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Postsynaptic scaffold proteins immobilize neurotransmitter receptors in the synaptic membrane opposite to presynaptic vesicle release sites, thus ensuring efficient synaptic transmission. At inhibitory synapses in the spinal cord, the main scaffold protein gephyrin assembles in dense molecule clusters that provide binding sites for glycine receptors (GlyRs). Gephyrin and GlyRs can also interact outside of synapses, where they form receptor-scaffold complexes. Although several models for the formation of postsynaptic scaffold domains in the presence of receptor-scaffold interactions have been advanced, a clear picture of the coupled dynamics of receptors and scaffold proteins at synapses is lacking. To characterize the GlyR and gephyrin dynamics at inhibitory synapses, we performed fluorescence time-lapse imaging after photoconversion to directly visualize the exchange kinetics of recombinant Dendra2-gephyrin in cultured spinal cord neurons. Immuno-immobilization of endogenous GlyRs with specific antibodies abolished their lateral diffusion in the plasma membrane, as judged by the lack of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Moreover, the cross-linking of GlyRs significantly reduced the exchange of Dendra2-gephyrin compared with control conditions, suggesting that the kinetics of the synaptic gephyrin pool is strongly dependent on GlyR-gephyrin interactions. We did not observe any change in the total synaptic gephyrin levels after GlyR cross-linking, however, indicating that the number of gephyrin molecules at synapses is not primarily dependent on the exchange of GlyR-gephyrin complexes. We further show that our experimental data can be quantitatively accounted for by a model of receptor-scaffold dynamics that includes a tightly interacting receptor-scaffold domain, as well as more loosely bound receptor and scaffold populations that exchange with extrasynaptic pools. The model can make predictions for single-molecule data such as typical dwell times of synaptic proteins. Taken together, our data demonstrate the reciprocal stabilization of GlyRs and gephyrin at inhibitory synapses and provide a quantitative understanding of their dynamic organization.  相似文献   

The distribution of receptors for a neurotransmitter was investigated cytochemically for the first time in the central nervous system, at synapses established on cells of the ventral horn of the rat cervical spinal cord. Three monoclonal antibodies (mAb's) raised against glycine receptors were used. Immunofluorescent staining already showed discontinuous labeling at the surface of neurons, and immunoenzymatic electron microscopy further revealed that the antigenic determinants were confined to the postsynaptic membrane and concentrated at the level of the synaptic complex. More specifically, one mAb directed against the receptive subunit of the oligomeric receptor recognized an epitope on the extracellular side of the plasma membrane, whereas two other mAb's bound to the cytoplasmic face. Epitopes for the last two mAb's were more accurately localized with protein A-colloidal gold, using an intermediate rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin serum. (a) In addition to the presence of gold particles in areas facing the presynaptic active zone (visualized with ethanolic phosphotungstic acid), the labeling extended beyond this zone for approximately 50-60 nm, which corresponds to the width of one presynaptic dense projection. (b) The distances between the mid membrane and the gold particles were different for the two mAb's (with means of 21.7 +/- 8.5 nm and 29.8 +/- 10.4 nm, respectively). The data suggest that one of the recognized epitopes is close to the plasma membrane, whereas the second protrudes into the cytoplasm. Our results indicate that the receptor is a transmembrane protein which has a restricted spatial distribution on the postsynaptic neuronal surface.  相似文献   

The distributions of terminals containing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and of endings apposed to glycine receptors were investigated cytochemically in the ventral horn of the rat spinal cord. For this purpose, a polyclonal antibody raised to recognize glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), a synthetic enzyme for GABA, and three monoclonal antibodies (mAb's) directed against the glycine receptor were used. Double immunofluorescence showed that, surprisingly, GAD-positive terminals are closely associated in this system with glycine receptors at all the investigated cells, most of which were spinal motoneurons. Furthermore, double labeling was performed with immunoenzymatic recognition of GAD and indirect marking of mAb's with colloidal gold. With this combined approach, it was found, at the electron microscopic level, that all GAD-positive terminals are in direct apposition with glycine receptors while, on the other hand, not all glycine receptors are in front of GABA-containing boutons. This result is not due to a cross-reactivity of mAb's with GABA receptors as shown by using as a control synapses known to use GABA as a neurotransmitter in the cerebellar cortex. Indeed, no glycine receptor immunoreactivity was detected on Purkinje cells facing basket axon terminals. However, Purkinje neurons can express glycine receptor immunoreactivity at other synaptic contacts. Assuming that the presence of postsynaptic receptors for glycine indicates that this amino acid is used for neurotransmission at a given synapse, our results strongly support the notion that GABA and glycine, two classical inhibitory transmitters, coexist at some central connections. However, such is not always the case; in the cerebellum, Golgi terminals impinging on the dendrites of granule cells are either GAD-positive or face glycine receptors, in a well-segregated manner.  相似文献   

Canonical transient receptor potential type 3 (TRPC3) ion channels assemble from TRPC3 subunits and exhibit multiple activation mechanisms. TRPC3 has been proposed to contribute to Ca2+ entry supporting Ca2+ homeostasis in cochlear hair cells and to be activated by G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling in spiral ganglion neurons. The present study was designed to determine the spatiotemporal profile of TRPC3 expression during mouse cochlear ontogeny. TRPC3 immunofluorescence of cryosectioned cochleae was performed using E16–adult tissue. We found that prior to birth, TRPC3 expression was strongest in epithelial cells that form the cochlear partition. In the early postnatal period, to the onset of hearing (~P12), immunofluorescence was strongest in the hair cells, with increased expression in stria vascularis and Reissner’s membrane. Afferent neurite labeling in inner spiral plexus and outer spiral bundles developed transiently in the perinatal period, corresponding to the critical period of synaptic consolidation, while signal in the spiral ganglion soma increased from the perinatal period through to adulthood. Compared with the late embryonic/early postnatal levels, hair cell expression was relatively weaker from the third postnatal week, whereas spiral ganglion soma labeling was stronger. In the adult, TRPC3 expression was primarily in the soma of spiral ganglion neurons, the hair cells, and the inner and outer sulcus regions. This spatiotemporal profile of TRPC3 expression was consistent with this ion channel contributing to development of sensory, neural and epithelial cochlear tissues, as well as hair cell Ca2+ homeostasis and regulation of auditory neurotransmission via GPCR signaling.  相似文献   

Mobile NMDA receptors at hippocampal synapses   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Tovar KR  Westbrook GL 《Neuron》2002,34(2):255-264
Glutamate receptors are concentrated in the postsynaptic complex of central synapses. This implies a highly organized and stable postsynaptic membrane with tightly anchored receptors. Recent reports of rapid AMPA receptor insertion and removal at synapses have challenged this view. We examined the stability of synaptic NMDA receptors on cultured hippocampal neurons using the open-channel blockers (+)-MK-801 and ketamine to tag synaptic NMDA receptors. NMDA receptor-mediated EPSCs showed an anomalous recovery following "irreversible" MK-801 block. The recovery could not be attributed to MK-801 unbinding or insertion of new receptors, suggesting that membrane receptors had moved laterally into the synapse. At least 65% of synaptic NMDA receptors were mobile. Our results indicate that NMDA receptors can move laterally between synaptic and extrasynaptic pools, providing evidence for a dynamic organization of synaptic NMDA receptors in the postsynaptic complex.  相似文献   

The flux of neurotransmitter receptors in and out of synapses depends on receptor interaction with scaffolding molecules. However, the crowd of transmembrane proteins and the rich cytoskeletal environment may constitute obstacles to the diffusion of receptors within the synapse. To address this question, we studied the membrane diffusion of the γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor (GABA(A)R) subunits clustered (γ2) or not (α5) at inhibitory synapses in rat hippocampal dissociated neurons. Relative to the extrasynaptic region, γ2 and α5 showed reduced diffusion and increased confinement at both inhibitory and excitatory synapses but they dwelled for a short time at excitatory synapses. In contrast, γ2 was ~3-fold more confined and dwelled ~3-fold longer in inhibitory synapses than α5, indicating faster synaptic escape of α5. Furthermore, using a gephyrin dominant-negative approach, we showed that the increased residency time of γ2 at inhibitory synapses was due to receptor-scaffold interactions. As shown for GABA(A)R, the excitatory glutamate receptor 2 subunit (GluA2) of the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR) had lower mobility in both excitatory and inhibitory synapses but a higher residency time at excitatory synapses. Therefore barriers impose significant diffusion constraints onto receptors at synapses where they accumulate or not. Our data further reveal that the confinement and the dwell time but not the diffusion coefficient report on the synapse specific sorting, trapping and accumulation of receptors.  相似文献   

In the brain, membrane associated nongenomic steroid receptors can induce fast-acting responses to ion conductance and second messenger systems of neurons. Emerging data suggest that membrane associated glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors may directly regulate synaptic excitability during times of stress when adrenal hormones are elevated. As the key neuron signaling interface, the synapse is involved in learning and memory, including traumatic memories during times of stress. The lateral amygdala is a key site for synaptic plasticity underlying conditioned fear, which can both trigger and be coincident with the stress response. A large body of electrophysiological data shows rapid regulation of neuronal excitability by steroid hormone receptors. Despite the importance of these receptors, to date, only the glucocorticoid receptor has been anatomically localized to the membrane. We investigated the subcellular sites of mineralocorticoid receptors in the lateral amygdala of the Sprague-Dawley rat. Immunoblot analysis revealed the presence of mineralocorticoid receptors in the amygdala. Using electron microscopy, we found mineralocorticoid receptors expressed at both nuclear including: glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons and extra nuclear sites including: presynaptic terminals, neuronal dendrites, and dendritic spines. Importantly we also observed mineralocorticoid receptors at postsynaptic membrane densities of excitatory synapses. These data provide direct anatomical evidence supporting the concept that, at some synapses, synaptic transmission is regulated by mineralocorticoid receptors. Thus part of the stress signaling response in the brain is a direct modulation of the synapse itself by adrenal steroids.  相似文献   

The organization and regulation of synaptic connections in the mammalian nervous system entail complicated and co-ordinated molecular and cellular processes. The unveiling of various protein-protein interactions and their functional consequences at synapses have led to a greater understanding of the process of synapse formation and the modulation of synaptic transmission. Recent studies indicate that the major excitatory neurotransmitter receptors in the brain, the glutamate receptors, are associated with many different molecules that are involved in the formation of elaborate synaptic cytoskeletal networks and signal transduction cascades. These complex protein networks may play critical roles in the regulation of neurotransmitter receptor function and the efficacy of synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

The developmental cycle of the obligate intracellular prokaryote Chlamydia trachomatis involves the serial alternation of two distinct morphological forms of the organism. To examine the basis of chlamydial differentiation we have searched for developmentally regulated gene products in this species. Chlamydia-infected cells were pulse-labelled with [35S] cysteine at various stages of development and the products of synthesis examined by SDS-PAGE. Our results indicate that the synthesis of the cysteine-rich outer-membrane proteins is developmentally regulated, occurring only late in the cycle during the conversion of reticulate bodies to elementary bodies. Both hydroxyurea and ampicillin block this conversion; as a result of this blockade the cysteine-rich outer-membrane proteins are not produced in the presence of either drug.  相似文献   

Actin-dependent regulation of neurotransmitter release at central synapses   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Morales M  Colicos MA  Goda Y 《Neuron》2000,27(3):539-550
Depolymerization of actin by latrunculin A transiently promotes neurotransmitter release. The mean rate of mEPSCs increases by a Ca2+-independent process, without a concomitant change in the mean amplitude. The readily releasable vesicle pool size and the rate of refilling of the readily releasable pool remain unaltered by latrunculin treatment. Evoked neurotransmitter release also increases in a manner consistent with an increase in vesicle release probability. The observed enhancement of neurotransmitter release is specific to actin depolymerization mediated by latrunculin A and is not caused by cytochalasin D. Our findings indicate that actin participates in a regulatory mechanism that restrains fusion of synaptic vesicles at the active zone.  相似文献   

We have examined the regulation of murine mammary-gland 90 kDa heat-shock protein (hsp-90) as a function of normal development and differentiation. We find that both hsp-90 and amounts of its mRNA are modulated during development and differentiation, with the highest concentrations of mRNA and protein being present in tissues from pregnant and lactating animals respectively. Metabolic labelling experiments with [35S]methionine reveal that the rate of synthesis of hsp-90 also varies among tissues from various developmental states and correlates with the relative hsp-90 mRNA content. These data also suggest that the highest concentration of hsp-90 found in lactating mammary tissues may be due to a greater stability of this protein in this developmental state. The possible significance of the developmental modulation of mammary hsp-90 to mammary steroid-receptor properties is discussed.  相似文献   

Glycine receptors (GlyRs) are chloride channels that mediate fast inhibitory neurotransmission and are members of the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel (pLGIC) family. The interface between the ligand binding domain and the transmembrane domain of pLGICs has been proposed to be crucial for channel gating and is lined by a number of charged and aromatic side chains that are highly conserved among different pLGICs. However, little is known about specific interactions between these residues that are likely to be important for gating in α1 GlyRs. Here we use the introduction of cysteine pairs and the in vivo nonsense suppression method to incorporate unnatural amino acids to probe the electrostatic and hydrophobic contributions of five highly conserved side chains near the interface, Glu-53, Phe-145, Asp-148, Phe-187, and Arg-218. Our results suggest a salt bridge between Asp-148 in loop 7 and Arg-218 in the pre-M1 domain that is crucial for channel gating. We further propose that Phe-145 and Phe-187 play important roles in stabilizing this interaction by providing a hydrophobic environment. In contrast to the equivalent residues in loop 2 of other pLGICs, the negative charge at Glu-53 α1 GlyRs is not crucial for normal channel function. These findings help decipher the GlyR gating pathway and show that distinct residue interaction patterns exist in different pLGICs. Furthermore, a salt bridge between Asp-148 and Arg-218 would provide a possible mechanistic explanation for the pathophysiologically relevant hyperekplexia, or startle disease, mutant Arg-218 → Gln.  相似文献   

Chen Y  Fu AK  Ip NY 《Cellular signalling》2012,24(3):606-611
Precise regulation of synapse formation, maintenance and plasticity is crucial for normal cognitive function, and synaptic failure has been suggested as one of the hallmarks of neurodegenerative diseases. In this review, we describe the recent progress in our understanding of how the receptor tyrosine kinase Ephs and their ligands ephrins regulate dendritic spine morphogenesis, synapse formation and maturation, as well as synaptic plasticity. In particular, we discuss the emerging evidence implicating that deregulation of Eph/ephrin signaling contributes to the aberrant synaptic functions associated with cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease. Understanding how Eph/ephrin regulates synaptic function may therefore provide new insights into the development of therapeutic agents against neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell activation receptors accumulate by an actin-dependent process at cytotoxic immune synapses where they provide synergistic signals that trigger NK cell effector functions. In contrast, NK cell inhibitory receptors, including members of the MHC class I-specific killer cell Ig-like receptor (KIR) family, accumulate at inhibitory immune synapses, block actin dynamics, and prevent actin-dependent phosphorylation of activation receptors. Therefore, one would predict inhibition of actin-dependent accumulation of activation receptors when inhibitory receptors are engaged. By confocal imaging of primary human NK cells in contact with target cells expressing physiological ligands of NK cell receptors, we show here that this prediction is incorrect. Target cells included a human cell line and transfected Drosophila insect cells that expressed ligands of NK cell activation receptors in combination with an MHC class I ligand of inhibitory KIR. The two NK cell activation receptors CD2 and 2B4 accumulated and co-localized with KIR at inhibitory immune synapses. In fact, KIR promoted CD2 and 2B4 clustering, as CD2 and 2B4 accumulated more efficiently at inhibitory synapses. In contrast, accumulation of KIR and of activation receptors at inhibitory synapses correlated with reduced density of the integrin LFA-1. These results imply that inhibitory KIR does not prevent CD2 and 2B4 signaling by blocking their accumulation at NK cell immune synapses, but by blocking their ability to signal within inhibitory synapses.  相似文献   

The divalent cation Zn(2+) is a potent potentiator at the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (GlyR). This occurs at nanomolar concentrations, which are the predicted endogenous levels of extracellular neuronal Zn(2+). Using structural modeling and functional mutagenesis, we have identified the molecular basis for the elusive Zn(2+) potentiation site on GlyRs and account for the differential sensitivity of GlyR alpha(1) and GlyR alpha(2) to Zn(2+) potentiation. In addition, juxtaposed to this Zn(2+) site, which is located externally on the N-terminal domain of the alpha subunit, another residue was identified in the nearby Cys loop, a region that is critical for receptor gating in all Cys loop ligand-gated ion channels. This residue acted as a key control element in the allosteric transduction pathway for Zn(2+) potentiation, enabling either potentiation or overt inhibition of receptor activation depending upon the moiety resident at this location. Overall, we propose that Zn(2+) binds to a site on the extracellular outer face of the GlyR alpha subunit and exerts its positive allosteric effect via an interaction with the Cys loop to increase the efficacy of glycine receptor gating.  相似文献   

The distribution and ultrastructure of glycogen deposits were investigated in the murine tooth germ by histochemical periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining and transmission electron microscopy. Lower and upper first molars were examined in mouse embryos at embryonic days 11.5–17 (E11.5–E17) and in 2-day-old postnatal (P2) mice. The oral and dental epithelia and the mesenchymal cells were generally PAS-positive during tooth morphogenesis. PAS-negative cells were present at E13 in the distal tip of the tooth bud epithelium and in the contacting mesenchyme, and this complete lack of PAS reactivity continued in the dental papilla mesenchyme and inner enamel epithelium during the cap and bell stages. The lack of glycogen deposits in the interacting epithelium and mesenchyme during early morphogenesis may be associated with their demonstrated high signaling activities. Mesenchymal cells in the dental follicle consistently possessed small clusters or large pools of glycogen, which disappeared by P2. Since an intense PAS reaction was seen in mesenchymal cells at future bone sites, the glycogen in the dental follicle cells may be associated with their development into hard-tissue-forming cells. Ultrastructural observation of the enamel organ cells from the cap to early bell stages (E14–E15) revealed the occurrence of glycogen pools, which were associated with the Golgi apparatus and with vesicles having amorphous contents. Glycogen particles were also occasionally present inside vesicles or in the extracellular matrix. These may be associated with the exocytosis of glycosaminoglycan components into extracellular spaces and the formation of the stellate reticulum. Received: 9 November 1998 / Accepted: 17 January 1999  相似文献   

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