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A shortcut to identify DNA markers associated with economic traits is to use a candidate gene approach that is still useful in livestock species in which molecular tools and resources are not advanced or not well developed. Mutations in the growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene associated with production traits have been already described in several livestock species. For this reason GHR could be an interesting candidate gene in the rabbit. In this study we re-sequenced all exons and non-coding regions of the rabbit GHR gene in a panel of 10 different rabbits and identified 10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). One of them (g.63453192C>G or c.106C>G), located in exon 3 was a missense mutation (p.L36V) substituting an amino acid in a highly conserved position across all mammals. This mutation was genotyped in 297 performance tested rabbits of a meat male line and association analysis showed that the investigated SNP was associated with weight at 70 days (P < 0.05). The most frequent genotype (GG) was in animals with higher weight at this age, suggesting that the high directional selection pressure toward this trait since the constitution of the genotyped line might have contributed to shape allele frequencies at this polymorphic site.  相似文献   

Leacthing the excised embryonic-axes from dormant groundunt (Arachis hypogaea) seeds resulted in their growth. However, their growth was stunted compared to that of after-ripened ones. It is attributed to (1) the lower amount of gibberellin-like substances in the dry, dormant embryonic-axes than in the after-ripened ones, and (2) the inability of the former to sythesise tbe tibberetllin as indicated by the lower content compared to the after-ripened ones kept in water. Exogenousty supplied GA(3) (0.1 mg/1) increased both the endogenous gibberellin and growth of the dormant, leached embryonic-axes to the level of after-ripened ones.  相似文献   

K. E. Zerba  R. E. Ferrell    C. F. Sing 《Genetics》1996,143(1):463-478
We analyzed the age-dependence of the estimates of the parameters of the genetic architecture of plasma ApoE levels associated with ApoE gene variation. Our study sample included 1988 individuals in multigeneration pedigrees from the Rochester, MN, population. We used a 30-yr sliding window across the age range (5-90 yr) to estimate the age dependency of parameters. Additive ApoE allelic variance of transformed plasma ApoE values for both genders, heritabilities for males and phenotypic and residual variance for females peaked in the 20-40-yr age windows and decreased significantly with age (P < 0.05). Phenotypic and residual variance for males and dominance variance for both genders did not vary significantly with age. All parameter estimates were significantly different from zero across all age windows for both genders. Most studies of ApoE have focused on its functions in the pathophysiology of coronary artery disease (CAD) in middle-aged and older individuals. Our findings suggest the greatest role of this gene is in determining phenotypic differences among younger and middle-aged individuals. These observed genotypic effects on the plasma ApoE levels may contribute to age-dependent differences in physiological health, growth, and risk of disease.  相似文献   

This study investigated how CO2and temperature affect dry weight(d.wt) accumulation, total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC)concentration, and partitioning of C and N among organs of twoimportant grasses of the shortgrass steppe,Pascopyrum smithiiRydb. (C3) andBouteloua gracilis(H.B.K.) Lag. ex Steud. (C4).Treatment combinations comprised two temperatures (20 and 35°C)at two concentrations of CO2(380 and 750 µmol mol-1),and two additional temperatures of 25 and 30°C at 750 µmolmol-1CO2. Plants were maintained under favourable nutrient andsoil moisture and harvested following 21, 35, and 49d of treatment.CO2-induced growth enhancements were greatest at temperaturesconsidered favourable for growth of these grasses. Comparedto growth at 380 µmol mol-1CO2, final d.wt of CO2-enrichedP.smithiiincreased 84% at 20°C, but only 4% at 35°C. Finald.wt ofB. graciliswas unaffected by CO2at 20°C, but wasenhanced by 28% at 35°C. Root:shoot ratios remained relativelyconstant across CO2levels, but increased inP. smithiiwith reductionin temperature. These partitioning results were adequately explainedby the theory of balanced root and shoot activity. Favourablegrowth temperatures led to CO2-induced accumulations of TNCin leaves of both species, and in stems ofP. smithii, whichgenerally reflected responses of above-ground d.wt partitioningto CO2. However, CO2-induced decreases in plant tissue N concentrationswere more evident forP. smithii. Roots of CO2-enrichedP. smithiihadgreater total N content at 20°C, an allocation of N below-groundthat may be an especially important adaptation for C3plants.Tissue N contents ofB. graciliswere unaffected by CO2. Resultssuggest CO2enrichment may lead to reduced N requirements forgrowth in C3plants and lower shoot N concentration, especiallyat favourable growth temperatures. Acclimation to CO2; blue grama; Bouteloua gracilis ; carbohydrate; climate change; global change; grass; growth; growth temperature optima; nitrogen; N uptake; Pascopyrum smithii; western wheatgrass  相似文献   

人生长激素(hGH)基因大片段缺失是单纯性生长激素缺乏症原因之一,但大多数单纯性生长激素缺乏症病因不明。为探查这些病人的发病机理,用PCR技术扩增克隆了三例病人hGH基因5’端顺序,并检测了核苷酸序列。发现一例病人序列正常,但另二例病人均出现二种序列,一种是呈多态的正常顺序,另一种则有4个碱基的变异,发生在-1,+3,+16,+25位核苷酸,揭示这些变异位点可能对转录翻译有影响。但这些变异顺序与生长激素缺乏症的确切关系还有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Neuregulin, or neu differentiation factor, induces cell proliferation or differentiation through interaction with members of the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases. We report that neuregulin can also induce profound morphogenic responses in cultured epithelial cells of different origins. These effects include scattering of small epithelial islands and rearrangement of larger cell islands into ordered ring-shaped arrays with internal lumens. The ring-forming cells are interconnected by cadherin- and β-catenin-containing adherens junctions. In confluent cultures, neuregulin treatment induces formation of circular lumenlike gaps in the monolayer. Both cell scattering and ring formation are accompanied by a marked increase in cell motility that is independent of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor and its receptor (c-Met). Affinity-labeling experiments implied that a combination of ErbB-2 with ErbB-3 mediates the morphogenic signal of neuregulin in gastric cells. Indeed, a similar morphogenic effect could be reconstituted in nonresponsive cells by coexpression of ErbB-2 and -3. We conclude that a heterodimer between the kinase-defective neuregulin receptor, ErbB-3, and the coreceptor, ErbB-2, mediates the morphogenetic action of neuregulin.  相似文献   

Abstract The morphology and growth of selected lateral line organs of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are described. Canal neuromasts of the infraorbital and operculo–mandibular canal of three different–sized trout have been examined by light microscopy. The number of neuromasts and pores, as well as their distribution, is constant in all sizes of fish. However, the area and estimated number of hair cells (HC) of the examined neuromasts increase with size and with a correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.90 and 0.87, respectively. It was found that area and estimated hair cell number of neuromasts increase 6-fold in fish from 10 to 30 cm total length (TL). Based on calculation of the hair cell number in small and large fish, a net addition of 1 and 6 HC per day is suggested for IO and OM neuromasts, respectively.  相似文献   

兔出血症病毒体外复制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在几种动物细胞上,采用同步感染的方法研究了兔出血症病毒(RHDV)的复制特性。病毒感染细胞后(PI)48—72小时可观察到明显的细胞病变,血凝效价可增高5—10倍。病毒对细胞传代代数不同,敏感性也不同。在兔婴肾(RK)和兔婴肺(RL)细胞上以4—8代最为敏感。采用免疫荧光染色法,经病毒感染48—72小时的细胞中可观察到特异性荧光。细胞增殖的病毒经PEG-DS浓缩,Sepharose 4B柱层析提纯后,在电镜下可观察到完整的病毒粒子,将此病毒回接健康实验兔可致100%死亡。免疫双扩散和免疫电泳试验表明,细胞增殖的病毒抗原与来自病兔肝的RHDV抗血清之间产生明显的沉淀带。SDS-PAGE分析病毒获得四条多肽,其分子量大小与病兔肝组织提取的病毒蛋白多肽分子量相比略有差异。  相似文献   

硝态氮(NO3^—)对水稻侧根生长及其氮吸收的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
侧根是植物吸收利用土壤养分的重要器官 ,其生长发育受内部遗传因子和外部环境矿质养分的影响。通过琼脂分层培养发现 :局部供应NO-3 可以诱导水稻 (OryzasativaL .)主根或不定根上侧根的生长。为研究旱种条件下NO-3 对水稻侧根发育及其N吸收的影响 ,设置了 3个蛭石培养实验 :分根处理、全株缺N、全株供N处理。分根处理 (一半根系供应 3mmol/LKNO3,另一半根系供应 3mmol/LKCl)结果表明 :局部供应NO-3 能够促进水稻侧根生长。而在全株处理下 ,N饥饿诱导了侧根的伸长。水稻根系对NO-3 的这两种反应都存在着显著的基因型差异。同时对地上部N浓度、可溶性总糖含量及N含量分析表明 ,这些生理指标在分根处理与全株加N处理中的差异均不显著 ,表明分根处理也能基本满足植株正常生长对N的需求。在分根处理中 ,水稻的N含量与分根处理中供N一侧的平均侧根长度存在显著正相关 ,这表明在养分不均一的介质中 ,侧根长度对水稻N素吸收具有十分重要的作用。而在N素充足的条件下 ,两者之间的相关性并不显著 ,这暗示在养分充足的环境下 ,侧根长度可能并不是决定根系吸收N素的主要因素  相似文献   

Per  Nygaard 《Physiologia plantarum》1969,22(2):338-346
The ability of pine pollen to grow in vitro is discussed in relation to its in situ. Optimal conditions of growth in vitro were investigated. All the experiments were made with pollen of Pinus mugo Turra. A satisfactory medium is described as that which at pH 5.2 and at 29 °C can lead to a tube growth bigger than in vivo. The initial growth (0–30) hours) in terms of tube growth and respiration is described in detail. It is shown that a correlation exists between tube growth and respiration. A method for estimating the metabolism and growth of the pollen tube, based on the uptake of 32p-labelled phosphate, is described. Addition of known stimulators of plant growth and extension does not stimulate tube growth. Temperature studies show that under 20°C germination does not take place.  相似文献   

侧根是植物吸收利用土壤养分的重要器官,其生长发育受内部遗传因子和外部环境矿质养分的影响.通过琼脂分层培养发现:局部供应NO-3可以诱导水稻( Oryza sativa L.)主根或不定根上侧根的生长.为研究旱种条件下NO-3对水稻侧根发育及其N吸收的影响,设置了3个蛭石培养实验:分根处理、全株缺N、全株供N处理.分根处理(一半根系供应3 mmol/L KNO3,另一半根系供应3 mmol/L KCl)结果表明:局部供应NO-3 能够促进水稻侧根生长.而在全株处理下,N饥饿诱导了侧根的伸长.水稻根系对NO-3的这两种反应都存在着显著的基因型差异.同时对地上部N浓度、可溶性总糖含量及N含量分析表明,这些生理指标在分根处理与全株加N处理中的差异均不显著,表明分根处理也能基本满足植株正常生长对N的需求.在分根处理中,水稻的N含量与分根处理中供N一侧的平均侧根长度存在显著正相关,这表明在养分不均一的介质中,侧根长度对水稻N素吸收具有十分重要的作用.而在N素充足的条件下,两者之间的相关性并不显著,这暗示在养分充足的环境下,侧根长度可能并不是决定根系吸收N素的主要因素.  相似文献   

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