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Yersinia pestis vaccine strain EV76 is a mutant of the virulent strain which has lost the pigmentation phenotype (Pgm+). This phenotype includes three characteristics: it absorbs pigments from agar media (Hms+), produces a siderophore yersiniabactin (Ybt+), and causes a lethal disease after subcutaneous inoculation of laboratory animals (Vir+). These characteristics are lost simultaneously after high frequency spontaneous deletion of 10 kB fragment of chromosomal DNA, termed the pgm locus. We compared the pgm locus-associated genetic and phenotypical properties of the vaccine strain with those of a typical Pgm- deletion mutant of a virulent strain. The results indicate that Pgm- phenotype of the vaccine strain results not from the deletion of the pgm locus, but from the insertion inactivation of the genes located in this locus. In contrast to the deletion mutant, the vaccine strain carries sequences detected by hybridization and PCR, which are complementary to the pgm locus genes. Moreover, the vaccine strain differed from the deletion mutant by a low level of Hms+ expression, a slower rate of cell death under iron-chelated conditions at 37 degrees C, "residual virulence" upon subcutaneous inoculation, and capacity to form revertants which restore the characteristics of Pgm+ phenotype after cell growth at 12 degrees C.  相似文献   

Everlasting reproduction of Yersinia pestis, plague bacillus in natural pestholes needs virulent causative agent to invade into the host entity, be potent to overcome protection powers of the rodent organism and to pullulate to entail bacteriemia for subsequent conveyance the plague bacillus to the new host by fleas. All of legs of life cyclic patterns of Yersinia pestis are maintained by a number of plague bacillus factors acting jointly or separately, participating at the different stages of infectious process or conveyance. However these factors provide the perpetuation of the plague bacillus in the ecosystems of natural pestholes only acting in conjunction independently on their distinct contributions. Not only biomolecules, organellas and bacteria systems ensured the pursuance of virulent properties, but other factors, essential for survival of Yersinia pestis and the relationship between separate virulence factors and expression of the different genes of housekeeping and virulence of plague bacillus are considered in this review. The report I covers the problems concerned with adaptational plasticity of Yersinia pestis, it represents the classification of plague causative factors, securing its perpetuation in the environmental space, and discussion the factors promoting plague bacillus survival in the host entity. Not only wellknown publications, but papers in out-of-the-way or hard-to-reach, especially for English-reading experts, editions, also were used to compile this communication. The English version of this review may be requested from Alerton Press.  相似文献   

To maintain continuous circulation of plague pathogen in natural foci, the pathogen should be capable of invading host organism, resisting the bactericide protective systems of rodent, and reproducing itself to maintain the content of bacteria at a level sufficient for further transmission by fleas to a new host. Each of these stages of the Yersinia pestis circulation is determined by a variety of factors of plague pathogen, which may act either individually or in combination. Each of the factors itself may be involved in the pathological process at different stages of its development or in pathogen transmission. However, it is only the aggregate of the factors (regardless of significant or insignificant individual contribution to the sum effect) that provides persistence of plague pathogen in natural foci. The plague pathogen factors providing its transmission from one host organism to the next as well as correlation of individual factors of pathogensis and expression of various household genes with plague pathogensis virulence are considered in the second communication. This review was compiled on the basis of not only well-known works but also some sources of limited availability, particularly, for English-speaking audience.  相似文献   

Modern phylogenies of Yersinia pestis (Logh.), causative agent of the plague, constructed using molecular-genetic methods, do not receive a satisfactory functional and adaptive interpretation and are far from being ecologically valid. We have presented an ecological scenario of the origin of the causative agent of the plague through the transition of the initial pseudotuberculosis microbe Yersinia pseudotuberculosis O:1b to a free hostal ecological niche (and a new adaptive zone) under ultracontinental climatic conditions of the Late Pleistocene (Sartan time, 22000–15000 years ago) in southern Siberia and Central Asia. An intermediate environment, i.e., the “Mongolian marmot Marmota sibirica-flea Oropsylla silatiewi” parasitic system, where the process of adaptation development of the plague microbe took place, has been characterized. A scenario based on the major principles of the modern synthetic theory of evolution opens the way to an ecological-genetic synthesis of the problem of plague origin and is an appropriate model for developing a theory of molecular evolution of pathogenic (plaguelike) microorganisms.  相似文献   

BackgroundPlague is a highly dangerous vector-borne infectious disease that has left a significant mark on history of humankind. There are 13 natural plague foci in the Caucasus, located on the territory of the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. We performed whole-genome sequencing of Y. pestis strains, isolated in the natural foci of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. Using the data of whole-genome SNP analysis and Bayesian phylogeny methods, we carried out an evolutionary-phylogeographic analysis of modern population of the plague pathogen in order to determine the phylogenetic relationships of Y. pestis strains from the Caucasus with the strains from other countries.ResultsWe used 345 Y. pestis genomes to construct a global evolutionary phylogenetic reconstruction of species based on whole-genome SNP analysis. The genomes of 16 isolates were sequenced in this study, the remaining 329 genomes were obtained from the GenBank database. Analysis of the core genome revealed 3315 SNPs that allow differentiation of strains. The evolutionary phylogeographic analysis showed that the studied Y. pestis strains belong to the genetic lineages 0.PE2, 2.MED0, and 2.MED1. It was shown that the Y. pestis strains isolated on the territory of the East Caucasian high-mountain, the Transcaucasian high-mountain and the Priaraksinsky low-mountain plague foci belong to the most ancient of all existing genetic lineages - 0.PE2.ConclusionsOn the basis of the whole-genome SNP analysis of 345 Y. pestis strains, we describe the modern population structure of the plague pathogen and specify the place of the strains isolated in the natural foci of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia in the structure of the global population of Y. pestis. As a result of the retrospective evolutionary-phylogeographic analysis of the current population of the pathogen, we determined the probable time frame of the divergence of the genetic lineages of Y. pestis, as well as suggested the possible paths of the historical spread of the plague pathogen.  相似文献   

A review of data on the modern methods of detection of typical and atypical strains of the plague agent Y. pestis is given. The history of the development of the molecular-biological tests for the differentiation of Y. pestis from the related microorganisms is presented. The problems facing investigators during the development of these tests are discussed.  相似文献   

We have constructed a dam mutant of Yersinia pestis GB. In BALB/c mice inoculated subcutaneously, the median lethal dose of the mutant was at least 2000-fold higher than the wild type. Mice inoculated with sub-lethal doses of the mutant were protected against a subsequent challenge with virulent Y. pestis. The effect of dam inactivation on gene expression was examined using a DNA microarray, which revealed increased expression of a number of genes associated with the SOS response. These results confirm the key role of Dam in the regulation of virulence, and its potential role as a target for the generation of attenuated strains of pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Yersinia pestis is a powerful pathogen with a rare invasive capacity. After a flea bite, the plague bacillus can reach the bloodstream in a matter of days giving way to invade the whole organism reaching all organs and provoking disseminated hemorrhages. However, the mechanisms used by this bacterium to cross and disrupt the endothelial vascular barrier remain poorly understood. In this study, an innovative model of in vivo infection was used to focus on the interaction between Y. pestis and its host vascular system. In the draining lymph nodes and in secondary organs, bacteria provoked the porosity and disruption of blood vessels. An in vitro model of endothelial barrier showed a role in this phenotype for the pYV/pCD1 plasmid that carries a Type Three Secretion System. This work supports that the pYV/pCD1 plasmid is responsible for the powerful tissue invasiveness capacity of the plague bacillus and the hemorrhagic features of plague.  相似文献   

The data of literature on the pleiotropic variability of the resistance of Y. pestis mutants to diagnostic phage are presented. The conditions of reversion to the initial phenotype are characterized. The mechanisms of the appearance of such variability of Y. pestis, as well as problems arising in connection with this variability and linked with the pathogenic activity of Y. pestis, low effectiveness of the diagnostic methods used in the inspection of the natural foci of plaque, the reservation of microbes in nature during the periods between epidemics, are discussed.  相似文献   

Plague is a flea-borne zoonosis caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. Y. pestis mutants lacking the yersiniabactin (Ybt) siderophore-based iron transport system are avirulent when inoculated intradermally but fully virulent when inoculated intravenously in mice. Presumably, Ybt is required to provide sufficient iron at the peripheral injection site, suggesting that Ybt would be an essential virulence factor for flea-borne plague. Here, using a flea-to-mouse transmission model, we show that a Y. pestis strain lacking the Ybt system causes fatal plague at low incidence when transmitted by fleas. Bacteriology and histology analyses revealed that a Ybt-negative strain caused only primary septicemic plague and atypical bubonic plague instead of the typical bubonic form of disease. The results provide new evidence that primary septicemic plague is a distinct clinical entity and suggest that unusual forms of plague may be caused by atypical Y. pestis strains.  相似文献   

The rough-type lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of the plague pathogen, Yersinia pestis, was studied after mild-acid and strong-alkaline degradations by chemical analyses, NMR spectroscopy and electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry, and the following structure of the core region was determined:where L-alpha-D-Hep stands for L-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose, Sug1 for either 3-deoxy-alpha-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (alpha-Kdo) or D-glycero-alpha-D-talo-oct-2-ulosonic acid (alpha-Ko), and Sug2 for either beta-D-galactose or D-glycero-alpha-D-manno-heptose. A minority of the LPS molecules lacks GlcNAc.  相似文献   

Three Y. pestis strains were found to exist in the experimental soil ecosystem at a temperature of 4 degrees - 8 degrees C for a longer period (10 months, the term of observation) than at room temperature (3.5 months). Y. pestis population structure was characterized by relative stability in strains of the subspecies altaica and heterogeneity in the strain of the main subspecies, manifested by the loss of the pgm locus by vegetative cells and the preservation of pgm+ variants in the latent (uncultivable) form (LF). In the populations of all strains uniformity in calcium dependence, the tendency towards a decrease in the synthesis of factor 1, nutritional requirements in amino acids was observed. An important factor of the preservation of Y. pestis in the soil was LF formation. At room temperature this process quickly resulted in the death of the population. At 4 degrees - 8 degrees C A. pestis altaica avirulent strain could be inoculated onto solid nutrient media for a two-fold longer period (for 4 month) than the strain with selective virulence and for 5.5 months longer than Y. pestis pestis highly virulent strain.  相似文献   

Eighteen isolates of bacteria obtained from the sputum of pneumonic plague patients and from the liver and spleen of rodents from the plague-affected areas of India during 1994-1995 when analyzed by 16S rDNA analysis clearly demonstrated that all 18 isolates exhibit an average similarity of 98.5% with the genus Yersinia and 99.1% with Yersinia pestis, thus identifying the isolates as Y. pestis. The isolates from the human plague patients were found to be genetically more homogeneous compared to the isolates from the rodents which were more heterogeneous. An epidemiological linkage among the rodents and human patients is also indicated by 16S rDNA analysis, which suggests that only a sub-population of the rodents was probably the source of the infectious pathogen to the humans initiating the outbreak of the epidemic. The results of the randomly amplified DNA polymorphisms (RAPD)-based DNA fingerprinting are in agreement with the above conclusions.  相似文献   

Zhou D  Han Y  Song Y  Tong Z  Wang J  Guo Z  Pei D  Pang X  Zhai J  Li M  Cui B  Qi Z  Jin L  Dai R  Du Z  Bao J  Zhang X  Yu J  Wang J  Huang P  Yang R 《Journal of bacteriology》2004,186(15):5138-5146
Genomics research provides an unprecedented opportunity for us to probe into the pathogenicity and evolution of the world's most deadly pathogenic bacterium, Yersinia pestis, in minute detail. In our present work, extensive microarray analysis in conjunction with PCR validation revealed that there are considerable genome dynamics, due to gene acquisition and loss, in natural populations of Y. pestis. We established a genomotyping system to group homologous isolates of Y. pestis, based on profiling or gene acquisition and loss in their genomes, and then drew an outline of parallel microevolution of the Y. pestis genome. The acquisition of a number of genomic islands and plasmids most likely induced Y. pestis to evolve rapidly from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis to a new, deadly pathogen. Horizontal gene acquisition also plays a key role in the dramatic evolutionary segregation of Y. pestis lineages (biovars and genomovars). In contrast to selective genome expansion by gene acquisition, genome reduction occurs in Y. pestis through the loss of DNA regions. We also theorized about the links between niche adaptation and genome microevolution. The transmission, colonization, and expansion of Y. pestis in the natural foci of endemic plague are parallel and directional and involve gradual adaptation to the complex of interactions between the environment, the hosts, and the pathogen itself. These adaptations are based on the natural selections against the accumulation of genetic changes within genome. Our data strongly support that the modern plague originated from Yunnan Province in China, due to the arising of biovar orientalis from biovar antiqua rather than mediaevalis.  相似文献   

Bacteria of the genus Salmonella comprise a large and evolutionary related population of zoonotic pathogens that can infect mammals, including humans and domestic animals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Salmonella carries a plethora of virulence genes, including fimbrial adhesins, some of them known to participate in mammalian or avian host colonization. Each type of fimbria has its structural subunit and biogenesis genes encoded by one fimbrial gene cluster (FGC). The accumulation of new genomic information offered a timely opportunity to better evaluate the number and types of FGCs in the Salmonella pangenome, to test the use of current classifications based on phylogeny, and to infer potential correlations between FGC evolution in various Salmonella serovars and host niches. This study focused on the FGCs of the currently deciphered 90 genomes and 60 plasmids of Salmonella. The analysis highlighted a fimbriome consisting of 35 different FGCs, of which 16 were new, each strain carrying between 5 and 14 FGCs. The Salmonella fimbriome was extremely diverse with FGC representatives in 8 out of 9 previously categorized fimbrial clades and subclades. Phylogenetic analysis of Salmonella suggested macroevolutionary shifts detectable by extensive FGC deletion and acquisition. In addition, microevolutionary drifts were best depicted by the high level of allelic variation in predicted or known adhesins, such as the type 1 fimbrial adhesin FimH for which 67 different natural alleles were identified in S. enterica subsp. I. Together with strain-specific collections of FGCs, allelic variation among adhesins attested to the pathoadaptive evolution of Salmonella towards specific hosts and tissues, potentially modulating host range, strain virulence, disease progression, and transmission efficiency. Further understanding of how each Salmonella strain utilizes its panel of FGCs and specific adhesin alleles for survival and infection will support the development of new approaches for the control of Salmonellosis.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and Yersinia pestis (Yp) produce siderophores with scaffolds of nonribosomal peptide-polyketide origin. Compounds with structural similarities to these siderophores were synthesized and evaluated as antimicrobials against Mtb and Yp under iron-limiting conditions mimicking the iron scarcity these pathogens encounter in the host and under standard iron-rich conditions. Several new antimicrobials were identified, including some with increased potency in the iron-limiting condition. Our study illustrates the possibility of screening compound libraries in both iron-rich and iron-limiting conditions to identify antimicrobials that may selectively target iron scarcity-adapted bacteria and highlights the usefulness of building combinatorial libraries of compounds having scaffolds with structural similarities to siderophores to feed into antimicrobial screening programs.  相似文献   

State Research Institute for Plague Control, Rostov-on-Don In the second part of the review aspects of intraspecies differentiation of the plague agent are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on the necessity of more precise definition of taxonomic position of plague agent isolates considering genotypical characteristics, data on their selective virulence, and evolutionary origin of the genus Yersinia.  相似文献   

Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of human bubonic and pneumonic plague, is spread during natural infection by the fleas of rodents. Historically associated with infected rat fleas, studies on the kinetics of infection in rats are surprisingly few, and these reports have focused mainly on bubonic plague. Although the natural route of primary infection results in bubonic plague in humans, it is commonly thought that aerosolized Y. pestis will be utilized during a biowarfare attack. Accordingly, based on our previous characterization of the mouse model of pneumonic plague, we sought to examine the progression of infection in rats exposed in a whole-body Madison chamber to aerosolized Y. pestis CO92. Following an 8.6 LD50 dose of Y. pestis, injury was apparent in the rat tissues based on histopathology, and chemokines and cytokines rose above control levels (1 h post infection [p.i.]) in the sera and organ homogenates over a 72-h infection period. Bacteria disseminated from the lungs to peripheral organs, with the largest increases in the spleen, followed by the liver and blood at 72 h p.i. compared to the 1 h controls. Importantly, rats were as sensitive to pneumonic plague as mice, having a similar LD50 dose by the intranasal and aerosolized routes. Further, we showed direct transmission of plague bacteria from infected to uninfected rats. Taken together, the data allowed us to characterize for the first time a rat pneumonic plague model following aerosolization of Y. pestis.  相似文献   

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