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Colin Jamora 《Genome biology》2000,1(1):reports402.1-reports4024
A report from the minisymposium on regulated secretion at the 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Bilogy, Washington DC, December 11-15, 1999  相似文献   

Regulated secretion has been traditionally regarded as a specialized process present in only a few cell types. Similarly, the secretory lysosomes of hematopoietic cells have been viewed as 'modified' organelles that acquired the machinery for regulated exocytosis. However, there is evidence that conventional lysosomes can, in many cell types, respond to rises in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration by fusing with the plasma membrane. These findings profoundly change the current view of lysosomes as a 'final' station of the endocytic pathway and suggest a previously unsuspected active role for this organelle.  相似文献   

Summary Carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) is a glycosylated yeast vacuolar protease used commercially for synthesis of peptides. To increase the production of CPY in Saccharomyces cerevisiae we have placed its coding region (PRC1) under control of the strongly regulated yeast GAL1 promoter on multicopy plasmids and introduced the constructs into vpl1 mutant strains. Such mutants are known to secrete CPY. High levels of CPY production were obtained by induction of the GAL1 promoter when the cells had left the exponential phase, resulting in a growth-phase-dependent CPY production similar to that cells with PRC1 under the control of its own promoter. Introduction of a high copy number 2-URA3-EU2d plasmid with GAL1p-PRC1 fusion in a vpl1 strain resulted in a 200-fold increase of secreted CPY (about 40 mg/l) as compared to a vpl1 mutant carrying a single copy of the wild-type PRC1 gene. The overproduced, secreted CPY was active and had the normal N-terminal sequence. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed two forms of active CPY, probably due to different levels of glycosylation. Offprint requests to: T. L. Nielsen  相似文献   

A plasmid foroptimizedproteinexpression of recombinant Fv antibodies (pOPE) inE. coli was used to express the variable domains of the murine monoclonal antibody HD39 specific for the human B-cell surface antigen CD22. The production of Fv antibodies by pOPE can be regulated over a wide range by varying the IPTG concentration. Antibodies that can discriminate between secreted and nonsecreted Fv antibody fragments were used to show that secretion is the limiting step for the production of functional Fv antibodies. IPTG concentrations above 20 μM increased the total antibody production, but did not yield larger amounts of secreted Fv antibodies. The addition of five histidines to the C terminus facilitates an easy single-step enrichment procedure based on immobilized metal affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

During infection, Yersinia enterocolitica exports Yop proteins via a type III secretion pathway. Secretion is activated when the environmental concentration of calcium ions is below 100 microM (low-calcium response). Yersiniae lacking yopN (lcrE), yscB, sycN, or tyeA do not inactivate the type III pathway even when the concentration of calcium is above 100 microM (calcium-blind phenotype). Purified YscB and SycN proteins form cytoplasmic complexes that bind a region including amino acids 16 to 100 of YopN, whereas TyeA binds YopN residues 101 to 294. Translational fusion of yopN gene sequences to the 5' end of the npt reporter generates hybrid proteins that are transported by the type III pathway. The signal necessary and sufficient for the type III secretion of hybrid proteins is located within the first 15 codons of yopN. Expression of plasmid-borne yopN, but not of yopN(1-294)-npt, complements the calcium-blind phenotype of yopN mutants. Surprisingly, yopN mutants respond to environmental changes in calcium concentration and secrete YopN(1-294)-Npt in the absence but not in the presence of calcium. tyeA is required for the low-calcium regulation of YopN(1-294)-Npt secretion, whereas sycN and yscB mutants fail to secrete YopN(1-294)-Npt in the presence of calcium. Experiments with yopN-npt fusions identified two other signals that regulate the secretion of YopN. yopN codons 16 to 100 prevent the entry of YopN into the type III pathway, a negative regulatory effect that is overcome by expression of yscB and sycN. The portion of YopN encoded by codons 101 to 294 prevents transport of the polypeptide across the bacterial double membrane envelope in the presence of functional tyeA. These data support a model whereby YopN transport may serve as a regulatory mechanism for the activity of the type III pathway. YscB/SycN binding facilitates the initiation of YopN into the type III pathway, whereas TyeA binding prevents transport of the polypeptide across the bacterial envelope. Changes in the environmental calcium concentration relieve the TyeA-mediated regulation, triggering YopN transport and activating the type III pathway.  相似文献   

By indirect immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy with an antibody that recognizes specifically the two forms of native mature rat cathepsin B (31 kDa and 5:25 kDa) but not the proenzyme, we detected cathepsin B not only in lysosomes of adult rat exocrine pancreatic cells but also in the trans Golgi condensing vacuoles, the zymogen granules and the pancreatic juice in the intralobular ducts. In contrast, immunocytochemistry with an antibody specific for rat cathepsin D showed the latter to be present in the same cells only in lysosomal compartments as expected. The same pattern of labeling with these two antibodies was found in the first zymogen granules to form in 17-day-old fetal rat pancreas. Counts of the extent of immunogold labeling of cathepsin B in the adult exocrine cells showed that the concentration of the enzyme was only two-fold higher in the lysosomal compartments than in the zymogen granules. To confirm these observations, rat pancreatic postnuclear supernatant (PNS), a fraction enriched in zymogen granules and rat pancreatic juice obtained by catheterization of the pancreatic duct, were subjected to 2D gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting with the cathepsin B antibody. All three samples contained a 31 kDa protein recognized by the antibody with a pI of about 4.5, the single chain mature form of cathepsin B. We then radiolabeled pancreatic PNS and zymogen granule fractions with benzyloxycarbonyl-Tyr[125I]-Ala-CHN2, an affinity label that covalently binds to the active sites of mature forms of both cathepsin B and cathepsin L. In both PNS and zymogen granule fractions this reagent labeled cathepsin B. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that the antibody to cathepsin B recognized specifically both the single chain and the double chain mature forms of cathepsin B in the native state. Finally, Northern blots with a cDNA of rat cathepsin B showed that the concentration of cathepsin B mRNA in total pancreatic RNA increased following in vivo stimulation of the exocrine pancreatic cells with optimal doses of cerulein, a cholecystokinin analogue. We conclude that significant amounts of mature cathepsin B are secreted from exocrine pancreatic cells via the apical regulated exocytotic pathway, and we discuss this in terms of models for sorting of proteins to the cores of dense cored secretory granules.  相似文献   

Regulated secretion and purification of recombinant antibodies in E. coli.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A plasmid for optimized protein expression of recombinant Fv antibodies (pOPE) in E. coli was used to express the variable domains of the murine monoclonal antibody HD39 specific for the human B-cell surface antigen CD22. The production of Fv antibodies by pOPE can be regulated over a wide range by varying the IPTG concentration. Antibodies that can discriminate between secreted and nonsecreted Fv antibody fragments were used to show that secretion is the limiting step for the production of functional Fv antibodies. IPTG concentrations above 20 microM increased the total antibody production, but did not yield larger amounts of secreted Fv antibodies. The addition of five histidines to the C terminus facilitates an easy single-step enrichment procedure based on immobilized metal affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

Studies designed to elucidate the mechanism of regulation of the GLUT1 isoform of the glucose transporter in response to a variety of cellular stresses are reviewed. Using ts mutants of vesicular stomatitis virus, it was shown that the viral L gene was responsible for the stimulation of glucose transport in infected cells. Immunofluorescence of GLUT1 demonstrated that the increase in glucose transport was the consequence of a translocation of the transporter from a reservoir in cytoplasmic vesicles to the plasma membrane. When cells were cycled between deficient and standard medium, the change in glucose transport rates was paralleled by a cycling of the transporter between the plasma membrane and the cytoplasmic vesicles. The redistribution of GLUT1 was not a consequence of a general redistribution of recycling plasma membrane proteins. Instead, the findings focus attention on the regulated exocytosis of specific membrane constituents in cells that, until recently, were not thought to exhibit this capacity.  相似文献   

Although stimulatory (feedforward) and inhibitory (feedback) dynamics jointly control neurohormone secretion, the factors that supervise feedback restraint are poorly understood. To parse the regulation of growth hormone (GH) escape from negative feedback, 25 healthy men and women were studied eight times each during an experimental GH feedback clamp. The clamp comprised combined bolus infusion of GH or saline and continuous stimulation by saline GH-releasing hormone (GHRH), GHRP-2, or both peptides after randomly ordered supplementation with placebo (both sexes) vs. E(2) (estrogen; women) and T (testosterone; men). Endpoints were GH pulsatility and entropy (a model-free measure of feedback quenching). Gender determined recovery of pulsatile GH secretion from negative feedback in all four secretagog regimens (0.003 ≤ P ≤ 0.017 for women>men). Peptidyl secretagog controlled the mass, number, and duration of feedback-inhibited GH secretory bursts (each, P < 0.001). E(2)/T administration potentiated both pulsatile (P = 0.006) and entropic (P < 0.001) modes of GH recovery. IGF-I positively predicted the escape of GH secretory burst number and mode (P = 0.022), whereas body mass index negatively forecast GH secretory burst number and mass (P = 0.005). The composite of gender, body mass index, E(2), IGF-I, and peptidyl secretagog strongly regulates the escape of pulsatile and entropic GH secretion from autonegative feedback. The ensemble factors identified in this preclinical investigation enlarge the dynamic model of GH control in humans.  相似文献   

In response to starvation Myxococcus xanthus initiates a developmental program that culminates in fruiting body formation. There are two morphogenetic events in this program, aggregation and sporulation, which are temporally and spatially coordinated by the contact-dependent intercellular C-signal protein (p17). p17 is generated by proteolytic cleavage of the p25 precursor protein, which accumulates in the outer membrane of vegetative and starving cells. However, p17 generation is restricted to starving cells. Here we identify the subtilisin-like protease PopC that is directly responsible for cleavage of p25. PopC accumulates in the cytoplasm of vegetative cells but is selectively secreted during starvation coinciding with the generation of p17. Consequently, p25 and PopC only encounter each other in starving cells. Thus, restriction of p25 cleavage to starving cells occurs by a compartmentalization mechanism that depends on selective secretion of PopC during starvation. Our results provide evidence for regulated proteolysis via regulated secretion.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(4):1689-1694
During fertilization in the biflagellated alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, gametes of opposite mating types adhere to each other via agglutinin molecules located on their flagellar surfaces, generating a sexual signal that induces several cellular responses including cell wall release. This cell contact-generated signal is mediated by cAMP and release of the wall, which is devoid of cellulose and contains several hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins, is due to the activation of a metalloprotease, lysin. Although we originally assumed that lysin would be stored intracellularly in a compartment structurally separate from its substrate, recently we showed that lysin is stored in the periplasm as an inactive, higher relative molecular mass precursor, prolysin (Buchanan, M.J., S. H. Imam, W. A. Eskue, and W. J. Snell. 1989. J. Cell Biol. 108:199-207). Here we show that conversion of prolysin to lysin is due to a cellular, nonperiplasmic enzyme that has the properties of a serine protease. Release of this serine protease into the periplasm is induced by incubation of gametes in dibutyryl cAMP. This may be one of the few examples of regulated secretion of a protease in a eucaryotic microorganism and a novel example of regulated secretion in a plant system.  相似文献   

The cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is inducibly secreted by immune cells and certain other cell types to critically participate in the regulation of the host immune response. However, MIF does not contain a N-terminal signal sequence and the mechanism of MIF secretion is unknown. Here we show in a model of endotoxin-stimulated THP-1 monocytes that MIF does not enter the endoplasmatic reticulum and that MIF secretion is not inhibited by monensin or brefeldin A, demonstrating that MIF secretion occurs via a non-classical export route. Glyburide and probenicide but not other typical inhibitors of non-classical protein export strongly block MIF secretion, indicating that the export pathway of MIF involves an ABCA1 transporter.  相似文献   

Regulated nuclear targeting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Extracellular signals are transduced to the nucleus through respective signal transduction pathways. Evidence in animals and yeast indicates the importance of regulated nuclear targeting in these processes. Although little is known about plants in this regard, some plant signaling factors have recently been shown to translocate to the nucleus upon receipt of a signal.  相似文献   

Von Willebrand factor (vWf) is a glycoprotein involved in primary hemostasis and synthesized in endothelial cells (EC). vWf is stored in secretory granules specific for EC called Weibel-Palade bodies (WPb). Studies on the molecular mechanisms of vWf storage and acute release are hampered by the limitations of the available endothelial cell culture models. We created a suitable model by stable transfection of the vWf-negative ECV304 endothelial cell line with pro-vWf cDNA. Pro-vWf was normally cleaved to mature vWf and stored in WPb. Acute vWf release occurred in response to the calcium ionophore A23187. Thus, vWf expression is sufficient to restore functional secretory granules in ECV304 cells. We used this model to study the role of WPb in the storage of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), a key fibrinolytic enzyme that is acutely released by EC, but whose intracellular storage compartment is still a matter of debate. We observed that restoration of WPb in ECV304 cells results in the targeting of t-PA to these storage granules.  相似文献   

We have investigated the human CaCo-2 enterocyte model for secretion of the plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein, LTP-I. CaCo-2 cells secrete a cholesteryl ester transfer protein which possesses molecular identity with plasma LTP-I, demonstrated by anti-LTP-I immunoblot analysis and immunoinhibition of all cell-secreted cholesteryl ester transfer activity. When CaCo-2 are cultured on permeable membranes, cholesteryl ester transfer activity is detected only in the lower culture compartment. Thus, CaCo-2 vectorially sort and secrete LTP-I, as well as the intestinal apolipoproteins, from the basolateral cellular domain. Over a 24-h period, CaCo-2 secrete cholesteryl ester transfer activity in a time-dependent manner, at approximately twice the rate of HepG2. Furthermore, CaCo-2 enterocytes, but not HepG2 hepatocytes, regulate LTP-I secretion in response to fatty acid concentration in the culture medium. Based on these observations, we speculate that the intestine may be the principal regulated source of human plasma LTP-I.  相似文献   

Neher E 《Cell calcium》2012,52(3-4):196-198
Calcium ions regulate secretory processes in several ways. Most prominently they (i) trigger the release of vesicle contents rapidly and in a highly cooperative way and they (ii) control priming steps, which prepare vesicles for release. The importance of using assays with high time resolution for separating these distinct roles is pointed out here.  相似文献   

JR Coorssen  R Zorec 《Cell calcium》2012,52(3-4):191-195
This Special Issue (SI) of Cell Calcium focuses on regulated exocytosis, a recent evolutionary invention of eukaryotic cells. This essential cellular process consists of several stages: (i) the delivery of membrane bound vesicles to specific plasma membrane sites, (ii) where the merger between the vesicle and the plasma membranes occurs, (iii) leading to the formation of an aqueous channel through which vesicle content starts to be discharged to the cell exterior, (iv) after the full incorporation of the vesicle membrane into the plasma membrane, the added vesicle membrane is retrieved back into the cytoplasm by endocytosis. (v) When a fusion pore opens it may close again, a process known as transient fusion pore opening (also kiss-and-run exocytosis). In some cell types these stages are extremely shortlived, as in some neurons, and thus relatively inaccessible to experimentation. In other cell types the transition between these stages is orders of magnitude slower and can be studied in more detail. However, despite the intense investigations of this critical biological process over the last decades, the molecular mechanisms underlying regulated exocytosis have yet to be fully resolved. We thus still lack a comprehensive physiological insight into the nature of the progressive and coupled stages of exocytosis. Such a molecular-level understanding would help to fully reconstruct this process in vitro, as well as identify potential therapeutic targets for a range of diseases and dysfunctions. There are 18 papers in this SI which have been organized into three sections: Rapid regulated exocytosis and calcium homeostasis with an introduction by Erwin Neher, Molecular mechanisms of regulated exocytosis, and Cell models for regulated exocytosis. Here we briefly outline and integrate the messages of these sections.  相似文献   

Regulated internalization of caveolae   总被引:23,自引:19,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1994,127(5):1199-1215
Caveolae are specialized invaginations of the plasma membrane which have been proposed to play a role in diverse cellular processes such as endocytosis and signal transduction. We have developed an assay to determine the fraction of internal versus plasma membrane caveolae. The GPI-anchored protein, alkaline phosphatase, was clustered in caveolae after antibody-induced crosslinking at low temperature and then, after various treatments, the relative amount of alkaline phosphatase on the cell surface was determined. Using this assay we were able to show a time- and temperature-dependent decrease in cell-surface alkaline phosphatase activity which was dependent on antibody-induced clustering. The decrease in cell surface alkaline phosphatase activity was greatly accelerated by the phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid, but not by a protein kinase C activator. Internalization of clustered alkaline phosphatase in the presence or absence of okadaic acid was blocked by cytochalasin D and by the kinase inhibitor staurosporine. Electron microscopy confirmed that okadaic acid induced removal of caveolae from the cell surface. In the presence of hypertonic medium this was followed by the redistribution of groups of caveolae to the center of the cell close to the microtubule-organizing center. This process was reversible, blocked by cytochalasin D, and the centralization of the caveolar clusters was shown to be dependent on an intact microtubule network. Although the exact mechanism of internalization remains unknown, the results show that caveolae are dynamic structures which can be internalized into the cell. This process may be regulated by kinase activity and require an intact actin network.  相似文献   

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