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Alteration of sodium transport by the choroid plexus with amiloride   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) production results from active transport of Na+ from blood to CSF, which is followed by H2O and anions. Amiloride reduces Na+ movement in epithelial tissues. To ascertain if amiloride alters transport of Na+ in the choroid plexus, the drug was administered either i.p. to male Sprague-Dawley rats that were bilaterally nephrectomized to determine in vivo effects, or added to artificial CSF to incubate the choroid plexus in vitro. Choroid cell [Na+] was reduced after amiloride treatment both in vivo and in vitro. In addition, the rate of 22Na uptake into the CSF and choroid plexus (CP) was decreased after amiloride. Alterations in choroid cell [Na+] and 22Na penetration into CSF and CP occurred at relatively high doses of drug (1 mumol/ml, in vitro and 100 micrograms/g in vivo), but lower doses were less effective (0.1 mumol/ml in vitro and 10 micrograms/g in vivo). It is concluded that the effects of amiloride on Na+ distribution and transport in the CP are due to inhibition of basolateral Na+-H+ exchange.  相似文献   

Carrier-Mediated Transport of Chloride Across the Blood-Brain Barrier   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
36Cl concentrations in each of eight brain regions and in cisternal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were determined 30 min after the intravenous injection of 36Cl in dialyzed-nephrectomized rats with plasma Cl concentrations between 14 and 120 mumol X ml-1. CSF 36Cl exceeded 36Cl concentrations in brain extracellular fluid. The calculated blood-to-brain transfer constants for Cl, kCl, ranged from 1.8 X 10(-5) S-1 at the parietal cortex to 3.8 X 10(-5) S-1 at the thalamus-hypothalamus. kCl fell by 42-62% when mean plasma [Cl] was elevated from 16 to 114 mumol X ml-1. Brain uptake of [14C]mannitol or of 22Na was independent of plasma [Cl], but 22Na influx into CSF fell when plasma [Cl] was reduced. Cl flux into brain and CSF could be represented by Michaelis-Menten saturation kinetics, where, for the parietal cortex, Km = 43 mumol X ml-1 and Vmax = 2.5 X 10(-3) mumol X S-1 X g-1, and for CSF Km = 68 mumol X ml-1. At least 80% of 36Cl influx into the parietal cortex was calculated to occur at the cerebrovascular endothelium, whereas the remainder was derived from tracer that first entered CSF. The CSF contribution was greater at brain regions adjacent to cerebral ventricles. The results show that Cl transport at the cerebrovascular endothelium as well as at the choroid plexus epithelium is a saturable concentration-dependent process, and that the CSF is a significant intermediate pathway for Cl passage from blood to brain.  相似文献   

Cerebrovascular Permeability Coefficients to Sodium, Potassium, and Chloride   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:4  
CSF and regional brain concentrations of 42K, 22Na, 36Cl, and [14C]mannitol were determined 3-45 min after intravenous injection of the tracers in pentobarbital-anesthetized rats. Rapid influx of 36Cl and 22Na into ventricular CSF immediately established concentration gradients from CSF to brain extracellular fluid. The CSF contribution to brain uptake of tracers was greatest in periventricular brain regions, where brain 36Cl concentrations were up to ninefold higher than concentrations in regions distant from ventricular CSF. Acetazolamide (20 mg kg-1 i.p.), an inhibitor of CSF formation, decreased 36Cl uptake into CSF and into periventricular brain regions but not into frontal cortex. 36Cl uptake into brain was unidirectional for 10 min after intravenous injection, and, during that period, diffusion from ventricular CSF did not contribute to uptake in the frontal cortex. Therefore, cerebrovascular permeability coefficients could be calculated from tracer concentrations in frontal cortex at 10 min and equaled, in cm s-1, 13.5 X 10(-7) for 42K, 1.4 X 10(-7) for 22Na, 0.9 X 10(-7) for 36Cl, and 1.5 X 10(-7) for [14C]mannitol. The low cerebrovascular permeabilities to K, Na, and Cl, comparable to those of some cell membranes, and the permselectivity (K much greater than Na greater than Cl) suggest that a significant fraction of ion transport across cerebral capillaries is transcellular, i.e., across the endothelial cell membrane.  相似文献   

Abstract: Transport and permeability properties of the blood-brain and blood-CSF barriers were determined by kinetic analysis of radioisotope uptake from the plasma into the CNS of the adult rat. Cerebral cortex and cerebellum uptake curves for 36Cl and 22Na were resolved into two components. The fast component (t½ 0.02–0.05 h, fractional volume 0.04–0.08) is comprised of the vascular compartment and a small perivascular space whereas the slow component (t½ 1.06–1.69 h, fractional volume 0.92–0.96) represents isotope movement across the blood-brain barrier into the brain extracellular and cellular compartments. Uptake curves of both 36Cl and 22Na into the CSF were also resolved into two components, a fast component (t½ 0.18 h, fractional volume 0.24) and a slow component (t½ 1.2 h, fractional volume 0.76). Evidence suggests that the fast component represents isotope movement across the blood-CSF barrier, i.e., the choroid plexuses, whereas the CSF slow component probably reflects isotope penetration primarily from the brain extracellular fluid into the CSF. The extracellular fluid volume of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum was estimated as ?13% from the initial slope of the curve of brain space versus CSF space curve for both 36Cl and 22Na. Like the choroid plexuses, the glial cell compartment of the brain appears to accumulate Cl from 2 to 6 times that predicted for passive distribution. The relative permeability of the blood-CSF and blood-brain barriers to 36Cl, 22Na, and [3H]mannitol was determined by calculating permeability surface-area products (PA). Analysis of the PA values for all three isotopes indicates that the effective permeability of the choroidal epithelium (blood/CSF barrier) is significantly greater than that of the capillary endothelium in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum (blood-brain barrier).  相似文献   

Can loop diuretics like ethacrynic acid and furosemide, when administered intravenously, significantly alter ion transport and fluid dynamics in CNS? To shed light on this unresolved issue, we tested the ability of these agents to effect redistribution of Na, K and Cl in adult rat brain. Cl penetration into various CNS regions was assessed as the volume of distribution, i.e., uptake, of36Cl from blood. Ethacrynic acid and furosemide (50 mg/kg IV) reduced by 20–30% the rate of permeation of36Cl across the blood-CSF barrier, and they elevated [K] and [Cl] in choroid plexus (CP) by 15–25%. The loop diuretic-induced buildup of K and Cl in CP (lateral and 4th ventricle) was likely a reflection of decreased movement of these ions across the apical membrane into CSF.36Cl activity in parietal cortex and pons-medulla decreased in treatment with furosemide and ethacrynic acid, due to slowing of Cl transport across blood-brain and/or blood-CSF barriers. Our inhibitory findings in intact rats are consistent with those from previous in vitro experiments demonstrating diminution by loop diuretics of Na, K and Cl transport across isolated CP membranes.  相似文献   

We obtained evidence that amiloride specifically potentiates 125I-labeled alpha-rat atrial natriuretic peptide (1-28) [atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)-(99-126); rANP] binding to cerebral capillaries isolated from the rat cerebral cortex. The binding parameters, KD of 173 pM and Bmax of 159 fmol/mg of protein, became 33 pM and 88 fmol/mg of protein, respectively, when 10(-4) M amiloride was added to the incubation medium. When the effect of rANP was investigated on in vitro 22Na+ uptake into isolated cerebral capillaries, 10(-7) M rANP significantly inhibited the uptake in the presence of 1.0 mM ouabain, 1.0 mM furosemide, and 2.0 mM LiCl in the uptake buffer, a finding suggesting a specific inhibitory effect of rANP on amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport. Thus, the possibility that ANPs control amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport at the blood-brain barrier by interacting with specific receptors has to be considered.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cl and Na transport by the lateral ventricle (LVCP) and fourth ventricle (4VCP) choroid plexuses were examined by kinetic analysis of 36Cl and 22Na uptake into the choroid plexus-CSF system of the adult rat. Both radioisotopes required more than 5 h to reach steady-state distribution in the in vivo choroid plexuses and CSF after intraperitoneal injection. Whereas the LVCP and 4VCP 36Cl steady-state spaces were comparable (55–56%), the 4VCP 22Na space (39%) tended to be greater than the LVCP 22Na space (36%). No evidence for inexchangeable Cl or Na was found for the choroid plexuses; the radioisotopic and chemical spaces were not significantly different. Choroid plexus 36Cl and 22Na uptake curves were resolved into two components, a fast component ( t 1/2 0.02–0.05 h) and a slow component ( t 1/2 0.85–1.93 h). By analysis of the distribution of [3H]inulin, [3H]mannitol, and 51Cr-tagged erythrocytes within the choroid plexuses, the fast component of 36Cl and 22Na uptake was found to represent extracellular and erythrocyte contributions to the tissue radioactivity, whereas the slow component represented isotope movement into the epithelial cell compartment. The calculated cell [Cl] of LVCP and 4VCP, 67 mmol/kg cell water, was 3.9 times greater than that predicted by the membrane potential for passive distribution. It is postulated that Cl is actively transported into the choroid epithelial cell across the basolateral membrane; the energy source for active Cl transport may be the Na electrochemical potential gradient (˜90 mV), which is twice that of the Cl electrochemical potential gradient (˜45 mV).  相似文献   

Abstract: Changes in cellular [K] and [Na] in the choroidal epithelium (as a reflection of Na-K pump activity) were analyzed in Sprague-Dawley rats subjected to acute systemic acidosis. In the lateral and 4th ventricle choroid plexus (CP) of adult rats in which metabolic acidosis was induced for 1 h, cell [K] and [Na] increased and decreased by 35 and 15 m m /kg water, respectively, indicating marked stimulation of the Na-K exchange pump in the CSF-facing membrane; in contrast, this striking response of the CP to acidosis could not be elicited in immature animals (1 week old). Since the effects of respiratory acidosis on CP cell [K] and [Na] were similar to those of metabolic acidosis, the reduction in plasma pH (rather than in [HCO3]) is likely the mechanism underlying the enhanced turnover of Na and K across the CP in adults. The concentration of Na and K in the cerebral cortex, medulla, and CSF was generally not altered during acute acid-base distortions in both mature and immature animals. The striking difference in the response of CNS tissue protected by the blood-CSF barrier (i.e., CP) and the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to systemic acidosis emphasizes a unique role, presumably homeostatic, for the plexus. Since propranolol substantially attenuated the acidosis-induced changes in choroidal cell [K] and [Na], it is possible that there is β-receptor modulation of the Na,K-ATPase (Na-K pump) in the CP. We postulate that the generally observed enhanced electropositivity in the CSF in systemic acidosis is brought about, at least in part, by facilitation of Na-K pumping in the CP, although induced changes in membrane permeability may also be a factor.  相似文献   

CSF bicarbonate regulation was studied in respiratory acidosis and alkalosis of 4h duration in antsthetized dogs. PCO2, pH, HCO3, ammonia, and lactate in CSF and arterial and safittal sinus bloof were measured when equal volumes of saline or acetazolamide (8 mg) were injected into lateral cerebral ventricles. The brain CO2 dissociation curve was determined at the end of all experiments. CSF and arterial bicarbonate increased 11.8 and 5.9 meg/l, respectively, in acidosis. Acetazolamide limited the rise in CSF bicarbonate to 4.2 meg/l, and prevented the CSF bicarbonate increase associated with hyperammonemia. During alkalosis CSF bicarbonate fell 6.5 meg/l and CSF lactate increased almost 2 meg/l while arterial bicarbonate fell 5.7 meg/l and lactate remained unchanged. Thus plasma bicarbonate changes account for some of the CSF unchanged. Thus plasma bicarbonate changes account for some of the CSF bicarbonate alterations in respiratory acid-base-disturbances. In acidosis additional CSF bicarbonate is formed by the choroid plexus and glial cells on the inner and outer surfaces of the brain--a reaction catalyzed by the locally present carbonic anhydrase. In alkalosis the greater fall in CSF bicarbonate than blood is due to selective brain and CSF lactic acidosis.  相似文献   

Abstract— The relationship between isotopic sodium entry into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from blood and cisternal potassium concentration was studied using ventriculo-cisternal perfusion in the rabbit. The entry of sodium into CSF was separated into 2 components. The fast component was significantly correlated with cisternal potassium concentration during perfusions with a potassium-free artificial CSF. ATPase activity in the homogenised choroid plexus was shown to be sensitive to potassium over a range of concentrations similar to that in the perfusion studies. The results are interpreted as showing a potassium-sensitive entry of 24Na across the choroid plexus due to a sodium-pump situated in the apical membrane of the choroid plexus. The effects of low concentrations of lithium (0.6–1.2 mm) on 24Na entry into CSF and brain and on CSF secretion were studied. When applied via the ventricles lithium caused a 30–39% stimulation of the fast component of sodium entry and a 28% stimulation of CSF secretion. When given via the blood lithium inhibited the fast component of sodium entry and CSF secretion by 43% and 40% respectively. No effects of lithium were found on the slow component of sodium entry into CSF or sodium entry into brain. The results suggest that lithium at low (0.6–1.2 mM) concentrations can stimulate the choroid plexus sodium-pump at the potassium-sensitive side and inhibit it at the sodium-sensitive side.  相似文献   

Glutamine has multiple physiological and pathophysiological roles in the brain. Because of their position at the interface between blood and brain, the cerebral capillaries and the choroid plexuses that form the blood-brain barriers (BBB) and blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barriers, have the potential to influence brain glutamine concentrations. Despite this, there has been a paucity of data on the mechanisms and polarity of glutamine transport at these barrier tissues. In situ brain perfusion in the rat, indicates that blood to brain L-[14C]glutamine transport at the blood-brain barrier is primarily mediated by a pH-dependent, Na(+)-dependent, System N transporter, but that blood to choroid plexus transport is primarily via a pH-independent System N transporter and a Na(+)-independent carrier that is not System L. Transport studies in isolated rat choroid plexuses and primary cultures of choroid plexus epithelial cells indicate that epithelial L-[14C]glutamine transport is polarized (apical uptake>basolateral) and that uptake at the apical membrane is mediated by pH dependent System N transporters (identified as SN1 and SN2 by polymerase chain reaction) and the Na(+)-independent System L. Blood-brain barrier System N transport is markedly effected by cerebral ischemia and may be a good marker of endothelial cell dysfunction. The multiple glutamine transporters at the blood-brain and blood-CSF barriers may have role in meeting the metabolic needs of the brain and the barrier tissues themselves. However, it is likely that the main role of these transporters is removing glutamine, and thus nitrogen, from the brain.  相似文献   

Little is known about the cerebral distribution and clearance of guanidinoacetate (GAA), the accumulation of which induces convulsions. The purpose of the present study was to identify creatine transporter (CRT)-mediated GAA transport and to clarify its cerebral expression and role in GAA efflux transport at the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB). CRT mediated GAA transport with a K(m) value of 269 microM/412 microM which was approximately 10-fold greater than that of CRT for creatine. There was wide and distinct cerebral expression of CRT and localization of CRT on the brush-border membrane of choroid plexus epithelial cells. The in vivo elimination clearance of GAA from the CSF was 13-fold greater than that of d-mannitol reflecting bulk flow of the CSF. This process was partially inhibited by creatine. The characteristics of GAA uptake by isolated choroid plexus and an immortalized rat choroid plexus epithelial cell line (TR-CSFB cells) used as an in vitro model of BCSFB are partially consistent with those of CRT. These results suggest that CRT plays a role in the cerebral distribution of GAA and GAA uptake by the choroid plexus. However, in the presence of endogenous creatine in the CSF, CRT may make only a limited contribution to the GAA efflux transport at the BCSFB.  相似文献   

Iron transport into the CNS is still not completely understood. Using a brain perfusion technique in rats, we have shown a significant brain capillary uptake of circulating transferrin (Tf)-bound and free 59Fe (1 nm) at rates of 136 +/- 26 and 182 +/- 23 microL/g/min, respectively, while their respective transport rates into brain parenchyma were 1.68 +/- 0.56 and 1.52 +/- 0.48 microL/g/min. Regional Tf receptor density (Bmax) in brain endothelium determined with 125I-holo-Tf correlated well with 59Fe-Tf regional brain uptake rates reflecting significant vascular association of iron. Tf-bound and free circulating 59Fe were sequestered by the choroid plexus and transported into the CSF at low rates of 0.17 +/- 0.01 and 0.09 +/- 0.02 microL/min/g, respectively, consistent with a 10-fold brain-CSF concentration gradient for 59Fe, Tf-bound or free. We conclude that transport of circulating Tf-bound and free iron could be equally important for its delivery to the CNS. Moreover, data suggest that entry of Tf-bound and free iron into the CNS is determined by (i) its initial sequestration by brain capillaries and choroid plexus, and (ii) subsequent controlled and slow release from vascular structures into brain interstitial fluid and CSF.  相似文献   

Abstract— The total concentrations of vitamin B6 (B6) in plasma, choroid plexus, CSF and brain of adult New Zealand white rabbits, measured fluorometrically, were 0.30, 15.10, 0.39 and 8.90 μ mol/l or kg respectively. The mechanisms by which B6 enters and leaves brain, choroid plexus and CSF were investigated by injecting [3H]pyridoxine (PIN) intravenously, intraventricularly and intraarterially. [3H]PIN, with or without unlabelled PIN, was infused intravenously at a constant rate into conscious rabbits. At 150 min, [3H]B6 readily entered CSF, choroid plexus and brain. The addition of 0.5 mmol/kg carrier PIN to the infusion solution depressed the relative entry of [3H]B6 into CSF, choroid plexus and brain by about 80%. After intraventricular injection, [3H]PIN readily entered brain from CSF. The intraventricular injection of carrier PIN with [3H]PIN decreased the amount of [3H]B6 in brain and also decreased the percentage of [3H]B6 in CSF and brain that was phosphorylated. During one pass through the cerebral circulation, [3H]PIN (1 μ m ) was cleared from the circulation no more rapidly than mannitol. These results were interpreted as showing that the entry of B6 from blood into CSF and presumably the extracellular space of brain and thence into brain cells involves one or more saturable transport and/or metabolic steps.  相似文献   

Male Fischer-344 rats, 21 days old, were fed diets containing 0 (LOD), 2,200 (CONT), or 440,000 (HID) international units of vitamin D3 per kilogram for 12 weeks. [Ca] was measured in plasma, CSF, brain, and choroid plexus. In addition, 45Ca and 36Cl transfer coefficients (KCa and KCl) for uptake from blood into CSF and brain were determined. Although plasma ionized [Ca]s in LOD and HID rats were 50% and 136%, respectively, of values in CONT animals, CSF and brain [Ca]s ranged from only 85% to 110% of respective CONT values. Choroid plexus [Ca] was increased by 37% after HID diet, but was decreased only 10% after LOD. KCa values at CSF, parietal cortex, and pons-medulla were negatively correlated with plasma ionized [Ca], whereas KCl values at CSF and brain were not different between the diet groups. The findings demonstrate that central nervous system [Ca] is maintained during chronic hypo- or hypercalcemia by saturable transport of Ca at brain barrier membranes. This transport does not seem to involve modulation by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that, during isosmotic isonatremic HCl acidosis with maintained isocapnia in cisternal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), acetazolamide, by inhibiting carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the central nervous system (CNS), should produce an isonatric hyperchloric metabolic acidosis in CSF. Blood and CSF ions and acid-base variables were measured in two groups of anesthetized and paralyzed dogs with bilateral ligation of renal pedicles during 5 h of HCl acidosis (plasma [HCO3-] = 11 meq/l). Mechanical ventilation was regulated such that arterial PCO2 dropped and CSF Pco2 remained relatively constant. In group I (control group, n = 6), CSF [Na+] remained unchanged, [HCO3-] and strong ions difference (SID) fell, respectively, 6.1 and 5 meq/l, and [Cl-] rose 3.5 meq/l after 5 h of acidosis. In acetazolamide-treated animals, (group II, n = 7), CSF [Na+] remained unchanged, [HCO3-], and SID fell 11 and 7.1 meq/l, respectively, and [Cl-] rose 7.1 meq/l. We conclude that during HCl acidosis inhibition of CNS CA by acetazolamide induces an isonatric hyperchloric metabolic acidosis in CSF, which is more severe than that observed in controls.  相似文献   

Following a recent report that epithelial cells of the choroid plexus possess histamine H2 receptors, the effect of cimetidine and ranitidine, histamine H2 receptor antagonists, on the secretion and electrolyte content of CSF was examined. Fifty cats were divided into one control (n = 6) and six experimental groups. CSF was collected by puncture of the cisterna magna following pentobarbital anesthesia, and its volume, concentrations of Na+, K+, Cl-, and pH were determined. Cimetidine or ranitidine (50, 20, or 10 mg/kg) was injected intravenously 2 h after the start of the test, and their concentrations were measured in hourly blood samples and in 30-min aliquots of CSF in the 50 mg/kg experimental groups. Whereas the secretion of CSF did not change over 6 h in the control group, it decreased significantly by 30-60 min after injection of cimetidine or ranitidine and remained low for the following 6 1/2 h in all experimental groups except the 10-mg ranitidine group. Peak cimetidine and ranitidine concentrations in CSF in the 50-mg experimental groups were noted 60 and 90 min, respectively, after intravenous injection. CSF electrolyte concentrations and pH did not change during the test in any group. We conclude that intravenous cimetidine or ranitidine can significantly reduce CSF secretion in the cat, possibly by competitive inhibition of the histamine effect on H2 receptors located on the choroid plexus epithelial cell, or by a direct effect on the capillaries of the choroid plexus.  相似文献   

beta-Amyloid (Abeta) concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the brain may be regulated by the choroid plexus, which forms a barrier between blood and brain CSF. Abeta uptake from CSF was determined as its volume of distribution (V(D)) into isolated rat choroid plexus tissue. The V(D) of [125I]Abeta1-40 was corrected by subtraction of the V(D) of [14C]sucrose, a marker for extracellular space and diffusion. Abeta uptake into choroid plexus was time and temperature dependent. Uptake of [125I]Abeta was saturable. Abeta uptake was not affected by addition of transthyretin or apolipoprotein E3. In studies with primary culture monolayers of choroidal epithelial cells in Transwells, Abeta permeability across cells, corrected by [(14)C]sucrose, was greater from the CSF-facing membrane than from the blood-facing membrane. Similarly, cellular accumulation of [125I]Abeta was concentrative from both directions and was greater from the CSF-facing membrane, suggesting a bias for efflux. Overall, these results suggest the choroid plexus selectively cleanses Abeta from the CSF by an undetermined mechanism(s), potentially reducing Abeta from normal brains and the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients.  相似文献   

Although lentiviruses such as human, feline and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV, FIV, SIV) rapidly gain access to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the mechanisms that control this entry are not well understood. One possibility is that the virus may be carried into the brain by immune cells that traffic across the blood–CSF barrier in the choroid plexus. Since few studies have directly examined macrophage trafficking across the blood–CSF barrier, we established transwell and explant cultures of feline choroid plexus epithelium and measured trafficking in the presence or absence of FIV. Macrophages in co-culture with the epithelium showed significant proliferation and robust trafficking that was dependent on the presence of epithelium. Macrophage migration to the apical surface of the epithelium was particularly robust in the choroid plexus explants where 3-fold increases were seen over the first 24 h. Addition of FIV to the cultures greatly increased the number of surface macrophages without influencing replication. The epithelium in the transwell cultures was also permissive to PBMC trafficking, which increased from 17 to 26% of total cells after exposure to FIV. Thus, the choroid plexus epithelium supports trafficking of both macrophages and PBMCs. FIV significantly enhanced translocation of macrophages and T cells indicating that the choroid plexus epithelium is likely to be an active site of immune cell trafficking in response to infection.  相似文献   

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