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随着生命科学和生物技术的快速发展,生命科学研究的两用性问题受到越来越多的关注。明确生命科学两用性研究的关注热点,对于相关管控政策的制订具有重要的参考意义。我们分析了生命科学两用性研究评论类文献的国家和年度分布,同时通过CiteSpaceⅢ软件,分析了被引次数最多的生命科学两用性研究类文献及评论类文献。  相似文献   

3月9日奥巴马签署政令.美国政府经费对胚胎干细胞研究松绑。这标志着美国政府对这一当今世界上最富争议的生命科学前沿研究领域开放绿灯。鉴于美国科技强国的地位,此举想必会对各国政府的相关科技政策有所影响.中国政府一贯支持干细胞研究.然而,政府投入力度如何?有何重大突破?面临哪些亟待解决的难题?诸多问题引起各方面极大关注。  相似文献   

美国与欧盟的转基因食品安全性政策演变比对   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着转基因食品的研究与发展,人们对待转基因食品的态度表现为主要以美国和欧盟为主的两种代表性政策.美国采取遵循可靠科学原则,坚决反对预防原则,即对转基因食品采取积极支持,自愿标识的宽松政策;欧盟采取谨慎预防原则,必须标识和可追溯.从管理原则出发,结合相应采取的监管措施和相关条例,对两国从开始颁布转基因食品政策到当下态势的发展,并结合最新出台的政策进行跟踪分析,比对美国及欧盟对这些指令和条例的执行情况.  相似文献   

1.概况 日本对生命科学的注意,可追溯到七十年代初,1971年,日本科技政策的最高决策机构--科学技术会议在“关于七十年代综合科学技术政策的基础”文件中,就强调在全国范围内推进生命科学研究的莺要性。据此,日本科技厅在1973年成立了。生命科学推进办公室”,制定了一些有关重组DNA、生物反应器等生物技术的长期研究规划。  相似文献   

目的:对美国的生物乙醇技术的进展进行深入挖掘。方法:以专利计量的分析方法,借助可视化的分析工具,对美国生物乙醇技术的专利文献从技术生命周期、IPC小类重点分布、专利权人专利申请及其技术应用重点进行分析。结果:研究发现近年来美国生物乙醇技术的发展进入了迅速的成长期;技术应用重点集中在微生物发酵、酶解、转基因植物新品种等领域;杜邦公司和先正达公司技术重点集中在转基因新品种的研制,诺维信公司和丹尼斯克公司技术重点集中在生物酶的研制。结论:美国生物乙醇技术发展迅速,这与美国政府的支持有关,也证明美国的基础科学转化率很高。  相似文献   

棉花是巴基斯坦唯一批准种植和使用的转基因作物。监管的不明确阻碍了生命科学公司为其他转基因作物寻求获批,但国家生物安全委员会仍在制定转基因食品、饲料和加工品的进口准则。2020年,巴基斯坦进口了大约220万t大豆,其中美国占据了近50%的市场份额。  相似文献   

【目的】近年来,美国高粱开始大量进入我国,其携带的杂草种子状况尚未有相关研究。通过对进境美国高粱携带的杂草种子现状进行分析,可为出入境检验检疫机构的检疫监管和后续监测提供依据。【方法】通过对2014—2016年进境美国高粱截获的杂草种子的研究,了解其携带的杂草种子状况。【结果】黄埔检验检疫局和南沙检验检疫局从进境的美国高粱中截获的杂草种子种类共涉及19个科106种。主要包括禾本科27种、菊科14种、大戟科3种、茄科2种、苋科15种、豆科10种、蓼科7种、锦葵科4种、旋花科7种、十字花科4种、藜科4种等,其中检疫性杂草共涉及5科25种,检出率高。【结论】美国高粱携带的杂草种子数量大,种类丰富,检疫性杂草含量大,应予以高度重视。  相似文献   

为促进城乡区域协调发展,推动地区生态产业化和产业生态化,完善生态产品价值实现的多元化路径和政策制度体系,对当前中央和地方政府发布的生态产品价值实现相关政策文本展开分析,并提出优化建议,为后续相关政策配置与优化提供参考。通过选取2019年-2022年8月间36份生态产品价值实现政策文本作为研究对象,构建政策工具-政策目标二维分析框架,借助质性分析工具Nvivo12对其进行量化分析和综合评价。研究发现,政策文件以通知和实施方案为主;政策工具覆盖较为全面,但内部存在分配不太协调的现象。政策目标维度中生态环境优美化受关注度较高,而生态产业高效化较少。工具-目标配置上,存在多对多的关系,不同政策目标对应的政策工具也存在差异。为进一步优化生态产品价值实现的政策供给,从政策工具上应以战略、具体规划为重点,平衡政策工具内部结构比例;从政策目标上应强调从金融和技术方面助推生态产品价值实现的同时,也需要加强法规管制力度,推出更专业化和可操作性的具体举措,因地制宜凸显区域化特色和差异,真正将生态产品价值实现政策落到实处,确保成果看得见摸得着。  相似文献   

产业发展离不开产业政策的制定与发布,产业政策对于产业具有导向性与支持性,其制定主体主要包括中央政府和地方政府。以生物产业为例,采用计量分析的方法,搜集并整理了中央政府以及湖北、深圳、重庆、上海、北京五个地方政府颁布的生物产业政策,对其外部属性特征进行差异性分析,同时对多份国家层面的生物产业结构性政策运用内容分析的方法,进行政策工具分类分析,并构建了“政策工具-生物产业发展阶段”二维政策工具分析框架,探讨不同产业发展阶段之间政策工具使用的差异性。研究发现,中央政府与地方政府生物产业政策密集发布年份存在差异,且与生物产业发展关键节点有关联;国家层面生物产业政策不同类型政策工具使用频率差距较大,以环境型政策工具为主,较少使用需求型政策工具。针对研究结果,从我国生物产业发展情况及区域间差异的角度提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

产业发展离不开产业政策的制定与发布,产业政策对于产业具有导向性与支持性,其制定主体主要包括中央政府和地方政府。以生物产业为例,采用计量分析的方法,搜集并整理了中央政府以及湖北、深圳、重庆、上海、北京五个地方政府颁布的生物产业政策,对其外部属性特征进行差异性分析,同时对多份国家层面的生物产业结构性政策运用内容分析的方法,进行政策工具分类分析,并构建了“政策工具-生物产业发展阶段”二维政策工具分析框架,探讨不同产业发展阶段之间政策工具使用的差异性。研究发现,中央政府与地方政府生物产业政策密集发布年份存在差异,且与生物产业发展关键节点有关联;国家层面生物产业政策不同类型政策工具使用频率差距较大,以环境型政策工具为主,较少使用需求型政策工具。针对研究结果,从我国生物产业发展情况及区域间差异的角度提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

Life sciences and biotechnology are increasingly providing sustainable solutions in a wide range of areas from medicine to industry, agriculture and the environment. The United States and Europe are the two largest regions in which the revolution in life sciences and biotechnology has been taking place. Established in 1990, the EC-US Task Force on Biotechnology Research has provided a fruitful forum for the exchange of information, for the discussion of ideas and for the joint sponsoring of research activities between the US and the European Union.  相似文献   

The dual-use dilemma in the life sciences-that illicit applications draw on the same science and technology base as legitimate applications-makes it inherently difficult to control one without inhibiting the other. Since before the September 11 attacks, the science and security communities in the United States have struggled to develop governance processes that can simultaneously minimize the risk of misuse of the life sciences, promote their beneficial applications, and protect the public trust. What has become clear over that time is that while procedural steps can be specified for assessing and managing dual-use risks in the review of research proposals, oversight of ongoing research, and communication of research results, the actions or decisions to be taken at each of these steps to mitigate dual-use risk defy codification. Yet the stakes are too high to do nothing, or to be seen as doing nothing. The U.S. government should therefore adopt an oversight framework largely along the lines recommended by the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity almost 5 years ago-one that builds on existing processes, can gain buy-in from the scientific community, and can be implemented at modest cost (both direct and opportunity), while providing assurance that a considered and independent examination of dual-use risks is being applied. Without extraordinary visibility into the actions of those who would misuse biology, it may be impossible to know how well such an oversight system will actually succeed at mitigating misuse. But maintaining the public trust will require a system to be established in which reasonably foreseeable dual-use consequences of life science research are anticipated, evaluated, and addressed.  相似文献   

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS Policy) recognizes the NIH’s role as a key steward of United States biomedical research and information and seeks to enhance that stewardship through systematic recommendations for the preservation and sharing of research data generated by funded projects. The policy is effective as of January 2023. The recommendations include a requirement for the submission of a Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP) with funding applications, and while no strict template was provided, the NIH has released supplemental draft guidance on elements to consider when developing a plan. This article provides 10 key recommendations for creating a DMSP that is both maximally compliant and effective.  相似文献   

Summary The Dual System Theory of photoperiodic time measurement is shown to provide a satisfactory basis for the interpretation of: (1) photoperiodic determination of diapause; (2) effects of different photoperiodic regimes on circadian rhythms of adult eclosion; and (3) the phase response curve. A fundamental unity of photoperiodic time measurement in a wide variety of organisms is strongly suggested by the Dual System Theory.Research supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences of the University of Wisconsin, and by a research grant (GM 07557) from the National Institutes of Health  相似文献   

本文根据基金委植物学科近年来申请项目的情况,分析了学科发展的趋势、各分支学科的研究进展,总结了申请者在申请过程中存在的问题并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Twenty-first century life sciences have transformed into data-enabled (also called data-intensive, data-driven, or big data) sciences. They principally depend on data-, computation-, and instrumentation-intensive approaches to seek comprehensive understanding of complex biological processes and systems (e.g., ecosystems, complex diseases, environmental, and health challenges). Federal agencies including the National Science Foundation (NSF) have played and continue to play an exceptional leadership role by innovatively addressing the challenges of data-enabled life sciences. Yet even more is required not only to keep up with the current developments, but also to pro-actively enable future research needs. Straightforward access to data, computing, and analysis resources will enable true democratization of research competitions; thus investigators will compete based on the merits and broader impact of their ideas and approaches rather than on the scale of their institutional resources. This is the Final Report for Data-Intensive Science Workshops DISW1 and DISW2. The first NSF-funded Data Intensive Science Workshop (DISW1, Seattle, WA, September 19-20, 2010) overviewed the status of the data-enabled life sciences and identified their challenges and opportunities. This served as a baseline for the second NSF-funded DIS workshop (DISW2, Washington, DC, May 16-17, 2011). Based on the findings of DISW2 the following overarching recommendation to the NSF was proposed: establish a community alliance to be the voice and framework of the data-enabled life sciences. After this Final Report was finished, Data-Enabled Life Sciences Alliance (DELSA, www.delsall.org ) was formed to become a Digital Commons for the life sciences community.  相似文献   

We explored how often journal articles reporting HIV research sponsored by a developed country, but conducted in a developing country, mention research ethics committee (REC) approval from both countries, and what factors are involved. Of all such 2007 articles on Medline conducted in one of four developing countries (N = 154), only 52% mentioned such dual approval. Mention of dual vs. single approval was more likely among articles with ≥ 50% sponsor country authors, and the United States as the sponsor country. Also, dual approval was more likely among articles that mentioned informed consent and funding, had ≥ 50% sponsor country authors, were biomedical (vs. psychosocial), and appeared in journals adopting International Committee Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines. Dual approval was thus obtained in only half of the articles and was associated with ethical and logistic issues, indicating the need for clearer and more universally accepted guidelines.  相似文献   

Bruce L Wilkoff 《Trials》2001,2(5):215-3
All of the prospective multicenter trials that support the use of implantable defibrillators have used single chamber pacemakers/implantable cardiovertor defibrillators (ICDs). Despite the significantly increased cost of dual chamber pacemaker/ICD devices and the lack of outcome data, these devices accounted for approximately two-thirds of the ICDs implanted in the United States during the 12 months ending April 2001. Dual chamber pacemaker trials have not provided data that would support this trend, but the high incidence of atrial fibrillation, bradycardia, and congestive heart failure, as comorbid conditions, suggest that the situation could be different in the defibrillator patient population. The DAVID (Dual Chamber and VVI Implantable Defibrillator) trial is designed to measure the incremental benefit of dual chamber pacemaker/ICDs.  相似文献   

New discoveries are improving the odds of human cells surviving in host animals, prompting regulatory and funding agencies to issue calls for additional layers of ethical oversight for certain types of human–animal chimeras. Of interest are research proposals involving chimeric animals with humanized brains. But what is motivating the demand for additional oversight? I locate two, not obviously compatible, motivations, each of which provides the justificatory basis for paying special attention to different sets of human–animal chimeras. Surprisingly, the sets of animals that actually get flagged for special scrutiny by research and funding guidelines do not correlate with either of the sets of animals that arise when we think about what is motivating additional oversight. What this shows is that existing research policies and funding guidelines are disconnected from their motivation: the rationale for flagging certain types of human–animal chimeras as requiring special oversight is ignored in execution.  相似文献   

2019年中国植物科学家在国际综合性学术期刊及植物科学主流期刊发表的论文数量大幅增加, 在光生物学、植物抗逆和分子进化等若干领域取得了重要成果。其中, 硅藻光合膜蛋白超分子结构和功能研究入选2019年度中国科学十大进展和中国生命科学十大进展; 植物抗病小体的结构与功能研究入选2019年度中国生命科学十大进展。该文评述了2019年中国科学家在植物科学若干领域取得的重要研究进展, 以期追踪和报道当前中国植物科学领域发展的前沿和热点及展示中国科学家所取得的辉煌成果。  相似文献   

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