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A distance constrained secondary structural model of the ≈10 kb RNA genome of the HIV-1 has been predicted but higher-order structures, involving long distance interactions, are currently unknown. We present the first global RNA secondary structure model for the HIV-1 genome, which integrates both comparative structure analysis and information from experimental data in a full-length prediction without distance constraints. Besides recovering known structural elements, we predict several novel structural elements that are conserved in HIV-1 evolution. Our results also indicate that the structure of the HIV-1 genome is highly variable in most regions, with a limited number of stable and conserved RNA secondary structures. Most interesting, a set of long distance interactions form a core organizing structure (COS) that organize the genome into three major structural domains. Despite overlapping protein-coding regions the COS is supported by a particular high frequency of compensatory base changes, suggesting functional importance for this element. This new structural element potentially organizes the whole genome into three major domains protruding from a conserved core structure with potential roles in replication and evolution for the virus.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out based on the GROMOS force field on the aspartyl protease (PR) of the human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1. The principal simulation treats the HIV-1 PR dimer and 6990 water molecules in a hexagonal prism cell under periodic boundary conditions and was carried out for a trajectory of 100 psec. Corresponding in vacuo simulations, i.e., treating the isolated protein without solvent, were carried out to study the influence of solvent on the simulation. The results indicate that including waters explicitly in the simulation results in a model considerably closer to the crystal structure than when solvent is neglected. Detailed conformational and helicoidal analysis was performed on the solvated form to determine the exact nature of the dynamical model and the exact points of agreement and disagreement with the crystal structure. The calculated dynamical model was further elucidated by means of studies of the time evolution of the cross-correlation coefficients for atomic displacements of the atoms comprising the protein backbone. The cross-correlation analysis revealed significant aspects of structure originating uniquely in the dynamical motions of the molecule. In particular, an unanticipated through-space, domain-domain correlation was found between the mobile flap region covering the active site and a remote regions of the structure, which collectively act somewhat like a molecular cantilever. The significance of these results is discussed with respect to the inactivation of the protease by site-specific mutagenesis, and in the design of inhibitors.  相似文献   



Human immunodeficiency virus type one (HIV-1) is the major pathogen that causes the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). With the availability of large-scale protein-protein interaction (PPI) measurements, comparative network analysis can provide a promising way to study the host-virus interactions and their functional significance in the pathogenesis of AIDS. Until now, there have been a large number of HIV studies based on various animal models. In this paper, we present a novel framework for studying the host-HIV interactions through comparative network analysis across different species.


Based on the proposed framework, we test our hypothesis that HIV-1 attacks essential biological pathways that are conserved across species. We selected the Homo sapiens and Mus musculus PPI networks with the largest coverage among the PPI networks that are available from public databases. By using a local network alignment algorithm based on hidden Markov models (HMMs), we first identified the pathways that are conserved in both networks. Next, we analyzed the HIV-1 susceptibility of these pathways, in comparison with random pathways in the human PPI network. Our analysis shows that the conserved pathways have a significantly higher probability of being intercepted by HIV-1. Furthermore, Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis shows that most of the enriched GO terms are related to signal transduction, which has been conjectured to be one of the major mechanisms targeted by HIV-1 for the takeover of the host cell.


This proof-of-concept study clearly shows that the comparative analysis of PPI networks across different species can provide important insights into the host-HIV interactions and the detailed mechanisms of HIV-1. We expect that comparative multiple network analysis of various species that have different levels of susceptibility to similar lentiviruses may provide a very effective framework for generating novel, and experimentally verifiable hypotheses on the mechanisms of HIV-1. We believe that the proposed framework has the potential to expedite the elucidation of the important mechanisms of HIV-1, and ultimately, the discovery of novel anti-HIV drugs.

Comparative QSAR studies on P2/P2' and P1/P1' substituted symmetrical and nonsymmetrical 3-aminoindazole cyclic urea HIV-1 protease inhibitors were performed. The protease inhibitory activity of these compounds was found to decrease with larger and more hydrophobic molecules, whereas the antiviral potency and translation across the cell membrane increases with increase in hydrophobicity and size. These results provide mechanistic insight about the mode of interaction of these compounds with HIV-1 protease receptor and would help in further improving the biological activity.  相似文献   

We present a one-bead coarse-grained model that enables dynamical simulations of proteins on the time scale of tens of microseconds. The parameterization of the force field includes accurate conformational terms that allow for fast and reliable exploration of the configurational space. The model is applied to the dynamics of flap opening in HIV-1 protease. The experimental structure of the recently crystallized semi-open conformation of HIV-1 protease is well reproduced in the simulation, which supports the accuracy of our model. Thanks to very long simulations and extensive sampling of opening and closing events, we also investigate the thermodynamics and kinetics of the opening process. We have shown that the effect of the solvent slows down the dynamics to the experimentally observed time scales. The model is found to be reliable for application to substrate docking simulations, which are currently in progress.  相似文献   

Borkar AN  Rout MK  Hosur RV 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e19830
Protein denaturation plays a crucial role in cellular processes. In this study, denaturation of HIV-1 Protease (PR) was investigated by all-atom MD simulations in explicit solvent. The PR dimer and monomer were simulated separately in 9 M acetic acid (9 M AcOH) solution and water to study the denaturation process of PR in acetic acid environment. Direct visualization of the denaturation dynamics that is readily available from such simulations has been presented. Our simulations in 9 M AcOH reveal that the PR denaturation begins by separation of dimer into intact monomers and it is only after this separation that the monomer units start denaturing. The denaturation of the monomers is flagged off by the loss of crucial interactions between the α-helix at C-terminal and surrounding β-strands. This causes the structure to transit from the equilibrium dynamics to random non-equilibrating dynamics. Residence time calculations indicate that denaturation occurs via direct interaction of the acetic acid molecules with certain regions of the protein in 9 M AcOH. All these observations have helped to decipher a picture of the early events in acetic acid denaturation of PR and have illustrated that the α-helix and the β-sheet at the C-terminus of a native and functional PR dimer should maintain both the stability and the function of the enzyme and thus present newer targets for blocking PR function.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody 2909 belongs to a class of potently neutralizing antibodies that recognize quaternary epitopes on HIV-1. Some members of this class, such as 2909, are strain specific, while others, such as antibody PG16, are broadly neutralizing; all, however, recognize a region on the gp120 envelope glycoprotein that includes two loops (V2 and V3) and forms appropriately only in the oligomeric HIV-1 spike (gp1203/gp413). Here we present the crystal structure of 2909 and report structure-function analysis with antibody chimeras composed of 2909 and other members of this antibody class. The 2909 structure was dominated by a heavy-chain third-complementarity-determining region (CDR H3) of 21 residues, which comprised 36% of the combining surface and formed a β-hairpin club extending ∼20 Å beyond the rest of the antibody. Sequence analysis and mass spectrometry identified sites of tyrosine sulfation at the middle and top of CDR H3; substitutions with phenylalanine either ablated (middle substitution) or substantially diminished (top substitution) neutralization. Chimeric antibodies composed of heavy and light chains, exchanged between 2909 and other members of the class, indicated a substantial lack of complementation. Comparison of 2909 to PG16 (which is tyrosine sulfated and the only other member of the class for which a structure has previously been reported) showed that both utilize protruding, anionic CDR H3s for recognition. Thus, despite some diversity, members of this class share structural and functional similarities, with conserved features of the CDR H3 subdomain likely reflecting prevalent solutions by the human immune system for recognition of a quaternary site of HIV-1 vulnerability.Identification of conserved regions accessible on the HIV-1 envelope and design of immunogens that elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies against these sites continue to be major challenges in the development of an effective HIV-1 vaccine. The HIV-1 viral spike—composed of three exterior gp120 subunits and three transmembrane gp41 subunits—is highly protected, but a limited number of these conserved regions exist on the spike, identified primarily by the broadly neutralizing antibodies that target them. One region is quaternary in nature and appropriately formed only on the assembled viral spike (gp1203/gp413). This region is targeted by a recently discovered (14) and fast expanding class of monoclonal antibodies (36, 40) that recognize epitopes with quaternary structural constraints, which are composed of portions of two gp120-variable loops, V2 and V3 (reviewed in reference 49). These quaternary structure-specific (or quaternary-specific) antibodies (also called quaternary-neutralizing epitope or “QNE” antibodies) are found in the sera of selected HIV-1-infected individuals who have broadly neutralizing serum antibodies (41); individual members of the class, however, vary greatly in their breadth of neutralization.Initial evidence for the existence of quaternary-specific antibodies arose in simian/human immunodeficiency virus-infected rhesus macaques and HIV-1-infected chimpanzees (6, 9, 13). Characterization of polyclonal sera from these infected animals suggested the presence of antibodies targeting a conformational epitope involving the variable loop regions of the gp120 viral envelope.Antibody 2909 was the first human monoclonal antibody against HIV-1 to be characterized as being specific for an epitope dependent on the quaternary interaction of envelope glycoproteins (14). It was identified by direct screening for neutralization activity against a pseudovirus derived from strain SF162 of HIV-1. It recognizes a quaternary epitope on the surface of native virions and infected cells but does not bind soluble gp120/gp140 envelope proteins or cell surface-expressed gp120 monomers (14, 20). Competition analysis and virological assays indicate that the 2909 epitope includes portions of the V2 and V3 loops of gp120 (14, 16), with the V2-V3 elements originating either from within a gp120 monomer or between gp120 protomers in the trimer context. Mapping of 2909 recognition identifies a particular anomaly in its recognition (16); neutralization by 2909 depends on the presence of a rare lysine at position 160 in the V2 loop rather than the conserved N-linked site of glycosylation found at this position in most HIV-1 isolates (providing a residue-specific explanation for the neutralization specificity of 2909 for the SF162 virus, which contains this rare lysine).Other strain-specific monoclonal antibodies like 2909 have been isolated from rhesus macaques infected with a chimeric simian/human immunodeficiency virus that contained an SF162 isolate-derived viral spike (SHIVSF162P4) (36). These rhesus monoclonal antibodies exhibit properties similar to those of 2909 in their potent neutralization of SF162 and their recognition of V2-V3 only in the context of the functional viral spike (e.g., on virus particles) (36). Details from epitope mapping indicate that these rhesus antibodies and human antibody 2909 recognize overlapping epitopes, with some differences in requirements for V2 N-linked glycosylation (36).The somatically related human monoclonal antibodies, PG9 and PG16, were also identified by a direct screen for neutralization (40). They target a quaternary-specific V2-V3 epitope, but unlike 2909, they neutralize an extraordinary 70 to 80% of circulating primary HIV-1 isolates and appear to have some reactivity for monomeric gp120 (40). Much of their increased breadth of neutralization arises from their ability to recognize an N-linked glycan at position 160 in the V2 loop, a motif which is found in greater than 90% of HIV-1 group M isolates (25).Despite substantial differences in their neutralization breadth, antibodies 2909 and PG9/PG16 may be closely related. Notably, an N160K mutation in the V2 loop of typical primary HIV-1 isolates like YU2 and JR-FL can recover 2909 activity (16). Conversely, isolate SF162 can be converted to a PG9- and PG16-sensitive pseudovirus by the K160N mutation (40). Thus, a single N or K at position 160 appears to control much of the neutralization difference between 2909 and PG16. Together the results suggest that 2909 and PG9/PG16 antibodies recognize distinct immunotypes of a similar quaternary epitope.To gain insight into how antibodies achieve recognition of this epitope, we determined the crystal structure of the antigen-binding fragment (Fab) of 2909 at a 3.3-Å resolution and compared this structure to the previously determined structure of PG16 (31, 33). Mutational analysis was used to confirm structural hot spots, and chimeric analysis of domain swaps between 2909 and other quaternary-specific antibodies was used to refine assessments of functional similarity. By identifying structural features—shared between 2909 and PG16 but otherwise highly uncommon in antibodies—the results provide insight into conserved solutions by human antibodies for recognition of an important vaccine target on HIV-1.  相似文献   

J Schneider  S B Kent 《Cell》1988,54(3):363-368
A protein corresponding to the putative protease of the human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) has been prepared by total chemical synthesis. This 99 residue synthetic enzyme showed specific proteolytic activity on fragments of the natural gag precursor and on synthetic peptide substrates, two of which released fragments corresponding to the N terminus and C terminus of the protease molecule itself. The observed substrate specificity was not restricted to cleavage at Phe/Tyr-Pro bonds. Inhibition studies provided direct evidence that the HIV-1 protease belongs to the family of aspartic proteases. The availability of the HIV-1 protease as a defined molecular species has important implications for the design of specific inhibitors that do not interfere with the host cell metabolism as a possible route to antiviral agents against acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).  相似文献   

This report examines structural changes in a highly mutated, clinical multidrug-resistant HIV-1 protease, and the crystal structure has been solved to 1.3 A resolution in the absence of any inhibitor. This protease variant contains codon mutations at positions 10, 36, 46, 54, 62, 63, 71, 82, 84, and 90 that confer resistance to protease inhibitors. Major differences between the wild-type and the variant include a structural change initiated by the M36V mutation and amplified by additional mutations in the flaps of the protease, resulting in a "wide-open" structure that represents an opening that is 8 A wider than the "open" structure of the wild-type protease. A second structural change is triggered by the L90M mutation that results in reshaping the 23-32 segment. A third key structural change of the protease is due to the mutations from longer to shorter amino acid side chains at positions 82 and 84.  相似文献   

The molecular dynamics of dipeptides of natural amino acids were examined using protocols that do not violate the principle of equal distribution of energy over the degrees of freedom. Comparative analysis involved autocorrelation functions of complex exponentials from dihedrals. The mutual influence of residues was classified by the effects on the dynamic properties of the neighbors.  相似文献   

The burial of nonpolar surface area is known to enhance markedly the conformational stability of proteins. The contribution from the burial of polar surface area is less clear. Here, we report on the tolerance to substitution of Ser75 of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A), a residue that has the unusual attributes of being buried, conserved, and polar. To identify variants that retain biological function, we used a genetic selection based on the intrinsic cytotoxicity of ribonucleolytic activity. Cell growth at 30 degrees C, 37 degrees C, and 44 degrees C correlated with residue size, indicating that the primary attribute of Ser75 is its small size. The side-chain hydroxyl group of Ser75 forms a hydrogen bond with a main-chain nitrogen. The conformational stability of the S75A variant, which lacks this hydrogen bond, was diminished by DeltaDeltaG = 2.5 kcal/mol. Threonine, which can reinstate this hydrogen bond, provided a catalytically active RNase A variant at higher temperatures than did some smaller residues (including aspartate), indicating that a secondary attribute of Ser75 is the ability of its uncharged side chain to accept a hydrogen bond. These results provide insight on the imperatives for the conservation of a buried polar residue.  相似文献   

TMC114 (darunavir) is a promising clinical inhibitor of HIV-1 protease (PR) for treatment of drug resistant HIV/AIDS. We report the ultra-high 0.84 A resolution crystal structure of the TMC114 complex with PR containing the drug-resistant mutation V32I (PR(V32I)), and the 1.22 A resolution structure of a complex with PR(M46L). These structures show TMC114 bound at two distinct sites, one in the active-site cavity and the second on the surface of one of the flexible flaps in the PR dimer. Remarkably, TMC114 binds at these two sites simultaneously in two diastereomers related by inversion of the sulfonamide nitrogen. Moreover, the flap site is shaped to accommodate the diastereomer with the S-enantiomeric nitrogen rather than the one with the R-enantiomeric nitrogen. The existence of the second binding site and two diastereomers suggest a mechanism for the high effectiveness of TMC114 on drug-resistant HIV and the potential design of new inhibitors.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic domains of ClC chloride channels and transporters are ubiquitously found in eukaryotic family members and have been suggested to be involved in the regulation of ion transport. All cytoplasmic ClC domains share a conserved scaffold that contains a pair of CBS motifs. Here we describe the structure of the cytoplasmic component of the human chloride channel ClC-Ka at 1.6 A resolution. The structure reveals a dimeric organization of the domain that is unusual for CBS motif containing proteins. Using a biochemical approach combining mutagenesis, crosslinking, and analytical ultracentrifugation, we demonstrate that the interaction interface is preserved in solution and that the distantly related channel ClC-0 likely exhibits a similar structural organization. Our results reveal a conserved interaction interface that relates the cytoplasmic domains of ClC proteins and establish a structural relationship that is likely general for this important family of transport proteins.  相似文献   

Ishima R  Louis JM 《Proteins》2008,70(4):1408-1415
Internal motion in proteins fulfills a multitude of roles in biological processes. NMR spectroscopy has been applied to elucidate protein dynamics at the atomic level, albeit at a low resolution, and is often complemented by molecular dynamics simulation. However, it is critical to justify the consistency between simulation results and conclusions often drawn from multiple experiments in which uncertainties arising from assumed motional models may not be explicitly evaluated. To understand the role of the flaps of HIV-1 protease dimer in substrate recognition and protease function, many molecular dynamics simulations have been performed. The simulations have resulted in various proposed models of the flap dynamics, some of which are more consistent than others with our working model previously derived from experiments. However, using the working model to discriminate among the simulation results is not straightforward because the working model was derived from a combination of NMR experiments and crystal structure data. In this study, we use the NMR chemical shifts and relaxation data of the protease "monomer" rather than structural data to narrow down the possible conformations of the flaps of the "dimer". For the first time, we show that the tips of the flaps in the unliganded protease dimer interact with each other in solution. Accordingly, we discuss the consistency of the simulations with the model derived from all experimental data.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations were performed using the recently determined crystal structure of the reovirus attachment protein, sigma1. These studies were conducted to improve an understanding of two unique features of sigma1 structure: the protonation state of Asp(345), which is buried in the sigma1 trimer interface, and the flexibility of the protein at a defined region below the receptor-binding head domain. Three copies of aspartic acids Asp(345) and Asp(346) cluster in a solvent-inaccessible and hydrophobic region at the sigma1 trimer interface. These residues are hypothesized to mediate conformational changes in sigma1 during viral attachment or cell entry. Our results indicate that protonation of Asp(345) is essential to the integrity of the trimeric structure seen by x-ray crystallography, whereas deprotonation induces structural changes that destabilize the trimer interface. This finding was confirmed by electrostatic calculations using the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann method. Earlier studies show that sigma1 can exist in retracted and extended conformations on the viral surface. Since protonated Asp(345) is necessary to form a stable, extended trimer, our results suggest that protonation of Asp(345) may allow for a structural transition from a partially detrimerized molecule to the fully formed trimer seen in the crystal structure. Additional studies were conducted to quantify the previously observed flexibility of sigma1 at a defined region below the receptor-binding head domain. Increased mobility was observed for three polar residues (Ser(291), Thr(292), and Ser(293)) located within an insertion between the second and third beta-spiral repeats of the crystallized portion of the sigma1 tail. These amino acids interact with water molecules of the solvent bulk and are responsible for oscillating movement of the head of approximately 50 degrees during 5 ns of simulations. This flexibility may facilitate viral attachment and also function in cell entry and disassembly. These findings provide new insights about the conformational dynamics of sigma1 that likely underlie the initiation of the reovirus infectious cycle.  相似文献   

Bihani S  Das A  Prashar V  Ferrer JL  Hosur MV 《Proteins》2009,74(3):594-602
HIV-1 protease is an effective target for design of different types of drugs against AIDS. HIV-1 protease is also one of the few enzymes that can cleave substrates containing both proline and nonproline residues at the cleavage site. We report here the first structure of HIV-1 protease complexed with the product peptides SQNY and PIV derived by in situ cleavage of the oligopeptide substrate SQNYPIV, within the crystals. In the structure, refined against 2.0-A resolution synchrotron data, a carboxyl oxygen of SQNY is hydrogen-bonded with the N-terminal nitrogen atom of PIV. At the same time, this proline nitrogen atom does not form any hydrogen bond with catalytic aspartates. These two observations suggest that the protonation of scissile nitrogen, during peptide bond cleavage, is by a gem-hydroxyl of the tetrahedral intermediate rather than by a catalytic aspartic acid.  相似文献   

PSD-Zip45 (also named Homer 1c/Vesl-1L) is a synaptic scaffolding protein, which interacts with neurotransmitter receptors and other scaffolding proteins to target them into post-synaptic density (PSD), a specialized protein complex at the synaptic junction. Binding of the PSD-Zip45 to the receptors and scaffolding proteins results in colocalization and clustering of its binding partners in PSD. It has an Ena/VASP homology 1 (EVH1) domain in the N terminus for receptor binding, two leucine zipper motifs in the C terminus for clustering, and a linking region whose function is unclear despite the high level of conservation within the Homer 1 family. The X-ray crystallographic analysis of the largest fragment of residues 1-163, including an EVH1 domain reported here, demonstrates that the EVH1 domain contains an alpha-helix longer than that of the previous models, and that the linking part included in the conserved region of Homer 1 (CRH1) of the PSD-Zip45 interacts with the EVH1 domain of the neighbour CRH1 molecule in the crystal. The results suggest that the EVH1 domain recognizes the PPXXF motif found in the binding partners, and the SPLTP sequence (P-motif) in the linking region of the CRH1. The two types of binding are partly overlapped in the EVH1 domain, implying a mechanism to regulate multimerization of Homer 1 family proteins.  相似文献   

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