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Aquaporin-1 (AQP1) is the first functionally identified aquaporin of a growing family of membrane water channels found in all forms of life. Recently, a possible secondary function as a cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) gated ion channel was attributed to AQP1. We have reconstituted purified protein from bovine and human red blood cell membranes into highly ordered 2D crystals. The topography of both AQP1s was determined by electron microscopy from freeze-dried, unidirectionally metal-shadowed 2D crystals as well as from surface topographs of native crystals recorded in buffer solution with the atomic force microscope (AFM). In spite of the high level of sequence homology between bovine and human AQP1, the surfaces showed distinct differences. Alignment of both sequences and comparison of the acquired surface topographies with the atomic model of human AQP1 revealed the topographic changes on the surface of bovine AQP1 to be induced by a few amino acid substitutions. A striking degree of sequence homology was found between the carboxyl-terminal domains of AQP1s from different organisms and EF-hands from Ca2+-binding proteins belonging to the calmodulin superfamily, suggesting the existence of a Ca2+-binding site at the C terminus of AQP1 instead of the putative cGMP-binding site reported previously. To unveil its position on the acquired surface topographies, 2D crystals of AQP1 were digested with carboxypeptidase Y, which cleaves off the intracellular C terminus. Difference maps of AFM topographs between the native and the peptidase-treated AQP1s showed the carboxylic tail to be close to the 4-fold symmetry axis of the tetramer. SDS-PAGE and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry of native and decarboxylated bovine and human AQP1 revealed that the EF-hand motif found at the C terminus of AQP1 was partially resistant to peptidase digestion. The importance of the C-terminal domain is implicated by structural instability of decarboxylated AQP1. A possible role of the C terminus and calcium in translocation of AQP1 in cholangiocytes from intracellular vesicles to the plasma membrane and in triggering its fusion is discussed. Functional studies are now required to identify the physiological role of the Ca2+-binding site.  相似文献   

Several tissues known to contain collagen fibrils with a ‘helical’ arrangement were studied by t.e.m. and freeze-fracture. In all the tissues examined, the diameter of the collagen fibrils appeared to be tissue-specific and fairly constant within the same tissue. No statistical differences, on the contrary, were detectable in the coiling angle which appeared similar in all the tissues and independent of both diameter and age of the fibril. Rat tail tendon was also examined under the same technical conditions and showed collagen fibrils of large and very heterogeneous diameter and with a consistent ‘straight’ arrangement. These data seem to suggest that the ‘helical’ and ‘straight’ arrangements may actually identify different types of collagen fibrils. The authors discuss the possible functional significance of these arrangements and present two hypotheses on the three-dimensional structure of the ‘helical’ fibril.  相似文献   

A double lipid bilayer structure containing opposing tetramers of AQP0 aquaporin, in contact through extracellular face loop regions, was recently modeled using an intermediate-resolution map obtained by electron crystallographic methods. The pores of these water channels were found to be critically narrow in three regions and subsequently interpreted to be those of a closed state of the channel. The subsequent determination of a high-resolution AQP0 tetramer structure by X-ray crystallographic methods yielded a pore model featuring two of the three constrictions as noted in the EM work and water molecules within the channel pore. The extracellular-side constriction region of this AQP0 structure was significantly larger than that of the EM-based model and similar to that of the highly water permeable AQP1. The X-ray-based study of AQP0 however could not ascertain if the water molecules found in the pore were the result of water entering from one or both ends of the channel, nor whether water could freely pass through all constriction points. Additionally, this X-ray-based structure could not provide an answer to the question of whether the double lipid bilayer configuration of AQP0 could functionally maintain a water impermeable state of the channel. To address these questions we conducted molecular dynamics simulations to compare the time-dependent behavior of the AQP0 and AQP1 channels within lipid bilayers. The simulations demonstrate that AQP0, in single or double lipid bilayers, is not closed to water transport and that thermal motions of critical side-chains are sufficient to facilitate the movement of water past any of its constriction regions. These motional requirements do however lead to significant free energy barriers and help explain physiological observations that found water permeability in AQP0 to be substantially lower than in the AQP1 pore.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmins are vesicular proteins implicated in many membrane trafficking events. They are highly conserved in evolution and the mammalian family contains 16 isoforms. We now show that the tandem C2 domains of several calcium-sensitive synaptotagmin isoforms tested, including Drosophila synaptotagmin, rapidly cross-link phospholipid membranes. In contrast to the tandem structure, individual C2 domains failed to trigger membrane cross-linking in several novel assays. Large-scale liposomal aggregation driven by tandem C2 domains in response to calcium was confirmed by the following techniques: turbidity assay, dynamic light-scattering and both confocal and negative stain electron microscopy. Firm cross-linking of membranes was evident from laser trap experiments. High-resolution cryo-electron microscopy revealed that membrane cross-linking by tandem C2 domains results in a constant distance of ∼9 nm between the apposed membranes. Our findings show the conserved nature of this important property of synaptotagmin, demonstrate the significance of the tandem C2 domain structure and provide a plausible explanation for the accelerating effect of synaptotagmins on membrane fusion.  相似文献   

A series of phosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylethanolamines was synthesized containing two acyl chains of the following polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic acid (18:2), linolenic acid (18:3), arachidonic acid (20:4) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6). In addition two phospholipids with mixed acid composition were synthesized: 16:0/18:1c phosphatidylcholine and 16:0/18:1c phosphatidylethanolamine. The structural properties of these lipids in aqueous dispersions in the absence and in the presence of equimolar cholesterol were studied using 31P-NMR, freeze fracturing and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).The phosphatidylcholines adopt a bilayer configuration above 0°C. Incorporation of 50 mol% of cholesterol in polyunsaturated species induces a transition at elevated temperatures into structures with 31P-NMR characteristics typical of non-bilayer organizations. When the acyl chains contain three or more double bonds, this non-bilayer organization is most likely the hexagonal HII phase, 16:0/15:1c phosphatidylethanolamine shows a bilayer to hexagonal transition temperature of 75°C. The polyunsaturated phosphatidylethanolamines exhibit a bilayer to hexagonal transition temperature below 0°C which decreases with increasing unsaturation and which is lowered by approximately 10°C upon incorporation of 50 mol% of cholesterol. Finally, it was found that small amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acyl chains in a phosphatidylethanolamine disproportionally lower its bilayer to hexagonal transition temperature.  相似文献   

The bioconversion of hydrocarbons by Pseudomonas oleovorans has been studied in two-phase systems. In these systems, the hydrocarbon substrate is present in sufficient amounts to form the bulk apolar phase. High cell densities (up to 20 mg dry mass per ml water phase) are reached when the apolar phase consists of n-octane, 1-octene or 1-decene. There is considerable cell damage after incubation for 50–70 h. Loss of cell viability and membrane damage as observed by freeze-fracture electron microscopy correlate with a loss of hydrocarbon oxidation, measured as the conversion of 1-octene to 1,2-epoxyoctane. The final yield of oxidized hydrocarbon in the apolar substrate phase can be increased substantially by replacing the damaged cells with freshly grown cells. Yields up to 150 mg 1,2-epoxyoctane per ml 1-octene and up to 20–25 mg 1,2-epoxyoctane per ml culture were obtained with four cycles of the cell renewal procedure. Several other substrates in addition to octene were tested in the optimized two-phase system. Of these, 1-decene was converted into (R)-1,2-epoxydecane with an optical purity of 60%, while allylbenzene was converted into chiral 1,2-epoxy-3-phenylpropane. Some of the future applications of the conversion products are discussed.  相似文献   

MIP26/AQP0 is the major lens fiber membrane protein and has been reported to interact with many other lens components including crystallins, lipid, and cytoskeletal proteins. Regarding crystallins, many previous reports indicate that MIP26/AQP0 interacts with either only alpha-crystallin or some specific gamma-crystallins. Considering the possibly important role of MIP26/AQP0 in the reduction of light scattering in the lenses, we have further investigated its interaction with crystallins using confocal fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy. Specifically, we used MIP26 tagged with a green fluorescence protein (GFP) as a donor and a crystallin (alphaA-, alphaB-, betaB2-, or gammaC-crystallin) tagged with a red fluorescence protein (RFP) as an acceptor. The two plasmids were cotransfected to HeLa cells. After culture, laser scattering microscopy images were taken in each of the three channels: GFP, RFP, and FRET. The net FRET images were then obtained by removing the contribution of spectral bleed-through. The pixels of net FRET were normalized with those of GFP. The results show the presence of measurable interactions between MIP26 and all crystallins, with the extent of interactions decreasing from alphaA- and alphaB-crystallin to betaB2- and gammaC-crystallin. Competitive interaction study using untagged alphaA-crystallin shows decreased net FRET, indicating specificity of the interactions between MIP26 and alphaA-crystallin. We conclude that all crystallins interact with MIP26, the physiological significance of which may be a reduction in the difference of refractive index between membrane and cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Sokolova O 《FEBS letters》2004,564(3):251-256
A large barrier in the way to obtaining high-resolution structures of eukaryotic ion channels remains the expression and purification of sufficient amounts of channel protein to carry out crystallization trials. In the absence of crystals, the main available source of structural information has been electron microscopy (EM), which is well suited to the visualization of isolated macromolecular complexes and their conformational changes. The recently published EM structures outline native conformations of eukaryotic cation channels that until now have eluded crystallization. According to these results, homo-tetrameric K(+) channels have a distinct two-layer architecture with connectors conjoining the two layers, while the pseudo-tetrameric Ca(2+) or Na(+) channels are more globular and have flexible surface loops, which makes the identification of subunits complicated. Subunits can be identified using atomic structure docking into the EM maps, labeling, or deletion studies.  相似文献   

Multilamellar spin labelled liposomes were prepared from dipalmitoyl or dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine, dicetyl phosphate, and the spin probe 12-doxyl stearate methyl ester. The effects of a series of benzene and adamantane derivatives, on fatty acyl chain motion was measured through changes in the electron spin resonance spectra of these liposomes. All the compounds tested, increased lipid chain motion to a variable degree. In general, molecules possessing a polar group were more potent than those lacking such a group and lipophilicity per se correlated poorly with the relative order of these compounds. Within the adamantane series separating the polar group from the cage structure by the insertion of methylene groups further enhanced the capacity of the molecule to increase hydrocarbon chain mobility. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the location of the additive within the bilayer is the main determinant of its effectiveness in increasing fatty acyl chain motion.  相似文献   

The charge on the side chain of the internal pore residue lysine 519 (K519) of the Torpedo ClC-0 chloride (Cl-) channel affects channel conductance. Experiments that replace wild-type (WT) lysine with neutral or negatively charged residues or that modify the K519C mutant with various methane thiosulfonate (MTS) reagents show that the conductance of the channel decreases when the charge at position 519 is made more negative. This charge effect on the channel conductance diminishes in the presence of a high intracellular Cl- concentration ([Cl-]i). However, the application of high concentrations of nonpermeant ions, such as glutamate or sulfate (SO42-), does not change the conductance, suggesting that the electrostatic effects created by the charge at position 519 are unlikely due to a surface charge mechanism. Another pore residue, glutamate 127 (E127), plays an even more critical role in controlling channel conductance. This negatively charged residue, based on the structures of the homologous bacterial ClC channels, lies 4-5 A from K519. Altering the charge of this residue can influence the apparent Cl- affinity as well as the saturated pore conductance in the conductance-Cl- activity curve. Amino acid residues at the selectivity filter also control the pore conductance but mutating these residues mainly affects the maximal pore conductance. These results suggest at least two different conductance determinants in the pore of ClC-0, consistent with the most recent crystal structure of the bacterial ClC channel solved to 2.5 A, in which multiple Cl--binding sites were identified in the pore. Thus, we suggest that the occupancy of the internal Cl--binding site is directly controlled by the charged residues located at the inner pore mouth. On the other hand, the Cl--binding site at the selectivity filter controls the exit rate of Cl- and therefore determines the maximal channel conductance.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were enzymically isolated from 2-week-old non-acclimated rye ( Secale cereale L. cv. Puma) seedlings. They were resuspended in isotonic sorbitol with different concentrations (0–10%) of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The survival of the protoplasts frozen in isotonic sorbitol solutions declined at temperatures below the freezing point with the LT50 being -8°C. Addition of DMSO to the osmoticum increased survival at freezing temperatures. The optimum concentration of DMSO was 4% and lowered the LT50 to -19°C. Freeze-fracture studies of the plasma membrane revealed aparticulate lipid lamellae at -4°C, but the first appearance of lateral phase separations, striations and inverted cylindrical micelles (hexagonal11-type structures) occurred at -6°C. At lower temperatures, -8 and -10°C, the occurrence of nonbilayer structures became more common. The addition of DMSO decreased the incidence of the ultrastructural changes. With 2 or 4% DMSO, non-bilayer structures were not observed at temperatures above -10°C. Instead, striations and H11-type structures were observed at - 15 and -20°C.  相似文献   

Structure of the cuticle of Metadasynemoides cristatus (Chromadorida: Ceramonematidae) is examined by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. The nematode has more than 600 annuli, and each annulus has eight cuticular plates. Eight longitudinal ridges, beginning on the cephalic capsule, extend the whole length of the body. Where a ridge traverses an annulus, it forms a complicated articulating structure of overlapping vanes. Within the electron-dense cortical layer, from which the cuticular plates are formed, there are spaces crossed by fine fibrillae, forming what have been termed "vacuoles" by light microscopists. There is an epicuticle and a continuous lucent basal layer. There appears to be no median layer. The cuticle lining of the esophagus and that forming the circum-oral ridge is of much simpler construction.  相似文献   

The structure of the vacuolar ATPase from mesophyll tonoplasts of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum has been studied by electron microscopy using negatively stained specimens of membrane-bound and detergent-solubilized ATPase molecules. We observed a high density of particles on the surface of tonoplast vesicles and “head and stalk” structures on the edge of the membrane, similar to the F0F1-ATPases of mitochondrial and chloroplast membranes. The staining conditions, which are often critical for such small objects, were improved by using methylamine tungstate as negative stain for the membrane-bound ATPase. Compared to other staining solutions generally applied, dissociation of the F1-like enzyme complex from the membrane was best prevented and structural damage of the vesicles was least observed with methylamine tungstate. In freeze-fracture electron microscopy of tonoplast vesicles, where dissociation never occurs since no detergent is used, we also observed “head and stalk” structures on the edge of the membranes, beside many particles on the fracture faces. The detergent-solubilized ATPase forms string-like structures, caused by the aggregation of the hydrophobic membrane-embedded F0-like part of the enzyme. After negative staining the F1-like enzyme complex is arranged alternately along both sides of the string and connected by a narrow stalk.  相似文献   

Functional heteromeric plant Shaker potassium channels can be formed by the assembly of subunits from different tissues, as well as from diverse plant species. KDC1 (K(+) Daucus carota 1) produces inward-rectifying currents in Xenopus oocytes when coexpressed with KAT1 and other subunits appertaining to different plant Shaker subfamilies. Owing to the presence of KDC1, resulting heteromeric channels display slower activation kinetics, a shift of the activation threshold toward more negative membrane potentials and current potentiation upon the addition of external zinc. Despite available information on heteromerization of plant Shaker channels, very little is known to date on the properties of the various stoichiometric configurations formed by different subunits. To investigate the functional properties of heteromeric nKDC1/mKAT1 configurations, we realized a series of dimeric constructs combining KDC1 and KAT1 alpha-subunits. We found that homomeric channels, formed by monomeric or dimeric alpha-subunit constructs, show identical biophysical characteristics. Coinjections of diverse tandem constructs, instead, displayed significantly different currents proving that KDC1 has high affinity for KAT1 and participates in the formation of functional channels with at most two KDC1 subunits, whereas three KDC1 subunits prevented the formation of functional channels. This article brings a contribution to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating plant Shaker channel functionality by association of modulatory subunits.  相似文献   

The delimiting membranes of isolated autophagosomes from rat liver had extremely few transmembrane proteins, as indicated by the paucity of intramembrane particles in freeze-fracture images (about 20 particles/microm2, whereas isolated lysosomes had about 2000 particles/microm2). The autophagosomes also appeared to lack peripheral surface membrane proteins, since attempts to surface-biotinylate intact autophagosomes only yielded biotinylation of proteins from contaminating damaged mitochondria. All the membrane layers of multilamellar autophagosomes were equally particle-poor; the same was true of the autophagosome-forming, sequestering membrane complexes (phagophores). Isolated amphisomes (vacuoles formed by fusion between autophagosomes and endosomes) had more intramembrane particles than the autophagosomes (about 90 particles/microm2), and freeze-fracture images of these organelles frequently showed particle-rich endosomes fusing with particle-poor or particle-free autophagosomes. The appearence of multiple particle clusters suggested that a single autophagic vacuole could undergo multiple fusions with endosomes. Only the outermost membrane of bi- or multilamellar autophagic vacuoles appeared to engage in such fusions.  相似文献   

Small 40S Artemia salina and large 50S Escherichia coli ribosomal subunits can be assembled into 73S hybrid monosomes active in model assays for protein synthesis. The reciprocal combination–small 30S E coli and large 60S A salina–fails to form hybrids. The 73S hybrid particles strongly resemble homologous 70S E coli and 80S A salina monosomes. The morphologic differences between the corresponding eukaryotic and prokaryotic ribosomal particles, established by electron microscopy, do not significantly affect the assembly and mutual orientation of 40S A salina and 50S E coli subunits in the heterologous monosome. The fact that the structure of the interface, the supposed site of protein synthesis, is preserved in the active hybrid implies that retention or loss of biologic activity of hybrid ribosomes is determined by the extent of conformational changes in the interface.  相似文献   

Using immunohistochemistry and mass spectrometry, differentiation-dependent changes in the subcellular distribution and processing of aquaporin-0 (AQP0) have been mapped in the rat lens. Sections labelled with C-terminal tail AQP0 antibodies yielded two concentric rings of labelling with minimal signal in the lens core. The rings were separated by a transient zone of decreased labelling located prior to the transition of differentiating fiber (DF) cells into mature denucleated fiber (MF) cells. Mass spectrometry showed that the loss of core labelling was due to AQP0 cleavage, while the transient loss of labelling was more likely caused by masking of the antibody epitope. AQP0 subcellular distribution changed with radial distance into the lens. In peripheral DF cells, AQP0 was found throughout both broad and narrow side membranes. In deeper-lying DF cells, AQP0 aggregated into plaque-like structures located on the broad sides. This shift occurred prior to the transient loss of AQP0 signal, and coincided with formation of broad-side membrane invaginations between adjacent fiber cells to which filensin, a known binding partner of AQP0, was also localized. After nuclei loss, AQP0 was once again distributed throughout MF cell membranes. In the absence of protein synthesis, the observed subcellular redistribution of AQP0 in DF and subsequent cleavage of AQP0 in MF are suggestive of a switch in the function of AQP0 from a water channel to a junctional protein.  相似文献   

The cuticle of Ceramonema carinatum (Chromadorida: Ceramonematidae) is described and illustrated from scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Each of ca. 200 annules is composed of a single ring with eight external flat faces (plates), which are divided by longitudinal ridges formed by pairs of parallel upstanding vanes. Vanes and plates overlap those of the adjacent annules. Longitudinal ridges extend from the cephalic capsule to the tail spike. On the cephalic capsule a simple ridge extends each of the eight ridges to a position just anterior to the amphid. Cuticular plates are formed from the electron-dense cortical layer and contain lacunae filled with fine fibrils. The vanes are denser, with laminations on a central core. In the annular grooves between the plates there is an electron-lucent layer, which it is suggested, by comparison with other nematodes, is the basal layer. An epicuticle overlies the cortical plates, the vanes, and the interannular lucent layer. Cuficular structure is compared with that of other Ceramonematidae and related nematodes.  相似文献   

The increased production of oxygen-derived free radicals (OFR) and lipid peroxidation may contribute to vascular complications in diabetes. Some lipid peroxidation products have already been reported to be formed via glucose-induced oxidative stress. We have identified 9-hydroxy linoleic acid (9-OH-C18:2) in the red cell membrane phospholipid of diabetic subjects. We hypothesized that 9-OH-C18:2 would be formed in hydroxyl radical reactions to linoleic acid (C18:2) during glucose-induced oxidative stress, and confirmed that the formation of 9-OH-C18:2 was induced by ultraviolet (UV)-C irradiation to the synthetic C18:2. UV-C light generates highly reactive hydroxy radicals. C18:2 is confirmed to be the precursor of 9-OH-C18:2. To estimate the degree of oxidative damage to red cell membrane phospholipids, we developed a selective ion monitoring gas chromatography-mass spectrometric measurement for C18:2 and 9-OH-C18:2, following methanolysis of red cell membrane phospholipids. The relative peak height ratio of C18:2 to 9-OH-C18:2 (9-OH-C18:2/C18:2) was measured in phospholipid extracts of red cell membranes from healthy (n=29, 3.1±1.9%) and diabetic (n=27, 20.9±16.1%) subjects. It was confirmed that 9-OH-C18:2/C18:2 is significantly (P<0.001) elevated in patients with diabetes. The measurement of 9-OH-C18:2/C18:2 in red cell membranes should be useful for assessing oxidative damage to membrane phospholipids in diabetes.  相似文献   

胆红素脑病SD乳鼠模型中脑水通道蛋白-4表达发生变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神经细胞水肿是胆红素脑病(bilirubin encephalopathy,BE)发生发展过程中的重要病理变化。水通道蛋白-4(aquaporin-4,AQP4)的表达及分布异常与多种疾病所致细胞毒性脑水肿的发生发展具有密切联系。但胆红素脑病中AQP4的表达变化规律及其在病理进展中的作用尚不清楚。采用7日龄SD大鼠小脑延髓池注射胆红素溶液的方法,建立新生大鼠胆红素脑病模型。胆红素脑病模型根据胆红素作用时间的不同,分为12 h、24 h、48 h、72 h和7 d组。采用HE及尼氏染色,检测各新生大鼠脑组织的病理改变;应用透射电镜(TEM),检测胆红素作用24 h后,鼠脑组织超微结构的变化;应用免疫荧光及Western 印迹,检测 AQP4在脑组织中的表达变化。通过上述实验,以探讨AQP4的表达变化与胆红素所致脑损伤的关系。HE及尼氏染色结果显示,随着胆红素沉积时间的延长,神经细胞逐渐肿胀,细胞间隙增大,尼氏小体数量逐渐减少;电镜结果显示,胆红素脑病24 h后神经细胞线粒体出现肿胀;免疫荧光染色显示,24 h组AQP4的表达范围明显增加,其后表达范围逐渐减少,表达强度也随之减弱;Western 印迹结果显示,AQP4表达在不同时间点呈现先增高后降低的趋势,在24 h达到峰值(24 h组1.38 ± 0.11 vs 对照组0.87 ± 0.21, P<0.05),在之后的各时间点上,AQP4的表达呈现下降趋势,而72 h组与7 d组AQP4表达均低于48 h组(P<0.05),基本恢复到对照组的表达水平(P>0.05)。上述结果提示,胆红素脑病中胆红素的毒性作用将引起AQP4表达量的改变,AQP4的表达变化与胆红素脑病中细胞毒性脑水肿的发生相关,并且可能在胆红素脑病脑损伤的进展中发挥作用。  相似文献   

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