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Hepatic activities of rate limiting enzymes in fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis and cholesterol degradation were determined in lean and obese LA/N-cp rats. The hepatic activities of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and fatty acid synthetase, the key enzymes of fatty acid synthesis and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis), were increased 2-fold in the obese rats as compared with their lean littermates. In contrast, the activity of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase, the rate limiting enzyme of cholesterol degradation to bile acids, was significantly decreased by 28% in the obese group as compared with the control group. Significantly, compared with the control group, the obese animals exhibited similar magnitudes of differences in the activities of the above enzymes even when they were pair-fed with the control animals. Thus these differences in the obese group are not due to hyperphagia but possibly to hypersecretion of the lipogenic hormone, insulin in this strain. These results indicate that the LA/N-cp obese rat has twice the capacity to synthesize body fat and cholesterol but has a reduced capacity to degrade the cholesterol, leading to increased accumulation of cholesterol and fat.  相似文献   

1. Groups of lean and obese LA/N-cp rats were administered the intestinal glucosidase inhibitor acarbose at 150 or 300 mg/kg diet from 7 until 17 weeks of age and the effects of the drug on food intake patterns and adiposity determined. 2. Dose related effects on body weights, adiposity and feed efficiency ratio were observed (control greater than 150 mg greater than 300 mg drug/kg diet) following treatment in both phenotypes, with the greatest differences observed in the obese phenotype. 3. Acarbose at both dosages was associated with phenotype-specific alterations in food intake amount and feeding pattern, resulting in an attenuation of age-associated increases in food intake. The feed efficiency ratio decreased in both phenotypes, and approached normally fed lean controls in obese rats administered the greater dosage. 4. These results indicate that patterns of food intake and weight gain differ markedly between lean and obese rats of this strain, and acarbose brings about a dose-related attenuation of developing food intake patterns in both phenotypes and which are associated with decreases in weight gain and adiposity. Thus, this drug may have therapeutic potential as an adjunct agent in the treatment of obesity and/or other disorders of carbohydrate intolerance.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine (NE)-induced increase in oxygen consumption (VO2) and colonic temperature (Tc) was greater in cold-acclimated rats housed at 4 degrees C for 4 weeks (CA) than warm-acclimated controls housed at 24 degrees C for 4 weeks (WA). On the other hand, shivering activity measured at 4 degrees C was less in CA than in WA, while propranolol administration eliminated the difference between these two groups by enhancing shivering in CA. Wet weight and protein content of interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) were greater in CA than in WA. Following cold acclimation, CA were deacclimated at 24 degrees C for 5 weeks. During deacclimation, half of this latter group were forced to run (15 m.min-1 for 1 h) every day (CD-T) while the remaining rats remained sedentary (CD-S). Shivering activity assessed at 4 degrees C 4 weeks after commencing cold deacclimation was significantly less in CD-T than in CD-S and the difference disappeared following propranolol injection. VO2 and Tc responses to NE injection measured 1, 2 and 5 weeks after commencing cold deacclimation did not differ between CD-S and CD-T. Although IBAT weight was lighter in CD-T than in CD-S, its total protein content was not different between the latter two groups of rats. These results suggest that a greater degree of NE-independent nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) is retained in rats that are exercised during the process of deacclimation as compared with animals that are sedentary. This difference in NST would not seem to be directly related to BAT thermogenic capacity.  相似文献   

Effects of phenotype, sex, and diet on plasma lipids in LA/N-cp rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The LA/N-corpulent (cp) rat is a recently developed congenic strain which exhibits obesity. The effects of phenotype and sex on serum and lipoprotein lipid content were examined in LA/N-cp rats fed either a control or an atherogenic diet high in saturated fat and protein. Obese rats were pair-fed to equivalent lean animals. Results from this study indicate that sex, phenotype, and diet exert significant effects on plasma and lipoprotein cholesterol content. Plasma cholesterol levels were higher in obese compared with lean rats, females than in males, and rats consuming the atherogenic diet compared with the control diet. Plasma and lipoprotein triglyceride levels were significantly increased only in obese compared with lean animals. The increased plasma cholesterol and triglyceride was observed primarily in the chylomicron and very low density lipoprotein fractions. Increased levels of plasma cholesterol were not a result of increased dietary cholesterol absorption or increased liver cholesterol biosynthesis. These data suggest that LA/N-cp rats can serve as a unique rodent model for the study of the interrelationships between hyperlipidemia, obesity, and coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

Pre-obese LA/N-cp rats consumed more food and gained weight more rapidly than their lean littermates, and measures of adipose tissue depots indicated that the excess weight was deposited principally as carcass fat. Serum T3 concentrations and resting metabolic rates were lower in corpulent than in lean animals, consistent with a greater efficiency of weight gain in those animals. In vitro measures of T3 neogenesis from T4 were lower in corpulent than in lean animals in liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle and greater in interscapular brown adipose tissue. The intracellular generation of T3 from T4 is a fundamental component of the normal adaptive response to alterations in diet and environment, and is an essential prerequisite for the expression of non-shivering thermogenesis. These results are consistent with a functional impairment in the activity of the enzyme T4-5'-deiodinase in peripheral tissues, and suggest that this impairment is contributory if not causative of obesity in this strain of rat.  相似文献   

Removal of the midbrain tonic inhibitory mechanism on nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) results in increased temperatures of the interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) and rectum (T(IBAT) and T(rec), respectively) via an enhanced central sympathetic output. Because it is unlikely that neurons (primary) of the midbrain inhibitory mechanism tonically inhibit the IBAT monosynaptically, there must be secondary or tertiary neurons posterior to the midbrain. Such neurons, therefore, may increase their activity during enhanced NST after removal of the midbrain tonic inhibition. The aim of the present experiments was to localize these secondary or tertiary neurons and establish descending neuronal pathway(s) that may project to the major NST effector IBAT. T(IBAT) and T(rec) increases induced by removal of the tonic inhibition by midbrain procaine microinjections were accompanied with appearance of c-Fos-positive neurons in the inferior olive (IO) and the intermediolateral (IML) cell column of the thoracic spinal cord. Electrical stimulation of and L-glutamate microinjections into the IO increased T(IBAT) and T(rec). Midbrain procaine-induced T(IBAT) and T(rec) increases were blocked by electrolytic IO lesions. These results suggest that central thermal signals produced from the lower midbrain are transmitted to IBAT through the IO and IML and that the IO has a role in the central sympathetic functions.  相似文献   

Restriction of energy intake significantly reduces mammary tumorigenesis in normal rats exposed to carcinogens. Genetically obese LA/N-cp (corpulent) female rats were given 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene and fed purified diets ad libitum or restricted to 60% of the ad libitum caloric intake. Phenotypically lean littermates were also fed ad libitum. Obese animals developed large mammary tumors more rapidly than genetically normal rats so that 100% of the animals had tumors in less than 16 weeks. Only 21% of the lean animals developed tumors; the energy restricted obese animals had a tumor incidence of 27%. Although obese rats fed the restricted diet weighed significantly less than those fed ad libitum, percent body fat was not reduced, indicating that lean tissue was affected more. Obese animals were markedly hyperinsulinemic (1003 +/- 193 microunits/ml) and energy restriction reduced this to 328 +/- 41; the lean animals had insulin levels of 12 +/- 2. Tumor-bearing rats had higher insulin levels than rats without tumors. These data suggest that body fatness is not directly associated with risk of carcinogenesis. Lean body mass, adipose tissue mass, and their interaction with insulin in its capacity as a growth factor rather than body fatness per se may be determinants of tumor promotion.  相似文献   

1. Groups of lean and corpulent LA/N-cp rats were fed isoenergetic diets containing, 54% carbohydrate as maize starch (MS) or sucrose (SU), 20% protein, 16% mixed fats, plus other essential nutrients and fiber from 1.5-9 months of age. Final body weights of corpulent rats were 2-3 times those of their lean littermates, and were greater with SU than MS diet in both phenotypes. 2. Interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) mass was greater in corpulent than lean and was greater with SU than MS diet in lean but not corpulent rats. IBAT cell diameters and adipocyte volumes were generally similar in both phenotypes, and were not markedly affected by dietary carbohydrate type. 3. Brown adipocyte locularity profiles were qualitatively similar in both phenotypes, and were morphologically indicative of thermogenic activity in both phenotypes. Locule profiles of corpulent animals contained a greater proportion of thermogenically less active types IV and V brown adipocytes than similarly fed lean animals, however, and locule distribution profiles were not influenced by diet. 4. Serum T3 concentrations were similar in both phenotypes, were greater in SU than MS lean rats and were not influenced by diet in the corpulent phenotype. In contrast, serum thyroxine concentrations and percent thyroxine uptake were not influenced by diet or phenotype. 5. These results are consistent with a partial impairment in BAT-mediated thermogenic activity in the corpulent phenotype and suggest that obesity in this strain may be due to factors other than biochemically defective brown adipose tissue thermogenesis.  相似文献   

1. The effects of diet and norepinephrine (NE) on resting metabolic rate (RMR) were determined using indirect calorimetry in 6-month-old lean and corpulent LA/N-cp rats. RMRs of lean rats were greater than the corpulent. 2. Ingestion of carbohydrate (CHO) in the unfasted and fasted states increased the RMR of both groups, especially in the lean phenotype when compared to oil. 3. Serum T3 and glucose concentrations were similar in both phenotypes. 4. The effects of NE on RMR were maximal after a 200 micrograms NE/kg body weight injections.  相似文献   

In some small animals (rat, guinea,pig) adaptation to cold entails an increased ability to produce heat through nonshivering thermogenesis. This is closely associated with the calorigenic action of noradrenaline (NA), In bigger animals (rabbit) the magnitude of nonshivering thermogenesis governed by NA is smaller and these animals rely mostly on adaptation by means of increased insulation. In some other species (white mouse, hedgehog, dog, young fowl)the role of NA in cold acclimation is either not clear or dubious. The last group of homeotherms involves species which do not show either nonshivering thermogenesis or increased insulation after cold adaptation although the resistance to cold has been found to be increased (pigeon, chickens, miniature swine, new born pig). An entirely new mechanism of cold adaptation must be anticipated in these species.
Zusammenfassung In einigen kleineren Tierarten (Ratte, Meerschweinchen) schliesst die Anpassung an Kälte eine erhöhte Fähigkeit zur Wärmebildung ohne Muskelzittern ein. Dieser Beitrag zur Wärmebildung ist zusätzlich zu dem durch Muskelzittern und eng mit der kalorigenen Wirkung von Noradrenalin (NA) verbunden. Grössere Tiere passen sich an Kälte vorwiegend durch Verbesserung der Isolation an (Kaninchen). Der Anteil der durch NA gesteuerten Thermogenese ist gering. Bei anderen Tieren (Maus, Igel, Hund, junges Geflügel) ist die Rolle des NA entweder noch nicht abgeklärt oder zweifelhaft. Schliesslich gibt es Tiere (Taube, Huhn, junge Schweine), die bei Kälteakklimatisation weder eine Verbesserung der Isolation noch zitterfreie Thermogenese aufweisen. Bei diesen Tierarten muss ein völlig neuer Mechanismus der Kälteanpassung angenommen werden.

Resume Pour quelques espèces de petits animaux (rats, cobaye), l'adaptation au froid englobe la possibilité accrue de production de chaleur sans tremblement musculaire. Cette contribution à la production de chaleur se greffe à celle provenant du tremblement musculaire et est étroitement liée à l'effet calorigène de la noradrénaline (NA). De plus gros animaux s'adaptent au froid surtout par une amélioration de l'isolation (lapin). La part de chaleur due à l'effet de la NA y est faible. Pour d'autres espèces (souris, hérisson, chien, jeune volaille), le rôle joué par la NA est ou peu clair ou douteux. Enfin, certains animaux (pigeons, poules,porcelets) ne présentent ni amélioration de l'isolation ni production de chaleur par tremblement musculaire au cours de l'acclimatation au froid. Dans ces cas-là, il faut admettre un mécanisme entièrement nouveau d'adaptation au froid.

Presented during the Fifth International Biometeorological Congress, 1–7 September 1969, Montreux, Switzerland.  相似文献   

Ball, Karen T., Tania R. Gunn, Peter D. Gluckman, and GordonG. Power. Suppressive action of endogenous adenosine on ovinefetal nonshivering thermogenesis. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(6): 2393-2398, 1996.Nonshiveringthermogenesis is not initiated when the fetal sheep is cooled in uterobut appears to require the removal of an inhibitor of placental originat birth. To test whether adenosine is such an inhibitor, we examinedthe effect of the adenosine antagonist theophylline on the initiationof nonshivering thermogenesis during sequential cooling, ventilation, and umbilical cord occlusion in utero. Theophylline (18 mg/kg bolus and0.6 mg · kg1 · min1thereafter) was infused for 90 min before and 90 min after cord occlusion. Theophylline enhanced the nonshivering thermogenic freefatty acid (FFA) and glycerol responses before cord occlusion, raisingFFA concentrations 99% to 415 ± 60 µeq/l(P < 0.01) and glycerol levels 87%to 526 ± 135 µmol/l (P < 0.05). These FFA (P < 0.001) andglycerol (P < 0.05) concentrationswere significantly greater than the corresponding period during thebirth-simulation control. Umbilical cord occlusion did not alter FFAlevels but induced a 41% rise in glycerol concentrations to 774 ± 203 µmol/l (P < 0.05). Theincreases in nonshivering thermogenic indexes after the administrationof the adenosine-receptor antagonist suggest that the quiescent stateof ovine fetal brown adipose tissue may result, in part, from the tonicinhibitory actions of adenosine and that a decrease in adenosineconcentrations enhances nonshivering thermogenesis. However, thefurther rise after umbilical cord occlusion suggests that at least oneother inhibitor of placental origin inhibits nonshivering thermogenesisbefore birth.


Only UCP1 can mediate adaptive nonshivering thermogenesis in the cold.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Adaptive nonshivering thermogenesis may have profound effects on energy balance and is therefore therefore is a potential mechanism for counteracting the development of obesity. The molecular basis for adaptive nonshivering thermogenesis has remained a challenge that sparked acute interest with the identification of proteins (UCP2, UCP3, etc.) with high-sequence similarity to the original uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1), which is localized only in brown adipose tissue. Using UCP1-ablated mice, we examined whether any adaptive nonshivering thermogenesis could be recruited by acclimation to cold. Remarkably, by successive acclimation, the UCP1-ablated mice could be made to subsist for several weeks at 4C during which they had to constantly produce heat at four times their resting levels. Despite these extreme requirements for adaptive nonshivering thermogenesis, however, no substitution of shivering by any adaptive nonshivering thermogenic process occurred. Thus, although the existence of, for example, muscular mechanisms for adaptive nonshivering thermogenesis has recurrently been implied, we did not find any indication of such thermogenesis. Not even during prolonged and enhanced demand for extra heat production was any endogenous hormone or neurotransmitter able to recruit any UCP1-independent adaptive nonshivering thermogenic process in muscle or in any other organ, and no proteins other than UCP1-not even UCP2 or UCP3-therefore have the ability to mediate adaptive nonshivering thermogenesis in the cold.  相似文献   

An overactive endogenous opioid peptide system (EOP) in the hypothalamus of the obese rats could contribute to a subnormal metabolic response to cold stress. Specific mu, delta, kappa opioid receptor antagonists and naloxone were infused into cannulaes aimed at the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of awake freely moving obese (LA/N-cp corpulent) and lean littermate rats. Metabolic responses were measured by indirect calorimetry during thermoneutrality (30°C) and at 10°C for 60 minutes each. When expressed relative to metabolic body size (kg?.75) obese rats had lower values (obese = 21.1 ± 1.9 vs. lean = 27.9 ± 2.7 ml·kg?.75.min, mean ± s.d., p<0.05) at 10°C during saline infusion. EOP antagonist infusions at 30°C had no effect on metabolic rate for either lean or obese animals. Mu (23.5 ± 3.4 ml·kg.-75· min) and delta (23.0 ± 2.0) antagonism and naloxone (25.0 ± 2.3) significantly increased the metabolic response to cold in obese but not lean rats. These data suggest that certain subtypes of EOP receptors in or near PVN are overactive in obese rats. This overactive state may inappropriately inhibit the thermogenic response to cold stress in obesity.  相似文献   

Summary Nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) magnitude was studied in the four chromosomal species of subterranean mole rats of theSpalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. The four species show a distribution pattern which correlates with increasing aridity. The 2n=52 species inhabits the cold and humid regions, 2n=54 cold and dry, 2n-58 warm and humid, and 2n=60 the more arid regions in which temperatures fluctuate daily and annually. NST was measured as the ratio between maximal oxygen due to noradrenaline injection and minimal measured in anaesthetized animals.The chromosomal species 2n=60 from semiarid and arid habitats has the highest NST value. This fact emerges from the low Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) of this species relative to all the other three species. A linear correlation was found between NST magnitude and the average daily range of temperature during June and September.We conclude that speciation of theS. ehrenbergi complex in Israel has thermoregulatory correlates such as heat production by NST, among others. The level of NST appears to be an adaptive physiological characteristic in the ecological speciation of subterranean mole rats.  相似文献   

The incidence of the metabolic syndrome has reached epidemic levels in the Western world. With respect to the energy balance, most attention has been given to reducing energy (food) intake. Increasing energy expenditure is an important alternative strategy. Facultative thermogenesis, which is the increase in energy expenditure in response to cold or diet, may be an effective way to affect the energy balance. The recent identification of functional brown adipose tissue (BAT) in adult humans promoted a renewed interest in nonshivering thermogenesis (NST). The purpose of this review is to highlight the recent insight in NST, general aspects of its regulation, the major tissues involved, and its metabolic consequences. Sustainable NST in adult humans amounts to 15% of the average daily energy expenditure. Calculations based on the limited available literature show that BAT thermogenesis can amount to 5% of the basal metabolic rate. It is likely that at least a substantial part of NST can be attributed to BAT, but it is possible that other tissues contribute to NST. Several studies on mitochondrial uncoupling indicate that skeletal muscle is another potential contributor to facultative thermogenesis in humans. The general and synergistic role of the sympathetic nervous system and the thyroid axis in relation to NST is discussed. Finally, perspectives on BAT and skeletal muscle NST are given.  相似文献   

1. Characteristics of resting and of norepinephrine (NE)-stimulated thermogenesis, and the glycemic response to NE were determined in adult male Wistar Fatty rats. Rats were maintained on Purina chow No. 5001 until 22 weeks of age, and fed semisynthetic diets containing 54% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 16% mixed fats, plus essential vitamins, minerals, and non-nutritive fiber from 22 until 30 weeks of age. 2. Obese rats were 50% heavier than lean throughout the study. Phenotype effects (obese greater than lean) were present for retroperitoneal (RP) and dorsal (DOR) white fat depot weight, adipocyte number per depot, and adipocyte lipid content. Epididymal mass and cellularity were similar in both phenotypes. 3. Interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) mass, adipocyte size, and adipocyte number were greater in obese than in lean. Resting metabolic rates (RMR) of obese rats were lower than in lean, and increased 79% in lean but only 33% in obese animals following NE (200 micrograms/kg BW, s.c.) stimulation. 4. The glycemic response to NE occurred normally in both phenotypes, and resulted in a 3-fold increment in plasma glucose in lean rats and a 5-6-fold increase in plasma glucose in obese rats. 5. The results of this study are consistent with hyperplasia and hypertrophy of IBAT, RP and DOR depots, and indicate that the capacity for non-shivering thermogenesis is impaired in the obese phenotype of this strain in spite of peripheral sensitivity to NE and greater mass and cellularity of brown adipose tissue.  相似文献   

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