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Studies on the cathepsins in elastic cartilage   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1. The presence of several enzymes in rabbit ear cartilage was examined by a quantitative method that permits the incubation of a fixed weight of cartilage sections (18mum.) with an appropriate exogeneous substrate. 2. As the presence of cathepsins B and D in cartilage has already been established, evidence is now provided to show that cathepsins A and C are also present and are maximally active at pH5. 3. Cathepsin A was recognized by its hydrolysis of benzyloxycarbonyl-glutamyl-tyrosine and cathepsin C by its hydrolysis of glycyl-tyrosine amide; the cartilage also hydrolysed benzyloxycarbonyl-glutamyl-phenylalanine and benzoyl-dl-phenylalanine 2-naphthyl ester at pH5. 4. The acid phosphatase activity and the DNA content of cartilage have also been measured to provide a basis for comparison with the cathepsin activity of cartilage obtained from other sites and species.  相似文献   

Growth factor activity has been identified in the chondrocytes and extracellular matrix (ECM) fractions of human costal cartilage. There was about five times more growth factor activity in the ECM than was found to be associated with the chondrocytes. The growth factor activity in chondrocytes was found to be associated with chromatin. Both the chromatin-associated growth factor (CAGF) activity and extracellular matrix growth factor (EMGF) activity were characterized for molecular weight, charge, and the effect of reduction by sulfhydryl reducing reagents. Biorex cation exchange chromatography showed that both CAGF and EMGF were cationic. CAGF and EMGF have molecular weights between 15,000 and 18,000 as determined by size exclusion chromatography on HPLC TSK 3000 columns equilibrated with guanidine-HCl and dithiothreitol.  相似文献   

Proteases play causal roles in the malignant progression of human tumors. This review centers on the roles in this process of cysteine cathepsins, i.e., peptidases belonging to the papain family (C1) of the CA clan of cysteine proteases. Cysteine cathepsins, most likely along with matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and serine proteases, degrade the extracellular matrix, thereby facilitating growth and invasion into surrounding tissue and vasculature. Studies on tumor tissues and cell lines have shown changes in expression, activity and distribution of cysteine cathepsins in numerous human cancers. Molecular, immunologic and pharmacological strategies to modulate expression and activity of cysteine cathepsins have provided evidence for a causal role for these enzymes in tumor progression and invasion. Clinically, the levels, activities and localization of cysteine cathepsins and their endogenous inhibitors have been shown to be of diagnostic and prognostic value. Understanding the roles that cysteine proteases play in cancer could lead to the development of more efficacious therapies.  相似文献   

Cysteinyl cathepsins are lysosomal/endosomal proteases that mediate bulk protein degradation in these intracellular acidic compartments. Yet, studies indicate that these proteases also appear in the nucleus, nuclear membrane, cytosol, plasma membrane, and extracellular space. Patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) show increased levels of cathepsins in the heart, aorta, and plasma. Plasma cathepsins often serve as biomarkers or risk factors of CVD. In aortic diseases, such as atherosclerosis and abdominal aneurysms, cathepsins play pathogenic roles, but many of the same cathepsins are cardioprotective in hypertensive, hypertrophic, and infarcted hearts. During the development of CVD, cathepsins are regulated by inflammatory cytokines, growth factors, hypertensive stimuli, oxidative stress, and many others. Cathepsin activities in inflammatory molecule activation, immunity, cell migration, cholesterol metabolism, neovascularization, cell death, cell signaling, and tissue fibrosis all contribute to CVD and are reviewed in this article in memory of Dr. Nobuhiko Katunuma for his contribution to the field.  相似文献   

Human cathepsin F is a recently described papain-like cysteine protease of unknown function. To investigate the evolutionary relatedness to other human cathepsins, we determined the genomic organization and the chromosomal localization of cathepsin F and isolated its putative promoter region. The gene of human cathepsin F (CTSF) is composed of twelve exons and eleven introns and was found to be similar to that of cathepsin W but different from the cathepsins K, S, L, O, B, and C. The splice sites of nine out of the eleven introns were identical to those determined in the cathepsin W gene (CTSW), whereas introns one and ten were unique for CTSF. The 4. 7 kb gene was mapped to the long arm of chromosome 11 at position q13.1-3, a locus shared with CTSW. Phylogenetic analysis of human cathepsin protein sequences demonstrated that (i) cathepsins F and W are evolutionarily separated from other human cathepsins, and (ii) cysteine proteases closely related to human cathepsin W and F are also expressed in parasites and mammals. Based on these phylogenetic findings, on the presence of a particular protein motif ("ERFNAQ") in the propeptides of cathepsins F and W as well as the genomic organization and chromosomal localization of their genes, we concluded that F and W form a novel subgroup of cathepsin proteases. We suggest the naming "cathepsin F-like" proteases distinct from the previously described cathepsins "L- and B-like" subgroups.  相似文献   

Silicosis is an occupational pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of crystalline silica. It leads to the formation of fibrohyalin nodes that result in progressive fibrosis. Alternatively, emphysema may occur, with abnormal destruction of collagen fibres in the advanced stages. Although the pathophysiological mechanisms remain unclear, it has been established that the lung responds to silica by massive enrollment of alveolar macrophages, triggering an inflammatory cascade of reactions. An imbalance in the expression of lung proteases and their inhibitors is implicated in extracellular matrix remodelling and basement membrane disruption. Moreover, exposure to silica can initiate apoptotic cell death of macrophages. This review summarises the current knowledge on cysteine cathepsins that have been ignored so far during silicosis and outlines the recent progress on cellular pathways leading to silica-induced caspase activation, which have been partly delineated.  相似文献   

Evolution of placentally expressed cathepsins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Species and strain variants of a family of placentally expressed cathepsins (PECs) were cloned and sequenced in order to identify evolutionary conserved structural characteristics of this large family of cysteine proteases. Cathepsins M, P, Q, and R, are conserved in mice and rats but homologs of these genes are not found in human or rabbit placenta, showing that this family of proteases are probably restricted to rodents. Species-specific gene duplications have given rise to variants of cathepsin M in mice, and cathepsin Q in rats. Although the PECs have diverged at a greater rate than the other lysosomal cathepsins, residues around the specificity sub-sites of the individual enzymes are conserved. Strain-specific polymorphisms show that the evolutionary rate of divergence of cathepsins M and 3, the most recently duplicated pair of mouse genes, is even higher than the other PECs. In human placenta, critical functions of the PECs are probably performed by broader specificity proteases such as cathepsins B and L.  相似文献   

Triggering of apoptosis by cathepsins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cathepsins B and L were purified from human kidney. SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis demonstrated that cathepsins B and L, Mr 27000-30000, consist of disulphide-linked dimers, subunit Mr values 22000-25000 and 5000-7000. The pH optimum for the hydrolysis of methylcoumarylamide (-NHMec) substrates (see below) is approx. 6.0 for each enzyme. Km and kcat. are 252 microM and 364s-1 and 2.2 microM and 25.8 s-1 for the hydrolysis of Z-Phe-Arg-NHMec (where Z- represents benzyloxycarbonyl-) by cathepsins B and L respectively, and 184 microM and 158 s-1 for the hydrolysis of Z-Arg-Arg-NHMec by cathepsin B. A 10 min preincubation of cathepsin B (40 degrees C) or cathepsin L (30 degrees C) with E-64 (2.5 microM) results in complete inhibition. Under identical conditions Z-Phe-Phe-CHN2 (0.56 microM) completely inhibits cathepsin L but has little effect on cathepsin B. Incubation of glomerular basement membrane (GBM) with purified human kidney cathepsin L resulted in dose-dependent (10-40 nM) GBM degradation. In contrast, little degradation of GBM (less than 4.0%) was observed with cathepsin B. The pH optimum for GBM degradation by cathepsin L was 3.5. Cathepsin L was significantly more active in degrading GBM than was pancreatic elastase, trypsin or bacterial collagenase. These data suggest that cathepsin L may participate in the lysosomal degradation of GBM associated with normal GBM turnover in vivo.  相似文献   

Lysosomes are the key degradative compartments of the cell. Lysosomal cathepsins, which are enclosed in the lysosomes, help to maintain the homeostasis of the cell's metabolism by participating in the degradation of heterophagic and autophagic material. Following the targeted lysosomal membrane's destabilization, the cathepsins can be released into the cytosol and initiate the lysosomal pathway of apoptosis through the cleavage of Bid and the degradation of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 homologues. Cathepsins can also amplify the apoptotic signaling, when the lysosomal membranes are destabilized at a later stage of apoptosis, initiated by other stimuli. However, the functional integrity of the lysosomal compartment during apoptosis enables efficient autophagy, which can counteract apoptosis by providing the energy source and by disposing the damaged mitochondria, which generate the ROS. Impairing autophagy by disabling the lysosome function is being investigated as an adjuvant therapeutic approach to sensitize cells to apoptosis-inducing agents. Destabilization of the lysosomal membranes by the lysosomotropic detergents seems to be a promising strategy in this context as it would not only disable autophagy, but also promote apoptosis through the initiation of the lysosomal pathway. In contrast, the impaired autophagy and lysosomal degradation linked with the increased oxidative stress underlie degenerative changes in the aging neurons. This further suggests that lysosomes and lysosomal cathepsins have a dual role in cell death. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Proteolysis 50 years after the discovery of lysosome.  相似文献   

Neutral glycosphingolipids and gangliosides were extracted from pig cortical bone and cartilage. To ensure the completeness of extraction, the cortical bone was demineralized and reextracted. Globotriaosylceramide and globoside were noted to be present at high content in the cortical bone. It contained glucosylceramide, lactosylceramide, globotriaosylceramide and globoside as neutral glycosphingolipids at a ratio of 1:0.7:3.1:2.7. In articular cartilage, the ratio was 1:0.7:0.4:0.8. GM3 and GD3 were the major gangliosides in both these tissues. GM3, GM1, GD3, GD1 and GT1 were present at ratios of 1:0.9:0.9:0.1:0.1 in the cortical bone and 1:0:1.2:0.06:0.02 in the cartilage. Neutral glycosphingolipids could be extracted from the cortical bone without the need for demineralization, while most of the gangliosides were extracted after this treatment, implying the occurrence of interactions between gangliosides and minerals in the bone.  相似文献   

Lysosomal cathepsins in embryonic programmed cell death   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During limb development, expression of cathepsin D and B genes prefigure the pattern of interdigital apoptosis including the differences between the chick and the webbed digits of the duck. Expression of cathepsin L is associated with advanced stages of degeneration. Analysis of Gremlin-/- and Dkk-/- mouse mutants and local treatments with BMP proteins reveal that the expression of cathepsin B and D genes is regulated by BMP signaling, a pathway responsible for triggering cell death. Further cathepsin D protein is upregulated in the preapoptotic mesenchyme before being released into the cytosol, and overexpression of cathepsin D induces cell death in embryonic tissues by a mechanism including mitochondrial permeabilization and nuclear translocation of AIF. Combined inhibition of cathepsin and caspases suggests a redundancy in the apoptotic molecular machinery, providing evidence for compensatory activation mechanisms in the cathepsin pathway when caspases are blocked. It is concluded that lysosomal enzymes are functionally implicated in embryonic programmed cell death.  相似文献   

The effect if 23 hepatectomy in the adult rat on the specific and total activities of two lysosomal endopeptidases, cathepsins B1 and D, has been examined. The specific activity of both enzymes fell rapidly following hepatectomy when compared to paired, sham-operated controls. When changes in total protein were compared to changes in cathepsins B1 and D, all three decreased in a parallel fashion for the first 18 h. At 24 h, total liver protein increased rapidly while cathepsins B1 and D continued to decrease. Cathepsin B1 fell to a level of 12% of non-operated control levels at 36 h, while total protein was already back to 40% of control levels. In contrast to the decreases in the activities of the cathepsins, there was an increase in the activities of lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase during the first two days of regeneration. The clear lag in replacement of the cathepsins relative to other liver proteins following partial hepatectomy suggests that cathepsin activity is selectively controlled and that lowering the levels of cathepsins B1 and D may play an important role in the decreased degradation of protein seen during the early phases of liver regeneration.  相似文献   

Roles of cathepsins in reperfusion-induced apoptosis in cultured astrocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Astrocytic apoptosis may play a role in the central nervous system injury. We previously showed that reperfusion of cultured astrocytes with normal medium after exposure to hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2))-containing medium causes apoptosis. This study examines the involvement of the lysosomal enzymes cathepsins B and D in the astrocytic apoptosis. Reperfusion after exposure to H(2)O(2) caused a marked increase in caspase-3 and cathepsin D activities and a marked decrease in cathepsin B activity. Pepstatin A, an inhibitor of cathepsin D, and acetyl-L-aspartyl-L-methionyl-L-glutaminyl-L-aspart-1-aldehyde (Ac-DMQD-CHO), a specific inhibitor of caspase-3, blocked the H(2)O(2)-induced decrease in cell viability and DNA ladder formation in cultured rat astrocytes. The (L-3-trans-(propylcarbamoyl)oxirane-2-carbonyl)-L-isoleucyl-L-proline methyl ester (CA074 Me), a specific inhibitor of cathepsin B, did not affect the H(2)O(2)-induced cell injury. On the other hand, CA074 Me decreased cell viability with DNA ladder formation when cultured in the presence of Ac-DMQD-CHO. This caspase-independent apoptosis was attenuated by the addition of the cathepsin D inhibitor pepstatin A. Caspase-3 like activity was markedly inhibited by Ac-DMQD-CHO and partially by pepstatin A. Pepstatin A and CA074 Me inhibited cathepsin B and cathepsin D activities, respectively, in the presence and absence of Ac-DMQD-CHO. These results suggest that cathepsins B and D are involved in astrocytic apoptosis: cathepsin D acts as a death-inducing factor upstream of caspase-3 and the caspase-independent apoptosis is regulated antagonistically by cathepsins B and D.  相似文献   

To study molecular mechanisms underlying self-defense of the bacterial pathogen Plesiomonas shigelloides against host inflammatory and immune responses, we evaluated its interactions with mammalian papain-like cathepsins that are essential for host immunity. When grown under anaerobic, but not aerobic, conditions, P. shigelloides was shown to bind and inhibit papain, a model representative of the papain family of cysteine proteinases. This points to mammalian cathepsins as likely physiological targets of a novel cysteine-proteinase inhibitor expressed on bacterial cell surface. Both papain and mammalian cathepsins L and B were inhibited by periplasmic extracts of aerobically and anaerobically grown bacteria, the inhibitory activity being higher in the latter. Inhibition by both intact cells and periplasmic samples was rapid and efficient. The results suggest a possible defensive role of bacterial inhibitors of cathepsins during invasion of a mammalian host. The bacteria thus may modulate host protective responses through inhibiting cathepsins involved in antigen processing and presentation.  相似文献   

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