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1. 1. The ability to increase skin blood flow is an important mechanism for transferring heat from the body core to the skin for dissipation.

2. 2. During exercise, skin blood flow is typically 20–40% lower in men and women aged 55 and over (compared with 20–30 years old) at a given body core temperature. Yet criterion measures of heat tolerance (changes in core temperature, heat storage) often show minimal or no age-related alterations. From a series of studies conducted in our laboratory over the past 5 years, the following conclusions can be drawn.

3. 3. When fit healthy older subjects are matched with younger subjects of the same gender, size and body composition, VO2max, acclimation state, and hydration level, age-related differences in skin blood flow are evident. However, these differences often do not translate into “poorer” heat tolerance or higher core temperatures.

4. 4. The larger core-to-skin thermal gradient maintained by the older individuals allows for effective heat transfer at lower skin blood flows.

5. 5. Furthermore, there is an increased coefficient of variation for thermoregulatory response variables with increasing age.

6. 6. Despite differences in the mechanisms underlying thermoregulation, true thermal tolerance is less a function of chronological age than of functional capacity and physiological health status.

7. 7. While this conclusion is based primarily on cross-sectional studies, it is supported by the results of more recent studies using multiple regression analyses.

8. 8. Implicit in this conclusion is the notion that thermal tolerance, at any age, is a modifiable individual characteristic.

Author Keywords: Heat stress; temperature regulation; body temperature; skin blood flow; age  相似文献   

The effects of thermal stress on the induction of heat shock proteins (HSPs) were examined in northern bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians, a relatively heat tolerant estuarine species, and sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus, a species residing in cooler, deeper water. Polyclonal antibodies used in this work for analysis of inducible HSP70 and HSP40 only recognized proteins of 72 and 40 kDa respectively from the mantles of both scallop species. Additionally, HSP quantification using the antibody to HSP70 was equally effective by either immunoprobing of western blots or ELISA, demonstrating that either approach could be successfully employed for analysis of thermal response in scallops. Sea scallop HSP70 and HSP40 did not change when animals were heat-shocked for 3 h by raising the temperature from 10 °C to 20 °C; however, a 24 h treatment of the same magnitude elicited a significant response. Conversely, bay scallops displayed rapid and prolonged HSP70 and HSP40 responses during the recovery period following a 3 h heat shock from 20 °C to 30 °C. Temperature reduction from 20 °C to 3 °C for 3 h also caused significant HSP70 and HSP40 increases in bay scallops; this represents the first time cold shock was shown to induce HSP synthesis in bivalve mollusks. The onset of the HSP40 response was more rapid than for HSP70, occurring at the end of the cold shock itself prior to transfer to a recovery temperature. Both proteins responded maximally during recovery at control temperature. HSP responses of sea and bay scallops to thermal stress may be related to their habitat in the natural environment and they suggest a differential capacity for adaptation to temperature change. This is an important consideration in assessing the response of these scallops to different culture conditions.  相似文献   

The heat transfer mechanism of tongue was investigated on the basis of experimental and theoretical research. Firstly, the relationship between tongue temperature and blood perfusion was obtained from animal experiment that mainly carried out on porcine tongue, subordinate on human tongue. Secondly, a one-dimensional variable coefficients second-order inhomogeneous heat transfer equation is developed by simplifying tongue as fin cube and the analytical solution is got. The results show that the change regulations of temperature by blood perfusion rate are the same in human and porcine tongue, and also, there is a good agreement between calculation and experimental results. When checking the model with corresponding properties of human tongue, the result is also satisfied. In conclusion, predicting temperature distribution of tongue is feasible with the fin cube model.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity in blood and other tissues and red blood cell (rbc) anion exchange were measured in the mud puppy, Necturus maculosus, in order to gain insight into the strategy for CO2 transport used by these neotenic salamanders and to further explore evolutionary relationships between rbc CA activity and anion exchange in nonmammalian vertebrates. CA activity was detectable in all of the tissues examined, but CA activity in blood was much lower than that in most vertebrates. There was no indication, however, that additional CA had been incorporated into the membrane fraction of other tissues to compensate for this low blood CA activity. In further contrast to most other animals, low levels of CA activity were also detectable in mud puppy plasma. Preliminary characterization of the rbc CA indicated that the Type II, fast-turnover enzyme was indeed present, but that there are a very low number of active sites in mud puppy rbc's. Further experiments showed that the rbc's were highly permeable to anions and that the relative rate of anion flux could be inhibited by 4, 4-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid. Thus, the process of CO2 transport in the blood of mud puppies probably involves components of the Jacobs-Stewart cycle, as in most other vertebrates.  相似文献   

1. Trophic linkages between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are common and sensitive to disruption. However, there is little information on what causes variation in the strength and spatial scale of these linkages. 2. In the highly aquatic adults of the headwater salamander Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (family Plethodontidae), use of terrestrial prey decreases along a gradient from early‐ to late‐successional riparian forests. To understand the cause of this relationship, we tested the predictions that (i) terrestrial prey abundance is lower in late‐successional forests, and (ii) G. porphyriticus adults cannot move as far from the stream to forage in late‐successional forests, thus limiting access to terrestrial prey. 3. We established 100‐m long study reaches on six headwater streams in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. Three reaches were in early‐successional forests and three were in late‐successional forests. We conducted pitfall trapping for invertebrate prey in June and July of 2005, with three traps at 0, 2, 5 and 10 m from the stream at each reach. In June, July and August of 2004 and 2005, nighttime salamander surveys were conducted at each reach along ten, 10‐m long by 2.5‐m wide transects perpendicular to the stream. 4. Abundance of terrestrial prey was consistently lower in late‐successional forests, suggesting that consumption of terrestrial prey by G. porphyriticus is affected by prey abundance. Contrary to our prediction, G. porphyriticus adults moved farther from the stream in late‐successional forests, suggesting that habitat conditions in late‐successional forests do not limit movement away from the stream, and that lower abundances of terrestrial prey in these forests may cause salamanders to move farther from streams. 5. Our results provide novel insight on the extent of terrestrial habitat use by G. porphyriticus. More broadly, these results indicate that major habitat gradients, such as forest succession, can affect the strength and scale of terrestrial‐aquatic linkages. Application of this insight to the design of vegetation buffers along headwater streams would have widespread benefits to freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

曹梦洁  祝思  蔡若茹  毛飞  林隆慧 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6836-6841
以双斑锦蛇(Elaphe bimaculata)为对象,在24 、27和30 ℃下孵化双斑锦蛇卵,研究孵化温度对孵出幼蛇吐信频次、选择体温、二氧化碳代谢量、生长过程中的呼吸代谢、初次摄食个体数和初次摄食量的影响。结果显示:孵化温度对双斑锦蛇孵出幼蛇的各项行为指标均没有显著影响。自幼蛇孵出至体内剩余卵黄消耗完这一时间段内,呼吸代谢产生的二氧化碳量逐步减少到最低值。24 、27和30 ℃孵化温度下孵出幼体呼吸每分钟所产生的CO2量分别为10.58、12.06和10.88 μL;初次摄食量分别为4.92、4.34和3.60 g,各温度下摄食个体的数目分别约占该温度下孵出幼体总数的46.2%、56.3%和40%。鉴于3个温度处理下孵出幼体的各项指标均无显著差异,24-30 ℃是双斑锦蛇适宜生存的温度区间。  相似文献   

Various factors affect a reptile's capacity for thermoregulation and most studies have focussed on terrestrial species.
We investigated the thermoregulatory abilities of the yellow anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) in terms of selected body temperature (Tsel), set-point range (Tset) and body posture in terrestrial and aquatic thermal mosaics.
Yellow anacondas selected higher body temperatures (Tb) and have a narrower Tset in a terrestrial environment than in an aquatic one.
Coiled body postures were most frequently observed and were generally associated with higher Tb.

A histochemical, microdensitometric, and electron microscopic study of testes of the ratfish Hydrolagus colliei shows that an instance of the rare phenomenon of germ line chromatin diminution occurs in this vertebrate species. In primary spermatocytes at metaphase I a spherical mass of heterochromatin accumulates at one side of the metaphase plate. At anaphase I the heterochromatic mass is left in the equatorial cytoplasm and is passed into one of the two secondary spermatocytes formed during cytokinesis. As nuclear membranes are being restored, a double membrane envelope is also formed around the heterochromatic mass, which is then termed the ‘chromatin diminution body’ (CDB). At second meiotic division the CDB is included in the cytoplasm of one of the four spermatids and retained there, apparently unchanged, until mid-spermiogenesis. At that time the CDB becomes adherent to the spermatid plasma membrane and is pinched off from the spermatid by a process of apocrine exocytosis, taking a layer of spermatid plasma membrane along with it. Simultaneously this tri-membrane CDB is taken into the adjacent Sertoli cell by endocytosis, thereby acquiring a fourth membrane layer, a part of the Sertoli cell plasma membrane. The CDBs are subsequently phagocytized, possibly first fusing with dense, multilaminate bodies in the Sertoli cell cytoplasm. The CDB chromatin mass is strongly positive with the Feulgen method for DNA and the alkaline fast green method for histones. Microdensitometric analysis shows that the discarded chromatin amounts to about 10% of the diploid nuclear content and that it appears to be part of the normal diploid complement rather than DNA amplified during meiosis.  相似文献   

Ectotherms in water experience rates of heat transfer at least two orders of magnitude greater than in air, seriously constraining their thermoregulatory capabilities. Yet, even in water, individuals may exert control over body temperature (Tb) via behaviors such as selecting thermally favorable microhabitats. The interactions among body size, physiology, and behavior on the thermal biology of large, entirely aquatic, ectotherms is poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that alligator snapping turtles (Macroclemmys temminckii) selected microhabitats based on temperature by comparing temperatures at sites used by turtles to temperatures at randomly selected sites. These large turtles selected a narrow range of microhabitats that were significantly warmer and less variable in temperature than random sites. Cooling trials in the laboratory indicated larger turtles equilibrated more slowly to ambient temperature (Ta) than smaller turtles. We recorded Ta and body temperature (Tb) of turtles in the field continuously throughout the year. The Tb generally conformed to Ta but there were periods when TbTa differences were great. These results suggest that while physiology and size of aquatic turtles can affect Tb transiently, microhabitat selection may be the only meaningful mechanism for large, entirely aquatic, turtles to control Tb.  相似文献   

The use of 20% plant leaves extracts included fig (Ficus carica) and olive (Olea europaea) and their mixture 1:1 as an amendment in the solid agar medium (PDA) is beneficial to promote the growth of four mycelial mushrooms. These are Pleurotus ostreatus (Grey oyster mushroom), Pleurotus cornucopiae (Yellow oyster mushroom), Coriolus versicolor (Turkey Tail mushroom), and Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi mushroom). C. versicolor showed better growth reached 67?mm significantly (p?<?0.05) on OC medium after five days. While, P. cornucopiae recorded the lowest growth on FC medium reached 35.3?mm. Induction percentage of mycelial growth is changing according to the type of medium and species of fungus. In general, FOH medium exhibited the best percentage of induction was 14.89%, followed 12.48% and 9.43% by OH and OC media, while the lower percentages were 5.02% and 5.12% on FH and FC media, respectively. FC medium did not induce growth of P. cornucopiae and C. versicolor. The sterilization by Autoclave and Millipore filter showed different induction percentages. Finally, the extracts of fig and olive were useful to add in the culture media to improve the growth of mycelial mushroom in vitro.  相似文献   

王鲁平  周顺  孙国强 《生态学报》2012,32(10):3182-3188
小毛足鼠(Phodopus roborovskii)是分布在内蒙古草原沙地的一种小型哺乳动物,关于其生物学和生态学特征,尤其是生理学特征还知之甚少。似昼夜节律是动物行为学和生理生态学中备受关注的一个领域。在室内条件下通过体内埋置无线电传感器连续监测小毛足鼠的体温、用自动监测系统连续监测活动性和TSE LabMaster呼吸代谢测定系统连续测定了其代谢率的昼夜节律性。结果发现:小毛足鼠在夜间的平均体温是(37.27±0.39)℃,昼间的平均体温是(36.11±0.18)℃;在夜间的平均代谢率是(4.65±1.10)mLO2·g-1·h-1,昼间的平均代谢率是(3.09±0.42)mLO2·g-1·h-1;在夜间的平均活动率为(237±145)次/0.1h,昼间的平均活动率为(38±5)次/0.1h。小毛足鼠的代谢率、活动性和体温的峰值相位主要集中在夜间,属典型的夜行性动物。实验结果从行为学特性和生理学特征等新的角度支持了野外观察小毛足鼠是夜行性动物的推断。综合活动性、代谢率和体温三方面同步变化的特征,为小毛足鼠的似昼夜节律变化提供了新的机理性解释。研究也表明小毛足鼠是研究野生动物似昼夜节律变化机理的好模型。  相似文献   

象山港日本对虾增殖放流的效果评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
日本对虾是中国近海重要的增殖品种,2010年象山港分两批次放流日本对虾苗种约1.67亿尾。通过对放流苗种存活状况、洄游分布、生长特性及回捕情况的跟踪调查,对象山港日本对虾的增殖效果做出初步评价。结果表明:(1)日本对虾放流苗种在8月中旬成为补充群体,集中于港区底部进行索饵育肥;9月中旬,第1、2批放流苗种的平均体长分别达到95.4 mm和71.4 mm,成活率分别约为0.79%和1.06%;10月上旬,随着港区水温降低,增殖苗种资源量锐减。(2)协方差分析表明:日本对虾增殖群体和自然群体的体长-体重关系存在显著性差异,增殖群体的体征状况明显优于自然群体。(3)日本对虾放流苗种在港区主要为桁杆拖虾和地笼网渔业所利用,在港区滞留期间,回捕率约为0.25%。总结发现:栖息地破坏及放流苗种的过早利用是制约象山港日本对虾增殖效果的重要因素,优化增殖策略、保护港区生态环境应是今后港区增殖工作的重点。  相似文献   

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