest edge (non‐resource‐based territoriality). However, after experimentally offering fermenting fruit in previously undefended sites, we showed that males also adopt a resource defence tactic. Males in territories with fermenting fruits apparently feed on this resource when they are not defending the territory. However, males in sites without resources did not migrate to territories with resources when given the opportunity. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental investigation to show a non‐resource‐ and an alternative resource‐based mate‐locating tactic in a butterfly. We suggest that this behavioural flexibility may represent an important step to understand the ecological factors responsible for the organization and evolution of different territorial mating systems in insects.  相似文献   

Past studies have suggested a fundamental difference in testosterone concentrations between tropical and northern latitude male birds, with the convention being that males in the tropics express much lower levels of testosterone. However, recent comparative studies have shown that tropical males with a short and synchronous breeding season (i.e. a breeding season typical of northern species) express maximum testosterone levels similar to those of northern latitude birds. Here, we ask the converse: do northern latitude songbirds that express a defining life‐history characteristic typical of the tropics, i.e. year‐round territoriality, have an annual testosterone profile similar to that of tropical songbirds? For the few year‐round territorial species for which data are available, we found that seasonal testosterone profiles and seasonal maxima in plasma testosterone were similar between males of tropical and non‐tropical species. For example, males of both groups expressed seasonal maxima during the period when females were fertile, and testosterone levels at this time were similar. In contrast, this and other studies show that species with seasonal territories typically express maximum testosterone levels earlier in the breeding cycle, when territories are first being established. Taken together, we suggest that specific life‐history traits may play a more important role in determining testosterone profiles of tropical and non‐tropical birds than breeding latitude and encourage further studies to allow for more formal comparisons.  相似文献   

Behavioral interference between species can influence a wide range of ecological and evolutionary processes. Here, we test foundational hypotheses regarding the origins and maintenance of interspecific territoriality, and evaluate the role of interspecific territoriality and hybridization in shaping species distributions and transitions from parapatry to sympatry in sister species of North American perching birds (Passeriformes). We find that interspecific territoriality is pervasive among sympatric sister species pairs, and that interspecifically territorial species pairs have diverged more recently than sympatric noninterspecifically territorial pairs. None of the foundational hypotheses alone explains the observed patterns of interspecific territoriality, but our results support the idea that some cases of interspecific territoriality arise from misdirected intraspecific aggression while others are evolved responses to resource competition. The combination of interspecific territoriality and hybridization appears to be an unstable state associated with parapatry, whereas species that are interspecifically territorial and do not hybridize are able to achieve extensive fine- and coarse-scale breeding range overlap. In sum, these results suggest that interspecific territoriality has multiple origins and impacts coexistence at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

Interspecific territoriality occurs when individuals of different species fight over space, and may arise spontaneously when populations of closely related territorial species first come into contact. But defence of space is costly, and unless the benefits of excluding heterospecifics exceed the costs, natural selection should favour divergence in competitor recognition until the species no longer interact aggressively. Ordinarily males of different species do not compete for mates, but when males cannot distinguish females of sympatric species, females may effectively become a shared resource. We model how reproductive interference caused by undiscriminating males can prevent interspecific divergence, or even cause convergence, in traits used to recognize competitors. We then test the model in a genus of visually orienting insects and show that, as predicted by the model, differences between species pairs in the level of reproductive interference, which is causally related to species differences in female coloration, are strongly predictive of the current level of interspecific aggression. Interspecific reproductive interference is very common and we discuss how it may account for the persistence of interspecific aggression in many taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Evolutionary ecologists dating back to Darwin (1871) have sought to understand why males are larger than females in some species, and why females are the larger sex in others. Although the former is widespread in mammals, rodents and other small mammals usually exhibit low levels of sexual size dimorphism (SSD). Here, we investigate patterns of sexual dimorphism in 34 vole species belonging to the subfamily Arvicolinae in a phylogenetic comparative framework. We address the potential role of sexual selection and fecundity selection in creating sex differences in body size. No support was found for hyperallometric scaling of male body size to female body size. We observed a marginally significant relationship between SSD and the ratio of male to female home range size, with the latter being positively related to the level of intrasexual competition for mates. This suggests that sexual selection favours larger males. Interestingly, we also found that habitat type, but not mating system, constitutes a strong predictor of SSD. Species inhabiting open habitats – where males have extensive home ranges in order to gain access to as many females as possible – exhibit a higher mean dimorphism than species inhabiting closed habitats, where females show strong territoriality and an uniform distribution preventing males to adopt a territorial strategy for gaining copulations. Nonetheless, variation in the strength of sexual selection is not the only selective force shaping SSD in voles; we also found a positive association between female size and litter size across lineages. Assuming this relationship also exists within lineages (i.e. fecundity selection on female size), this suggests an additional role for variation in the strength of fecundity selection shaping interspecific differences in female size, and indirectly in SSD. Therefore our results suggest that different selective processes act on the sizes of males and females, but because larger size is favoured in both sexes, SSD is on average relatively small.  相似文献   

Territory characteristics correlate with male characteristics in several species. This can result from male competition for the best territories, or from males varying in their ability to pay other costs of territoriality, such as predation risk costs. In a population of threespine sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus , we found the biggest males to defend the biggest territories with a low structural complexity and a high female encounter rate. By experimentally manipulating competition intensity and habitat structure, we show that both male competition and predation exposure influenced the distribution of territories among males. Males increased the size of their territory when a neighbouring male was removed, whereas they reduced their territory when habitat complexity and cover from predators were reduced, with large males reducing their territory size less than smaller males. This suggests that large males occupy large, open territories both because of their superior competitive ability and because of their either lower predation susceptibility or higher risk-taking. Large, open territories were beneficial in mate attraction and male competition and predation exposure therefore biased mating opportunities towards large males. This suggests that cost of territoriality to males may reduce mate choice costs to females by securing that large males are encountered more often than small males, and by providing an additional cue, territory quality, which indicates which males are worth inspecting.  相似文献   

Male Polistes canadensis and P. carnifex aggregate along crests of prominent ridges in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. At these sites males of both species defend territories (trees and shrubs) by chasing conspecific rivals. Territories do not contain nests or resources that are collected by females. Chasing by territorial males reduces the amount of time spent by intruders in a territory. I describe and contrast male territorial behavior of both species. Some male P. canadensis are territorial while others in the same area exhibit patrolling behavior, flying from one occupied territory to another. Males of P. carnifex exhibit territoriality only. Patrolling in P. canadensis is an outcome of relatively high male density along the ridge, rendering territories in short supply, as shown by the observation that experimentally vacated territories are seized rapidly by formerly patrolling males. Due to a high intraspecific intrusion rate, territorial male P. canadensis spend less time perching and more time flying and chasing intruders from their territories than do male P. carnifex. Males of these two species also differ in the placement of their territories along the ridgeline; P. canadensis occupy territories in saddles while P. carnifex occupy those at peaktops. I show that this divergent spatial pattern is not maintained by competitive exclusion of either species by the other, and I discuss alternative explanations for their separate spatial distributions. Comparative data suggest that males are territorial because females restrict matings to within territories, and I discuss alternative hypotheses to explain this bias in female behavior.  相似文献   

Cichlid fish exhibit a complex behavioral repertoire, mainly regarding social and reproductive behaviors. Nevertheless, although dwarf cichlids exhibit a remarkable diversity of behaviors, only a few studies have been conducted with these fish. Apistogramma trifasciata is a common dwarf cichlid in the Neotropics and widely used as ornamental fish. Both males and females are territorial and engage in biparental care. Here we observed the behavior of A. trifasciata males and females to construct an ethogram. We registered the parental care of a couple since the spawn until the moment when the offspring became independent. Striking behaviors were observed, such as male-male contests involving circling displays and mouth wrestling, and parental care, which involved mouth brooding and parental color change. Finally, we suggest that our results may be used to establish this species as a model for parental care and territoriality studies.  相似文献   

Interspecific territoriality may play an important role in structuring ecological communities, but the causes of this widespread form of interference competition remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate the phenotypic, ecological and phylogenetic correlates of interspecific territoriality in wood warblers (Parulidae). Interspecifically territorial species have more recent common ancestors and are more similar phenotypically, and are more likely to hybridise, than sympatric, non‐interspecifically territorial species. After phylogenetic corrections, however, similarity in plumage and territorial song are the only significant predictors of interspecific territoriality besides syntopy (fine‐scale geographic overlap). Our results do not support the long‐standing hypothesis that interspecific territoriality occurs only under circumstances in which niche divergence is restricted, which combined with the high incidence of interspecific territoriality in wood warblers (39% of species), suggests that this interspecific interaction is more stable, ecologically and evolutionarily, than commonly assumed.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is proposed to explain energy resource allocation between sperm production and territoriality in male reef fishes (Labridae species) from the point of view of optimization. Labridae species are typically characterized by both TP (terminal phase) and IP (initial phase) males. The former are considered to release a lower amount of sperm but show aggressive territoriality. In the model, TP male reproductive success is considered as depending upon both fertilization probability (depending on sperm density) and the individual's own territorial activities. Between these factors, a trade-off exists by which the fertilization probability can be enhanced only by reducing territoriality. Therefore, the male has to decide how much of the total available energy resource should be allocated to each. The model showed that under high fertilization efficiency the male can achieve high success by spending less of the resource on sperm production and correspondingly more for territoriality. The TP male reproductive success increases with decreasing male density in the habitat. Nevertheless, when intruding males cannot be excluded completely by territorial behavior of the TP male, females prefer high male density. If females can control the number of intruding males to some degree, conflict may arise between the sexes. Received: December 8, 1999 / Accepted: May 24, 2000  相似文献   

In Odonata, many species present sexual size dimorphism (SSD), which can be associated with male territoriality in Zygoptera. We hypothesized that in the territorial damselfly Argia reclusa, male–male competition can favor large males, and consequently, drive selection pressures to generate male-biased SSD. The study was performed at a small stream in southeastern Brazil. Males were marked, and we measured body size and assessed the quality of territories. We tested if larger territorial males (a) defended the best territories (those with more male intrusions and visiting females), (b) won more fights, and (c) mated more. Couples were collected and measured to show the occurrence of sexual size dimorphism. Results indicated that males are larger than females, and that territorial males were larger than non-territorial males. Larger territorial males won more fights and defended the best territories. There was no difference between the mating success of large territorial and small non-territorial males. Although our findings suggest that male territoriality may play a significant role on the evolution of sexual size dimorphism in A. reclusa, we suggest that other factors should also be considered to explain the evolution of SSD in damselflies, since non-territorial males are also capable of acquiring mates.  相似文献   

Fatal amphibian chytridiomycosis has typically been associated with the direct costs of infection. However the relationship between exposure to the pathogen, infection and mortality may not be so straightforward. Using results from both field work and experiments we report how exposure of common toads to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis influences development and survival and how developmental stage influences host responses. Our results show that costs are accrued in a dose dependent manner during the larval stage and are expressed at or soon after metamorphosis. Exposure to B. dendrobatidis always incurs a growth cost for tadpoles and can lead to larval mortality before or soon after metamorphosis even when individuals do not exhibit infection at time of death. In contrast, exposure after metamorphosis almost always results in infection, but body size dictates survival to a greater extent than does dose. These data show that amphibian survival in the face of challenge by an infectious agent is dependent on host condition as well as life history stage. Under current models of climate change, many species of amphibia are predicted to increasingly occur outside their environmental optima. In this case, condition-dependent traits such as we have demonstrated may weigh heavily on species survival.  相似文献   

We investigated a Lake Victoria cichlid with a complex colour polymorphism that apparently represents one original species and two incipient species, all of which are sympatric. In laboratory breeding experiments we observed sex ratio distortion in certain matings between original and incipient species. Mate choice experiments show that males of the incipient species exhibit mating preferences against the original species, and males and females of the original species exhibit strong mating preferences against the incipient species. Mating preferences might evolve by sex ratio selection to avoid matings with distorted progeny sex ratios. Phenotype frequencies in nature suggest that mating preferences translate into mating frequencies, thus restricting gene flow and exerting disruptive sexual selection between the original and incipient species. The incipient species do not differ in morphology or ecology from the original species, implying that colour polymorphism, associated with sex ratio distortion, can be an incipient stage in sympatric speciation, and that disruption of gene flow can precede ecological differentiation.  相似文献   

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