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Summary Whole-blood cells of obligate carriers of the X-linked Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) exhibit nonrandom inactivation of the X-chromosomes. However, because of the limited polymorphism of the probes available, the X-methylation pattern can only be determined in a restricted proportion of females. We thus analysed a large set of normal females and members of WAS families, using the recently described marker M27, which detects the hyperpolymorphic locus DXS255. The probe was used to detect differences in methylation between the active and inactive X-chromosome, and the findings were compared with the pattern obtained using the well-documented probes from the 5 end of the PGK and HPRT genes. All the normal females were found to use either X-chromosome randomly, and there was complete correlation between the three probes in the populations studied. Segregation analysis performed with M27 and other related markers in the WAS families was fully in accordance with the X-inactivation data. The use of M27, for both X-inactivation and segregation analysis of WAS kindreds, provides a basis for genetic counselling in the majority of families, including those with no surviving males.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis was performed in 19 families segregating for the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) and in 1 family with X-linked thrombocytopenia using nine polymorphic DNA markers spanning the interval DXS7-DXS14. The results confirm close linkage of WAS to the DXS7, TIMP, OATL1, DXS255, DXS146, and DXS14 loci and reveal three additional marker loci, DXS426, SYP, and TFE3, to be closely linked to WAS. The linkage data are also consistent with the localization of X-linked thrombocytopenia to the same chromosomal region as WAS and support localization of the WAS gene between the TIMP and DXS 146 loci. However, the data were insufficient for positioning these disease genes with respect to the four marker loci that map within this latter interval. Analysis of recombination events between the marker loci place the TFE3 gene distal to DXS255 and favor the marker loci order Xpter-DXS7-(DXS426, TIMP)-(OATL1, SYP, TFE3)-DXS255-DXS146-DXS14.  相似文献   

Summary Linkage analysis of 15 families affected by X-linked agammaglobulinaemia (XLA) showed close linkage with three probes located towards the centre of the long arm of the X chromosome. No cross-overs were found using pXG12 (DXS94) lod 6.6 or S21 (DXS17) lod 4.4. One cross-over was found with 19.2 (DXS3). This confirms and extends a previous linkage study (Kwan et al. 1986) which demonstrated linkage with S21 and 19.2. Of the families 14 were informative for either pXG12 or S21 and these probes should thus be of great diagnostic value. No evidence of heterogeneity was found in the XLA families but several cross-overs within this region were detected in a family with the X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome confirming this disease as a separate clinical entity.  相似文献   

Metal ions like Cu(II) and Zn(II) are accumulated in Alzheimer's disease amyloid plaques. The amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide involved in the disease interacts with these metal ions at neutral pH via ligands provided by the N-terminal histidines and the N-terminus. The present study uses high-resolution NMR spectroscopy to monitor the residue-specific interactions of Cu(II) and Zn(II) with (15)N- and (13)C,(15)N-labeled Aβ(1-40) peptides at varying pH levels. At pH 7.4 both ions bind to the specific ligands, competing with one another. At pH 5.5 Cu(II) retains its specific histidine ligands, while Zn(II) seems to lack residue-specific interactions. The low pH mimics acidosis which is linked to inflammatory processes in vivo. The results suggest that the cell toxic effects of redox active Cu(II) binding to Aβ may be reversed by the protective activity of non-redox active Zn(II) binding to the same major binding site under non-acidic conditions. Under acidic conditions, the protective effect of Zn(II) may be decreased or changed, since Zn(II) is less able to compete with Cu(II) for the specific binding site on the Aβ peptide under these conditions.  相似文献   

X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID) is a rare fatal disease that is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the gammac chain. In this study, 27 unrelated Japanese patients with X-SCID were examined in terms of their genetic mutations and surface expression of the gammac chain. Among 25 patients examined, excluding two patients with large deletions, 23 different mutations were identified in the IL2RG gene, including 10 novel mutations. One patient bearing an extracellular mutation and all three of the patients bearing intracellular mutations after exon 7 expressed the gammac chain on the cell surface. Overall, 84% of patients lacked surface expression of the gammac chain leading to a diagnosis of X-SCID.  相似文献   

In the region between the polyadenylation site of the rat skeletal muscle (SkM) Na-channel gene and the 5′ end of the growth hormone (GH) gene, a gene coding for B-cell-specific membrane protein B29/Ig-β was found and noted to have the same orientation as the Na-channel and GH genes. Rat B29/Ig-β gene was 3.1 kb in length with six exons and was separated by 3.3 and 9.3 kb from Na-channel and GH genes, respectively. Rat B29/Ig-β protein comprised 228 amino acids, and its amino acid sequence was 85 and 69% identical with the mouse and human counterparts, respectively. With the long-area PCR method, genomic DNA connecting human SkM Na-channel (SCN4A) and B29/Ig-β (CD79B) genes and CD79B and GH (GH1) genes was amplified, and the physical linkage of SCN4A/CD79B/GH1 genes in the human genome was established. The human CD79B gene was separated by 6.3 and 10.5 kb from the SCN4A and GH1 genes, respectively.  相似文献   

Mutations in the erythroid-specific aminolevulinic acid synthase gene (ALAS2) cause X-linked sideroblastic anemia (XLSA) by reducing mitochondrial enzymatic activity. Surprisingly, a patient with the classic XLSA phenotype had a novel exon 11 mutation encoding a recombinant enzyme (p.Met567Val) with normal activity, kinetics, and stability. Similarly, both an expressed adjacent XLSA mutation, p.Ser568Gly, and a mutation (p.Phe557Ter) lacking the 31 carboxyl-terminal residues also had normal or enhanced activity, kinetics, and stability. Because ALAS2 binds to the β subunit of succinyl-CoA synthetase (SUCLA2), the mutant proteins were tested for their ability to bind to this protein. Wild type ALAS2 bound strongly to a SUCLA2 affinity column, but the adjacent XLSA mutant enzymes and the truncated mutant did not bind. In contrast, vitamin B6-responsive XLSA mutations p.Arg452Cys and p.Arg452His, with normal in vitro enzyme activity and stability, did not interfere with binding to SUCLA2 but instead had loss of positive cooperativity for succinyl-CoA binding, an increased K(m) for succinyl-CoA, and reduced vitamin B6 affinity. Consistent with the association of SUCLA2 binding with in vivo ALAS2 activity, the p.Met567GlufsX2 mutant protein that causes X-linked protoporphyria bound strongly to SUCLA2, highlighting the probable role of an ALAS2-succinyl-CoA synthetase complex in the regulation of erythroid heme biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The 24 h profiles of plasma hormone concentrations are rhythmic. The circadian period (τ) changes in development, with seasons, and in women with different stages of the menstrual cycle. It is known that the rhythms of prolactin and cortisol are sensitive to environmental time cues, such as changes in day length and phase; however, the importance of these changes is not yet understood. This study investigates whether there is a relation between the ability of a subject to respond to external cues that are associated with seasonal changes causing alteration of the rhythm's periods in cortisol and prolactin and the epidemiologically determined susceptibility to breast cancer. It is shown that the rhythmic output pattern of prolactin and cortisol in vivo is generated by more than one oscillator and structured by more than one rhythmic component. Each cohort of American women, classified on an epidemiologic basis as high risk (HR) or low risk (LR) to develop breast cancer, expresses different rhythmic output patterns of both variables, suggesting that the genetic background as defined by the risk state is related to differences in the circadian time structure, including the ability of the subject to change the rhythm's τ. The LR cohort exhibited a statistically significant change between seasons in the rhythm's τ of both the prolactin and cortisol patterns. In contrast, the HR cohort showed no change in the rhythm's τ between seasons for prolactin and cortisol patterns. These results show that in human beings, the presence of a circannual rhythm in the circadian time structure or the ability to adapt the circadian rhythmic pattern of these variables to external cues, such as seasons, is related to the partly genetically determined risk state to develop breast cancer and may be of importance for human health.  相似文献   

It has been shown in a previous paper (8) that the prime product of reassociation of related DNA sequences under open experimental conditions are mismatched duplexes which undergo maturation upon further incubation. Due to this feature, the Tm value of the duplexes of a large number of DNAs is strongly dependent on the Cot value. Here we present data showing that the Tm of the duplexes of such type of DNAs depends also on the concentration of DNA in the range of one and the same Cot value. The significance of this finding in studying the taxonomic relationship by DNA-DNA hybridisation is discussed.Abbreviations Co = initial concentration of single-stranded DNA in moles of nucleotides per liter - t = time of incubation in seconds - Cot = the product of Co and t (mol. sec. 11) - PB = an equimolar mixture of NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4, pH 6.8 - HAP = hydroxyapatite - Ti = incubation temperature - Tm = melting temperature - Te = elution temperature, i.e. the temperature at which one half of the DNA is eluted as single strands by HAP-thermal chromatography  相似文献   

We used single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) to detect DNA polymorphisms in the 3 untranslated (3UT) region of the gene for cystathionine -synthase (CBS). A polymorphism due to a T-to-C substitution at nucleotide 549 of the 3UT region with heterozygosity of 46% has been identified. Genotypes for this polymorphism have been obtained in all of the informative CEPH families, and CBS has been placed in the linkage map of human chromosome 21.  相似文献   

Well-preserved Cretaceous (Albian–Turonian) radiolarians were extracted from radiolarian-bearing chert olistoliths of the Monagroulli Member within the Moni Mélange (Campanian-Maastrichtian, Southern Cyprus). Four assemblages were distinguished: Middle Albian–Lower Cenomanian (Thanarla spoletoensis Zone), Upper Albian–Lower Cenomanian (Thanarla spoletoensis Zone, Dorypyle? anisa Subzone), lowermost Turonian (base of Alievium superbum Zone) and Lower Turonian (Alievium superbum Zone). The radiolarian assemblages are diverse and have taxonomic composition similar to coeval assemblages of Italy and Spain. The sediments of the Monagroulli Member differ from coeval rocks of the Mamonia Complex (western Cyprus) by the more common presence of radiolarian cherts and may have been formed in the distal part of a continental margin with less input of clastic material. A new spicular radiolarian genus Cyprothamnus with 2 new species (C. multifurcatus and C. moniensis) is described from the Lower Turonian strata.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of lutropin (LH) and follitropin (FSH) in the pituitary gland of the frog Rana japonica was studied by the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase method and the two-face, double-labeling method with different-sized gold particles at the light-and electron-microscopic levels, respectively, using monoclonal antibodies against bullfrog LH and FSH. Light-microscopic immunohistochemistry indicated that approximately 66.0% of all the gonadotrophs in the pituitary contained both LH and FSH, whereas 33.4% of gonadotrophs contained only LH, and 0.6% contained only FSH. The staining intensity of LH and FSH varied from cell to cell. The gonadotrophs were classified into four types (Types I–IV) in terms of their ultrastructural and immunolabeling characteristics. Moreover, several secretory granule types were recognized according to differences in their shape and electron density. In all the cell types, both LH and FSH were often seen in the same secretory granules, but the proportion of granules bearing both hormones ranged from 5.5% in Type I to 32.7% in Type IV. Most secretory granules in Types I and II were immunolabeled with LH alone, whereas a small number of granules were immunolabeled with FSH alone. More immunolabeled FSH granules were present in Types III and IV than in Types I and II.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical tests were applied to sections of intestine of uninfected and Pomphorhynchus laevis Muller-infected chub, Leuciscus cephalus (L.) using 15 different antisera. Nerve cell bodies and fibres immunoreactive (IR) to the anti-bombesin, -Cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8), -galanin, -Gastrin-Releasing Peptide (-GRP), -Nitric Oxide Synthase (-NOS), -Substance P (-SP), and -Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (-VIP) sera were observed in the myenteric plexus of uninfected chub. The density of nerve components immunoreactive to these antisera was high in the intestine of the infected fish, especially near the site of attachment. Moreover, numerous nerve fibres, immunoreactive to anti-bombesin, -GRP, -galanin, -SP, and -VIP sera, were encountered in the connective tissue capsule surrounding the bulb and proboscis of P. laevis. The occurrence of P. laevis in the chub gut significantly increased the number of endocrine cells per intestinal fold immunoreactive to galanin, met-enkephalin and leu-enkephalin antisera. CCK-8, Neuropeptide Y and glucagon-like immunoreactive cells were less numerous in the intestine of infected chub. A large number of cells in the tunica propria-submucosa of L. cephalus infected with P. laevis were immunoreactive to anti-serotonin and -leu-enkephalin sera.  相似文献   

A A Ne?fakh 《Ontogenez》1985,16(1):15-25
Two closely related controversial problems are discussed: whether the developmental processes can be reduced to the synthesis of polypeptides encoded in DNA, and whether the information in DNA is equivalent to that in the adult organism. Critically considered are the ideas that DNA is only responsible for the protein synthesis, whereas morphogenesis proceeds independently and according to epigenetic regularities of its own. It is stated that development is the realization of genetic information in which more elementary (molecular) processes unambiguously determine a more complex cellular level which in its turn determines morphogenesis of tissues and organs. Various mechanisms of the appearance of new information in the course of development are considered. The statement is made that new information concerns only some individual characters of the organism, whereas most of information that determines the process of development and the structure of the adult organism is created in the course of evolution, is stored in DNA and inherited.  相似文献   

Summary The slow reassociating fraction of mouse DNA (unique DNA), when allowed to reassociate in 0.14 m sodium phosphate buffer at 50 °C showed a biphasic melting curve with a transition at 78–80 °C. On the basis of this feature, the slow reassociating DNA was separated preparatively into two fractions: unique DNA I and II. Their duplexes showed differences with respect to thermal stability, S1 nuclease resistance and rate of reassociation. About one third of the sequences in each fraction were fraction-specific. The conclusion was drawn that for unique DNA I these should be the low repetitive or single copy related sequences (multigene families) and for unique DNA II—the unrelated single copy sequences or recent families of low repetitive not yet diverged sequences.  相似文献   

The amyloid-β precursor protein (APP) was shown to be O-GlcNAcylated 15 years ago, but the effect of this modification on APP processing and formation of the Alzheimer’s disease associated amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide has so far not been investigated. Here, we demonstrate with pharmacological tools or siRNA that O-GlcNAcase and O-GlcNAc transferase regulate the level of O-GlcNAcylated APP. We also show that O-GlcNAcylation increases non-amyloidogenic α-secretase processing, resulting in increased levels of the neuroprotective sAPPα fragment and decreased Aβ secretion. Our results implicate O-GlcNAcylation as a potential therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

CD36 is a class B scavenger receptor observed in many cell types and tissues throughout the body. Recent literature has implicated CD36 in the pathogenesis of metabolic dysregulation such as found in obesity, insulin resistance, and atherosclerosis. Genetic variation at the CD36 loci have been associated with obesity and lipid components of the metabolic syndrome, with risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Recently, non-cell bound CD36 was identified in human plasma and was termed soluble CD36 (sCD36). In this review we will describe the functions of CD36 in tissues and address the role of sCD36 in the context of the metabolic syndrome. We will also highlight recent findings from human genetic studies looking at the CD36 locus in relation to metabolic profile in the general population. Finally, we present a model in which insulin resistance, oxLDL, low-grade inflammation and liver steatosis may contribute to elevated levels of sCD36.  相似文献   

Milne-Edwards’ Sifaka (Propithecus edwardsi) is a dark furred lemur with white flanks living in the southern region of the eastern rainforest belt of Madagascar. This species is endangered due to habitat destruction primarily from deforestation. Twenty-one polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci were isolated from a genomic DNA derived from an individual from Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. Population genetic parameters were estimated on 10 individuals each, from Andringitra National Park and the Vatoharana Forest in Ranomafana National Park.  相似文献   

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